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A gram-negative, rod-shaped, gas-vacuolate, aerobic, heterotrophic bacterium was isolated from Spirit Lake, Washington. It was further characterized by phase-contrast and electron microscopy and phenotypic tests. The isolate does not utilize carbohydrates. Deoxyribonucleic acid-ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) hybridizations showed that this bacterium is a member of rRNA superfamily IV where it occupies a separate position on the Azorhizobium caulinodans rRNA sub-branch which, is part of an rRNA cluster containing also the Beijerinckia, the Bradyrhizobium japonicum and the Rhodopseudomonas palustris sub-branches. Its relationship to other gas-vacuolated genera within rRNA superfamily IV is discussed. A new genus Aquabacter with one species Aquabacter spiritensis is proposed. The type strain is strain SPL-1 (=ATCC 43981=LMG 8611).  相似文献   

A new yeast species, Vanderwaltozyma verrucispora , is proposed in this study based on two strains isolated from partially decayed leaves in Japan and one strain from soil in Taiwan. The species is characterized by the fermentation of glucose and galactose, formation of one to four spheroidal to ellipsoidal ascospores with warty surfaces in each ascus, and assimilation of a few carbon and nitrogen compounds. Genus assignment and distinction of the species from the other two recognized species of Vanderwaltozyma is based on the morphological and physiological characteristics, and phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene. From these comparisons, the name V. verrucispora sp. nov. is proposed. Sequence analysis of the D1/D2 domains of the LSU rRNA gene reveals that the phylogenetically closest relative of V. verrucispora is Vanderwaltozyma yarrowii . The type strain of the new species, which was isolated from a partially decayed leaf in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, is NBRC 1884T (=CBS 10887T=BCRC 23141T).  相似文献   

A new phototrophic bacterium was isolated from Jordanian and Kenyan alkaline salt lakes. Cells are rod shaped, 1.5 m wide and 2–4 m long, and motile by polar flagella. They divide by binary fission, and possess photosynthetic membranes as lamellar stacks similar to those in the other species of the genus Ectothiorhodospira and the brown colored Rhodospirillum species. The presence of bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the normal spirilloxanthin series is indicated by the absorption spectra of living cells. Under certain growth conditions the cells form gas vacuoles, may become immotile and float to the top of the culture medium. Sulfide and thiosulfate are used as photosynthetic electron donors. During the oxidation of sulfide to sulfate, elemental sulfur is formed, which is accumulated outside the cells. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, do not require vitamins, are moderately halophilic and need alkaline pH-values for growth. The new species Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata is proposed.  相似文献   

A previous phylogenetic study on type strains of the genus Micromonospora and Micromonospora species bearing non-validly published names has pointed towards the species status of several of latter strains. Subsequent studies on morphological, cultural, chemotaxonomic, metabolic, and genomic properties, and on whole cell mass spectrometric analyses by matrix adsorbed laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) confirmed the species status, leading to the proposal of eight new Micromonospora species: Micromonospora citrea sp. nov., type strain DSM 43903T, Micromonospora echinaurantiaca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43904T, Micromonospora echinofusca sp. nov., type strain DSM 43913T, Micromonospora fulviviridis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43906T, Micromonospora inyonensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 46123T, Micromonospora peucetia sp. nov., type strain DSM 43363T, Micromonospora sagamiensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 43912T and Micromonospora viridifaciens sp. nov., type strain DSM 43909T.  相似文献   

