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Many ladybird beetles respond to a potential predation event by `reflex bleeding' or secreting a noxious defensive chemical that is similar to hemolymph. Both adults and larvae show this response. Reflex bleeding is known to reduce predator attack rates and increase prey survival after an attack, especially when reflex bleeding is employed in combination with other cues such as odor and warning coloration. In this experiment, we examined how variability in the number of reflex bleeding events and food quality in the larval stage of the aposematic ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis affected elytral color, development time, and terminal size in adults. Effects of reflex bleeding were subtle and may have been influenced by diet treatments. Adult color did not differ between bleed treatment groups but beetles that reflex bled tended to take longer to develop and grow to smaller sizes than control group beetles. There were clear and strong effects of larval diet on adult phenotype: an ad libitum pollen diet resulted in paler adult coloration, shorter development time, and larger adult size relative to a limited-availability aphid diet. Our results suggest that the best environment for producing bright-red coloration may not be the best environment for favorable expression of life history characters, especially under stressful conditions. Interactions between different life history stages of H. axyridis are also discussed. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. . Mating receptivity in females of the ladybird, Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), was studied with reference to internal and environmental conditions. Females sometimes reject copulation: they run away, or shake off the male and bend the abdomen upwards. Newly emerged females show a greater likelihood of accepting copulation with an advance in the stage of ovarian development, this being related to age. Females usually mate repeatedly, but frequently show refusal behaviour under unfavourable food conditions. Dissections reveal that females which accept copulation have a greater number of mature eggs in the ovary than do rejectors. Results also suggest that the food conditions are a major environmental factor, directly controlling mating receptivity.  相似文献   

The urnulae, until now the enigmatic paired dorsal protrusions on idiosoma dorsum in active postlarval forms of Balaustium mites, were studied using electron microscopy. They consist of walls made of unmodified integument, which form a cylinder covered by a roof of thin cuticle. At the posterior border of the urnula, the roof has a crescent slit. On its inner surface, a rather large muscle inserts with several tendons. The roof forms a flap under which the modified columnar epidermal cells containing numerous lipid inclusions are located. These lipids are probably secreted through pore canals of the overlying cuticle. Materials mainly originating from an extensive vesicular tissue situated underneath the columnar cells of the urnula and under the adjacent unmodified epidermis are extruded through the mentioned slit. Our results support previous studies that have suggested a function of the urnulae as defensive organs. Our study further suggests that the agent that provides the repellent effect comes mainly from the vesicular tissue, whereas the columnar cells with their lipid secretions are likely to restore the external secretion layer of the epicuticle after its destruction during the repellent release. Further structural and functional details are discussed and compared with other putative defensive secretory organs.  相似文献   

王晨  任东 《昆虫知识》2013,(6):1745-1752
本文简单介绍了Autodesk Maya等软件以及利用三维技术制作古昆虫复原图所涉及到的三大方面知识,包括:三维昆虫制作、场景设计和艺术气氛。较为详细的介绍了利用三维软件制作昆虫的主要步骤。总结了在制作复原图时,将生物学、计算机技术、美术学三方面知识相结合的经验和技巧。为三维技术在古昆虫学研究工作中的推广和使用提供了更多思路。  相似文献   

To improve the utilization of the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), as a natural enemy in integrated pest management (IPM) programs for sweet corn, Zea mays L., fixed-precision enumerative sequential sampling plans for this coccinellid were developed and validated. Data were collected from sweet corn plots during 2000 to 2004, with means ranging from 0.02 to 11.83 H. axyridis (larvae and adults combined) per plant. Taylor’s power law parameters from the regression of log variance versus log mean suggested an aggregated distribution for larvae and the combined count of larvae and adults in sweet corn. For IPM purposes, a plan was developed for H. axyridis larvae and adults to provide a desired precision level of 0.25 (SEM/mean), resulting in an average sample number of 65 whole plants. However, for the purposes of ecological or applied research (with desired precision = 0.10), an average sample number of 205 plants was necessary.  相似文献   

