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A new species of the genus Euphlyctis is described from the Barisal district of Bangladesh and compared with its morphologically similar and geographically proximate congeners. The new species is highly divergent in comparison to other congeneric species on basis of sequence divergence in mitochondrial DNA gene sequences (ranging from 5.5% to 17.8% divergence). Euphlyctis kalasgramensis sp. nov. can be readily diagnosed by having the following combination of characters: snout-vent length (SVL) 30.44 – 37.88 mm, absence of mid-dorsal line, nostril–snout length 3% of SVL, nostril much closer to snout tip than eye, nostril–snout length 48% of distance from front of eyes to nostril, relative length of fingers (shortest to longest: 1 = 2 < 4 < 3), tibia length 59% of SVL, foot length 55% of SVL.  相似文献   

Hemitriakis complicofasciata sp. nov. is described from 18 specimens from the waters of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. This new species is distinguishable from other congeners by the following characters: higher vertebral counts (46–52 monospondylous vertebrae and 124–131 precaudal total vertebrae), presence of a developed posterior nasal flap, first dorsal fin origin anterior to free rear tips of pectoral fin, shorter snout length (snout tip to oral length less than 1.8 times internarial width), absence of an accessory cartilage at symphysial part of upper jaw, and dark complicated lines and rings on embryos and juveniles.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hisonotus are described from the rio Paraná-Paraguay basin in Brazil. The most remarkable features of the new species are the odontodes forming longitudinally aligned rows (one odontode after the other, but not necessarily forming parallel series) on the head and trunk (vs. odontodes not forming longitudinally aligned rows), a pair of rostral plates at the tip of the snout (vs. a single rostral plate), the functional v-shaped spinelet (vs. spinelet non-functional, square-shaped, or absent). These features suggest close phylogenetic relationships with Hisonotus bockmanni, H. insperatus, H. luteofrenatus and H. piracanjuba. Additionally, both new species are distinguished from their congeners by characters related to head length and depth, orbital diameter, suborbital depth, caudal peduncle depth, pectoral-fin spine length, snout length and counts of teeth. Hisonotus paresi sp. n. further differs from its congeners by having contrasting dark geometric spots on the anterodorsal region of the body, a character lacking in H. oliveirai sp. n. The variation in number and shape of the rostral plate, posterior rostrum plates, infraorbitals and the preopercle in both new species and in H. insperatus are discussed.  相似文献   

A research study on morphometrics of Kalophrynus palmatissimus (commonly known as Lowland Grainy Frog) at Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve (AHFR), Selangor and Pasoh Forest Reserve (PFR), Negeri Sembilan was carried out from 12 November 2016 to 13 September 2017. The study was to examine data on the morphometric traits of K. palmatissimus at the two forest reserves. 15 morphometric traits of K. palmatissimus that were taken by using vernier calipers. Frog surveys were done by using 15 and 18 nocturnal 400 m transect lines with an interval distance of 20 m at AHFR and PFR, respectively. The GPS coordinates for all frog samples were recorded to ensure the precise geographic location. In addition, five climatic data were recorded. The results showed that most morphometric traits in AHFR (n = 34) and PFR (n = 31) were positively correlated with each other. On the other hand, climatic factor, which was soil pH, had a significant positive influence on most of the morphometric traits (p < .01), except for tympanum diameter and upper eyelid width (p ≥ .05). Meanwhile, the temperature had a significantly negative influence on all morphometric traits (p < .01). General linear model (GLM) analysis showed that snout‐vent length (SVL) influenced most morphometric traits (F ≤ 80.86, p < .01), except for hand length (HAL: F = 0.299, p > .05). Later, it was found that the snout‐vent length of K. palmatissimus at AHFR was slightly larger than at PFR (AHFR: μ = 37.00 mm, SE = 1.16 c.f. PFR: μ = 30.29 mm, SE = 1.07). It showed that there were variations in morphometric traits of K. palmatissimus at AHFR and PFR. From PCA analysis, morphometric traits are grouped into two components for AHFR and PFR, respectively. In AHFR, head length, eye diameter, head width, internarial distance, interorbital distance, forearm length, tibia length, foot length, and thigh length were strongly correlated, while snout length and eye‐nostril distance were strongly correlated. In PFR, eye diameter, head width, internarial distance, interorbital distance, foot length, and thigh length were strongly correlated, though snout length and eye‐nostril distance were strongly correlated, hence, suggested that all morphometric traits grow simultaneously in K. palmatissimus with eye‐nostril distance (EN), and snout length (SL) growing almost simultaneously at AHFR (r = .91) and PFR (r = .97). There is still a lack of available information regarding the distribution and morphometric studies of K. palmatissimus in Malaysia, especially at AHFR and PFR. This study showed 15 different morphometric traits of K. palmatisssimus between AHFR and PFR, with K. palmatissimus at AHFR were found to be slightly larger than at PFR.  相似文献   

