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We used a before-after-control-impact paired design to examine the effects of a switch from low-pressure sodium (LPS) to light emitting diode (LED) street lights on bat activity at twelve sites across southern England. LED lights produce broad spectrum ‘white’ light compared to LPS street lights that emit narrow spectrum, orange light. These spectral differences could influence the abundance of insects at street lights and thereby the activity of the bats that prey on them. Most of the bats flying around the LPS lights were aerial-hawking species, and the species composition of bats remained the same after the switch-over to LED. We found that the switch-over from LPS to LED street lights did not affect the activity (number of bat passes), or the proportion of passes containing feeding buzzes, of those bat species typically found in close proximity to street lights in suburban environments in Britain. This is encouraging from a conservation perspective as many existing street lights are being, or have been, switched to LED before the ecological consequences have been assessed. However, lighting of all spectra studied to date generally has a negative impact on several slow-flying bat species, and LED lights are rarely frequented by these ‘light-intolerant’ bat species.  相似文献   

New technological developments modulate the light levels of LED street luminaires according to traffic volumes: light levels are increased given traffic and reduced in its absence. Such dimming of street lights reduces the level of artificial light at night (ALAN) and may thus contribute to mitigate light pollution. To quantify the impact of traffic-driven dimming of street lights on nocturnal insect abundance and bat activity in comparison to full light (i.e., dimming functions of luminaires switched off), we mounted 20 insect flight-interception traps and ten batloggers on street light poles along two dimmable street light sections. Insect abundance and bat activity were measured alternately with one week of full street lighting followed by a week with light levels modulated by traffic volumes. In total, 16 dimmed and 16 full-light days were investigated. Overall, traffic-driven dimming reduced light levels by 35%. Weather conditions (warm, dry nights) were the main drivers of insect abundance and bat activity, but traffic-driven dimming resulted in lower numbers of insects caught and reduced bat activity. Among insect groups, Heteroptera benefited most from dimming. For bats, urban exploiters (Pipistrellus spp.) benefited from increased availability of prey at brightly lit street lights, while less frequent species (Myotis spp.) did not benefit from street lighting. We conclude that street light dimming technology may contribute to mitigate negative effects of ALAN on nocturnal organisms, although the measure may not be efficient enough to support light-sensitive and threatened species.  相似文献   

Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a rapidly intensifying form of environmental degradation that can impact wildlife by altering light‐mediated physiological processes that control a broad range of behaviors. Although nocturnal animals are most vulnerable, ALAN''s effects on North American bats have been surprisingly understudied. Most of what is known is based on decades‐old observations of bats around street lights with traditional lighting technologies that have been increasingly replaced by energy‐efficient broad‐spectrum lighting, rendering our understanding of the contemporary effects of ALAN on North American bats even less complete. We experimentally tested the effects of broad‐spectrum ALAN on presence/absence, foraging activity, and species composition in a Connecticut, USA bat community by illuminating foraging habitat with light‐emitting diode (LED) floodlights and comparing acoustic recordings between light and dark conditions. Lighting dramatically decreased presence and activity of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), which we detected on only 14% of light nights compared with 65% of dark (lights off) and 69% of control (lights removed) nights. Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) activity on light nights averaged only half that of dark and control nights. Lighting did not affect presence/absence of silver‐haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans), but decreased their activity. There were no effects on eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) or hoary bats (L. cinereus), which have been described previously as light‐tolerant. Aversion to lighting by some species but not others caused a significant shift in community composition, thereby potentially altering competitive balances from natural conditions. Our results demonstrate that only a small degree of ALAN can represent a significant form of habitat degradation for some North American bats, including the endangered little brown bat. Research on the extent to which different lighting technologies, colors, and intensities affect these species is urgently needed and should be a priority in conservation planning for North America''s bats.  相似文献   

Artificial light at night may affect mortality risk in prey from visually oriented predators because the effect of the artificial light spectrum may differ for a predator’s visual prey detection and for prey evasiveness. To test this, we conducted two types of experiment. First, we assessed the reaction distance and swimming speed of juvenile rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) allowed to forage on juvenile Daphnia pulex?×?pulicaria under three artificial light sources: halogen, high pressure sodium (HPS), and metal halide bulbs, at the same light intensity. Second, we assessed the evasiveness of D. pulex?pulicaria under the same artificial light sources and in darkness (as a control), in the presence and absence of chemical information on predation risk (kairomones) of juvenile rudd. We found that while both reaction distance and swimming speed of fish was greater under halogen compared to HPS, and similar under metal halide light compared to halogen and HPS, the evasiveness of Daphnia was greater under halogen and HPS-generated light than under metal halide light. The results suggest a possible mismatch of Daphnia’s behavioural response under metal halide light to predicted predation risk, and thus a possible threat to predator–prey balance in a lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

