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HUNT  R. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(4):745-755
Plants of Lolium perenne L. (cv. S. 23) were grown in a heatedglasshouse. Two experiments were performed, both during earlysummer. One used a sand/solution rooting medium and includedlow-nitrogen (0.17 parts per 106) and shade (20.2 per cent illumination)treatments; the other used aerated solution culture and involvedtwo levels of shading (20.2 and 6.1 per cent illumination),in addition to controls. In both experiments growth and ratesof potassium, magnesium and calcium uptake were studied throughthe calculation of various growth-functions from fitted curves. Despite the effects of treatment and environment, a constantinverse relationship was found between the mass ratio of rootsand shoots and their activity ratio. These new results wereadded to some previously published to form a combined model:mass ratio = 0.051 + 45.7 (1/activity ratio) where activityratio is expressed as specific absorption rate for potassium(in µg K mg root–1 day–1)/unit shoot rate(rate of increase of whole-plant dry weight per unit shoot weight,mg mg–1 day–1). The implications of this relationshipare discussed and a further model is put forward in which rootactivity is expressed in terms of the uptake of the sum of thepotassium, magnesium and calcium contents of the plant.  相似文献   

The influence of a low concentration of SO2 on the growth andsulphur status of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cv.S23 was examined in a system of specially designed growth chambers.For plants grown without additions of sulphate to the soil,erposure to ifitered air containing 50 µg m–3 SO2alleviated sulphur deficiency that developed during a sequenceof successive harvests, and gave increased yield. The plantshad higher contents of organic and inorganic sulphur than thosegrown with neither sulphate nor SO2. Plants grown with addedsulphate showed no signs of sulphur deficiency and althoughexposure to SO2 increased their sulphur content it had no effecton yield. The coefficient of transpiration (g water transpiredg–1 dry wt. of shoots) was reduced when plants which otherwisehad an inadequate supply of sulphur were exposed to SO2; forplants with adequate supplies of sulphate, it was similar whetherthey were grown with or without the addition of SO2 to the air.The results are discussed in relation to other known reactionsof plants to SO2.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - In a water shortage crisis, the landscape management of perennial ryegrass, a common lawn grass, is a major challenge. An organic material that can help to...  相似文献   

The flowering of the quantitative long-day plant perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.) in short days (8 h), when grown at low temperature(9/4 °C) and under natural summer daylight, is presentedas evidence for the replacement of specific environmental requirementsfor flowering by alternative stimuli in a grass.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is a crop with a complex aerial architecture that can cause self-shading leading to a vertical light gradient over the foliage. Mutual shading between neighboring plants at a high sowing density also results in an alteration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorption by lower leaves. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact that light restriction on lower leaves has on shoot architecture, biomass production and allocation, nitrogen (N) fluxes, and progression of sequential senescence. Field-grown plants were collected at the end of the vegetative rest period and grown in hydroponic conditions until pod maturity. A shading treatment corresponding to a 43.4 % reduction of PAR was applied at the early flowering stage. N uptake and fluxes of N allocation and remobilization were determined by supplying K15NO3 in the nutrient solution. Photosynthesis and expression of SAG12 and Cab genes (indicators of leaf senescence progression) were also analyzed on different leaf ranks. The results showed that shading enhanced leaf development on the main stem and ramifications to optimize light capture. The expression pattern of the SAG12/Cab molecular indicator suggested a delay in leaf senescence that allowed leaf life span to be extended resulting in a more efficient leaf compound remobilization, with lower N residual contents in fallen leaves under shading. N uptake increased and N remobilization fluxes were enhanced from source organs (leaves and stem) toward sink organs (flowers). Profuse branching and late senescing varieties would be of interest for further selection programs under high sowing densities.  相似文献   