Nineteen bacteria isolates recovered from shellfish samples (mussels and oysters) showed a new and specific 16S rDNA-RFLP pattern with an Arcobacter identification method designed to recognize all species described up to 2008. These results suggested that they could belong to a new species. ERIC-PCR revealed that the 19 isolates belonged to 3 different strains. The sequence of the 16S rRNA gene of a representative strain (F98-3T) showed 97.6% similarity with the closest species Arcobacter marinus followed by Arcobacter halophilus (95.6%) and Arcobacter mytili (94.7%). The phylogenetic analysis with the16S rRNA, rpoB, gyrB and hsp60 genes placed the shellfish strains within the same cluster as the three species mentioned (also isolated from saline habitats) but they formed an independent phylogenetic line. The DDH results between strain F98-3T and A. marinus (54.8% ± 1.05), confirmed that it represents a new species. Several biochemical tests differentiated the shellfish isolates from all other Arcobacter species. Although the new species was different from A. mytili, they shared not only the same habitat (mussels) but also the characteristic of being so far the only Arcobacter species that are simultaneously negative for urea and indoxyl acetate hydrolysis. All results supported the classification of the shellfish strains as a new species, for which the name Arcobacter molluscorum sp. nov. with the type strain F98-3T is proposed (=CECT 7696T = LMG 25693T).  相似文献   

A new strain of the green sulfur bacteria was isolated from the monimolimnion of Buchensee (near Radolfzell, Lake Constance region, FRG). Single cells were rod-shaped, nonmotile and contained gas vacuoles. Typical net-like colonies were formed by ternary fission of the cells. As photosynthetic pigments bacteriochlorophylls a, e, isorenieratene and -isorenieratene were present. Sulfide, sulfur and thiosulfate were used as electron donors during anaerobic phototrophic growth. Besides carbon dioxide, acetate and propionate could serve as carbon sources under mixotrophic conditions in the light. Like all other members of the green sulfur bacteria, the new bacterium is strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. The possession of gas vacuoles and the formation of net-like colonies and the guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA (47.9 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Pelodictyon. Because of its photosynthetic pigments which differ from those of Pelodictyon clathratiforme, strain BU 1 represents a new species, P. Phaeoclathratiforme sp. nov.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain (CCUG 36956T) isolated from drinking water was taxonomically studied in detail. Phylogenetic analyses using the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the isolate indicated that it belongs to family Oxalobacteraceae of the beta-subclass of the Proteobacteria, with the highest sequence similarity of 99.3% to the type strain of Herminiimonas fonticola. In the polyamine pattern putrescine and 2-hydroxyputrescine were the predominant compounds. In the polar lipid profile major compounds were phosphatidyl ethanolamine and diphosphatidyl glycerol. Phosphatidyl glycerol and an unknown phospholipid were detected in moderate proportions. The major respiratory quinone was a ubiquinone Q-8 and the major whole cell fatty acids were 16:1 omega7c, 17:1 omega6c, and 16:0. The strain also contained 10:0 3-OH and other fatty acids typical for members of the genus Herminiimonas. The results of DNA-DNA hybridizations and physiological and biochemical tests allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation of strain CCUG 36956T from H. fonticola. For this reason, we propose that strain CCUG 36956T represents a new species of the genus Herminiimonas for which we propose the name Herminiimonas aquatilis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Several yellow-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures between 55 and 60 degrees C, were recovered from hot springs in Central Portugal and the Azores. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. The new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus by biochemical characteristics and the fatty acid composition because they had very high levels of iso C15:0 and iso C17:0 and very low levels of anteiso C17:0 and iso C16:0. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus timidus for the new species represented by strains SPS-243(T) (=LMG 22897(T)=CIP 108604(T)), RQ-10 and RQ-12.  相似文献   

Periconia variicolor was isolated from water of an evaporation pond used for salt production on the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico. On the basis of cultural and morphological characteristics and ITS sequence it is describe as a new species of Periconia.  相似文献   

A new anamorphic heterobasidiomycetous yeast species, Kurtzmanomyces insolitus, is described using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The new species has the salient characteristics of the genus Kurtzmanomyces and, additionally, the ability to produce ballistoconidia. Data derived from comparative micromorphological studies, physiological characterisation, ultrastructure and nucleic acid analyses led to assigning the new species to Kurtzmanomyces rather than to the currently accepted genera of ballistoconidia-forming fungi. An emendation of the genus Kurtzmanomyces is proposed to allow the inclusion of the new species.  相似文献   

