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Many ecological circumstances present individuals with a conflict between the inherent benefits of a particular habitat and the costs incurred in acquiring or retaining use of the habitat in the face of competition. For example, the reproductive biology of female Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) led us to hypothesize that female nest site choice should reflect a compromise between the benefits of obtaining a high quality nest site and the cost of competing for and defending it. To test this hypothesis we studied female sockeye salmon (O. nerka) spawning on beaches in Iliamna Lake, Alaska using a combination of snorkel surveys, tagging, behavior observations, and models. Females showed spatial preferences in nest site selection (for shallower water, where water circulation was higher), aggressive competition in preferred areas was higher, and there was evidence for costs associated with this increased competition. Over the course of the season, spawning activity shifted from shallower to deeper water, consistent with a tradeoff between benefits for embryo survival associated with shallow sites and the costs of competing for them. However, it was also consistent with date-specific optimal sites related to the probability of embryo mortality for eggs spawned in shallow water late in the season, due to annual cycles in lake level and temperature.  相似文献   

Natal homing is a hallmark of the life history of salmonid fishes, but the spatial scale of homing within local, naturally reproducing salmon populations is still poorly understood. Accurate homing (paired with restricted movement) should lead to the existence of fine-scale genetic structuring due to the spatial clustering of related individuals on spawning grounds. Thus, we explored the spatial resolution of natal homing using genetic associations among individual Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in an interconnected stream network. We also investigated the relationship between genetic patterns and two factors hypothesized to influence natal homing and localized movements at finer scales in this species, localized patterns in the distribution of spawning gravels and sex. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that spawning locations in both sub-basins of our study site were spatially clumped, but the upper sub-basin generally had a larger spatial extent and continuity of redd locations than the lower sub-basin, where the distribution of redds and associated habitat conditions were more patchy. Male genotypes were not autocorrelated at any spatial scale in either sub-basin. Female genotypes showed significant spatial autocorrelation and genetic patterns for females varied in the direction predicted between the two sub-basins, with much stronger autocorrelation in the sub-basin with less continuity in spawning gravels. The patterns observed here support predictions about differential constraints and breeding tactics between the two sexes and the potential for fine-scale habitat structure to influence the precision of natal homing and localized movements of individual Chinook salmon on their breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Vertical hydraulic gradient, channel hydraulic, and substratum data were collected at active chum salmon redds to evaluate their influence on redd site selection in the Kwethluk River, a wandering gravel-bedded tributary of Alaska’s Lower Kuskokwim River. Two distinct summer chum salmon spawning tacitcs: primary- and off-channel groups spawning in different hydraulic and thermal environments. Channel hydraulics, ground-surface water exchanges, and bed sediment data were collected throughout the range of topographic conditions at sites occupied and unoccupied by spawners. Analyses of these data showed that redd site selection was incoherent with channel hydraulics and substratum size, when all channel types were considered. Rather, spawning was associated with the exchange of river and groundwater at four spatial scales. In primary channels, chum salmon spawned only in reaches where the regional hydraulic gradient (regional scale) promoted the penetration of river water, or downwelling, into the bed sediments. Within these reaches, primary-channel spawning was influenced by bed topography (fluvial scale) that promoted strong localized downwelling; a logit model, fitted to constituent hydraulics, discriminated between selected and unselected sites with 89 % accuracy. In contrast, spawners in off-channel habitats (flood and spring channels) selected areas of upwelling groundwater, regardless of channel hydraulics and the regional hydraulic gradient. In parafluvial flood channels, spawners selected localized upwelling associated with short groundwater flow paths (parafluvial scale). In spring channels, within the floodplain’s forested riparia (orthofluvial scale), spawners eschewed areas of localized downwelling and uniformly selected upwelling zones feeding these channels. Thus, redd selectivity differentiated two spawning tactics (groups) in this complex channel network where ground and surface water exchange is an important predictor of spawning habitat.  相似文献   

