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Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II encodes the first enzymic step of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II is essential for Toxoplasma gondii replication and virulence. In this study, we characterised the primary structure of a 28kb gene encoding Toxoplasma gondii carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II. The carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II gene was interrupted by 36 introns. The predicted protein encoded by the 37 carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II exons was a 1,687 amino acid polypeptide with an N-terminal glutamine amidotransferase domain fused with C-terminal carbamoyl phosphate synthetase domains. This bifunctional organisation of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II is unique, so far, to protozoan parasites from the phylum Apicomplexa (Plasmodium, Babesia, Toxoplasma) or zoomastigina (Trypanosoma, Leishmania). Apicomplexan parasites possessed the largest carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II enzymes due to insertions in the glutamine amidotransferase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase domains that were not present in the corresponding gene segments from bacteria, plants, fungi and mammals. The C-terminal allosteric regulatory domain, the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase linker domain and the oligomerisation domain were also distinct from the corresponding domains in other species. The novel C-terminal regulatory domain may explain the lack of activation of Toxoplasma gondii carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II by the allosteric effector 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate. Toxoplasma gondii growth in vitro was markedly inhibited by the glutamine antagonist acivicin, an inhibitor of glutamine amidotransferase activity typically associated with carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II, guanosine monophosphate synthetase, or CTP synthetase.  相似文献   

The site of feedback inhibition of the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides de novo was investigated in the isolated perfused rat liver. Hepatic uridine phosphate contents were specifically depleted by use of D-galactosamine. The effective activities of enzymes involved in the synthetic pathway were deduced from the rats of incorporation of labeled precursors into the acid-soluble uracil nucleotide pool and into some intermediates of the pathway. The labeling of hepatic urea was also monitored. When the uridine phosphate contents were less than 20% of controls, the incorporation of [14-C]-bicarbonate was stimulated about 20-fold. Label from [U-14C]oxaloacetate used as permeable precursor of intrace-lular aspartate was introduced into the uridylates to the same extent in normal and UTP-depleted livers. Similar results were obtained with labeled carbamoyl phosphate although the uptake of this compound by the liver was rather low. The lack of labeling of urea from exogenous carbamoyl phosphate does not indicate a free exchange of extra- and intramitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate. [ureido-14C]Ureidosuccinate produced in normal and D-galactosamine-treated livers almost identical labeling patterns of dihydroorotate, orotate and orotidine 5'-phosphate. The steady state concentrations of these intermediates were all below 15 nmol/g liver wet weight.  相似文献   

In the protozoan parasite, Babesia bovis, the glutamine-dependent carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-encoding gene (CPSII) contains contiguous amidotransferase- and synthetase-encoding sequences. Unlike the organisation in most eukaryotes, the gene is not fused with other genes encoding enzymes of pyrimidine biosynthesis de novo. The nucleotide sequences immediately upstream and downstream from the gene contain motifs which may be involved in regulating its expression.  相似文献   

The cryoprotectants dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerol markedly affected the activity of glutamine-dependent carbamoyl phosphate synthase (EC of rat liver, the first enzyme of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. The apparent Km for MgATP2? decreased with increases in the solvent concentrations, from 7.0 mm without the solvents to 0.1 and 0.8 mm in the presence of 25% (vv) dimethyl sulfoxide and 30% (ww) glycerol, respectively. The apparent Km for bicarbonate also decreased with these solvents, while that for glutamine was not significantly affected. The response in the maximal velocity to the solvents was biphasic; the value of V increased 1.39- and 1.18-fold with 7.5% dimethyl sulfoxide and 10% glycerol, respectively, but then decreased as the concentrations of the solvents were further increased. The extents of inhibition by 25% dimethyl sulfoxide and 30% glycerol were 63 and 44%, respectively. The effects of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate and MgUTP, allosteric effectors, were greatly modified by these solvents. Kinetic parameters as affected by the effectors in the presence of various concentrations of the solvents are described. A notable observation was that MgUTP, a potent inhibitor under ordinary conditions, stimulated the activity in the presence of high concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide; in the presence of 30% dimethyl sulfoxide and 1 mm MgATP2?, 0.5 to 2.0 mm MgUTP enhanced the enzymatic activity about twofold. MgUTP at higher concentrations was inhibitory. The dimethyl sulfoxide-dependent dual effects of MgUTP indicate the possible existence of at least two MgUTP-binding sites on the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

