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Recently, the number of studies involving complex network applications in transportation has increased steadily as scholars from various fields analyze traffic networks. Nonetheless, research on rail network growth is relatively rare. This research examines the evolution of the Public Urban Rail Transit Networks of Kuala Lumpur (PURTNoKL) based on complex network theory and covers both the topological structure of the rail system and future trends in network growth. In addition, network performance when facing different attack strategies is also assessed. Three topological network characteristics are considered: connections, clustering and centrality. In PURTNoKL, we found that the total number of nodes and edges exhibit a linear relationship and that the average degree stays within the interval [2.0488, 2.6774] with heavy-tailed distributions. The evolutionary process shows that the cumulative probability distribution (CPD) of degree and the average shortest path length show good fit with exponential distribution and normal distribution, respectively. Moreover, PURTNoKL exhibits clear cluster characteristics; most of the nodes have a 2-core value, and the CPDs of the centrality’s closeness and betweenness follow a normal distribution function and an exponential distribution, respectively. Finally, we discuss four different types of network growth styles and the line extension process, which reveal that the rail network’s growth is likely based on the nodes with the biggest lengths of the shortest path and that network protection should emphasize those nodes with the largest degrees and the highest betweenness values. This research may enhance the networkability of the rail system and better shape the future growth of public rail networks.  相似文献   

Majed  Ali  Raji  Fatemeh  Miri  Ali 《Cluster computing》2022,25(1):401-416

Data availability represents one of the primary functionalities of any cloud storage system since it ensures uninterrupted access to data. A common solution used by service providers that increase data availability and improve cloud performance is data replication. In this paper, we present a dynamic data replication strategy that is based on a hybrid peer-to-peer cloud architecture. Our proposed strategy selects the most popular data for replication. To determine the proper nodes for storing popular data, we employ not only the feature specifications of storage nodes, but also the relevant structural positions in the cloud network. Our simulation results show the impact of using features such as data popularity, and structural characteristics in improving network performance and balancing the storage nodes, and reducing user response time.


With the blooming of online social media applications, Community Question Answering (CQA) services have become one of the most important online resources for information and knowledge seekers. A large number of high quality question and answer pairs have been accumulated, which allow users to not only share their knowledge with others, but also interact with each other. Accordingly, volumes of efforts have been taken to explore the questions and answers retrieval in CQA services so as to help users to finding the similar questions or the right answers. However, to our knowledge, less attention has been paid so far to question popularity in CQA. Question popularity can reflect the attention and interest of users. Hence, predicting question popularity can better capture the users’ interest so as to improve the users’ experience. Meanwhile, it can also promote the development of the community. In this paper, we investigate the problem of predicting question popularity in CQA. We first explore the factors that have impact on question popularity by employing statistical analysis. We then propose a supervised machine learning approach to model these factors for question popularity prediction. The experimental results show that our proposed approach can effectively distinguish the popular questions from unpopular ones in the Yahoo! Answers question and answer repository.  相似文献   

Statistical properties of the static networks have been extensively studied. However, online social networks are evolving dynamically, understanding the evolving characteristics of the core is one of major concerns in online social networks. In this paper, we empirically investigate the evolving characteristics of the Facebook core. Firstly, we separate the Facebook-link(FL) and Facebook-wall(FW) datasets into 28 snapshots in terms of timestamps. By employing the k-core decomposition method to identify the core of each snapshot, we find that the core sizes of the FL and FW networks approximately contain about 672 and 373 nodes regardless of the exponential growth of the network sizes. Secondly, we analyze evolving topological properties of the core, including the k-core value, assortative coefficient, clustering coefficient and the average shortest path length. Empirical results show that nodes in the core are getting more interconnected in the evolving process. Thirdly, we investigate the life span of nodes belonging to the core. More than 50% nodes stay in the core for more than one year, and 19% nodes always stay in the core from the first snapshot. Finally, we analyze the connections between the core and the whole network, and find that nodes belonging to the core prefer to connect nodes with high k-core values, rather than the high degrees ones. This work could provide new insights into the online social network analysis.  相似文献   

Many results have been obtained when studying scientific papers citations databases in a network perspective. Articles can be ranked according to their current in-degree and their future popularity or citation counts can even be predicted. The dynamical properties of such networks and the observation of the time evolution of their nodes started more recently. This work adopts an evolutionary perspective and proposes an original algorithm for the construction of genealogical trees of scientific papers on the basis of their citation count evolution in time. The fitness of a paper now amounts to its in-degree growing trend and a “dying” paper will suddenly see this trend declining in time. It will give birth and be taken over by some of its most prevalent citing “offspring”. Practically, this might be used to trace the successive published milestones of a research field.  相似文献   