A new species from Guangdong Province in south China, Polycephalomyces lianzhouensis, is described and illustrated here; this species was found to co-occur with Ophiocordyceps crinalis. The phylogenetic position of this species was investigated according to morphological features and phylogenetic inferences based on the nrSSU, nrLSU, tef1, rpb1, and ITS gene sequences. Results demonstrated that P. lianzhouensis was highly associated with P. ramosopulvinatus but could be distinguished from the latter using the sequences of rpb1, nrLSU, and ITS gene and the features of much smaller stromata and perithecia and longer part-spores.  相似文献   

As a result of conventional characterization of yeasts isolated from various plant leaves collected in Yunnan, China, six ballistoconidium-forming strains with orange-colored colonies were grouped together. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on 18S rDNA sequencing showed that two representative strains of this group of yeasts, CH 2.068 and CH 2.497, were closely related to the species in the genus Dioszegia and had signature sequences typical of this genus. However, the six strains from Yunnan differed from the described Dioszegia species remarkably (14.5-17.7% nucleotide divergences) in the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region sequences, which indicated that they represent a distinct species. Furthermore, among the six strains studied, the ITS region sequence comparison allowed the recognition of two subgroups represented by CH 2.068 and CH 2.497, which differ from each other in three bases in the ITS 2 region. DNA-DNA relatedness revealed that the two subgroups represent two varieties of a new species in the genus Dioszegia, for which Dioszegia zsoltii sp. nov. var. zsoltii and Dioszegia zsoltii var. yunnanensis var. nov. are proposed.  相似文献   

A new purple nonsulfur bacterium was isolated from enrichment cultures of a sulfide-containing marine lagoon. The bacterium is similar to Rhodopseudomonas capsulata and is described as a new species of the genus Rhodopseudomonas: Rhodopseudomonas adriatica. Cells are non-motile, 0.5–0.8 m by 1.3–1.8 m, and multiply by binary fission. Intracytoplasmic membranes are of the vesicular type. The photosynthetic pigments are bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spheroidene group. Growth is possible anaerobically in the light and at low pO2 in the dark. Biotin and thiamine are required as growth factors. A wide variety of organic compounds, as well as sulfide and thiosulfate, are used as photosynthetic electron donors. Sulfide is oxidized to elemental sulfur, which is subsequently converted to sulfate, whereas thiosulfate oxidation occurs without measurable intermediate. Rhodopseudomonas adriatica is unable to assimilate sulfate, growth is only possible in the presence of a reduced sulfur compound.  相似文献   

This work deals with the taxonomic study of 12 orange-pigmented bacteria isolated from permafrost sediments, rice plots, and soils contaminated with wastes from the chemical and salt industries, which were assigned to the genus Brevibacterium on the basis of phenotypic characteristics, as well as of some strains described previously as Brevibacterium linens. The study revealed three genomic species, whose members and the type strains of the closest species of Brevibacterium had DNA similarity levels between 24 and 59%. The strains of the genomic species differed from each other and from the known species of Brevibacterium in some physiological and biochemical characteristics, as well as in the sugar and polyol composition of their teichoic acids. The 16S rDNA sequence analysis confirmed the assignment of the environmental isolates to the genus Brevibacterium and showed the phylogenetic distinction of the three genomic species. The results obtained in this study allow three new Brevibacterium species to be described: Brevibacterium antiquum (type strain VKM Ac-2118T = UCM Ac-411T), Brevibacterium aurantiacum (type strain VKM Ac-2111T = NCDO 739T = ATCC 9175T), and Brevibacterium permense (type strain VKM Ac-2280T = UCM Ac-413T).  相似文献   

Three strains of Eubacterium-like isolates from human feces were characterized by biochemical tests and 16S rDNA analysis. The phenotypic characteristics of the three strains resembled those of the genus Collinsella transferred from the genus Eubacterium recently. However, Eubacterium-like strains were phylogenetically members of the Clostridium subphylum of gram-positive bacteria, and these showed a specific phylogenetic association with Clostridium ramosum and C. spiroforme. C. ramosum and C. spiroforme are gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria that belong to the genus Clostridium, and the G + C contents are 26.0 and 27.4 mol%, respectively. However, the three Eubacterium-like strains had G + C contents of 32.1 to 33.1 mol% and were non-spore-forming rods. Based on phenotypic characteristics, we can differentiate these species, and furthermore, a 16S rDNA sequence divergence of greater than 9% with a new related genus, Coprobacillus, is proposed for the three strains, with one species, Coprobacillus catenaformis. The type strain of C. catenaformis is JCM 10604T.  相似文献   