The first two steps of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are catalyzed by a 240-kDa bifunctional protein encoded by the ura2 locus. Although the constituent enzymes, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPSase) and aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) function independently, there are interdomain interactions uniquely associated with the multifunctional protein. Both CPSase and ATCase are feedback inhibited by UTP. Moreover, the intermediate carbamoyl phosphate is channeled from the CPSase domain where it is synthesized to the ATCase domain where it is used in the synthesis of carbamoyl aspartate. To better understand these processes, a recombinant plasmid was constructed that encoded a protein lacking the amidotransferase domain and the amino half of the CPSase domain, a 100-kDa chain segment. The truncated complex consisted of the carboxyl half of the CPSase domain fused to the ATCase domain via the pDHO domain, an inactive dihydroorotase homologue that bridges the two functional domains in the native molecule. Not only was the "half CPSase" catalytically active, but it was regulated by UTP to the same extent as the parent molecule. In contrast, the ATCase domain was no longer sensitive to the nucleotide, suggesting that the two catalytic activities are controlled by distinct mechanisms. Most remarkably, isotope dilution and transient time measurements showed that the truncated complex channels carbamoyl phosphate. The overall CPSase-ATCase reaction is much less sensitive than the parent molecule to the ATCase bisubstrate analogue, N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA), providing evidence that the endogenously produced carbamoyl phosphate is sequestered and channeled to the ATCase active site.  相似文献   

S G Miran  S H Chang  F M Raushel 《Biochemistry》1991,30(32):7901-7907
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from Escherichia coli catalyzes the formation of carbamoyl phosphate from ATP, bicarbonate, and glutamine. The amidotransferase activity of this enzyme is catalyzed by the smaller of the two subunits of the heterodimeric protein. The roles of four conserved histidine residues within this subunit were probed by site-directed mutagenesis to asparagine. The catalytic activities of the H272N and H341N mutants are not significantly different than that of the wild-type enzyme. The H353N mutant is unable to utilize glutamine as a nitrogen source in the synthetase reaction or the partial glutaminase reaction. However, binding to the glutamine active site is not impaired in the H353N enzyme since glutamine is found to activate the partial ATPase reaction by 40% with a Kd of 54 microM. The H312N mutant has a Michaelis constant for glutamine that is 2 orders of magnitude larger than the wild-type value, but the maximal rate of glutamine hydrolysis is unchanged. These results are consistent with His-353 functioning as a general acid/base catalyst for proton transfers while His-312 serves a critical role for the binding of glutamine to the active site.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to locate carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) in rat liver by direct immunoferritin labeling. By using Epon sections treated with sodium methoxide, homogenates or mitochondrial and mitoplast fractions, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase was found homogeneously distributed in the mitochondrial matrix. Immunoferritin was detected with high resolution which permits the identification of individual molecules. Measurements were made of the number of ferritin particles per square micron of mitochondrial surface, providing a novel and independent assessment of the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase concentration.  相似文献   

The ATP-grasp fold is found in enzymes that catalyze the formation of an amide bond and occurs twice in carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. We have used site-directed mutagenesis to further define the relationship of these ATP folds to the ATP-grasp family and to probe for distinctions between the two ATP sites. Mutations at D265 and D810 severely diminished activity, consistent with consensus ATP-grasp roles of facilitating the transfer of the gamma-phosphate group of ATP. H262N was inactive whereas H807N, the corresponding mutation in the second ATP domain, exhibited robust activity, suggesting that these residues were not involved in the ATP-grasp function common to both domains. Mutations at I316 were somewhat catalytically impaired and were structurally unstable, consistent with a consensus role of interaction with the adenine and/or ribose moiety of ATP. L229G was too unstable to be purified and characterized. S228A showed essentially wild-type behavior.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), administered per os, serves to prevent or retard the development of a variety of genetic and induced disorders in mice and rats. This treatment also results in the development of hepatomegaly, a change of liver color from pink to mahogany, peroxisome proliferation in hepatocytes and alterations in hepatocyte mitochondria morphology and respiration. We used one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) to identify changes in the relative levels of liver proteins produced by DHEA treatment of rodents. In mouse liver, there were apparent increases in the levels of 26 proteins and decreases in the levels of 7 proteins. Of the induced proteins the most prominent had Mr approximately 72 K; this protein was identified in a previous study as enoyl-CoA hydratase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Another protein of Mr approximately 28 K, of unknown nature, also was induced markedly by DHEA treatment of mice and rats. A protein of Mr approximately 160 K, which was identified as carbamoyl phosphate synthetase-I (CPS-I), was decreased markedly by DHEA action. This enzyme, which comprises approx. 15-20% of mitochondrial matrix protein, is involved in the entry and rate-limiting step of the urea cycle. The specific activity of CPS-I also was significantly decreased by DHEA, but serum urea levels were normal. To determine whether steroids other than DHEA also induced similar changes, mice were treated with various steroids for 14 days and, thereafter, liver proteins were evaluated by SDS-PAGE: estradiol-17 beta and isoandrosterone induced both the approximately 72 and approximately 28 kDa proteins, testosterone and androsterone induced the 28 kDa protein only, but etiocholanolone, pregnenolone and progesterone were without effect. The findings of this study serve to demonstrate that: (i) hepatic protein levels are affected by DHEA treatment of mice and rats; (ii) liver CPS-I activity is decreased significantly by DHEA treatment, but serum urea levels remain within the normal range; and (iii) sex steroids and some of their precursors, when administered per os, also alter liver protein levels.  相似文献   

Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase plays a key role in both pyrimidine and arginine biosynthesis by catalyzing the production of carbamoyl phosphate from one molecule of bicarbonate, two molecules of MgATP, and one molecule of glutamine. The enzyme from Escherichia coli consists of two polypeptide chains referred to as the small and large subunits, which contain a total of three separate active sites that are connected by an intramolecular tunnel. The small subunit harbors one of these active sites and is responsible for the hydrolysis of glutamine to glutamate and ammonia. The large subunit binds the two required molecules of MgATP and is involved in assembling the final product. Compounds such as L-ornithine, UMP, and IMP allosterically regulate the enzyme. Here, we report the three-dimensional structure of a site-directed mutant protein of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from E. coli, where Cys 248 in the small subunit was changed to an aspartate. This residue was targeted for a structural investigation because previous studies demonstrated that the partial glutaminase activity of the C248D mutant protein was increased 40-fold relative to the wild-type enzyme, whereas the formation of carbamoyl phosphate using glutamine as a nitrogen source was completely abolished. Remarkably, although Cys 248 in the small subunit is located at approximately 100 A from the allosteric binding pocket in the large subunit, the electron density map clearly revealed the presence of UMP, although this ligand was never included in the purification or crystallization schemes. The manner in which UMP binds to carbamoyl phosphate synthetase is described.  相似文献   

Carbamoyl phosphate inhibited acetylene reduction by whole cells and cell-free extracts of Anabaena cylindrica. Higher levels of both endogenous carbamoyl phosphate and carbamoyl phosphate synthase activity were present in NH4+-grown cells (in which acetylene reduction was absent) than in N2-grown cells (in which acetylene reduction was present). However, inhibition of acetylene reduction was observed also with cyanate, the main initial decomposition product under the conditions used. It is concluded that carbamoyl phosphate or one of its metabolites may act as a physiological regulator of both nitrogenase activity and synthesis, but caution must be used in interpreting effects observed several hours after the addition of carbamoyl phosphate, because the effects may be due to cyanate.  相似文献   

The rate at which isolated rat liver mitochondria synthesized citrulline with NH4C1 as nitrogen source was markedly dependent on the protein content of the diet. 2. Citrulline synthesis was not rate-limited by substrate concentration, substrate transport or ornithine transcarbamoylase activity under the conditions used. 3. The intramitochondrial content of an activator of carbamoyl phosphate synthase, assumed to be N-acetyl-glutamate, varied markedly with dietary protein content. The variation in the concentration of this activator was sufficient to account for the observed variation in the rates of citrulline synthesis if this synthesis were rate-limited by the activity of carbamoyl phosphate synthase. 4. The rates of urea formation from NH4Cl as nitrogen source in isolated liver cells showed variations in response to diet that closely paralleled the variations in the rates of citrulline synthesis observed in isolated mitochondria. 5. These results are consistent with the postulate that when NH4Cl plus ornithine are present in an excess, the rate of urea synthesis is regulated at the level of carbamoyl phosphate synthase activity.  相似文献   