We investigated geographic differences in the host specificity of Epilachna niponica Lewis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The Yuwaku population feeds mainly on Cirsium matsumurae Nakai (Asteraceae) and secondarily on Cirsrium kagamontanum Nakai. The Asiu population, located 150 km away from the Yuwaku, feeds exclusively on C. ashiuense Yokoyama et T. Shimizu. Under laboratory conditions, we examined the differences between the two populations in adult feeding acceptance, adult feeding preference, and larval performance, using several closely related thistle species and varieties, including their native hosts. In the Asiu population, adult beetles clearly avoided the host of the Yuwaku population, C. kagamontanum, and no larvae were able to complete their development, whereas in the Yuwaku population, adults accepted and even preferred it to some other thistle species, and about 10% of first instar larvae became adults. This indicates that the Yuwaku population evolved its feeding preference and physiological adaptation to C. kagamontanum through a utilization of this low‐ranked host under natural conditions. Apart from C. kagamontanum, the two populations showed a similar host susceptibility pattern, indicating that this ladybird beetle has a conserved hierarchy in feeding preference and growth performance. We also observed adult leaf choice behavior when given different thistle species, and found that difference in biting rate after palpation determined the leaf areas consumed, implying that factors on the leaf surface played an important role in the choice.  相似文献   

Natural enemies resistant to insecticides are expected to help control the remaining arthropod pests after insecticide application and, hence, prevent crop damage, pest resurgence, and resistance selection. Field-evolved resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin and to other pyrethroids exhibited by the neotropical ladybird beetle Eriopis connexa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) has been characterized and enhanced under laboratory selection. In this study, we investigated the stability of the resistance and its relationship with detoxification enzyme activity and biological performance, which are important for a biocontrol agent. One subgroup of the resistant population of E. connexa was established without selection pressure (R-UNSEL) during eight generations, and compared to either a susceptible (SUS) or its parental resistant (R-SEL) population. The resistance ratio in R-UNSEL was reduced by 50% compared to R-SEL between the first and fourth generation without selection pressure, but stayed stable afterwards, from the fifth to the eighth generation. Despite eight generations without selection pressure and reduction in the resistance level, the resistance ratio in R-UNSEL was still 39× greater than in the SUS population. The reduced resistance in R-UNSEL correlated to reduction in esterase activity, but the R-UNSEL maintained greater activity than the SUS group. The absence of selection pressure and reduction in enzyme activity in R-UNSEL did not mitigate the adaptive costs, with 2.7× lower egg production compared to SUS females. These findings indicate that resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin in R-UNSEL has already stabilized in the population. Although the resistance ratio and detoxifying enzymes were reduced in R-UNSEL, the impact on fecundity was maintained. Furthermore, the absence of crossing with wild SUS individuals will allow the R-UNSEL offspring to retain the resistance allowing survival to lambda-cyhalothrin even when used at the highest recommended field rate.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to different host plants is important in the diversification of phytophagous insects. Thus far, much evidence of the local adaptation of insects with respect to host use at the physiological level has been gathered from systems involving less mobile insects and/or divergent hosts such as plants belonging to different families or genera. On the other hand, the prevalence of such local adaptation of insects with moderate or high dispersal ability to the intraspecific variation of herbaceous hosts is largely unknown. In the present study, we examined the occurrence and degree of local adaptation of the herbivorous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna pustulosa (Kôno) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to its primary host, the thistle Cirsium boreale Kitam. (Asteraceae), through reciprocal laboratory experiments using beetles and thistles from three locations with a range of approximately 200 km. Concerning the larval developmental ability, obvious patterns of local adaptation to the thistles from respective natal locations were detected, at least in some combinations of beetle populations. Similar tendencies were detected concerning adult feeding acceptance, although the statistical support was somewhat obscure. Overall, our results indicate that the degree of local adaptation of insect species with moderate dispersal ability to conspecific herbaceous hosts is occasionally as strong as that involving less mobile insects and/or heterospecific hosts, indicating the potential of such cryptic local adaptation to promote ecological/genetic differentiation of phytophagous insect populations.  相似文献   

