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Sphingosine-1-phosphate mediates migration of mature dendritic cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) represents a potent modulator of diverse cellular activities, including lymphocyte trafficking and maintenance of lymphocyte homeostasis. The five known receptors for S1P (S1P(1-5)) belong to the family of G protein-coupled receptors. Upon binding S1P, they act downstream via heterotrimeric G proteins on members of the small GTPase family (Cdc42/Rac/Rho), evoking a S1P receptor-dependent activation pattern of Cdc42, Rac, and Rho, respectively. This, in turn, triggers cytoskeletal rearrangements determining cellular morphology and movement. In this study we investigated the effects of S1P on murine dendritic cells (DC). Mature DC, but not immature in vitro differentiated DC, were found to migrate to S1P, a phenomenon that correlated to the up-regulation of S1P1 and S1P3 in maturing DC. The same pattern of S1P receptor regulation could be observed in vivo on skin DC after their activation and migration into the lymph node. The migration-inducing effect of S1P could be severely hampered by application of the S1P analogon FTY720 in vitro and in vivo. A similar, yet more pronounced, block was observed upon preventing Cdc42/Rac and/or Rho activation by specific inhibitors. These results suggest that S1P-mediated signaling plays a pivotal role in the life cycle of DC.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, mesodermal and ectodermal cells undergo convergent extension, a process characterised by prominent cellular rearrangements in which polarised cells intercalate along the medio-lateral axis leading to elongation of the antero-posterior axis. Recently, it has become evident that a noncanonical Wnt/Frizzled (Fz)/Dishevelled (Dsh) signalling pathway, which is related to the planar-cell-polarity (PCP) pathway in flies, regulates convergent extension during vertebrate gastrulation. Here we isolate and functionally characterise a zebrafish homologue of Drosophila prickle (pk), a gene that is implicated in the regulation of PCP. Zebrafish pk1 is expressed maternally and in moving mesodermal precursors. Abrogation of Pk1 function by morpholino oligonucleotides leads to defective convergent extension movements, enhances the silberblick (slb)/wnt11 and pipetail (Ppt)/wnt5 phenotypes and suppresses the ability of Wnt11 to rescue the slb phenotype. Gain-of-function of Pk1 also inhibits convergent extension movements and enhances the slb phenotype, most likely caused by the ability of Pk1 to block the Fz7-dependent membrane localisation of Dsh by downregulating levels of Dsh protein. Furthermore, we show that pk1 interacts genetically with trilobite (tri)/strabismus to mediate the caudally directed migration of cranial motor neurons and convergent extension. These results indicate that, during zebrafish gastrulation Pk1 acts, in part, through interaction with the noncanonical Wnt11/Wnt5 pathway to regulate convergent extension cell movements, but is unlikely to simply be a linear component of this pathway. In addition, Pk1 interacts with Tri to mediate posterior migration of branchiomotor neurons, probably independent of the noncanonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a biologically active sphingolipid metabolite that exerts important effects on numerous cellular events via cell surface receptors, S1P(1-5). S1P influences differentiation, proliferation, and migration during vascular development. However, the effects of S1P signaling on early cardiac development are not well understood. To address this issue, we examined the expression of S1P regulatory enzymes and S1P receptors during cardiac development. We observed that enzymes that regulate S1P levels, sphingosine kinase and sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase, are expressed in the developing heart. In addition, RT-PCR revealed that four of the five known S1P receptors (S1P(1-4)) are also expressed in the developing heart. Next, effects of altered S1P levels on whole embryo and atrioventricular (AV) canal cultures were investigated. We demonstrate that inactivation of the S1P producing enzyme, sphingosine kinase, leads to cell death in cardiac tissue which is rescued by exogenous S1P treatment. Other experiments reveal that increased S1P concentration prevents alterations in cell morphology that are required for cell migration. This effect results in reduced cell migration and inhibited mesenchymal cell formation in AV canal cushion tissue. These data indicate that S1P, locally maintained within a specific concentration range, is an important and necessary component of early heart development.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, both mesodermal and endodermal cells internalize through the blastopore beneath the ectoderm. In zebrafish, the internalized mesodermal cells move towards the dorsal side of the gastrula and, at the same time, they extend anteriorly by convergence and extension (C&E) movements. Endodermal cells showing characteristic filopodia then migrate into the inner layer within the hypoblast next to the yolk syncytial layer (YSL). However, little is known about how the movement of endodermal cells is regulated during gastrulation. Here we show that sdf1a- and sdf1b-expressing mesodermal cells control the movements of the cxcr4a-expressing endodermal cells. The directional migration of endodermal cells during gastrulation is inhibited by knockdown of either cxcr4a or sdf1a/sdf1b (sdf1). We also show that misexpressed Sdf1 acts as a chemoattractant for cxcr4a-expressing endodermal cells. We further found, using the endoderm-specific transgenic line Tg(sox17:EGFP), that Sdf1/Cxcr4 signaling regulates both the formation and orientation of filopodial processes in endodermal cells. Moreover, the accumulation of phosphoinositide 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP(3)), which is known to occur at the leading edge of migrating cells, is not observed at the filopodia of endodermal cells. Based on our results, we propose that sdf1-expressing mesodermal cells, which overlie the endodermal layer, guide the cxcr4a-expressing endodermal cells to the dorsal side of the embryo during gastrulation, possibly through a PIP(3)-independent pathway.  相似文献   