Hemibrycon iqueima sp. nov., is described from small streams in the Magdalena drainage at the foothills of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, Suarez municipality, Tolima Department, Colombia. The new species is distinguished from its congeners in the Magdalena–Cauca River basin by a combination of characters related to snout–anal‐fin origin length, head length, dorsal–pectoral fin distance, dorsal‐fin–hypural distance, postorbital distance, orbital diameter, snout length, number of total vertebrae, pre‐dorsal scales, scale rows between anal‐fin origin and lateral line, number of branched rays of the anal fin, maxillary teeth number and number and arrangement of hooks on the branched rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins. In addition, the validity of this species is supported by previous molecular analyses that included specimens of the new species that had been erroneously identified. Phylogenetic relationships between the new species and congeners from Pacific coast basins are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of pipefish Leptonotus vincentae sp. nov. (Syngnathidae) is described on the basis of 12 specimens found in shallow waters (<2 m depth) of San Antonio Bay, Patagonia, Argentina, in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. The species is distinguished from congeners by the combination of: dorsal-fin rays 30–33, pectoral-fin rays 12–13, trunk rings 18–19, tail rings 43–46, subdorsal rings (2–4) + (5.5–8) = (8.5–10), head length 13–14% standard length, snout length 35–55% head length and snout depth 21–30% in snout length. Although this species has often been mistaken for Leptonotus blainvilleanus, most diagnostic characters of the two species differ. Both species are clearly distinguished by their snout length. L. blainvilleanus has a relatively longer snout than L. vincentae sp. nov. The new species is similar to a south-west Pacific species, Leptonotus elevatus. However, L. vincentae sp. nov. differs from this species in that it exhibits a lower number of dorsal-fin rays and a relatively longer head.  相似文献   

Pseudopimelodidae are Neotropical catfishes characterized by having slightly to strongly depressed body in fully developed specimens. The largest species of the family with 500 mm SL, Lophiosilurus alexandri, experiences impressive changes in body shape during development, becoming extremely depressed when fully developed. Accordingly, Lophiosilurus alexandri is an ideal species to observe the morphological changes during ontogeny, and to seek solid interpretations on the polarity of characters. Specimens of distinct larval periods (yolk sac, flexion and postflexion; n = 186 specimens) and juvenile stages (n = 20) were analyzed. Changes in body shape, position of mouth and eye, morphology of fins and pigmentation were observed during the development of Lophiosilurus. Larvae (5.7–11.2 mm standard length) had pigmentation concentrated on the head and parts of body, eyes small and pigmented, short barbels, and well-developed finfold. Juveniles (15.9–28.1 mm standard length) had body shape similar to adult, with head depressed and bearing bony ridges, large mouth, dorsally-oriented eyes, small barbels and well-developed shoulder bulges (cleithral width). The greatest morphological changes in the development of L. alexandri occurred during the postflexion larval stage. Relative to standard length, measurements of snout length, head depth and body depth are smaller in juveniles than in larvae, but body width is larger. New interpretations on the phylogenetic characters related to these changes are provided in view of the two alternative hypotheses of the evolution of Pseudopimelodidae.  相似文献   