多年生黑麦草成熟胚再生体系的建立及基因枪转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:建立以多年生黑麦草成熟胚为起始材料的再生体系,用于基因枪转化。方法:多年生黑麦草成熟种子在附加 5mg L 2,4 D的MS培养基上诱导愈伤组织,转至新继代培养基上产生胚性愈伤组织。分化培养基为无激素MS培养基。再生植株在培养基成分减半的无激素MS培养基生根,之后移栽至土壤。基于这一再生体系,用含有水稻几丁质酶基因RC2 4的质粒pARN6和含有草丁膦乙酰转移酶基因Bar的质粒pDB1,通过基因枪轰击胚性愈伤组织。用附加PPT的继代培养基进行转化植株的抗性筛选。结果:共获得 2 4 3株再生植株。通过PCR进行检测,获得1 8株整合有RC2 4基因的植株,1 5株整合有Bar基因的植株,同时转入 2个基因的植株 2株。  相似文献   

In perennial ryegrass seed yield is low. Pollination, fertilizationand early stages of seed development are critical periods forthe realization of the yield potential. As intact plants aredifficult to handle, we used detached spikelets to study effectsof temperature and genotype on seed set and seed development. Plants of four cultivars were grown in pots. Just prior to flowering,spikelets were detached from the ears and put on water. Afterpollination, various spikelets of each plant were placed atdifferent temperatures (14/14, 17/12 or 20/15°C). Sevendays after pollination the percentage seed set and the lengthof the developing seeds (caryopses) were assessed. Only floretsin the four basal positions were used. For each cultivar an analysis of variance for unbalanced datawas carried out. There were highly significant difference amonggenotypes for seed set and caryopsis length. There was no evidencefor genotypic variation for tolerance to low temperatures. Neithertemperature nor floret position had an effect on seed set. Thecaryopsis length, however, increased with increasing temperatureand basal florets produced longer caryopses than distal florets.The detached spikelets proved to be a useful experimental tool.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, seed yield, seed set, detached spikelets culture, temperature, floret position  相似文献   

The loss of organic material from the roots of forage rape (Brassicanapus L.,) was studied by pulse-labelling 25-d-old non-sterilesand-grown plants with 14CO2. The distribution of 14C withinthe plant was measured at 0, 6 and 13 d after labelling whilst14 C accumulating in the root-zone was measured at more frequentintervals. The rates of 14C release into the rhizosphere, andloss of 14CO2 from the rhizosphere were also determined. Thesedata were used to estimate the accumulative loss of 14C fromroots and loss respiratory 14CO2 from both roots and associatedmicro-organisms. Approximately 17-19% of fixed 14CO2 was translocatedto the roots over 2 weeks, of which 30-34% was released intothe rhizosphere, and 23-24% was respired by the roots as 14CO2. Of the 14C released into the rhizosphere, between 35-51%was assimilated and respired by rhizosphere micro-organisms.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Brassica napus L., carbon loss, carbon partitioning, microbial nutrition, microbial respiration, forage rape, pulse-labelling, rhizodeposition, root respiration, sand culture  相似文献   

In New Zealand, agriculture is predominantly based on pastoral grazing systems and animal excreta deposited on soil during grazing have been identified as a major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Forage brassicas (Brassica spp.) have been increasingly used to improve lamb performance. Compared with conventional forage perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), a common forage in New Zealand, forage brassicas have faster growth rates, higher dry matter production and higher nutritive value. The aim of this study was to determine the partitioning of dietary nitrogen (N) between urine and dung in the excreta from sheep fed forage brassica rape (B. napus subsp. oleifera L.) or ryegrass, and then to measure N2O emissions when the excreta from the two different feed sources were applied to a pasture soil. A sheep metabolism study was conducted to determine urine and dung-N outputs from sheep fed forage rape or ryegrass, and N partitioning between urine and dung. Urine and dung were collected and then used in a field plot experiment for measuring N2O emissions. The experimental site contained a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture on a poorly drained silt-loam soil. The treatments included urine from sheep fed forage rape or ryegrass, dung from sheep fed forage rape or ryegrass, and a control without dung or urine applied. N2O emission measurements were carried out using a static chamber technique. For each excreta type, the total N2O emissions and emission factor (EF3; N2O–N emitted during the 3- or 8-month measurement period as a per cent of animal urine or dung-N applied, respectively) were calculated. Our results indicate that, in terms of per unit of N intake, a similar amount of N was excreted in urine from sheep fed either forage rape or ryegrass, but less dung N was excreted from sheep fed forage rape than ryegrass. The EF3 for urine from sheep fed forage rape was lower compared with urine from sheep fed ryegrass. This may have been because of plant secondary metabolites, such as glucosinolates in forage rape and their degradation products, are transferred to urine and affect soil N transformation processes. However, the difference in the EF3 for dung from sheep fed ryegrass and forage rape was not significant.  相似文献   