The MAPKs are key regulatory signaling molecules in many cellular processes. Here we define differential functions for ERK1 and ERK2 MAPKs in zebrafish embryogenesis. Morpholino knockdown of ERK1 and ERK2 resulted in cell migration defects during gastrulation, which could be rescued by co-injection of the corresponding mRNA. Strikingly, Erk2 mRNA cross-rescued ERK1 knockdown, but erk1 mRNA was unable to compensate for ERK2 knockdown. Cell-tracing experiments revealed a convergence defect for ERK1 morphants without a severe posterior-extension defect, whereas ERK2 morphants showed a more severe reduction in anterior-posterior extension. These defects were primary changes in gastrulation cell movements and not caused by altered cell fate specification. Saturating knockdown conditions showed that the absence of FGF-mediated dual-phosphorylated ERK2 from the blastula margin blocked initiation of epiboly, actin and tubulin cytoskeleton reorganization processes and further arrested embryogenesis, whereas ERK1 knockdown had only a mild effect on epiboly progression. Together, our data define distinct roles for ERK1 and ERK2 in developmental cell migration processes during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have used high-resolution 4D imaging of cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) in zebrafish to investigate the earliest left-right asymmetric movements during cardiac morphogenesis. Differential migratory behavior within the heart field was observed, resulting in a rotation of the heart tube. The leftward displacement and rotation of the tube requires hyaluronan synthase 2 expression within the CPCs. Furthermore, by reducing or ectopically activating BMP signaling or by implantation of BMP beads we could demonstrate that BMP signaling, which is asymmetrically activated in the lateral plate mesoderm and regulated by early left-right signals, is required to direct CPC migration and cardiac rotation. Together, these results support a model in which CPCs migrate toward a BMP source during development of the linear heart tube, providing a mechanism by which the left-right axis drives asymmetric development of the vertebrate heart.  相似文献   

少突胶质前体细胞(OPC),又称为NG2细胞,是脑内广泛存在的一类大胶质细胞。OPC最初主要从室管膜区产生并经过发育期的长距离迁移而到达大脑的各个区域。这一迁移过程不仅对神经元正常髓鞘形成提供了必要条件,对大脑损伤后髓鞘的再修复也极为关键。因此,研究各种信号分子对OPC在迁移过程中的作用,探求它们如何对OPC在体内完成长距离的迁移和精确的定位而发挥作用,从而找到一定的规律,对全面认识少突胶质前体细胞如何在整个神经网络中发挥作用具有重要意义,也为脱髓鞘疾病的治疗提供新的思路和途径。  相似文献   

