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Abstract Latitudinal geographic variation in Drosophila melanogaster is pervasive. Parallel clines in traits such as body size, egg size, ovariole number, and development time have been found on several continents throughout the world. However, a cline in starvation resistance and fat content in D. melanogaster has so far been found only in India. Here we investigate starvation resistance and fat content in 10 populations from South America, in which clines in body size, egg size, and development time have previously been found. We find no evidence for a cline in starvation resistance or fat content in South America. We therefore suggest that the cline in starvation resistance in India may have evolved in response to specific climatic variation found only in India.  相似文献   

利用两个核基因座位C3HGI, 对重叠分布于中国东南部的两个松属(Pinus)物种马尾松(P. massoniana)和黄山松(P. hwangshanensis)的22个群体88个个体进行了遗传多样性和种间分化模式研究。在这两个核基因座位上, 两种植物都表现出较低的核苷酸多样性水平(马尾松πsil = 0.001 71; 黄山松πsil = 0.003 40), 但是马尾松要显著低于黄山松; 在种内分化水平上, 马尾松的种内遗传分化也明显低于黄山松(马尾松FST = 0.059; 黄山松FST = 0.339)。这可能是由于黄山松的海拔分布高于马尾松, 而高海拔分布使黄山松的分布区域更加片段化, 促使其形成较高的种内遗传多样性和遗传分化。分子变异分析(AMOVA)发现, 两物种基于两个核基因座位的种间差异为48.86%, 而GI基因座位上的种间差异明显高于C3H座位(GI: 77.24%, C3H: 20.48%), 同时, 基因谱系显示两物种的共享单倍型仅在C3H座位上存在。结合这两个基因的功能, 推测GI基因可能在物种形成过程中受到了一定的选择压力, 因为GI基因参与调控植物的开花时间, 而C3H与木质素表达水平的调控有关。不同的选择压力使得GI的进化速度相对较快, 从而加速了黄山松和马尾松的物种分化。  相似文献   

Living in seasonally changing environments requires adaptation to seasonal cycles. Many insects use the change in day length as a reliable cue for upcoming winter and respond to shortened photoperiod through diapause. In this study, we report the clinal variation in photoperiodic diapause induction in populations of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis collected along a latitudinal gradient in Europe. In this species, diapause occurs in the larval stage and is maternally induced. Adult Nasonia females were exposed to different photoperiodic cycles and lifetime production of diapausing offspring was scored. Females switched to the production of diapausing offspring after exposure to a threshold number of photoperiodic cycles. A latitudinal cline was found in the proportion of diapausing offspring, the switch point for diapause induction measured as the maternal age at which the female starts to produce diapausing larvae, and the critical photoperiod for diapause induction. Populations at northern latitudes show an earlier switch point, higher proportions of diapausing individuals and longer critical photoperiods. Since the photoperiodic response was measured under the same laboratory conditions, the observed differences between populations most likely reflect genetic differences in sensitivity to photoperiodic cues, resulting from local adaptation to environmental cycles. The observed variability in diapause response combined with the availability of genomic tools for N. vitripennis represent a good opportunity to further investigate the genetic basis of this adaptive trait.  相似文献   

Seedlings of trees with a free growth pattern cease growth when night-lengths become shorter than a critical value, and this critical night-length (CNL) decreases with increasing latitude of origin. In northern populations, the light quality also appears to play an important role and a clinal variation in requirement for far-red (FR) light has been documented. In this study we dissected the light quality requirements for maintaining growth in different latitudinal populations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) using light emitting diodes for red (R), FR and blue (B) light, as 12 h day extension to provide 24 h photoperiod. At equal spectral photon flux, FR light was more effective than R light in maintaining growth, and the requirement of both R and FR increased with northern latitude of origin. One-to-one mixtures of R and FR light were more effective in maintaining growth than either FR or R light alone, indicating a possible interaction between R and FR light maintaining growth. Using the blue light as day extension could not prevent growth cessation in any of the populations, but delayed the bud set slightly in all populations. Our results suggest that phytochrome(s) are the primary photoreceptors in high irradiance responses maintaining growth in Norway spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

