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Baudoinia compniacensis is a microfungus recently described as the principal agent of fouling known as “warehouse staining”, affecting building exteriors, fixtures and vegetation surfaces in areas proximate to distillery aging warehouses, commercial bakeries and other areas subject to low-level ethanol vapour exposure. The surfaces most affected tend to be highly exposed and undergo extreme diurnal temperature fluctuations. In previous work, we have demonstrated the existence of heat-inducible putative chaperone proteins that may also be induced by low-level exposures to ethanol vapour (e.g., <10 ppm). The present study investigated the cellular accumulation of trehalose, a disaccharide identified in some microorganisms to be important in the protection of cell components during adverse stress conditions, such as thermal stress. Following heat shock at 45 °C, we observed a 2.5-fold accumulation of trehalose relative to unheated controls maintained at 26 °C. Peak trehalose concentrations of 10 mg g−1 dry wt were seen at 90 min after heat treatment, followed by a gradual return to post-treatment by 150 min. Exposure of B. compniacensis cells to ethanol resulted in a similar increased accumulation of trehalose compared to unexposed controls. These findings imply that trehalose may be important in the tolerance of this fungus to abiotic stresses, such as heat and solvent exposure, and suggest future research directions for the control and prevention of warehouse staining.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a novel component of the cellulolytic complex (cellulosome) of the anaerobic fungus Piromyces sp. strain E2 was identified. The encoded 538 amino acid protein, named celpin, consists of a signal peptide, a positively charged domain of unknown function followed by two fungal dockerins, typical for components of the extracellular fungal cellulosome. The C-terminal end consists of a 380 amino acid serine proteinase inhibitor (or serpin) domain homologue, sharing 30 % identity and 50 % similarity to vertebrate and bacterial serpins. Detailed protein sequence analysis of the serpin domain revealed that it contained all features of a functional serpin. It possesses the conserved amino acids present in more than 70 % of known serpins, and it contained the consensus of inhibiting serpins. Because of the confined space of the fungal cellulosome inside plant tissue and the auto-proteolysis of plant material in the rumen, the fungal serpin is presumably involved in protection of the cellulosome against plant proteinases. The celpin protein of Piromyces sp. strain E2 is the first non-structural, non-hydrolytic fungal cellulosome component. Furthermore, the celpin protein of Piromyces sp. strain E2 is the first representative of a serine proteinase inhibitor of the fungal kingdom.  相似文献   

孙剑秋  张楷  宋福行  王龙 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4080-4089
【背景】调查我国滩涂土壤可培养真菌物种多样性,丰富我国真菌物种资源。【目的】报道我国篮状菌属2个产子囊孢子的新记录种。【方法】采用形态学和基于β-微管蛋白基因部分序列和rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列系统学的多相分类学方法。【结果】分离鉴定出3种有性型篮状菌,即阿根廷篮状菌Talaromyces argentinensis (ZZ2-7-1h=CGMCC 3.16171)、巴塞篮状菌Talaromyces barcinensis (ZZ2-1-1=CGMCC 3.16172)和乌克兰篮状菌Talaromyces ucrainicus(JS11-5=CGMCC 3.16173),其中前2种为我国新记录种。阿根廷篮状菌在25℃生长适度,在37℃生长局限,形成絮状兼绳状菌落,其菌丝体白色夹杂浅粉色,产生稀少的橙黄色裸囊壳和壁具细密小刺的椭球形子囊孢子。巴塞篮状菌在25℃生长适度,在37℃不生长,形成绒状菌落,其菌丝体为白色兼黄色,裸囊壳稀少,较小,呈皮黄色,子囊孢子椭球形,壁具稀疏小刺。【结论】参考我国迄今已报道的篮状菌物种,确定阿根廷篮状菌和巴塞篮状菌为我国篮状菌属的新记录种。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to enable the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA fragments within endoglucanase gene(s) of Torula thermophila, by using degenerate primers so that the amplified fragment(s) could be used as homologous probe(s) for cloning of full-length endoglucanase gene(s). The design of the degenerate PCR primers was mainly based on the endoglucanase sequences of other fungi. The endoglucanase gene sequence of Humicola insolens was the only sequence from a thermophilic fungus publicly available in the literature. Therefore, the endoglucanase sequences of the two Trichoderma species, Trichoderma reesei and Trichoderma longibrachiatum, were used to generalize the primers. PCR amplification of T. thermophila genomic DNA with these primers resilied in a specific amplification. The specificity of the amplified fragment was shown by Southern hybridization analysis using egl3 gene of T. reesei as probe. This result suggested that the degenerate primers used in this study may be of value for studies aimed at cloning of endoglucanase genes from a range of related fungi.  相似文献   

