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The initiation of meiotic recombination by the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) catalysed by the Spo11 protein is strongly evolutionary conserved. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Spo11 requires nine other proteins for meiotic DSB formation, but, unlike Spo11, few of these proteins seem to be conserved across kingdoms. In order to investigate this recombination step in higher eukaryotes, we have isolated a new gene, AtPRD1, whose mutation affects meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In Atprd1 mutants, meiotic recombination rates fall dramatically, early recombination markers (e.g., DMC1 foci) are absent, but meiosis progresses until achiasmatic univalents are formed. Besides, Atprd1 mutants suppress DSB repair defects of a large range of meiotic mutants, showing that AtPRD1 is involved in meiotic recombination and is required for meiotic DSB formation. Furthermore, we showed that AtPRD1 and AtSPO11-1 interact in a yeast two-hybrid assay, suggesting that AtPRD1 could be a partner of AtSPO11-1. Moreover, our study reveals similarity between AtPRD1 and the mammalian protein Mei1, suggesting that AtPRD1 could be a Mei1 functional homologue.  相似文献   

Yu M  Masker W 《Journal of bacteriology》2001,183(6):1862-1869
An in vitro system based on Escherichia coli infected with bacteriophage T7 was used to test for involvement of host and phage recombination proteins in the repair of double strand breaks in the T7 genome. Double strand breaks were placed in a unique XhoI site located approximately 17% from the left end of the T7 genome. In one assay, repair of these breaks was followed by packaging DNA recovered from repair reactions and determining the yield of infective phage. In a second assay, the product of the reactions was visualized after electrophoresis to estimate the extent to which the double strand breaks had been closed. Earlier work demonstrated that in this system double strand break repair takes place via incorporation of a patch of DNA into a gap formed at the break site. In the present study, it was found that extracts prepared from uninfected E. coli were unable to repair broken T7 genomes in this in vitro system, thus implying that phage rather than host enzymes are the primary participants in the predominant repair mechanism. Extracts prepared from an E. coli recA mutant were as capable of double strand break repair as extracts from a wild-type host, arguing that the E. coli recombinase is not essential to the recombinational events required for double strand break repair. In T7 strand exchange during recombination is mediated by the combined action of the helicase encoded by gene 4 and the annealing function of the gene 2.5 single strand binding protein. Although a deficiency in the gene 2.5 protein blocked double strand break repair, a gene 4 deficiency had no effect. This argues that a strand transfer step is not required during recombinational repair of double strand breaks in T7 but that the ability of the gene 2.5 protein to facilitate annealing of complementary single strands of DNA is critical to repair of double strand breaks in T7.  相似文献   

Synapsis is the process by which paired chromosome homologues closely associate in meiosis before crossover. In the synaptonemal complex (SC), axial elements of each homologue connect through molecules of SYCP1 to the central element, which contains the proteins SYCE1 and -2. We have derived mice lacking SYCE2 protein, producing males and females in which meiotic chromosomes align and axes form but do not synapse. Sex chromosomes are unaligned, not forming a sex body. Additionally, markers of DNA breakage and repair are retained on the axes, and crossover is impaired, culminating in both males and females failing to produce gametes. We show that SC formation can initiate at sites of SYCE1/SYCP1 localization but that these points of initiation cannot be extended in the absence of SYCE2. SC assembly is thus dependent on SYCP1, SYCE1, and SYCE2. We provide a model to explain this based on protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

It is important for the proper execution of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis that the chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and partition of cell organelles progress in smooth coordination. We show here that the mitochondria inheritance is closely linked with microtubules during meiotic divisions in Drosophila males. They are first clustered in a cell equator at metaphase associated with astral microtubules and then distributed along central spindle microtubules after anaphase. The molecular mechanism for the microtubule-dependent inheritance of mitochondria in male meiosis has not been demonstrated yet. We first isolated mutations for a larp gene that is highly conserved among eukaryotes and showed that these mutant males exhibited multiple meiotic phenotypes such as a failure of chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and mitochondrial partition. Our cytological examination revealed that the mutants showed defects in spindle pole organization and spindle formation. The larp encodes a Drosophila orthologue of a La-related protein containing a domain exhibiting an outstanding homology with a La type RNA-binding protein. Surprisingly, the dLarp protein is localized in the cytoplasm of the male germ line cells, as observed by its distinct co-localization with mitochondria in early spermatocytes and during meiotic divisions. We discuss here the essential role that dLarp plays in multiple processes in Drosophila male meiosis.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, a family of six conserved polypeptides found in all eukaryotes, are essential for DNA replication. The archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Delta H contains a single homologue of MCM with biochemical properties similar to those of the eukaryotic enzyme. The amino acid sequence of the archaeal protein contains a putative zinc-binding domain of the CX(2)CX(n)CX(2)C (C(4)) type. In this study, the roles of the zinc finger domain in MCM function were examined using recombinant wild-type and mutant proteins expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. The protein with a mutation in the zinc motif forms a dodecameric complex similar to the wild-type enzyme. The mutant enzyme, however, is impaired in DNA-dependent ATPase activity and single-stranded DNA binding, and it does not possess helicase activity. These results illustrate the importance of the zinc-binding domain for archaeal MCM function and suggest a role for zinc binding in the eukaryotic MCM complex as well, since four out of the six eukaryotic MCM proteins contain a similar zinc-binding motif.  相似文献   

