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Photographic identification of the Korean-Okhotsk gray whale Eschrichtius robustus population has been conducted since 2002 by researchers of the Institute of Marine Biology at the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMB FEB RAS), with financial support provided by Exon Neftegas, Ltd. and Sakhalin Energy Investment Co., in order to study the migration features and biology of this species. In 2008, photo-ID studies were carried out in two areas, off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island and off the southeastern coast of Kamchatka. As a result of the studies, 122 whales known from the Sakhalin gray whale catalogue were photographed. Of them, 97 individuals were registered off Sakhalin, 24, off Kamchatka, and one whale was observed at both sites. In addition, 25 more gray whales that had not been sighted off Sakhalin Island before were found off the coast of Kamchatka. Based on these photographic materials, the whales physical and skin conditions were also analyzed. Cases of sightings of gray whales in areas that are remote from their traditional summer and fall feeding grounds in the Far Eastern seas of Russia are discussed.  相似文献   

Humpback whales wintering in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, have been considered a different subpopulation from those found off mainland Mexico and Baja California. The primary feeding grounds for Revillagigedo humpbacks remain unknown. In February 2003, we deployed 11 Argos satellite‐monitored radio tags to track movements and surfacings of humpback whales (five adults without calves, five mothers with calves, one calf) off Socorro Island in the Revillagigedo Archipelago. Tracking ranged from 222 to 10,481 km over 4.9–149.1 d. Eight whales left Socorro Island: five visited other Mexican wintering destinations, seven moved north of these areas. Migration routes were primarily offshore (average 444 km). Two whales were tracked to feeding grounds: one to British Columbia (46 d migration), and one to Alaska (49 d migration). Mean travel speeds were 1.2 km/h in wintering areas, 4.0 km/h during migration, and 2.2 km/h in feeding areas. Overall surfacing rates ranged from 21 to 88 surfacings/h. Surfacing rates differed between the calf and all other whales, and between feeding areas and migratory/wintering areas for the calf and an adult without a calf. The calf also showed diel variation in surfacing rates. The offshore habits of tagged whales may explain scarce resightings of Revillagigedo humpbacks outside the Revillagigedo Archipelago.  相似文献   

Seasonal migrations of beluga whales from the Sakhalin-Amur aggregation in the Sea of Okhotsk were investigated with the use of satellite telemetry. Satellite tags were attached to four females captured near Chkalova Island, Sakhalin Bay, in August 2007. At 5 weeks after tagging, the belugas left the Chkalova Island area and moved to the Nikolaya and Ul’banskii Bays in the Shantar Sea. The animals stayed in these bays (mainly in Nikolaya Bay) until the end of autumn and then traveled northward to deeper waters. In winter and spring, they preferred to stay in the regions with dense ice cover or close to the ice edge. During the winter migration, the tagged whales, as a rule, did not keep together, although they followed the same course with a little time lag. The female whose tag transmitted the longest (9.5 months) returned to Chkalova Island in late May and thus completed the seasonal migration cycle. Based on the data on the migration routes of the tagged belugas, we suggest that the Sakhalin-Amur and Shantar aggregations interact in autumn. It is also possible that they have similar winter migratory paths  相似文献   

In North America, spring migration routes and breeding distribution of northern pintails Anas acuta vary because some individuals opportunistically nest at mid‐latitudes in years when ephemeral prairie wetlands are available, whereas others regularly nest in arctic and sub‐arctic regions where wetland abundance is more constant. Less was known about migration routes and breeding distribution of pintails in East Asia. From 2007–2009 we marked 198 pintails on their wintering areas in Japan with satellite transmitters to: 1) document spring migration routes and summer distribution, 2) evaluate migratory connections and breeding season sympatry with North American pintails, and 3) determine if pintails used the same migration routes in fall as in spring. Most pintails (67%) migrated to the Kamchatka or Chukotka peninsulas in eastern Russia either directly from Japan or via Sakhalin Island, Russia. Remaining pintails primarily migrated to the Magadan region or Kolyma River Basin in eastern Russia via Sakhalin Island. The Chukotka Peninsula was the most common summer destination, with highest densities in the Anadyr Lowlands; a region also used by pintails that migrate from North America. One pintail migrated to St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, in spring and another briefly migrated to the western coast of Alaska in fall. Autumn migration routes generally mirrored spring migration although most pintails bypassed Sakhalin Island in fall. Compared to North American pintails, pintails that winter in Japan exhibited less variation in migration routes and breeding distribution, and nested at higher latitudes. In the Russian Far East there is no region with habitats comparable in extent to the ephemeral mid‐latitude wetlands of North America. Consequently, East Asian pintails mainly nest in arctic and sub‐arctic regions where annual consistency in wetlands promotes constancy in migration routes and breeding distribution. Breeding season sympatry between pintails from different continents results more from North American pintails migrating to eastern Russia than from Japanese pintails migrating to North America.  相似文献   