An unstructured model for phenanthrene bioconversion by filamentous fungus Cunnighamella elegans in stirred tank batch bioreactors was proposed. It was observed that the process of phenanthrene bioconversion is strictly associated with exponential growth of biomass. Therefore, a Monod-type, with Contois term, unstructured model could be applied to describe the process mathematically. The inhibition of biomass growth due to high concentrations of phenanthrene present in the medium was taken into account in the form of Yerusalimski's uncompetitive inhibition term.  相似文献   

Hericium flagellum is a highly host-dependent wood-inhabiting fungus in Europe. Its occurrence is strongly connected to the distribution of silver fir (Abies alba). We analysed available data describing ecological factors, especially habitat, substrate preferences and phenology, which are regarded as drivers of H. flagellum occurrence. We also implemented ecological niche modelling to determine the potential range of the fungus. More than half of H. flagellum records (57%) were found in high conservation value areas, on fallen trunks of silver fir trees. The basidiomata were predominantly recorded between August and late November. Distribution of the tree host, precipitation in the driest month, isothermality and annual mean temperature were the most decisive factors influencing H. flagellum occurrence. We conclude that the disjunctive range at present, the risk of tree host extinction linked to habitat loss, and the limited dispersal of H. flagellum propagules are the main threats to this species.  相似文献   

鲍真真  吴洁  王奎武  吴斌  钟嫄 《广西植物》2019,39(11):1568-1572
从罗汉松内生真菌Pestalotiopsis heterocornis的发酵培养液中分离得到10个代谢产物,应用质谱、核磁共振等现代波谱学方法鉴定为jesterone(1),hydroxy-jesterone(2),ambuic acid(3),6β-羟基-豆甾-4-烯-3-酮(4),(24S)-麦角甾-5-烯-3β,7α-二醇(5),7,22-二烯-3β,5α,7β-三羟基-麦角甾醇(6),麦角甾-7,22-二烯-3-酮(7),(4E,8E,2S,3R,2'R)-N-2'-羟基棕榈酰-9-甲基-4,8-sphingadienin(8),鲨肝醇(9),棕榈酸(10)。以上化合物均为首次从内生真菌P. heterocornis的代谢产物中分离得到,化合物4,6,7为首次从拟盘多毛孢属真菌代谢产物中分离得到。  相似文献   

杨瑞瑞  曾幼玲 《广西植物》2015,35(3):366-372
当前土壤盐渍化日益严重,是限制植物生长的一个主要环境因子,然而在盐碱自然环境中生长着许多耐盐植物,为更好地了解盐生植物的耐盐机理,该文从无机离子Na+,K+,Ca2+含量、脯氨酸水平、水势变化、丙二醛含量和盐胁迫的表型等生理参数以及半定量RT-PCR检测脯氨酸合成关键酶基因(P5CS)的表达规律等方面探讨盐胁迫下盐爪爪的耐盐特性。结果表明:(1)随着盐浓度的升高,Na+在根和肉质化的叶中显著地富集,且叶中积累的Na+比根中更多;(2)在盐胁迫条件下,随着盐浓度的增加,脯氨酸的含量和脯氨酸合成关键酶基因的表达显著地增强;(3)Na+和脯氨酸是植物有效的渗透调节剂,可使处于低水势的植物细胞仍能从细胞外高浓度的盐溶液中吸收水分;(4)在0和700 mmol·L-1Na Cl处理下,盐爪爪肉质化叶中丙二醛的含量较其它处理高,这表明植物在这两个处理下可能受到了氧化胁迫;(5)从盐胁迫3个月的生长表型来看,低盐环境中生长的盐爪爪植株的生物量更多,肉质化的叶嫩且绿。综上所述,结合对野外生境的调查和实验室长期的盐胁迫表型结果表明盐爪爪的生长是需盐的,相对低的盐浓度环境对盐爪爪的生长是顺境,而无盐或高浓度盐环境对于盐爪爪的生长来说都是逆境。该研究结果为全面深入研究盐爪爪的耐盐特性,以及更好地利用盐爪爪的生物和基因资源改良土壤和提高作物和林木的耐盐性奠定基础。  相似文献   