Salmonid fishes aggregate for breeding at spatially defined, suitable habitats. These aggregations may evolve into discrete populations when precise natal homing leads to reproductive isolation, and local regimes of selection lead to adaptation. Population structure is often defined by persistent differences in selectively neutral genetic markers and in mean values of morphological and life-history traits between locations. This approach is limited by the spatial scale at which traits diverge; low levels of reproductively successful straying, combined with similar selective pressures on life-history traits resulting from similar habitat features and environmental conditions, can significantly reduce the power of these discriminatory methods. We compared data on three life-history traits and polymorphism of DNA microsatellites for evidence of population subdivision among sockeye salmon spawning on spatially discrete but physically similar beaches on islands in Iliamna Lake, Alaska. We found small but significant differences in average body length, body depth and age composition between sites as well as significant interactions between site and year. These interactions, reflecting random variation in growth or recruitment among sites, are a powerful tool for discriminating populations with similar mean trait values. These results suggest fine-scale homing to natal sites, but the microsatellite data revealed no evidence of restricted gene flow among sites. There seems to be enough straying among the populations to prevent differentiation at neutral traits but enough homing for them to be functionally distinct.  相似文献   

Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch show fidelity to natal spawning watersheds. Fine-scale homing, however, within rivers is not well understood. Interior Fraser Coho (IFC) salmon eggs were incubated at known spawning locations in the Coldwater River, two main stem sites and one-off channel pond site, providing otolith reference data for comparison to otolith signatures for returning adults using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Elemental ratios for Ba:Ca and Sr:Ca in otoliths of juvenile O. kisutch differed significantly among the spawning locations examined. Juvenile otolith data were used to conduct a linear discriminant analysis to assess fine-scale homing in adults. Juvenile data were all assigned to the location where they had been incubated, producing a robust data set used to compare adult otoliths and define natal locations based on elemental signatures in otoliths of adult spawners. Homing and straying were apparent at the reach level; 57.1% of adults returned to their natal spawning locations, while 42.9% strayed to other spawning sites within the Coldwater River. Straying to novel incubation sites at the reach scale demonstrated plasticity in homing within a watershed.  相似文献   

Salmonids spawn in highly diverse habitats, exhibit strong genetic population structuring, and can quickly colonize newly created habitats with few founders. Spawning traits often differ among populations, but it is largely unknown if these differences are adaptive or due to genetic drift. To test if sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations are adapted to glacial, beach, and tributary spawning habitats, we examined variation in heritable phenotypic traits associated with spawning in 13 populations of wild sockeye salmon in Lake Clark, Alaska. These populations were commonly founded between 100 and 400 hundred sockeye salmon generations ago and exhibit low genetic divergence at 11 microsatellite loci (F ST < 0.024) that is uncorrelated with spawning habitat type. We found that mean P ST (phenotypic divergence among populations) exceeded neutral F ST for most phenotypic traits measured, indicating that phenotypic differences among populations could not be explained by genetic drift alone. Phenotypic divergence among populations was associated with spawning habitat differences, but not with neutral genetic divergence. For example, female body color was lighter and egg color was darker in glacial than non-glacial habitats. This may be due to reduced sexual selection for red spawning color in glacial habitats and an apparent trade-off in carotenoid allocation to body and egg color in females. Phenotypic plasticity is an unlikely source of phenotypic differences because Lake Clark sockeye salmon spend nearly all their lives in a common environment. Our data suggest that Lake Clark sockeye salmon populations are adapted to spawning in glacial, beach and tributary habitats and provide the first evidence of a glacial spawning ecotype in salmonids. Glacial spawning habitats are often young (i.e., <200 years old) and ephemeral. Thus, local adaptation of sockeye salmon to glacial habitats appears to have occurred recently.  相似文献   

Distribution theory predicts that for two species living in sympatry, the subordinate species would be constrained from using the most suitable resources (e.g., habitat), resulting in its use of less suitable habitat and spatial segregation between species. We used negative binomial generalized linear mixed models with fixed effects to estimate seasonal population-level resource selection at two spatial resolutions for female brown bears (Ursus arctos) and female American black bears (U. americanus) in southcentral Alaska during May–September 2000. Black bears selected areas occupied by brown bears during spring which may be related to spatially restricted (i.e., restricted to low elevations) but dispersed or patchy availability of food. In contrast, black bears avoided areas occupied by brown bears during summer. Brown bears selected areas near salmon streams during summer, presumably to access spawning salmon. Use of areas with high berry production by black bears during summer appeared in response to avoidance of areas containing brown bears. Berries likely provided black bears a less nutritious, but adequate food source. We suggest that during summer, black bears were displaced by brown bears, which supports distribution theory in that black bears appeared to be partially constrained from areas containing salmon, resulting in their use of areas containing less nutritious forage. Spatial segregation of brown and American black bears apparently occurs when high-quality resources are spatially restricted and alternate resources are available to the subordinate species. This and previous work suggest that individual interactions between species can result in seasonal population-level responses.  相似文献   

