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The crystal structure of TATA binding protein (TBP) from a mesothermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, has been determined at a resolution of 2.0 A with an R factor of 20.9%. By comparing this structure with the structures of TBPs from a hyperthermophilic archaeon and mesophilic eukaryotes, as well as by comparing amino acid sequences of TBPs from archaea, covering a wide range of optimum growth temperatures, two significant determinants of the stability of TBP have been identified: increasing the interior hydrophobicity by interaction between three residues, Val, Leu, and Ile, with further differentiation of the surface, and increasing its hydrophilicity and raising the cost of unfolding. These findings suggest directions along which the stability of TBP can be engineered.  相似文献   

Malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum and related parasites, is responsible for millions of deaths each year, mainly from complications arising from the blood stages of its life cycle. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a protein expressed by the parasite during these stages, has been characterized in mammals as a cytokine involved in a broad spectrum of immune responses. It also possesses two catalytic activities, a tautomerase and an oxidoreductase, though the physiological significance of neither reaction is known. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of MIF from two malaria parasites, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei at 2.2 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively. The structures have an α/β fold and each reveals a trimer, in agreement with the results of analytical ultracentrifugation. We observed open and closed active sites, these being distinguished by movements of proline‐1, the catalytic base in the tautomerase reaction. These states correlate with the covalent modification of cysteine 2 to form a mercaptoethanol adduct, an observation confirmed by mass spectrometry. The Plasmodium MIFs have a different pattern of conserved cysteine residues to the mammalian MIFs and the side chain of Cys58, which is implicated in the oxidoreductase activity, is buried. This observation and the evident redox reactivity of Cys2 suggest quite different oxidoreductase characteristics. Finally, we show in pull‐down assays that Plasmodium MIF binds to the cell surface receptor CD74, a known mammalian MIF receptor implying that parasite MIF has the ability to interfere with, or modulate, host MIF activity through a competitive binding mechanism.  相似文献   

The ability of purified rat liver and heart fatty acid binding proteins to bind oleoyl-CoA and modulate acyl-CoA synthesis by microsomal membranes was investigated. Using binding assays employing either Lipidex 1000 or multilamellar liposomes to sequester unbound ligand, rat liver but not rat heart fatty acid binding protein was shown to bind radiolabeled acyl CoA. Binding studies suggest that liver fatty acid binding protein has a single binding site acyl-CoA which is separate from the two binding sites for fatty acids. Experiments were then performed to determine how binding may influence acyl-CoA metabolism by liver microsomes or heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. Using liposomes as fatty acid donors, liver fatty acid binding protein stimulated acyl-CoA production, whereas that from heart did not stimulate production over control values. 14C-labeled fatty acid-fatty acid binding protein complexes were prepared, incubated with membranes, and acyl-CoA synthetase activity was determined. Up to 70% of the fatty acid could be converted to acyl-CoA in the presence of liver fatty acid binding protein but in the presence of heart fatty acid binding protein, only 45% of the fatty acid was converted. Liver but not heart fatty acid binding protein bound the acyl-CoA formed and removed it from the membranes. The amount of product formed was not changed by additional membrane, enzyme cofactors, or incubation time. Additional liver fatty acid binding protein was the only factor found that stimulated product formation. Acyl-CoA hydrolase activity was also shown in the absence of ATP and CoA. These studies suggest that liver fatty acid binding protein can increase the amount of acyl-CoA by binding this ligand, thereby removing it from the membrane and possibly aiding transport within the cell.  相似文献   