Summary The pyrimidine-3 locus of Neurospora crassa specifies a multienzyme complex comprising pyrimidine-specific carbamoyl phosphate synthase (CPSpyr) and aspartate carbamoyl transferase (ACT). It appears to be divided into a translationally proximal CPS-specific region and a distal ACT-specific region.Levels of complementation for ACT activity between pairs of four pyr-3 CPS+ACT- mutants showed a range from 12% to 68% of the wild-type level of the enzyme. This is interpreted as interallelic complementation, contradicting certain earlier suggestions of two dissimilar ACT subunits.Proteolysis of an extract from a heterokaryon formed from two of the above CPS+ACT- alleles ( and ) did not lead to loss of ACT activity, but led to the formation of a fragment with ACT activity with a similar molecular weight (92,000 daltons) to that produced in extracts of wild type strain.The pyr-3 polar mutant 43–174, which is enzymatically CPS+ACT- and which fails to complement with any other CPS+ACT- alleles, thus suggesting its location towards the proximal end of the ACT region, has CPS activity associated with a form of 180,000 daltons molecular weight. These findings are used to construct a model for the structure of the native enzyme complex.This work supported in part by S.R.C. grant B/RG/2981  相似文献   

Leflunomide is an immunomodulatory drug which acts by inhibiting dihydroorotic acid dehydrogenase, the fourth enzyme of pyrimidine biosynthesis. We modified our high-performance liquid chromatography method to demonstrate that the principal metabolite in mitogen-stimulated human T-lymphocytes incubated with leflunomide was not dihydroorotic acid, but carbamoyl aspartate. Identification involved preparation of [14C]carbamoyl aspartate from [14C]aspartic acid and mammalian aspartate transcarbamoylase. Accumulation of carbamoyl aspartate indicates that under these conditions the equilibrium constant for dihydroorotase favours the reverse reaction. This HPLC method, enabling simultaneous separation of the first four intermediates in the de novo pyrimidine pathway may be of use in a variety of experimental situations.  相似文献   

Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) requires the coordinated utilization of two molecules of ATP per reaction cycle on duplicated nucleotide-binding sites (N and C). To clarify the contributions of sites N and C to the overall reaction, we carried out site-directed mutagenesis aimed at changing the substrate specificity of either of the two sites from ATP to GTP. Mutant design was based in part on an analysis of the nucleotide-binding sites of succinyl-CoA synthetases, which share membership in the ATP-grasp family with CPS and occur as GTP- and ATP-specific isoforms. We constructed and analyzed Escherichia coli CPS single mutations A144Q, D207A, D207N, S209A, I211S, P690Q, D753A, D753N, and F755A, as well as combinations thereof. All of the mutants retained ATP specificity, arguing for a lack of plasticity of the ATP sites of CPS with respect to nucleotide recognition. GTP-specific ATP-grasp proteins appear to accommodate this substrate by a displacement of the base relative to the ATP-bound state, an interaction that is precluded by the architecture of the potassium-binding loop in CPS. Analysis of the ATP-dependent kinetic parameters revealed that mutation of several residues conserved in ATP-grasp proteins and CPSs had surprisingly small effects, whereas constructs containing either A144Q or P690Q exerted the strongest effects on ATP utilization. We propose that these mutations affect proper movement of the lids covering the active sites of CPS, and interfere with access of substrate.  相似文献   

Rochera L  Fresquet V  Rubio V  Cervera J 《FEBS letters》2002,514(2-3):323-328
The role of residues of the ornithine activator site is probed by mutagenesis in Escherichia coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS). Mutations E783A, E783L, E892A and E892L abolish ornithine binding, E783D and T1042V decrease 2-3 orders of magnitude and E892D decreased 10-fold apparent affinity for ornithine. None of the mutations inactivates CPS. E783 mutations hamper carbamate phosphorylation and increase K(+) and MgATP requirements, possibly by perturbing the K(+)-loop near the carbamate phosphorylation site. Mutation E892A activates the enzyme similarly to ornithine, possibly by altering the position of K891 at the opening of the tunnel that delivers the carbamate to its phosphorylation site. T1042V also influences modulation by IMP and UMP, supporting signal transmission from the nucleotide effector to the ornithine site mediated by a hydrogen bond network involving T1042. Ornithine activation of CPS may be mediated by K(+)-loop and tunnel gating changes.  相似文献   

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