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We studied the behaviour in interphase and mitotic human cells of a 125 kDa (pI 6.5) antigen, associated with the nuclear matrix and detected in proliferating cells. Indirect immunofluorescence with a specific monoclonal antibody reveals that during interphase in WISH and Namalwa cells, as well as phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes, the antigen displays a speckled distribution in the nucleoplasm of all cells. At early prophase the fluorescence intensity of the coalesced speckles increases markedly. During metaphase and anaphase the antigen gives maximal fluorescence distributed diffusely in the nucleoplasm, while chromosomes remain negative. At anaphase and cytokinesis the antigen is still cytoplasmic, but fluorescence intensity decreases. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting reveal that the p125/6.5 antigen displays a net increase in isolated mitotic cells as compared to interphase cells. These results suggest that the p125/6.5 protein participates in late G2 phase and G2/M transition events preparing the cell for mitosis.  相似文献   

Human autoantibodies reactive against the tail domain exclusive to lamin A and absent from lamin C have been used for immunofluorescence studies on human fibroblast and epithelial cells. These autoantibodies were seen to react on mitotic cells where lamin A is present in a soluble depolymerized form and to react against lamin A in assembled interphase nuclear lamina after in situ extraction of chromatin. Taken together, these results support the suggestion that the tail domain of lamin A may be involved in the putative interaction of lamin A with chromatin.  相似文献   

In tumour cell lines, the resistance of cancer cells to a variety of structurally unrelated chemotherapeutic drugs is termed multidrug-resistance or MDR. We reported previously [6] that MDR leukemic cells displayed nuclear texture changes, as assessed by image cytometry. The nature of these changes remained uncertain but they could be associated with alterations of the nuclear matrix which could serve an important role in DNA organization and chromatin structure. Therefore, we have compared the textural features observed in G0/G1 nuclei from human leukemic CEM cells and their MDR variant CEM-VLB, after staining of either DNA by Feulgen method or nuclear matrix by immunodetection of NuMA antigen on DNase treated samples. Chromatin or NuMA distributions within the nucleus were evaluated by image cytometry. Changes in textural parameters indicate that modifications of NuMA distribution observed in MDR cells are parallel to those observed at the whole chromatin level (i.e., a more decondensed and coarse texture with increase of Energy and Long-run sections and decrease of Contrast and Short-run sections). Moreover, Optical Densities measurements indicate that MDR cells seem to contain less NuMA, a datum confirmed by immunoblotting of nuclear proteins. In conclusion, chromatin changes observed by image cytometry in drug-resistant human leukemic CEM cells appear associated with modifications of the nuclear matrix structure.  相似文献   

Coated pits in interphase and mitotic A431 cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Endocytosis is inhibited during mitosis in A431 cells (Warren et al., 1984) but the site of inhibition is unknown. A quantitative method measuring the extent of budding was used to compare coated pits in interphase and mitotic cells. Every stage of budding found in interphase cells was also found in cells at every stage of mitosis. Flatter coated pits appeared more frequent in mitotic cells but this can be partly, if not entirely, explained by their greater size. We conclude that, if budding is inhibited, inhibition must occur at all stages of the budding process.  相似文献   

Mitotic HeLa cells collected by shake-off synchronizing procedures were found to have elevated amino acid influx rates into the acid-extractable pool. Combined use of colchicine or chilling before testing abolished the increased uptake; high external concentrations of Mg2+ further enhanced it. Telophase and subsequent interphase populations showed a lower uptake rate which remained constant throughout most of the next cycle.  相似文献   

In animals and yeast, the small GTP-binding protein Ran has multiple functions - it is involved in mediating (i) the directional passage of proteins and RNA through the nuclear pores in interphase cells; and (ii) the formation of spindle asters, the polymerization of microtubules, and the re-assembly of the nuclear envelope in mitotic cells. Nucleotide binding of Ran is modulated by a series of accessory proteins. For instance, the hydrolysis of RanGTP requires stimulation by the RanGTPase protein RanGAP. Here we report the complementation of the yeast RanGAP mutant rna1 with Medicago sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana cDNAs encoding RanGAP-like proteins. Confocal laser microscopy of Arabidopsis plants overexpressing chimeric constructs of GFP with AtRanGAP1 and 2 demonstrated that the fusion protein is localized to patchy areas at the nuclear envelope of interphase cells. In contrast, the cellular distribution of RanGAPs in synchronized tobacco cells undergoing mitosis is characteristically different. Double-immunofluorescence shows that RanGAPs are co-localized with spindle microtubules during anaphase, with the microtubular phragmoplast and the surface of the daughter nuclei during telophase. Co-assembly of RanGAPs with tubulin correlates with these in vivo observations. The detected localization pattern is consistent with the postulated function of plant RanGAPs in the regulation of nuclear transport during interphase, and suggests a role for these proteins in the organization of the microtubular mitotic structures.  相似文献   

