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This study aimed at evaluating the toxicity of some insecticides (abamectin and deltamethrin) on the lethal time (LT50) and midgut of foragers honeybee workers of Apis mellifera jemenatica were studied under laboratory conditions. The bees were provided with water, food, natural protein and sugar solution with insecticide (concentration: 2.50 ppm deltamethrin and 0.1 ppm abamectin). The control group was not treated with any kind of insecticides. The mortality was assessed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hour (h) after insecticides treatment and period to calculate the value of lethal time (LT50). But the samples the histology study of midgut collected after 24 h were conducted by Scanning Electron Microscope. The results showed the effects of insecticides on the current results show that abamectin has an adverse effect on honeybees, there is a clear impact on the lethal time (LT50) was the abamectin faster in the death of honeybee workers compared to deltamethrin. Where have reached to abamectin (LT50 = 21.026) h, deltamethrin (LT50 = 72.011) h. However, abamectin also effects on cytotoxic midgut cells that may cause digestive disorders in the midgut, epithelial tissue is formed during morphological alterations when digestive cells die. The extends into the internal cavity, and at the top, there is epithelial cell striated border that has many holes and curves, abamectin seems to have crushed the layers of muscle. Through the current results can say abamectin most toxicity on honeybees colony health and vitality, especially foragers honeybee workers.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometry was used to characterize 73 Apis dorsata colonies collected from 31 different localities in five major geographic regions of mainland Thailand. We measured 19 easily identified landmarks from the digitized images of the right forewing of 10 worker bees from each colony (730 bees in total); thus, avoiding the confounding variation from haploid or diploid males. After plotting the factor scores, A. dorsata from (mainland) Thailand were found to belong to a single group, which was further supported by a hierarchical cluster analysis-generated dendrogram. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, α = 0.05) demonstrated no significant differences among the five geographic groups of A. dorsata in Thailand, producing a low degree of accuracy (31.2%) in the identification of the geographic region from which any individual bee originated. Additionally, when the bee samples were classified into two groups, those north and south of the Isthmus of Kra were not significantly different (MANOVA, α = 0.05), and a low rate of correct classification in a cross-validation test (65% correct) was found. Therefore, this geometric morphometric based analysis of worker bee wing venation pattern suggests that A. dorsata populations in mainland Thailand are panmictic.  相似文献   

The giant honeybee Apis dorsata often forms dense colony aggregations which can include up to 200 often closely related nests in the same location, setting the stage for inbred matings. Yet, like in all other Apis species, A. dorsata queens mate in mid‐air on lek like drone congregation areas (DCAs) where large numbers of males gather in flight. We here report how the drone composition of A. dorsata DCAs facilitates outbreeding, taking into the account both spatial (three DCAs) and temporal (subsequent sampling days) dynamics. We compared the drones’ genotypes at ten microsatellite DNA markers with those of the queen genotypes of six drone‐producing colonies located close to the DCAs (Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia). None of 430 sampled drones originated from any of these nearby colonies. Moreover, we estimated that 141 unidentified colonies were contributing to the three DCAs. Most of these colonies were participating multiple times in the different locations and/or during the consecutive days of sampling. The drones sampled in the DCAs could be attributed to six subpopulations. These were all admixed in all DCA samples, increasing the effective population size an order of magnitude and preventing matings between potentially related queens and drones.  相似文献   

Summary In the dance of honeybees the indication of direction to a food source can be influenced by magnetic and photic stimuli. We have tested the behaviour of dancing honeybees illuminated with white light under varying magnetic conditions. The bees respond to the light stimulus with a maximum deviation from the correct dancing direction when they dance parallel to the inclination of the earth's magnetic field (EMF). The response to light drops to zero with increasing deviation from this zero-point direction (see also Martin and Lindauer 1977). The time of total indifference to light varies with the magnetic conditions. In the natural EMF the reaction to light becomes zero 20.3° (i.e. 1 h) after the bees have passed the zeropoint. In the compensated EMF this effect is delayed by 10°. The bees show nearly no reaction to light when the EMF is amplified to 2 Gauss.The relative spectral sensitivity of dancing honey-bees was tested in the compensated EMF. It is 1:1.63:2.64 for green-, blue-, and UV-light, respectively.Abbreviation EMF earth's magnetic field  相似文献   

引入西方蜜蜂对中蜂的危害及生态影响   总被引:33,自引:9,他引:33  
杨冠煌 《昆虫学报》2005,48(3):401-406
作者阐述自1896年中国引进西方蜜蜂Apis melliferaL.的优良品种如意大利蜂Apis mellifera ligusticaSpinola和喀尼阿兰蜂Apis mellifera Carnica Pollmann以来,使当地的东方蜜蜂Apis cerana F.受到严重危害,其分布区域缩小75%以上,种群数量减少80%以上。使山林植物授粉总量减少,导致植物多样性减少。文中提出: 建立自然保护区保存本地蜜蜂遗传特性,和采用基因转移等技术,培育具有西方蜜蜂优良生产性能的中蜂新品种,逐步恢复中蜂的种群数量。  相似文献   

