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We identified a Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisomal membrane protein, Pex13p, that is essential for protein import. A point mutation in the COOH-terminal Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of Pex13p inactivated the protein but did not affect its membrane targeting. A two-hybrid screen with the SH3 domain of Pex13p identified Pex5p, a receptor for proteins with a type I peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1), as its ligand. Pex13p SH3 interacted specifically with Pex5p in vitro. We determined, furthermore, that Pex5p was mainly present in the cytosol and only a small fraction was associated with peroxisomes. We therefore propose that Pex13p is a component of the peroxisomal protein import machinery onto which the mobile Pex5p receptor docks for the delivery of the selected PTS1 protein.  相似文献   

A number of peroxisome-associated proteins have been described that are involved in the import of proteins into peroxisomes, among which is the receptor for peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1) proteins Pex5p, the integral membrane protein Pex13p, which contains an Src homology 3 (SH3) domain, and the peripheral membrane protein Pex14p. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, both Pex5p and Pex14p are able to bind Pex13p via its SH3 domain. Pex14p contains the classical SH3 binding motif PXXP, whereas this sequence is absent in Pex5p. Mutation of the conserved tryptophan in the PXXP binding pocket of Pex13-SH3 abolished interaction with Pex14p, but did not affect interaction with Pex5p, suggesting that Pex14p is the classical SH3 domain ligand and that Pex5p binds the SH3 domain in an alternative way. To identify the SH3 binding site in Pex5p, we screened a randomly mutagenized PEX5 library for loss of interaction with Pex13-SH3. Such mutations were all located in a small region in the N-terminal half of Pex5p. One of the altered residues (F208) was part of the sequence W(204)XXQF(208), that is conserved between Pex5 proteins of different species. Site-directed mutagenesis of Trp204 confirmed the essential role of this motif in recognition of the SH3 domain. The Pex5p mutants could only partially restore PTS1-protein import in pex5Delta cells in vivo. In vitro binding studies showed that these Pex5p mutants failed to interact with Pex13-SH3 in the absence of Pex14p, but regained their ability to bind in the presence of Pex14p, suggesting the formation of a heterotrimeric complex consisting of Pex5p, Pex14p, and Pex13-SH3. In vivo, these Pex5p mutants, like wild-type Pex5p, were still found to be associated with peroxisomes. Taken together, this indicates that in the absence of Pex13-SH3 interaction, other protein(s) is able to bind Pex5p at the peroxisome; Pex14p is a likely candidate for this function.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes require peroxin (Pex) proteins for their biogenesis. The interaction between Pex3p, which resides on the peroxisomal membrane, and Pex19p, which resides in the cytosol, is crucial for peroxisome formation and the post-translational targeting of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs). It is not known how Pex3p promotes the specific interaction with Pex19p for the purpose of PMP translocation. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of the complex between a cytosolic domain of Pex3p and the binding-region peptide of Pex19p. The overall shape of Pex3p is a prolate spheroid with a novel fold, the 'twisted six-helix bundle.' The Pex19p-binding site is at an apex of the Pex3p spheroid. A 16-residue region of the Pex19p peptide forms an α-helix and makes a contact with Pex3p; this helix is disordered in the unbound state. The Pex19p peptide contains a characteristic motif, consisting of the leucine triad (Leu18, Leu21, Leu22), and Phe29, which are critical for the Pex3p binding and peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Src homology 3 (SH3) domains are small non-catalytic protein modules capable of mediating protein-protein interactions by binding to proline-X-X-proline (P-X-X-P) motifs. Here we demonstrate that the SH3 domain of the integral peroxisomal membrane protein Pex13p is able to bind two proteins, one of which, Pex5p, represents a novel non-P-X-X-P ligand. Using alanine scanning, two-hybrid and in vitro interaction analysis, we show that an alpha-helical element in Pex5p is necessary and sufficient for SH3 interaction. Sup pressor analysis using Pex5p mutants located in this alpha-helical element allowed the identification of a unique site of interaction for Pex5p on the Pex13p-SH3 domain that is distinct from the classical P-X-X-P binding pocket. On the basis of a structural model of the Pex13p-SH3 domain we show that this interaction probably takes place between the RT- and distal loops. Thus, the Pex13p-SH3-Pex5p interaction establishes a novel mode of SH3 interaction.  相似文献   

