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Friction-induced moments and subsequent cup loosening can be the reason for total hip joint replacement failure. The aim of this study was to measure the in vivo contact forces and friction moments during walking. Instrumented hip implants with Al2O3 ceramic head and an XPE inlay were used. In vivo measurements were taken 3 months post operatively in 8 subjects. The coefficient of friction was calculated in 3D throughout the whole gait cycle, and average values of the friction-induced power dissipation in the joint were determined. On average, peak contact forces of 248% of the bodyweight and peak friction moments of 0.26% bodyweight times meter were determined. However, contact forces and friction moments varied greatly between individuals. The friction moment increased during the extension phase of the joint. The average coefficient of friction also increased during this period, from 0.04 (0.03 to 0.06) at contralateral toe off to 0.06 (0.04 to 0.08) at contralateral heel strike. During the flexion phase, the coefficient of friction increased further to 0.14 (0.09 to 0.23) at toe off. The average friction-induced power throughout the whole gait cycle was 2.3 W (1.4 W to 3.8 W). Although more parameters than only the synovia determine the friction, the wide ranges of friction coefficients and power dissipation indicate that the lubricating properties of synovia are individually very different. However, such differences may also exist in natural joints and may influence the progression of arthrosis. Furthermore, subjects with very high power dissipation may be at risk of thermally induced implant loosening. The large increase of the friction coefficient during each step could be caused by the synovia being squeezed out under load.  相似文献   



Currently, no studies exist, which attest the suitability of the ovine intervertebral disc as a biomechanical in vivo model for preclinical tests of new therapeutic strategies of the human disc. By measuring the intradiscal pressure in vivo, the current study attempts to characterize an essential biomechanical parameter to provide a more comprehensive physiological understanding of the ovine intervertebral disc.


Intradiscal pressure (IDP) was measured for 24 hours within the discs L2-L3 and L4-L5 via a piezo-resistive pressure sensor in one merino sheep. The data were divided into an activity and a recovery phase and the corresponding average pressures for both phases were determined. Additionally, IDPs for different static and dynamic activities were analyzed and juxtaposed to human data published previously. After sacrificing the sheep, the forces corresponding to the measured IDPs were examined ex vivo in an axial compression test.


The temporal patterns of IDP where pressure decreased during activity and increased during rest were comparable between humans and sheep. However, large differences were observed for different dynamic activities such as standing up or walking. Here, IDPs averaged 3.73 MPa and 1.60 MPa respectively, approximately two to four times higher in the ovine disc compared to human. These IDPs correspond to lower ex vivo derived axial compressive forces for the ovine disc in comparison to the human disc. For activity and rest, average ovine forces were 130 N and 58 N, compared to human forces of 400-600 N and 100 N, respectively.


In vivo IDPs were found to be higher in the ovine than in the human disc. In contrast, axial forces derived ex vivo were markedly lower in comparison to humans. Both should be considered in future preclinical tests of intradiscal therapies using the sheep. The techniques used in the current study may serve as a protocol for measuring IDP in a variety of large animal models.  相似文献   

Loosening of the artificial cup and inlay is the most common reasons for total hip replacement failures. Polyethylene wear and aseptic loosening are frequent reasons. Furthermore, over the past few decades, the population of patients receiving total hip replacements has become younger and more active. Hence, a higher level of activity may include an increased risk of implant loosening as a result of friction-induced wear. In this study, an instrumented hip implant was used to measure the contact forces and friction moments in vivo during walking. Subsequently, the three-dimensional coefficient of friction in vivo was calculated over the whole gait cycle. Measurements were collected from ten subjects at several time points between three and twelve months postoperative. No significant change in the average resultant contact force was observed between three and twelve months postoperative. In contrast, a significant decrease of up to 47% was observed in the friction moment. The coefficient of friction also decreased over postoperative time on average. These changes may be caused by ‘running-in’ effects of the gliding components or by the improved lubricating properties of the synovia. Because the walking velocity and contact forces were found to be nearly constant during the observed period, the decrease in friction moment suggests an increase in fluid viscosity. The peak values of the contact force individually varied by 32%-44%. The friction moment individually differed much more, by 110%-129% at three and up to 451% at twelve months postoperative. The maximum coefficient of friction showed the highest individual variability, about 100% at three and up to 914% at twelve months after surgery. These individual variations in the friction parameters were most likely due to different ‘running-in’ effects that were influenced by the individual activity levels and synovia properties.  相似文献   