Bacterial communities are known to play important roles during the developmental stages of insects, but current knowledge of bacteria associated with the midgut of Apis dorsata, the giant Asian honeybee, is limited. Using polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis (PCR‐DGGE) and 16S rRNA sequencing, the aim of this study was to determine the dynamics of bacterial community structure across four A. dorsata life stages in different geographical locations. The results reveal that bacterial diversity increased as the bee progressed through larval stage to newly emerged worker and old worker. However, in the pupal stage, no bands identified as bacteria could be observed. Overall, 2 bacterial phyla (Proteobacteria and Firmicutes) and 4 classes (Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Bacilli) were identified, but the frequency varied among the different stages and locations. The classes of Gammaproteobacteria and Bacilli dominated among larval, newly emerged worker and old worker developmental stages.  相似文献   

昆虫传粉在维持植物的有性繁殖、物种形成及生态系统稳定中扮演着重要角色, 而野生传粉昆虫为生态系统提供了巨大的传粉服务功能。大蜜蜂(Apis dorsata)为亚洲特有的一种野生传粉昆虫, 是热带地区多种植物和农作物的有效传粉者, 在保障热带生物多样性及作物产量中有不可或缺的作用。但受全球气候变化、人类活动和生境恶化等因素的影响, 其种群数量日益减少, 开展大蜜蜂种质资源保护势在必行。本文综述了大蜜蜂筑巢、迁飞和传粉服务功能, 分析了人为猎取蜂巢, 栖息生境遭受破坏, 杀虫剂和除草剂滥用, 昆虫、螨类和病原物侵染, 气候变化等威胁种群的因素, 以期从强化大蜜蜂基础研究和保护、推动生态农业发展、建立适合大蜜蜂迁飞生态廊道、加强检验检疫及科学合理利用大蜜蜂种质资源等方面制定相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1158-1163
Bait formulations are widely used for controlling the German cockroach, but cockroaches increasingly come into aversion and resistance to bait formulations. To optimize baits and delay insecticides resistance to Blattella germanica, five insecticides with different mechanisms of action were selected to test the stomach toxicity of B. germanica, and twelve nutrient-rich foods were selected to test the palatability of B. germanica in the research. The results revealed that flufiprole and dinotefuran had a significant effect on the decrease of B. germanica population, whereas hydramethylnon, permethrin did not work well in 72 h stomach toxicity and acrinathrin had a short potency in pesticide formulation because of its semi-volatile physical properties. Furthermore, B. germanica prefers the poison bait to rat feed. This research represents the bait consisting of peanut powder and maltose (9:1) has the best palatability to B. germanica, and flufiprole and dinotefuran have a lot of potential in baits development and application.  相似文献   

Haemocytes of the hard tick Ixodes ricinus were characterized on the basis of their ultrastructure, their ability to ingest foreign material, and to produce or store molecules of the immune defence. Distinction was made between types of haemocytes according to the absence or presence of granular inclusions, shape and size of the lysosomal compartment or the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and ultrastructural and functional similarity to the corresponding haemocytes of insects. Three types of haemocytes were found in adult ticks: plasmatocytes and type-I and type-II granular haemocytes, respectively. The precipitated reaction product of acid phosphatase activity revealed the shape of the lysosomal compartment. The additional injection of particulate materials into the haemocoel further revealed the endocytic activity of the haemocytes. The lysozyme-like immunoreactivity of the haemocytes suggests bactericidal potential. Detection of immunoreactivity in haemocytes to a 25 kDa antigenic protein involved in cuticle formation further suggests their involvement in wound healing and encapsulation.  相似文献   

A study carried out during the summer of 1994, in southern England, investigated the developmental times and mortality ofVarroa jacobsoni inApis mellifera drone cells. The position and time of capping of 2671 naturally infested drone cells were recorded. Six hours after the cell was capped, 90% of the mites were free from the brood food to start feeding on the developing drone. The developmental time of the mite's first three female offspring (133±3 h) and the male offspring (150 h) and the intervals between egg laying (20–32 h) were similar to those found in worker cells. However, the mortality of the offspring was much lower in drone cells than worker cells. The mode numbers of eggs laid were six and five in drone and worker cells, respectively. All offspring had ample time to develop fully in drone cells with the sixth offspring reaching maturity approximately 1 day before the drone bee emerged. Normal mites (those which lay five or six viable eggs) produced on average four female adult offspring but since only around approximately 55% of the mite population produced viable offspring the mean number of viable adult female offspring per total number of mother mites was 2 to 2.2 in drone cells.  相似文献   