Spawning salmon create patches of disturbance through redd digging which can reduce macroinvertebrate abundance and biomass in spawning habitat. We asked whether displaced invertebrates use non-spawning habitats as refugia in streams. Our study explored how the spatial and temporal distribution of macroinvertebrates changed during a pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawning run and compared macroinvertebrates in spawning (riffle) and non-spawning (refugia) habitats in an Alaskan stream. Potential refugia included: pools, stream margins and the hyporheic zone, and we also sampled invertebrate drift. We predicted that macroinvertebrates would decline in riffles and increase in drift and refugia habitats during salmon spawning. We observed a reduction in the density, biomass and taxonomic richness of macroinvertebrates in riffles during spawning. There was no change in pool and margin invertebrate communities, except insect biomass declined in pools during the spawning period. Macroinvertebrate density was greater in the hyporheic zone and macroinvertebrate density and richness increased in the drift during spawning. We observed significant invertebrate declines within spawning habitat; however in non-spawning habitat, there were less pronounced changes in invertebrate density and richness. The results observed may be due to spawning-related disturbances, insect phenology, or other variables. We propose that certain in-stream habitats could be important for the persistence of macroinvertebrates during salmon spawning in a Southeast Alaskan stream.  相似文献   

Climate change has been identified as a major driver of habitat change, particularly for sea ice-dependent species such as the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). Population structure and space use of polar bears have been challenging to quantify because of their circumpolar distribution and tendency to range over large areas. Knowledge of movement patterns, home range, and habitat is needed for conservation and management. This is the first study to examine the spatial ecology of polar bears in the Foxe Basin management unit of Nunavut, Canada. Foxe Basin is in the mid-Arctic, part of the seasonal sea ice ecoregion and it is being negatively affected by climate change. Our objectives were to examine intrapopulation spatial structure, to determine movement patterns, and to consider how polar bear movements may respond to changing sea ice habitat conditions. Hierarchical and fuzzy cluster analyses were used to assess intrapopulation spatial structure of geographic position system satellite-collared female polar bears. Seasonal and annual movement metrics (home range, movement rates, time on ice) and home-range fidelity (static and dynamic overlap) were compared to examine the influence of regional sea ice on movements. The polar bears were distributed in three spatial clusters, and there were differences in the movement metrics between clusters that may reflect sea ice habitat conditions. Within the clusters, bears moved independently of each other. Annual and seasonal home-range fidelity was observed, and the bears used two movement patterns: on-ice range residency and annual migration. We predict that home-range fidelity may decline as the spatial and temporal predictability of sea ice changes. These new findings also provide baseline information for managing and monitoring this polar bear population.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior affects spatial population structure and our ability to manage for sustainability in marine and diadromous fishes. In this study, we used fishery independent capture-based sampling to evaluate where Common Snook occurred in Tampa Bay and if it changed with spawning season, and passive acoustic telemetry to assess fine scale behavior at an inlet spawning site (2007–2009). Snook concentrated in three areas during the spawning season only one of which fell within the expected spawning habitat. Although in lower numbers, they remained in these areas throughout the winter months. Acoustically-tagged snook (n = 31) showed two seasonal patterns at the spawning site: Most fish occurred during the spawning season but several fish displayed more extended residency, supporting the capture-based findings that Common Snook exhibit facultative catadromy. Spawning site selection for iteroparous, multiple-batch spawning fishes occurs at the lifetime, annual, or intra-annual temporal scales. In this study we show colonization of a new spawning site, indicating that lifetime spawning site fidelity of Common Snook is not fixed at this fine spatial scale. However, individuals did exhibit annual and intra-seasonal spawning site fidelity to this new site over the three years studied. The number of fish at the spawning site increased in June and July (peak spawning months) and on new and full lunar phases indicating within population variability in spawning and movement patterns. Intra-seasonal patterns of detection also differed significantly with sex. Common Snook exhibited divergent migration tactics and habitat use at the annual and estuarine scales, with contingents using different overwintering habitat. Migration tactics also varied at the spawning site at the intra-seasonal scale and with sex. These results have important implications for understanding how reproductive behavior affects spatio-temporal patterns of fish abundance and their resilience to disturbance events and fishing pressure.  相似文献   

