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  1. A sequence of four models is proposed for the saccadic eye movement control system. The models become increasingly complex as they are made to respond to increasingly more complicated target movements in accordance with experimental results. Compatibility with neurological structure and function is stressed in the formation of the models. In each case, the elements of the models are constructed to conform as closely as possible to neuroanatomical structures and behave in a way that has been established or suggested by neurophysiology.
  2. The dynamic behavior of the mechanics of the extraocular muscles and eyeball suspensory tissues has been established by recording from oculomotoneurons in alert monkeys. The transfer function of this mechanical system is used in these models.
  3. Recent experiments on the neural circuits in the brain stem that are responsible for saccadic eye movements suggest an arrangement of the premotor circuitry that contains two principal neural networks; an integrator and a pulse generator. This circuitry is used in the models.
  4. When the above modifications are made to existing models of the saccadic system, they remove the necessity of supposing that the visual information is sampled by the nervous system. The models do not include a sampler although the saccadic pulse generator still makes the overall system behavior similar to that of a sampled-data system.
  5. The basic model is modified to make its behavior agree with experimental eye movement responses to target ramps and step-ramps. This is done by using error and its rate of change to estimate the error that will exist one reaction time in the future.
  6. Parallel processing of data is a well recognized property of the nervous system. By utilizing it in combination with a random decision threshold, the model is extended to produce results in agreement with experiments for double-step target movements in which the second step occurs less than 0.2 sec after the first.
  7. Finally, a model is presented which incorporates a continuum of parallel processing to represent the retinotopic spatial organization of the visual system and the tecto-bulbar motor commands. The model is conceptual; it was not constructed or tested but is used to discuss more complex eye movement phenomena such as those that appear to occur when the decision process must shift between hemispheres and how the system might produce quick correcting saccades with latencies as short as 85 msec.

The study of eye movements and oculomotor disorders has, for four decades, greatly benefitted from the application of control theoretic concepts. This paper is an example of a complementary approach based on the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems. Recently, a nonlinear dynamics model of the saccadic system was developed, comprising a symmetric piecewise-smooth system of six first-order autonomous ordinary differential equations. A preliminary numerical investigation of the model revealed that in addition to generating normal saccades, it could also simulate inaccurate saccades, and the oscillatory instability known as congenital nystagmus (CN). By varying the parameters of the model, several types of CN oscillations were produced, including jerk, bidirectional jerk and pendular nystagmus. The aim of this study was to investigate the bifurcations and attractors of the model, in order to obtain a classification of the simulated oculomotor behaviours. The application of standard stability analysis techniques, together with numerical work, revealed that the equations have a rich bifurcation structure. In addition to Hopf, homoclinic and saddlenode bifurcations organised by a Takens-Bogdanov point, the equations can undergo nonsmooth pitchfork bifurcations and nonsmooth gluing bifurcations. Evidence was also found for the existence of Hopf-initiated canards. The simulated jerk CN waveforms were found to correspond to a pair of post-canard symmetry-related limit cycles, which exist in regions of parameter space where the equations are a slow-fast system. The slow and fast phases of the simulated oscillations were attributed to the geometry of the corresponding slow manifold. The simulated bidirectional jerk and pendular waveforms were attributed to a symmetry invariant limit cycle produced by the gluing of the asymmetric cycles. In contrast to control models of the oculomotor system, the bifurcation analysis places clear restrictions on which kinds of behaviour are likely to be associated with each other in parameter space, enabling predictions to be made regarding the possible changes in the oscillation type that may be observed upon changing the model parameters. The analysis suggests that CN is one of a range of oculomotor disorders associated with a pathological saccadic braking signal, and that jerk and pendular nystagmus are the most probable oscillatory instabilities. Additionally, the transition from jerk CN to bidirectional jerk and pendular nystagmus observed experimentally when the gaze angle or attention level is changed is attributed to a gluing bifurcation. This suggests the possibility of manipulating the waveforms of subjects with jerk CN experimentally to produce waveforms with an extended foveation period, thereby improving visual resolution.  相似文献   



Visually determining what is reachable in peripersonal space requires information about the egocentric location of objects but also information about the possibilities of action with the body, which are context dependent. The aim of the present study was to test the role of motor representations in the visual perception of peripersonal space.