A study was carried out during May 1993, in southern England, on eight chemically untreated Apis mellifera L. colonics heavily infested with Varroa jacobsoni (15–40% of worker sealed brood). The position and time of capping of 3.228 worker sealed brood were recorded. At two hour intervals, starting from when each cell was capped, groups of worker cells were uncapped and their contents recorded. It was found that each V. jacobsoni female could deposit five or sometimes six larvae in a worker cell, of which four (1 male and 3 females) may reach maturity before the bee emerged from its cell. However, mortality of the offspring resulted in only 1.45 female offspring reaching maturity, for each normally reproducing mother mite, before the bee emerged. The mean development time of the first three female offspring was 134 hours (±=3 h.n=3), shorter than that of the male (154 hours). The first larva was deposited approximately 60 hours after the cell was capped, and developed into a male. Subsequent larvae were deposited at intervals varying from 26–32 hours, and all developed into females.  相似文献   

Summary Pre- and post-embedding techniques were used to investigate the ultrastructural binding of a range of lectins to the haemocytes of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Direct and indirect labelling procedures were employed using colloidal gold and ferritin-labelled lectins, or biotinylated lectins followed by gold-labelled streptavidin. Cell surface receptors were present for lectins from Helix pomatia (HPA), Helix aspersa (HAA), Triticum vulgaris (WGA) and Tetragonolobus purpureas (TPA). Double labelling of haemocytes with HPA and WGA demonstrated binding sites for both lectins on the plasma membrane of the majority of haemocytes. Endocytosis of colloidal gold-labelled HPA was observed for unfixed haemocytes. Three classes of haemocyte were identified by use of morphological criteria: hyalinocytes; granulocytes containing small granules; and granulocytes containing large granules. Lectin binding showed the small granules of the granulocytes to be HPA-positive and the large granules of the granulocytes to be WGA-positive. The WGA-positive granules demonstrated a differential pattern of binding according to granule size. Binding sites for the lectin from Arachis hypogaea (PNA) were not demonstrated on the cell surface, but did show an affinity for the heterochromatin region of the nucleus in post-embedding protocols.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of different control agents of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus associated with ovitraps under laboratory and field conditions. Five treatments were used: grass infusion + Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (gI + Bti), grass infusion + Saccharopolyspora spinosa (gI + Ss), grass infusion + Pyriproxyfen (gI + P), distilled water + Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis (dW + Th), and grass infusion (gI) (control). The highest mean number of eggs of both species were obtained with grass infusion in the laboratory. Among control agents, the lowest mean of A. aegypti eggs occurred with gI + Ss and the lowest mean of A. albopictus eggs occurred with dW + Th. There was no difference between treatments in A. aegypti (P = 0.4320) and A. albopictus (P = 0.7179). In the field, the highest mean number of eggs for both species were obtained with gI + Ss, and the lowest values were obtained with gI + P (P = 0.0124). The treatments can be applied to both the surveillance and the control, but ovitraps with biological larvicide Bti were more effective and safer considering the number of eggs laid and selectivity of pathogens for mosquitoes.  相似文献   

It has been determined catalytic activity of cholinesterases for several insect species (Apanteles glomeratus L., Coccinella septempunctata L, Rhopalosiphumpadi L. and Pieris brassicae L.) that varies in norm from 57 to 199 mmol/hour per 1 gr. It has been calculated the constants of bimolecular interaction (Kii) for insecticides Aztek, Mavric and Bi‐58 new with cholinesterase of the insects. It occurred to be the most sensitivity to Bi‐58 new is peculiar to this ferment in Coccinella 7‐punctata L. Kii (4.54 ± 0.23) 104; whereas cholinesterase of Rhopalosiphum padi L. is the least sensitive to Aztek ‐ Kii (2.9 ± 0.14) 105. Determination of anticholinesterase action coefficient has revealed the value of this indice 118.9 for the preparation Aztek in the system "Rhopalosiphum padi ‐Coccinella 7‐punctata”;. Supposedly, anticholinesterase activity of Aztek is the base of its mechanism action on above‐mentioned species of insects.  相似文献   

喙伸反应(PER)试验适用于评价杀虫剂对蜜蜂行为的影响。本实验利用喙伸反应研究了亚致死剂量(LD50/100~LD50/10)溴氰菊酯和吡虫啉对意蜂Apis mellifera ligustica L.工蜂嗅觉敏感性的影响。结果发现,经口饲喂溴氰菊酯5ng和10ng后,工蜂对0.1%的蔗糖溶液的敏感性显著下降(P<0.05),水应激指数降低,但对0.3%,1%,3%,10%和30%的蔗糖溶液的敏感性没有显著变化;而经口饲喂吡虫啉0.3ng和0.6ng后,工蜂对上述各浓度蔗糖溶液的敏感性变化不明显,但其水应激指数升高。  相似文献   

