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A re‐evaluation of the armoured catfish species of Hypostomus in the Rio Jaguaribe, north‐eastern Brazil, was prompted by the discovery of specimens with pale spots on a dark background collected from that basin c. 1936 and deposited at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Recent field collections in the Rio Jarguaribe basin confirmed the presence of the pale‐spotted specimens and its distinctiveness as a new species. Hypostomus sertanejo n. sp. is diagnosed from other species of Hypostomus by having fins and dermal‐plated regions of head and body with pale spots or vermiculations on darker background, teeth slender, asymmetrically bicuspid and numerous (34–75) on dentary and premaxilla, depressed dorsal‐fin spine not reaching adipose spine, unbranched pectoral‐fin spine longer than unbranched pelvic‐fin ray, seven branched dorsal‐fin rays and one (rarely two) predorsal plate(s) bordering supraoccipital. Ancistrus salgadae Fowler 1941 is hypothesized to be a junior synonym of Hypostomus carvalhoi (Miranda‐Ribeiro, 1937), a dark‐spotted Hypostomus described from the Rio Granjeiro, a tributary to the upper Rio Salgado.  相似文献   

Rineloricaria isaaci is described from tributaries of the Uruguay River basin in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. The new species is distinguished by having a long and wide area of naked skin at the snout tip, surpassing the anteriormost pore of the infraorbital ramus of the sensory canal, approximately in the middle of the third postrostral plate, and by its particular sexual dimorphism characterized by the long pectoral and pelvic fins of mature males.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Sturisoma from the Madre de Dios River, upper Madeira, Peru, is described. The new species can be differentiated from its congeners by the following characteristics: dorsolateral stripe reaching to less than half, or only half length of caudal peduncle (v. absence of dorsolateral stripe or, if present, spanning more than half caudal‐peduncle length); premaxillary teeth longer than dentary teeth (v. dentary teeth longer); sexually mature adult males having well‐developed odontodes on the sides of the head and a broader snout (v. adult males lacking well‐developed hypertrophied odontodes or, if present, rostrum is same width as females' or immature males'); by having the ventral portion of the rostrum conspicuously darker than ventral surface of the body (v. rostrum light, with same colour as ventral portion of body, except in Sturisoma barbatum); by lacking the lateral process of the sphenotic (v. lateral process of sphenotic well‐developed, except in Sturisoma tenuirostre); a dark spot on the first three branched pectoral‐fin rays (v. brown spot absent, except in S. barbatum); and the frontal bone contributing less than half of dorsal border of the orbital ridge (v. extensive participation of the frontal, except in Sturisoma guentheri). Furthermore, the new species has 18–20 plates in the median series, which differentiates it from Sturisoma rostratum (21–22), and Sturisoma monopelte (21); and 14–15 coalescent plates, which differentiates it from S. tenuirostre (16–17). It is further differentiated from Sturisoma brevirostre by presence of an enlarged rostrum (v. rostrum not enlarged). A discussion regarding status of the type series and geographic distribution of Sturisoma rostratum is offered, and an identification key for all Sturisoma species is presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Hisonotus is described from the headwaters of the rio Xingu. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by having a functional V-shaped spinelet, odontodes not forming longitudinal aligned rows on the head and trunk, lower counts of the lateral and median series of abdominal figs, presence of a single rostral fig at the tip of the snout, absence of the unpaired figlets at typical adipose fin position, yellowish-tipped teeth, absence of conspicuous dark saddles and stripe on the body and higher number of teeth on the premaxillary and dentary. The new species, Hisonotusacuen, is restricted to headwaters of the rio Xingu basin, and is the first species of the genus Hisonotus described from the rio Xingu basin. Hisonotusacuen is highly variable in aspects of external body proportions, including body depth, snout length, and abdomen length. This variation is partly distributed within and among populations, and is not strongly correlated with body size. PCA of 83 adult specimens from six allopatric populations indicates the presence of continuous variation. Therefore, the available morphological data suggest that the individuals inhabiting the six localities of rio Xingu represent different populations of a single species. Low intraspecific variation in mitochondrial Cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) provides corroborative evidence.  相似文献   

