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Contact of developing sensory organs with the external environment is established via the formation of openings in the skin. During eye development, eyelids first grow, fuse and finally reopen, thus providing access for visual information to the retina. Here, we show that eyelid opening is strongly inhibited in transgenic mice overexpressing the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist noggin from the keratin 5 (K5) promoter in the epidermis. In wild-type mice, enhanced expression of the kinase-inactive form of BMPR-IB mediated by an adenovirus vector also inhibits eyelid opening. Noggin overexpression leads to reduction of apoptosis and retardation of cell differentiation in the eyelid epithelium, which is associated with downregulation of expression of the apoptotic receptors (Fas, p55 kDa TNFR), Id3 protein and keratinocyte differentiation markers (loricrin, involucrin). BMP-4, but not EGF or TGF-alpha, accelerates opening of the eyelid explants isolated from K5-Noggin transgenic mice when cultured ex vivo. These data suggest that the BMP signaling pathway plays an important role in regulation of genetic programs of eyelid opening and skin remodeling during the final steps of eye morphogenesis.  相似文献   

To gain insights into the performance of poplar guard cells, we have measured stomatal conductance and aperture, guard cell K+ content and K+-channel activity of the guard cell plasma membrane in intact poplar leaves. In contrast to Arabidopsis, broad bean and tobacco grown under same conditions, poplar stomata operated just in the dynamic range - any change in conductance altered the rate of photosynthesis. In response to light, CO2 and abscisic acid (ABA), the stomatal opening velocity was two to five times faster than that measured for Arabidopsis thaliana, Nicotiana tabacum and Vicia faba. When stomata opened, the K+ content of guard cells increased almost twofold, indicating that the very fast stomatal opening in this species is mediated via potassium uptake. Following impalement of single guard cells embedded in their natural environment of intact leaves with triple-barrelled microelectrodes, time-dependent inward and outward-rectifying K+-channel-mediated currents of large amplitude were recorded. To analyse the molecular nature of genes encoding guard cell K+-uptake channels, we cloned K+-transporter Populustremula (KPT)1 and functionally expressed this potassium channel in a K+-uptake-deficient Escherichia coli mutant. In addition to guard cells, this K+-transporter gene was expressed in buds, where the KPT1 gene activity strongly correlated with bud break. Thus, KPT1 represents one of only few poplar genes associated with bud flush.  相似文献   

HB-EGF promotes epithelial cell migration in eyelid development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is a member of the EGF family of growth factors that binds to and activates the EGF receptor (EGFR) and ERBB4. Here, we show that HB-EGF-EGFR signaling is involved in eyelid development. HB-EGF expression is restricted to the tip of the leading edge of the migrating epithelium during eyelid closure in late gestation mouse embryos. Both HB-EGF null (HB(del/del)) and secretion-deficient (HB(uc/uc)) mutant embryos exhibited delayed eyelid closure, owing to slower leading edge extension and reduced actin bundle formation in migrating epithelial cells. No changes in cell proliferation were observed in these embryos. In addition, activation of EGFR and ERK was decreased in HB(del/del) eyelids. Crosses between HB(del/del) mice and waved 2 mice, a hypomorphic EGFR mutant strain, indicate that HB-EGF and EGFR interact genetically in eyelid closure. Together with our data showing that embryos treated with an EGFR-specific kinase inhibitor phenocopy HB(del/del) embryos, these data indicate that EGFR mediates HB-EGF-dependent eyelid closure. Finally, analysis of eyelid closure in TGFalpha-null mice and in HB-EGF and TGFalpha double null mice revealed that HB-EGF and TGFalpha contribute equally to and function synergistically in this process. These results indicate that soluble HB-EGF secreted from the tip of the leading edge activates the EGFR and ERK pathway, and that synergy with TGFalpha is required for leading edge extension in epithelial sheet migration during eyelid closure.  相似文献   

Lower eyelid reconstruction with the upper eyelid rotation flap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C Papp  H Maurer  E Geroldinger 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1990,86(3):563-5; discussion 566-8
A new technique of lower eyelid reconstruction was developed by using an ipsilateral upper eyelid rotation flap. After resection of a tumor in the lower eyelid, it is possible to replace the defect by a full-thickness upper eyelid rotation flap. Knowledge of exact eyelid anatomy is necessary to perform this kind of operation. In addition to the well-known techniques, the rotation flap constitutes a complete anatomic reconstruction of the lower eyelid with no functional loss of the upper eyelid.  相似文献   