1 International phytosanitary standards require mandatory fumigation for key wood boring beetle pests prior to export. Pressure to reduce the use of toxic fumigants has created a need for alternative control techniques.
2 A visual based push–pull strategy that exploits a differential attraction to yellow and ultra violet (UV) lights was tested for its efficacy at controlling Cerambycidae.
3 The relative attraction of four 'push' lighting treatments [two yellow (high and low-pressure Sodium), one white (metal halide) and a control (no light)] to beetles was assessed. Highly attractive UV 'pull' traps were compared with a paired control trap, the difference used as a measure of the UV traps attractiveness to residual beetles attracted by 'push' lights.
4 Trap catch beneath the two yellow 'push' lights was more similar to the control (no light) treatment than the white light for both species. Control 'push' lights had the highest average catch of Arhopalus ferus , whereas white light was least attractive. This finding was counter intuitive to expectations, and potential mechanisms are discussed. The white 'push' light was most attractive to Prionoplus reticularis.
5 Ultraviolet 'pull' traps were highly attractive to residual beetles drawn to yellow 'push' light treatments. Relative attraction to the UV 'pull' traps beneath control and white 'push' lights differed between species.
6 The results obtained suggest that a push–pull strategy combining yellow site lighting with UV kill traps could provide site specific control of wood borers. Future research should attempt large-scale trials that are subject to competing alternative stimuli at a wood processing site.  相似文献   

Artificial lighting is a particular problem for animals active at night. Approximately 69% of mammal species are nocturnal, and one-third of these are bats. Due to their extensive movements—both on a nightly basis to exploit ephemeral food supplies, and during migration between roosts—bats have an unusually high probability of encountering artificial light in the landscape. This paper reviews the impacts of lighting on bats and their prey, exploring the direct and indirect consequences of lighting intensity and spectral composition. In addition, new data from large-scale surveys involving more than 265 000 bat calls at more than 600 locations in two countries are presented, showing that prevalent street-lighting types are not generally linked with increased activity of common and widespread bat species. Such bats, which are important to ecosystem function, are generally considered ‘light-attracted’ and likely to benefit from the insect congregations that form at lights. Leisler''s bat (Nyctalus leisleri) may be an exception, being more frequent in lit than dark transects. For common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), lighting is negatively associated with their distribution on a landscape scale, but there may be local increases in habitats with good tree cover. Research is now needed on the impacts of sky glow and glare for bat navigation, and to explore the implications of lighting for habitat matrix permeability.  相似文献   

Artificial light at night is a pervasive anthropogenic stressor for biodiversity. Many fast‐flying insectivorous bat species feed on insects that are attracted to light‐emitting ultraviolet radiation (10–400 nm). Several countries are currently focused on replacing mercury vapour lamps, which emit ultraviolet light, with more cost‐efficient light‐emitting diode (LED) lights, which emit less ultraviolet radiation. This reduction in ultraviolet light may cause declines in insect densities in cities, predatory fast‐flying bats, and some edge‐foraging and slow‐flying bats. Capitalising on a scheme to update streetlights from high ultraviolet mercury vapour to low ultraviolet LED in Sydney, Australia, we measured the activity of individual bat species, the activity of different functional groups and the bat and insect communities, before and after the change in technology. We also surveyed sites with already LED lights, sites with mercury vapour lights and unlit bushland remnants. Species adapted to foraging in cluttered vegetation, and some edge‐space foraging species, were more active in unlit bushland sites than in all lit sites and decreased in activity at lit sites after the change to LED lights. The change to LED streetlights caused a decrease in the fast‐flying Chalinolobus gouldii but not Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis, the latter being more influenced by seasonal and environmental variables. Insect biomass was not affected by changing light types, but instead was negatively correlated with the moon's percentage illuminance. Changing streetlights to LEDs could result in a decline in some insectivorous bats in cities. This study confirms that unlit urban bushland remnants are important refuges for high bat diversity, particularly for more clutter‐adapted species and some edge‐space foraging species. Preventing light penetration into unlit bushland patches and corridors remains essential to protect the urban bat community.  相似文献   