Nucleotide polymorphism at 12 nuclear loci was studied in Scots pine populations across an environmental gradient in Scotland, to evaluate the impacts of demographic history and selection on genetic diversity. At eight loci, diversity patterns were compared between Scottish and continental European populations. At these loci, a similar level of diversity (θsil=∼0.01) was found in Scottish vs mainland European populations, contrary to expectations for recent colonization, however, less rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium was observed in the former (ρ=0.0086±0.0009, ρ=0.0245±0.0022, respectively). Scottish populations also showed a deficit of rare nucleotide variants (multi-locus Tajima''s D=0.316 vs D=−0.379) and differed significantly from mainland populations in allelic frequency and/or haplotype structure at several loci. Within Scotland, western populations showed slightly reduced nucleotide diversity (πtot=0.0068) compared with those from the south and east (0.0079 and 0.0083, respectively) and about three times higher recombination to diversity ratio (ρ/θ=0.71 vs 0.15 and 0.18, respectively). By comparison with results from coalescent simulations, the observed allelic frequency spectrum in the western populations was compatible with a relatively recent bottleneck (0.00175 × 4Ne generations) that reduced the population to about 2% of the present size. However, heterogeneity in the allelic frequency distribution among geographical regions in Scotland suggests that subsequent admixture of populations with different demographic histories may also have played a role.  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松外生菌根真菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙地樟子松是我国北方重要的防风固沙造林树种,也是一种典型的外生菌根依赖型树种。为揭示呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松外生菌根真菌多样性,以中龄、近熟、成熟3个龄组沙地樟子松人工林和沙地樟子松天然林为研究对象,采用野外调查和分子生物学相结合的研究方法,鉴定分析沙地樟子松外生菌根真菌种群特征。研究结果表明:(1)呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松外生菌根真菌共有10个OTU属于子囊菌,48个OTU属于担子菌,隶属于21科25属。(2)天然林优势菌为糙缘腺革菌属Amphinema、丝膜菌属Cortinarius和乳牛肝菌属Suillus,人工林优势菌为乳牛肝菌属,其余菌种相对丰度随着林龄变化波动较大。(3)天然林与人工林外生菌根真菌种群Shannon、Simpson和Pielou指数存在显著差异(P<0.05),人工林间alpha多样性指数差异不显著(P>0.05)。(4)呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松天然林和人工林外生菌根真菌种群组成存在较大差异,其中近熟林的外生菌根真菌群落组成与天然林的最为接近。  相似文献   

Sea beets grown from seeds collected in 1989 and 2009 along the coasts of France and adjacent regions were compared for flowering date under controlled conditions. Seeds from both collection years were sown simultaneously and cultivated under the same glasshouse conditions. Date of flowering onset and year of first flowering were recorded. There was an overall northward shift in flowering time of about 0.35° latitude (i.e. 39 km) over the 20‐year period. The southern portion of the latitudinal gradient – that is, from 44.7°N to 47.28°N – flowered significantly later by a mean of 1.78 days, equivalent to a 43.2‐km northward shift of phenotypes. In the northern latitudes between 48.6°N and 52°N, flowering date was significantly earlier by a mean of 4.04 days, corresponding to a mean northward shift of 104.9 km, and this shift was apparently due to a diminished requirement of exposure to cold temperatures (i.e. vernalization), for which we found direct and indirect evidence. As all plants were grown from seed under identical conditions, we conclude that genetic changes occurred in the sensitivity to environmental cues that mediate the onset of flowering in both the northern and the southern latitudes of the gradient. Microevolution and gene flow may have contributed to this change. There was no significant change in the frequency of plants that flowered without vernalization. The lack of vernalization requirement may be associated with environmental instability rather than with climate conditions.  相似文献   

