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Body weight gain and shank-toe growth during a 26-day treatment period following hypophysectomy were 55 and 46%, respectively, of control values, but the body weight gain was unaffected and bone growth only slightly reduced when the hypophysectomized chickens were fed a low dose of corticosterone (5 ppm). Bovine growth hormone (0.5 mg GH/kg body wt/day for 18 days) enhanced body weight gain and shank-toe length increase (an estimate of bone growth) by 46 and 33%, respectively, compared to the growth of hypophysectomized chickens receiving only corticosterone. These same endpoints were increased approximately 24% after ovine growth hormone treatment in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. Body weight gain during 18 days of treatment with bovine prolactin (0.5 mg PRL/kg/day) was 27% greater than the value for corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but bone growth was unaffected. The mammalian GH preparations increased heart weight of the hypophysectomized chickens (25-29%), but pectoralis muscle weight was unaffected. GH treatment enhanced thymal weights by 71% in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, and by 93% in hypophysectomized animals not receiving corticosterone. GH had no significant effect on bursal weights, and PRL had no effect on either of these lymphoid organ weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens. GH increased liver and adipose tissue weights considerably more than the large increases that followed treatment of hypophysectomized chickens with corticosterone alone (69 and 126% greater, respectively), but had no effect on these endpoints in hypophysectomized chickens not receiving corticosterone. PRL also greatly increased liver and adipose tissue weights in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens (79 and 75%, respectively). These results provide evidence that mammalian GH enhances body weight gain, bone growth, and the growth of several organs in the hypophysectomized chicken. Mammalian PRL increased body weight gain, liver weight, and adipose tissue weight in corticosterone-treated hypophysectomized chickens, but did not influence bone growth or the weights of the heart, pectoralis, thymi, or bursa.  相似文献   

The influences of hydrocortisone and thyroxine on the developmental changes of arginase activity in intestine, kidney, and brain of suckling rats were studied. A single injection of hydrocortisone (50 mg/kg) into rats aged 9 days evoked premature increase of jejunal arginase activity due to precocious formation of arginase A4. Arginase A4 can be detected about 48 hr after hydrocortisone injection, whereas in intact rats the enzyme appears in the intestinal mucosa on the 19th-21st days of postnatal life. After hydrocortisone administration to rats aged 6 days, a similar pattern of arginase activity in jejunum was observed. Under the same conditions, the influence of hydrocortisone on kidney arginase was weaker. The hormone did not have any influence on the activity of brain arginase. Daily injection of thyroxine (2 mg/kg) to 6-day-old rats (for 6 consecutive days) caused a precocious increase of the arginase activity in intestine. Under the same conditions, only a slight increase of the arginase activity was observed in kidney, whereas in brain the activity was unaffected.  相似文献   

Summary The cell production in the growth plate of the proximal tibia was calculated in hypophysectomized rats given growth hormone and/or thyroxine from values of longitudinal bone growth determined with oxytetracycline and the size of degenerative cells in the growth plate.The changes in longitudinal bone growth induced by thyroxine and growth hormone in hypophysectomized rats were found to be predominantly caused by changes in the cell production, whereas the changes in the size of the degenerative cells were minor. The stimulation of cell production by growth hormone was dependent on the dose and the administration period. Thyroxine was found to stimulate the cell production up to an optimum dose of thyroxine.  相似文献   

Rats hypophysectomized at 6 days of age continue to grow but at a subnormal rate. At 24 days, when maturation of the intestinal epithelium normally culminates, the intestine is disproportionately small. The crypts are shallow and the mitotic rate low. The villi are short, and they fail to achieve the broad, leaflike form found in controls. The absorptive cells acquire a deep subnuclear zone, and their surfaces apparently cease to carry on pinocytosis. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is however sparse, and the Golgi complexes are small and atypical in structure. Duodenal alkaline phosphatase remains at the low level characteristic of the neonatal intestine. Sucrase activity appears in the jejunum, and maltase activity increases slightly, but both activities are less than a third of those in intact animals at 24 days. If the pituitary is removed later than 6 days, enzyme activities are higher than after early ablation, but they remain deficient even when the operation is performed at 16 days.  相似文献   

