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We have investigated (a) effects of varying proton concentration on force and shortening velocity of glycerinated muscle fibers, (b) differences between these effects on fibers from psoas (fast) and soleus (slow) muscles, possibly due to differences in the actomyosin ATPase kinetic cycles, and (c) whether changes in intracellular pH explain altered contractility typically associated with prolonged excitation of fast, glycolytic muscle. The pH range was chosen to cover the physiological pH range (6.0-7.5) as well as pH 8.0, which has often been used for in vitro measurements of myosin ATPase activity. Steady-state isometric force increased monotonically (by about threefold) as pH was increased from pH 6.0; force in soleus (slow) fibers was less affected by pH than in psoas (fast) fibers. For both fiber types, the velocity of unloaded shortening was maximum near resting intracellular pH in vivo and was decreased at acid pH (by about one-half). At pH 6.0, force increased when the pH buffer concentration was decreased from 100 mM, as predicted by inadequate pH buffering and pH heterogeneity in the fiber. This heterogeneity was modeled by net proton consumption within the fiber, due to production by the actomyosin ATPase coupled to consumption by the creatine kinase reaction, with replenishment by diffusion of protons in equilibrium with a mobile buffer. Lactate anion had little mechanical effect. Inorganic phosphate (15 mM total) had an additive effect of depressing force that was similar at pH 7.1 and 6.0. By directly affecting the actomyosin interaction, decreased pH is at least partly responsible for the observed decreases in force and velocity in stimulated muscle with sufficient glycolytic capacity to decrease pH.  相似文献   

Summary Combined histochemical and biochemical analyses were performed on single fibers of rabbit soleus muscle. Histochemically, four fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA) were defined. Of these, types I and IIA were separate, histochemically homogeneous groups. A heterogeneous C fiber population exhibited a continuum of staining intensities between types I and IIA. Microelectrophoretic analyses of specific, histochemically defined fibers revealed that type I fibers contained exclusively HCI, whereas type IIA fibers contained only HCIIa. The C fibers were characterized by the coexistence of both heavy chains in varying ratios, type HC with a predominance of HCI and type IIC with a predominance of HCIIa. A direct correlation existed between the myosin heavy chain composition and the histochemical mATPase staining and was especially evident in the C fiber population with its variable HCI/HCIIa ratio. This correlation did not apply to the myosin light chain complement.  相似文献   

The influence of P(i) and pH was studied on myofibrillar ATP turnover and force development during maximally activated isometric contractions, in skinned single fibers from rabbit soleus and psoas muscle. ATP hydrolysis was coupled to the breakdown of NADH, which was monitored photometrically at 340 nm. In psoas the depression by phosphate of force is twice that of ATP turnover, but in soleus force and ATP turnover are depressed equally by P(i). Most, but not all, of the ATPase and force values observed for a combination of high P(i) and low pH could be explained by independent effects of P(i) and pH. The effects of P(i) and pH on ATP turnover can be understood by a three-state cross-bridge scheme. Mass action of phosphate on the reaction from the actomyosin(AM).ADP state to the AM.ADP.P(i) state may largely account for the phosphate dependencies of ATPase activity found. Protons affect cross-bridge detachment from the AM.ADP state and the rate of the AM.ADP.P(i)-to-AM.ADP transition. In this scheme, the effects of P(i) and pH on cross-bridge kinetics appeared to be largely independent.  相似文献   

