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In many polygynous species, males typically direct more intensecourtship toward more fecund females. Here we examined thisbehavior in relation to the attractiveness of a male's resource.We used the territorial polygynous beaugregory damselfish (Stegastesleucostictus) and manipulated the quality of male breeding territorieswith two types of artificial sites. We also investigated variablenatural breeding territories. Previous studies have shown thatthese different breeding sites were of different qualities,as judged by the number of eggs accrued by the defending male.Males on all three types of breeding sites did court females,and males using the highest quality sites exhibited significantlyhigher courtship intensity. However, only the group of maleson the highest quality site-type modulated their courtship intensityto female quality (i.e., female size). This indicates that males requiredsome minimal level of resource attractiveness (i.e., a threshold) beforethey exhibited mate preferences based on female quality. Further differencesin the resource attractiveness for males defending the high-qualityartificial sites were not related to differences in courtship behavior.  相似文献   

Territorial boundaries of the male beaugregory damselfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On six separate occasions during a two month period, there were no significant differences in mean attack distances by territorial male beaugregory damselfish Stregastes leucostictus against male conspecifics, bluehead wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatus and striped parrotfish Scarus iserti . Feeding areas and patrolling areas were typically smaller than attack distances. The presence or absence of eggs, or the quantity of eggs within the male's territory also was not significantly correlated with attack distances. © 2000 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

Much less is known about the behaviour of female beaugregory damselfish than about males of the species. This study was initiated to determine behavioural patterns and interactions of female beaugregories on the back reef of Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, North shore of Jamaica. Females fed, patrolled, and chased intruders in a significantly larger area and ate significantly more per 15-min observation period than did males. Males spent significantly more time patrolling their territories and chased significantly more total intruders than did females. However, this difference in total chases comes from the fact that males chased the bluehead wrasse, an egg predator, significantly more often than did females while all other species of intruder were chased the same by both sexes. The distance that females travelled from their homesite to court was significantly positively correlated to female body length. This increased distance travelled may relate to mate assessment. Female beaugregory damselfish may be able to be more selective in their choice of mate with increased size and distance travelled.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that mate choicecopying is a viable mating strategy under certain conditions.Copying experiments in fish have been conducted primarily inthe laboratory, except for one study conducted in the fieldunder artificial conditions. We investigated whether in a wildpopulation of the coral reef whitebelly damselfish (Amblyglyphidodonleucogaster) females copy the choice of other females. Femalespreferentially spawn with males that have recently mated. Todetermine if the presence of new eggs in the nest was the reasonfemales chose mates or whether females were mate choice copying,we conducted egg-switching experiments. Eggs from males thatrecently mated were donated to males that had no eggs. If femalesare mate choice copying, then donor males with no eggs in thenest should continue to receive additional eggs. If femalesare using the presence of new eggs as the criterion for matechoice, then foster males with new eggs should receive additionaleggs. We found that donor males received new eggs significantlymore often than expected. More females mated with donor malesthan foster males. Furthermore, females preferentially choseto mate with males whom they had seen mating with another female.Females appear to remember the mate choice of other femalesand choose to mate with those same males even after 1 day. Theseresults suggest that females may be copying the mating decisionof other females rather than choosing males based on the presenceof new eggs in the nest.  相似文献   