Adrenal 5alpha-reductase activity was measured in female rats 0, 2, 5, and 6 days after hypophysectomy. Enzyme activity increased progressively exhibing a 35-fold elevation at 6 days. The effects of high (250 mug/100 g of body wt), intermediate (25 mug/100 g of body wt), and low (2.5 mug/100 of body wt) daily doses of bovine prolactin and bovine growth hormone were compared at 2 and 5 days posthypophysectomy. At 2 days, enzyme activity was partially inhibited by the high and intermediate doses of prolactin and not affected by growth hormone. At 5 days all doses of prolactin were inhibitory, whereas enzyme activity was suppressed only by the high dose of growth hormone. With a given dose of hormone, the amount of suppression of enzyme activity is greater at 5 days than at 2 days posthypophysectomy. In 5-day hypophysectomized rats the inhibitory effects of prolactin and growth hormone were additive. It is concluded that: (i) hormonal sensitivity and responsiveness of the adrenal reductase pathway increases with duration of pituitary ablation; (ii) the reductive pathway is more sensitive to the effects of prolactin than growth hormone; and (iii) the effects of growth hormone and prolactin on reductase activity are mediated via different mechanisms, as suggested by the additive effects of individual hormones.  相似文献   

Bone growth and remodelling was studied in rats after injection of growth hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), and cortisone daily for 20 days with tetracycline as intravital marker. An increase of both longitudinal and periosteal growth with growth hormone was found. A decrease of both was found after a high cortisone dose. Lower cortisone doses seem to have stimulated periosteal growth. No effect of alpha-MSH was found.  相似文献   

It was previously reported that in rats hypophysectomized at 6 days of age, the apicotubular system that permits the entrance of macromolecules closes spontaneously in the duodenal epithelium. Extending these observations to the ileum, where pinocytosis is nutritionally important in the suckling rat, now reveals that in the absence of the hypophysis, closure of the surface does not occur. Hence, the failure of growth that sets in during the fourth postnatal week appears not to be due to malnutrition consequent on the cessation of intracellular digestion. Treatment of the hypophyseoprivic sucklings with either thyroxine or cortisone from 15 to 23 days causes the disappearance of the apical infoldings, vesicles, and giant vacuole characteristic of the suckling stage. Instead, the cells exhibit all of the ultrastructural features typical of mature ileal epithelium. The effects of the two hormones differed in that cortisone caused a slightly greater lengthening of the microvilli. These results further extend the evidence indicating that either thyroid hormone or glucocorticoid can activate the complete regulatory program that brings about the redifferentiation of the intestinal epithelium from the suckling to the mature type.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)-binding sites in the rat uterus were characterized further and the effects of growth hormone and thyroxine examined. The 125I-labelled IGF-I binding sites on uterine membranes demonstrated relative binding affinity of less than 20% for IGF-II, less than 1% for insulin and no affinity for an unrelated peptide, epidermal growth factor, compared with 100% for IGF-I confirming the specificity of these binding sites. Scatchard analysis of the specific binding data revealed the presence of a single class of high-affinity binding sites (Kd = 2.50 +/- 0.68 nmol l-1, with a binding capacity of 1.02 +/- 0.13 pmol mg-1 membrane protein in the uterus of the pituitary-intact ovariectomized rat. After hypophysectomy, the uteri from these rats had significantly (P less than 0.05) increased IGF-I binding sites, without significant changes in their affinity. Administration of growth hormone with or without L-thyroxine reversed this increase in IGF-I binding. Injection of thyroxine alone to the hypophysectomized ovariectomized rats had no significant effects on the uterine IGF-I binding sites. These data show that growth hormone, but not thyroxine, can regulate IGF-I binding sites in the rat uterus, possibly through regulating IGF-I production.  相似文献   