Protein networks, describing physical interactions as well as functional associations between proteins, have been unravelled for many organisms in the recent past. Databases such as the STRING provide excellent resources for the analysis of such networks. In this contribution, we revisit the organisation of protein networks, particularly the centrality–lethality hypothesis, which hypothesises that nodes with higher centrality in a network are more likely to produce lethal phenotypes on removal, compared to nodes with lower centrality. We consider the protein networks of a diverse set of 20 organisms, with essentiality information available in the Database of Essential Genes and assess the relationship between centrality measures and lethality. For each of these organisms, we obtained networks of high-confidence interactions from the STRING database, and computed network parameters such as degree, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality and pairwise disconnectivity indices. We observe that the networks considered here are predominantly disassortative. Further, we observe that essential nodes in a network have a significantly higher average degree and betweenness centrality, compared to the network average. Most previous studies have evaluated the centrality–lethality hypothesis for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli; we here observe that the centrality–lethality hypothesis hold goods for a large number of organisms, with certain limitations. Betweenness centrality may also be a useful measure to identify essential nodes, but measures like closeness centrality and pairwise disconnectivity are not significantly higher for essential nodes.  相似文献   

In complex networks, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to identify a set of critical spreaders which help to control the spreading process. Some classic methods are proposed to identify multiple spreaders. However, they sometimes have limitations for the networks with community structure because many chosen spreaders may be clustered in a community. In this paper, we suggest a novel method to identify multiple spreaders from communities in a balanced way. The network is first divided into a great many super nodes and then k spreaders are selected from these super nodes. Experimental results on real and synthetic networks with community structure show that our method outperforms the classic methods for degree centrality, k-core and ClusterRank in most cases.  相似文献   

A "contact network" that models infection transmission comprises nodes (or individuals) that are linked when they are in contact and can potentially transmit an infection. Through analysis and simulation, we studied the influence of the distribution of the number of contacts per node, defined as degree, on infection spreading and its control by vaccination. Three random contact networks of various degree distributions were examined. In a scale-free network, the frequency of high-degree nodes decreases as the power of the degree (the case of the third power is studied here); the decrease is exponential in an exponential network, whereas all nodes have the same degree in a constant network. Aiming for containment at a very early stage of an epidemic, we measured the sustainability of a specific network under a vaccination strategy by employing the critical transmissibility larger than which the epidemic would occur. We examined three vaccination strategies: mass, ring, and acquaintance. Irrespective of the networks, mass preventive vaccination increased the critical transmissibility inversely proportional to the unvaccinated rate of the population. Ring post-outbreak vaccination increased the critical transmissibility inversely proportional to the unvaccinated rate, which is the rate confined to the targeted ring comprising the neighbors of an infected node; however, the total number of vaccinated nodes could mostly be fewer than 100 nodes at the critical transmissibility. In combination, mass and ring vaccinations decreased the pathogen's "effective" transmissibility each by the factor of the unvaccinated rate. The amount of vaccination used in acquaintance preventive vaccination was lesser than the mass vaccination, particularly under a highly heterogeneous degree distribution; however, it was not as less as that used in ring vaccination. Consequently, our results yielded a quantitative assessment of the amount of vaccination necessary for infection containment, which is universally applicable to contact networks of various degree distributions.  相似文献   


Atherosclerosis is a life-threatening disease and a major cause of mortalities worldwide. While many of the atherosclerotic sequelae are reflected as microvascular effects in the eye, the molecular mechanisms of their development is not yet known. In this study, we employed a systems biology approach to unveil the most significant events and key molecular mediators of ophthalmic sequelae caused by atherosclerosis. Literature mining was used to identify the proteins involved in both atherosclerosis and ophthalmic diseases. A protein–protein interaction (PPI) network was prepared using the literature-mined seed nodes. Network topological analysis was carried out using Cytoscape, while network nodes were annotated using database for annotation, visualization and integrated discovery in order to identify the most enriched pathways and processes. Network analysis revealed that mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1) and protein kinase C occur with highest betweenness centrality, degree and closeness centrality, thus reflecting their functional importance to the network. Our analysis shows that atherosclerosis-associated ophthalmic complications are caused by the convergence of neurotrophin signaling pathways, multiple immune response pathways and focal adhesion pathway on the MAPK signaling pathway. The PPI network shares features with vasoregression, a process underlying multiple vascular eye diseases. Our study presents a first clear and composite picture of the components and crosstalk of the main pathways of atherosclerosis-induced ocular diseases. The hub bottleneck nodes highlight the presence of molecules important for mediating the ophthalmic complications of atherosclerosis and contain five established drug targets for future therapeutic modulation efforts.  相似文献   

