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Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are genetic modules composed of a pair of genes encoding a stable toxin and an unstable antitoxin that inhibits toxin activity. They are widespread among plasmids and chromosomes of bacteria and archaea. TA systems are known to be involved in the stabilization of plasmids but there is no consensus about the function of chromosomal TA systems. To shed light on the role of chromosomally encoded TA systems we analyzed the distribution and functionality of type II TA systems in the chromosome of two strains from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (ATCC 23270 and 53993), a Gram-negative, acidophilic, environmental bacterium that participates in the bioleaching of minerals. As in other environmental microorganisms, A. ferrooxidans has a high content of TA systems (28-29) and in twenty of them the toxin is a putative ribonuclease. According to the genetic context, some of these systems are encoded near or within mobile genetic elements. Although most TA systems are shared by both strains, four of them, which are encoded in the active mobile element ICEAfe1, are exclusive to the type strain ATCC 23270. We demostrated that two TA systems from ICEAfe1 are functional in E. coli cells, since the toxins inhibit growth and the antitoxins counteract the effect of their cognate toxins. All the toxins from ICEAfe1, including a novel toxin, are RNases with different ion requirements. The data indicate that some of the chromosomally encoded TA systems are actually part of the A. ferrooxidans mobile genome and we propose that could be involved in the maintenance of these integrated mobile genetic elements.  相似文献   

Tetrathionate hydrolase (4THase) plays an important role in dissimilatory sulfur oxidation in the acidophilic iron‐ and sulfur‐oxidizing bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. The structure of recombinant 4THase from A. ferrooxidans (Af‐Tth) was determined by X‐ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.95 Å. Af‐Tth is a homodimer, and its monomer structure exhibits an eight‐bladed β‐propeller motif. Two insertion loops participate in dimerization, and one loop forms a cavity with the β‐propeller region. We observed unexplained electron densities in this cavity of the substrate‐soaked structure. The anomalous difference map generated using diffraction data collected at a wavelength of 1.9 Å indicated the presence of polymerized sulfur atoms. Asp325, a highly conserved residue among 4THases, was located near the polymerized sulfur atoms. 4THase activity was completely abolished in the site‐specific Af‐Tth D325N variant, suggesting that Asp325 plays a crucial role in the first step of tetrathionate hydrolysis. Considering that the Af‐Tth reaction occurs only under acidic pH, Asp325 acts as an acid for the tetrathionate hydrolysis reaction. The polymerized sulfur atoms in the active site cavity may represent the intermediate product in the subsequent step.  相似文献   

Cyc2 is the key protein in the outer membrane of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans that mediates electron transfer between extracellular inorganic iron and the intracellular central metabolism. This cytochrome c is specific for iron and interacts with periplasmic proteins to complete a reversible electron transport chain. A structure of Cyc2 has not yet been characterized experimentally. Here we describe a structural model of Cyc2, and associated proteins, to highlight a plausible mechanism for the ferrous iron electron transfer chain. A comparative modeling protocol specific for trans membrane beta barrel (TMBB) proteins in acidophilic conditions (pH ~ 2) was applied to the primary sequence of Cyc2. The proposed structure has three main regimes: Extracellular loops exposed to low‐pH conditions, a TMBB, and an N‐terminal cytochrome‐like region within the periplasmic space. The Cyc2 model was further refined by identifying likely iron and heme docking sites. This represents the first computational model of Cyc2 that accounts for the membrane microenvironment and the acidity in the extracellular matrix. This approach can be used to model other TMBBs which can be critical for chemolithotrophic microbial growth.  相似文献   