The objectives of present study were to investigate whether luteolin affects procoagulant proteinase activity and fibrin clot formation and influences thrombosis and coagulation in Sprague–Dawle rats. Luteolin significantly inhibited the enzymatic activity of thrombin and FXa activity by 29.1% and 16.2%. Luteolin also inhibited fibrin polymer formation in turbidity and microscopic analysis using fluorescent conjugate. Coagulation assay of luteolin was found to prolong activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time. Moreover, luteolin protected the development of oxidative stress induced thrombosis in the FeCl3‐induced carotid arterial thrombus model. This study demonstrated that luteolin may be useful by reducing or preventing thrombotic challenge and can help us better understand the antithrombotic action of luteolin.  相似文献   

人膝关节结构复杂,韧带较多,其中交叉韧带对维持膝关节的稳定性至为重要.后交叉韧带(posterior cruciate ligament,PCL)对于维持膝关节的后向稳定性和旋转稳定性具有至关重要的作用.PCL损伤后的主观不适症状要明显少于前交叉韧带损伤,所以过去对PCL的关注及研究要少于前交叉韧带.近年来高能量损伤致使PCL的损伤越来越多,学者们对PCL的关注度也在增加,进行了大量与PCL相关的实验,同时我们发现很多学者用动物的膝关节来代替人尸体进行体外生物力学实验,其中猪膝关节应用的最为广泛,基于这种情况,本文就猪膝关节的解剖结构与人的进行了比较,对其在体外生物力学实验中的应用进行了综述.  相似文献   

Hand coordination can allow humans to have dexterous control with many degrees of freedom to perform various tasks in daily living. An important contributing factor to this important ability is the complex biomechanical architecture of the human hand. However, drawing a clear functional link between biomechanical architecture and hand coordination is challenging. It is not understood which biomechanical characteristics are responsible for hand coordination and what specific effect each biomechanical characteristic has. To explore this link, we first inspected the characteristics of hand coordination during daily tasks through a statistical analysis of the kinematic data, which were collected from thirty right-handed subjects during a multitude of grasping tasks. Then, the functional link between biomechanical architecture and hand coordination was drawn by establishing the clear corresponding causality between the tendinous connective characteristics of the human hand and the coordinated characteristics during daily grasping activities. The explicit functional link indicates that the biomechanical characteristic of tendinous connective architecture between muscles and articulations is the proper design by the Creator to perform a multitude of daily tasks in a comfortable way. The clear link between the structure and the function of the human hand also suggests that the design of a multifunctional robotic hand should be able to better imitate such basic architecture.  相似文献   

The immediate and long-term effects of the selective serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryp-tamine (5,7-DHT) on rat striatal serotonergic neurons were examined after its intracerebroventricular administration using in vivo voltammetry. Extracellular concentration of 5-hydroxyindoles increased immediately following intracerebroventricular 5,7-DHT injection (200 g in 24 l, 18 min), peaked at 1.5-2 h, and returned to normal by 4 h. 5,7-DHT diffused to the contralateral striatum in detectable amounts 9 to 12 min after the start of injection and returned to basal levels by 1.5 h. Three to 6 days after 5,7-DHT lesions, 5-hydroxytryptophan administration produced an increase in striatal 5-hydroxyindoles that was greater than that produced in pre-lesioned rats. This effect was maximal at 14 to 17 days post-lesion, and remained even after 50 days. The short-term effect of 5,7-DHT may be attributable to increased serotonin release, inhibition of uptake, or monoamine oxidase inhibition. The long-term effect of 5,7-DHT lesions may attributable to increased synthesis of serotonin or decreased reuptake in remaining serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   