Seven healthy participants underwent a TMS study while performing a right-left decision (control) task or perceptually judging whether a visual target was reachable or not with their right hand. An actual grasping movement task was also included. Single pulse TMS was delivered 80% of the trials on the left motor and premotor cortex and on a control site (the temporo-occipital area), at 90% of the resting motor threshold and at different SOA conditions (50ms, 100ms, 200ms or 300ms).

Principal Findings

Results showed a facilitation effect of the TMS on reaction times in all tasks, whatever the site stimulated and until 200ms after stimulus presentation. However, the facilitation effect was on average 34ms lower when stimulating the motor cortex in the perceptual judgement task, especially for stimuli located at the boundary of peripersonal space.


This study provides the first evidence that brain motor area participate in the visual determination of what is reachable. We discuss how motor representations may feed the perceptual system with information about possible interactions with nearby objects and thus may contribute to the perception of the boundary of peripersonal space.  相似文献   

Processing of spatio-temporal information in the human visual system has been investigated thoroughly during the past decade, but is still far from being properly understood. Moreover, the theory of separation of information by means of sustained and transient channels already at the retinal level is not satisfactory, as experimental results indicate that these two types of channels span a continuum of temporal characteristics. It is however obvious, that the process of pattern recognition and velocity perception calls for their separation at some level of the hierarchy. In this communication, we extend our model of three-dimensional spatio-temporal frequency expansion in the visual system (Gafni and Zeevi, 1977) to show how velocity-information extraction channels, sensitive to direction and velocity exclusively, can be formed by simple summation of signals from well-defined sets of channels representing points in the frequency space. Correspondence of these channels to characteristics of the cortical neurons is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of prolonged support deprivation on the mechanisms of ocular saccadic movement generation, four volunteers were tested immediately before seven-day dry immersion and on the day of its completion. The task consisted of tapping random light stimuli emerging on the periphery of a sensory screen. During testing, the subject??s head was kept in a fixed position. The subjects could suppress the stimuli in two ways: (1) by touching an appropriate area on the screen with their fingers with gaze shifting and fixation accompanying coordinated hand movement or (2) by clicking the computer mouse button after gaze fixation on the stimulus. The movement pattern of each eye was recorded and analyzed in the infrared frequency of 200 Hz. It is assumed that the identical effects of immersion on the dependence of the peak saccade velocity on its amplitude in tests where the two methods of stimulus tapping were used suggest saccade acceleration after immersion as a direct effect of prolonged support deprivation.  相似文献   

The fundamental statistical aspects of population coding of the movement direction in the motor cortex are studied numerically. The activity of neurons in a population is simulated using pseudorandom numbers so that the directional selectivity of the neurons is similar to that observed experimentally. Accuracy of the coding, which is evaluated by the root-mean-square (rms) error, is analyzed for various population sizes, degrees of variability of neuronal activity, and degrees of nonuniformity of distribution of the preferred directions. The dependence of the rms error on the population size shows a good fit to the inverse square-root law, from which it is estimated that a single population must contain around 10 000 neurons in order to attain the accuracy that allows 1 deg rms error, for example. The coding is studied further for populations with different types of tuning function. The results support the hypothesis proposed by Georgopoulos et al. (1988) except that the tuning function must be tuned in the sense that the average value of the function for movements with components in the preferred direction is larger than for movements away from the preferred direction.  相似文献   

Muscles are commonly assumed to have uniform activations across their bellies. Yet animal studies have shown that different regions across a muscle can vary in their architecture, fibre type, levels of activation and the transfer of forces to the bones and tendons. The purpose of this study was to test whether regional variations in activity occurred across the soleus, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius in man, and whether these regional variations changed with altered mechanical demands on the limb. Arrays of surface electrodes were placed over these muscles and the electromyograms (EMG) measured for a range of cycling tasks where the resistance and pedal velocity was independently altered. Significant variations in the magnitude and timing of the EMG occurred across these muscles, which were most pronounced in the gastrocnemii and occurred in both the proximodistal and mediolateral directions. The patterns of variation across the muscles changed in response to the altered mechanical demands during the cycling. It is likely that the muscle fascicles in the gastrocnemii contribute varied mechanical functions to the contractions that depend on both their location within the muscle belly and on the mechanical requirements of the movement.  相似文献   

