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Streptomyces longisporoflavus produces the poly-ketide-polyether antibiotic, tetronasin, which acts as an ionophore and depolarizes the membrane of bacteria sensitive to the drug. A genomic library of S. longisporoflavus DN A was cloned in Streptomyces Uvldans and screened to identify tetronasin-resistance determinants. The inclusion of 0.2 M NaCl in the growth medium with tetronasin markedly improved the sensitivity of the screen. Two different resistance determinants, designated tnrB (ptetR51) and tnrA (ptetR11) respectively, were identified. The determinant tnrB (ptetR51) but not tnrA (ptetR11), also conferred resistance to tetronasin when cloned into Streptomyces albus. The tnrB determinant was further localized, by subcloning, to a 2.8 kb Kpnl fragment. DNA sequence analysis of this insert revealed one incomplete and two complete open reading frames (ORFs 1, 2 and 3). The deduced sequence of the gene product of ORF2 (TnrB2) revealed significant similarity to the ATP-binding domains of the ABC (A TP b inding c assette) superfamily of transport-related proteins. The adjacent gene, ORF3, is translationally coupled to ORF2 and would encode a hydrophobic protein (TnrB3) with six transmembrane helices which probably constitutes the integral membrane component of the transporter. The mechanism of tetronasin resistance mediated by tnrB is probably an ATP-dependent efflux system.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance in pathogens can be mediated by catabolic enzymes thought to originate from soil bacteria, but the physiological functions and evolutionary origins of the enzymes in natural ecosystems are poorly understood. 2-Nitroimidazole (2NI) is a natural antibiotic and an analogue of the synthetic nitroimidazoles used for treatment of tuberculosis, Chagas' disease and cancer. Mycobacterium sp. JS330 was isolated from soil based on its ability to use 2NI as a sole growth substrate. The initial step in the degradation pathway is the hydrolytic denitration of 2NI to produce imidazol-2-one and nitrite. The amino acid sequence of 2NI nitrohydrolase is highly divergent from those of biochemically characterized enzymes, and it confers drug resistance when it is heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. The unusual enzymatic reaction seems likely to determine the flux of nitroimidazole in natural ecosystems and also represents the discovery of a previously unreported drug resistance mechanism in soil before its identification in clinical situations.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by the biotrophic fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt), is a major threat to the production of wheat (Triticum aestivum). It is of great importance to identify new resistance genes for the generation of Bgt‐resistant or Bgt‐tolerant wheat varieties. Here, we show that the wheat copine genes TaBON1 and TaBON3 negatively regulate wheat disease resistance to Bgt. Two copies of TaBON1 and three copies of TaBON3, located on chromosomes 6AS, 6BL, 1AL, 1BL and 1DL, respectively, were identified from the current common wheat genome sequences. The expression of TaBON1 and TaBON3 is responsive to both pathogen infection and temperature changes. Knocking down of TaBON1 or TaBON3 by virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) induces the up‐regulation of defence responses in wheat. These TaBON1‐ or TaBON3‐silenced plants exhibit enhanced wheat disease resistance to Bgt, accompanied by greater accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and heightened cell death. In addition, high temperature has little effect on the up‐regulation of defence response genes conferred by the silencing of TaBON1 or TaBON3. Our study shows a conserved function of plant copine genes in plant immunity and provides new genetic resources for the improvement of resistance to powdery mildew in wheat.  相似文献   

Summary A smooth strain of human tubercle bacilli exposed in liquid medium to the gamma irradiation of radioactive cobalt was transmutated in a new type ressembling genus Proactinomyces. Morphologically it showed a rarely ramified mycelium of very weak acidfastness, and high virulence for guinea pigs and rabbits. It was designated as H60Chv.
Resumé Une souche de bacilles tuberculeux humains le type S (glabre), cultivée dans un milieu liquide, était exposée au rayonnement gamma du cobalt radioactif, provoquant une transmutation dans un type nouvel ressemblant au genre proactinomyces. Morphologiquement il se représent comme un mycel microsiphoné, avec des ramifications en trace et d'une acido-resistance très faible. Il est très virulent pour les cobayes et les lapins. L'abréviation pour cette souche est: H60 Chv.