Chemokines and chemokine receptors are required for T cell trafficking and migration. Recent evidence shows that sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and S1PRs are also important for some aspects of T cell migration, but how these two important receptor-ligand systems are integrated and coregulated is not known. In this study, we have investigated CCL19-CCR7 and CXCL12-CXCR4-driven migration of both splenic and peripheral lymph node (PLN) nonactivated and naive T cells, and used both S1P and the S1PR ligand, FTY720, to probe these interactions. The results demonstrate that splenic T cell migration to CCL19 or CXCL12 is enhanced by, but does not require, S1PR stimulation. In contrast, PLN T cell migration to CXCL12, but not CCL19, requires both chemokine and S1PR stimulation, and the requirement for dual receptor stimulation is particularly important for steps involving transendothelial migration. The results also demonstrate that: 1) splenic and PLN nonactivated and naive T cells use different molecular migration mechanisms; 2) CCR7 and CXCR4 stimulation engage different migration mechanisms; and 3) S1P and FTY720 have distinct S1PR agonist and antagonist properties. The results have important implications for understanding naive T cell entry into and egress from peripheral lymphoid organs, and we present a model for how S1P and chemokine receptor signaling may be integrated within a T cell.  相似文献   

Extracellular sphingolipid signaling has been implicated as an essential event in vascular development. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), through interactions with G protein-coupled receptors, regulates functions of endothelial and smooth muscle cells (SMCs)-the major cell types of the vasculature. The knockout of the gene encoding the S1P1 receptor (formally known as Edg-1) in mice blocks vascular maturation, the process where SMCs and pericytes envelop nascent endothelial tubes. The question that remains is how stimulation of S1P receptors controls this critical event in the developmental sequence leading to the formation of functional blood vessels.  相似文献   

The large extracellular polysaccharide Hyaluronan (HA) and its synthesizing enzymes (Has) have been implicated in regulating the migratory potential of metastatic cancer cells. Here, we analyze the roles of zebrafish Has2 in normal development. Antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-mediated knockdown of zebrafish Has2 leads to the loss of HA, and severe migratory defects during gastrulation, somite morphogenesis and primordial germ cell migration. During gastrulation, ventrolateral cells of has2 morphant embryos fail to develop lamellipodia and to migrate dorsally, resulting in a blockage of dorsal convergence, whereas extension of the dorsal axis is normal. The effect is cell autonomous, suggesting that HA acts as an autocrine signal to stimulate the migration of HA-generating cells. Upon ectopic expression in axial cells, has2 causes the formation of supernumerary lamellipodia and a blockage of axis extension. Epistasis analyses with constitutively active and dominant-negative versions of the small GTPase Rac1 suggest that HA acts by Rac1 activation, rather than as an essential structural component of the extracellular matrix. Together, our data provide evidence that convergence and extension are separate morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. In addition, they suggest that the same HA pathways are active to auto-stimulate cell migration during tumor invasion and vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S-1-P) is a bioactive lipid that plays a role in diverse biological processes. It functions both as an extracellular ligand through a family of high-affinity G-protein-coupled receptors, and intracellularly as a second messenger. A growing body of evidence has implicated S-1-P in controlling cell movement and chemotaxis in cultured mammalian cells. Mutant D. discoideum cells, in which the gene encoding the S-1-P lyase had been specifically disrupted by homologous recombination, previously were shown to be defective in pseudopod formation, suggesting that a resulting defect might exist in motility and/or chemotaxis. To test this prediction, we analyzed the behavior of mutant cells in buffer, and in both spatial and temporal gradients of the chemoattractant cAMP, using computer-assisted 2-D and 3-D motion analysis systems. Under all conditions, S-1-P lyase null mutants were unable to suppress lateral pseudopod formation like wild-type control cells. This resulted in a reduction in velocity in buffer and spatial gradients of cAMP. Mutant cells exhibited positive chemotaxis in spatial gradients of cAMP, but did so with lowered efficiency, again because of their inability to suppress lateral pseudopod formation. Mutant cells responded normally to simulated temporal waves of cAMP but mimicked the temporal dynamics of natural chemotactic waves. The effect must be intracellular since no homologs of the S-1-P receptors have been identified in the Dictyostelium genome. The defects in the S-1-P lyase null mutants were similar to those seen in mutants lacking the genes for myosin IA, myosin IB, and clathrin, indicating that S-1-P signaling may play a role in modulating the activity or organization of these cytoskeletal elements in the regulation of lateral pseudopod formation.  相似文献   