Among drivers of environmental change, artificial light at night is relatively poorly understood, yet is increasing on a global scale. The community‐level effects of existing street lights on moths and their biotic interactions have not previously been studied. Using a combination of sampling methods at matched‐pairs of lit and unlit sites, we found significant effects of street lighting: moth abundance at ground level was halved at lit sites, species richness was >25% lower, and flight activity at the level of the light was 70% greater. Furthermore, we found that 23% of moths carried pollen of at least 28 plant species and that there was a consequent overall reduction in pollen transport at lit sites. These findings support the disruptive impact of lights on moth activity, which is one proposed mechanism driving moth declines, and suggest that street lighting potentially impacts upon pollination by nocturnal invertebrates. We highlight the importance of considering both direct and cascading impacts of artificial light.  相似文献   

Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown at the same photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), 200 micromoles per square meter per second, but with phytochrome photoequilibrium ([unk]) values of 0.81, 0.55, and 0.33. Plants grown at [unk] values of 0.55 and 0.33 tillered 43 and 56%, less compared with plants grown at [unk] of 0.81. Main culm development (Haun stage) was slightly more advanced at lower values of [unk], and leaf sheaths, but not leaf lamina, were longer at lower [unk]. Dry-mass accumulation was not affected by different levels of [unk]. Three levels of PPF (100, 200, and 400 micromoles per square meter per second) and two lamp types, metal halide and high pressure sodium, were also tested. Higher levels of PPF resulted in more dry mass, more tillering, and a more advanced Haun stage. There was no difference in plant dry mass or development under metal halide versus high pressure sodium lamps, except for total leaf length, which was greater under high pressure sodium lamps (49.5 versus 44.9 centimeters, P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Artificial lighting is a key biodiversity threat and produces 1900 million tonnes of CO 2 emissions globally, more than three times that produced by aviation. The need to meet climate change targets has led to a global increase in energy‐efficient light sources such as high‐brightness light‐emitting diodes (LEDs). Despite the energetic benefits of LEDs, their ecological impacts have not been tested. Using an experimental approach, we show that LED street lights caused a reduction in activity of slow‐flying bats ( Rhinolophus hipposideros and Myotis spp.). Both R. hipposideros and Myotis spp. activities were significantly reduced even during low light levels of 3.6 lux. There was no effect of LED lighting on the relatively fast‐flying Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus and Nyctalus/Eptesicus spp. We provide the first evidence of the effects of LED lights on bats. Despite having considerable energy‐saving benefits, LED lights can potentially fragment commuting routes for bats with associated negative conservation consequences. Our results add to the growing evidence of negative impacts of lighting on a wide range of taxa. We highlight the complexities involved in simultaneously meeting targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. New lighting strategies should integrate climate change targets with the cultural, social and ecological impacts of emerging lighting technologies.  相似文献   

In growth chambers, low pressure sodium (LPS) plus incandescent (Inc) lamps and fluorescent cool-white (FCW) plus Inc lamps were used to determine their effects on growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and on the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+. Cotton plants grown under LPS + Inc light developed chlorosis and grew poorly, whereas plants grown under FCW + Inc lights were green. The chlorophyll concentration and top and root weights of cotton grown under LPS + Inc were lower than those under FCW + Inc. In solution, FCW + Inc lamps reduced about eight times more Fe3+ to Fe2+ than did LPS + Inc lamps. Fe3+ is transported to plant tops as Fe3+ citrate and if we assume that FCW + Inc light reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ in plant foliage as it did in the solutions, then reduction of Fe3+ by the light environment will make Fe2+ in the tops more available for biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

To understand how light quality influences plant photosynthesis, we investigated chloroplastic ultrastructure, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic parameters, Rubisco and chlorophyll content and photosynthesis-related genes expression in cucumber seedlings exposed to different light qualities: white, red, blue, yellow and green lights with the same photosynthetic photon flux density of 100 μmol m?2 s?1. The results revealed that plant growth, CO2 assimilation rate and chlorophyll content were significantly reduced in the seedlings grown under red, blue, yellow and green lights as compared with those grown under white light, but each monochromatic light played its special role in regulating plant morphogenesis and photosynthesis. Seedling leaves were thickened and slightly curled; Rubisco biosynthesis, expression of the rca, rbcS and rbcL, the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ФPSII) were all increased in seedlings grown under blue light as compared with those grown under white light. Furthermore, the photosynthetic rate of seedlings grown under blue light was significantly increased, and leaf number and chlorophyll content of seedlings grown under red light were increased as compared with those exposed to other monochromatic lights. On the contrary, the seedlings grown under yellow and green lights were dwarf with the new leaves etiolated. Moreover, photosynthesis, Rubisco biosynthesis and relative gene expression were greatly decreased in seedlings grown under yellow and green light, but chloroplast structural features were less influenced. Interestingly, the Fv/Fm, ФPSII value and chlorophyll content of the seedlings grown under green light were much higher than those grown under yellow light.  相似文献   