Measurements of the thermal transport properties of the skin can reveal changes in physical and chemical states of relevance to dermatological health, skin structure and activity, thermoregulation and other aspects of human physiology. Existing methods for in vivo evaluations demand complex systems for laser heating and infrared thermography, or they require rigid, invasive probes; neither can apply to arbitrary regions of the body, offers modes for rapid spatial mapping, or enables continuous monitoring outside of laboratory settings. Here we describe human clinical studies using mechanically soft arrays of thermal actuators and sensors that laminate onto the skin to provide rapid, quantitative in vivo determination of both the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, in a completely non-invasive manner. Comprehensive analysis of measurements on six different body locations of each of twenty-five human subjects reveal systematic variations and directional anisotropies in the characteristics, with correlations to the thicknesses of the epidermis (EP) and stratum corneum (SC) determined by optical coherence tomography, and to the water content assessed by electrical impedance based measurements. Multivariate statistical analysis establishes four distinct locations across the body that exhibit different physical properties: heel, cheek, palm, and wrist/volar forearm/dorsal forearm. The data also demonstrate that thermal transport correlates negatively with SC and EP thickness and positively with water content, with a strength of correlation that varies from region to region, e.g., stronger in the palmar than in the follicular regions.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the association of sarcopenic obesity with the onset of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) disability in a cohort of 451 elderly men and women followed for up to 8 years. Research Methods and Procedures: Sarcopenic obesity was defined at study baseline as appendicular skeletal muscle mass divided by stature squared <7.26 kg/m2 in men and 5.45 kg/m2 in women and percentage body fat greater than the 60th percentile of the study sample (28% body fat in men and 40% in women). Incident disability was defined as a loss of two or more points from baseline score on the IADL. Subjects with disability at baseline (scores < 8) were excluded. Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to determine the association of baseline sarcopenic obesity with onset of IADL disability, controlling for potential confounders. Results: Subjects with sarcopenic obesity at baseline were two to three times more likely to report onset of IADL disability during follow‐up than lean sarcopenic or nonsarcopenic obese subjects and those with normal body composition. The relative risk for incident disability in sarcopenic obese subjects was 2.63 (95% confidence interval, 1.19 to 5.85), adjusting for age, sex, physical activity level, length of follow‐up, and prevalent morbidity. Discussion: This is the first study, to our knowledge, to indicate that sarcopenic obesity is independently associated with and precedes the onset of IADL disability in the community‐dwelling elderly. The etiology of sarcopenic obesity is unknown but may include a combination of decreases in anabolic signals and obesity‐associated increases in catabolic signals in old age.  相似文献   

Light adaptation in insect photoreceptors is caused by an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. To better understand this process, we measured the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in vivo as a function of adapting light intensity in the white-eyed blowfly mutant chalky. We developed a technique to measure the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration under conditions as natural as possible. The calcium indicator dyes Oregon Green 1, 2, or 5N (Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR) were iontophoretically injected via an intracellular electrode into a photoreceptor cell in the intact eye; the same electrode was also used to measure the membrane potential. The blue-induced green fluorescence of these dyes could be monitored by making use of the optics of the facet lens and the rhabdomere waveguide. The use of the different Ca2+-sensitive dyes that possess different affinities for Ca2+ allowed the quantitative determination of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in the steady state. Determining the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration as a function of the adapting light intensity shows that the Ca2+ concentration is regulated in a graded fashion over the whole dynamic range where a photoreceptor cell can respond to light. When a photoreceptor is adapted to bright light, the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration reaches stable values higher than 10 μM. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the logarithm of the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration is linear with the logarithm of the light intensity. From the estimated values of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, we conclude that the Ca2+-buffering capacity is limited. The percentage of the Ca2+ influx that is buffered gradually decreases with increasing Ca2+ concentrations; at cytosolic Ca2+ concentration levels above 10 μM, buffering becomes minimal.  相似文献   