Fossorial lizards differ in morphology from their surface-dwelling relatives. The Australian sphenomorphine skink genus Ctenotus consists of surface-dwelling species, and is closely related to the genus Lerista, which includes both surface-dwelling and fossorial species. Sand-swimming represents the derived condition and has evolved independently in several lineages of Lerista. The heads of lizards in the two genera differ in shape (blunt snout for Ctenotus versus wedge-shaped for Lerista) and in length relative to the body (approximately 20% of snout-vent length for Ctenotus versus 12% for sand-swimming Lerista). Do these specializations affect the sizes or types of prey that can be consumed by Lerista? We compared prey-handling by Ctenotus and Lerista to correlate morphological differences with differences in prey-handling ability, and to distinguish the effects of snout shape and head length. Feeding trials included three categories of insect prey that the lizards normally eat: soft-bodied larvae (Lepidoptera), hard-bodied larvae (Coleoptera), and roaches (Blatoidea). In comparisons based on the mass of a prey item relative to the mass of a lizard, Lerista had longer handling times for all prey categories and were limited to smaller prey than were Ctenotus. However, when comparisons were based on the length of prey relative to the length of a lizard's head, Lerista ate some elongate prey as fast or faster than did Ctenotus, and both genera successfully swallowed prey more than twice the length of their own head. Thus, the differences in prey-handling performance of Ctenotus and Lerista probably result from the fact that Lerista have a relatively shorter head than Ctenotus. All Lerista species, surface-dwelling and fossorial, have short heads compared to primitive sphenomorphine lizards. Fossorial species of Lerista have elongate trunks, and consequently their heads are shorter in proportion to trunk length than those of surface-dwelling Lerista. However, most fossorial species of Lerista are longer and heavier than any of their surface-dwelling congeners, and the heads of these fossorial species are large relative to the prey they encounter. As a consequence, the diets of large fossorial species of Lerista do not appear to be limited by their morphological specialization for sand-swimming.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Awaous (Oxudercidae), Awaous motla sp. nov., is described based on 18 specimens collected from the Mahanadi River near Sonepur, Subarnapur District, and 3 specimens from the same river near Boudh bridge, Boudh District of Odisha, India. This species is distinct from its congeners by having a combination of characteristics: relatively small eyes, diameter of 6.6–8.4 in head length (LH); robust and long snout, 2.0–2.6 in LH; eye diameter 2.7–4.1 in snout length; cephalic sensory pore system interrupted with eight pores; predorsal scales 13–15; longitudinal scale series 55–58; gill rakers 2 + 1 + (6–7) on the first gill arch; teeth small, conical, and in a single row on the upper jaw and multiserial (2–3) on the lower jaw. This species is also differentiated from some of its congeners in the nucleotide composition of the cytochrome c oxidase I gene by 8.3%–13.8% Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distance and belongs to a separate cluster in the maximum likelihood tree analysis. This finding is also supported by the species delimitation analysis based on Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning. The new species holds high commercial value in its locality and needs special conservation attention for sustainable utilization.  相似文献   

A new species of the lanternshark Etmopterus splendidus is described. This new species is distinguished from the congeners by the combination of the following characters: distance from snout tip to 1st dorsal spine much less than distance from the spine to upper caudal origin; caudal fin short, much less than head length; dermal denticles on lateral side of trunk with very small, erect thornlike, conical crowns, those on trunk arranged in regular longitudinal rows, and distinctly arranged on interdorsal area and on lateral trunk of interspace between 2nd dorsal and caudal, but not arranged in regular longitudinal rows on dorsal surface of interorbital and o abdomen; color in life purplish-black above and with inconspicuous bluish-black flank marks and three other bluish-black marks at base of caudal fin and along its axis; shape of flank marks narrow anterior to, but broader posterior to pelvic fins.  相似文献   

