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The objective of this study was to examine the mechanisms of estrogen receptor (ER) processing and replenishment in the uterus of ovariectomized rats after estradiol and progesterone treatment. Uterine ER binding activity, ER protein and ER mRNA were measured by receptor binding exchange assay, Western blot and slot blot, respectively. The regulation of ER levels in rat uterus by estradiol and progesterone was very dramatic. Changes in ER protein were faithfully reflected by changes in binding activity. Estradiol caused receptor “processing” within 4 h of administration followed by recovery or “replenishment” of ER levels to the initial level by 20 h. The term “processing” has previously been used to describe the loss of ER binding activity in the early phase of estradiol-action, but it was never clear whether the ligand binding site was inactivated by processing or if the receptor molecule actually disappeared. This study shows that receptor “processing” constitutes disappearance of receptor protein and the later “replenishment” phase represents new ER protein rather than recycling of “processed” receptor. Progesterone-action, on the other hand, influenced only the “replenishment” phase by blocking recovery of ER protein. ER mRNA was suppressed by estradiol at 8 h, after the receptor was “processed” and “replenishment” already initiated. Progesterone, on the other hand, did not alter the steady state level of the message. Other mechanisms, such as regulation of translation rate of existing mRNA and changes in the rate of degradation of ER proteins are more likely involved in acute regulation of ER by these ovarian steroid hormones.  相似文献   

A plasmid cDNA library was constructed using poly(A+) RNA isolated from the livers of rats treated with 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) and fed a high carbohydrate diet. This library was screened by differential colony hybridization with [32P]cDNA probes made from hypothyroid and hyperthyroid rat liver poly(A+) RNA to obtain clones representing T3-inducible mRNAs. Using plasmid cDNAs to 4 different T3-inducible mRNAs, we have studied by hybridization assay the responses of these mRNAs to different thyroidal steady states and to a high carbohydrate diet. The fold of induction (hypothyroid to hyperthyroid) varied from about 4.0 (mRNA 5-8D) to 13.2 (mRNA 4-12B). The linearity of response with regard to nuclear receptor occupancy was estimated by assessing the relative mRNA levels in a euthyroid state. Three of the mRNAs demonstrated nonlinear responses with the largest portion of the induction occurring in the euthyroid to hyperthyroid transition. An induction by the high carbohydrate diet was clearly seen for only one mRNA (5-8D) suggesting that these two pathways of induction are independent. In a study of the response kinetics of each mRNA to a nuclear receptor saturating dose of T3 in hypothyroid animals, an increase was seen within 4 h (the earliest time point examined) for one of the mRNAs. The other 3 mRNAs did not increase significantly until 8 h after the T3 dose. Northern analysis showed a single mRNA corresponding to each of these 4 clones with sizes ranging from about 1375 to 7600 bases. Two mRNAs (5-9E and 4-12B) were shown by hybrid-selected translation to code for proteins of molecular mass of about 27 and 46 kDa, respectively. The availability of several different cDNA probes to T3 responsive liver mRNAs should facilitate future studies on the mechanism of action of this hormone.  相似文献   

Rabbit globin mRNA, when layered in low salt on 0.1 M-NaCl/sucrose gradients, separates into two peaks of material. Translation of these two RNA fractions in the wheat-germ cell-free system, hybridization against globin complementary DNA (cDNA) and cross-hybridization against cDNA species prepared from each fraction show that the first peak sedimenting at 10S is a alpha-globin mRNA and the second peak, sedimenting at approx. 15S, is beta-globin mRNA. The sedimentation rate of the beta-globin mRNA is concentration-dependent. By changing concentration and pH, it is indicated that in low-salt beta-globin mRNA adopts a conformation that leads to specific, but weak, self-dimerization during centrifugation in 0.1M-NaCl. This property permits rapid preparation of intact and relatively pure alpha- and beta-globin mRNA species.  相似文献   

Lysozyme mRNA (mRNAlys) was purified from hen oviduct poly(A)-containing RNA by hybridization, labeled with NaB[3H]4 and digested with RNase T1. This revealed the presence of equal amounts of two major oligonucleotides having structures of m7Gppp(Np)7 and m7Gppp(Np)4 plus minor amounts of m7Gppp(Np)2 and m7GpppNp. The total mRNAlys contained the cap structures m7Gpppm6Am, m7GpppGm, m7GpppAm, m7GpppCm, m7GpppA, and m7GpppG, in decreasing order of abundance. The m7Gppp(Np)7 oligonucleotide contained only A-caps and the m7Gppp(Np)4, only G-caps. 32P-labeled 5'-terminal T1-oligonucleotides were prepared, and at least 12 different types were observed, the most abundant being m7Gppp(Np)7 and m7Gppp(Np)4. Their sequences were determined to be m7Gppp(m6)AmNmUCCCG and m7GpppGmNmAG. Taken together with the findings of Grez et al. (Grez, M., Land, H., Giesecke, K., Schutz, G., Jung, A., and Sippel, A. E. (1981) Cell 25, 743-752), these results indicate that in the genomic sequence AGCTTGCAGTCCCGT, 52% of the mRNAlys molecules begin at the underlined A residue and 38% at the underlined G residue.  相似文献   