Combined histochemical and biochemical analyses were performed on single fibers of rabbit soleus muscle. Histochemically, four fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA) were defined. Of these, types I and IIA were separate, histochemically homogeneous groups. A heterogeneous C fiber population exhibited a continuum of staining intensities between types I and IIA. Microelectrophoretic analyses of specific, histochemically defined fibers revealed that type I fibers contained exclusively HCI, whereas type IIA fibers contained only HCIIa. The C fibers were characterized by the coexistence of both heavy chains in varying ratios, type IC with a predominance of HCI and type IIC with a predominance of HCIIa. A direct correlation existed between the myosin heavy chain composition and the histochemical mATPase staining and was especially evident in the C fiber population with its variable HCI/HCIIa ratio. This correlation did not apply to the myosin light chain complement.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of deuterium oxide (D(2)O) on contraction characteristics and ATPase activity of single glycerinated muscle fibers of rabbit psoas. D(2)O increased the maximum isometric force P(0) by about 20%, while the force versus stiffness relation did not change appreciably. The maximum shortening velocity under zero load V(max) did not change appreciably in D(2)O, so that the force-velocity (P-V) curve was scaled depending on the value of P(0). The Mg-ATPase activity of the fibers during generation of steady isometric force P(0) was reduced by about 50% in D(2)O. Based on the Huxley contraction model, these results can be accounted for in terms of D(2)O-induced changes in the rate constants f(1) and g(1) for making and breaking actin-myosin linkages in the isometric condition, in such a way that f(1)/(f(1)+g(1)) increases by about 20%, while (f(1)+g(1)) remains unchanged. The D(2)O effect at the molecular level is discussed in connection with biochemical studies on actomyosin ATPase.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of deuterium oxide (D2O) on contraction characteristics and ATPase activity of single glycerinated muscle fibers of rabbit psoas. D2O increased the maximum isometric force P0 by about 20%, while the force versus stiffness relation did not change appreciably. The maximum shortening velocity under zero load Vmax did not change appreciably in D2O, so that the force-velocity (P-V) curve was scaled depending on the value of P0. The Mg-ATPase activity of the fibers during generation of steady isometric force P0 was reduced by about 50% in D2O. Based on the Huxley contraction model, these results can be accounted for in terms of D2O-induced changes in the rate constants f1 and g1 for making and breaking actin-myosin linkages in the isometric condition, in such a way that f1/(f1+g1) increases by about 20%, while (f1+g1) remains unchanged. The D2O effect at the molecular level is discussed in connection with biochemical studies on actomyosin ATPase.  相似文献   

Isometric tension responses to rapid temperature jumps (T-jumps) of 3-7 degrees C were examined in single skinned fibers isolated from rabbit psoas (fast) and soleus (slow) muscles. T-jumps were induced by an infrared laser pulse (wavelength 1.32 microns, pulse duration 0.2 ms) obtained from a Nd-YAG laser, which heated the fiber and bathing buffer solution in a 50-microliter trough. After a T-jump, the temperature near the fiber remained constant for approximately 0.5 s, and the temperature could be clamped for longer periods by means of Peltier units assembled on the back trough wall. A T-jump produced a step decrease in tension in both fast and slow muscle fibers in rigor, indicating thermal expansion. In maximally Ca-activated (pCa approximately 4) fibers, the increase of steady tension with heating (3-35 degrees C) was approximately sigmoidal, and a T-jump at any temperature induced a more complex tension transient than in rigor fibers. An initial (small amplitude) step decrease in tension followed by a rapid recovery (tau(1); see Davis and Harrington, 1993) was seen in some records from both fiber types, which presumably was an indirect consequence of thermal expansion. The net rise in tension after a T-jump was biexponential, and its time course was characteristically different in the two fibers. At approximately 12 degrees C the reciprocal time constants for the two exponential components (tau(2) and tau(3), respectively, were approximately 70.s(-1) and approximately 15.s(-1) in fast fibers and approximately 20.s(-1) and approximately 3.s(-1) in slow fibers. In both fibers, tau(2) ("endothermic force regeneration") became faster with an increase in temperature. Furthermore, tau(3) was temperature sensitive in slow fibers but not in fast fibers. The results are compared and contrasted with previous findings from T-jump experiments on fast fibers. It is observed that the fast/slow fiber difference in the rate of endothermic force generation (three- to fourfold) is considerably smaller than the reported differences in the "phosphate release steps" (> 30-fold).  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels play key roles in the excitability of skeletal muscle fibers. In this study we investigated the steady-state and kinetic properties of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ currents of slow and fast skeletal muscle fibers in zebrafish ranging in age from 1 day postfertilization (dpf) to 4-6 dpf. The inner white (fast) fibers possess an A-type inactivating K+ current that increases in peak current density and accelerates its rise and decay times during development. As the muscle matured, the V50s of activation and inactivation of the A-type current became more depolarized, and then hyperpolarized again in older animals. The activation kinetics of the delayed outward K+ current in red (slow) fibers accelerated within the first week of development. The tail currents of the outward K+ currents were too small to allow an accurate determination of the V50s of activation. Red fibers did not show any evidence of inward Na+ currents; however, white fibers expressed Na+ currents that increased their peak current density, accelerated their inactivation kinetics, and hyperpolarized their V50 of inactivation during development. The action potentials of white fibers exhibited significant changes in the threshold voltage and the half width. These findings indicate that there are significant differences in the ionic current profiles between the red and white fibers and that a number of changes occur in the steady-state and kinetic properties of Na+ and K+ currents of developing zebrafish skeletal muscle fibers, with the most dramatic changes occurring around the end of the first day following egg fertilization.  相似文献   