Leaf resins in the leguminous genera Hymenaea and Copaifera may play a role in restricting infection by the associated leaf fungus, Pestalotia. We tested this hypothesis by assessing growth of the geographically widespread Pestalotia subcuticularis presented with different compositions of resins. Leaf resins of Hymenaea and Copaifera are composed of the same suite of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, but these vary quantitatively to form discrete compositional patterns among individuals and populations. Leaf resins may also contain sesquiterpene oxides; caryophyllene oxide, which may have been formed from the caryophyllene precursor common in these resins, inhibited fungal growth in vitro.  相似文献   

Interactions of Neotyphodium gansuense, Achnatherum inebrians, and nine fungal pathogens were studied by tests of inhibition of four fungal pathogens by Neotyphodium endophytes in vitro and by inoculation of nine fungal pathogens on detached leaves of endophyte-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E−) plants. Compared with the controls, most isolates of N. gansuense significantly inhibited the growth in vitro of, in decreasing order of inhibition, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium acuminatum, and Alternaria alternata. Inhibition zones appeared between pathogens and some isolates of N. gansuense. Some isolates of N. gansuense significantly inhibited sporulation of B. sorokiniana, A. alternata, and C. lunata. However, there was no significant inhibition of F. acuminatum and a few isolates significantly increased sporulation. The leaf inoculation trial indicated that almost all fungal pathogens were able to cause lesions on detached leaves regardless of endophyte status. Both the number and size of disease lesions on E+ A. inebrians leaves caused by A. alternata, F. chlamydosporum, F. oxysporum, and F. solani were reduced compared with those on E− leaves. Only lesion numbers (not size) of Ascochyta leptospora leaf spots were significantly reduced on E+ leaves compared with E− leaves. Conversely, only the length of Ascochyta leptospora leaf spots were significantly smaller on E+ leaves than on E− leaves; numbers of lesions were not significantly affected. C. lunata was strongly pathogenic to both E+ and E− leaves and numerous lesions developed and merged into patches, the leaf surface was covered and the leaf rotted away.  相似文献   

The cultivation of the mangrove-derived fungus Rhytidhysteron rufulum AS21B in acidic condition changed its secondary metabolite profile. Investigation of the culture broth extract led to the isolation and identification of two new spirobisnaphthalenes (1 and 2) together with eleven known compounds (313) from the crude extract of the fungus grown under an acidic condition as well as six known compounds (4, 10, 1417) were isolated from the crude extract of the fungus grown under a neutral condition. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic data. The isolated compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxicity against two human cancer cell lines, Ramos lymphoma and drug resistant NSCLC H1975. Compounds 2 and 10 displayed the most promising anti-tumor activity against both cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

The transposable element impala is a member of the widespread superfamily of Tc1-mariner transposons, identified in the genome of the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This element is present in a low copy number and is actively transposed in the F.␣oxysporum strain F24 that is pathogenic for melons. The structure of the impala family was investigated by cloning and sequencing all the genomic copies. The analysis revealed that this family is composed of full-length and truncated copies. Four copies contained a long open reading frame that could potentially encode a transposase of 340 amino acids. The presence of conserved functional domains (a nuclear localisation signal, a catalytic DDE domain and a DNA-binding domain) suggests that these four copies may be autonomous elements. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the impala copies defined three subfamilies, which differ by a high level of nucleotide polymorphism (around 20%). The coexistence of these divergent subfamilies in the same genome may indicate that the impala family is of ancient origin and/or that it arose by successive horizontal transmission events. Received: 2 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 April 1998  相似文献   