Western gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) are critically endangered and anthropogenic threats, such as entanglement in fishing gear and collisions with vessels, may be acting to limit recovery of the population. Thus, examining the magnitude of such anthropogenic interactions using a scar-based approach is warranted. A multi-year (1995–2005) photo-identification study of western gray whales on their feeding ground off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, has resulted in a large data set of digital and film images of 150 individuals. These images were reviewed and scored for anthropogenic scarring by recording the presence of visible scars resulting from fishing gear entanglement and vessel collisions in 21 defined body regions. In total, 20.0% ( n = 30) of whales identified during the study period had detectable anthropogenic scarring, with 18.7% ( n = 28) determined to have been previously entangled in fishing gear at least once and 2.0% ( n = 3) to have survived at least one vessel collision. These estimates are likely to be conservative given the nature of the photo-identification data set, but indicate that male and female western gray whales are subject to anthropogenic interactions. Future studies designed to systematically estimate the frequency and rates of anthropogenic events are needed and would have direct conservation and management implications.  相似文献   

The route taken by northward migrating gray whales during spring between Vancouver Island and southeastern Alaska, a distance of about 575 km, has long been uncertain. It is generally believed that the whales closely follow the western, outer coastline of Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands), an archipelago lying between Vancouver Island and southeastern Alaska, consistent with their pattern of migrating close to shore over the majority of their northward migratory corridor. By tracking satellite‐tagged individuals and surveying whales from shore bases, we provide evidence that this is not the primary migratory corridor, but instead that most whales migrate through Hecate Strait and Dixon Entrance, broad waterways that lie to the east and north of Haida Gwaii. By using this route, northbound gray whales potentially face a wider range of industrial activities and developments than they would by migrating along the outer coast.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that Atlantic populations of Leach's Storm‐Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) are experiencing significant declines. To better understand possible causes of these declines, we used geolocators to document movements of these small (~50‐g) pelagic seabirds during migration and the non‐breeding period. During 2012 and 2013, movement tracks were obtained from two birds that traveled in a clock‐wise direction from two breeding colonies in eastern Canada (Bon Portage Island, Nova Scotia, and Gull Island, Newfoundland) to winter in tropical waters. The bird from Bon Portage Island started its migration towards Cape Verde in October, arrived at its wintering area off the coast of eastern Brazil in January, and started migration back to Nova Scotia in April. The bird from Gull Island staged off Newfoundland in November and then again off Cape Verde in January before its geolocator stopped working. Movements of Leach's Storm‐Petrels in our study and those of several other procellariiforms during the non‐breeding period are likely facilitated by the prevailing easterly trade winds and the Antilles and Gulf Stream currents. Although staging and wintering areas used by Leach's Storm‐Petrels in our study were characterized by low productivity, the West Africa and northeastern Brazilian waters are actively used by fisheries and discards can attract Leach's Storm‐Petrels. Our results provide an initial step towards understanding movements of Leach's Storm‐Petrels during the non‐breeding period, but further tracking is required to confirm generality of their migratory routes, staging areas, and wintering ranges.  相似文献   