The introduction of artificial nighttime lighting due to human settlements and transport networks is increasingly altering the timing, intensity, and spectra of natural light regimes worldwide. Much of the research on the impacts of nighttime light pollution on organisms has focused on animal species. Little is known about the impacts of daylength extension due to outdoor lighting technologies on wild plant communities, despite the fact that plant growth and development are under photoperiodic control. In a five‐year field experiment, artificial ecosystems (“mesocosms”) of grassland communities both alone or in combination with invertebrate herbivores and predators were exposed to light treatments that simulated street lighting technologies (low‐pressure sodium, and light‐emitting diode [LED]‐based white lighting), at ground‐level illuminance. Most of the plant species in the mesocosms did not exhibit changes in biomass accumulation after 5 years of exposure to the light treatments. However, the white LED treatment had a significant negative effect on biomass production in the herbaceous species Lotus pedunculatus. Likewise, the interaction between the white LED treatment and the presence of herbivores significantly reduced the mean shoot/root ratio of the grass species Holcus lanatus. Artificial nighttime lighting had no effect on the foliar carbon or nitrogen in most of the grassland species. Nevertheless, the white LED treatment significantly increased the leaf nitrogen content in Lotus corniculatus in the presence of herbivores. Long‐term exposure to artificial light at night had no general effects on plant biomass responses in experimental grassland communities. However, species‐specific and negative effects of cool white LED lighting at ground‐level illuminance on biomass production and allocation in mixed plant communities are suggested by our findings. Further studies on the impacts of light pollution on biomass accumulation in plant communities are required as these effects could be mediated by different factors, including herbivory, competition, and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

The multi-gram scale preparation of halide free lipophilic borate salts from inexpensive precursor compounds 3,3′,5,5′-tetra-tert-butyl-2,2′-biphenol and tetrahydridoboranate salts is reported. The so-called “bortebate” anion is more stable against water and bases than its aluminum analog “altebate”, but bortebate formation is significantly slower. Bortebate salts are highly soluble in hydrocarbon solvents, e.g. >35 mmol/L lithium bortebate in pentane at 20 °C. Quantitative salt metathesis reactions between sodium bortebate and halide salts can be easily achieved by precipitation of the sodium halide in methylene chloride.  相似文献   

Developing leaves of several mature Betula pendula trees planted for landscaping turned red when a sudden cold period occurred during the high light conditions of Spring. At the same time the leaves of other trees remained green. The effect of street lamp light on leaf colouration of the B. pendula trees with Springtime red- and green-emerging leaves was studied in the cool Autumn weather. The result suggests that the chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoid degradation of B. pendula leaves was not delayed by the street lamp light. The intensity of light and the amount of red and far-red light of the white lamp light was obviously very low to delay autumnal leaf colouration of B. pendula.  相似文献   

More energy-efficient, readily dimmable, long-lasting and more affordable light-emitting diode (LED) lights are increasingly finding applications in poultry production facilities. Despite anecdotal evidence about the benefits of such lighting on bird performance and behavior, concrete research data were lacking. In this study, a commercial poultry-specific LED light (dim-to-blue, controllable correlated color temperature (CCT) from 4500 to 5300 K) and a typical compact fluorescent light (CFL) (soft white, CCT=2700 K) were compared with regards to their effects on growing performance, activity levels, and feather and comb conditions of non-beak-trimmed W-36 pullets during a 14-week rearing period. A total of 1280-day-old pullets in two successive batches, 640 birds each, were used in the study. For each batch, pullets were randomly assigned to four identical litter-floor rooms equipped with perches, two rooms per light regimen, 160 birds per room. Body weight, BW uniformity (BWU), BW gain (BWG) and cumulative mortality rate (CMR) of the pullets were determined every 2 weeks from day-old to 14 weeks of age (WOA). Activity levels of the pullets at 5 to 14 WOA were delineated by movement index. Results revealed that pullets under the LED and CFL lights had comparable BW (1140±5 g v. 1135±5 g, P=0.41), BWU (90.8±1.0% v. 91.9±1.0%, P=0.48) and CMR (1.3±0.6% v. 2.7±0.6%, P=0.18) at 14 WOA despite some varying BWG during the rearing. Circadian activity levels of the pullets were higher under the LED light than under the CFL light, possibly resulting from differences in spectrum and/or perceived light intensity between the two lights. No feather damage or comb wound was apparent in either light regimen at the end of the rearing period. The results contribute to understanding the impact of emerging LED lights on pullets rearing which is a critical component of egg production.  相似文献   