Light is regarded a key environmental cue influencing biological, physiological, and behavioral characteristics in insects. We compared the development, reproduction, locomotion, and predation ability of the predatory ladybird Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) under various photoperiods, light intensities, and light wavelengths. The results indicated long daylight, high light intensity, and particular colors light (blue, green, and yellow) could benefit H. variegata especially in shortening the period of immature development, increasing mating frequency (shorter mating and pre‐oviposition periods), higher fecundity, and a higher proportion of eggs hatched. Average locomotion speed and prey consumption rate of H. variegata increased with prolonged day length and increased light intensity. However, very high intensity of light could inhibit predation rates. Furthermore, green and yellow wavelength conditions increased locomotion speed of H. variegata, and the number of prey consumed increased with increased wavelength. The present study not only revealed significant influences of light conditions on the development and fertility of H. variegata, it also provided sufficient empirical data to improve the efficiency of mass rearing and field releases of this predatory ladybird by regulation of light conditions during biological control applications.  相似文献   

The use of coccinellids in the biological control of aphids is restricted to the release of larvae because adults tend to fly away. Non-flying adults may stay longer in one place and so they and their progeny could give longer term protection to plants. This work is an attempt to produce a non-flying population by the use of a chemical mutagen and selection of adults with wing malformations through their subsequent generations. These adults are characterized by open elytra and extended wings. Some general features of this mutation were disclosed. The mutation is either unexpressed or results in malformed wings. It also seems recessive and lethal when homozygous. The adults with the mutation suffered a high level of mortality and a drastic reduction in reproductive capacity that prevents their mass rearing for biological control. This study revealed a negative relationship between wing malformations and reproductive capacity. Nevertheless, when adults with the mutation were released in greenhouses containing cucumbers infested with the aphid Aphis gossypii, they remained on the plants in higher numbers and laid eggs over a longer period of time than the control adults but their progeny were less numerous.  相似文献   

1 Studies on aphidophagous coccinellids have indicated that patch quality, and, in particular, the age structure of the prey or the phenological age of the plant, may play an important role in stimulating oviposition behaviour. However, little is known about the egg‐laying tactics of coccidophagous species. 2 When restricted to a single, large colony of overlapping generations of their diaspid host Abgrallaspis cyanophylli (Signoret), adult females of the coccidophagous ladybird Chilocorus nigritus F. varied their egg production rate in a cyclic pattern that lasted for approximately 22 days. This information was used to generate hypotheses relating to eliciting cues for oviposition. 3 Two experiments were carried out in the absence of conspecific larvae to assess: (i) whether changes in host density at levels above those needed to sustain egg production in the females affected egg output and (ii) the effect of restricting beetles to various homogeneous prey population structures on daily egg production. 4 Changes in host density caused a significant but transient decline in egg production whereas a heterogeneous prey population elicited significantly higher levels of oviposition than homogeneous ones with similar host densities, irrespective of the growth stage of the prey. 5 Beetles were fed to satiation throughout the experiments but the data obtained suggest that cues for eliciting oviposition operated in a density‐dependent fashion. The results of the study are used to discuss the possibility that visual and chemical cues are quantitatively used by ovipositing beetles to assess patch suitability.  相似文献   