The subgenual organ of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) is suspended in a haemolymph channel in the tibia of each leg. When the leg is accelerated, inertia causes the haemolymph (and the subgenual organ) to lag behind the movement of the rest of the leg. The magnitude of this phase lag determines the displacement of the subgenual organ relative to the leg and to the proximal end of the organ, which is connected to the cuticle. Oscillations of the subgenual organ are visualised during vibration stimulation of the leg, by means of stroboscopic light. Video analysis provides fairly accurate values of the amplitude and phase of the oscillations, which are compared with the predictions of a model.   The model comparison shows that the haemolymph channel can be described as an oscillating fluid-filled tube occluded by an elastic structure (probably the subgenual organ). The mechanical properties of the subgenual organ and haemolymph channel resemble those of an overdamped mass-spring system. A comparison of the threshold curve of the subgenual organ determined using electrophysiology with that predicted by the oscillating tube model suggests that the sensory cells respond to displacements of the organ relative to the leg. Accepted: 10 May 1997  相似文献   

  • 1 Nectivore foraging environments are typically modelled as choices among non-fluctuating rewards, but in reality they often consist of intermittent daily nectar and pollen sources. Intermittent rewards create two distinct foraging problems for colonial nectivores: re-recruitment (periodically returning to intermittent rewards) and re-allocation (finding new rewards).
  • 2 The role of scent in learning and remembering the locations of discontinuous nectar rewards was examined by testing re-recruitment efficiency of Apis cerana and A.dorsata to reward-correlated scents (odour discriminant self-conditioning). Experiments examined the responses of non-naive foragers to an odour correlated with prior reward, and to odours not correlated with prior rewards, by placing different scents into a colony and observing the number of bees re-recruited to a feeding station.
  • 3 Re-recruitment of non-naive foragers in both species was significantly greater in response to the conditioning scent than to the experimental controls. However, species behaviour differed in one aspect; re-recruited A.cerana foragers landed on the feeding station when unscented reward was offered, whereas re-recruited A.dorsata foragers returned but would not land without conditioning scent present in the reward.

This paper describes the morphology and response characteristics of two types of paired descending neurons (DNs) (classified as DNVII1 and DNIV1) and two lobula neurons (HR1 and HP1) in the honeybee, Apis mellifera.
1.  The terminal arborizations of the lobula neurons are in juxtaposition with the dendritic branches of the DNs (Figs. 2, 3b, 5). Both of the DNs descend into the ipsilateral side of the thoracic ganglia via the dorsal intermediate tract (Fig. 6) and send out many blebbed terminal branches into the surrounding motor neuropil (Figs. 3c, 7).
2.  Both the lobula and descending neurons respond in a directionally selective manner to the motion of widefield, periodic square-wave gratings.
3.  The neurons have broad directional tuning curves (Figs. 10, 11). HR1 is maximally sensitive to regressive (back-to-front) motion and HP1 is maximally sensitive to progressive (front-to-back) motion over the ipsilateral eye (Fig. 11). DNVII1 is maximally sensitive when there is simultaneous regressive motion over the ipsilateral eye and progressive motion over the contralateral eye (Fig. 12a). Conversely, DNIV1 is optimally stimulated when there is simultaneous progressive motion over the ipsilateral eye and regressive motion over the contralateral eye (Fig. 12b).
4.  The response of DNIV1 is shown to depend on the contrast frequency (CF) rather than the angular velocity of the periodic gratings used as stimuli. The peak responses of both regressive and progressive sensitive DNs are shown to occur at CFs of 8–10 Hz (Figs. 13, 14).

C. Castañé  J. Arino  J. Arno 《BioControl》1996,41(2):211-216
Several pesticides were tested in the laboratory for their side-effects upon the mirid bugDicyphus tamaninii, a polyphagous predator used for IPM programmes in some vegetable crops. Residual toxicity to 3rd -4th instar nymphs on tomato leaflets was checked 24, 48 hours and seven days after treatment. The acaricides bromopropylate, dicofol+tetradifon and fenpyroximate were harmless to the nymphs. The insect growth regulators azadirachtin, buprofezin, lufenuron and pyriproxyfen were also harmless to nymphs and teflubenzuron was slightly harmful seven days after treatment. Among the conventional insecticides tested, only pirimicarb and tau-fluvalinate were harmless toD. tamaninii nymphs  相似文献   

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