Juvenile trees of temperate and boreal regions cease growth and set buds in autumn in response to short day-lengths (SD) detected by phytochrome. Growth cessation and bud set are prerequisites for the development of winter dormancy and full cold hardiness. In this study we show that the SD-requirement for bud set and cold hardening can be overcome in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx.) by low night temperature and inhibition of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. Bud set and increased cold hardiness were observed under normally non-inductive long day-length (LD) in wild-type plants, when exposed to low night temperature and paclobutrazol. In addition, the effect of PHYA overexpression could be overcome in transgenic plants, producing bud set and cold acclimation by treatment with: SD, low night temperature and paclobutrazol. After cold acclimation, the degree of bud dormancy was lower for wild-type plants prior treated with LD and transgenic plants (overexpressing PHYA), than SD-treated, wild-type plants. Thus, low night temperature in combination with reduced GA content induced bud set and promoted cold hardiness under normally non-inductive photoperiods in hybrid aspen, but was unable to affect development of dormancy. This might suggest separate signalling pathways from phytochrome regulating the induction of cold/cold hardiness and bud dormancy in hybrid aspen or alternatively, there might be one pathway that fails to complete its action in the transgenic and paclobutrazol treated plants.  相似文献   

Seedlings of gymnosperms, unlike angiosperms, synthesize chlorophyll(ide) (Chl) in darkness (D). In Scots pine cotyledons ( Pinus sylvestris L.) Chl accumulation ceases in D at a low level but Chl accumulation is strongly increased by light, red light (R) being more effective than blue light (B), whereas in Pinus maritima Chi synthesis is almost light-independent. In Scots pine the capacity to form Chl can be increased by R pulses, fully reversible by far-red light, demonstrating the involvement of phytochrome. However, when B- or R–grown seedlings were transferred to D, Chl accumulation stopped immediately irrespective of the level of Pfr (far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome), indicating that the conversion of protochlorophyllide (PChl) is light-dependent. Dose response curves in R and B and simultaneous irradiation with R and B show that R and B are perceived by separate photoreceptors. The immunodetected NADPH-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR, EC, assumed to regulate light-dependent Chl synthesis in angiosperms, is not correlated with the capacity of gymnosperm Chi accumulation in darkness. While two FOR bands could be separated in extracts from dark grown material (38 and 36 kDa) of Pinus sylvestris and P. maritima , only the 38 kDa band disappeared consistently in the light. However. the significance of the more light resistant 36 kDa band for chlorophyll synthesis remains unclear as well.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported glacial refugia and migration pathways for different pine species in the Iberian Peninsula, all of them based on a single‐species approach. In this paper, chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs) are used to compare population genetic structure and diversity estimates for interspecific pairs of populations located along a cline from southwestern (latitude 36°32′ N, longitude 5°17′ W) to northeastern Spain (latitude 42°14′ N, longitude 2°47′ E) in two widely distributed Mediterranean pines, Pinus halepensis Mill. and Pinus pinaster Ait. Some cpSSRs were shared between species, facilitating comparison of levels of gene diversity at the species level and inferences about within and among species differentiation. P. pinaster showed a much higher number of variants (29) and haplotypes (69) than P. halepensis (20 and 21, respectively). Moreover, genetic diversity estimates for interspecific pairs of populations along the cline were negatively correlated. Three main causes may explain the differences between species in the present‐day distribution of genetic diversity: (1) the distribution of genetic variability before the Quaternary glaciations, with an earlier presence of P. pinaster in the Iberian Peninsula and a late spread of P. halepensis from eastern and central Europe, (2) the location of the Holocene glacial refugia and the migration pathways from these refugia to the present‐day range (from northeast to southwest in P. halepensis and from southwest to northeast and northwest in P. pinaster) and (3) the interactions between species during the postglacial spread.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Seasonality is a prime selective factor expected to result in local adaptation of life cycles and dormancy. Genetic differentiation in diapause response was investigated along a European latitudinal cline in the dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae). Such differentiation may be mediated by additive or dominance genetic and/or maternal effects, which need to be distinguished.
2. Replicate sibships from five European populations (Lugano, Switzerland: 46.00°N; Zurich, Switzerland: 47.37°N; Oxford, U.K.: 51.75°N; Lund, Sweden: 55.70°N; Reykjavik, Iceland: 64.15°N) were raised in a common laboratory environment known to induce pupal winter diapause (12 °C and 12 h light), revealing a genetic latitudinal cline in both the proportion of individuals entering diapause and diapause duration in response to winter length estimated from weather data.
3. Populations from the extremes of the cline (Lugano and Reykjavik) were further reciprocally crossed to investigate the underlying genetics. This experiment revealed evidence for diapause induction at 12 °C being dominant (i.e. not merely additive) and clearly rejected maternal effects as the primary source of this between-population variation.  相似文献   