We have identified an S. cerevisiae integral peroxisomal membrane protein of M of 42,705 (Pex13p) that is a component of the peroxisomal protein import apparatus. Pex13p's most striking feature is an src homology 3 (SH3) domain that interacts directly with yeast Pex5p (former Pas10p), the recognition factor for the COOH-terminal tripeptide signal sequence (PTS1), but not with Pex7p (former Pas7p), the recognition factor for the NH2-terminal nonapeptide signal (PTS2) of peroxisomal matrix proteins. Hence, Pex13p serves as peroxisomal membrane receptor for at least one of the two peroxisomal signal recognition factors. Cells deficient in Pex13p are unable to import peroxisomal matrix proteins containing PTS1 and, surprisingly, also those containing PTS2. Pex13p deficient cells retain membranes containing the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex11p (former Pmp27p), consistent with the existence of independent pathways for the integration of peroxisomal membrane proteins and for the translocation of peroxisomal matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Pex5p, a receptor for peroxisomal matrix proteins with a type 1 peroxisome targeting signal (PTS1), has been proposed to cycle from the cytoplasm to the peroxisomal membrane where it docks with Pex14p and Pex13p, the latter an SH3 domain-containing protein. Using in vitro binding assays we have demonstrated that binding of Pex5p to Pex14p is enhanced when Pex5p is loaded with a PTS1-containing peptide. In contrast, Pex5p binding to Pex13p, which involves only the SH3 domain, occurs at 20-40-fold lower levels and is reduced when Pex5p is preloaded with a PTS1 peptide. Pex14p was also shown to bind weakly to the Pex13p SH3 domain. Site-directed mutagenesis of the Pex13p SH3 domain attenuated binding to Pex5p and Pex14p, consistent with both of these proteins being binding partners for this domain. The SH3 binding site in Pex5p was determined to lie within a 114-residue peptide (Trp(100)-Glu(213)) in the amino-terminal region of the protein. The interaction between this peptide and the SH3 domain was competitively inhibited by Pex14p. We interpret these data as suggesting that docking of the Pex5p-PTS1 protein complex at the peroxisome membrane occurs at Pex14p and that the Pex13p SH3 domain functions as an associated component possibly involved in sequestering Pex5p after relinquishment of the PTS1 protein cargo to components of the translocation machinery.  相似文献   

Pichia pastoris PEX17 was cloned by complementation of a peroxisome-deficient strain obtained from a novel screen for mutants disrupted in the localization of a peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP) reporter. PEX17 encodes a 267-amino-acid protein with low identity (18%) to the previously characterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex17p. Like ScPex17p, PpPex17p contains a putative transmembrane domain near the amino terminus and two carboxyl-terminal coiled-coil regions. PpPex17p behaves as an integral PMP with a cytosolic carboxyl-terminal domain. pex17Delta mutants accumulate peroxisomal matrix proteins and certain integral PMPs in the cytosol, suggesting a critical role for Pex17p in their localization. Peroxisome remnants were observed in the pex17Delta mutant by morphological and biochemical means, suggesting that Pex17p is not absolutely required for remnant formation. Yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of Pex19p was required for interaction with Pex17p lacking the carboxyl-terminal coiled-coil domains. Biochemical evidence confirmed the interaction between Pex19p and Pex17p. Additionally, Pex17p cross-linked to components of the peroxisome targeting signal-receptor docking complex, which unexpectedly contained Pex3p. Our evidence suggests the existence of distinct subcomplexes that contain separable pools of Pex3p, Pex19p, Pex17p, Pex14p, and the peroxisome targeting signal receptors. These distinct pools may serve different purposes for the import of matrix proteins or PMPs.  相似文献   