The satellite-acquired locations of 10 blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) tagged off southern California with Argos radio tags were used to identify (1) their movements during the late summer feeding season; (2) the routes and rate of travel for individuals on their southern fall migration; and (3) a possible winter calving/breeding area. Whales were tracked from 5.1 to 78.1 d and from 393 to 8,668 km. While in the Southern California Bight, most of the locations for individual whales were either clumped or zigzagged in pattern, suggesting feeding or foraging (searching for prey). Average speeds ranged from 2.4 to 7.2 km/h. One whale moved north to Cape Mendocino, and four migrated south along the Baja California, Mexico coast, two passing south of Cabo San Lucas on the same day. One of the latter whales traveled an additional 2,959 km south in 30.5 d to within 450 km of the Costa Rican Dome (CRD), an upwelling feature. The timing of this migration suggests the CRD may be a calving/breeding area for North Pacific blue whales. Although blue whales have previously been sighted in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), this is the first evidence that whales from the feeding aggregation off California range that far south. The productivity of the CRD may allow blue whales to feed during their winter calving/breeding season, unlike gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) which fast during that period.  相似文献   

The annual return, seasonal occurrence, and site fidelity of Korean-Okhotsk or western gray whales on their feeding grounds off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, were assessed by boat-based photo-identification studies in 1994-1998. A total of 262 pods were observed, ranging in size from 1 to 9 whales with an overall mean of 2.0. Sixty-nine whales were individually identified, and a majority of all whales (71.0%) were observed in multiple years. Annual sighting frequencies ranged from 1 to 18 d, with a mean of 5. 4 d. The percentage of whales reidentified from previous years showed a continuous annual increase, reaching 87.0% by the end of the study. Time between first and last sighting of identified individuals within a given year was 1-85 d, with an overall mean of 40.6 d. Annual calf proportions ranged from 4.3% (1997) to 13.2% (1998), and mother-calf separations generally occurred between July and September. The seasonal site fidelity and annual return of whales to this part of the Okhotsk Sea emphasize its importance as a primary feeding ground for this endangered population.  相似文献   

The oceanographic changes during the El Niño and La Niña of 1998–1999 have provided an opportunity to document the effects of these events on the migratory patterns of gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ). Magdalena Bay is located at the southernmost point of the gray whale's annual breeding migration along the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico. Standardized surveys were conducted for three consecutive seasons (1997–1999) in Magdalena Bay, enabling an assessment of the changes in the relative abundance of gray whales with altered temperature. The average temperature of the bay in 1998 was 4.2°C higher than in 1997 and 5.8°C higher than in 1999. The number of whale sightings during that time period was inversely related to temperature, with nearly 15 times greater relative abundance observed in 1999 than in 1998. It is hypochesized that the decreasing temperatures associated with the La Niña event of 1999 may have induced more whales to travel farther south along their migration route. Alternative hypotheses are also expiored. Comparisons of the three years are discussed with consideration of the importance of environmental conditions versus area fidelity as determining factors in the location of gray whale calving and breeding activities.  相似文献   

Ampelisca eschrichtii are among the most important prey of the Western North Pacific gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus. The largest and densest known populations of this amphipod occur in the gray whale’s Offshore feeding area on the Northeastern Sakhalin Island Shelf. The remote location, ice cover and stormy weather at the Offshore area have prevented winter sampling. The incomplete annual sampling has confounded efforts to resolve life history and production of A. eschrichtii. Expanded comparisons of population size structure and individual reproductive development between late spring and early fall over six sampling years between 2002 and 2013 however, reveal that A. eschrichtii are gonochoristic, iteroparous, mature at body lengths greater than 15 mm and have a two-year life span. The low frequencies of brooding females, the lack of early stage juveniles, the lack of individual or population growth or biomass increases over late spring and summer, all indicate that growth and reproduction occur primarily in winter, when sampling does not occur. Distinct juvenile and adult size cohorts additionally indicate growth and juvenile production occurs in winter through spring under ice cover. Winter growth thus requires that winter detritus or primary production are critical food sources for these ampeliscid populations and yet, the Offshore area and the Eastern Sakhalin Shelf ampeliscid communities may be the most abundant and productive amphipod population in the world. These A. eschrichtii populations are unlikely to be limited by western gray whale predation. Whether benthic community structure can limit access and foraging success of western gray whales is unclear.  相似文献   