Pink snow mould is a serious disease on grasses and winter cereals in cold and temperate zones during winter. To better understand the basis for the variation in pathogenicity between different isolates of Microdochium nivale and M. majus and to simplify selection of highly pathogenic isolates to use when screening for resistance to pink snow mould in perennial ryegrass, we sought traits correlated with pathogenicity. Isolates of M. nivale were more pathogenic on perennial ryegrass than isolates of M. majus, as measured by survival and regrowth of perennial ryegrass after infection and incubation under simulated snow cover. Pathogenicity as measured by relative regrowth was highly correlated with fungal growth rate on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 2°C. Measuring fungal growth on PDA therefore seems to be a relatively simple method of screening for potentially highly pathogenic isolates. In a study of a limited number of isolates, highly pathogenic isolates showed an earlier increase and a higher total specific activity of β‐glucosidase, a cell wall‐degrading enzyme, compared with less pathogenic isolates. None of the M. majus isolates was highly pathogenic on perennial ryegrass. Our results indicate biological differences between M. nivale and M. majus and thus strengthen the recently published sequence‐based evidence for the elevation of these former varieties to species status.  相似文献   

Loliun perenne L. (cv.S. 23) was grown on vermiculite in winterin a heated greenhouse for 8 weeks under factorial combinationsof two potassium regimes (nominally 6 parts/106 and 156 parts/106in Hewitt's solution) and three densities of artificially supplementedvisible radiation flux (36.1, 7.3, and 2.2 W m–2). Growthand potassium uptake were studied through the calculation ofvarious growth functions from fitted curves. There was little effect of potassium treatment but the experimentalmaterial responded markedly to light. Leaf-area ratio in thethree treatments showed extreme plasticity in increasing from2–3 x 10–2 through 6 x 10–2 to 8–9 x10–2 m2 g–1 as light intensity decreased. Correspondingdecreases in unit leaf rate, however, caused over-all reductionsin relative growth rate. Specific absorption rates for potassium (AK, dry-weight basis)were strongly reduced at the lower light intensities but alsodisplayed complex ontogenetic drifts. Values of the allometricconstant, k (the ratio of root and shoot relative growth rates),decreased from c. 0.7 at 36.1 W m–2 through c. 0.3 at7.3 W m–2 to a value not significantly different fromzero (P < 0.05) at 2.2 W m–2. In material grown under the two higher light intensities a constantinverse relationship was found between the mass ratio of rootand shoot and the corresponding activity ratio. The resultsconform to this model: Mass ratio = –0.001+45.0 (1/activityratio) where activity ratio is expressed as specific absorptionrate for potassium (in µg g root–1 h–1)/unitshoot rate (rate of increase of whole-plant dry weight per unitshoot dry weight, in mg g shoot–1 h–1). The implicationsof this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of plant-microorganism interactions on soil-N transformations (e.g. net mineralization, net immobilization) a pot experiment was conducted in a14C-labelled atmosphere by using different (two annuals, one perennial) plants species. It was assumed that variation in below-ground, microorganism-available C would influence N transformations in soil. Plant species were fertilized (low rate) with15N-labelled nitrogen and grown, during days 13 and 62 after germination, in a growth chamber with a14C-labelled atmosphere. Nitrification was inhibited by using nitrapyrin (N-Serve). During the chamber period, shoots were harvested, and associated roots and soil were collected on two sampling occasionm, e.g. after 4 and 7 weeks in the growth chamber.The distribution of net (%) assimilated14C was significantly affected by both plant and time factors, and there was a significant plant × time interaction. There were significant differences between plants in all plant-soil compartments examined as well as in the degree of the plant × time interaction.Differences in the14C distribution between plants were due to both interspecific and developmental variation. In general, when comparing15N and14C quantities between species, many of the differences found between plants can be explained by the differences determined in the weight of shoot or root parts. Despite the fact that amounts of C released were greater in ryegrass than in the other plant-treatments no unequivocal evidence was found to show that the effects of plant-microorganism interactions on soil-N mineralization were greater under ryegrass. Possible mechanisms accounting for the partitioning of N found among plant biomass, soil biomass and soil residues are discussed.  相似文献   