Understanding how membrane proteins are targeted to and retained within the nuclear envelope (NE) and the fate of these proteins during NE disassembly/reassembly in mitosis is central for insight into the function of the NE in nuclear organization and dynamics. To address these issues we have attached green fluorescent protein (GFP) to a well-characterized protein of the inner nuclear membrane, lamin B receptor, believed to be one of the major chromatin docking protein in the NE. We have used this construct in a variety of applications, including dual-color GFP time-lapse imaging, to investigate the mechanisms underlying protein targeting to the NE and NE breakdown and reassembly during mitosis. In this review, we present a summary of the results from such studies and discuss the photobleaching and imaging methodology on which they were derived.  相似文献   

Among a library of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) recognizing developmental markers in the chick embryo, mAb CC-3 was selected because of its differential immunostaining of mitotic cells. The intracellular distribution of the CC-3 antigen (CC-3a) throughout the cell cycle was visualized by immunolocalization. In interphase cells CC-3a resided in the nucleus and was arranged in distinct extranucleolar clusters. At prophase, the nuclear reactivity of CC-3a considerably increased and subsequently extended to the cytoplasm at metaphase. From metaphase through anaphase, most of the reactivity was associated with the mitotic apparatus. During cytokinesis CC-3a was detected in the mid-body and also in discrete speckles dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. The initial interphase pattern was then restored in the two daughter nuclei. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that a 255-kDa phosphoprotein was present only in the interphase nucleus and that a complete new set of phosphoproteins accounted for the mitotic cell reactivity. The binding of CC-3 was dependent on the phosphorylation of its antigens. CC-3a is an evolutionary conserved molecule; it is present in such phylogenetically distant species as Drosophila and humans. Furthermore, the unique behavior of CC-3 on sections of normal, embryonic, and regenerative tissue and in cell culture immunostaining make it a reliable tool to identify mitotic foci.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence with specific peptide antibodies has previously established that tyrosinated (Tyr) and detyrosinated (Glu) tubulin, the two species generated by posttranslational modification of the COOH-terminus of alpha-tubulin, are present in distinct, but overlapping, subsets of microtubules in cultured cells (Gundersen, G. G., M. H. Kalnoski, and J. C. Bulinski, 1984, Cell, 38:779-789). Similar results were observed by light microscopic immunogold staining in the two cell types used in this study, CV1 and PtK2 cells: most microtubules were stained with the Tyr antibody, whereas only a few were stained with the Glu antibody. We have examined immunogold-stained preparations by electron microscopy to extend these results. In general, electron microscopic localization confirmed results obtained at the light microscopic level: the majority of the microtubules in CV1 and PtK2 cells were nearly continuously labeled with the Tyr antibody, whereas only a few were heavily labeled with the Glu antibody. However, in contrast to the light microscopic staining, we found that all microtubules of interphase and mitotic CV1 and PtK2 cells contained detectable Tyr and Glu immunoreactivity at the electron microscopic level. No specific localization of either species was observed in microtubules near particular organelles (e.g., mitochondria or intermediate filaments). Quantification of the relative levels of Glu and Tyr immunoreactivity in individual interphase and metaphase microtubules showed that all classes of spindle microtubules (i.e., kinetochore, polar, and astral) contained nearly the same level of Glu immunoreactivity; this level of Glu immunoreactivity was lower than that found in all