Penicillium marneffei is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans, causing respiratory, skin, and systemic mycosis in south-east Asia. Here we describe the transformation of P. marneffei with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the optimization of the transformation procedure. Transformations in different combinations between A. tumefaciens stains (LBA4404 and EHA105) and binary vectors (pCB309A, pBI129A, and pCaMBIA1312A) showed that EHA105/pBI129A were the most efficient partners. Southern blot analysis suggested that 87.5 % of transformants obtained with this protocol displayed single hybridization bands, indicating a single insert of T-DNA in each of the transformants. Unique hybridization patterns, along with thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) analysis of T-DNA insertion sites, suggested that A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation may be a powerful tool for insertional mutagenesis in P. marneffei. Several mutants with altered phenotypes were obtained during the construction of the mutant library, indicating the usefulness of the approach for functional genetic analysis in this important fungal pathogen.  相似文献   

The impact of encapsulation on the anaerobic growth pattern of S. cerevisiae CBS 8066 in a defined synthetic medium over 20 consecutive batch cultivations was investigated. In this period, the ethanol yield increased from 0.43 to 0.46 g/g, while the biomass and glycerol yields decreased by 58 and 23%, respectively. The growth rate of the encapsulated cells in the first batch was 0.13 h−1, but decreased gradually to 0.01 h−1 within the 20 sequential batch cultivations. Total RNA content of these yeast cells decreased by 39% from 90.3 to 55 mg/g, while the total protein content decreased by 24% from 460 to 350 mg/g. On the other hand, the stored carbohydrates, that is, glycogen and trehalose content, increased by factors of 4.5 and 4 within 20 batch cultivations, respectively. Higher biomass concentrations inside capsules led to a lower glucose diffusion rate through the membrane, and volumetric mass transfer coefficient for glucose was drastically decreased from 6.28 to 1.24 (cm3/min) by continuing the experiments. Most of the encapsulated yeast existed in the form of single and non-budding cells after long-term application.  相似文献   

该研究以美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)雌、雄株为对象,采用盆栽实验方法,通过接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)预处理美洲黑杨雌雄株后再进行铅(Pb)胁迫(200mg/kg)处理,雌、雄株分别设置4个处理(对照、只接种AMF处理、只进行Pb污染处理、接种AMF后进行Pb污染处理),分析不同处理下美洲黑杨雌、雄株生物量积累与分配、叶铅浓度、抗氧化酶活性、氧化还原平衡、活性氧分子(ROS)含量的变化,以明确接种AMF预处理对美洲黑杨雌雄株Pb耐受性差异的影响并探讨其生理机制,为美洲黑杨在重金属污染区的性别选择推广提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)Pb污染对美洲黑杨的生物量积累与分配、叶铅浓度、抗氧化能力等方面具有显著影响且存在性别差异,雄株根冠比和ROS含量的变化幅度显著低于雌株,SOD和APX活性显著高于雌株,表现出更高的耐受性,而雌株对Pb胁迫更敏感。(2)接种AMF能显著提高美洲黑杨雌株抗氧化酶活性和氧化还原平衡能力,促进抗氧化物的合成,抑制ROS产生,缓解膜脂过氧化程度,减轻Pb离子的毒害作用,但菌根对雄株的影响不显著。(3)相关分析显示,除总生物量、TG含量、ASA/DHA比值和POD活性外,性别差异对美洲黑杨其他指标均有显著影响;Pb处理极显著地影响除SOD和GR活性以外的所有指标;接种AMF对美洲黑杨总生物量、根冠比与GR活性影响显著,对叶铅浓度、TG含量、ASA/DHA比值、H_2O_2与MDA含量、SOD和APX活性影响极显著。研究表明,美洲黑杨雄株比雌株对Pb胁迫的耐受性更强,而雌株更敏感,与AMF的共生可提高雌株对于Pb污染土壤的适应性,缓解雌株受Pb胁迫的影响,但菌根与雄株的共生不利于雄株适应Pb污染环境,这可能与接种AMF促进雄株叶片的Pb含量有关;在Pb污染较严重的区域(Pb200mg/kg)推广种植美洲黑杨雄株更为适宜。  相似文献   