A new miniature species of Characidium is described from the upper Rio Paraguay basin, Brazil. The new species can be diagnosed from all congeners by the presence of a dark-brown humeral blotch, vertically elongated (spanning 5 to 7 horizontal scale rows), with the shape of an upside-down acute triangle. Additionally, it can be diagnosed by a short lateral line (6 to 8 perforated scales), the absence of a conspicuous peduncular blotch, a lower number of principal caudal-fin rays (14–16) and by absence of the adipose fin. The new species is the smallest species of the genus; the largest specimen was 19.3 mm standard length.  相似文献   

Local adaptation may cause thermal tolerance to vary between nearby but distinct populations of a species. During the summer of 2013, alligator gar Atractosteus spatula spawned from broodstock collected from three populations within the Mississippi River drainage separated by a 5° latitudinal gradient were acclimated to three temperatures (25, 30, and 35°C). Ten fish from each population were acclimated at each temperature. CTMax was determined at each temperature for each population, using five fish for each population‐acclimation temperature pairing. CTMax for each population‐acclimation temperature pairing was compared using two‐factor anova . CTMax increased significantly with acclimation temperature (F2,40 = 600.5, P < 0.001) but population had no significant effect (F2,40 = 1.882, P = 0.166). Temperature tolerance appears to be consistent across populations of alligator gar, with no evidence of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Historical photographs, newspapers, and interviews can provide useful information on the abundance, distribution, and habitat use of rare fish species and can be useful in the development of conservation and management plans for target species. We report on the historical occurrence of Atractosteus spatula (alligator gar) on the Middle Mississippi River (MMR) floodplain near Columbia, Illinois (Monroe County), approximately 280.5 river kilometers above the Ohio River (River Mile 168) during the spring of 1937. Based on measurements taken from a photograph of a captured specimen and Mr. Paul Lopinot's recollection of the specimen's weight, the alligator gar was approximately 2.0 m total length and weighed 60 kg. An additional 25–30 large alligator gar were observed on the floodplain approximately 3.6 km from the river. The loss of seasonally inundated floodplain habitat due to construction of an extensive agricultural levee system on the MMR may be a contributing factor to the decline of the alligator gar in the northern portion of its range.  相似文献   

Body shape of four distinct populations of Ancistrus cryptophthalmus from different caves in the São Domingos karst area and the local epigean (surface) Ancistrus species were compared using geometric morphometrics. Angélica and Bezerra catfishes were closer to each other and successively to the studied sample of epigean catfishes than to Passa Três and São Vicente I catfishes. Greater similarity between catfishes from the Angélica‐Bezerra cave system to epigean catfishes than to other cave catfishes may represent a plesiomorphic feature. On the other hand, the present analyses allowed the distinction between Passa Três and São Vicente I catfishes, which inhabited the same cave system. Topographic isolation due to the presence of several waterfalls interposed between the stream reaches where these catfishes live may explain such morphological differentiation. Also, the presence of a waterfall downstream of the reach where the Angélica sample was obtained may have contributed to the partial isolation of these catfishes from those living in Bezerra Cave. Differences in population sizes probably influenced the degrees of morphological differentiation observed among the cave populations. The mosaic distribution of character states indicated that the four populations of A. cryptophthalmus have evolved rather independently, but the continuous variation suggests a recent connection between these populations, perhaps with a limited gene flow. Considering other features such as reduction of eyes and pigmentation, and changes in body shape, a separate species status for the epigean and hypogean Ancistrus species from the São Domingos karst area has been maintained.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudancistrus, a genus diagnosed by non-evertible cheek plates and hypertrophied odontodes along the snout margin, are described from two drainages of the Brazilian Shield: Pseudancistrus kayabi from the rio Teles Pires (rio Tapajós basin) and Pseudancistrus asurini from the rio Xingu. The new species are distinguished from congeners (Pseudancistrus barbatus, Pseudancistrus corantijniensis, Pseudancistrus depressus, Pseudancistrus nigrescens, Pseudancistrus reus, and Pseudancistrus zawadzkii) by the coloration pattern. Pseudancistrus kayabi has dark bars on the dorsal and caudal fins which are similar to that of Pseudancistrus reus from the Caroní River, Venezuela. Pseudancistrus asurini is unique among Pseudancistrus in having whitish tips of the dorsal and caudal fins in juveniles to medium-sized adults.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Kudoa branchiata sp. n. (Myxosporidea: Chloromyxidae) is described from the gills of the marine sciaenid fish, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacépède, from Clear Lake, Texas. Twelve of the 429 hosts examined from 10 September 1970 to 28 April 1971, were infected. Eight of the 12 infected fish were collected in February and March 1971—a period during which only 13% of the total host sample was taken. The mean total length of infected hosts was 149 mm, with a range of 112–185 mm. The mean number of myxosporidean cysts per infected host was 3.5, with a range of 1–11.  相似文献   