The aqueous humor (AH) flow in the anterior chamber (AC) due to saccadic movements is investigated in this research. The continuity, Navier-Stokes and energy equations in 3D and unsteady forms are solved numerically and the saccadic motion was modeled by the dynamic mesh technique. Firstly, the numerical model was validated for the saccadic movement of a spherical cavity with analytic solutions and experimental data where excellent agreement was observed. Then, two types of periodic and realistic saccadic motions of the AC are simulated, whereby the flow field is computed for various saccade amplitudes and the results are reported for different times. The results show that the acting shear stress on the corneal endothelial cells from AH due to saccadic movements is much higher than that due to normal AH flow by buoyancy induced due to temperature gradient. This shear stress is higher on the central region of the cornea. The results also depict that eye saccade imposes a 3D complicated flow field in the AC consist of various vortex structures. Finally, the enchantment of heat transfer in the AC by AH mixing as a result of saccadic motion is investigated.  相似文献   

The instantaneous firing frequency of cat abducens nucleus motoneurons (Mns) during spontaneous saccadic eye movements has been analyzed. Recordings were carried out from both control and axotomized Mns. Firing frequency of control Mns increased gradually during the first four to five interspike intervals, at which point maximum firing frequency was reached. Axotomized Mns showed an increase in firing frequency only up to the second or third interval, decreasing rapidly then. Linear relationships, with high correlation coefficients, were established between the first five intervals versus maximum frequency or peak eye velocity during saccades, in both control and axotomized Mns. However, the latter showed a decrease in the linear correlation from the third interval because of the decrease in the slope of the relationship. Functional implications of these results are discussed according to the present hypothesis on the effects of axotomy upon oculomotor neurons.  相似文献   

Taxonomy: Bean dwarf mosaic virus‐[Colombia:1987] (BDMV‐[CO:87]) is a single‐stranded plant DNA virus, a member of the genus Begomovirus of the family Geminiviridae. Physical properties: BDMV virions are twinned incomplete isosahedra measuring 18 × 30 nm. The viral particle is composed of 110 subunits of coat protein, organized as 22 pentameric capsomers. Each subunit has a molecular mass of ~29 kDa. BDMV possesses two DNA components (designated DNA‐A and DNA‐B), each ~2.6 kb in size. Host range: The natural and most important host of BDMV is the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Nicotiana benthamiana is often used as an experimental host. Common bean germplasm can be divided into two major gene pools: Andean materials, which are mostly susceptible to BDMV, and Middle American materials, which are mostly resistant to BDMV. Disease symptoms: The symptom intensity in common bean plants depends on the stage of infection. Early infection of susceptible bean seedlings will result in severe stunting and dwarfing, leaf distortion and mottling or mosaic, as well as chlorotic or yellow spots or blotches. BDMV‐infected plants usually abort their flowers or produce severely distorted pods. Late infection of susceptible plants or early infection of moderately resistant genotypes may show a mild mosaic, mottle and crumpling or an irregular distribution of variegated patches. Biological properties: As a member of the Begomovirus group, BDMV is transmitted from plant to plant by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. BDMV is a nonphloem‐limited virus and can replicate and move in the epidermal, cortical and phloem cells. As a nonphloem‐limited virus, it is sap‐transmissible.  相似文献   