Migratory connectivity between areas frequented by wide-ranging animals provides crucial information for conservation and management. In and around Hudson Bay (Canada), three stocks of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are associated with distinct summering areas. We analyzed genetic variation at mtDNA and 13 microsatellite loci among individuals (N > 1400) harvested by 23 Inuit communities to identify mating units and assess temporal and spatial differences in the way stocks use common migratory pathways. Strong structure at mtDNA and a lack of convincing evidence for nuclear genetic differentiation indicate that both males and females adopt distinct migratory routes towards summering grounds while probably interbreeding on wintering grounds. Spatiotemporal variation in stock composition indicates that subsistence hunting targets all three stocks. While representing ca. 5% of belugas in Hudson Bay, the endangered Eastern Hudson Bay stock accounts for 17% of the overall subsistence harvest by Inuit communities of northern Nunavik (Quebec), and ca. 30% of the spring harvest along northeastern Hudson Bay. Despite interbreeding, cultural conservatism of maternally transmitted migration routes seems to prevent the re-establishment of stocks in previously frequented estuaries. This phenomenon supports the current use of demographic population models based on stock composition for developing behavior-based management strategies.  相似文献   

From October 1996 through September 1998, we used bottom-mounted hydrophone arrays to monitor deep-water areas north and west of the British Isles for songs of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ). Singing humpbacks were consistently detected between October and March from the Shetland-Faroe Islands south to waters west of the English Channel. Temporal and geographic patterns of song detections, and movements of individually tracked whales, exhibited a southwesterly trend over this period, but with no corresponding northward trend between April and September. These results, together with a review of historical data from this area, suggest that the offshore waters of the British Isles represent a migration corridor for humpbacks, at least some of which summer in Norwegian (and possibly eastern Icelandic) waters. The migratory destination of the detected animals remains unknown, but the limited data suggest that these whales are bound primarily for the West Indies rather than historical breeding areas off the northwestern coast of Africa. Humpbacks detected in British waters after early to mid-March probably do not undertake a full migration to the tropics. These data provide further evidence that singing is not confined to tropical waters in winter, but occurs commonly on migration even in high latitudes.  相似文献   

This paper compares the behavior of bowhead whales of the Davis Strait/Baffin Bay stock, as observed along the east coast of Baffin Island in 1979–1986, with behavior of the Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort Sea stock observed in the Beaufort Sea in 1980–1986. All data used here were collected during late summer and early autumn in the absence of acute human disturbance. The behavioral repertoires of the two populations were similar. However, quantitative differences were found for whales engaged in all three activities studied: (1) Bowheads feeding in deep water off Isabella Bay, Baffin Island, had longer dives and surfacings, on average, than noted for bowheads feeding in the Beaufort Sea. (2) Among whales socializing in shallow water, we saw sexual interactions more often at Isabella Bay than in the Beaufort Sea. Calls emitted by socializing whales off Baffin Island were similar to those heard in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. However, pulsed tonal calls were longer off Baffin Island, and previously undescribed mechanical "crunch" sounds were recorded there near socializing bowheads. (3) During autumn migration, "fluke-out" dives were less common, and dive durations were longer, in the Beaufort Sea than off Baffin Island (P<0.001). Multivariate and other analyses indicated that some but not all differences can be ascribed to regional differences in the natural environment or in whale activities, However, during 1974–1986, Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort bowheads were exposed to more industrial, hunting and other human activity than Davis Strait/Baffin Bay bowheads. The "inconspicuous" behavior during autumn migration in the Beaufort may have been attributable to human activities, but causative links cannot be isolated.  相似文献   

Humpback whales feed in several high-latitude areas of the North Pacific. We examined the interchange of humpback whales between one of these areas, off California, and those in other feeding grounds in the eastern North Pacific:. Fluke photographs of 597 humpback whales identified off California between 1986 and 1992 were compared with those off Oregon and Washington (29); British Columbia (81); southeastern Alaska (343); Prince William Sound, Alaska (141); Kodiak Island, Alaska (104); Shumagin Islands, Alaska (22); and in the Bering Sea (7). A high degree of interchange, both inter-and intrayear, was found among humpback whales seen off California, Oregon, and Washington., A low rate of interchange was found between British Columbia and California.: two whales seen near the British Columbia/Washington border were photographed off California in a different year, No interchange was found between California and the three feeding areas in Alaska. Humpback whales off California, Oregon, and Washington form a single intermixing feeding aggregation with only limited interchange with areas farther north. These findings are consistent with photographic identification studies in the North Atlantic and with genetic studies in both the North Atlantic and North Pacific.  相似文献   