Outcrossing rate, the rates of ovule and seed abortion, and levels of correlated paternity were estimated in a small population of Pinus sylvestris, a predominantly outcrossing conifer, and were compared with estimates from two widely dispersed woodlands of the same species, showing a range of densities. On average, seed trees of the small population showed an eight-fold higher selfing rate (25 vs. 3%) and a 100-fold greater incidence of correlated paternity (19.6 vs. 0.2%) than did trees from the large populations. No evidence was found of pollen limitation within the remnant stand, as suggested by ovule abortion rates. Investigation of the mating patterns in the small population, based on the unambiguous genealogy of 778 open-pollinated seeds, showed a large departure from random mating. Only 8% of the possible mating pairs within the stand were observed. Correlated paternity rate within a maternal sibship was negatively associated (rs = -0.398, P < 0.050) with the distance to the nearest neighbour, and shared paternity among maternal sibships was negatively correlated (rs = -0.704, P < 0.001) with the distance between seed trees. Numerical simulations, based on the estimated individual pollen dispersal kernel, suggest that restricted dispersal might have been the key factor affecting mating patterns in the small population and, together with low population density, may account for the observed mating system variation between the small and the large populations. The results of this study show that a severe size reduction may substantially affect the mating system of a wind-pollinated, typically outcrossed plant species.  相似文献   

Gene diversity patterns at 10 X-chromosomal loci in humans and chimpanzees   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We have investigated the pattern and extent of nucleotide diversityin 10 X-chromosomal genes where mutations are known to causemental retardation in humans. For each gene, we sequenced theentire coding region from cDNA in humans, chimpanzees, and orangutans,as well as about 3 kb of genomic DNA in 20 humans sampled worldwideand in 10 chimpanzees representing two "subspecies." Overallnucleotide diversity in these genes is about twofold lower inhumans than in chimpanzees, and nucleotide diversity withinand between species is low, suggesting that a high level offunctional constraint acts on these genes. Strikingly, we findthat a summary of the allele frequency spectrum is significantlycorrelated in humans and chimpanzees, perhaps reflecting verysimilar levels of constraint at these genes in the two species.A possible exception is FMR2, which shows a higher number ofnonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions on the human lineage,suggesting the action of positive selection.  相似文献   

选取沿内蒙古科尔沁沙地自然干旱梯度分布的6个樟子松人工林样点(辉南、西丰、付家、章古台、奈曼和乌兰敖都)为研究对象,测定当年生和1年生针叶和枝条中非结构性碳水化合物(NSCs)和氮(N)含量的变化,以探究干旱条件下樟子松的碳供需状态和养分贮存策略。结果表明: 随干旱加剧,樟子松针叶和枝条中的NSCs和可溶性糖含量显著降低。从最湿润样点(辉南)到最干旱样点(乌兰敖都),樟子松当年生和1年生针叶中可溶性糖含量分别由12.8%和12.5%下降到9.0%和9.5%,而当年生枝条中可溶性糖含量由15.6%下降到9.2%。随干旱加剧,樟子松针叶和枝条中淀粉含量变化不显著,当年生和1年生针叶可溶性糖和淀粉的比值降低,当年生和1年生枝条中N含量显著增加。科尔沁沙地樟子松在干旱条件下显著消耗可溶性糖存储,存在“碳饥饿”致死风险。樟子松倾向维持稳定的淀粉含量以及在枝条中积累N以应对长期的干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