This study provides data on the length‐weight relationships (LWR) for 26 tropical fish species collected in August 2010 (dry season) and May 2011 (wet season), and represents the first LWR references for these species in the small tributary streams flowing into the major rivers of the Pantanal Matogrossense, Brazil.  相似文献   

Loricariid catfishes show a predominance of homomorphism in sex chromosomes, but cases of simple and multiple systems were also found. Here we describe two cases of multiple sex chromosome systems in loricariids from Brazilian Amazonia. Males of Ancistrus sp.1 "Balbina" have a modal number of 2n = 39 chromosomes, fundamental number (FN) of 78, and karyotypic formula of 27 m + 10 sm + 2 st; females have 2n = 38 chromosomes, FN = 76, and 26 m + 10 sm + 2 st. Ancistrus sp.2 "Barcelos" has 2n = 52 chromosomes for both sexes, FN = 80 for males and FN = 79 for females. Karyotypic formula is 12 m + 12 sm + 4 st + 24a for males and 11 m + 12 sm + 4st + 25a for females. The two species show different arrangements of constitutive heterochromatin blocks, which are coincident with NORs and absent in sex chromosomes. We suggest a XX/XY(1)Y(2) mechanism for Ancistrus sp.1 "Balbina", and a Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)Z(2)W(1)W(2) mechanism for Ancistrus sp.2 "Barcelos". The XX/XY(1)Y(2) mechanism here reported is the second known occurrence of this type of multiple sex chromosomes for Loricariidae and the third for Neotropical fishes; the mechanism Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)Z(2)W(1)W(2) represents the first record among fishes. The presence of different sex chromosome systems in Ancistrus indicates a probable independent origin and suggests that the differentiation of sex chromosomes is evolutionarily recent among species in this genus.  相似文献   

A new species of Curimatopsis is described from the Rio Nhamundá, Amazon basin in northern Brazil. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the presence of a distinctive concentration of dark pigmentation over the entire lower lobe of the caudal fin, reticulate pattern of body pigmentation, lower jaw longer than and overlapping the anterior portion of the upper jaw, crescent‐shaped posterior nostril and by morphometric and meristic data. Comments on the phylogenetic position of the new species within Curimatopsis are also provided.  相似文献   

Knodus dorsomaculatus, a new species, is described from Teles Pires River, a tributary of the Tapajós River, Brazil. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch on the base of the first five branched dorsal fin rays and the presence of ii,9 dorsal fin rays. Additional comparisons between K. dorsomaculatus and its congeners are presented.  相似文献   

This study aims to improve the understanding of the establishment success of Micropterus salmoides by assessing growth, maturity and reproductive seasonality of two populations from the temperate region in South Africa. Results are compared to those from other populations to test previously proposed hypotheses that the (i) extent of the spawning season, (ii) longevity, and (iii) growth performance are environmentally temperature dependent. Micropterus salmoides were sampled monthly between March 2010 and March 2012 from Wriggleswade and Mankazana impoundments using either angling or multi‐meshed (35, 45, 47, 57, 65, 73, 77, 93, 106, 118, 150 and 153 mm) multifilament gillnet fleets, and a 1 m seine net. The assessed populations in South Africa performed as expected compared to other introduced populations. Age at maturity (1.3–2 years) and length at maturity (232–254 mm FL) were similar to other temperate populations. A well‐defined, spring spawning season conformed to findings in other temperate populations. Using sectioned sagittal otoliths it was shown that fish were long‐lived (14 years). Growth rates differed significantly between the two assessed populations but both were slower growing than tropical and subtropical introduced populations. Growth performance (Φ′: 2.77–2.99) was similar to other temperate populations. These results indicate that the biology of introduced M. salmoides populations in South Africa is comparable to those of other temperate populations and supports the environmental temperature‐dependent hypothesis.  相似文献   

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