Aminoacylase III (AAIII) plays an important role in deacetylation of acetylated amino acids and N-acetylated S-cysteine conjugates of halogenated alkenes and alkanes. AAIII, recently cloned from mouse kidney and partially characterized, is a mixture of tetramers and dimers. In the present work, AAIII dimers were purified and shown to be enzymatically active. Limited trypsinolysis showed two domains of approximately 9 and 25 kDa. The three-dimensional structure of the dimer was studied by electron microscopy of negative stained samples and by single-particle reconstruction. A 16A resolution model of the AAIII dimer was created. It has an unusual, cage-like, structure. A realistic AAIII tetramer model was built from two dimers.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Ladybird eggs are defended chemically against intra-guild predation, and are unsuitable to varying degrees as food for other ladybirds.
2. Ladybird eggs [ Coccinella septempunctata (Cs) and Harmonia axyridis (Ha); Coleoptera: Coccinellidae] from local Japanese versus North American populations were compared as food for two ladybirds (Cs and Ha) co-occurring in Japan.
3. Larvae of Cs exhibited high mortality, slow development, and reduced egg consumption and weight gain when they fed on Ha versus conspecific eggs, especially when Ha eggs were from the local (Japanese) population versus a distant (North American) population of Ha.
4. Larvae of Ha survived equally well on a diet of Cs or conspecific eggs, but developed more slowly and gained less weight on Cs eggs. Ha larvae were more reluctant to eat eggs from the local (Japanese) population of Cs than eggs from the distant (North American) population of Cs; however, other measures of performance did not differ significantly.
5. These results indicate greater egg chemical defence of Ha eggs against Cs larvae than vice versa, as expected from field observations of greater temporal overlap between Cs larvae and Ha eggs than between Ha larvae and Cs eggs. Furthermore, results also indicate that local populations of eggs are better defended than eggs from elsewhere against locally occurring intra-guild predators. Thus, it appears that the effectiveness of chemical defence of ladybird eggs reflects the degree to which specific pairings of ladybirds have the potential to interact in nature through egg predation.  相似文献   

A three dimensional reconstruction technique was used for the analysis of a theridiid spider's (Achaearanea tepidariorum) testicular cyst. Although microscopic techniques have greatly improved, most of the information gathered is still based on two‐dimensional images. Particularly in spiders, it is very difficult to count the exact number of sperm in a single cyst, since their spermatogenetic processes takes place within the spherical cysts through the flagellar coiling process. Since morphological features of spider sperm provide detailed information on the whole spermatogenetic processes, we analyzed the exact number of germ cells per cyst in A. tepidariorum through a three‐dimensional image reconstruction technique. For image processing, serially sectioned histological images were scanned using a light microscope and 3D rendering images were reconstructed from these sections. Based on the three dimensional image analysis of the testicular cyst, the number of secondary spermatocytes per cyst was calculated to be 32 (25). Therefore the total number of sperm produced from a single cyst can be calculated as 64 (26), which indicates that a single spermatogonium undergoes four mitotic divisions and an additional two meiotic divisions to produce mature spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis , has recently arrived in Britain.
2. This species has been introduced from Asia into many parts of the world for biological control purposes.
3. In many parts of North America it has become the predominant aphidophagous coccinellid in less than 20 years, and in north-western Europe it is spreading and increasing in number rapidly.
4. Since establishment in North America and continental Europe, reports of its effectiveness as a biological control agent of aphids and coccids have been accompanied by accounts of negative effects on other aphidophagous species and humans.
5. Here the potential impacts of the arrival of the harlequin ladybird in Britain are assessed.  相似文献   

The tri-phasic reflex in hermit crab (Pagurus pollicarus) abdomen is triggered by local mechanoreceptors and is essential for postural control. The reflex consists of three stereotypical phases: a brief, high-frequency burst, a transient cessation of firing, and a late-discharge that is much lower in frequency than the initial burst. To better understand the reflex generation of force, variability of motoneuron discharge in each of five parameters of reflex activation was assessed. An intracellular current injection routine was used to correlate each of these parameters with force production. Phase 3 motoneuron firing frequency showed the greatest correlation with force production. Phase 3 spike rate increased as a function of phase 2 duration, but the relationship between phase 2 duration and force produced by the reflex was weak. Junction potential amplitude decreased as phase 2 duration increased, and we hypothesize that this trend counteracts the increased phase 3 frequency, explaining the weak relationship of phase 2 duration and force production. Surprisingly, when phase 3 frequency was held constant and phase 2 was increased in duration, the concurrent decrease in junction potential amplitude did not reduce force production.  相似文献   

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