A group of ten Arcobacter isolates (Gram negative, slightly curved motile rods, oxidase positive) was recovered from mussels (nine) and from clams (one). These isolates could not be assigned to any known species using the molecular identification methods specific for this genus (16S rDNA-RFLP and m-PCR). The aim of this study is to establish the taxonomic position of these isolates. The 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity of mussel strain F4(T) to the type strains of all other Arcobacter species ranged from 91.1% to 94.8%. The species most similar to the clams' strain F67-11(T) were Arcobacter defluvii (CECT 7697(T), 97.1%) and Arcobacter ellisii (CECT 7837(T), 97.0%). On the basis of phylogenetic analyses with 16S rRNA, rpoB, gyrB and hsp60 genes, the mussel and clam strains formed two different, new lineages within the genus Arcobacter. These data, together with their different phenotypic characteristics and MALDI-TOF mass spectra, revealed that these strains represent two new species, for which the names Arcobacter bivalviorum (type strain F4(T)=CECT 7835(T)=LMG 26154(T)) and Arcobacter venerupis (type strain F67-11(T)=CECT 7836(T)=LMG 26156(T)) are proposed.  相似文献   

As part of a study to examine the phylogenetic history of the taxonomically challenging species Phytophthora cryptogea and P. drechsleri, a distinct monophyletic group of isolates, previously described as P. drechsleri or P. cryptogea, were characterised. Analysis of their rDNA ITS sequences indicated that these isolates were distinct from P. drechsleri, P. cryptogea, and all members of Phytophthora ITS clades 1–8, clustering instead alongside basal groups previously described as clades 9 and 10. This group comprised six isolates all of which were isolated from woody plants, such as pistachio (Pistacia vera, Iran and USA), fig (Ficus carica, Iran), and almond (Prunus dulcis, Greece). Analysis of sequence data from nuclear (β-tubulin and translation elongation factor 1α) and mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) genes confirmed the ITS-based analysis as these isolates formed a distinct monophyletic group in all NJ trees. The isolates were fast growing with a relatively high optimum growth temperature of 30 °C and, in most cases, rapid colony growth even at 37 °C. The isolates produced complex colony patterns on almost all media, especially corn meal agar (CMA). Phylogenetic analysis and examination of all the other morphological and physiological data lead us to infer that this taxon has not been described previously. As this taxon was first isolated and described from Iran we propose that this taxon be formally designated as Phytophthora parsiana.  相似文献   

Two motile actinomycete strains, K95–5561T and K95–5562, were isolated from a soil sample collected at Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. They produced bell shaped spore vesicles (sporangia) with hairy surfaces on substrate hyphae. When released into water, the sporangiospores became motile by a tuft of polar flagella. The chemotaxonomic and morphological characteristics together with 16S rRNA gene sequence data indicated that the two isolates belonged to the genus Actinoplanes. The two strains were assigned to a single species on the basis of phenotypic, notably cultural, morphological and physiological characteristics, and DNA-DNA pairing data. The two strains were distinguished from representatives of all validly described species of Actinoplanes using a combination of genotypic and phenotypic properties. It is, therefore, proposed that strains K95–5561 and K95–5562 be recognized as a new species of the genus Actinoplanes with the name Actinoplanes capillaceus sp. nov. The type strain of the species is strain K95–5561T (=JCM 10268T =IFO 16408T). The invalidly proposed species `Ampullariella cylindrica', `Ampullariella pekinensis' and `Ampullariella pilifera' were assigned to Actinoplanes capillaceus on the basis of genotypic and phenotypic data.  相似文献   

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