This study examined whether activities of daily living (ADL) mediate the relationship between depression and health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) in people with Parkinson''s disease (PD). A cross-sectional, correlational research design examined data from 174 participants who completed the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), Parkinson''s Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39), and Unified Parkinson''s Disease Rating Scale-section 2 (UPDRS-section 2 [ADL]). Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to examine the mediator model. Depression and ADL significantly (p<.001) predicted HR-QOL, and depression significantly (p<.001) predicted ADL. Whilst ADL did not impact on the relationship between depression and HR-QOL, there was a significant (p<.001) indirect effect of depression on HR-QOL via ADL, suggesting both direct and indirect (via ADL) effects of depression on HR-QOL. The magnitude of this effect was moderate (R2 = .13). People with PD who report depression also experience greater difficulty completing ADL, which impacts upon their HR-QOL. It is recommended that clinicians adopt a multidisciplinary approach to care by combining pharmacological treatments with psycho/occupational therapy, thereby alleviating the heterogeneous impact of motor and non-motor symptoms on HR-QOL in people with PD.  相似文献   

目的:分析膝骨性关节炎患者(KOA)登梯时下肢肌群肌电活动与关节角冲量与正常人的差异,为康复方案设计提供生物力学参考。方法:采用Qualisys三维运动分析系统以及Delsys无线表面肌电系统对招募10名符合纳排标准的膝骨性关节炎患者和10名正常人进行登梯活动的步态检测,采用下肢肌群均方根值、股内外侧肌协同收缩比值、股二头肌和股外侧肌共同活动比值和髋、膝关节在冠状面和矢状面上角冲量对比分析与两组登梯时下肢肌群收缩模式对关节负荷的影响。结果:与正常对照相比,上梯时膝骨性关节炎患者股直肌均方根值RMS(Root Mean Square)增大(P0.05),膝骨性关节炎患者股内外侧肌收缩均方根值比值(RMS(Vastus Medialis)VM/(Vastus Lateralis)VL)减小(P0.05),膝骨性关节炎患者腘绳肌与股外侧肌收缩比值(RMS(Biceps Femoris)BF/VL增大(P0.05)。下梯时,膝骨性关节炎患者股直肌均方根值(RMS)增大(P0.05),臀大肌均方根值(RMS)减小(P0.05),股内外侧肌收缩均方根比值(RMS VM/VL)减小(P0.05)。上梯时,膝骨性关节炎患者髋、膝关节冠状面上的关节角冲量大于正常人(P0.05),膝关节在矢状面上关节角冲量大于正常组(P0.05),下梯髋、膝关节冠状面、矢状面上的角冲量无统计学差异(P0.05)。KOA组VM/VL、BF/VL与膝关节在冠状面和矢状面上的角冲量的改变没有直接的相关性(P0.05)。结论:膝骨性关节炎患者在登梯活动时股直肌的收缩活动增加,股内外侧肌的协同收缩下降,主动肌与拮抗肌的共同收缩增加,膝骨性关节炎患者在面对登梯活动时下肢肌群选择性激活和高激活状态协调一致,促进关节稳定。虽然下肢神经肌肉的收缩模式和膝关节负荷之间没有直接的相关性,可能是对膝关节负荷产生影响的生物力学因素较多,神经肌肉的收缩模式只是部分影响因素,后续将增加其他生物力学因素进一步研究。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A correlation was observed between in vivo and in vitro activity of six monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against the major circumsporozoite protein of the avian malaria Plasmodium gallinaceum as follows. (1) Two mAb were protective, totally abrogating sporozoite infectivity to chicks, its natural host, in vivo; they caused 100% inhibition of sporozoite invasion (ISI) in vitro to SL-29 chicken fibroblasts and intense ISI to cultured chicken macrophages, as well as inhibited the exoerythrocytic development of sporozoites taken up by macrophages, the initial cell host of P. gallinaceum sporozoites. (2) Two mAb were partially protective in that they reduced sporozoite infectivity to chicks, caused partial ISI to SL-29 and macrophage cells and partial inhibition to the exoerythrocytic development of sporozoites in macrophages in vitro. (3) Two mAb were totally inactive in vivo although they both bound to the sporozoite antigens as detected by indirect immunofluorescence, western blot, and ELISA; they both failed to induce ISI or inhibit the exoerythrocytic development in macrophages. The possible participation of macrophages as the initial cell type involved in sporozoite destruction in the presence of anti-circumsporozoite antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

