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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is the hypothalamic hormone that regulates the reproductive system by stimulating release of gonadotropins from the anterior pituitary gland. The molecular variants of the reproductive neuropeptide GnRH were characterized from brain tissue of three perciform species from Antarctic waters: Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, Chaenocephalus aceratus, and Notothenia rossi. The study involved reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) followed by radioimmunoassay (RIA) with two antisera that recognize all GnRH variants already identified: PBL 45 and PBL 49. The results showed that brain extracts of P. georgianus, C. aceratus, and N. rossi contain, like those of other perciform fish, three forms of GnRH likely to be: sbGnRH (seabream GnRH), cGnRH-II (chicken GnRH II) and sGnRH (salmon GnRH). They also showed evidence for the presence of a fourth GnRH variant, chromatographically and immunologically different from the other known forms of the vertebrate hormone. Although final conclusions will require isolation, purification, and sequencing of these molecules, these results offer encouraging possibilities of further advances in the characterization of a multiplicity of GnRH molecular variants. Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

(1) Investigations of the effect of temperature on body size are largely limited to the larval phase, with our understanding of the effect of temperature during metamorphic climax entirely restricted to the insects.

(2) Environmental temperature was manipulated only during metamorphosis in the aquatic amphibian Xenopus laevis.

(3) Lower temperatures during metamorphosis resulted in individuals with greater mass, head width and snout–vent length on the completion of metamorphosis.

(4) This suggests that temperatures experienced during the relatively short metamorphic phase will play an important part in determining the temperature–size relationship in amphibians.

Keywords: African clawed toad; Amphibian; Body size; Metamorphic climax; Morphological variation; Temperature–size rule; Xenopus laevis  相似文献   

The identity of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) form and the presence of GnRH-binding substances in the blood serum of the holocephalan, spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei), were investigated. The GnRH-like peptides in the serum were identified on the basis of relative hydrophobicity using reverse-phase HPLC. [His5,Trp7,Tyr8]GnRH (chicken GnRH-II) was the only GnRH form detected in the serum. It has been previously shown to be the only GnRH form in the brain of this species. The presence of GnRH-binding substances was inferred by anomalous HPLC elution of GnRH, ultrafiltration behavior, and by the direct binding of iodinated GnRH analogues by blood serum components. The mean GnRH concentration in the extracted blood serum was 125 ± 11 pg ml−1 (n = 5) in males and 64 ± 48 pg ml−1 (n = 4) and 155 ± 26 (n = 4) in two separate groups of females. Measurement of GnRH in the blood serum is complicated by the presence of GnRH-binding substances, which may cause the coprecipitation of GnRH during extraction with organic solvents. The high concentration of GnRH and the presence of GnRH-binding substances suggest that systemic blood is the route by which GnRH reaches the gonadotropes and/or that GnRH may have a hormonal role in H. colliei.  相似文献   

Mate calling is a prominent reproductive behavior of male South African clawed frogs. Calls consist of alternating slow- and fast-amplitude-modulated trills. Each trill is made up of a series of clicks. The effects of administration of exogenous gonadotropin and androgen on mate calling were studied in male Xenopus laevis. Males were paired with unreceptive female frogs to elicit maximal calling. The amount of time each animal spent calling during the testing period, the peak fundamental frequency of the calls, the rate of calling, and the interclick interval (ICI, a measure of the temporal patterning of the calls) were measured in intact, castrated, and hormone-replaced frogs. Injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) into intact frogs increased the amount of time spent calling and the ICI relative to measures taken after water injection. Castrated males did not call even when given HCG. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone treatment reinstated calling in castrates and increased circulating levels of androgens. When androgen-replaced castrated males were injected with HCG, the amount of time spent calling increased and approached levels of intact, HCG-injected males. The above results suggest that androgens are necessary for the production of calls. Gonadotropins appear to play an important role in mate calling, a role at least partly independent of effects on testicular androgen synthesis.  相似文献   

Adult frog (Xenopus laevis) hepatocytes were found to proliferate in a culture medium containing adult homologous serum. Insulin and dexamethasone were required for a net proliferation of hepatocytes. Dose-response analysis showed that a low concentration of serum (greater than or equal to 0.5%) was enough to induce DNA synthesis and mitosis, but a higher concentration (5%) caused certain necrotic changes. Under optimal conditions, there was a two- to threefold increase in nuclei per culture 10 days after serum treatment. Heterologous sera (fetal bovine, calf and chick) showed less proliferative activity. Based on our results, hepatocyte-proliferating activity in adult frog serum is considered to be heat-unstable and acidic protein(s). Thus, adult frog serum may contain hepatopoietin possibly different from well-known growth factors.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from stage 3 (about half-grown) oocytes of Xenopus laevis exhibit a DNA synthetic rate in vitro of 2.35 ± 0.28 pg/oocyte/h. Similarly, stage 6 (full-grown) oocyte mitochondria synthesize DNA (mtDNA) at 0.28 ± 0.02 pg/oocyte/h. By comparison, the rate of mtDNA synthesis by intact stage 6 oocytes following microinjection of [3H]-dTTP was calculated to be 0.43 ± 0.08 pg/oocyte/h, indicating that the observed in vitro rates may represent minimum values. Measurements of DNA polymerase activity associated with mitochondria isolated from stage 3 oocytes are almost three times those recorded with stage 6 oocyte mitochondria. It appears that active replication of complete mtDNA molecules, which accompanies accumulation of mitochondria by the egg, is terminated midway through oogenesis.  相似文献   