Promyelocytic Leukaemia Protein nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) are dynamic nuclear protein aggregates. To gain insight in PML-NB function, reductionist and high throughput techniques have been employed to identify PML-NB proteins. Here we present a manually curated network of the PML-NB interactome based on extensive literature review including database information. By compiling ''the PML-ome'', we highlighted the presence of interactors in the Small Ubiquitin Like Modifier (SUMO) conjugation pathway. Additionally, we show an enrichment of SUMOylatable proteins in the PML-NBs through an in-house prediction algorithm. Therefore, based on the PML network, we hypothesize that PML-NBs may function as a nuclear SUMOylation hotspot.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interaction networks are useful for studying human diseases and to look for possible health care through a holistic approach. Networks are playing an increasing and important role in the understanding of physiological processes such as homeostasis, signaling, spatial and temporal organizations, and pathological conditions. In this article we show the complex system of interactions determined by human Sirtuins (Sirt) largely involved in many metabolic processes as well as in different diseases. The Sirtuin family consists of seven homologous Sirt-s having structurally similar cores but different terminal segments, being rather variable in length and/or intrinsically disordered. Many studies have determined their cellular location as well as biological functions although molecular mechanisms through which they act are actually little known therefore, the aim of this work was to define, explore and understand the Sirtuin-related human interactome. As a first step, we have integrated the experimentally determined protein–protein interactions of the Sirtuin-family as well as their first and second neighbors to a Sirtuin-related sub-interactome. Our data showed that the second-neighbor network of Sirtuins encompasses 25% of the entire human interactome, and exhibits a scale-free degree distribution and interconnectedness among top degree nodes. Moreover, the Sirtuin sub interactome showed a modular structure around the core comprising mixed functions. Finally, we extracted from the Sirtuin sub-interactome subnets related to cancer, aging and post-translational modifications for information on key nodes and topological space of the subnets in the Sirt family network.  相似文献   

Identification of important nodes in complex networks has attracted an increasing attention over the last decade. Various measures have been proposed to characterize the importance of nodes in complex networks, such as the degree, betweenness and PageRank. Different measures consider different aspects of complex networks. Although there are numerous results reported on undirected complex networks, few results have been reported on directed biological networks. Based on network motifs and principal component analysis (PCA), this paper aims at introducing a new measure to characterize node importance in directed biological networks. Investigations on five real-world biological networks indicate that the proposed method can robustly identify actually important nodes in different networks, such as finding command interneurons, global regulators and non-hub but evolutionary conserved actually important nodes in biological networks. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for the five networks indicate remarkable prediction accuracy of the proposed measure. The proposed index provides an alternative complex network metric. Potential implications of the related investigations include identifying network control and regulation targets, biological networks modeling and analysis, as well as networked medicine.  相似文献   

The task of extracting the maximal amount of information from a biological network has drawn much attention from researchers, for example, predicting the function of a protein from a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. It is well known that biological networks consist of modules/communities, a set of nodes that are more densely inter-connected among themselves than with the rest of the network. However, practical applications of utilizing the community information have been rather limited. For protein function prediction on a network, it has been shown that none of the existing community-based protein function prediction methods outperform a simple neighbor-based method. Recently, we have shown that proper utilization of a highly optimal modularity community structure for protein function prediction can outperform neighbor-assisted methods. In this study, we propose two function prediction approaches on bipartite networks that consider the community structure information as well as the neighbor information from the network: 1) a simple screening method and 2) a random forest based method. We demonstrate that our community-assisted methods outperform neighbor-assisted methods and the random forest method yields the best performance. In addition, we show that using the optimal community structure information is essential for more accurate function prediction for the protein-complex bipartite network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Community detection can be carried out either using a modified modularity for dealing with the original bipartite network or first projecting the network into a single-mode network (i.e., PPI network) and then applying community detection to the reduced network. We find that the projection leads to the loss of information in a significant way. Since our prediction methods rely only on the network topology, they can be applied to various fields where an efficient network-based analysis is required.  相似文献   