Iron is required as an element to sustain life in all eukaryotes and most bacteria. Although several bacterial iron acquisition strategies have been well explored, little is known about the intracellular trafficking pathways of iron and its entry into the systems for co-factor biogenesis. In this study, we investigated the iron-dependent process of heme maturation in Bacillus subtilis and present, for the first time, structural evidence for the physical interaction of a frataxin homologue (Fra), which is suggested to act as a regulatory component as well as an iron chaperone in different cellular pathways, and a ferrochelatase (HemH), which catalyses the final step of heme b biogenesis. Specific interaction between Fra and HemH was observed upon co-purification from crude cell lysates and, further, by using the recombinant proteins for analytical size-exclusion chromatography. Hydrogen–deuterium exchange experiments identified the landscape of the Fra/HemH interaction interface and revealed Fra as a specific ferrous iron donor for the ferrochelatase HemH. The functional utilisation of the in vitro-generated heme b co-factor upon Fra-mediated iron transfer was confirmed by using the B. subtilis nitric oxide synthase bsNos as a metabolic target enzyme. Complementary mutational analyses confirmed that Fra acts as an essential component for maturation and subsequent targeting of the heme b co-factor, hence representing a key player in the iron-dependent physiology of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites, the causative agent of leishmaniasis, are transmitted through the bite of an infected sand fly. Leishmania parasites present two basic forms known as promastigote and amastigote which, respectively, parasitizes the vector and the mammalian hosts. Infection of the vertebrate host is dependent on the development, in the vector, of metacyclic promastigotes, however, little is known about the factors that trigger metacyclogenesis in Leishmania parasites. It has been generally stated that “stressful conditions” will lead to development of metacyclic forms, and with the exception of a few studies no detailed analysis of the molecular nature of the stress factor has been performed. Here we show that presence/absence of nucleosides, especially adenosine, controls metacyclogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. We found that addition of an adenosine-receptor antagonist to in vitro cultures of Leishmania amazonensis significantly increases metacyclogenesis, an effect that can be reversed by the presence of specific purine nucleosides or nucleobases. Furthermore, our results show that proliferation and metacyclogenesis are independently regulated and that addition of adenosine to culture medium is sufficient to recover proliferative characteristics for purified metacyclic promastigotes. More importantly, we show that metacyclogenesis was inhibited in sand flies infected with Leishmania infantum chagasi that were fed a mixture of sucrose and adenosine. Our results fill a gap in the life cycle of Leishmania parasites by demonstrating how metacyclogenesis, a key point in the propagation of the parasite to the mammalian host, can be controlled by the presence of specific purines.  相似文献   

4-Thiouridine (s4U) is a conserved modified nucleotide at position 8 of bacterial and archaeal tRNAs and plays a role in protecting cells from near-UV killing. Escherichia coli employs the following two enzymes for its synthesis: the cysteine desulfurase IscS, which forms a Cys persulfide enzyme adduct from free Cys; and ThiI, which adenylates U8 and transfers sulfur from IscS to form s4U. The C-terminal rhodanese-like domain (RLD) of ThiI is responsible for the sulfurtransferase activity. The mechanism of s4U biosynthesis in archaea is not known as many archaea lack cysteine desulfurase and an RLD of the putative ThiI. Using the methanogenic archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis, we show that deletion of ThiI (MMP1354) abolished the biosynthesis of s4U but not of thiamine. MMP1354 complements an Escherichia coli ΔthiI mutant for s4U formation, indicating that MMP1354 is sufficient for sulfur incorporation into s4U. In the absence of an RLD, MMP1354 uses Cys265 and Cys268 located in the PP-loop pyrophosphatase domain to generate persulfide and disulfide intermediates for sulfur transfer. In vitro assays suggest that S2− is a physiologically relevant sulfur donor for s4U formation catalyzed by MMP1354 (Km for Na2S is ∼1 mm). Thus, methanogenic archaea developed a strategy for sulfur incorporation into s4U that differs from bacteria; this may be an adaptation to life in sulfide-rich environments.  相似文献   