TLR3 recognizes dsRNA and activates antiviral immune responses through the production of inflammatory cytokines and type I IFNs. Genetic association studies have provided evidence concerning the role of a polymorphism in TLR3 (rs3775291, Leu412Phe) in viral infection susceptibility. We genotyped rs3775291 in a population of Spanish HIV-1-exposed seronegative (HESN) individuals who remain HIV seronegative despite repeated exposure through i.v. injection drug use (IDU-HESN individuals) as witnessed by their hepatitis C virus seropositivity. The frequency of individuals carrying at least one 412Phe allele was significantly higher in IDU-HESN individuals compared with that of a matched control sample (odds ratio for a dominant model = 1.87; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-3.34; p = 0.023). To replicate this finding, we analyzed a cohort of Italian, sexually HESN individuals. Similar results were obtained: the frequency of individuals carrying at least one 412Phe allele was significantly higher compared with that of a matched control sample (odds ratio, 1.79; 95% confidence interval, 1.05-3.08; p = 0.029). In vitro infection assays showed that in PBMCs carrying the 412Phe allele, HIV-1(Ba-L) replication was significantly reduced (p = 0.025) compared with that of Leu/Leu homozygous samples and was associated with a higher expression of factors suggestive of a state of immune activation (IL-6, CCL3, CD69). Similarly, stimulation of PBMCs with a TLR3 agonist indicated that the presence of the 412Phe allele results in a significantly increased expression of CD69 and higher production of proinflammatory cytokines including IL-6 and CCL3. The data of this study indicate that a common TLR3 allele confers immunologically mediated protection from HIV-1 and suggest the potential use of TLR3 triggering in HIV-1 immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Energy-driven drug efflux systems are increasingly recognized as mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. Chromosomally located or acquired by bacteria, they can either be activated by environmental signals or by a mutation in a regulatory gene. Two major categories exist: those systems energized by proton motive force and those dependent on ATP. The pumps may have limited or broad substrates, the so-called multiple drug resistance pumps, which themselves form a number of related families. The multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) locus and mar regulon in Escherichia coli and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae is a paradigm for a generalized response locus leading to increased expression of efflux pumps. One such pump, the AcrAB pump extrudes biocides such as triclosan, chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium compounds as well as multiple antibiotics. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a number of multidrug efflux pumps export a broad range of substrates. Since bacteria expressing these pumps thwart the efficacy of both kinds of therapeutic agents which control infectious diseases--biocides which prevent transmission of infectious disease agents and antibiotics which treat and cure infectious diseases--they are of particular concern. The prudent use of antibiotics and biocides will guard against the selection and propagation of drug-resistant mutants and preserve the efficacy of these valuable anti-infective agents.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotiana tabacum lines carrying maternally inherited resistance to spectinomycin were obtained by selection for green callus in cultures bleached by spectinomycin. Two levels of resistance was found. SPC1 and SPC2 seedlings are resistant to high levels (500 g/ml), SPC23 seedlings are resistant to low levels (50 g/ml) of spectinomycin. Lines SPC2 and SPC23 are derivatives of the SR1 streptomycin-resistant plastome mutant. Spectinomycin resistance is due to mutations in the plastid 16S ribosomal RNA: SPC1, an A to C change at position 1138; SPC2, a C to U change at position 1139; SPC23, a G to A change at position 1333. Mutations similar to those in the SPC1 and SPC2 lines have been previously described, and disrupt a conserved 16S ribosomal RNA stem structure. The mutation in the SPC23 line is the first reported case of a mutation close to the region of the 16S rRNA involved in the formation of the initiation complex. The new mutants provide markers for selecting plastid transformants.  相似文献   