Designed synthetic heterochiral peptides, when added to porcine trypsin, resulted in reduction of enzyme activity. The crystal structure of a complex formed between porcine trypsin and a heterochiral hepta peptide Boc-Pro-DAsp-Aib-Leu-Aib-Leu-Ala-NHMe has been determined at 1.9 A resolution. The hepta peptide does not bind at the active site, but is located in the interstitial region, and interacts with the calcium-binding loop (residues 60-80). The bound peptide interacts with the active site residue Ser195 through an acetate ion, and with Lys 60 mediated by water molecules. The structure, when compared with the other trypsin-peptide complexes, suggests that the flexibility of surface loops, concerted movement of the loops towards the active site, and the interaction of the bound peptide with Lys 60, may be responsible for the reduction in enzyme activity. This study provides a structural evidence for the earlier biochemical observation regarding the role of surface loops in the catalysis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Although the molecular mechanism by which chloroquine exerts its effects on the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum remains unclear, the drug has previously been found to interact specifically with the glycolytic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase from the parasite. In this study we have determined the crystal structure of the complex between chloroquine and P. falciparum lactate dehydrogenase. The bound chloroquine is clearly seen within the NADH binding pocket of the enzyme, occupying a position similar to that of the adenyl ring of the cofactor. Chloroquine hence competes with NADH for binding to the enzyme, acting as a competitive inhibitor for this critical glycolytic enzyme. Specific interactions between the drug and amino acids unique to the malarial form of the enzyme suggest this binding is selective. Inhibition studies confirm that chloroquine acts as a weak inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase, with mild selectivity for the parasite enzyme. As chloroquine has been shown to accumulate to millimolar concentrations within the food vacuole in the gut of the parasite, even low levels of inhibition may contribute to the biological efficacy of the drug. The structure of this enzyme-inhibitor complex provides a template from which the quinoline moiety might be modified to develop more efficient inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The histidine-rich protein II (HRP II) from Plasmodium falciparum has been implicated in the formation of hemozoin, a detoxified, crystalline form of ferric protoporphyrin IX (Fe(3+)-PPIX) produced by the parasite. Fe(3+)-PPIX titrations coupled with quantitative amino acid analysis showed that HRP II binds 15 Fe(3+)-PPIX molecules per 30 kDa monomer. Circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to probe the secondary structure of HRP II with and without bound Fe(3+)-PPIX. These studies have revealed large changes in the secondary structure with Fe(3+)-PPIX binding, changing from a random coil in the absence of Fe(3+)-PPIX to a more ordered helical structure in the presence of Fe(3+)-PPIX. The Fe(3+)-PPIX-bound HRP II structure most closely resembles a 3(10)-helix. Coincident with this structural change caused by Fe(3+)-PPIX binding, the formation of an intermolecular disulfide bond occurs between HRP II monomers. In vitro pull-down assays show an interaction between monomers that is dependent on the presence of Fe(3+)-PPIX. One model that best fits with the data reported here requires formation of 15 intermolecular bishistidyl ligated Fe(3+)-PPIX molecules arranged in a head to head fashion, which would then allow for the formation of an intermolecular disulfide bond. The structure best able to accommodate these requirements is a 3(10)-helix.  相似文献   

The Apicomplexan parasite responsible for the most virulent form of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum , invades human erythrocytes through multiple ligand–receptor interactions. The P.  falciparum reticulocyte-binding protein homologue (PfRh or PfRBL) family have been implicated in the invasion process but their exact role is unknown. PfRh1 and PfRh4, members of this protein family, bind to red blood cells and function in merozoite invasion during which they undergo a series of proteolytic cleavage events before and during entry into the host cell. The ectodomain of PfRh1 and PfRh4 are processed to produce fragments consistent with cleavage in the transmembrane domain and released into the supernatant, at about the time of invasion, in a manner consistent with rhomboid protease cleavage. Processing of both PfRh1 and PfRh4, and by extrapolation all membrane-bound members of this protein family, is important for function and release of these proteins on the merozoite surface and they along with EBA-175 are important components of the tight junction, the transient structure that links the erythrocyte via receptor–ligand interactions to the actin–myosin motor in the invading merozoite.  相似文献   

Ribosome distribution in skeletal-muscle fibres was investigated immunohistochemically by using polyclonal antibodies raised against large-ribosomal-subunit proteins isolated from rat liver. Immunoblot analysis showed the antibodies to recognize five major proteins of the large subunit; these were identified as L4, L6, L7, L15 and L17 by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Immunohistochemistry of frozen rat skeletal-muscle sections showed staining of both the subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar cytoplasm. A distinct banding pattern was observed, and when peroxidase and phase-contrast images of the same field were compared by image analysis the anti-ribosome staining was found to correspond to the A-bands. These results suggest that a proportion of muscle ribosomes are present in the myofibrillar cytoplasm in a regular fashion, possibly associated with myosin. Densitometric analysis of the peroxidase immunostaining showed that the ratio of myofibrillar to sub-sarcolemmal ribosomal material was lower in muscle from 51-day-old rats compared with those from 14-day-old animals.  相似文献   

Deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase), a ubiquitous enzyme preventing a deleterious incorporation of uracil into DNA, has been thought of as a novel target for anticancer and antiviral drug design. The interaction of Plasmodium falciparum dUTPase (PfdUTPase) with deoxyuridine derivatives (dU, dUMP, dUDP and dUpNHpp) has been studied thermodynamically by both isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry. ITC shows no cooperativity for the binding of these derivatives. Dependencies in the binding thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy changes) with the number of phosphate groups in the nucleotide are obtained, and from the heat capacity changes no significant conformational changes upon binding are inferred. DSC shows PfdUTPase trimer is very stable but denatures irreversibly, with a more complex denaturation profile than other homologous trimeric dUTPases. The presence of magnesium ions does not influence the denaturation profile, while the presence of deoxyuridine derivatives increases the stability. The increase depends upon nucleotide concentration and type, with dUDP having the greater effect.  相似文献   

The geometrical properties of zinc binding sites in a dataset of high quality protein crystal structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank have been examined to identify important differences between zinc sites that are directly involved in catalysis and those that play a structural role. Coordination angles in the zinc primary coordination sphere are compared with ideal values for each coordination geometry, and zinc coordination distances are compared with those in small zinc complexes from the Cambridge Structural Database as a guide of expected trends. We find that distances and angles in the primary coordination sphere are in general close to the expected (or ideal) values. Deviations occur primarily for oxygen coordinating atoms and are found to be mainly due to H-bonding of the oxygen coordinating ligand to protein residues, bidentate binding arrangements, and multi-zinc sites. We find that H-bonding of oxygen containing residues (or water) to zinc bound histidines is almost universal in our dataset and defines the elec-His-Zn motif. Analysis of the stereochemistry shows that carboxyl elec-His-Zn motifs are geometrically rigid, while water elec-His-Zn motifs show the most geometrical variation. As catalytic motifs have a higher proportion of carboxyl elec atoms than structural motifs, they provide a more rigid framework for zinc binding. This is understood biologically, as a small distortion in the zinc position in an enzyme can have serious consequences on the enzymatic reaction. We also analyze the sequence pattern of the zinc ligands and residues that provide elecs, and identify conserved hydrophobic residues in the endopeptidases that also appear to contribute to stabilizing the catalytic zinc site. A zinc binding template in protein crystal structures is derived from these observations.  相似文献   

Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) has a single reactive sulfhydryl necessary for function in covalently binding nascent fatty acids during biosynthesis. In Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the most lethal form of malaria, fatty acid biosynthesis occurs in the apicoplast organelle during the liver stage of the parasite life cycle. During the blood stage, fatty acid biosynthesis is inactive and the redox state of the apicoplast has not been determined. We solved the crystal structure of ACP from P. falciparum in reduced and disulfide‐linked forms, and observe the surprising result that the disulfide in the PfACP cross‐linked dimer is sequestered from bulk solvent in a tight molecular interface. We assessed solvent accessibility of the disulfide with small molecule reducing agents and found that the disulfide is protected from BME but less so for other common reducing agents. We examined cultured P. falciparum parasites to determine which form of PfACP is prevalent during the blood stages. We readily detected monomeric PfACP in parasite lysate, but do not observe the disulfide‐linked form, even under conditions of oxidative stress. To demonstrate that PfACP contains a free sulfhydryl and is not acylated or in the apo state, we treated blood stage parasites with the disulfide forming reagent diamide. We found that the effects of diamide are reversed with reducing agent. Together, these results suggest that the apicoplast is a reducing compartment, as suggested by models of P. falciparum metabolism, and that PfACP is maintained in a reduced state during blood stage growth. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Plasmodium falciparum (PfPNP) is an anti-malarial target based on the activity of Immucillins. The crystal structure of PfPNP.Immucillin-H (ImmH).SO(4) reveals a homohexamer with ImmH and SO(4) bound at each catalytic site. A solvent-filled cavity close to the 5'-hydroxyl group of ImmH suggested that PfPNP can accept additional functional groups at the 5'-carbon. Assays established 5'-methylthioinosine (MTI) as a substrate for PfPNP. MTI is not found in human metabolism. These properties of PfPNP suggest unusual purine pathways in P. falciparum and provide structural and mechanistic foundations for the design of malaria-specific transition state analogue inhibitors. 5'-Methylthio-Immucillin-H (MT-ImmH) was designed to resemble the transition state of PfPNP and binds to PfPNP and human-PNP with K(d) values of 2.7 and 303 nm, respectively, to give a discrimination factor of 112. MT-ImmH is the first inhibitor that favors PfPNP inhibition. The structure of PfPNP.MT-ImmH.SO(4) shows that the hydrophobic methylthio group inserts into a hydrophobic region adjacent to the more hydrophilic 5'-hydroxyl binding site of ImmH. The catalytic features of PfPNP indicate a dual cellular function in purine salvage and polyamine metabolism. Combined metabolic functions in a single enzyme strengthen the rationale for targeting PfPNP in anti-malarial action.  相似文献   

Some human malaria Plasmodium falciparum parasites, but not others, also cause disease in Aotus monkeys. To identify the basis for this variation, we crossed two clones that differ in Aotus nancymaae virulence and mapped inherited traits of infectivity to erythrocyte invasion by linkage analysis. A major pathway of invasion was linked to polymorphisms in a putative erythrocyte binding protein, PfRH5, found in the apical region of merozoites. Polymorphisms of PfRH5 from the A. nancymaae-virulent parent transformed the nonvirulent parent to a virulent parasite. Conversely, replacements that removed these polymorphisms from PfRH5 converted a virulent progeny clone to a nonvirulent parasite. Further, a proteolytic fragment of PfRH5 from the infective parasites bound to A. nancymaae erythrocytes. Our results also suggest that PfRH5 is a parasite ligand for human infection, and that amino acid substitutions can cause its binding domain to recognize different human erythrocyte surface receptors.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the human MHC class I allele HLA-B*5101 in complex with 8-mer, TAFTIPSI, and 9-mer, LPPVVAKEI, immunodominant peptide epitopes from HIV-1 have been determined by x-ray crystallography. In both complexes, the hydrogen-bonding network in the N-terminal anchor (P1) pocket is rearranged as a result of the replacement of the standard tyrosine with histidine at position 171. This results in a nonstandard positioning of the peptide N terminus, which is recognized by B*5101-restricted T cell clones. Unexpectedly, the P5 peptide residues appear to act as anchors, drawing the peptides unusually deeply into the peptide-binding groove of B51. The unique characteristics of P1 and P5 are likely to be responsible for the zig-zag conformation of the 9-mer peptide and the slow assembly of B*5101. A comparison of the surface characteristics in the alpha1-helix C-terminal region for B51 and other MHC class I alleles highlights mainly electrostatic differences that may be important in determining the specificity of human killer cell Ig-like receptor binding.  相似文献   

A conserved high activity erythrocyte binding peptide (HAEBP) derived from the 175-erythrocyte binding antigen (EBA-175), coded 1758, was synthesized and analyzed for antigenic and protective activities in Aotus monkeys, together with several of its analogues. Conformational analysis by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in TFE-solution was done for some of them, as well as the 1758 parent peptide. We show that the conserved 1758 HAEBP (being neither immunogenic nor protective) has an alpha helical structure, whilst its analogues contain beta-turn structures. The 13790 peptide (highly immunogenic and protective for some monkeys) shows a type I beta-turn structure distorted in psi(i + 1) psi(i + 2) angles, whilst immunogenic and non-protective (as well as the non-immunogenic and non-protective peptides) have type III' beta-turns. An understanding of native peptide's correlation with altered peptide three-dimensional structure and resulting immunogenicity and protective activity may lead to a more rational design of multi-antigenic, multi-stage P. falciparum subunit based malaria vaccines.  相似文献   