Key to invasiveness is the ability of tumor cells to modify the extracellular matrix, become motile, and engage in directed migration towards the vasculature. One significant protein associated with metastatic progression is membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP14). How MMP14 activity is coordinated with other signaling pathways to regulate cell migration in vivo is largely unknown. Here we have used zebrafish embryogenesis as a model to understand the potential relationship between MMP14-dependent pericellular proteolysis, cell polarity, and motility. Knockdown of zebrafish Mmp14 function disrupted gastrulation convergence and extension cell movements and craniofacial morphogenesis. Using time-lapse imaging and morphometric analyses, we show that Mmp14 is required for proper cell polarity underlying the directed migration of mesodermal cells during gastrulation. We have identified a genetic interaction between mmp14 and non-canonical Wnt signaling, a pathway that also regulates cell polarity in embryonic tissues and is increasingly being linked with tumor cell migration. Finally, we demonstrate that Van Gogh-like 2, a key regulator of the non-canonical Wnt pathway, co-localizes with MMP14 and becomes redistributed towards the leading edge of polarized human cancer cells. Together, our results support the notion that pathways regulating pericellular proteolysis and cell polarity converge to promote efficient cell migration.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are known to be key regulators of bone growth, remodeling, and repair. Since all these processes depend on the recruitment of cells with the potential to be committed to the osteoblastic lineage, we studied possible effects of IGF-I and -II on migration of human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC) using a modified Boyden chamber assay. The results were compared to those of primary osteoblasts and in vitro-osteogenic-differentiated MPC. IGF-I and -II stimulated cell migration of all these cell populations in a dose-dependent manner from 1 to 100 ng/mL. The maximal chemotactic index (CI) was 4-5 for MPC and primary osteoblasts and about 3 for in vitro-differentiated MPC. Checkerboard analysis revealed that IGFs stimulated true directed cell migration (chemotaxis) and not simply chemokinesis. Addition of an antibody against the type I IGF receptor (αIR3) completely abolished (MPC) or markedly reduced (primary osteoblasts) the chemotactic effects of each of the IGFs. IGFBP-3 itself had no direct effect, while IGFBP-5 stimulated MPC migration at concentrations of 80 and 160 ng/mL. Parallel application of IGFBP-3 had borderline inhibitory effects while the addition of 40 ng/mL of IGFBP-5 enhanced the chemotactic effect of IGF-I on MPC. In conclusion, our results show that IGF-I and -II are chemotactic factors for MPC and indicate that IGFBP-5 both modulates the IGF-I effect and directly stimulates migration of human mesenchymal progenitor cells.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, highly coordinated cellular rearrangements lead to the formation of the three germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. In zebrafish, silberblick (slb)/wnt11 regulates normal gastrulation movements by activating a signalling pathway similar to the Frizzled-signalling pathway, which establishes epithelial planar cell polarity (PCP) in Drosophila. However, the cellular mechanisms by which slb/wnt11 functions during zebrafish gastrulation are still unclear. Using high-resolution two-photon confocal imaging followed by computer-assisted reconstruction and motion analysis, we have analysed the movement and morphology of individual cells in three dimensions during the course of gastrulation. We show that in slb-mutant embryos, hypoblast cells within the forming germ ring have slower, less directed migratory movements at the onset of gastrulation. These aberrant cell movements are accompanied by defects in the orientation of cellular processes along the individual movement directions of these cells. We conclude that slb/wnt11-mediated orientation of cellular processes plays a role in facilitating and stabilising movements of hypoblast cells in the germ ring, thereby pointing at a novel function of the slb/wnt11 signalling pathway for the regulation of migratory cell movements at early stages of gastrulation.  相似文献   