Matsumoto M  Hikosaka O 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26701
The lateral habenula (LHb) is a brain structure which represents negative motivational value. Neurons in the LHb are excited by unpleasant events such as reward omission and aversive stimuli, and transmit these signals to midbrain dopamine neurons which are involved in learning and motivation. However, it remains unclear whether these phasic changes in LHb neuronal activity actually influence animal behavior. To answer this question, we artificially activated the LHb by electrical stimulation while monkeys were performing a visually guided saccade task. In one block of trials, saccades to one fixed direction (e.g., right direction) were followed by electrical stimulation of the LHb while saccades to the other direction (e.g., left direction) were not. The direction-stimulation contingency was reversed in the next block. We found that the post-saccadic stimulation of the LHb increased the latencies of saccades in subsequent trials. Notably, the increase of the latency occurred gradually as the saccade was repeatedly followed by the stimulation, suggesting that the effect of the post-saccadic stimulation was accumulated across trials. LHb stimulation starting before saccades, on the other hand, had no effect on saccade latency. Together with previous studies showing LHb activation by reward omission and aversive stimuli, the present stimulation experiment suggests that LHb activity contributes to learning to suppress actions which lead to unpleasant events.  相似文献   

Generalization of motor learning refers to our ability to apply what has been learned in one context to other contexts. When generalization is beneficial, it is termed transfer, and when it is detrimental, it is termed interference. Insight into the mechanism of generalization may be acquired from understanding why training transfers in some contexts but not others. However, identifying relevant contextual cues has proven surprisingly difficult, perhaps because the search has mainly been for cues that are explicit. We hypothesized instead that a relevant contextual cue is an implicit memory of action with a particular body part. To test this hypothesis we considered a task in which participants learned to control motion of a cursor under visuomotor rotation in two contexts: by moving their hand through motion of their shoulder and elbow, or through motion of their wrist. Use of these contextual cues led to three observations: First, in naive participants, learning in the wrist context was much faster than in the arm context. Second, generalization was asymmetric so that arm training benefited subsequent wrist training, but not vice versa. Third, in people who had prior wrist training, generalization from the arm to the wrist was blocked. That is, prior wrist training appeared to prevent both the interference and transfer that subsequent arm training should have caused. To explain the data, we posited that the learner collected statistics of contextual history: all upper arm movements also move the hand, but occasionally we move our hands without moving the upper arm. In a Bayesian framework, history of limb segment use strongly affects parameter uncertainty, which is a measure of the covariance of the contextual cues. This simple Bayesian prior dictated a generalization pattern that largely reproduced all three findings. For motor learning, generalization depends on context, which is determined by the statistics of how we have previously used the various parts of our limbs.  相似文献   

Multiunit activity was recorded from strio-pallido-thalamic sites in parkinsonian patients bearing gold electrodes for diagnosis and therapy. The patients voluntarily participated in tasks designed to study neuronal correlates of both physical and semantic characteristics of stimuli as well as motor responses. Six modifications of the stimulus-response paradigm were used: visual odd-ball, visual and acoustic odd-ball tasks; tasks in which either the stimulus intensity or the meaning of non-target stimuli varied; single-stage delayed response and dual-stage delayed response tasks, respectively. In each task the patients had to evaluate some of the stimulus characteristics and to respond in a particular way according to the preliminary instructions. Peristimulus time histograms for each multiunit separately as well as profiles of reactions and profiles of reaction differences for the whole set of multiunits were calculated and subjected to statistical analysis. Two functional groups of subcortical neuronal reactions, stimulus-related and response-related activities, were separated. The stimulus-related activities of most multiunits were modality-unspecific. Their most striking feature was dependence on stimulus relevance and also its probability, the strongest reactions observed in response to task relevant stimuli occurring with low probability. The response-related activities occurred prior to initiation of movements, dependent upon the particular action and its probability. The data suggest at least two different and spatially overlapping subcortical channels responsible for goal-directed behaviour: the one related to stimulus assessment and the other to preparation for motor action.  相似文献   



The study of microRNAs (miRNAs) is attracting great considerations. Recent studies revealed that miRNAs play as important regulators of gene expression and some even as cancer players or inhibitors. Many studies try to discover new miRNAs and reveal the miRNA expression profile in cancer using a SAGE-based total RNA clone method. However, the data processing of this method is labor-intensive with several different biological databases and more than ten data processing steps involved.  相似文献   