M J Ernest 《Biochemistry》1982,21(26):6761-6767
Tyrosine aminotransferase messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) activity in rat liver was rapidly increased 3-6-fold following in vivo administration of hydrocortisone acetate, dibutyryladenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate, or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Treatment with the steroid hormone or cyclic nucleotide in combination with cycloheximide resulted in levels of tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA 10-20-fold greater than control values. These changes in mRNA activity were not accompanied by changes in albumin mRNA or total liver template activity. The rapid decline in tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA activity following cordycepin inhibition of de novo RNA synthesis was prevented by cycloheximide treatment. This protection was not observed when pactamycin was substituted for cycloheximide, demonstrating that the inhibition of protein synthesis per se was not responsible for the stabilization of tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA. Based upon the effects of cycloheximide and pactamycin on rat liver polysome structure, it is concluded that the cycloheximide-mediated increase in tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA activity is the result of stabilization of the mRNA molecule which renders the message less susceptible to inactivation and degradation in the cytoplasm. The action of cycloheximide is very specific for tyrosine aminotransferase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and probably several other mRNAs that code for minor liver proteins that turn over rapidly in response to hormonal or metabolic stimuli.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the porportion of a specific messenger RNA in the total RNA extracted from pulse-labelled cells. A model system consisting of total ribosomal RNA and Escherichia coli DNA is used to validate the method and to define the conditions under which it can be used.  相似文献   

RNA was isolated from uteri of immature rats before and after estrogen treatment. The concentration of histone mRNA was analyzed by Northern hybridization and compared with messenger RNA concentration of alpha-actin, beta-actin, and beta-tubulin. Steady state levels of common histone mRNAs did not change up to 9 h after hormone administration. After that time the histone mRNA levels increased significantly and reached a maximum at 18 h, several hours later than the time of maximal histone protein biosynthesis induced by estrogen. The concentration of control mRNAs (alpha- and beta-actin and beta-tubulins) increased shortly after estradiol injection and reached a peak at 9 h. These results show that the pattern of histone gene expression induced by estrogen has some features similar to those observed during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Total RNA was isolated from rat liver polyribosomes and fractionated by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography to obtain polyadenylated mRNA. The mRNA was translated in a wheat-germ cell-free protein-synthesizing system containing [3H]glycine, [3H]lysine and [3H]serine. Most of the newly synthesized 3H-labelled polypeptides were removed from the cell-free products by precipitation at pH 4.0. 3H-labelled thionein chains, which were soluble at pH 4.0, were purified by activated-thiol-Sepharose 4B chromatography or by gel-filtration chromatography. Polyribosomal thionein mRNA was found to increase by at least 3-fold after parenteral administration and by 20 h thereafter the ratio of thionein mRNA to total mRNA approached that found in controls. Actinomycin D administration in vivo blocked the Zn2+-induced increase in polyribosomal thionein mRNA content. These data strongly suggest that metallothionein is an inducible protein. The mechanism of regulation appears to involve changes in the synthesis de novo of thionein mRNA and hence the pool of thionein mRNA available for translation.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were performed to investigate two hypotheses about the function of long-lived messenger RNA in bacteria. After RNA synthesis had been stopped by the addition of actinomycin, continuing protein synthesis was used as a measure of persistent messenger RNA. 2. The hypothesis that messenger RNA responsible for the synthesis of membrane protein is exceptionally long-lived was tested in experiments with protoplasts of Bacillus megaterium. However, this messenger RNA proved to be of approximately average stability. 3. The hypothesis that long-lived messenger RNA is responsible for the synthesis of constitutive proteins was tested by comparing the synthesis of penicillinase in an inducible and a constitutive strain of Bacillus licheniformis. After the addition of actinomycin, penicillinase synthesis continued for far longer in the constitutive than in the inducible strain. This difference is attributed to a difference in stability of the penicillinase-messenger RNA in the two strains, which does not extend to all messenger RNA indiscriminately. 4. A model is tentatively proposed to account for the altered stability of messenger RNA in the constitutive mutant.  相似文献   

Active xanthine oxidase was labelled specifically with 33S in the cyanide-labile site of the molybdenum centre. The Very Rapid molybdenum (V) e.p.r. signal, generated from this, shows strong coupling of 33S to molybdenum, providing unambiguous evidence that, at least in the signal-giving species, this sulphur atom is a ligand of molybdenum. The structure of the signal-giving species is discussed.  相似文献   

Seo YM  Park JI  Park HJ  Kim SG  Chun SY 《Life sciences》2007,81(12):1003-1008
Female mice null for receptor-interacting protein 140 (RIP140) are infertile because of the failure of follicle rupture. The present study examined gonadotropin regulation of RIP140 expression in immature rat ovary. Treatment with PMSG increased ovarian RIP140 mRNA and protein levels. In contrast, hCG treatment rapidly inhibited RIP140 mRNA and protein levels within 1-3 h. RIP140 mRNA was detected in theca cells of growing follicles in untreated ovary and in granulosa cells in PMSG-treated ovary. Interestingly, hCG treatment reduced RIP140 mRNA levels in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles, but not of growing follicles. Neither treatment of immature rats with diethylstilbestrol in vivo nor of immature granulosa cells with FSH in vitro affected RIP140 mRNA levels. Treatment of immature granulosa cells with 17beta-estradiol in vitro, however, stimulated RIP140 mRNA levels. In cultured preovulatory granulosa cells, RIP140 mRNA levels were stimulated at 1 h and then declined to below control levels by 3 h after LH treatment. Treatment with MDL-12,330A, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, or chelerythrine chloride, an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), inhibited LH-stimulated RIP140 gene expression. Furthermore, forskolin or TPA treatment for 1 h mimicked the stimulatory action of LH, indicating the involvement of both adenylate cyclase and PKC pathways. These results demonstrate the stimulation by PMSG and inhibition by hCG of RIP140 expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles in the rat ovary.  相似文献   

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