Pseudophoxinus burduricus sp. n. is described from drainages of Salda and Burdur lakes, southwestern Turkey. It is distinguished from other Anatolian Pseudophoxinus by a combination of characters: lateral line incomplete, with 21–39 (commonly 26–37) perforated scales and 47–57+1-2 scales in lateral series; 10½–12½ scale rows between lateral line and dorsal fin origin, 3–4(5) scale rows between lateral line and the pelvic fin origin; dorsal fin commonly with 7½ branched rays; anal fin commonly with 6½ branched rays; 7–8(9) gill rakers on the first branchial arch; a faint and diffuse epidermal black stripe from eye to caudal fin base in alive and preserved individuals; mouth slightly subterminal, tip of mouth cleft on about level of lower margin of eye; snout rounded, its length greater than eye diameter. Comparison is given with all Pseudophoxinus species from western Anatolia.  相似文献   

A new species of Hisonotus is described from the headwaters of the rio Xingu. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having a functional V-shaped spinelet, odontodes not forming longitudinal aligned rows on the head and trunk, lower counts of the lateral and median series of abdominal figs, presence of a single rostral fig at the tip of the snout, absence of the unpaired figlets at typical adipose fin position, yellowish-tipped teeth, absence of conspicuous dark saddles and stripe on the body and higher number of teeth on the premaxillary and dentary. The new species, Hisonotus acuen, is restricted to headwaters of the rio Xingu basin, and is the first species of the genus Hisonotus described from the rio Xingu basin. Hisonotus acuen is highly variable in aspects of external body proportions, including body depth, snout length, and abdomen length. This variation is partly distributed within and among populations, and is not strongly correlated with body size. PCA of 83 adult specimens from six allopatric populations indicates the presence of continuous variation. Therefore, the available morphological data suggest that the individuals inhabiting the six localities of rio Xingu represent different populations of a single species. Low intraspecific variation in mitochondrial Cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) provides corroborative evidence.  相似文献   

Pareiorhina hyptiorhachis is described from Ribeirão Fernandes and Rio Pomba, Rio Paraíba do Sul basin, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners (Pareiorhina brachyrhyncha, Pareiorhina carrancas, Pareiorhina cepta, and Pareiorhina rudolphi) by the presence of a conspicuous ridge on the trunk posterior to the dorsal fin (postdorsal ridge), simple teeth, a completely naked abdomen, a round dorsal profile of the head, greater suborbital depth and greater head width. We discuss the distributional pattern of the new species and its congeners and hypothesize that headwater capture is responsible for the distribution of Pareiorhina species across different watersheds in southeastern of Brazil.  相似文献   

A new species of grenadier, Coryphaenoides soyoae, is described from two specimens collected from the Shichito-Iojima Ridge (type locality) and off Fukushima, Honshu, Japan, at depths of 2740–2991 m. The new species belongs to the subgenus Coryphaenoides and is most similar to Coryphaenoides castaneus Shcherbachev and Iwamoto 1995 and Coryphaenoides longicirrhus (Gilbert 1905). It differs from all other congeners in having the following combination of features: pelvic-fin rays 11; snout short, scarcely protruding beyond upper jaw; terminal snout scute absent; scales on lateral angles of snout and head ridges only slightly enlarged and thickened; dorsal contour of head prominently humped over nape; posterior end of upper jaw extending to below hind 1/3 of orbit or beyond; posterior end of rictus not restricted by lip folds; outer gill slit greatly restricted, length 7–8 % of head length (HL); barbel length 11–15 % HL; head bones and body flesh firm; teeth in posteriorly tapering bands on both jaws, with outer premaxillary series enlarged; body scales not deciduous, covered with narrowly divergent rows of needle-like spinules, and the last spinule in each row greatly overlapping posterior scale margin; snout fully scaled dorsally, broadly naked ventrally; interdorsal space slightly less than first dorsal-fin base length; origins of second dorsal and anal fins on about same vertical; height of first dorsal fin 87 % HL; second spinous ray of first dorsal fin serrated along its leading edge; outer pelvic-fin ray greatly prolonged, its tip extending well beyond anal-fin origin; head and body uniformly blackish. In addition, Coryphaenoides rudis Günther 1878 is recorded for the first time from Japan, based on six specimens collected from Hyuga-nada, Suruga Bay, and the west of Minami-torishima Island (=Marcus Island), at depths of 1100–1481 m. A previous record of this species from Japanese waters was based on a misidentified specimen of a different genus.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of small tree frog from northern Vietnam based on morphological differences and molecular divergence. Gracixalus waza sp. nov. is distinguishable from its congeners and other small rhacophorid species on the basis of a combination of the following characters: (1) size small (snout-vent length of males 27.1–32.9 mm, of females 37.6 mm); (2) head as wide as or wider than long; (3) vomerine teeth absent; (4) snout rounded and long (16–18 % of the snout-vent length); (5) spines on upper eyelid absent; (6) tibiotarsal projection absent; (7) dorsal skin smooth; (8) dermal fringes on forearm and tarsus absent; (9) dorsal surface of head and body greyish-green to moss-green with dark brown pattern forming an inverse Y marking; and (10) throat and chest with dark marbling. Our molecular data showed that the new species is nested in the same group with Gracixalus jinxiuensis sensu lato.  相似文献   