Single human muscle fibers were analysed using a combination of histochemical and biochemical techniques. Routine myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) histochemistry revealed a continuum of staining intensities between the fast fiber types IIA and IIB (type IIAB fibers) after preincubation at pH 4.6. Electrophoretic analysis of single, histochemically-identified fibers demonstrated a correlation between the staining intensity and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. All fibers classified as type I contained exclusively MHCI and all type IIA fibers contained only MHCIIa. Type IIAB fibers displayed variable amounts of both MHCIIa and MHCIIb; the greater the staining intensity of these fibers after preincubation at pH 4.6, the greater the percentage of MHCIIb. Those fibers histochemically classified as type IIB contained either entirely MHCIIb or, in addition to MHCIIb, a small amount of MHCIIa. These data establish a correlation between the mATPase activity and MHC content in single human muscle fibers.  相似文献   

We have identified three sarcolemma-associated antigens, including two antigens that are differentially distributed on skeletal muscle fibers of the fast, fast/slow, and slow types. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared using partially purified membranes of adult chicken skeletal muscles as immunogens and were used to characterize three antigens associated with the sarcolemma of muscle fibers. Immunofluorescence staining of cryosections of adult and embryonic chicken muscles showed that two of the three antigens differed in expression by fibers depending on developmental age and whether the fibers were of the fast, fast/slow, or slow type. Fiber type was assigned by determining the content of fast and slow myosin heavy chain. MSA-55 was expressed equally by fibers of all types. In contrast, MSA-slow and MSA-140 differed in their expression by muscle fibers depending on fiber type. MSA-slow was detected exclusively at the periphery of fast/slow and slow fibers, but was not detected on fast fibers. MSA-140 was detected on all fibers but fast/slow and slow fibers stained more intensely suggesting that these fiber types contain more MSA-140 than fast fibers. These sarcolemma-associated antigens were developmentally regulated in ovo and in vitro. MSA-55 and MSA-140 were detected on all primary muscle fibers by day 8 in ovo of embryonic development, whereas MSA-slow was first detected on muscle fibers just before hatching. Those antigens expressed by fast fibers (MSA-55 and MSA-140) were expressed only after myoblasts differentiated into myotubes, but were not expressed by fibroblasts in cell culture. Each antigen was also detected in one or more nonskeletal muscle cell types: MSA-55 and MSA-slow in cardiac myocytes and smooth muscle of gizzard (but not vascular structures) and MSA-140 in cardiac myocytes and smooth muscle of vascular structures. MSA-55 was identified as an Mr 55,000, nonglycosylated, detergent-soluble protein, and MSA-140 was an Mr 140,000, cell surface protein. The Mr of MSA-slow could not be determined by immunoblotting or immunoprecipitation techniques. These findings indicate that muscle fibers of different physiological function differ in the components associated with the sarcolemma. While the function of these sarcolemma-associated antigens is unknown, their regulated appearance during development in ovo and as myoblasts differentiate in culture suggests that they may be important in the formation, maturation, and function of fast, fast/slow, and slow muscle fibers.  相似文献   

While investigating the decline in resting membrane potential (RMP) of rat skeletal muscle fibers in zero potassium solution, we discovered that there is seasonal variation in the response of the extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL). In January, most EDL fibers hyperpolarize in zero K+; in September, most depolarize; the distribution of RMPs recorded in May is bimodal, with some fibers hyperpolarizing and some depolarizing. Fibers from the soleus muscle depolarize in zero K+ irrespective of the season. The ability of EDL fibers to hyperpolarize appears during the 7th and 8th weeks postpartum, and is dependent upon the presence of a functional nerve, since denervation abolished the response. As possible explanations for these findings, inactivation of K(+)-channels and inhibition of the Na-K pump by zero K+ are discussed.  相似文献   

Results from the Russian Cosmos program suggest that the rhesusmonkey is an excellent model for studying weightlessness-induced changes in muscle function. Consequently, the purpose of this investigation was to establish the resting levels of selected substrateand enzymes in individual slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers of therhesus monkey. A second objective was to determine the effect of an18-day sit in the Spacelab experiment-support primate facility[Experimental System for the Orbiting Primate (ESOP)].Muscle biopsies of the soleus and medial gastrocnemius muscles wereobtained 1 mo before and immediately after an 18-day ESOP sit. Thebiopsies were freeze-dried, and individual fibers were isolated andassayed for the substrates glycogen and lactate and for the high-energyphosphates ATP and phosphocreatine. Fiber enzyme activity was alsodetermined for the glycolytic enzymes phosphofructokinase and lactatedehydrogenase (LDH) and for the oxidative markers 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAdehydrogenase (-OAC) and citrate synthase. Consistent with otherspecies, the fast type II fibers contained higher glycogen content thandid the slow type I fibers. The ESOP sit had no significant effects onthe metabolic profile of the slow fibers of either muscle or the fast fibers of the soleus. However, the fast gastrocnemius fibers showed asignificant decline in phosphocreatine and an increase in lactate. Also, similar to other species, the fast fibers contained significantly higher LDH activities and lower 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activities. For the muscle enzymes, the quantitatively most important effect of the ESOP sit occurred with LDH where activities increased inall fiber types postsit except the slow type I fiber of the medial gastrocnemius.