In cyanobacteria, the interactions among pigment–protein complexes are modified in response to changes in light conditions. In the present study, we analyzed excitation energy transfer from the phycobilisome and photosystem II to photosystem I in the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. The cells were grown under lights with different spectral profiles and under different light intensities, and the energy-transfer characteristics were evaluated using steady-state absorption, steady-state fluorescence, and picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. The fluorescence rise and decay curves were analyzed by global analysis to obtain fluorescence decay-associated spectra. The direct energy transfer from the phycobilisome to photosystem I and energy transfer from photosystem II to photosystem I were modified depending on the light quality, light quantity, and cultivation period. However, the total amount of energy transferred to photosystem I remained constant under the different growth conditions. We discuss the differences in energy-transfer processes under different cultivation and light conditions.  相似文献   

LED lighting is predicted to constitute 70% of the outdoor and residential lighting markets by 2020. While the use of LEDs promotes energy and cost savings relative to traditional lighting technologies, little is known about the effects these broad‐spectrum “white” lights will have on wildlife, human health, animal welfare, and disease transmission. We conducted field experiments to compare the relative attractiveness of four commercially available “domestic” lights, one traditional (tungsten filament) and three modern (compact fluorescent, “cool‐white” LED and “warm‐white” LED), to aerial insects, particularly Diptera. We found that LEDs attracted significantly fewer insects than other light sources, but found no significant difference in attraction between the “cool‐” and “warm‐white” LEDs. Fewer flies were attracted to LEDs than alternate light sources, including fewer Culicoides midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Use of LEDs has the potential to mitigate disturbances to wildlife and occurrences of insect‐borne diseases relative to competing lighting technologies. However, we discuss the risks associated with broad‐spectrum lighting and net increases in lighting resulting from reduced costs of LED technology.  相似文献   

Many insects prefer lights with certain spectral properties, and such preferences may be associated with behavioral contexts such as mating, host finding or dispersal. Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) is a newly invasive species in Korea and is spreading rapidly. It is diurnal and may rely on visual cues for orientation. We conducted a series of three phototaxis experiments to understand spectral preferences in L. delicatula: light/dark choice, UV/white light choice, and color preference experiments. Nymphs of the third and final stages as well as adults were used for these experiments. In the light/dark choice, the orientation of L. delicatula was bimodal between the white light and darkness, for all stages and both sexes. In a choice of UV (395–410 nm wavelengths) vs. white light, L. delicatula of both sexes and all stages preferred the UV light. In the color preference experiment where insects had a choice of four colors in a circular arena, L. delicatula stayed significantly longer in the blue light than in white, yellow or green lights. Overall, nymphs and adults of L. delicatula oriented toward lights with shorter wavelengths, and this orientation was consistent throughout all stages, regardless of sex. It is necessary to investigate the behavioral contexts under which L. delicatula prefers the UV and blue lights.  相似文献   

Ta-Yan Leong  Jan M. Anderson 《BBA》1984,766(3):533-541
Light quality was shown to exert well-coordinated regulatory effects on the composition and function of the thylakoid membranes as well as on the photosynthetic rates of intact leaves from Atriplex triangularis grown in continuous blue, white and red lights (50 μE · m?2 · s?1). The higher photosynthetic rates in plants grown in blue light, as compared to those in white and red lights, resulted from marked changes in both light-harvesting complexes and electron carriers. The concentrations of electron carriers such as atrazine binding sites, plastoquinone, cytochromes b and f and P-700 on a chlorophyll basis were markedly increased in Atriplex grown in blue light; and the apparent light-harvesting antenna unit sizes of Photosystems I and II were greatly reduced. Consequently, the electron transport capacities of Photosystems I and II were also increased as was the coupling factor CF1 activity. Atriplex grown in red light had lower photosynthetic rates than those grown in blue or white light by incorporating changes in the composition and function of the thylakoids in a direction opposite to those caused by growth in blue light. When these regulatory effects of light quality were compared with those of light quantity [6,7], it is clear that ChlaChl b ratios, electron transport capacities of Photosystems I and II, concentrations of plastoquinone, atrazine binding sites, coupling factor CF1 activity and the apparent antenna unit size of Photosystem II are more affected by light quantity, whereas light quality has a greater influence on the concentration of P-700, the apparent antenna unit size of Photosystem I and the overall photosynthetic rates of intact leaves.  相似文献   

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