The osmoprotectant 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) occurs in Gramineae and Compositae, but its synthesis has been studied only in the latter. The DMSP synthesis pathway was therefore investigated in the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Leaf tissue metabolized supplied [35S]methionine (Met) to S-methyl-l-Met (SMM), 3-dimethylsulfoniopropylamine (DMSP-amine), and DMSP. The 35S-labeling kinetics of SMM and DMSP-amine indicated that they were intermediates and, consistent with this, the dimethylsulfonium moiety of SMM was shown by stable isotope labeling to be incorporated as a unit into DMSP. The identity of DMSP-amine, a novel natural product, was confirmed by both chemical and mass-spectral methods. S. alterniflora readily converted supplied [35S]SMM to DMSP-amine and DMSP, and also readily converted supplied [35S]DMSP-amine to DMSP; grasses that lack DMSP did neither. A small amount of label was detected in 3-dimethylsulfoniopropionaldehyde (DMSP-ald) when [35S]SMM or [35S]DMSP-amine was given. These results are consistent with the operation of the pathway Met → SMM → DMSP-amine → DMSP-ald → DMSP, which differs from that found in Compositae by the presence of a free DMSP-amine intermediate. This dissimilarity suggests that DMSP synthesis evolved independently in Gramineae and Compositae.  相似文献   

Intermediates of Salicylic Acid Biosynthesis in Tobacco   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  

Plant architecture is one of the key factors that affect plant survival and productivity. Plant body structure is established through the iterative initiation and outgrowth of lateral organs, which are derived from the shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem, after embryogenesis. Here we report that ADP1, a putative MATE (multidrug and toxic compound extrusion) transporter, plays an essential role in regulating lateral organ outgrowth, and thus in maintaining normal architecture of Arabidopsis. Elevated expression levels of ADP1 resulted in accelerated plant growth rate, and increased the numbers of axillary branches and flowers. Our molecular and genetic evidence demonstrated that the phenotypes of plants over-expressing ADP1 were caused by reduction of local auxin levels in the meristematic regions. We further discovered that this reduction was probably due to decreased levels of auxin biosynthesis in the local meristematic regions based on the measured reduction in IAA levels and the gene expression data. Simultaneous inactivation of ADP1 and its three closest homologs led to growth retardation, relative reduction of lateral organ number and slightly elevated auxin level. Our results indicated that ADP1-mediated regulation of the local auxin level in meristematic regions is an essential determinant for plant architecture maintenance by restraining the outgrowth of lateral organs.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is often used to impose low water potentials (ψw) in solution culture, decreases O2 movement by increasing solution viscosity. We investigated whether this property causes O2 deficiency that affects the elongation or metabolism of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots. Seedlings grown in vigorously aerated PEG solutions at ambient solution O2 partial pressure (pO2) had decreased steady-state root elongation rates, increased root-tip alanine concentrations, and decreased root-tip proline concentrations relative to seedlings grown in PEG solutions of above-ambient pO2 (alanine and proline accumulation are responses to hypoxia and low ψw, respectively). Measurements of root pO2 were made using an O2 microsensor to ensure that increased solution pO2 did not increase root pO2 above physiological levels. In oxygenated PEG solutions that gave maximal root elongation rates, root pO2 was similar to or less than (depending on depth in the tissue) pO2 of roots growing in vermiculite at the same ψw. Even without PEG, high solution pO2 was necessary to raise root pO2 to the levels found in vermiculite-grown roots. Vermiculite was used for comparison because it has large air spaces that allow free movement of O2 to the root surface. The results show that supplemental oxygenation is required to avoid hypoxia in PEG solutions. Also, the data suggest that the O2 demand of the root elongation zone may be greater at low relative to high ψw, compounding the effect of PEG on O2 supply. Under O2-sufficient conditions root elongation was substantially less sensitive to the low ψw imposed by PEG than that imposed by dry vermiculite.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and can give rise to all cell types in the body. The fate of ES cells depends on the signals they receive from their surrounding environment, which either promote self-renewal or initiate differentiation. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are macromolecules found on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. Acting as low-affinity receptors on the cell surface, heparan sulfate (HS) side chains modulate the functions of numerous growth factors and morphogens, having wide impact on the extracellular information received by cells. ES cells lacking HS fail to differentiate but can be induced to do so by adding heparin. ES cells defective in various components of the HS biosynthesis machinery, thus expressing differently flawed HS, exhibit lineage-specific effects. Here we discuss recent studies on the biological functions of HS in ES cell developmental processes. Since ES cells have significant potential applications in tissue/cell engineering for cell replacement therapies, understanding the functional mechanisms of HS in manipulating ES cell growth in vitro is of utmost importance, if the stem cell regenerative medicine from scientific fiction ever will be made real.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks generate daily rhythms in neuronal, physiological, and metabolic functions. Previous studies in mammals reported daily fluctuations in levels of the major endogenous antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), but the molecular mechanisms that govern such fluctuations remained unknown. To address this question, we used the model species Drosophila, which has a rich arsenal of genetic tools. Previously, we showed that loss of the circadian clock increased oxidative damage and caused neurodegenerative changes in the brain, while enhanced GSH production in neuronal tissue conferred beneficial effects on fly survivorship under normal and stress conditions. In the current study we report that the GSH concentrations in fly heads fluctuate in a circadian clock-dependent manner. We further demonstrate a rhythm in activity of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione biosynthesis. Significant rhythms were also observed for mRNA levels of genes encoding the catalytic (Gclc) and modulatory (Gclm) subunits comprising the GCL holoenzyme. Furthermore, we found that the expression of a glutathione S-transferase, GstD1, which utilizes GSH in cellular detoxification, significantly fluctuated during the circadian day. To directly address the role of the clock in regulating GSH-related rhythms, the expression levels of the GCL subunits and GstD1, as well as GCL activity and GSH production were evaluated in flies with a null mutation in the clock genes cycle and period. The rhythms observed in control flies were not evident in the clock mutants, thus linking glutathione production and utilization to the circadian system. Together, these data suggest that the circadian system modulates pathways involved in production and utilization of glutathione.  相似文献   