Forty strains of Acinetobacter were isolated from different environmental sources. All the strains were classified into four genospecies, i.e. A. baumannii (33 isolates), A. calcoaceticus (three isolates), A. junii (three isolates) and A. genospecies3 (one isolate). Susceptibility of these 40 strains to salts of 20 heavy metals and 18 antibiotics was tested by the agar dilution method. All environmental isolates of Acinetobacter were resistant to multiple metal ions (minimum 13 metal ions) while all but one of the strains were resistant to multiple antibiotics (minimum four antibiotics). The maximum number of strains were found to be sensitive to mercury (60% strains) while all strains were resistant to copper, lead, boron and tungsten even at 10 mm concentration. Salts of these four metal ions may be added to the growth medium to facilitate selective isolation of Acinetobacter. Rifampicin and nalidixic acid were the most toxic antibiotics, inhibiting 94.5 and 89.5% of the acinetobacters, respectively. A. genospecies3 was found to be the most resistant species, tolerating high concentrations of all the 20 metal ions and also to a greater number of antibiotics than any other species of Acinetobacter tested. An inhibitory concentration (10 mm) of Ni2+ and Zn2+ was observed to inhibit the growth of all of the clinical isolates but allowed the growth of the environmental isolates, facilitating the differentiation between pathogenic and non-pathogenic acinetobacters.  相似文献   

ObjectivesSilver nanoparticles (AgNPs) tend to aggregate spontaneously due to larger surface‐to‐volume ratio, which causes decreased antibacterial activity and even enhanced antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Here, we aim to improve the stability of AgNPs by employing a growth anchor graphdiyne (GDY) to overcome these shortcomings.Materials and Methods Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli were selected to represent gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM)‐EDS mapping and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) were carried out to characterize the physiochemical properties of materials. The antimicrobial property was determined by turbidimetry and plate colony‐counting methods. The physiology of bacteria was detected by SEM and confocal imaging, such as morphology, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell membrane.ResultsWe successfully synthesized a hybrid graphdiyne @ silver nanoparticles (GDY@Ag) by an environment‐friendly approach without any reductants. The hybrid showed high stability and excellent broad‐spectrum antibacterial activity towards both gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria. It killed bacteria through membrane destruction and ROS production. Additionally, GDY@Ag did not induce the development of the bacterial resistance after repeated exposure.ConclusionsGDY@Ag composite combats bacteria by synergetic action of GDY and AgNPs. Especially, GDY@Ag can preserve its bacterial susceptibility after repeated exposure compared to antibiotics. Our findings provide an avenue to design innovative antibacterial agents for effective sterilization.

Graphdiyne@silver nanoparticles (GDY@Ag) composite preserves its bacterial susceptibilities after repeated exposure compared to antibiotics.  相似文献   

MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a founding member of the pentapeptide repeat class of proteins (PRP) that is believed to confer bacterial resistance to the drug fluoroquinolone by mimicking the size, shape and surface charge of duplex DNA. We show that phenylalanine side chain stacking stabilizes the N-terminus of MfpA's pentapeptide thus extending the DNA mimicry analogy. The Lumry-Eyring model was applied to multiple spectral measures of MfpA denaturation revealing that the MfpA dimer dissociates to monomers which undergo a structural transition that leads to aggregation. MfpA retains high secondary and tertiary structure content under denaturing conditions. Dimerization stabilizes MfpA's pentapeptide repeat fold. The high Arrhenius activation energy of the barrier to aggregate formation rationalizes its stability. The mechanism of MfpA denaturation and refolding is a ‘double funnel’ energy landscape where the ‘native’ and ‘aggregate’ funnels are separated by the high barrier that is not overcome during in vitro refolding.  相似文献   

Expression of free short peptides could potentially be used to modulate biochemical cascades and consequently to change cellular phenotypes. Here we demonstrate that expression of a short peptide of 15 amino acids, including the pseudo-substrate site of the baculovirus-apoptosis inhibitor P35, Asp-Gln-Met-Asp (DQMD), leads to abrogation of the apoptotic cascade. Treatment of cells, expressing the DQMD peptide with two apoptosis inducers, etoposide and sodium nitroprusside, (SNP) results in blocking of the apoptotic cascade, indicated by DNA fragmentation and caspase activation. Consequently, stable expression of the DQMD peptide led to protection of cells, following induction of apoptosis and to the outgrowth and enrichment of resistant cell colonies. The results presented in this work demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of expressing in cells functional short peptides that block apoptotic cascade, and to rescue the phenotypically altered cells in a stable fashion. This approach is general and could be applied to the study of other peptides and the respective biochemical cascades.  相似文献   