Pex13p is an essential component of the peroxisomal protein import machinery and interacts via its C-terminal SH3 domain with the type II SH3-ligand Pex14p and the non-PXXP protein Pex5p. We report the solution structure of the SH3 domain of Pex13p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the identification of a novel-binding pocket, which binds a non-PXXP-peptide representing the binding site of Pex5p. Chemical shift assays revealed the binding sites for Pex5p and Pex14p ligand peptides to be distinct and spatially separated. Competition assays demonstrated that the two ligand peptides can bind simultaneously to the SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Two distinct pathways have recently been proposed for the import of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs): a Pex19p- and Pex3p-dependent class I pathway and a Pex19p- and Pex3p-independent class II pathway. We show here that Pex19p plays an essential role as the chaperone for full-length Pex3p in the cytosol. Pex19p forms a soluble complex with newly synthesized Pex3p in the cytosol and directly translocates it to peroxisomes. Knockdown of Pex19p inhibits peroxisomal targeting of newly synthesized full-length Pex3p and results in failure of the peroxisomal localization of Pex3p. Moreover, we demonstrate that Pex16p functions as the Pex3p-docking site and serves as the peroxisomal membrane receptor that is specific to the Pex3p–Pex19p complexes. Based on these novel findings, we suggest a model for the import of PMPs that provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of peroxisomes and its regulation involving Pex3p, Pex19p, and Pex16p.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the mammalian peroxisomal membrane requires the action of Pex3p and Pex16p, two proteins present in the organelle membrane, and Pex19p, a protein that displays a dual subcellular distribution (peroxisomal and cytosolic). Pex19p interacts with most peroxisomal intrinsic membrane proteins, but whether this property reflects its role as an import receptor for this class of proteins or a chaperone-like function in the assembly/disassembly of peroxisomal membrane proteins has been the subject of much controversy. Here, we describe an in vitro system particularly suited to address this issue. It is shown that insertion of a reporter protein into the peroxisomal membrane is a Pex3p-dependent process that does not require ATP/GTP hydrolysis. The system can be programmed with recombinant versions of Pex19p, allowing us to demonstrate that Pex19p-cargo protein complexes formed in the absence of peroxisomes are the substrates for the peroxisomal docking/insertion machinery. Data suggesting that cargo-loaded Pex19p displays a much higher affinity for Pex3p than Pex19p alone are also provided. These results suggest that soluble Pex19p participates in the targeting of newly synthesized peroxisomal membrane proteins to the organelle membrane and support the existence of a cargo-induced peroxisomal targeting mechanism for Pex19p.  相似文献   

Peroxisome is a single-membrane organelle in eukaryotes. The functional importance of peroxisomes in humans is highlighted by peroxisome-deficient peroxisome biogenesis disorders such as Zellweger syndrome. Two AAA peroxins, Pex1p and Pex6p, are encoded by PEX1 and PEX6, the causal genes for PBDs of complementation groups 1 and 4, respectively. PEX26 responsible for peroxisome biogenesis disorders of complementation group 8 codes for C-tail-anchored type-II membrane peroxin Pex26p, the recruiter of Pex1p-Pex6p complexes to peroxisomes. Pex1p is targeted to peroxisomes in a manner dependent on ATP hydrolysis, while Pex6p targeting requires ATP but not its hydrolysis. Pex1p and Pex6p are most likely regulated in their peroxisomal localization onto Pex26p via conformational changes by ATPase cycle. Pex5p is the cytosolic receptor for peroxisome matrix proteins with peroxisome targeting signal type-1 and shuttles between the cytosol and peroxisomes. AAA peroxins are involved in the export from peroxisomes of Pex5p. Pex5p is ubiquitinated at the conserved cysteine11 in a form associated with peroxisomes. Pex5p with a mutation of the cysteine11 to alanine, termed Pex5p-C11A, abrogates peroxisomal import of proteins harboring peroxisome targeting signals 1 and 2 in wild-type cells. Pex5p-C11A is imported into peroxisomes but not exported, hence suggesting an essential role of the cysteine residue in the export of Pex5p.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are components of virtually all eukaryotic cells. While much is known about peroxisomal matrix protein import, our understanding of how peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) are targeted and inserted into the peroxisome membrane is extremely limited. Here, we show that PEX19 binds a broad spectrum of PMPs, displays saturable PMP binding, and interacts with regions of PMPs required for their targeting to peroxisomes. Furthermore, mislocalization of PEX19 to the nucleus leads to nuclear accumulation of newly synthesized PMPs. At steady state, PEX19 is bimodally distributed between the cytoplasm and peroxisome, with most of the protein in the cytoplasm. We propose that PEX19 may bind newly synthesized PMPs and facilitate their insertion into the peroxisome membrane. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that the loss of PEX19 results in degradation of PMPs and/or mislocalization of PMPs to the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Two AAA peroxins, Pex1p and Pex6p, are encoded by PEX1 and PEX6, the causal genes for peroxisome biogenesis disorders of complementation group 1 (CG1) and CG4, respectively. PEX26 responsible for peroxisome biogenesis disorders of CG8 encodes Pex26p, the recruiter of Pex1p.Pex6p complexes to peroxisomes. We herein assigned the binding regions between human Pex1p and Pex6p and elucidated pivotal roles of the AAA cassettes, called D1 and D2 domains, in Pex1p-Pex6p interaction and peroxisome biogenesis. ATP binding in both AAA cassettes but not ATP hydrolysis in D2 of both Pex1p and Pex6p was prerequisite for Pex1p-Pex6p interaction and their peroxisomal localization. The AAA cassettes, D1 and D2, were essential for peroxisome-restoring activity of Pex1p and Pex6p. In HEK293 cells, endogenous Pex1p was partly localized likely as a homo-oligomer in the cytoplasm, while Pex6p and Pex26p were predominantly localized on peroxisomes. Interaction of Pex1p with Pex6p conferred a conformational change and dissociation of the Pex1p oligomer. These results suggested that Pex1p possesses two distinct oligomeric forms, a homo-oligomer in the cytosol and a hetero-oligomer on peroxisome membranes, possibly playing distinct functions in peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Pex5p is the receptor for the vast majority of peroxisomal matrix proteins. Here, we show that about 15% of rat liver Pex5p is found in the peroxisomal fraction representing 0.06% of total peroxisomal protein. This population of Pex5p displays all the characteristics of an intrinsic membrane protein. Protease protection assays indicate that this pool of Pex5p has domains exposed on both sides of the peroxisomal membrane. The strong interaction of Pex5p with the membrane of the organelle is not affected by mild protease treatment of intact organelles, conditions that result in the partial degradation of Pex13p. Cytosolic Pex5p is a monomeric protein. In contrast, virtually all peroxisomal Pex5p was found to be part of a stable 250-kDa protein assembly. This complex was isolated and shown to comprise just two subunits, Pex5p and Pex14p.  相似文献   