Past studies have established that the cornea like the lens abundantly expresses a few water-soluble enzyme/proteins in a taxon specific fashion. Based on these similarities it has been proposed that the lens and the cornea form a structural unit, the 'refracton', that has co-evolved through gene sharing to maximize light transmission and refraction to the retina. Thus far, the analogy between corneal crystallins and lens crystallins has been limited to similarities in the abundant expression, with few reports concerning their structural function. This review covers recent studies that establish a clear relationship between expression of corneal crystallins and light scattering from corneal stromal cells, i.e. keratocytes, that support a structural role for corneal crystallins in the development of transparency similar to that of lens crystallins that would be consistent with the 'refracton' hypothesis.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) plays a crucial role in epidermal morphogenesis during embryonic development, as demonstrated by analyzing genetically modified mouse models of GR gain- and loss-of-function. Eyelid formation constitutes a useful model to study epithelial development, as it requires coordinated regulation of keratinocyte proliferation, apoptosis and migration. We have analyzed this biological process in GR(-/-) embryos during ontogeny. Our data demonstrate that GR deficiency results in delayed and impaired eyelid closure, as illustrated by increased keratinocyte proliferation and apoptosis along with impaired differentiation in GR(-/-) eyelid epithelial cells. These defects are due, at least in part, to the lack of antagonism between GR and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling, causing sustained activation of the MAPK/AP-1 pathway and the upregulation of keratin K6 at embryonic stage E18.5. Additionally, we demonstrate that GR regulates epithelial cell migration in vitro by interfering with EGFR-mediated signaling. Overall, GR/EGFR antagonism appears as a major mechanism regulating ocular epithelial development.  相似文献   

Managing eutrophication associated with aquaculture development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some forms of aquaculture cause significant impact on the natural environment and hence there is considered to be a need to control aquaculture developments. One approach would be to predict the impact nor to development and relate the predictions to predetermined standards. Predicting the potential for eutrophication requires the quantification of the amount of soluble waste being released from fish farms; use of numerical models to predict eutrophication in terms of enhanced phytoplankton biomass; establishment of environmental quality objectives and standards. This paper discusses the second and third requirements. Predictive models ranging from empirical relationships between variables to complex ecosystem models have been developed for managing eutrophication of lakes and coastal waters. The use of different types of model are discussed in the context of aquaculture development and it is concluded that empirical models should be used by regulatory authorities as a screening tool to provide a quantitative prediction of the potential for eutrophication. The establishment of environmental quality objectives and standards should be an integral part of any framework plan for aquaculture development. It is suggested that chlorophyll, rather than dissolved nutrients is a more appropriate variable to use as a standard for eutrophication associated with the growth of phytoplanton. It is concluded that there is a requirement for scientifically based values of standards to be set for coastal waters.  相似文献   

Darian E  Guvench O  Yu B  Qu CK  MacKerell AD 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1573-1588
The SHP2 phosphatase plays a central role in a number of signaling pathways were it dephosphorylates various substrate proteins. Regulation of SHP2 activity is, in part, achieved by an intramolecular interaction between the PTP domain of the protein, which contains the catalytic site, and the N-SH2 domain leading to a "closed" protein conformation and autoinhibition. Accordingly, "opening" of the N-SH2 and PTP domains is required for the protein to become active. Binding of phosphopeptides to the N-SH2 domain is known to induce the opening event, while a number of gain-of-function (GOF) mutants, implicated in Noonan's Syndrome and childhood leukemias, are thought to facilitate opening. In the present study, a combination of computational and experimental methods are used to investigate the structural mechanism of opening of SHP2 and the impact of three GOF mutants, D61G, E76K, and N308D, on the opening mechanism. Calculated free energies of opening indicate that opening must be facilitated by effector molecules, possibly the protein substrates themselves, as the calculated free energies preclude spontaneous opening. Simulations of both wild type (WT) SHP2 and GOF mutants in the closed state indicate GOF activity to involve increased solvent exposure of selected residues, most notably Arg362, which in turn may enhance interactions of SHP2 with its substrate proteins and thereby aid opening. In addition, GOF mutations cause structural changes in the phosphopeptide-binding region of the N-SH2 domain leading to conformations that mimic the bound state. Such conformational changes are suggested to enhance binding of phosphopeptides and/or decrease interactions between the PTP and N-SH2 domains thereby facilitating opening. Experimental assays of the impact of effector molecules on SHP2 phosphatase activity against both small molecule and peptide substrates support the hypothesized mechanism of GOF mutant action. The present calculations also suggest a role for the C-SH2 domain of SHP2 in stabilizing the overall conformation of the protein in the open state, thereby aiding conformational switching between the open active and closed inactive states.  相似文献   