Vasculogenesis, the de novo formation of blood vessels from precursor cells is critical for a developing embryo. However, the signals and events that dictate the formation of primary axial vessels remain poorly understood.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we use ets-related protein-1 (etsrp), which is essential for vascular development, to analyze the early stages of vasculogenesis in zebrafish. We found etsrp + cells of the head, trunk and tail follow distinct developmental sequences. Using a combination of genetic, molecular and chemical approaches, we demonstrate that fli + etsrp + hemato-vascular progenitors (FEVPs) are proliferating at the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). The Shh-VEGF-Notch-Hey2 signaling pathway controls the proliferation process, and experimental modulation of single components of this pathway alters etsrp + cell numbers at the LPM.


This study for the first time defines factors controlling proliferation, and cell numbers of pre-migratory FEVPs in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Satellite cells are resident stem cells of skeletal muscle; they are normally quiescent but upon post-trauma activation start to proliferate and fuse with damaged fibers contributing to muscle regeneration. In this study the effect of the bioactive sphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) on the proliferative and migratory response of murine satellite cells has been examined. S1P was found to stimulate labeled thymidine incorporation in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner. Moreover, by employing selective S1P receptor agonists and antagonists and silencing individual S1P receptors, the mitogenic action of S1P in satellite cells was shown to depend on S1P2 and S1P3. Notably, by using different experimental approaches S1P was found to positively influence satellite cell migration, necessary for their recruitment at the site of muscle damage. Interestingly, the specific silencing of individual S1P receptor subtypes demonstrated the pivotal role of S1P1 and S1P4 in mediating the S1P migratory effect. This latter result demonstrates for the first time that S1P4 receptor has a role in skeletal muscle cells, supporting the notion that this receptor subtype plays a biological action broader than that so far identified in lymphoid tissue. On the contrary, S1P2 was found to negatively regulate cell migration. Collectively, these results are in favour of an important function of S1P in satellite cell biology that could in principle be exploited as novel pharmacological target for improving skeletal muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid that mediates a wide variety of biological effects in different cells and tissues. This review discusses the effects of S1P signaling in oligodendrocytes, the myelin making cells of the central nervous system (CNS). Results from different laboratories have uncovered direct actions of S1P at different maturational stages along the oligodendroglial lineage. There is also evidence for the existence in oligodendrocytes of interactions between S1P and signaling by factors which, like neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), have profound effects on oligodendrocyte development and myelination. Moreover, S1P signaling in oligodendrocytes may not only play an important role during normal CNS development but also offer new therapeutic avenues to stimulate remyelination in demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

The majority of neurones and glia of the enteric nervous system (ENS) are derived from the vagal neural crest. Shortly after emigration from the neural tube, ENS progenitors invade the anterior foregut and, migrating in a rostrocaudal direction, colonise in an orderly fashion the rest of the foregut, the midgut and the hindgut. We provide evidence that activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase RET by glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is required for the directional migration of ENS progenitors towards and within the gut wall. We find that neural crest-derived cells present within foetal small intestine explants migrate towards an exogenous source of GDNF in a RET-dependent fashion. Consistent with an in vivo role of GDNF in the migration of ENS progenitors, we demonstrate that Gdnf is expressed at high levels in the gut of mouse embryos in a spatially and temporally regulated manner. Thus, during invasion of the foregut by vagal-derived neural crest cells, expression of Gdnf was restricted to the mesenchyme of the stomach, ahead of the invading NC cells. Twenty-four hours later and as the ENS progenitors were colonising the midgut, Gdnf expression was upregulated in a more posterior region - the caecum anlage. In further support of a role of endogenous GDNF in enteric neural crest cell migration, we find that in explant cultures GDNF produced by caecum is sufficient to attract NC cells residing in more anterior gut segments. In addition, two independently generated loss-of-function alleles of murine Ret, Ret.k- and miRet51, result in characteristic defects of neural crest cell migration within the developing gut. Finally, we identify phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and the mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathways as playing crucial roles in the migratory response of enteric neural crest cells to GDNF.  相似文献   

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