Membrane association of the cycling peroxisome import receptor Pex5p   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxisomal proteins carrying a peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1) are recognized in the cytosol by the cycling import receptor Pex5p. The receptor-cargo complex docks at the peroxisomal membrane where it associates with multimeric protein complexes, referred to as the docking and RING finger complexes. Here we have identified regions within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex5p sequence that interconnect the receptor-cargo complex with the docking complex. Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved tryptophan residue within a reverse WXXXF motif abolished two-hybrid binding with the N-terminal half of Pex14p. In combination with an additional mutation introduced into the Pex13p-binding site, we generated a Pex5p mutant defective in a stable association not only with the docking complex but also with the RING finger peroxins at the membrane. Surprisingly, PTS1 proteins are still imported into peroxisomes in these mutant cells. Because these mutations had no significant effect on the membrane binding properties of Pex5p, we examined yeast and human Pex5p for intrinsic lipid binding activity. In vitro analyses demonstrated that both proteins have the potential to insert spontaneously into phospholipid membranes. Altogether, these data strongly suggest that a translocation-competent state of the PTS1 receptor enters the membrane via protein-lipid interactions before it tightly associates with other peroxins.  相似文献   

Cells have evolved molecular mechanisms for the efficient transmission of organelles during cell division. Little is known about how peroxisomes are inherited. Inp1p is a peripheral membrane protein of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affects both the morphology of peroxisomes and their partitioning during cell division. In vivo 4-dimensional video microscopy showed an inability of mother cells to retain a subset of peroxisomes in dividing cells lacking the INP1 gene, whereas cells overexpressing INP1 exhibited immobilized peroxisomes that failed to be partitioned to the bud. Overproduced Inp1p localized to both peroxisomes and the cell cortex, supporting an interaction of Inp1p with specific structures lining the cell periphery. The levels of Inp1p vary with the cell cycle. Inp1p binds Pex25p, Pex30p, and Vps1p, which have been implicated in controlling peroxisome division. Our findings are consistent with Inp1p acting as a factor that retains peroxisomes in cells and controls peroxisome division. Inp1p is the first peroxisomal protein directly implicated in peroxisome inheritance.  相似文献   