How animals use their range can have physiological, ecological, and demographic repercussions, as well as impact management decisions, species conservation, and human society. Fidelity, the predictable return to certain places, can improve fitness if it is associated with high‐quality habitat or helps enable individuals to locate heterogenous patches of higher‐quality habitat within a lower‐quality habitat matrix. Our goal was to quantify patterns of fidelity at different spatial scales to better understand the relative plasticity of habitat use of a vital subsistence species that undergoes long‐distance migrations. We analyzed a decade (2010–2019) of GPS data from 240 adult, female Western Arctic Herd (WAH) caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from northwest Alaska, U.S.A. We assessed fidelity at 2 spatial scales: to site‐specific locations within seasonal ranges and to regions within the herd''s entire range by using 2 different null datasets. We assessed both area and consistency of use during 6 different seasons of the year. We also assessed the temporal consistency of migration and calving events. At the scale of the overall range, we found that caribou fidelity was greatest during the calving and insect relief (early summer) seasons, where the herd tended to maximally aggregate in the smallest area, and lowest in winter when the seasonal range is largest. However, even in seasons with lower fidelity, we found that caribou still showed fidelity to certain regions within the herd''s range. Within those seasonal ranges, however, there was little individual site‐specific fidelity from year to year, with the exception of summer periods. Temporally, we found that over 90% of caribou gave birth within 7 days of the day they gave birth the previous year. This revealed fairly high temporal consistency, especially given the spatial and temporal variability of spring migration. Fall migration exhibited greater temporal variability than spring migration. Our results support the hypothesis that higher fidelity to seasonal ranges is related to greater environmental and resource predictability. Interestingly, this fidelity was stronger at larger scales and at the population level. Almost the entire herd would seek out these areas with predictable resources, and then, individuals would vary their use, likely in response to annually varying conditions. During seasons with lower presumed spatial and/or temporal predictability of resources, population‐level fidelity was lower but individual fidelity was higher. The herd would be more spread out during the seasons of low‐resource predictability, leading to lower fidelity at the scale of their entire range, but individuals could be closer to locations they used the previous year, leading to greater individual fidelity, perhaps resulting from memory of a successful outcome the previous year. Our results also suggest that fidelity in 1 season is related to fidelity in the subsequent season. We hypothesize that some differences in patterns of range fidelity may be driven by seasonal differences in group size, degree of sociality, and/or density‐dependent factors. Climate change may affect resource predictability and, thus, the spatial fidelity and temporal consistency of use of animals to certain seasonal ranges.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were employed to study the patterns of behavioural thermoregulation, habitat preference and movement of 19 adult spring chinook salmon, Oncurhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), in the Yakima River. During the 4 months prior to spawning, fish maintained an average internal temperature 2.5°C below ambient river temperature. This represented a 12 to 20% decrease in basal metabolic demand or a saving of 17.3 to 29.9 calkg−1 h−1. Fish were most commonly associated with islands, pools, and rock out-croppings along stream banks. Homing behaviour appeared to be modified to optimize temperature regimes and energy conservation. As the time of spawning approached, fish left thermal refuges and migrated to spawning grounds upstream and downstream of refuge areas. Although spring chinook salmon residing within cool-water refuges may be capable of mitigating sub-lethal temperature effects, cool-water areas need to be abundant and available to the fish. The availability of suitable thermal refuges and appropriate holding habitat within mainstem rivers may affect long-term population survival.  相似文献   