The extent of oxygen exchange between phosphate and water has been measured for the calcium-regulated magnesium-dependent ATPase activity of chemically skinned fibers from rabbit skeletal muscle. The oxygen exchange was determined for isometrically held fibers by measuring with a mass spectrometer the distribution of 18O atoms in the product inorganic phosphate when ATP hydrolysis was carried out in H2(18)O. The extent of exchange was much greater in relaxed muscle (free Ca2+ less than 10(-8) M) than in calcium-activated muscle (free Ca2+ approximately equal to 3 X 10(-5) M). Activated fibers had an ATPase activity at least 30-fold greater than the relaxed fibers. These results correlate well with the extents of oxygen exchange accompanying magnesium-dependent myosin and unregulated actomyosin ATPase activities, respectively. In relaxed fibers, comparison of the amount of exchange with the ATPase activity suggests that the rate constant for the reformation of myosin-bound ATP from the myosin products complex is about 10 s-1 at 20 degrees C and pH 7.1. In each experiment the distribution of 18O in the Pi formed was incompatible with a single pathway for ATP hydrolysis. In the case of the calcium-activated fibers, the multiple pathways for ATP hydrolysis appeared to be an intrinsic property of the actomyosin ATPase in the fiber. These results indicate that in muscle fibers, as in isolated actomyosin, cleavage of protein-bound ATP is readily reversible and that association of the myosin products complex with actin promotes Pi release.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to explore the proteolytic cleavage of rabbit skeletal myofibrils by a calcium dependent neutral proteinase (CaANP). Polyacrylamide gel elctrophoresis on great slabs showed the ability of CaANP to degrade myofibrils more readily than supposed. Besides the hydrolysis of troponin T and the apparition of degradation product of 30,000 molecular weight, the activity of this enzyme is obvious too on some components of the M-line and on heavy subunits of tropomyosin as well as on three unidentified proteic fractions. The variety of the degradation products which appear suggest that the specificity of CaANP is not as selective as presumed. The participation of this proteinase in the postmorten evolution of muscle and its intervention in the turnover of myofibrillar proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM) on mechanical responses of glycerinated fibers and the ATPase activity of heavy meromyosin (HMM) and myofibrils have been studied using rabbit skeletal muscle. The mechanical responses and the ATPase activity were measured in similar conditions (ionic strength 0.06-0.2 M, 0.4-4 mM MgATP, 0-20 mM BDM, 2-20 degrees C and pH 7.0). BDM reversibly reduced the isometric tension, shortening speed, and instantaneous stiffness of the fibers. BDM also inhibited myofibrillar and HMM ATPase activities. The inhibitory effect on the relative ATPase activity of HMM was not influenced by the addition of actin or troponin-tropomyosin-actin. High temperature and low ionic strength weakened BDM's suppression of contraction of the fibers and the ATPase activity of contracting myofibrils, but not of the HMM, acto-HMM and relaxed myofibrillar ATPase activity. The size of the initial phosphate burst at 20 degrees C was independent of the concentration of BDM. These results suggest that the suppression of contraction of muscle fibers is due mainly to direct action of BDM on the myosin molecules.  相似文献   

Summary Single human muscle fibers were analysed using a combination of histochemical and biochemical techniques. Routine myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) histochemistry revealed a continuum of staining intensities between the fast fiber types IIA and IIB (type IIAB fibers) after preincubation at pH 4.6. Electrophoretic analysis of single, histochemically-identified fibers demonstrated a correlation between the staining intensity and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition. All fibers classified as type I contained exclusively MHCI and all type IIA fibers contained only MHCIIa. Type IIAB fibers displayed variable amounts of both MHCIIa and MHCIIb; the greater the staining intensity of these fibers after preincubation at pH 4.6, the greater the percentage of MHCIIb. Those fibers histochemically classified as type IIB contained either entirely MHCIIb or, in addition to MHCIIb, a small amount of MHCIIa. These data establish a correlation between the mATPase activity and MHC content in single human muscle fibers.  相似文献   

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