The hypophysectomized rat has been used as a model to study the effects of growth hormone deficiency on bone. Here, we have investigated the influence of growth hormone administration to hypophysectomized rats (HX) for 6 wk on accumulation of triglycerides in bone marrow and on the differentiation of primary marrow stromal cells into adipocytes under in vitro conditions. We found that hypophysectomy significantly increased triglyceride concentration in bone marrow, which was attenuated by growth hormone administration. Primary bone marrow stromal cells derived from HX rats also had more adipocytes at confluence compared with growth hormone-treated hypophysectomized (GH) rats. When stimulated with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine plus dexamethasone (IBMX-Dex), preadipocyte colony counts increased more significantly in GH rats. Markers of adipocyte differentiation were higher in HX than in control or GH rats at confluence. However, after stimulation with IBMX-Dex, increased expression of markers was seen in GH compared with HX rats. In conclusion, growth hormone administration to hypophysectomized rats attenuated triglyceride accumulation in bone marrow and inhibited the differentiation of stromal cells into adipocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

1. Glucose active transport is detectable in 12-day-old embryonic chick duodenum and increases at least 11-fold after 4 days of postnatal life. 2. Glucose active transport develops at the in vivo rate in 72-hr cultures of 14-day embryonic duodenum. 3. In the presence of either 1 nM thyroxine or 1 microM hydrocortisone in vitro, glucose active transport reaches levels approximately 200% of control values (equivalent to 18-19 day levels in vivo). 4. Thyroxine and hydrocortisone act by different mechanisms based on their antagonistic interaction and differences in time course of action, requirement for protein synthesis and modulation by extracellular calcium.  相似文献   

Twelve human and twelve rat pituitaries were stained by an immunohistochemical method using a rabbit anti-ovine prolactin serum, a rabbit anti-human growth hormone serum and a sheep anti-rabbit immunoglobulin serum conjugated with horseradish peroxidase. On the same pituitary section, growth hormone cells were stained brown by using 3-3'-diaminobenzidine as peroxidase substrate, and prolactin cells were stained purplish blue by using 4-chloro-1-naphtol. Growth hormone cells outnumbered prolactin cells, especially in human pituitaries where the proportion is at least 10:1. No cells containing both brown granules stained for growth hormone and blue granules stained for prolactin were found in any of the sections examined. In the fetal pituitaries, there was no apparent hypertrophy of the prolactin cells, although the circulating levels of the hromone are known to be as high in the fetus at term as in the mother and much higher than in nonpregnant women.  相似文献   

Clonal strains of rat pituitary tumour cells (GH3 cells) spontaneously produce and secrete prolactin and growth hormone. Chromosome analysis and DNA ploidy measurements revealed that the GH3 cells in the present study were triploid and had a decreased chromosome number compared to the parent strain. Monolayer cultures of these cells grow exponentially for 6-7 days with a mean doubling time of 54 h. Cell cycle distributions and phase durations were determined by micro-flow fluorometric measurements of cellular DNA content combined with computer calculations. During exponential growth the cell cycle distribution did not change (65.4% cells with a G1 phase DNA content, 24.9% with an S phase DNA content, and 9.7% with a (G2 + M) phase DNA content). Counting of mitoses gave 1.4% cells in M phase. The 3H-Tdr labeling indices were determined by autoradiography, and the results were in good agreement with the number of cells in S phase as calculated by micro-flow fluorometry. The phase durations were: Ts=15.9 h, TG2=6.2 h, TM=1.1 h, and TG1=30.9 h. TS and TM calculated from 3H-Tdr labeled and Colcemid treated cultures gave corresponding results. In plateau phase cultures the number of cells with a G1 DNA content increased to 80% and the number of cells with an S phase DNA content decreased to between 5% and 10%. The specific production of prolactin and growth hormone determined by radioimmunoassay showed two and four-fold increases respectively, during exponential growth. The hormone values decreased to initial or subinitial values (day 2 values) when approaching plateau phase. We conclude: that changes in the cell cycle distribution of the cell population cannot be responsible for the spontaneous alterations in hormone production during growth and that most of the hormone-producing cells must be in the G1 phase.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the rat liver prolactin receptor has been deduced from a single complementary DNA clone. The sequence begins with a putative 19 amino acid signal peptide followed by the 291 amino acid receptor that includes a single 24 amino acid transmembrane segment. In spite of the fact that the prolactin receptor has a much shorter cytoplasmic region than the growth hormone receptor, there is strong localized sequence identity between these two receptors in both the extracellular and cytoplasmic domains, suggesting that the two receptors originated from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

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