interphase microtubules. Most interphase microtubules had low levels of Glu immunoreactivity, whereas a few had relatively high levels; the latter corresponded to morphologically sinuous microtubules. Quantification of the relative levels of Tyr and Glu immunoreactivity in segments along individual microtubules suggested that the level of Tyr (or Glu) tubulin in a given microtubule was uniform along its length. Understanding how microtubules with different levels of Tyr and Glu tubulin arise will be important for understanding the role of tyrosination/detyrosination in microtubule function. Additionally, the coexistence of microtubules with different levels of the two species may have important implications for microtubule dynamics in vivo.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis, a bi-nucleated amitochondrial flagellate, possesses a complex cytoskeleton based on several microtubular systems (flagella, adhesive disk, median body, funis, mitotic spindles). MTOCs of the individual systems have not been fully defined. By using monoclonal antibodies against a conserved synthetic peptide from the C-terminus of human gamma-tubulin we investigated occurrence and distribution of gamma-tubulin in interphase and mitotic Giardia cells. On the immunoblots of Giardia cytoskeletal extracts the antibodies bound to a single polypeptide of approximately 50 kDa. Immunostaining of the interphase cell demonstrated gamma-tubulin as four bright spots at the basis of four out of eight flagella. Gamma-tubulin label was associated with perikinetosomal areas of the ventral and posterolateral pairs of flagella which are formed de novo during cell division. Basal body regions of the anterolateral and caudal pairs of flagella which persist during the division and are integrated into the flagellar systems of the daughter cells did not show gamma-tubulin staining. At early mitosis, gamma-tubulin spots disappeared reappearing again at late mitosis in accord with reorientation of parent flagella and reorganization of flagellar apparatus during cell division. The antibody-detectable gamma-tubulin epitope was absent at the poles of both mitotic spindles. Albendazole-treated Giardia, in which spindle assembly was completely inhibited, showed the same gamma-tubulin staining pattern thus confirming that the fluorescent label is exclusively located in the basal body regions. Our results point to a role of gamma-tubulin in nucleation of microtubules of newly formed flagella and indicate unusual mitotic spindle assembly. Moreover, the demonstration of gamma-tubulin in Giardia shows ubiquity of this protein through the evolutionary history of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamins are directed from the cytoplasm to chromosomes as part of the maturation pathway of the interphase nucleoskeleton. In mitosis, the three polypeptides lamin A, B and C were found in the cytoplasm from prophase until anaphase and shifted to chromosomal surfaces at telophase (Ely, D'Arcy and Jost, 1978; Gerace, Blum and Blobel, 1978). We show here that early events in nucleoskeleton formation could be regulated by extracellular pH. When exponentially growing tissue culture cells and cells arrested in mitosis were exposed to different extracellular pH values, three patterns of distribution of lamins were observed in mitotic cells: exclusively cytoplasmic distribution of mitotic lamins at low pH (6.8 to 7.3); a premature association of a lamin subfraction with metaphase chromosomes at intermediate pH 7.5; a more prominent relocation of lamins onto chromosomes in metaphase and in disorganized metaphase at pH 8.0. Reassembly of lamins occurred at telomeric ends of mitotic chromosomes followed by a lateral fusion to form a nuclear cage. Using immunogold localization, we show that pH-induced, premature, partial deposition of lamins onto condensed chromosomes may occur prior to the formation of the bilamellar nuclear envelope. These results suggest that the pH-induced redistribution of lamins acts to trigger early events of mitosis to interphase transition.  相似文献   

