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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by extracellular neuritic plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles in brain parenchyma. Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) is a component of plaque cores, can bind to Abeta, and has been proposed as a possible candidate gene for AD susceptibility. The genetic association between the ACT codon -17*A allele of the signal peptide polymorphism and AD has been shown in some, but not in all studies. One hypothesis is that the ACT codon -17*A allele is in linkage disequilibrium with unknown functional mutation(s) in the ACT gene. This study was undertaken to identify new mutation(s) in the ACT gene by PCR-SSCP-sequencing and, in conjunction with known mutations, to assess their role in affecting the risk of AD. A total of seven new point mutations were observed: 5'UTR(A-->G), Asp128Asn(G-->A), Ser250Ser(C-->T), Leu301Pro(T-->C), Thr324Thr(A-->G), G-->A in intron 4, and 3'UTR C-->A. Of these, mutations at codon 250, codon 324, intron 4 and 3'UTR showed a frequency of 1% or more. Of the known mutations, Thr-17Ala(A-->G), Lys76Lys(A-->G) and Leu241Leu(G-->A) occur at a polymorphic level. The ACT codon -17*A allele was associated with increased risk of AD (OR for AA vs TT: 1.71; 95% CI: 1.16-2.53; P=0.007), especially in the presence of the APOE*4 allele (OR for AA vs TT: 2.35; 95% CI: 1.13-4.85; P=0.02). The codon 241*A allele and the codon 250*T allele were associated with protective effects against AD (OR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.13-0.86; P=0.02) (OR:0.39; 95% CI: 0.18-0.85; P=0.02). irrespective of the APOE*4 status. The codon 324*G allele was associated with a marginal protective effect (OR:0.57; 95% CI: 0.26-1.26; P=0.17). While the codon 241*A allele was in linkage disequilibrium with the codon -17*A allele, the codon 250*T and codon 324*G alleles were non-randomly associated with the codon -17*T allele. In contrast, the codon 76*G (OR:1.34; 95% CI: 0.92-1.95; P=0.13), codon 227*G (OR:3.96; 95% CI: 0.83-18.8; P=0.08) and intron 4*G (OR:1.47; 95% CI: 0.88-2.29; P=0.15) alleles were associated with a modest risk of AD, and all were in linkage disequilibrium with the codon -17*A allele. EH-based haplotype analysis showed that certain haplotypes are associated with either higher or lower risk of AD. Our data indicate that the ACT gene harbors several potentially important variable sites, which are associated with either an increased or decreased risk of AD. The non-random combination of risk and protective alleles may explain, in part, why the association studies regarding the ACT codon -17*A have been inconsistent, especially if the frequency of other ACT mutations varies between populations.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess chosen factors of genetic susceptibility to DMT1: DRB1, DQB1, and TNF-alpha polymorphisms-308 (G/A) in children with DMT1 and their up-to-now healthy siblings. Then we tested whether the association between TNF-alpha genes and DMT1 is independent of HLA. 87 diabetic children, their 78 siblings, and 85 persons from healthy control group were followed up. The highest risk of DMT1 was connected with alleles: DRB1*0401 (OR = 3.39; CI: 1.55-7.41), DRB1*0301 (OR = 2.72; CI: 1.48-5.01), DQB1*0201 (OR = 4.04; CI: 2.17-7.52), DQB1*0302 (OR = 5.08; CI: 2.54-10.14), and TNF-alpha-308 A allele (OR = 2.59; CI: 1.23-5.44). Moreover linkage disequilibrium for TNF-alpha-308 A allele with DRB1*0301 and DQB1*0201 was observed in both diabetic children and their siblings. Diabetic children and their siblings present similar genetic risk factors for DMT1. The association between TNF-alpha-308 A allele and DMT1 is dependent of HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles.  相似文献   

Integrin signaling plays a fundamental role in the establishment of focal adhesions and the subsequent formation of invadopodia in malignant cancer cells. Invadopodia facilitate localized adhesion and degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM), which promote tumour cell invasion and metastasis. Degradation of ECM components is often driven by membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), and we have recently shown that regulation of enzyme internalization is dependent on signaling downstream of β1 integrin. Phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tail of MT1-MMP is required for its internalization and delivery to Rab5-marked early endosomes, where it is then able to be recycled to new sites of invadopodia formation and promote invasion. Here we found that inhibition of β1 integrin, using the antibody AIIB2, inhibited the internalization and recycling of MT1-MMP that is necessary to support long-term cellular invasion. MT1-MMP and β1 integrin were sequestered at the cell surface when β1-integrin was inhibited, and their association under these conditions was detected using immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry analyses. Sequestration of β1 integrin and MT1-MMP at the cell surface resulted in the formation of large invadopodia and local ECM degradation; however, the impaired internalization and recycling of MT1-MMP and β1 integrin ultimately led to a loss of invasive behaviour.  相似文献   