The molecular machinery of life relies on complex multistep processes that involve numerous individual transitions, such as molecular association and dissociation steps, chemical reactions, and mechanical movements. The corresponding transition rates can be typically measured in vitro but not in vivo. Here, we develop a general method to deduce the in-vivo rates from their in-vitro values. The method has two basic components. First, we introduce the kinetic distance, a new concept by which we can quantitatively compare the kinetics of a multistep process in different environments. The kinetic distance depends logarithmically on the transition rates and can be interpreted in terms of the underlying free energy barriers. Second, we minimize the kinetic distance between the in-vitro and the in-vivo process, imposing the constraint that the deduced rates reproduce a known global property such as the overall in-vivo speed. In order to demonstrate the predictive power of our method, we apply it to protein synthesis by ribosomes, a key process of gene expression. We describe the latter process by a codon-specific Markov model with three reaction pathways, corresponding to the initial binding of cognate, near-cognate, and non-cognate tRNA, for which we determine all individual transition rates in vitro. We then predict the in-vivo rates by the constrained minimization procedure and validate these rates by three independent sets of in-vivo data, obtained for codon-dependent translation speeds, codon-specific translation dynamics, and missense error frequencies. In all cases, we find good agreement between theory and experiment without adjusting any fit parameter. The deduced in-vivo rates lead to smaller error frequencies than the known in-vitro rates, primarily by an improved initial selection of tRNA. The method introduced here is relatively simple from a computational point of view and can be applied to any biomolecular process, for which we have detailed information about the in-vitro kinetics.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a growing health problem worldwide. As there are certain drawbacks with the drugs currently used to treat human leishmaniasis and resistance to these drugs is emerging, there is a need to develop novel antileishmanial compounds, among which isoquinoline alkaloids are promising candidates. In this study, 18 novel oxoisoaporphine derivatives were synthesized and their possible antileishmanial activity was evaluated. The in vitro activity of these derivatives against Leishmania amazonensis axenic amastigotes was first evaluated, and the selected compounds were then tested in an inhibition assay with promastigotes of L. infantum, L. braziliensis, L. amazonensis and L. guyanensis, and with intracellular amastigotes of L. infantum and L. amazonensis. Finally, the most active compounds, OXO 1 (2,3-dihydro-7H-dibenzo[de,h]quinolin-7-one) and OXO 13 (2,3,8,9,10,11-hexahydro-7H-dibenzo[de,h]quinolin-7-one), were tested in BALB/c mice infected with L. infantum. Treatment of mice at a dose of 10 mg/kg with OXO 1 yielded significant reductions (p<0.05) in parasite burden in liver and spleen (99% and 78%, respectively) whereas with OXO 13 were not significant. Although previous reports suggest that this family of molecules displays inhibitory activity against monoamine oxidase A and acetylcholinesterase, these enzymes were not confirmed as targets for antileishmanial activity on the basis of the present results. However, after development of a new bioinformatics model to analyze the Leishmania proteome, we were able to identify other putative targets for these molecules. The most promising candidates were four proteins: two putative pteridine reductase 2 (1MXF and 1MXH), one N-myristoyltransferase (2WUU) and one type I topoisomerase (2B9S).  相似文献   