Secreted galactosyltransferase from bovine milk was used to induce antibodies cross-reacting with corresponding intracellular enzymes in a variety of cell lines and tissues. In contrast to the original antigen, the reactive intracellular galactosyltransferase appears as individual species (apparent MW approx. 42000-46000) in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In indirect immunofluorescence microscopy affinity-purified IgGs locate the galactosyltransferase in a distinct perinuclear and juxtanuclear position indicative for the Golgi region. The rearrangement of labelled structures upon colcemid or monensin treatment--drugs known to influence Golgi morphology and function--is further proof for a Golgi association. The fate and distribution of Golgi elements during mitosis is described at the light microscopical level using galactosyltransferase as easily identifiable marker. In addition we evaluate the utilization of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding for Golgi identification on tissue culture cells and show that WGA is not a reliable marker for certain cell types such as MDCK.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence and digital videomicroscopy were used to study gamma-tubulin distribution in normal mitotic and interphase HeLa cells and after their treatment with microtubule-stabilizing (taxol) and depolymerizing (nocodazole) drugs. In interphase HeLa cells, the affinity-purified antibodies against gamma-tubulin and monoclonal antibodies against acetylated tubulin stain one or two neighboring dots, centrioles. The gamma-tubulin content in two centrioles from the same cell differs insignificantly. Mitotic poles contain fourfold amount of gamma-tubulin as compared with the centrioles in interphase. The effect of nocodazole (5 microg/ml) on interphase cells resulted in lowering the amount of gamma-tubulin in the centrosome, and in 24 h it was reduced by half. Treatment with nocodazole for 2 h caused a fourfold decrease in the gamma-tubulin content in mitotic poles. Besides, the mitotic poles were unevenly stained, the fluorescence intensity in the center was lower than at the periphery. Upon treatment with taxol (10 microg/ml), the gamma-tubulin content in the interphase cell centrosome first decreased, then increased, and in 24 h it doubled as compared with control. In the latter case, bright dots appeared in the cell cytoplasm along the microtubule bundles. However, after 24 h treatment with taxol, the total amount of intracellular gamma-tubulin did not change. Treatment with taxol for 2-4 h halved the gamma-tubulin content in the centrosome as compared with normal mitosis. In some cells, antibodies against gamma-tubulin revealed up to four microtubule convergence foci. Other numerous microtubule convergence foci were not stained. Thus, the existence of at least three gamma-tubulin pools is suggested: (1) constitutive gamma-tubulin permanently associated with centrioles irrespective of the cell cycle stage and of their ability to serve as microtubule organizing centers; (2) gamma-tubulin unstably associated with the centrosome only during mitosis; (3) cytoplasmic gamma-tubulin that can bind to stable microtubules.  相似文献   

Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against algal centrin, a protein of algal striated flagellar roots, were used to characterize the occurrence and distribution of this protein in interphase and mitotic Chlamydomonas cells. Chlamydomonas centrin, as identified by Western immunoblot procedures, is a low molecular (20,000-Mr) acidic protein. Immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling demonstrates that centrin is a component of the distal fiber. In addition, centrin-based flagellar roots link the flagellar apparatus to the nucleus. Two major descending fibers extend from the basal bodies toward the nucleus; each descending fiber branches several times giving rise to 8-16 fimbria which surround and embrace the nucleus. Immunogold labeling indicates that these fimbria are juxtaposed to the outer nuclear envelope. Earlier studies have demonstrated that the centrin-based linkage between the flagellar apparatus and the nucleus is contractile, both in vitro and in living Chlamydomonas cells (Wright, R. L., J. Salisbury, and J. Jarvik. 1985. J. Cell Biol. 101:1903-1912; Salisbury, J. L., M. A. Sanders, and L. Harpst. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:1799-1805). Immunofluorescence studies show dramatic changes in distribution of the centrin-based system during mitosis that include a transient contraction at preprophase; division, separation, and re-extension during prophase; and a second transient contraction at the metaphase/anaphase boundary. These observations suggest a fundamental role for centrin in motile events during mitosis.  相似文献   

Plant retinoblastoma-related (RBR) proteins are primarily considered as key regulators of G(1)/S phase transition, with functional roles in a variety of cellular events during plant growth and organ development. Polyclonal antibody against the C-terminal region of the Arabidopsis RBR1 protein also specifically recognizes the alfalfa 115?kDa MsRBR protein, as shown by the antigen competition assay. The MsRBR protein was detected in all cell cycle phases, with a moderate increase in samples representing G(2)/M cells. Antibody against the human phospho-pRb peptide (Ser807/811) cross-reacted with the same 115?kDa MsRBR protein and with the in vitro phosphorylated MsRBR protein C-terminal fragment. Phospho-MsRBR protein was low in G(1) cells. Its amount increased upon entry into the S phase and remained high during the G(2)/M phases. Roscovitine treatment abolished the activity of alfalfa MsCDKA1;1 and MsCDKB2;1, and the phospho-MsRBR protein level was significantly decreased in the treated cells. Colchicine block increased the detected levels of both forms of MsRBR protein. Reduced levels of the MsRBR protein in cells at stationary phase or grown in hormone-free medium can be a sign of the division-dependent presence of plant RBR proteins. Immunolocalization of the phospho-MsRBR protein indicated spots of variable number and size in the labelled interphase nuclei and high signal intensity of nuclear granules in prophase. Structures similar to phospho-MsRBR proteins cannot be recognized in later mitotic phases. Based on the presented western blot and immunolocalization data, the possible involvement of RBR proteins in G(2)/M phase regulation in plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