【目的】研究植物内生菌Wickerhamomyces sp.KLBMP0506对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的促生作用及潜在的促生机制。【方法】本研究以野生型拟南芥为试验材料,将其与菌株KLBMP0506进行平板共培养及盆栽接种试验,并测定拟南芥鲜重、干重、主根长、侧根数、叶绿素含量和可溶性糖含量等生长、生理指标,同时对筛选的与拟南芥侧根、主根形成及生长素合成和运输相关的11个基因进行实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,qRT-PCR)分析。【结果】接种目的菌株KLBMP0506后,平板试验的拟南芥鲜重及侧根、盆栽试验的拟南芥鲜重、干重、茎长、叶绿素含量和可溶性糖含量均有一定程度的增加;分隔平板试验及菌株KLBMP0506发酵液中促生活性物质分析显示,该菌株产生的挥发性有机物质及其发酵液中的正丁醇和乙酸乙酯提取物均对拟南芥有明显的促生作用;此外,qRT-PCR分析显示KLBMP0506处理后,拟南芥中与侧根形成相关基因ABI4FLA1的表达出现不同程度的下调,与生长素合成、运输相关基因AUX1EIR1YUC4的表达整体呈上调趋势,表明菌株KLBMP0506可能通过调控拟南芥中与侧根形成以及与生长素合成和运输相关基因的表达,而实现对拟南芥的促生作用。【结论】本研究明确了菌株KLBMP0506对模式植物拟南芥的促生作用,为其开发成为微生物菌肥提供理论依据。  相似文献   

三峡库区濒危植物疏花水柏枝的生理生化特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈芳清  谢宗强 《广西植物》2008,28(3):367-372
对三峡库区特有濒危植物疏花水柏枝的光合作用、蒸腾作用、水势等生理特性以及丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性等进行分析测定。结果显示,疏花水柏枝在水淹胁迫后,能快速地恢复其光合与蒸腾生理作用。植株在秋季和夏初的光合作用和蒸腾作用的日动态呈单峰曲线,最高值出现在中午。夏初的光合强度与蒸腾强度一般高于秋季,表明夏初是该物种的生长旺季。该物种10月份水势的日动态在-0.97~1.82MPa之间变动,水势与光合作用与蒸腾作用呈显著负相关。该物种虽是一种对水淹和干旱胁迫适应能力较强的物种,但土壤水分状况仍对植物的生长有较大影响。植株的生长发育阶段对疏花水柏枝的抗逆性有影响,在花前的抗逆性总体高于花后。还对疏花水柏枝的迁地保护提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe maltase structural gene (SPMAL1+) was amplified from genomic DNA of S. pombe by PCR. An open reading frame of 1740 bp, encoding a putative 579 amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 67.7 kDa was characterized in the genomic DNA insert of plasmid pQE30. The specific maltase activity in the induced transformants was 21 times higher than that in wild-type. However, the estimated molecular mass of the purified recombinant maltase was 44.3 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The optimal temperature and pH of the purified recombinant maltase were 40 °C and 6, respectively. The recombinant maltase was weakly activated by Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, and Ba2+, but was strongly inhibited by Hg2+, Ag+ and Cu2+, EDTA, and PMSF. The purified maltase could actively hydrolyse ρ-nitrophenyl glucoside (PNPG), maltose, dextrin, and soluble starch. The results demonstrate that maltase from S. pombe was different from that from other yeasts, and might be usefully exploited in the future by the biotechnology industry or lead to the development of new molecular genetic tools.  相似文献   

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