Predators can drive trait divergence among populations of prey by imposing differential selection on prey traits. Habitat characteristics can mediate predator selectivity by providing refuge for prey. We quantified the effects of stream characteristics on biases in the sizes of spawning salmon caught by bears (Ursus arctos and U. americanus) on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada by measuring size-biased predation on spawning chum (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon in 12 streams with varying habitat characteristics. We tested the hypotheses that bears would catch larger than average salmon (size-biased predation) and that this bias toward larger fish would be higher in streams that provide less protection to spawning salmon from predation (e.g., less pools, wood, undercut banks). We then we tested for how such size biases in turn translate into differences among populations in the sizes of the fish. Bears caught larger-than-average salmon as the spawning season progressed and as predicted, this was most pronounced in streams with fewer refugia for the fish (i.e., wood and undercut banks). Salmon were marginally smaller in streams with more pronounced size-biased predation but this predictor was less reliable than physical characteristics of streams, with larger fish in wider, deeper streams. These results support the hypothesis that selective forces imposed by predators can be mediated by habitat characteristics, with potential consequences for physical traits of prey.  相似文献   

Many species that undergo long breeding migrations, such as anadromous fishes, face highly heterogeneous environments along their migration corridors and at their spawning sites. These environmental challenges encountered at different life stages may act as strong selective pressures and drive local adaptation. However, the relative influence of environmental conditions along the migration corridor compared with the conditions at spawning sites on driving selection is still unknown. In this study, we performed genome–environment associations (GEA) to understand the relationship between landscape and environmental conditions driving selection in seven populations of the anadromous Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)—a species of important economic, social, cultural, and ecological value—in the Columbia River basin. We extracted environmental variables for the shared migration corridors and at distinct spawning sites for each population, and used a Pool‐seq approach to perform whole genome resequencing. Bayesian and univariate GEA tests with migration‐specific and spawning site‐specific environmental variables indicated many more candidate SNPs associated with environmental conditions at the migration corridor compared with spawning sites. Specifically, temperature, precipitation, terrain roughness, and elevation variables of the migration corridor were the most significant drivers of environmental selection. Additional analyses of neutral loci revealed two distinct clusters representing populations from different geographic regions of the drainage that also exhibit differences in adult migration timing (summer vs. fall). Tests for genomic regions under selection revealed a strong peak on chromosome 28, corresponding to the GREB1L/ROCK1 region that has been identified previously in salmonids as a region associated with adult migration timing. Our results show that environmental variation experienced throughout migration corridors imposed a greater selective pressure on Chinook salmon than environmental conditions at spawning sites.  相似文献   

We conducted the first continuous shipboard tracking of southern Distinct Population Segment green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the Sacramento River. Tracking of adult green sturgeon occurred between river kilometer (rkm) 434.8 and 511.6, a section of the putative spawning grounds located near Red Bluff, California. The recorded positions of acoustically tagged green sturgeon were analyzed using First Passage Time analysis to determine differences in habitat use between suitable and non-suitable habitats. Classification and Regression Tree modeling was used to determine explanatory inputs attributable to above average habitat use. Green sturgeon exhibited above average habitat use at five sites, identified as potential spawning aggregate sites. Three types of movements (holding, milling, and directed) could be categorized from tracks. Lastly, we show that green sturgeon while on the spawning grounds exhibit a high degree of mobility throughout the spawning grounds, often making large movements between specific habitat units. Our study illustrates how the application of shipboard tracking can be useful for describing movement, behavior and habitat utilization at a spatial scale not achieved by stationary acoustic monitors.  相似文献   

A critical challenge for ecologists is to understand the functional significance of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity for mobile animals. Here, we explore how a thermo-regulating fish responds to annual variation in the spatial patterning of thermal and trophic resources. In a third-order stream in coastal Alaska, juvenile coho salmon forage on sockeye salmon eggs at night in cold water and then move to warmer water to increase their digestive capacity. We mapped the spatial distributions of water temperature, juvenile coho salmon, and spawning sockeye salmon across a 5-year period during which summer discharge varied by greater than fivefold. In low flow years, warm water (9–12°C) was only available in thalweg (that is, main-channel) habitat at least approximately 400 m upstream of the cooler habitat (3–7°C) where sockeye salmon spawned. In high flow years, the entire stream thalweg was isothermal at 7–8°C, but inundated off-channel areas generated warm habitats (9–12°C) laterally adjacent to the downstream regions where sockeye salmon spawned. The daytime spatial distribution of juvenile coho salmon shifted from headwater thalweg habitats in low flow years, to downstream off-channel habitats in high flow years. In all years, the majority of juvenile coho salmon sampled during the daytime were found in warm habitat units without sockeye salmon present, yet they exhibited diet contents comprised virtually entirely of sockeye salmon eggs. Thus, thermoregulatory movements by coho salmon were able to track an annually shifting mosaic of water temperature. Our results demonstrate how the spatial habitat heterogeneity and connectivity of intact floodplains can in turn buffer aquatic organisms from high levels of temporal variation in habitat conditions and resource abundance.  相似文献   