Three-week acclimation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napusL. var. oleifera L.) plants in the cold (2 °C) resultedin a modified pattern of leaf cell enlargement, indicated bythe increased thickness of young leaf blades and modified dimensionsof mesophyll cells, as compared with non-acclimated tissuesgrown at 20/15 °C (day/night). The thickness of leaf cellwalls also increased markedly during cold acclimation but itdecreased in response to a transient freezing event (5 °Cfor 18 h followed by 6 or 24 h at 2 °C, in the dark). Cellwalls of the upper (adaxial) epidermis were most affected. Theirultrastructure was modified by cold and freezing treatmentsin different ways, as revealed by electron microscopy. Possiblereasons for the cold- and freezing-induced modifications inthe leaf and cell wall morphology and their role in plant acclimationto low temperature conditions are discussed. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Acclimation, Brassica napus var. oleifera, cell wall ultrastructure, cold, freezing, leaf structure, winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Rapeseed is one of the most important edible oil crops in the world and the seed yield has lagged behind the increasing demand driven by population growth. Winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is widely cultivated with relatively low yield in China, so it is necessary to find the strategies to improve the expression of yield potential. Planting density has great effects on seed yield of crops. Hence, field experiments were conducted in Wuhan in the Yangtze River basin with one conventional variety (Zhongshuang 11, ZS11) and one hybrid variety (Huayouza 9, HYZ9) at five planting densities (27.0×104, 37.5×104, 48.0×104, 58.5×104, 69.0×104 plants ha–1) during 2010–2012 to investigate the yield components. The physiological traits for high-yield and normal-yield populations were measured during 2011–2013. Our results indicated that planting densities of 58.5×104 plants ha–1 in ZS11 and 48.0×104 plants ha–1 in HYZ9 have significantly higher yield compared with the density of 27.0×104 plants ha–1for both varieties. The ideal silique numbers for ZS11 and HYZ9 were ∼0.9×104 (n m–2) and ∼1×104 (n m-2), respectively, and ideal primary branches for ZS11 and HYZ9 were ∼250 (n m–2) and ∼300 (n m–2), respectively. The highest leaf area index (LAI) and silique wall area index (SAI) was ∼5.0 and 7.0, respectively. Moreover, higher leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and water use efficiency (WUE) were observed in the high-yield populations. A significantly higher level of silique wall photosynthesis and rapid dry matter accumulation were supposed to result in the maximum seed yield. Our results suggest that increasing the planting density within certain range is a feasible approach for higher seed yield in winter rapeseed in China.  相似文献   

The partition of 14C labelled current assimilates to root insimulated swards of Lolium perenne cv. S24 was measured duringthe transition from vegetative growth in autumn to reproductivegrowth in spring under close to natural conditions of lightand temperature. Assimilate partitioning was also measured in‘established’ swards cut three times during thegrowing season and in vegetative ‘seedling’ swardsgrowing in autumn and in spring. All measurements were madewhen the swards had achieved more than 90 per cent light interception,and all swards were abundantly supplied with water and mineralnutrients. During autumn there was a gradual decrease in the proportionof assimilates partitioned to the roots in both the ‘established’and the ‘seedling’ swards. In the established swards,partition to roots was low over winter, increased during earlyspring, but decreased dramatically, later in the spring, whenstem elongation began. In contrast, in the unvernalized vegatativeseedling swards in spring, partition to roots remained high. The seasonal pattern of assimilate partitioning is consideredin relation to changes in the natural environment and the rateat which the crop fixed carbon in photosynthesis. A decreasein the proportion of assimilates partitioned to roots duringlate spring was significant in increasing the production ofshoot at that time but seasonal differences in partition contributedvery little to the marked differences in shoot growth betweenthe spring and autumn crop. Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, partition of assimilates, flowering  相似文献   