The stick insect Carausius morosus continuously moves its antennae during locomotion. Active antennal movements may reflect employment of antennae as tactile probes. Therefore, this study treats two basic aspects of the antennal motor system: First, the anatomy of antennal joints, muscles, nerves and motoneurons is described and discussed in comparison with other species. Second, the typical movement pattern of the antennae is analysed, and its spatio-temporal coordination with leg movements described. Each antenna is moved by two single-axis hinge joints. The proximal head-scape joint is controlled by two levator muscles and a three-partite depressor muscle. The distal scape-pedicel joint is controlled by an antagonistic abductor/ adductor pair. Three nerves innervate the antennal musculature, containing axons of 14-17 motoneurons, including one common inhibitor. During walking, the pattern of antennal movement is rhythmic and spatiotemporally coupled with leg movements. The antennal abduction/adduction cycle leads the protraction/retraction cycle of the ipsilateral front leg with a stable phase shift. During one abduction/adduction cycle there are typically two levation/depression cycles, however, with less strict temporal coupling than the horizontal component. Predictions of antennal contacts with square obstacles to occur before leg contacts match behavioural performance, indicating a potential role of active antennal movements in obstacle detection.  相似文献   

Many fundamental advances in our understanding of basic neural function have been made using bird song learning and performance as a model system. These advances have included a greater understanding of higher-order neural processing, developmental and hormonal influences on behavior, and the realization that neurogenesis plays an important role in normal adult brain function. The great diversity of passerine birds and song-related behaviors they exhibit suggest that oscine songbirds are ideally suited for comparative studies. While the comparative approach has been used successfully in the past to study song-related phenomena at anatomical and behavioral levels, it has been underutilized in addressing questions at the neurophysiological level. Most neurophysiological studies of songbird auditory and motor processing have been performed in one species, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We present and compare neurophysiological studies we have performed in zebra finches and song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), species that differ markedly in their singing behavior and song repertoire characteristics. Interspecific similarities, and striking differences, in song neural processing are apparent. While preliminary, these data suggest that comparative neurophysiological studies of species carefully chosen for their vocal repertoire and singing behavior will contribute significantly to our understanding of vertebrate sensory and motor neural processing.  相似文献   

Recent findings in neuroscience suggest an overlap between brain regions involved in the execution of movement and perception of another's movement. This so-called "action-perception coupling" is supposed to serve our ability to automatically infer the goals and intentions of others by internal simulation of their actions. A consequence of this coupling is motor interference (MI), the effect of movement observation on the trajectory of one's own movement. Previous studies emphasized that various features of the observed agent determine the degree of MI, but could not clarify how human-like an agent has to be for its movements to elicit MI and, more importantly, what 'human-like' means in the context of MI. Thus, we investigated in several experiments how different aspects of appearance and motility of the observed agent influence motor interference (MI). Participants performed arm movements in horizontal and vertical directions while observing videos of a human, a humanoid robot, or an industrial robot arm with either artificial (industrial) or human-like joint configurations. Our results show that, given a human-like joint configuration, MI was elicited by observing arm movements of both humanoid and industrial robots. However, if the joint configuration of the robot did not resemble that of the human arm, MI could longer be demonstrated. Our findings present evidence for the importance of human-like joint configuration rather than other human-like features for perception-action coupling when observing inanimate agents.  相似文献   



Various neuroimaging studies, both structural and functional, have provided support for the proposal that a distributed brain network is likely to be the neural basis of intelligence. The theory of Distributed Intelligent Processing Systems (DIPS), first developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence, was proposed to adequately model distributed neural intelligent processing. In addition, the neural efficiency hypothesis suggests that individuals with higher intelligence display more focused cortical activation during cognitive performance, resulting in lower total brain activation when compared with individuals who have lower intelligence. This may be understood as a property of the DIPS.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In our study, a new EEG brain mapping technique, based on the neural efficiency hypothesis and the notion of the brain as a Distributed Intelligence Processing System, was used to investigate the correlations between IQ evaluated with WAIS (Whechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) and WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children), and the brain activity associated with visual and verbal processing, in order to test the validity of a distributed neural basis for intelligence.


The present results support these claims and the neural efficiency hypothesis.  相似文献   

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