We have examined the spatial restriction of heart-forming potency in Xenopus laevis embryos, using an assay system in which explants or explant recombinates are cultured in hanging drops and scored for the formation of a beating heart. At the end of neurulation at stage 20, the heart morphogenetic field, i.e., the area that is capable of heart formation when cultured in isolation, includes anterior ventral and ventrolateral mesoderm. This area of developmental potency does not extend into more posterior regions. Between postneurula stage 23 and the onset of heart morphogenesis at stage 28, the heart morphogenetic field becomes spatially restricted to the anterior ventral region. The restriction of the heart morphogenetic field during postneurula stages results from a loss of developmental potency in the lateral mesoderm, rather than from ventrally directed morphogenetic movements of the lateral mesoderm. This loss of potency is not due to the inhibition of heart formation by migrating neural crest cells. During postneurula stages, tissue interactions between the lateral mesoderm and the underlying anterior endoderm support the heart-forming potency in the lateral mesoderm. The lateral mesoderm loses the ability to respond to this tissue interaction by stages 27–28. We speculate that either formation of the third pharyngeal pouch during stages 23–27 or lateral inhibition by ventral mesoderm may contribute to the spatial restriction of the heart morphogenetic field.  相似文献   

Eggs from the anuran Xenopus laevis are surrounded by a thick jelly coat that is required during fertilization. The jelly coat contains three morphologically distinct layers, designated J1, J2, and J3. We examined the lectin binding properties of the individual jelly coat layers as a step in identifying jelly glycoproteins that may be essential in fertilization. The reactivity of 31 lectins with isolated jelly coat layers was examined with enzyme-linked lectin-assays (ELLAs). Using ELLA we found that most of the lectins tested showed some reactivity to all three jelly layers; however, two lectins showed jelly layer selectivity. The lectin Maackia amurensis (MAA) reacted only with J1 and J2, while the lectin Trichosanthes kirilowii (TKA) reacted only with J2 and J3. Some lectins were localized in the jelly coat using confocal microscopy, which revealed substantial heterogeneity in lectin binding site distribution among and within jelly coat layers. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound only to the outermost region of J3 and produced a thin, but very intense, band of fluorescence at the J1/J2 interface while the remainder of J2 stained lightly. The lectin MAA produced an intense fluorescence-staining pattern only at the J1/J2 interface. Several lectins were also tested for the ability to inhibit fertilization. WGA, MAA, and concanavalin A significantly inhibited fertilization and WGA was found to block fertilization by preventing sperm from penetrating the jelly. Using Western blotting, we identified high-molecular-weight components in J1 and J2 that may be important in fertilization.  相似文献   

Analysis of the cell cycle of recently isolated Xenopus laevis cells in culture gave mean values for the duration of G1, S and G2 of 18.0, 8.2 and 5.3 h respectively. After 70 weekly subcultures, cells with 38 chromosomes had equivalent values of 4.7, 6.3 and 3.0 h, and for tetraploid cells of 7.0, 8.9 and 5.0 h. The duration of mitosis was 1.0 h.  相似文献   

When poly(A)+ protamine mRNA from trout testes polysomes was injected into living Xenopus oocytes and the latter labelled with [14C] or [3H]arginine during subsequent incubation, a highly basic, labelled protein fraction was synthesized and could be extracted with 0.5 M H2SO4. In the acid extract, a major polypeptide, indistinguishable from trout protamine by several criteria: polyacrylamide and starch gel electrophoreses, carboxymethylcellulose column chromatography, lack of incorporation of [3H]histidine, and autoradiography of tryptic peptides after two-dimensional paper electrophoresis, could be demonstrated. Since no such protein is found in control oocytes injected with saline, it is concluded that poly(A)+ protamine mRNA programs the synthesis of trout protamine within Xenopus oocytes. This confirms our previous reports [1–3] that trout testis poly(A)+ protamine mRNA can direct the in vitro synthesis of protamine in Krebs II ascites, rabbit reticulocytes and wheat germ cell-free systems. The protamine synthesized upon injection of poly(A)+ protamine mRNA into Xenopus oocytes appears to be partially phosphorylated. Injection of increasing amounts of poly(A)+ protamine mRNA led to a linear increase in protamine synthesis. The sensitivity of detection was such that less than 1 ng of poly(A)+ protamine mRNA gave a significant response. The translational stability of protamine mRNA appeared to be less than that of globin mRNA.  相似文献   