Role of Elg1 protein in double strand break repair   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The inaccurate repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can result in genomic instability, and additionally cell death or the development of cancer. Elg1, which forms an alternative RFC-like complex with RFC2-5, is required for the maintenance of genome stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its function has been linked to DNA replication or damage checkpoint response. Here, we show that Elg1 is involved in homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DSB repair. Mutants of elg1 were partially defective in HR induced by methylmethanesufonate (MMS) and phleomycin. Deletion of ELG1 resulted in less efficient repair of phleomycin-induced DSBs in G2/M phase-arrested cells. During HR between MAT and HML loci, Elg1 associated with both the MAT locus near the HO endonuclease-induced DSB site, and the HML homologous donor locus. The association of Elg1 with the MAT locus was not dependent on Rad52. However, Elg1 association with the HML locus depended on Rad52. Importantly, we found that two of the later steps in HR-mediated repair of an HO endonuclease-induced DSB, primer extension after strand invasion and ligation, were less efficient in elg1 mutants. Our results suggest that Elg1 is involved in DSB repair by HR.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of double strand DNA break formation in mammalian cells, an in vitro assay was established using closed circular DNA containing two uracils on opposite DNA strands (18 and 30 base pairs apart) and extracts prepared from human cells. In this assay, formation of double strand breaks was detected by the conversion of circular DNA to linear DNA. Approximately 4-fold more double strand DNA breaks were produced by extracts from cells deficient in DNA ligase I (46BR) relative to those produced by extracts from control cells (MRC5, derived from a clinically normal individual). In parallel with the amount of double strand DNA breaks, extracts from 46BR cells produced longer repair patches (up to 24 bases in length) than those from MRC5 cells (typically <5 bases long). When purified DNA ligase I was added to 46BR extracts to complement the DNA ligase deficiency, only a negligible difference was found between the amount of doublestrand DNA breaks or the repair patch size generated in the assay relative to MRC5 extracts. Together, our data demonstrate that double strand DNA breaks are produced through formation of DNA repair patches. We refer to this process of double strand break formation as the "DNA repair patch-mediated pathway."  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that unrepaired or misrepaired DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) lead to the formation of chromosome aberrations. DSBs induced in the DNA of higher eukaryotes by endogenous processes or exogenous agents can in principle be repaired either by non-homologous endjoining (NHEJ), or homology directed repair (HDR). The basis on which the selection of the DSB repair pathway is made remains unknown but may depend on the inducing agent, or process. Evaluation of the relative contribution of NHEJ and HDR specifically to the repair of ionizing radiation (IR) induced DSBs is important for our understanding of the mechanisms leading to chromosome aberration formation. Here, we review recent work from our laboratories contributing to this line of inquiry. Analysis of DSB rejoining in irradiated cells using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis reveals a fast component operating with half times of 10-30 min. This component of DSB rejoining is severely compromised in cells with mutations in DNA-PKcs, Ku, DNA ligase IV, or XRCC4, as well as after chemical inhibition of DNA-PK, indicating that it reflects classical NHEJ; we termed this form of DSB rejoining D-NHEJ to signify its dependence on DNA-PK. Although chemical inhibition, or mutation, in any of these factors delays processing, cells ultimately remove the majority of DSBs using an alternative pathway operating with slower kinetics (half time 2-10 h). This alternative, slow pathway of DSB rejoining remains unaffected in mutants deficient in several genes of the RAD52 epistasis group, suggesting that it may not reflect HDR. We proposed that it reflects an alternative form of NHEJ that operates as a backup (B-NHEJ) to the DNA-PK-dependent (D-NHEJ) pathway. Biochemical studies confirm the presence in cell extracts of DNA end joining activities operating in the absence of DNA-PK and indicate the dominant role for D-NHEJ, when active. These observations in aggregate suggest that NHEJ, operating via two complementary pathways, B-NHEJ and D-NHEJ, is the main mechanism through which IR-induced DSBs are removed from the DNA of higher eukaryotes. HDR is considered to either act on a small fraction of IR induced DSBs, or to engage in the repair process at a step after the initial end joining. We propose that high speed D-NHEJ is an evolutionary development in higher eukaryotes orchestrated around the newly evolved DNA-PKcs and pre-existing factors. It achieves within a few minutes restoration of chromosome integrity through an optimized synapsis mechanism operating by a sequence of protein-protein interactions in the context of chromatin and the nuclear matrix. As a consequence D-NHEJ mostly joins the correct DNA ends and suppresses the formation of chromosome aberrations, albeit, without ensuring restoration of DNA sequence around the break. B-NHEJ is likely to be an evolutionarily older pathway with less optimized synapsis mechanisms that rejoins DNA ends with kinetics of several hours. The slow kinetics and suboptimal synapsis mechanisms of B-NHEJ allow more time for exchanges through the joining of incorrect ends and cause the formation of chromosome aberrations in wild type and D-NHEJ mutant cells.  相似文献   