In August 1997, 56 specimens of Eschrichtius robustuswere recorded in the coastal waters of northeastern Sakhalin (in the area between Odoptu and Chaivo bays). Gray whales are observed there from May till November; they stay within 4–5 km of the coast at a depth of no more than 25 m. The whales keep moving and spend most of their time feeding intensively. The whales occur more often in the area adjacent to Pil'tun Bay than in the rest of the area. A preliminary estimation indicates that the Korean gray whale population includes no more than 100 specimens. In view of this, from now on, the eastern Sakhalin shelf should only be commercially exploited with special care.  相似文献   

Almost three-quarters of the 46 young adult and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis that were acoustically tagged in Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts, U.S.A., in the summer of 2006 were detected in one or more southern coastal arrays during their autumn migration. On the basis of the trajectories along which these M. saxatilis moved from feeding to overwintering areas, three migratory groups emerged. After leaving Plum Island Estuary, about half of the fish were detected only in a mid-latitude array, Long Island Sound. The other half of the tagged fish were detected during autumn and winter in a more southern array, the Delaware Estuary. This latter group of fish may have used two routes. Some travelled to the Delaware Estuary through Long Island Sound while other fish may have taken a second, more direct, coastal route that did not include Long Island Sound. Consequently, a seemingly homogeneous group of fish tagged at the same time in the same non-natal feeding location exhibited a diversity of southward movement patterns that could affect population-level processes. These three groups that differed in overwintering location and migration route could be movement contingents with migratory connectivity.  相似文献   

Eastern Pacific gray whales were monitored off Ensenada, Mexico, during the southbound migration. The objectives were to determine southbound migration timing and width of the migration corridor during three seasons (2003–2006). Migration timing was determined by fitting a generalized additive model to the shore counts for each season and estimating the 10, 50, and 90 percentiles of the fitted curves. To estimate abundance from shore‐based counts, a probability density function for the shore based distances was estimated by a product of a gamma distribution fit to the boat survey distance data for 2006/2007 and a half‐normal detection function using combined data of the three seasons. The parameters of the gamma distribution were corrected to account for less boat survey effort carried out 20–40 km than 0–20 km from shore. The onset of the migration off Ensenada was in late December/early January and ended around 13 February. The median date was 23–26 January for the first and third season and a week early for the second season. Boat surveys indicated a wide (20 km) migration corridor but most gray whales traveled within 9.9 km from shore. The estimated total number of whales during watch hours was 2,298 (95% CI = 1,536–4,447).  相似文献   

  • 1 We summarize fin whale Balaenoptera physalus catch statistics, sighting data, mark recoveries and acoustics data. The annual cycle of most populations of fin whales had been thought to entail regular migrations between high‐latitude summer feeding grounds and lower‐latitude winter grounds. Here we present evidence of more complex and varied movement patterns.
  • 2 During summer, fin whales range from the Chukchi Sea south to 35 °N on the Sanriku coast of Honshu, to the Subarctic Boundary (ca. 42 °N) in the western and central Pacific, and to 32 °N off the coast of California. Catches show concentrations in seven areas which we refer to as ‘grounds’, representing productive feeding areas.
  • 3 During winter months, whales have been documented over a wide area from 60 °N south to 23 °N. Coastal whalers took them regularly in all winter months around Korea and Japan and they have been seen regularly in winter off southern California and northern Baja California. There are also numerous fin whale sightings and acoustic detections north of 40 °N during winter months. Calves are born during the winter, but there is little evidence for distinct calving areas.
  • 4 Whales implanted with Discovery‐type marks were killed in whaling operations, and location data from 198 marked whales demonstrate local site fidelity, consistent movements within and between the main summer grounds and long migrations from low‐latitude winter grounds to high‐latitude summer grounds.
  • 5 The distributional data agree with immunogenetic and marking findings which suggest that the migratory population segregates into at least two demes with separate winter mating grounds: a western ground off the coast of Asia and an eastern one off the American coast. Members of the two demes probably mingle in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands area.
  • 6 Prior research had suggested that there were at least two non‐migratory stocks of fin whale: one in the East China Sea and another in the Gulf of California. There is equivocal evidence for the existence of additional non‐migratory groups in the Sanriku‐Hokkaido area off Japan and possibly the northern Sea of Japan, but this is based on small sample sizes.

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