Recent declines in many chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, populations within the Columbia River watershed have prompted an examination of their reproductive biology. In a previous study many female fall chinook salmon collected in 1999 from the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River tested positive for a male-specific DNA marker (OtY1) found on the Y chromosome. The purpose of this study was to determine if females testing positive for the OtY1 marker could be found in other populations of fall chinook salmon from the Columbia River, and to assess the prevalence of OtY1 incidence in different female cohorts. Post-spawned male and female fall chinook salmon from three different naturally spawning populations (Hanford Reach, Yakima River and Ives Island) and one hatchery population (Priest Rapids Hatchery) on the Columbia River were tested in 2000 and 2001 for the OtY1 marker. Among naturally spawning populations, 57.4% of the females tested positive from the Hanford Reach, 33.3% tested positive from the Yakima River, and 32.5% tested positive from Ives Island. Of the Priest Rapids Hatchery fish, 62.5% of the females tested positive, and significant differences were detected between the 1995–1996 and 1997–1998 female cohorts from this population. No significant differences were detected between any of the female cohorts from the naturally spawning populations. All male chinook salmon samples, tested positive for OtY1.  相似文献   

Movement of nutrients across ecosystem boundaries can have important effects on food webs and population dynamics. An example from the North Pacific Rim is the connection between productive marine ecosystems and freshwaters driven by annual spawning migrations of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp). While a growing body of research has highlighted the importance of both pulsed nutrient subsidies and disturbance by spawning salmon, their effects on population densities of vertebrate consumers have rarely been tested, especially across streams spanning a wide range of natural variation in salmon densities and habitat characteristics. We studied resident freshwater prickly (Cottus asper), and coastrange sculpins (C. aleuticus) in coastal salmon spawning streams to test whether their population densities are affected by spawning densities of pink and chum salmon (O. gorbuscha and O. keta), as well as habitat characteristics. Coastrange sculpins occurred in the highest densities in streams with high densities of spawning pink and chum salmon. They also were more dense in streams with high pH, large watersheds, less area covered by pools, and lower gradients. In contrast, prickly sculpin densities were higher in streams with more large wood and pools, and less canopy cover, but their densities were not correlated with salmon. These results for coastrange sculpins provide evidence of a numerical population response by freshwater fish to increased availability of salmon subsidies in streams. These results demonstrate complex and context-dependent relationships between spawning Pacific salmon and coastal ecosystems and can inform an ecosystem-based approach to their management and conservation.  相似文献   

High densities of habitat modifiers can dramatically alter the structure of ecosystems. Whereas spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) dig nests that cover over 2 m2 and are at least 20 cm deep, and can spawn at high densities, relatively little attention has been devoted to investigating the impacts of this disturbance. We hypothesized that this temporally and spatially predictable bioturbation has large impacts on the coastal aquatic habitats used by sockeye. We experimentally investigated the impacts of disturbance caused by spawning sockeye in two streams and two lakes in Alaska by excluding salmon from 2.25 m2 plots where they traditionally spawn. We sampled exclusions and control plots before, during, and after spawning. During sockeye spawning, fine sediment accumulated in areas where sockeye were excluded from spawning. In addition, sockeye spawning significantly decreased algal biomass by 80% compared to exclusion plots. We found mixed effects of spawning on the invertebrate assemblage. Tricladida and Chironomidae densities increased by 3x in exclusion plots relative to control plots in one creek site. However, for most taxa and sites, invertebrate densities declined substantially as spawning progressed, regardless of experimental treatment. Habitat modification by spawning salmon alters both community organization and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

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