The cardiac glycoside ouabain inhibits Na,K-ATPase by binding to the alpha subunit. In a highly ouabain resistant clone from the MDCK cell line, we have found two alleles of the alpha subunit in which the cysteine, present in the wild-type first transmembrane segment, is replaced by a tyrosine (Y) or a phenylalanine (F). We have studied the kinetics of ouabain inhibition by measuring the current generated by the Na,K-pump in Xenopus oocytes injected with wild-type and mutated alpha 1 and wild-type beta 1 subunit cRNAs. When these mutations, alpha 1C113Y and alpha 1C113F [according to the published sequence [Verrey et al. (1989) Am. J. Physiol., 256, F1034] were introduced in the alpha 1 subunit of the Na,K-ATPase from Xenopus laevis, the inhibition constant (Ki) of ouabain increased greater than 1000-fold compared with wild-type. A more conservative mutation, serine alpha 1C113S did not change the Ki. We observed that the decreased affinity for ouabain was mainly due to a faster dissociation, but probably also to a slower association. Thus we propose that an amino acid residue of the first transmembrane segment located deep in the plasma membrane participates in the structure and the function of the ouabain binding site.  相似文献   

吴楠  杨静慧  张伟玉  杨帆  曾明 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2720-2729
抗生素在医疗和畜禽养殖业的大量使用增加了环境中抗生素抗性微生物(ARB)和抗性基因(ARGs)的丰度与多样性,加速了抗生素耐药性在环境中的传播,给人类公共健康造成潜在威胁。但目前对于环境中耐药性的污染现状缺少足够的信息,相关研究方法亟待优化和完善。本文通过综述环境中抗生素耐药性的国内外研究现状,探讨了不同环境(水、土壤、空气等)样品的采集方法以及耐药性的检测方法——传统微生物培养法和分子生物学方法(如定性与定量PCR、DNA杂交及微阵列技术、宏基因组学方法等),旨在为多环境介质中抗生素耐药性的研究提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanine (PTT), also known as bialaphos, contains phosphinothricin, a potent inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS). A 2.75-kilobase NcoI fragment of the Streptomyces viridochromogenes PTT-resistant mutant ES2 cloned on a multicopy vector mediated PTT resistance to S. lividans and to S. viridochromogenes. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the 2.75-kb NcoI fragment revealed the presence of three open reading frames. Open reading frame 3 was termed glnII since significant similarity was found between its deduced amino acid sequence and those from GS of eucaryotes and GSII of members of the family Rhizobiaceae. Subcloning experiments showed that PTT resistance is mediated by overexpression of glnII encoding a 37.3-kilodalton protein of 343 amino acids. A three- to fourfold increase in gamma-glutamyltransferase activity could be observed in S. lividans transformants carrying the glnII gene on a multicopy plasmid. For S. viridochromogenes it was shown that PTT resistance conferred by the 2.75-kb NcoI fragment was dependent on its multicopy state. GS activity encoded by glnII was found to be heat labile. Southern hybridization with seven different Streptomyces strains suggested that they all carry two types of GS genes, glnA and glnII.  相似文献   

This paper describes the extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles from waste part of lychee fruit (peel) and their conjugation with selected antibiotics (amoxicillin, cefixim, and streptomycin). FTIR studies revealed the reduction of metallic silver and stabilization of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates due to the presence of CO (carboxyl), OH (hydroxyl) and CH (alkanes) groups. The size of conjugated nanoparticles varied ranging from 3 to 10 nm as shown by XRD. TEM image revealed the spherical shape of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles. Conjugates of amoxicillin and cefixim showed highest antibacterial activity (147.43 and 107.95%, respectively) against Gram-negative bacteria i.e. Alcaligenes faecalis in comparison with their control counterparts. The highest reduction in MIC was noted against Gram-positive strains i.e. Enterococcus faecium (75%) and Microbacterium oxydans (75%) for amoxicillin conjugates. Anova two factor followed by two-tailed t test showed non-significant results both in case of cell leakage and protein estimation between nanoparticles and conjugates of amoxicillin, cefixime and streptomycin. In case of MDA release, non-significant difference among the test samples against the selected strains. Our study found green-synthesized silver nanoparticles as effective antibacterial bullet against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, but they showed a more promising effect on conjugation with selected antibiotics against Gram negative type.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Transgenic plants are becoming a more powerful tool in modern biotechnology. Genetic engineering was used in biotech-derived products to create genetically modified (GM)...  相似文献   

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