Development of the eyelids and cornea in repeated epilation (Er/Er) mice is characterized by fusion of the tarsal conjunctiva to the epithelia of the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea. We investigated the ultrastructural features of this malformation and tested for abnormal expression of filaggrin by immunofluorescence. Heterozygous (Er/+) breeding stock were mated and 13,14,15, and 19-day-old embryos were studied by light and electron microscopy. Fusion occurred in all Er/Er specimens and was associated with abnormal migration of surface ectodermal cells onto the cornea. Immunofluorescence studies with antimouse filaggrin antibody on day 13 and day 15 revealed the presence of filaggrin precursors in the fused epithelia of mutants, but not in normal corneal or conjunctival epithelia. The results suggest defective regulation of the synthesis of cellular proteins and altered cell surface properties in the Er/Er ocular epithelia.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the relationships among increasing estuarine shellfish closings due to bacterial contamination, adjacent shoreline land uses and environmental variables. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 1 year study of faecal coliform bacterial contamination of a small estuary in central NC, USA was done relative to adjacent land uses. The area has experienced rapid growth in residential shoreline development including the installation of adjacent, separate docking facilities for larger boats, each <11 slips (pseudomarina) that appear to be a single marina (individual facilities of >10 slips). Six near-shore sites were selected [old developed shore (OD), undeveloped shore (UD), two pseudomarinas (P1, P2), newly developed shore (ND) and a real marina (RM)]. Five locations were spaced along the shore near each site. Paired Thursday/Monday samples were collected biweekly (summer) and monthly (other seasons). Results indicate that OD had the highest bacteria counts followed by ND, RM and P1 & P2. Three sites (OD, ND and RM) failed to meet NC shellfishing waters standards at all locations. At the pseudomarina sites 4 of 10 locations failed to meet shellfish standards while two locations at UD failed to meet these standards. There were no significant differences between paired Thursday/Monday samples. At three sites (OD, UD and P2) bacteria counts were positively correlated with increased water level due to wind tides. CONCLUSIONS: Any type of estuarine shoreline development may result in closing of adjacent shellfishing waters. ND had bacterial counts second only to OD in spite of the retention of vegetated shoreline buffers and very new septic systems. As expected, the RM also failed to meet shellfish standards. Unexpectedly, only four of the 10 pseudomarina locations failed to meet the standards. Weekend boat use had no effect on bacterial counts. Surface runoff from rain and shoreline flooding from increased water levels increased bacterial counts, probably as a result of suspension of surface deposited faeces from wildlife and domestic animals. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Multiple docking facilities do not necessarily result in violations of shellfish water quality standards. However, the elevated bacterial counts observed along the newly developed shore suggest caution in approving the practice of allowing individual 'oyster gardening' off private piers if the oysters are intended for human consumption. The practice of automatic closure of shellfish waters around RMs was supported. Correlations of bacterial counts with time following significant rainfall suggests a sampling strategy to separate local sources of bacteria from more remote sources thus focusing limited remedial resources more effectively.  相似文献   

The epidemiologic characteristics of prostate cancer (PCa) have been recognized for several decades. It is of great importance to understand the factors responsible for prostate carcinogenesis, why some carcinomas remain "clinically silent" during life, whereas other tumors progress to present clinically and may lead to PCa-related death. A better understanding of these mechanisms in molecular genetic terms should point to more rational approaches to disease prevention, intervention and treatment. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge regarding the molecular alterations of PCa.  相似文献   

Corneal cryopreservation with dextran.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Different methods of corneal cryopreservation have been introduced, those employing intracellular cryoprotectants such as Me2SO or glycerol being the most widely favored. We investigated the influence of several freeze-thaw trauma variables on the survival of porcine endothelial monolayers when employing the extracellular cryoprotective agent dextran. We first examined the effects of various dextran concentrations and then, having ascertained the optimal concentration, further investigated the influence of fetal calf serum (FCS) concentration in the cryopreservation medium, the cooling rate, the thawing temperature, and the length of the preincubation in the freezing medium prior to cryopreservation. The numerical densities of endothelial cells were determined at dissection in hypoosmotic balanced salt solution and after organ culture by staining with alizarin red S and trypan blue. Morphological evaluation was not performed directly after thawing but after a subsequent organ culture at 37 degrees C to detect latent cell damage after freeze-thaw trauma. Our data revealed that corneas cryopreserved in minimal essential medium containing 10% dextran but lacking FCS, preincubated for 3 h, frozen at a cooling rate of 1 degrees C/min, and thawed at 37 degrees C incurred the lowest cell losses (22.4%, SD +/- 3.8). We conclude that dextran is an effective cryoprotectant for freezing of porcine corneas. However, variations between species in the results of cryopreservation require further investigation of an in vivo animal model and studies with human corneas before its clinical use can be recommended.  相似文献   

To investigate the function of c-Jun during skin development and skin tumor formation, we conditionally inactivated c-jun in the epidermis. Mice lacking c-jun in keratinocytes (c-jun(Deltaep)) develop normal skin but express reduced levels of EGFR in the eyelids, leading to open eyes at birth, as observed in EGFR null mice. Primary keratinocytes from c-jun(Deltaep) mice proliferate poorly, show increased differentiation, and form prominent cortical actin bundles, most likely because of decreased expression of EGFR and its ligand HB-EGF. In the absence of c-Jun, tumor-prone K5-SOS-F transgenic mice develop smaller papillomas, with reduced expression of EGFR in basal keratinocytes. Thus, using three experimental systems, we show that EGFR and HB-EGF are regulated by c-Jun, which controls eyelid development, keratinocyte proliferation, and skin tumor formation.  相似文献   

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