Mating success tends to be skewed toward dominant males, thoughfemale mate preferences may not always correlate with male dominance.In this study, we investigated the mating preferences of femalezebrafish, Danio rerio, in the absence of male–male competition.We paired females sequentially with males of known dominancerank, using a nested, repeated measures design, with egg productionas a measure of female mate preference. We predicted that femaleswould spawn more frequently and produce larger clutches whenpaired with males of higher dominance rank. We found significantdifferences among females in the size of clutches produced andamong males in the size of clutches received, but these differenceswere independent of male dominance rank. Male body size wasnot related to either dominance rank or clutch size received.These results indicate that females vary clutch size in relationto the males with which they are paired but that they do notfavor dominant males. Thus, male competition may normally overridefemale mate preference in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Male courtship displays and bright coloration are usually assumedto provide information to females about some aspect of themale's value as a mate. However, in some species, courtshipmay serve another function—namely, indicating the currentpredation risk at the mating site and assuring the female thatit is safe to mate there at this time. We developed this safetyassurance hypothesis (SAH) and tested its predictions in thebluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum), a Caribbean reef fish. Females in this species come to males' territories to spawn,and males court each arriving female. Males with larger whiteflank patches court less intensely than less bright males.We show that such males are probably more visible to predatorsand thus need not court so intensely to provide the same degreeof safety assurance to a female. When model lizardfish predatorsare presented at spawning sites, males habituate to them quickly,but newly arriving females who see the predator are expectedto demand more assurance of site safety. Accordingly, and consistentwith the SAH, males court females more intensely (longer averagecourtship bout length) under such circumstances, but maleswith bright flank patches do not increase their courtship asmuch as duller males do. Despite this relatively low intensityof courtship, the spawning rate of bright males does not declinerelative to that of duller males in the presence of a predator,suggesting that bright coloration conveys a differential benefit.Females of species like the bluehead wrasse, who spawn repeatedlyover the course of their life, are expected to be more concernedwith their own risk of mortality during each spawning boutthan with the quality of a particular male. It is in such speciesthat we expect the SAH to be most applicable.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of female selection of copulationpartners remains unresolved, particularly in polygamous specieswhere males do not provide paternal care. In these species thepossibility that direct benefits other than paternal care mayplay an important role in the evolution of female choice hasreceived little attention. I tested whether direct benefitsare associated with female choice in the polygamous feral fowl,Gallus g. domesticus, where females prefer socially dominantcopulation partners and males do not care for the young butdo provide females with three commodities: food, vigilance,and sperm. I used a combination of empirical and experimentaldata to show that male propensity to offer food and vigilance,but not sperm, was positively associated with male social status,suggesting that the provision of these resources may be costlyand condition dependent in males. Copulation success was correlatedwith male status but not with the number of feedings a femalereceived from a male, indicating that a female preferred dominantpartners that in general provided any female with more food,rather than partners that provided only her with more food,consistent with the idea that females may use male resourceprovisioning as a proximate mechanism to assess male condition.Together, these results indicate that male resources provisioningis (1) tightly linked to male social status, (2) a potentialindicator of male condition and possibly genetic quality, and(3) a potential criterion for females to select dominant partners,thus playing an important role in the evolution of partner choiceeven in polygamous species lacking paternal care.  相似文献   

Females can benefit from mate choice for male traits (e.g. sexual ornaments or body condition) that reliably signal the effect that mating will have on mean offspring fitness. These male‐derived benefits can be due to material and/or genetic effects. The latter include an increase in the attractiveness, hence likely mating success, of sons. Females can potentially enhance any sex‐biased benefits of mating with certain males by adjusting the offspring sex ratio depending on their mate's phenotype. One hypothesis is that females should produce mainly sons when mating with more attractive or higher quality males. Here we perform a meta‐analysis of the empirical literature that has accumulated to test this hypothesis. The mean effect size was small (r = 0.064–0.095; i.e. explaining <1% of variation in offspring sex ratios) but statistically significant in the predicted direction. It was, however, not robust to correction for an apparent publication bias towards significantly positive results. We also examined the strength of the relationship using different indices of male attractiveness/quality that have been invoked by researchers (ornaments, behavioural displays, female preference scores, body condition, male age, body size, and whether a male is a within‐pair or extra‐pair mate). Only ornamentation and body size significantly predicted the proportion of sons produced. We obtained similar results regardless of whether we ran a standard random‐effects meta‐analysis, or a multi‐level, Bayesian model that included a correction for phylogenetic non‐independence. A moderate proportion of the variance in effect sizes (51.6–56.2%) was due to variation that was not attributable to sampling error (i.e. sample size). Much of this non‐sampling error variance was not attributable to phylogenetic effects or high repeatability of effect sizes among species. It was approximately equally attributable to differences (occurring for unknown reasons) in effect sizes among and within studies (25.3, 22.9% of the total variance). There were no significant effects of year of publication or two aspects of study design (experimental/observational or field/laboratory) on reported effect sizes. We discuss various practical reasons and theoretical arguments as to why small effect sizes should be expected, and why there might be relatively high variation among studies. Currently, there are no species where replicated, experimental studies show that mothers adjust the offspring sex ratio in response to a generally preferred male phenotype. Ultimately, we need more experimental studies that test directly whether females produce more sons when mated to relatively more attractive males, and that provide the requisite evidence that their sons have higher mean fitness than their daughters.  相似文献   