Summary In Xenopus laevis, which does not show sex chromosomal dimorphism, the female is heterogametic (WZ) and the male is homogametic (ZZ). By activating eggs with UV-irradiated spermatozoa, and by inhibiting the formation of the second polar body gynogenetic diploids were obtained, including some WW females. These super-females are fertile and not sublethal; by gynogenetic reproduction they in turn generate only WW females, while after mating with a male they give rise to WZ females exclusively.From the sex ratio of the gynogenetic progeny of normal WZ females, the map distance between the centromere and the sex determining gene(s) has been calculated. By examining the sex ratio and the distribution of individuals exhibiting the phenotype of periodic albinism in the gynogenetic offspring of ap/+females, it has been demonstrated that the ap gene and the sex determining gene(s) are not linked.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to determine if insulin, glucagon and somatostatin-containing cells are present in the pancreas of adult Xenopus laevis. Localization methods utilized included cytochemical aldehyde fuchsin (AF) staining as well as the immunochemical peroxidase antiperoxidase (PAP) procedure for light microscopy. The results show numerous large clusters of AF-positive cells within a network of highly vascularized acinar tissue. PAP immunochemical localization with insulin antibody on adjacent sections demonstrates positive immunoreactivity to AF-positive cell groups and also the presence of immunoreactive insulin (IRI). Cells exhibiting this immunoreactivity are located in the central region of the islet-like structures. Serial sections not only show PAP immunoreactivity for IRI, but also for immunoreactive glucagon (IRG) and immunoreactive somatostatin (IRS) in the same islet-like structure. IRG and IRS-containing cells are situated around the periphery of the islet-like structures, surrounding the central core of IRI-containing cells. Antibody specificity was confirmed by homologous and heterologous antigen immuno-absorbance assays, as well as incubation of adjacent sections in preimmune sera. Based on this data we conclude that: the distribution of cells of the endocrine pancreas of metamorphosed Xenopus laevis is similar to that of many mammals and certain urodeles. Given the apparent specificity of the antigen-antibody reactions, it appears that Xenopus insulin, glucagon and somatostatin are structurally conserved.  相似文献   

Bovine corneal endothelial cells adhered equally well to a variety of collagens (types I, III, IV and V) consistent with a role for fibronectin in this process. They did not exhibit a preferential binding to collagen type IV--as might be anticipated if laminin were to play a significant role in their adhesion. Inhibition studies with anti-fibronectin antibodies demonstrated the importance of endogenous fibronectin in the mediation of attachment. Consistent with this, binding did not appear to require the presence of exogenous protein, since cells bound to collagens equally well in the presence or absence of added fibronectin and binding was not stimulated by pretreatment of collagens with this protein.  相似文献   

The acquisition of fertilizability in coelomic eggs of Xenopus laevis has been shown to be correlated with the physical, biochemical, and ultrastructural alterations of the egg envelope [coelomic envelope (CE)] induced during the passage of eggs through the pars recta portion of the oviduct. However, no direct evidence that the pars recta renders eggs fertilizable has yet been presented. In this study, we show that coelomic eggs are highly fertilizable when they are incubated with continuous shaking for 4 h at 15 degrees C in pars recta extract (PRE) derived from females prestimulated by pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. The PRE from pituitary-stimulated Bufo japonicus was as potent as homologous PRE in rendering Xenopus eggs fertilizable. Incubation of coelomic eggs in PRE for 30 min induced a dramatic increase in the rates of sperm binding to the envelope to a level equivalent to that exhibited by the envelope from uterine eggs (VEs). The CE-to-VE ultrastructural conversion and a 43k-to-41k hydrolysis of the envelope glycoprotein component started 5 min after, and were completed by 15 min after, the start of incubation in PRE and were accompanied by an exposure of a new N-terminal sequence typical to gp41. Thus, the biochemical and ultrastructural conversions and the sperm-binding activity of the envelope induced by PREs, although being prerequisite, were not sufficient to render coelomic eggs fully accessible to fertilizing sperm.  相似文献   

C-Myc is a nuclear phosphoprotein whose normal cellular function has not yet been clearly defined. Studies with this protein have always been constrained by the difficulty of obtaining full-length c-Myc in an active form, whatever the expression system used. We report here experimental conditions optimized to increase the solubility and the purification of c-Myc in a baculovirus expression system. Such conditions allow the production of both soluble and active fulllength c-Myc. Interestingly, soluble c-Myc is found associated with a 500-kDa high-molecular-mass complex comparable to that found in human and Xenopus laevis embryos, and which may be required for its function in vivo.  相似文献   

Assays for a protease in tissue or cell extracts using synthetic substrates (esters and amides) are often compromised by the presence of nonspecific and non-protease-associated esterase and amidase activities. In addition, substrate specificity for some proteases is dependent on structural aspects of the substrate, so-called secondary specificity sites. The above limitations were present in our attempts to assay and isolate the hatching enzyme from embryos of Xenopus laevis. We developed an assay for the hatching enzyme using 125I-labeled fertilization envelopes, the natural substrate for this enzyme. Iodination was accomplished using lactoperoxidase. To test for the general usefulness of the assay and to compare this assay with previously employed ones, the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of 125I-labeled hemoglobin was also studied.  相似文献   

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