The allele PI NADELAIDE (PI NADE) was named in accord with nomenclature guidelines and specifies a new co-dominant variant of alpha 1AT. Discovery was achieved by IEF and the isoelectric point of NADE is between N and NHAM. Familial inheritance of PI NADE was demonstrated and both PI M2NADE and PI M3NADE phenotypes were observed. The mobility of PI NADE is identical to PI M by both starch and agarose electrophoresis. PI NADE apparently confers normal alpha 1AT serum concentrations and is probably unrelated to disease.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease particularly prevalent in Mexico. Althoughits etiology is unknown, genetic factors strongly influence its presenceas well as triggering factors, such as viral infections, including Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Here,the study presents the appearance of de novoSLE (patients who did not present SLE before de virus infection, corroborated by serological analysis and negative for antinuclear antibodies) cases in Mexicans who live near the southern border of Mexico, who presented clinical symptoms of arthritic, hematological, mucocutaneous and renal SLE, after Zika and/ or Chikungunya virus infection. Low resolution class Ⅱ HLA typing was performed, which found a significantly increased frequency of HLA DRB1*02 (15 and 16)when compared to a group of 99 healthy individuals (P =0.001, OR=4.5, IC95% 1.8~11.0). All the patients were diagnosed with SLE 1 to 3 years after being confirmed with the Zika, and/or Chikungunya infection. At the point of acute viral infection, none of the patients presented clinical signs or symptoms of autoimmunity or were negative for antinuclear antibodies. In genetically susceptible individuals, Zika and Chikungunya viral infection can trigger SLE.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease particularly prevalent in Mexico. Althoughits etiology is unknown, genetic factors strongly influence its presenceas well as triggering factors, such as viral infections, including Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Here,the study presents the appearance of de novoSLE (patients who did not present SLE before de virus infection, corroborated by serological analysis and negative for antinuclear antibodies) cases in Mexicans who live near the southern border of Mexico, who presented clinical symptoms of arthritic, hematological, mucocutaneous and renal SLE, after Zika and/ or Chikungunya virus infection. Low resolution class Ⅱ HLA typing was performed, which found a significantly increased frequency of HLA DRB1*02 (15 and 16)when compared to a group of 99 healthy individuals (P =0.001, OR=4.5, IC95% 1.8~11.0). All the patients were diagnosed with SLE 1 to 3 years after being confirmed with the Zika, and/or Chikungunya infection. At the point of acute viral infection, none of the patients presented clinical signs or symptoms of autoimmunity or were negative for antinuclear antibodies. In genetically susceptible individuals, Zika and Chikungunya viral infection can trigger SLE.  相似文献   

Mammalian Genome - Polycystic ovary syndrome, previously known as Stein–Leventhal syndrome, is associated with altered reproductive endocrinology, predisposing a young woman towards the risk...  相似文献   

HLA系统参与和调节机体免疫功能,是人类重要叫遗传标志,具有种族、地域差异。HLA—Ⅱ类系统中DRB1等位基因的多态性最丰富,它的准确分型直接影响器官移植的供体选择、法医学个体认定、HLA与疾病相关性及人类学等研究。本文综述了HLA—DRB1分型检测方法,不同种族人群HLA-DRB1等位基因的多态性,HLA—DRB1多态性研究在探讨人类起源、民族融合方面的价值,HLA—DRB1与肝炎、系统性红斑狼疮等疾病的相关性等。  相似文献   

The spread of multidrug resistant bacteria owing to the intensive use of antibiotics is challenging current antibiotic therapies, and making the discovery and evaluation of new antimicrobial agents a high priority. The evaluation of novel peptide sequences of predicted antimicrobial peptides from different sources is valuable approach to identify alternative antibiotic leads. Two strategies were pursued in this study to evaluate novel antimicrobial peptides from the human β-defensin family (hBD). In the first, a 32-residue peptide was designed based on the alignment of all available hBD primary structures, while in the second a putative 35-residue peptide, hBD10, was mined from the gene DEFB110. Both hBDconsensus and hBD10 were chemically synthesized, folded and purified. They showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but were not hemolytic on human red blood cells. The NMR-based solution structure of hBDconsensus revealed that it adopts a classical β-defensin fold and disulfide connectivities. Even though the mass spectrum of hBD10 confirmed the formation of three disulfide bonds, it showed limited dispersion in 1H NMR spectra and structural studies were not pursued. The evaluation of different β-defensin structures may identify new antimicrobial agents effective against multidrug-resistant bacterial strains.  相似文献   