In Vitro Biosynthesis of Phosphorylated Starch in Intact Potato Amyloplasts   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Intact amyloplasts from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were used to study starch biosynthesis and phosphorylation. Assessed by the degree of intactness and by the level of cytosolic and vacuolar contamination, the best preparations were selected by searching for amyloplasts containing small starch grains. The isolated, small amyloplasts were 80% intact and were free from cytosolic and vacuolar contamination. Biosynthetic studies of the amyloplasts showed that [1-14C]glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) was an efficient precursor for starch synthesis in a manner highly dependent on amyloplast integrity. Starch biosynthesis from [1-14C]Glc-1-P in small, intact amyloplasts was 5-fold lower and largely independent of amyloplast intactness. When [33P]Glc-6-P was administered to the amyloplasts, radiophosphorylated starch was produced. Isoamylase treatment of the starch followed by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection revealed the separated phosphorylated α-glucans. Acid hydrolysis of the phosphorylated α-glucans and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography analyses showed that the incorporated phosphate was preferentially positioned at C-6 of the Glc moiety. The incorporation of radiolabel from Glc-1-P into starch in preparations of amyloplasts containing large grains was independent of intactness and most likely catalyzed by starch phosphorylase bound to naked starch grains.  相似文献   

H. seropedicae associates endophytically and epiphytically with important poaceous crops and is capable of promoting their growth. The molecular mechanisms involved in plant colonization by this microrganism are not fully understood. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are usually necessary for bacterial attachment to solid surfaces, to other bacteria, and to form biofilms. The role of H. seropedicae SmR1 exopolysaccharide in biofilm formation on both inert and plant substrates was assessed by characterization of a mutant in the espB gene which codes for a glucosyltransferase. The mutant strain was severely affected in EPS production and biofilm formation on glass wool. In contrast, the plant colonization capacity of the mutant strain was not altered when compared to the parental strain. The requirement of EPS for biofilm formation on inert surface was reinforced by the induction of eps genes in biofilms grown on glass and polypropylene. On the other hand, a strong repression of eps genes was observed in H. seropedicae cells adhered to maize roots. Our data suggest that H. seropedicae EPS is a structural component of mature biofilms, but this development stage of biofilm is not achieved during plant colonization.  相似文献   

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