Wu C  Singaram V  McKim KS 《Genetics》2008,180(1):61-72
Meiotic chromosome segregation occurs in Drosophila oocytes on an acentrosomal spindle, which raises interesting questions regarding spindle assembly and function. One is how to organize a bipolar spindle without microtubule organizing centers at the poles. Another question is how to orient the chromosomes without kinetochore capture of microtubules that grow from the poles. We have characterized the mei-38 gene in Drosophila and found it may be required for chromosome organization within the karyosome. Nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes occurs in mei-38 mutants primarily at the first meiotic division in females but not in males where centrosomes are present. Most meiotic spindles in mei-38 oocytes are bipolar but poorly organized, and the chromosomes appear disorganized at metaphase. mei-38 encodes a novel protein that is conserved in the Diptera and may be a member of a multigene family. Mei-38 was previously identified (as ssp1) due to a role in mitotic spindle assembly in a Drosophila cell line. MEI-38 protein localizes to a specific population of spindle microtubules, appearing to be excluded from the overlap of interpolar microtubules in the central spindle. We suggest MEI-38 is required for the stability of parallel microtubules, including the kinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, mutations in double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair enzymes, such as spn-B, activate a meiotic checkpoint leading to dorsal-ventral patterning defects in the egg and an abnormal appearance of the oocyte nucleus. Mutations in spn-D cause an array of ovarian phenotypes similar to spn-B. We have cloned the spn-D locus and found that it encodes a protein of 271 amino acids that shows significant homology to the human RAD51C protein. In mammals the spn-B and spn-D homologs, XRCC3 and RAD51C, play a role in genomic stability in somatic cells. To test for a similar role for spn-B and spn-D in double-strand DNA repair in mitotic cells, we analyzed the sensitivity of single and double mutants to DSBs induced by exposure to X rays and MMS. We found that neither singly mutant nor doubly mutant animals were significantly sensitized to MMS or X rays. These results suggest that spn-B and spn-D act in meiotic recombination but not in repair of DSBs in somatic cells. As there is no apparent ortholog of the meiosis-specific DMC1 gene in the Drosophila genome, and given their meiosis-specific requirement, we suggest that spn-B and spn-D may have a function comparable to DMC1.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the alpha subunit of the Drosophila Go protein is expressed early in embryogenesis in the precursor cells of the heart tube, of the visceral muscles, and of the nervous system. This early expression coincides with the onset of the mesenchymal-epithelial transition to which are subjected the cardial cells and the precursor cells of the visceral musculature. This gene constitutes an appropriate marker to follow this transition. In addition, a detailed analysis of its expression suggests that the cardioblasts originate from two subpopulations of cells in each parasegment of the dorsal mesoderm that might depend on the wingless and hedgehog signaling pathways for both their determination and specification. In the nervous system, the expression of Goalpha shortly precedes the beginning of axonogenesis. Mutants produced in the Goalpha gene harbor abnormalities in the three tissues in which the gene is expressed. In particular, the heart does not form properly and interruptions in the heart epithelium are repeatedly observed, henceforth the brokenheart (bkh) name. Furthermore, in the bkh mutant embryos, the epithelial polarity of cardial cells was not acquired (or maintained) in various places of the cardiac tube. We predict that bkh might be involved in vesicular traffic of membrane proteins that is responsible for the acquisition of polarity.  相似文献   