Probiotic bacteria or their antimicrobial proteinaceous substances called bacteriocins (enterocins) hold promising prophylactic potential for animal breeding. This study present the results achieved after application of Enterocin M in horses. Enterocin M has never been applied to horses before. Clinically healthy horses (10) were involved in this pilot experiment. They were placed in the stables of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Ko?ice, Slovakia, with the approval of the University Ethics Committee. The animals were fed twice a day with hay and oats, or alternatively grazed with access to water ad libitum. The experiment lasted 6 weeks. Sampling was performed at the start of the experiment, at day 0–1, at day 21 (3 weeks of Enterocin M application), and at day 42 (3 weeks of cessation). Feces were sampled directly from the rectum and blood from the vena jugularis; the samples were immediately treated and/or stored for analyses. Each horse itself represented a control animal (compared to its status at the start of the experiment, day 0–1). After initial sampling, the horses were administered 100 μl of Ent M (precipitate, 12,800 AU/ml) in a small feed bolus to ensure it was consumed; Ent M was applied for 3 weeks (21 days). Fecal samples were treated using the standard microbial dilution method; phagocytic activity was assessed with standard and flow cytometry; biochemistry and metabolic profiles were tested using commercial kits and standard methods. Administration of Ent M led to mathematical reduction of coliforms, campylobacters (abP?<?0.05), and significant reduction of Clostridium spp. (abP?<?0.001, bcP?<?0.001); increase of PA values was noted (P?<?0.05, P?<?0.0001); no negative influence on hydrolytic enzyme profile or biochemical blood parameters was noted.  相似文献   

Summary Six commercially available glutaraldehydes were tested spectrophotometrically for their purity. These results were compared with glutaraldehyde purified by two experimental techniques. Ten sets of storage conditions were chosen and aliquots of purified glutaraldehyde were stored under these conditions for eight months. These samples enabled the reappearance of the main contaminant, absorbing strongly at 235 nm, to be examined with regard to temperature, light and the availability of oxygen. From the results the optimum criteria for storage of pure glutaraldehyde were elucidated. The results lend weight to the view that the main contaminent in stored glutaraldehyde is a polymer of glutaraldehyde and not glutaric acid.  相似文献   

HLA—DRB1基因位点多态性的PCR—RFLP分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
设计并建立了一套适合国内应用的改良PCR-RFLR方法,分5组特异性扩增DNA样品,随后进行酶切定型分析,准确检测了编码DR抗原特异性HLA-DRB1基因位点的多态性,该法采用分组扩增,不发生与其它DRB位点等位基因的交叉扩增,不仅适合纯合子的区分而且可以清楚准确地检测杂合子样品。  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (EC catalyses an acyl-transfer reaction in which the -carboxamide groups of peptide-bound glutaminyl residues are the acyl donors. The enzyme catalyses in vitro cross-linking in whey proteins, soya proteins, wheat proteins, beef myosin, casein and crude actomysin refined from mechanically deboned poultry meat. In recent years, on the basis of the enzyme's reaction to gelatinize various food proteins through the formation of cross-links, this enzyme has been used in attempts to improve the functional properties of foods. Up to now, commercial transglutaminase has been merely obtained from animal tissues. The complicated separation and purification procedure results in an extremely high price for the enzyme, which hampers a wide application in food processing. Recently studies on the production of transglutaminase by microorganisms have been started. The enzyme obtained from microbial fermentation has been applied in the treatment of food of different origins. Food treated with microbial transglutaminase appeared to have an improved flavour, appearance and texture. In addition, this enzyme can increase shelf-life and reduce allergenicity of certain foods. This paper gives an overview of the development of microbial transglutaminase production, including fermentation and down-stream processing, as well as examples of how to use this valuable enzyme in processing foods of meat, fish and plant origin.  相似文献   

Summary The most common deficiency allele of the protease inhibitor (PI) 1 (1AT) is PI*Z. Other rare deficiency alleles of 1AT are of two types: those producing low but detectable amounts of 1AT (<20% of normal serum concentrations), and null alleles producing <1% of normal 1AT and therefore not detectable by routine quantitative methods. We have previously used DNA polymorphisms and family data to determine heterozygosity in an individual producing low levels of serum 1AT (12% of normal) of PI type Mmalton. By DNA analysis we observed the typical haplotype associated with PI* Mmalton and a unique null haplotype associated with the allele PI*QObolton. The QObolton allele produces no detectable serum 1AT. We have cloned and sequenced the QObolton allele from a phage genomic library. Deletion of a single cytosine residue near the active site of 1AT in exon V results in a frameshift causing an in-frame stop codon downstream of the deletion. This stop codon leads to premature termination of protein translation at amino acid 373, resulting in a truncated protein. The truncated protein is predicted to have an altered carboxy terminus (amino acids 363-) and will lack structurally important amino acids.  相似文献   

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