Orographic and climatic oscillations have played crucial roles in shaping the nucleotide diversity and evolutionary history of many species across the Northern Hemisphere. In this study, based on 10 nuclear loci and a chloroplast DNA marker, we analyzed the nucleotide polymorphisms and demographic history of the endangered conifer species Pinus bungeana in Northwest China and investigated the phylogenetic relationships between P. bungeana and two related species, that is, Pinus gerardiana and Pinus squamata. We found that P. bungeana exhibited an extremely low level of nucleotide diversity (πsil = 0.00159). Demographic simulations based on DIYABC analysis showed that P. bungeana underwent demographic expansion and contraction during the Miocene. According to ecological niche modeling, we found that this species survived in situ during the glacial period and was not restricted to southern refugia. We speculate that P. bungeana may have experienced widespread population shrinkage from the Last Interglacial to the Last Glacial Maximum due to geological or climatic events. Isolation‐with‐migration analysis revealed that the divergence (~2.4–4.2 Ma) among P. bungeana and its related species was significantly associated with the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau uplift events in the mid‐to‐late Tertiary period. Species tree analyses suggested that these three related Pinus species formed a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support. These results suggest that the Miocene–Pliocene and Pleistocene geological and climatic fluctuations might have profoundly affected the nucleotide diversity and demography of this psychrotolerant conifer species in western China.  相似文献   

Due to their maternal mode of inheritance, mitochondrial markers can be regarded as almost 'ideal' tools in evolutionary studies of conifer populations. In the present study, polymorphism was analysed at one mitochondrial intron (nad 1, exon B/C) in 23 native European Pinus sylvestris populations. In a preliminary screening for variation using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism approach, two length variants were identified. By fully sequencing the 2.5 kb region, the observed length polymorphism was found to result from the insertion of a 31 bp sequence, with no other mutations observed within the intron. A set of primers was designed flanking the observed mutation, which identified a novel sequence-tagged-site mitochondrial marker for P. sylvestris. Analysis of 747 trees from the 23 populations using these primers revealed the occurrence of two distinct haplotypes in Europe. Within the Iberian Peninsula, the two haplotypes exhibited extensive population differentiation (PhiST = 0.59; P < or = 0.001) and a marked geographical structuring. In the populations of central and northern Europe, one haplotype largely predominated, with the second being found in only one individual of one population.  相似文献   

Castro J 《Annals of botany》2006,98(6):1233-1240
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The date of emergence may have far-reaching implications for seedling performance. Seedlings emerging early in the growing season often have a greater rate of survival or grow better if early emergence provides advantages with respect to an environmental cue. As a result, the benefits of early emergence may be lost if the environmental stress creating the differences among cohorts disappears. The experimental manipulation under field conditions of the factors that constitute the main sources of stress for seedling establishment is thus a straightforward method to evaluate the impact of date of emergence on seedling establishment under realistic conditions. METHODS: Two field experiments were performed to analyse the effect of emergence date on survival and first-year growth of Scots pine seedlings in natural mountain forests in south-east Spain. Two main environmental factors that determine seedling success in these mountains were considered: (1) microhabitat type (monitoring the effect of date of emergence in the three most common microhabitats where seedlings recruit); (2) summer drought (monitored by an irrigation treatment with control and watered sampling points). KEY RESULTS: Overall, early emergence resulted in a higher probability of survival and better growth in the two experiments and across microhabitats. However, the reduction in summer drought did not diminish the differences observed among cohorts: all cohorts increased their survival and growth, but early cohorts still had a clear advantage. CONCLUSIONS: Date of emergence determines establishment success of Pinus sylvestris seedlings, even if cohorts are separated by only a few days, irrespective of the intensity of summer drought. The experimental design, covering a gradient of light intensity and soil moisture that simulates conditions of the regeneration niche of Scots pine across its geographical range, allows the results to be extrapolated to other areas of the species. Date of emergence is thus likely to have a large impact on the demography of Scots pine across its geographical range.  相似文献   

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