Cells are under constant assault by endogenous and environmental DNA damaging agents. DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) sever entire chromosomes and pose a major threat to genome integrity as a result of chromosomal fragment loss or chromosomal rearrangements. Exogenous factors such as ionizing radiation, crosslinking agents, and topoisomerase poisons, contribute to break formation. DSBs are associated with oxidative metabolism, form during the normal S phase, when replication forks collapse and are generated during physiological processes such as V(D)J recombination, yeast mating type switching and meiosis. It is estimated that in mammalian cells ∼10 DSBs per cell are formed daily. If left unrepaired DSBs can lead to cell death or deregulated growth, and cancer development. Cellular response to DSB damage includes mechanisms to halt the progression of the cell cycle and to restore the structure of the broken chromosome. Changes in chromatin adjacent to DNA break sites are instrumental to the DNA damage response (DDR) with two apparent ends: to control compaction and to bind repair and signaling molecules to the lesion. Here, we review the key findings related to each of these functions and examine their cross-talk.  相似文献   

HOAP (HP1/ORC-associated protein) has recently been isolated from Drosophila melanogaster embryos as part of a cytoplasmic complex that contains heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and the origin recognition complex subunit 2 (ORC2). Here, we show that caravaggio, a mutation in the HOAP-encoding gene, causes extensive telomere-telomere fusions in larval brain cells, indicating that HOAP is required for telomere capping. Our analyses indicate that HOAP is specifically enriched at mitotic chromosome telomeres, and strongly suggest that HP1 and HOAP form a telomere-capping complex that does not contain ORC2.  相似文献   

An antiserum to a peptide of the Tacaribe virus Z protein was used to determine whether this small Zn(2+)-binding protein was required for viral RNA synthesis in infected cell extracts. Specific immunodepletion of the extracts invariably reduced genome synthesis to near background levels, but strong effects on mRNA synthesis occurred only early in the infection or when mRNA synthesis was relatively weak. Our results suggest that the Z protein is required for both mRNA and genome synthesis, but in somewhat different manners.  相似文献   

Zhou Z  An L  Sun L  Zhu S  Xi W  Broun P  Yu H  Gan Y 《Plant physiology》2011,157(2):673-682
Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) trichome development is a model system for studying cell development, cell differentiation, and the cell cycle. Our previous studies have shown that the GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS (GIS) family genes, GIS, GIS2, and ZINC FINGER PROTEIN8 (ZFP8), control shoot maturation and epidermal cell fate by integrating gibberellins (GAs) and cytokinin signaling in Arabidopsis. Here, we show that a new C2H2 zinc finger protein, ZFP5, plays an important role in controlling trichome cell development through GA signaling. Overexpression of ZFP5 results in the formation of ectopic trichomes on carpels and other inflorescence organs. zfp5 loss-of-function mutants exhibit a reduced number of trichomes on sepals, cauline leaves, paraclades, and main inflorescence stems in comparison with wild-type plants. More importantly, it is found that ZFP5 mediates the regulation of trichome initiation by GAs. These results are consistent with ZFP5 expression patterns and the regional influence of GA on trichome initiation. The molecular analyses suggest that ZFP5 functions upstream of GIS, GIS2, ZFP8, and the key trichome initiation regulators GLABROUS1 (GL1) and GL3. Using a steroid-inducible activation of ZFP5 and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we further demonstrate that ZFP8 is the direct target of ZFP5 in controlling epidermal cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We have discovered a reporter gene insertion that is expressed in the trunk region of Drosophila embryos. Genetic and molecular details of a new regulatory gene neighboring the reporter gene insertion, which we call teashirt (tsh), are described. In situ hybridization of a tsh probe to embryos shows that this gene is expressed in a way similar to the reporter gene. Mutations of tsh show that the gene is required for normal development of the ventral trunk region of embryos, which correlates with the spatial expression of the gene in the anteroposterior axis but not in the dorsoventral axis. Sequencing of a tsh cDNA shows that the putative protein possesses three distantly spaced CX2CX12HX5H zinc finger motifs.  相似文献   

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