Mechanical loading constantly acts on tendons, and a better understanding of its effects on the tendons is essential to gain more insights into tendon patho-physiology. This study aims to investigate tendon mechanobiological responses through the use of mouse treadmill running as an in vivo model and mechanical stretching of tendon cells as an in vitro model. In the in vivo study, mice underwent moderate treadmill running (MTR) and intensive treadmill running (ITR) regimens. Treadmill running elevated the expression of mechanical growth factors (MGF) and enhanced the proliferative potential of tendon stem cells (TSCs) in both patellar and Achilles tendons. In both tendons, MTR upregulated tenocyte-related genes: collagen type I (Coll. I ∼10 fold) and tenomodulin (∼3–4 fold), but did not affect non-tenocyte-related genes: LPL (adipocyte), Sox9 (chondrocyte), Runx2 and Osterix (both osteocyte). However, ITR upregulated both tenocyte (Coll. I ∼7–11 fold; tenomodulin ∼4–5 fold) and non-tenocyte-related genes (∼3–8 fold). In the in vitro study, TSCs and tenocytes were stretched to 4% and 8% using a custom made mechanical loading system. Low mechanical stretching (4%) of TSCs from both patellar and Achilles tendons increased the expression of only the tenocyte-related genes (Coll. I ∼5–6 fold; tenomodulin ∼6–13 fold), but high mechanical stretching (8%) increased the expression of both tenocyte (Coll. I ∼28–50 fold; tenomodulin ∼14–48 fold) and non-tenocyte-related genes (2–5-fold). However, in tenocytes, non-tenocyte related gene expression was not altered by the application of either low or high mechanical stretching. These findings indicate that appropriate mechanical loading could be beneficial to tendons because of their potential to induce anabolic changes in tendon cells. However, while excessive mechanical loading caused anabolic changes in tendons, it also induced differentiation of TSCs into non-tenocytes, which may lead to the development of degenerative tendinopathy frequently seen in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Molecular motors transport various cargoes including vesicles, proteins and mRNAs, to distinct intracellular compartments. A significant challenge in the field of nanotechnology is to improve drug nuclear delivery by engineering nanocarriers transported by cytoskeletal motors. However, suitable in vivo models to assay transport and delivery efficiency remain very limited. Here, we develop a fast and genetically tractable assay to test the efficiency and dynamics of fluospheres (FS) using microinjection into Drosophila oocytes coupled with time-lapse microscopy. We designed dynein motor driven FS using a collection of dynein light chain 8 (LC8) peptide binding motifs as molecular linkers and characterized in real time the efficiency of the FS movement according to its linker’s sequence. Results show that the conserved LC8 binding motif allows fast perinuclear nanoparticle''s accumulation in a microtubule and dynein dependent mechanism. These data reveal the Drosophila oocyte as a new valuable tool for the design of motor driven nanovectors.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that β-glucans extracted from yeast or fungi potentiate immune responses. In the present study, the immunomodulatory activities of β-(1→3, 1→4)-glucan, derived from oats, were investigated. The ability of oat β-glucan (OβG) to stimulate IL-1 and TNF-α release from murine peritoneal macrophages and the murine macrophage cell line P338D1, was assessed. In vitro stimulation of macrophages with OβG resulted in the production of IL-1 in a dose and time-dependent manner, whereas only small amounts of TNF-α could be detected in the culture supernatants. OβG also induced the production of IL-2, IFN-γ and IL-4 secretion in a dose-dependent manner in cultured spleen cells. The intraperitoneal administration of OβG in mice resulted in the accumulation of leucocytes, predominantly macrophages, in the peritoneal cavity. Furthermore, OβG was tested for its ability to enhance non-specific resistance to a bacterial challenge in mice. Survival of mice challenged with Staphylococcus aureus was enhanced by a single intraperitoneal administration of 500 μg of OβG 3 days prior to bacterial challenge. In conclusion, these studies demonstrated that OβG possesses immunomodulatory activities capable of stimulating immune functions both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

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