Dynemicins are structurally related 10-membered enediyne natural products isolated from Micromonospora chernisa with potent antitumor and antibiotic activity. The early biosynthetic steps of the enediyne moiety of dynemicins are catalyzed by an iterative polyketide synthase (DynE8) and a thioesterase (DynE7). Recent studies indicate that the function of DynE7 is to off-load the linear biosynthetic intermediate assembled on DynE8. Here, we report crystal structures of DynE7 in its free form at 2.7 Å resolution and of DynE7 in complex with the DynE8-produced all-trans pentadecen-2-one at 2.1 Å resolution. These crystal structures reveal that upon ligand binding, significant conformational changes throughout the substrate-binding tunnel result in an expanded tunnel that traverses an entire monomer of the tetrameric DynE7 protein. The enlarged inner segment of the channel binds the carbonyl-conjugated polyene mainly through hydrophobic interactions, whereas the putative catalytic residues are located in the outer segment of the channel. The crystallographic information reinforces an unusual catalytic mechanism that involves a strictly conserved arginine residue for this subfamily of hot-dog fold thioesterases, distinct from the typical mechanism for hot-dog fold thioesterases that utilizes an acidic residue for catalysis.  相似文献   

The affinity of recombinant rat acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) towards acyl-CoAs was investigated using both fluorimetric analysis and isothermal titration microcalorimetry, neither of which requires the physical separation of bound and free ligand for determining the dissociation constants (K(d)). The displacement of 11-(dansylamino)undecanoyl-CoA (DAUDA-CoA) from ACBP yielded binding parameters for the competing acyl-CoAs that compared favourably with those obtained using ultra-sensitive microcalorimetric titration. The K(d) values of ACBP for oleoyl-CoA and docosahexaenoyl-CoA are 0.014 and 0.016 microM, respectively. Under identical experimental conditions, carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) of purified rat liver mitochondria has K(d) values of 2.4 and 22.7 microM for oleoyl-CoA and docosahexaenoyl-CoA, respectively. Given that CPT I was not only present at a much lower concentration but also has an appreciably lower affinity for acyl-CoAs than ACBP, it is proposed that CPT I is capable of interacting directly with ACBP-acyl-CoA binary complexes. This is supported by the fact that the enzyme activity correlated with the concentration of ACBP-bound acyl-CoA but not the free acyl-CoA. A transfer of acyl-CoA from ACBP-acyl-CoA binary complexes to CPT I could be a result of the enzyme inducing a conformational alteration in the ACBP leading to the release of acyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal aureus epidermolytic toxins (ETs) A and B are responsible for the induction of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, a disease of neonates and young children. The clinical features of this syndrome vary from localized blisters to severe exfoliation affecting most of the body surface. Comparison of the crystal structures of two subtypes of ETs-rETA (at 2.0 A resolution), rETB (at 2.8 A resolution), and an active site variant of rETA, Ser195Ala at 2.0 A resolution has demonstrated that their overall topology resembles that of a "trypsin-like" serine protease, but with significant differences at the N- and C-termini and loop regions. The details of the catalytic site in both ET structures are very similar to those in glutamate-specific serine proteases, suggesting a common catalytic mechanism. However, the "oxyanion hole," which is part of the catalytic sites of glutamate specific serine proteases, is in the closed or inactive conformation for rETA, yet in the open or active conformation for rETB. The ETs contain a unique amphipathic helix at the N-terminus, and it appears to be involved in optimizing the conformation of the catalytic site residues. Determination of the structure of the rETA catalytic site variant, Ser195Ala, showed no significant perturbation at the active site, establishing that the loss of biological and esterolytic activity can be attributed solely to disruption of the catalytic serine residue. Finally, the crystal structure of ETs, together with biochemical data and mutagenesis studies, strongly confirms the classification of these molecules as "serine proteases" rather than "superantigens."  相似文献   

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