We examined agonistic behaviour in seven species of hatchling and juvenile crocodilians held in small groups (N = 4) under similar laboratory conditions. Agonistic interactions occurred in all seven species, typically involved two individuals, were short in duration (5–15 seconds), and occurred between 1600–2200 h in open water. The nature and extent of agonistic interactions, the behaviours displayed, and the level of conspecific tolerance varied among species. Discrete postures, non-contact and contact movements are described. Three of these were species-specific: push downs by C. johnstoni; inflated tail sweeping by C. novaeguineae; and, side head striking combined with tail wagging by C. porosus. The two long-snouted species (C. johnstoni and G. gangeticus) avoided contact involving the head and often raised the head up out of the way during agonistic interactions. Several behaviours not associated with aggression are also described, including snout rubbing, raising the head up high while at rest, and the use of vocalizations. The two most aggressive species (C. porosus, C. novaeguineae) appeared to form dominance hierarchies, whereas the less aggressive species did not. Interspecific differences in agonistic behaviour may reflect evolutionary divergence associated with morphology, ecology, general life history and responses to interspecific conflict in areas where multiple species have co-existed. Understanding species-specific traits in agonistic behaviour and social tolerance has implications for the controlled raising of different species of hatchlings for conservation, management or production purposes.  相似文献   

Three new species of Endonura are described from Iran. Endonura dichaeta sp. n. can be recognized by an ogival labrum, head without chaetae O and E, chaeta D connected with tubercle Cl, tubercle Dl with five chaetae on head, absence of tubercles Di on thorax I and tubercle (Di+Di) of thorax V with 2+2 chaetae. Endonura ceratolabralis sp. n. is characterized by large body size, reduction of labral chaetotaxy, ogival labrum, head without chaeta O and fusion of tubercles Di and De on first thoracic segment. Endonura persica sp. n. is distinguished from its congeners by a nonogival labrum, absence of chaeta O, tubercles Dl and (L+So) with five and eight chaetae respectively and claw with inner tooth. The key to all species of the genus is given.  相似文献   

Pseudophoxinus turani sp. n. is described from the İncesu Spring (Hassa-Hatay) drainage of Asi River, Turkey. It is distinguished from other Eastern Mediterranean Region Pseudophoxinus species by a combination of characters: lateral line incomplete, with 12–25 (commonly 16–21) perforated scales and 38–46+2-3 scales in lateral series (commonly 41–44+2-3); 10–11 scale rows between the lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 3–4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic–fin origin; dorsal fin with 7½ branched rays; anal fin commonly with 7½ branched rays; 8-11gill rakers on the first branchial arch; dorsal profile markedly convex with marked hump at the nape, ventral profile less convex than dorsal profile; a small, irregular, black blotch on the base of the caudal fin; mouth terminal, with slightly distinct chin, its corner not reaching vertical through anterior margin of eye; snout somewhat long, with rounded tip; and its length greater than eye diameter.  相似文献   

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