Maintaining privacy in network data publishing is a major challenge. This is because known characteristics of individuals can be used to extract new information about them. Recently, researchers have developed privacy methods based on k-anonymity and l-diversity to prevent re-identification or sensitive label disclosure through certain structural information. However, most of these studies have considered only structural information and have been developed for undirected networks. Furthermore, most existing approaches rely on generalization and node clustering so may entail significant information loss as all properties of all members of each group are generalized to the same value. In this paper, we introduce a framework for protecting sensitive attribute, degree (the number of connected entities), and relationships, as well as the presence of individuals in directed social network data whose nodes contain attributes. First, we define a privacy model that specifies privacy requirements for the above private information. Then, we introduce the technique of Ambiguity in Social Network data (ASN) based on anatomy, which specifies how to publish social network data. To employ ASN, individuals are partitioned into groups. Then, ASN publishes exact values of properties of individuals of each group with common group ID in several tables. The lossy join of those tables based on group ID injects uncertainty to reconstruct the original network. We also show how to measure different privacy requirements in ASN. Simulation results on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate that our framework, which protects from four types of private information disclosure, preserves data utility in tabular, topological and spectrum aspects of networks at a satisfactory level.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer is one of the most fatal cancers in the world. Many efforts in recent years have attempted to find effective proteins in gastric cancer. By using a comprehensive list of proteins involved in gastric cancer, scientists were able to retrieve interaction information. The study of protein-protein interaction networks through systems biology based analysis provides appropriate strategies to discover candidate proteins and key biological pathways.In this study, we investigated dominant functional themes and centrality parameters including betweenness as well as the degree of each topological clusters and expressionally active sub-networks in the resulted network. The results of functional analysis on gene sets showed that neurotrophin signaling pathway, cell cycle and nucleotide excision possess the strongest enrichment signals. According to the computed centrality parameters, HNF4A, TAF1 and TP53 manifested as the most significant nodes in the interaction network of the engaged proteins in gastric cancer. This study also demonstrates pathways and proteins that are applicable as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for future attempts to overcome gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Colombo G  Meli M  De Simone A 《Proteins》2008,72(3):863-872
It is a common belief that some residues of a protein are more important than others. In some cases, point mutations of some residues make butterfly effect on the protein structure and function, but in other cases they do not. In addition, the residues important for the protein function tend to be not only conserved but also coevolved with other interacting residues in a protein. Motivated by these observations, the authors propose that there is a network composed of the residues, the residue-residue coevolution network (RRCN), where nodes are residues and links are set when the coevolutionary interaction strengths between residues are sufficiently large. The authors build the RRCN for the 44 diverse protein families. The interaction strengths are calculated by using McBASC algorithm. After constructing the RRCN, the authors identify residues that have high degree of connectivity (hub nodes), and residues that play a central role in network flow of information (C(I) nodes). The authors show that these residues are likely to be functionally important residues. Moreover, the C(I) nodes appear to be more relevant to the function than the hub nodes. Unlike other similar methods, the method described in this study is solely based on sequences. Therefore, the method can be applied to the function annotation of a wider range of proteins.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s, Lake Erie has been experiencing annual cyanobacterial blooms that often cover large portions of the western basin and even reach into the central basin. These blooms have affected several ecosystem services provided by Lake Erie to surrounding communities (notably drinking water quality). Several modeling efforts have identified the springtime total bioavailable phosphorus (TBP) load as a major driver of maximum cyanobacterial biomass in western Lake Erie, and on this basis, international water management bodies have set a phosphorus (P) reduction goal. This P reduction goal is intended to reduce maximum cyanobacterial biomass, but there has been very limited effort to identify the specific locations within the western basin of Lake Erie that will likely experience the most benefits. Here, we used pixel‐specific linear regression to identify where annual variation in spring TBP loads is most strongly associated with cyanobacterial abundance, as inferred from satellite imagery. Using this approach, we find that annual TBP loads are most strongly associated with cyanobacterial abundance in the central and southern areas of the western basin. At the location of the Toledo water intake, the association between TBP load and cyanobacterial abundance is moderate, and in Maumee Bay (near Toledo, Ohio), the association between TBP and cyanobacterial abundance is no better than a null model. Both of these locations are important for the delivery of specific ecosystem services, but this analysis indicates that P load reductions would not be expected to substantially improve maximum annual cyanobacterial abundance in these locations. These results are preliminary in the sense that only a limited set of models were tested in this analysis, but these results illustrate the importance of identifying whether the spatial distribution of management benefits (in this case P load reduction) matches the spatial distribution of management goals (reducing the effects of cyanobacteria on important ecosystem services).  相似文献   

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