Luttbeg  Barney 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(2):239-247
Explanations for the existence of alternative male mating tacticsfocus primarily on male–male competition. Mating systems,however, are composed of interactions both within and betweenthe sexes, and the role of female behavior in shaping male matingtactics should not be overlooked. By using a dynamic state variablegame model, I examine how female mate assessment and choicebehavior affect the frequency of alternative male mating tactics.When females can accurately assess the quality of males, onlymales with high quality are likely to be chosen as mates, andthus, lower-quality males gain little fitness from courtingfemales. This leads lower-quality males to switch to an alternativemating tactic that attempts to circumvent female mate choice.In contrast, if the abilities of females to accurately assessmales are constrained by assessment costs, imperfect information,or time constraints, or if the pool of available males is smaller,then lower-quality males are increasingly chosen as mates andthey less often use alternative mating tactics. Thus, femalebehavior shapes the frequency of alternative male mating tactics.A consequence of this game between the sexes is that male behavior(i.e., increased alternative mating tactics) decreases the benefitsfemales might otherwise gain from lower assessment costs, clearersignals of male quality, more time to choose a male, and moremales from which to choose a mate.  相似文献   

The occurrence of additive genetic variance (VA) for male sexual traits remains a major problem in evolutionary biology. Directional selection normally imposed by female choice is expected to reduce VA greatly, yet recent surveys indicate that a substantial amount remains in many species. We addressed this problem, also known as the 'lek paradox', in Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), an acoustic moth in which males advertise to females with a pulsed ultrasonic song. Using a standard half-sib/full-sib breeding design, we generated F1 progeny from whom we determined VA and genetic covariance (COVA) among seven traits: three song characters, an overall index of song attractiveness, nightly singing period, adult lifespan, and body mass at adult eclosion. Because A. grisella neither feed nor drink as adults, the last trait, eclosion body mass, is considered a measure of 'condition'. We found significant levels of VA and narrow-sense heritabilities (h2) for all seven traits and significant genetic correlations (= COVAi,j / radical (VA i x VA j)) between most pairs of traits (i, j). Male attractiveness was positively correlated with body mass (condition), adult lifespan, and nightly singing period, which we interpret as an energy constraint preventing males in poor condition from singing attractively, from singing many hours per night, and from surviving an extended lifespan. The positive genetic correlation (r = 0.79) between condition and attractiveness, combined with significant levels of VA for both traits, indicates that much of the variation in male song can be explained by VA for condition. Finally, we discuss the morphological and physiological links between condition and song attractiveness, and the ultimate factors that may maintain VA for condition.  相似文献   

Male house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) have carotenoid-based ornamentalplumage coloration. In previous research it was shown that fora single population of house finches in a single year, malesthat paired were on average redder in plumage coloration thanmales that did not pair, and males with redder plumage tendedto nest earlier than males with less red plumage. Here we showthat these patterns continued over 6 years and at two widely separatedlocations. We also tested whether the symmetry of carotenoid-based crownpigmentation differed between paired and unpaired males andfound that paired males have, on average, more perfect symmetryof crown pigmentation than males not paired. These observationssupport the idea that expression of carotenoid-based plumagecoloration by males is a persistent and widespread criterionin female mate choice in the house finch.  相似文献   