Hansenula polymorpha Pex3p plays an essential role in the biogenesis and maintenance of the peroxisomal membrane. In the initial report, bakers' yeast Pex3p was suggested to represent an integral component of the peroxisomal membrane, containing one membrane-spanning region that exposes the N terminus of the protein into the organellar matrix. Biochemically, HpPex3p behaved like an integral membrane protein as it was resistant toward high salt and carbonate treatment. However, urea fully removed Pex3p from the membrane under conditions in which the integral membrane protein Pex10p was resistant to this treatment. Additional experiments, including protease protection assays and pre-embedding labeling experiments on purified organellar fractions from cells that produced Pex3ps carrying Myc epitopes at various selected locations in the protein, revealed that invariably all Myc tags were accessible for externally added proteases and antibodies, independent of the presence of detergents. Also, overproduction of Pex3p failed to demonstrate the typical integral membrane protein structures in fracture faces of freeze-fractured peroxisomes. Taken together, our data suggest that HpPex3p does not span the peroxisomal membrane but instead is tightly associated to the cytosolic face of the organelle where it may be present in focal protein clusters.  相似文献   

Pex14p is a member of the protein linkage map of Pex5p.   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
To identify members of the translocation machinery for peroxisomal proteins, we made use of the two-hybrid system to establish a protein linkage map centered around Pex5p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the receptor for the C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1). Among the five interaction partners identified, Pex14p was found to be induced under conditions allowing peroxisome proliferation. Deletion of the corresponding gene resulted in the inability of yeast cells to grow on oleate as well as the absence of peroxisomal structures. The PEX14 gene product of approximately 38 kDa was biochemically and ultrastructurally demonstrated to be a peroxisomal membrane protein, despite the lack of a membrane-spanning domain. This protein was shown to interact with itself, with Pex13p and with both PTS receptors, Pex5p and Pex7p, indicating a central function for the import of peroxisomal matrix proteins, either as a docking protein or as a releasing factor at the organellar membrane.  相似文献   

The peroxin Pex23p of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica exhibits high sequence similarity to the hypothetical proteins Ylr324p, Ygr004p, and Ybr168p encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Ylr324p, Ygr004p, and Ybr168p are integral to the peroxisomal membrane and act to control peroxisome number and size. Synthesis of Ylr324p and Ybr168p, but not of Ygr004p, is induced during incubation of cells in oleic acid-containing medium, the metabolism of which requires intact peroxisomes. Cells deleted for YLR324w exhibit increased numbers of peroxisomes, whereas cells deleted for YGR004w or YBR168w exhibit enlarged peroxisomes. Ylr324p and Ybr168p cannot functionally substitute for one another or for Ygr004p, whereas Ygr004p shows partial functional redundancy with Ylr324p and Ybr168p. Ylr324p, Ygr004p, and Ybr168p interact within themselves and with Pex28p and Pex29p, which have been shown also to regulate peroxisome size and number. Systematic deletion of genes demonstrated that PEX28 and PEX29 function upstream of YLR324w, YGR004w, and YBR168w in the regulation of peroxisome proliferation. Our data suggest a role for Ylr324p, Ygr004p, and Ybr168p--now designated Pex30p, Pex31p, and Pex32p, respectively--together with Pex28p and Pex29p in controlling peroxisome size and proliferation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Selective degradation of peroxisomes (macropexophagy) in Hansenula polymorpha involves the sequestration of individual organelles to be degraded by membranes prior to the fusion of this compartment with the vacuole and subsequent degradation of the whole organelle by vacuolar hydrolases. Here we show that Pex3p, a peroxisomal membrane protein essential for peroxisome biogenesis, escapes this autophagic process. Upon induction of macropexophagy, Pex3p is removed from the organelle tagged for degradation prior to its sequestration. Our data indicate that Pex3p degradation is essential to allow the initiation of the organellar degradation process. Also, in a specific peroxisome degradation-deficient (pdd) mutant in which sequestration still occurs but the vacuolar fusion event is disturbed, the turnover of Pex3p is still observed. Taken together, our data suggest that degradation of Pex3p is part of the initial degradation machinery of individual peroxisomes.  相似文献   

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