In an RNA interference screen interrogating regulators of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell chromatin structure, we previously identified 62 genes required for ES cell viability. Among these 62 genes were Smc2 and -4, which are core components of the two mammalian condensin complexes. In this study, we show that for Smc2 and -4, as well as an additional 49 of the 62 genes, knockdown (KD) in somatic cells had minimal effects on proliferation or viability. Upon KD, Smc2 and -4 exhibited two phenotypes that were unique to ES cells and unique among the ES cell–lethal targets: metaphase arrest and greatly enlarged interphase nuclei. Nuclear enlargement in condensin KD ES cells was caused by a defect in chromatin compaction rather than changes in DNA content. The altered compaction coincided with alterations in the abundance of several epigenetic modifications. These data reveal a unique role for condensin complexes in interphase chromatin compaction in ES cells.  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1979,14(1):23-29
Nuclear volume distributions from proliferative- and stationary-phase meristems of pea roots have been compared and shown to be almost identical. A wide range of nuclear volumes is also found within cells of the same interphase age, specifically early G1 cells and late G2 cells, further indicating that nuclear volume cannot be used to estimate interphase age. The average increase in nuclear volume is approx. 2.5-fold, and all nuclei of the meristem, whatever their starting volume, increase by the same factor. Sister nuclei have very similar volumes in early G1, indicating that asymmetric mitoses within the meristem do not contribute significantly to the heterogeneity found.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):3097-3116
The mouse mAb, mAb 327, that recognizes specifically both pp60v-src and pp60c-src in a wide variety of cells, has been used to determine precisely the various locations of pp60c-src in NIH c-src overexpresser cells, using the technique of immunofluorescence microscopy. In interphase cells, the protein exhibits two main distributions: one that appears uniform and in association with the cell surface and the other that is patchy and juxtanuclear and coincides with the centrosomes. The juxtanuclear aggregation of pp60c-src-containing patches depends on microtubules and does not seem to occur within the Golgi apparatus and the rough ER. At the G2-to-M-phase transition, a drastic change in the localization patterns of pp60c-src takes place. We also report experiments in which the NIH c-src overexpresser cells were exposed to Con A for various times to induce a redistribution of the cell surface Con A receptors. We show that, at each stage of the Con A-mediated endocytotic process, the Con A-receptor complexes redistribute into structures to which pp60c-src appears also to be associated: at first, into patches that form at the cell surface level and then, into a cap that stands at the cell center in a juxtanuclear position and that coincides with the Golgi apparatus. During this capping process, pp60c- src-containing vesicles continue to accumulate in a centriolar spot, as in interphase, Con A-untreated cells, from which Con A is excluded. The significance of the intracellular locations of pp60c-src to the possible functions of the protein is discussed. Also, the distribution patterns of the cellular protein in the NIH c-src overexpresser cells are compared with those of pp60v-src in RSV-transformed cells. The differences observed are discussed in relation with the differences in transforming capacities of the two proteins. Finally, the possible physiological significance of the association between pp60c-src and the structures generated after the binding of Con A to its surface receptors is addressed.  相似文献   

During mitosis in higher eukaryotes, nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) disassemble in prophase and are rebuilt in anaphase and telophase. NPC formation is hypothesized to occur by the interaction of mitotically stable subcomplexes that form defined structural intermediates. To determine the sequence of events that lead to breakdown and reformation of functional NPCs during mitosis, we present here our quantitative assay based on confocal time-lapse microscopy of single dividing cells. We use this assay to systematically investigate the kinetics of dis- and reassembly for eight nucleoporin subcomplexes relative to nuclear transport in NRK cells, linking the assembly state of the NPC with its function. Our data establish that NPC assembly is an ordered stepwise process that leads to import function already in a partially assembled state. We furthermore find that nucleoporin dissociation does not occur in the reverse order from binding during assembly, which may indicate a distinct mechanism.  相似文献   

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