Traditionally, male parental effort and mate attraction effortare expected to be in conflict as they compete for the sameresource budget. However, the quality of care provided by themale may be of a direct benefit to females and may provide animportant mate choice cue. In a laboratory experiment, we examinedhow males modified their parental behavior with respect to matingopportunity by allowing male sand gobies to mate with a singlefemale either in a big or small nest (a constraint on futuremating potential). We then exposed half of these males to thevisual stimulus from additional females and recorded male eggfanning and nest building (two components of care), courtshipbehavior, and reproductive success through out the brood cycle.We found that males fanned longer and more frequently and didmore nest construction in the presence of females and in bignests. Males guarding large nests courted females more thandid males guarding small nests. All males consumed eggs duringthe brood cycle, but complete clutch cannibalism was most frequentwhen males were guarding small nests in the absence of females.The pattern of filial cannibalism that we observed suggeststhat males prematurely terminated care when their reproductivepotential was low, that is, when there was little nest spacefor additional mating and no mates present. We found no supportfor a trade-off between mate attraction and parental care. Indeed,taken together our results suggest that males may use parentalcare as a courtship strategy and that males who invest in mateattraction also have higher parental effort.  相似文献   

We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   

In this article we present data from two experiments on theassociation between individual asymmetry and fitness in thewinter moth. We performed a mate selection experiment and comparedasymmetry and body size of mated and unmated males collectedin the field. Individual asymmetry was not associated with copulationprobability, adult life span, or body size, even though body sizeis a reliable indicator of larval and pupal survival, femalefecundity, adult life span, and thus expected fitness. Therewas only a weak positive effect of body size on mating success,contrary to the strong effect of female size on male choicefound in previous experiments. Both males and females were capableof repeated mating, and the number of matings was correlatedwith female size, but neither with male body size nor with adultasymmetry. Yet, females engaged in repeated matings more frequentlyif they were first mated to a more asymmetrical male. This mayindicate that more asymmetrical males lose paternity due tofemale remating, although direct paternity analyses need tobe carried out. In addition, repeated mating may be uncommonunder field situations. In conclusion, the relationship betweenindividual asymmetry and fitness seems to be at best weak inthe winter moth.  相似文献   

I compared the mate preferences of female house finches (Carpodacusmexicanus) from populations in which males differ in both plumagecoloration and the extent of ventral pigmentation (patch size).Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the small patch of ventralcoloration displayed by males in some populations is derivedfrom a larger-patched ancestral state. Regardless of the appearanceof males in their own populations, however, females from allpopulations showed a preference for the most brightly coloredmales and males with the largest patches. A reduction in patchsize independent of a change in female mate preference is notconsistent with sensory-bias or reproductive isolation modelsof sexual selection or with general predictions of runaway modelsof sexual selection. In contrast, a lack of congruence betweenfemale mate preference and male trait expression is predictedby the honest advertisement model, with house finches respondingto variation in regional and local access to carotenoid plumagepigments.  相似文献   

Abstract Character displacement has long been considered a major cause of adaptive diversification. When species compete for resources or mates, character displacement minimizes competition by promoting divergence in phenotypes associated with resource use (ecological character displacement) or mate attraction (reproductive character displacement). In this study, we investigated whether character displacement can also have pleiotropic effects that lead to fitness trade-offs between the benefits of avoiding competition and costs accrued in other fitness components. We show that both reproductive and ecological character displacement have caused spadefoot toads to evolve smaller body size in the presence of a heterospecific competitor. Although this shift in size likely arose as a by-product of character displacement acting to promote divergence between species in mating behavior and larval development, it concomitantly reduces offspring survival, female fecundity, and sexual selection on males. Thus, character displacement may represent the "best of a bad situation" in that it lessens competition, but at a cost. Individuals in sympatry with the displaced phenotype will have higher fitness than those without the displaced trait because they experience reduced competition, but they may have reduced fitness relative to individuals in allopatry. Such a fitness trade-off can limit the conditions under which character displacement evolves and may even increase the risk of "Darwinian extinction" in sympatric populations. Consequently, character displacement may not always promote diversification in the manner that is often expected.  相似文献   

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