A study on the physiological and yield effects of waterlogging and the alleviation of waterlogging damage by the application of nitrogen fertilizers and mixtalol in winter rape was conducted in experimental tanks especially designed for controlling soil moisture content. The results showed that waterlogging at the seedling and stem elongation stages causes a significant decrease in nitrogen content and rate of nitrogen accumulation. Leaf chlorophyll content, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, and root oxidizability (capacity for root oxidation) and root exudate were also reduced by waterlogging. The experiments confirmed that the physiological function of rape plants was retarded during the time of waterlogging at the seedling stage, and its adverse effects remained. Plant height, stem width, and the number of primary branches per plant were decreased significantly by waterlogging at the seedling and stem elongation stages. Pods per plant and seeds per pod were also reduced significantly, giving a 21.3 and 12.5% decrease of seed yield from the control for treatments at the seedling and stem elongation stages, respectively. Foliar sprays of nitrogen fertilizers at the seedling stage or mixtalol at the flowering stage alleviated plant damage caused by waterlogging by retarding chlorophyll and nitrogen degradation, increasing superoxide dismutase and catalase activities and root oxidizability, and improving yield components and seed yield of waterlogged plants. Therefore, besides draining off water, alleviation of waterlogging damage may be controlled by applying nitrogen fertilizer and a suitable plant growth regulator at appropriate growth stages. Received July 3, 1996; accepted December 26, 1996  相似文献   

Different strategies, known as crop biofortification, can be used to increase micronutrient concentrations in harvested parts to reduce nutrient deficiencies in the human diet. Apart from fertilization and genetic selection, a more environmentally friendly, less expensive, and more immediate solution could rely on the use of biostimulants derived from natural materials. Two biostimulants, AZAL5 and HA7, which are derived from seaweed and black peat, respectively, have been previously described as promoting growth of Brassica napus and having a substantial effect on gene expression. They were further studied to evaluate their effects on N and S and a wide range of other nutrients (that is, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Na, Mn, B, Si, Cu, and Zn). Providing these two biostimulants in the nutrient solution did not change the mineral supply significantly, but they mostly stimulated root growth and macronutrient uptake (N, S, K, and P) at a level similar to growth. Both biostimulants also stimulate chloroplast division. More surprisingly, they also increased Mg, Mn, Na, and Cu plant concentrations and root-to-shoot translocation of Fe and Zn. These observations were associated with an increased expression of a Cu transporter (COPT2) and NRAMP3, a gene putatively involved in Fe and Zn translocation. Overall, this study showed that specific nutrient balance and transport were stimulated by both biostimulants more significantly than growth, offering new perspectives for biofortification strategies.  相似文献   

Measurements of CO2 exchange were used to construct a detailedaccount of the carbon economy of established simulated swardsof perennial ryegrass during 10 week periods in spring and autumn.Changes in sward dry weight estimated from gas exchange measurementsclosely matched observed changes in dry weight. In spring, light energy increased, the photosynthetic potentialof the canopy increased, and together these factors led to apattern of increasing photosynthetic uptake. In autumn, decreasinglight energy and decreasing canopy photosynthetic potentialled to decreasing photosynthetic uptake. During the periodsinvestigated, the changes in light energy receipt played themajor role in determining the pattern of photosynthetic uptake. A simple model of crop growth was used to illustrate the effectof such characteristic seasonal differences in the pattern ofphotosynthetic uptake on the subsequent loss of carbon duringrespiration and tissue death, and consequently on the productionof live tissue. The model describes how a reproductive cropin spring may accumulate more living dry matter than a vegetativecrop in autumn from the same total gross photosynthetic uptakeof carbon. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, carbon economy, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

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