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The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a catadromous fish that spawns in the Sargasso Sea. As larvae, eels cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach the continental slope of Europe, where they metamorphose into post‐larval glass eels. These reach the continent, where some enter fresh water, some remain in marine waters, and others move between fresh and marine waters. After 5–25 years, as adult silver eels, they migrate back from fresh water to the Sargasso Sea to spawn and die. The glass eel stage is a critical step during which the eels cross the continental shelf and recruit to estuaries, where they facultatively transition to fresh water. Extensive research has been conducted to understand the behavioural mechanisms and environmental cues that aid and guide glass eels' migration. Glass eels follow odours and salinity gradients, they avoid light, and they change orientation and depth according to the tides. Recent work revealed that European glass eels also use Earth's magnetic field and lunar cues to orient. However, while we understand many aspects of their orientation behaviour, a unifying theory describing how glass eels migrate from the continental slope to fresh water is lacking. The goal of this review is to develop a comprehensive hypothesis on the migration of European glass eels, integrating previous knowledge on their orientation behaviour with recent findings on magnetic and celestial orientation. This review follows the journey of a hypothetical glass eel, describing the nature and the role of orientation cues involved at each step. I propose that, although glass eels have the sensory capacity to use multiple cues at any given time, their migration is based on a hierarchical succession of orientation mechanisms dictated by the physical properties of the environments that they occupy: (i) lunar and magnetic cues in pelagic water; (ii) chemical and magnetic cues in coastal areas; and (iii) odours, salinity, water current and magnetic cues in estuaries.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of glass eels of Anguilla anguilla towards amino acids were investigated by binary choice experiments testing different concentrations of 14 L-amino acids in fresh water and salt water. Glass eels responded to solutions of individual amino acids down to a concentration of 10−8M, 10−9m. Media of different salinities influenced the responses. In freshwater, gln and thr were strongly attractive; asn, ala, met, glu and ile induced significant avoidance; gly elicited multimodal reactions depending on concentrations; his, lys, phe, val, leu and asp hardly influenced behaviour. In salt water, only gly, asn and lys significantly influenced the behaviour of the glass eels.  相似文献   

The introduced parasite Anguillicoloides crassus is thought to play an important role in the decline of freshwater eel (Anguilla spp.) populations. These nematodes are known to negatively affect many fitness-related traits in eels. We used experimental infections to study the effect of A. crassus on the relative size or mass of organs, and the expression of functionally relevant genes (total of 12 parameters) that are involved in the silvering process of Anguilla anguilla. Our results showed that the liver mass, the hemoglobin α-chain, and androgen receptors α expression levels were significantly higher in infected eels, whereas the freshwater rod opsin expression level and the gut mass were significantly lower in infected eels. Our results suggested that infected eels were at a more advanced stage in the silvering process than uninfected counterparts of similar size. These results may be explained by 2 hypotheses. First, A. crassus could trigger physiological mechanisms involved in the silvering process as a side-effect of infection. Second, eels may adjust their life history traits in response to infection. The implications for eel migration and reproductive success may be either negative or positive, depending on whether the response to A. crassus infection results in an additional cost of the parasite or is due to the phenotypic plasticity of the host.  相似文献   

Magnetic orientation of European silver eels(Anguilla anguilla) was tested in an octagonal tank. Orientation was determined from photo-registrations of eel positions in tests performed alternately in the natural magnetic field and a field with the horizontal component rotated 180°. Tests were performed in LD 11 : 13. At a daytime light intensity of 100 lux the fish were diurnally active, while at 0.10 lux crepuscular or nocturnal activity dominated. The eels probably differed in preferred orientation, largely depending on the clockwise or anti-clockwise swimming of some of the animals. Therefore there was no preferred direction common to all eels. The orientation of single eels differed, however, significantly between the two magnetic fields, suggesting that the eels responded to the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged feed deprivation (40 days at 18° C) and re-feeding (30 days) on body mass, growth and the activity of selected pancreatic and intestinal enzymes were evaluated in migrating European glass eels Anguilla anguilla by comparison with a control group fed to satiation with hake Merluccius merluccius roe for the duration of the experiment. Feed deprivation resulted in mass loss and a reduction in digestive function, as revealed by a decrease in the total and specific activities of pancreatic (trypsin and α-amylase) and intestinal brush border (alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase) enzymes. The total activity of intestinal brush border enzymes diminished after 5 days of feed deprivation, whereas that of pancreatic enzymes did not decrease until 10 days, indicating that the intestine is more sensitive to feed deprivation than the pancreas. Re-feeding A. anguilla that were starved for 40 days resulted in compensatory growth, with specific growth rates that were 2·6 times higher than the control group. This compensatory growth was associated with the recovery of trypsin and intestinal brush border enzyme activities, which were restored to control levels within 5 days of re-feeding. The ability to maintain pancreatic enzyme activity during 40 days of feed deprivation, and rapidly recover capacity for protein digestion upon re-feeding, would enable A. anguilla at this glass eel stage to withstand periods without food but rapidly provide amino acids for protein synthesis and growth when suitable food was available.  相似文献   

The global population of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is rapidly declining, and migration barriers in rivers are believed to be one of several key causes. While progress has been made in the development of bypass solutions, they are often constructed based on a limited knowledge of swimming behaviour. A bypass close to the stream bed is often recommended at fish passage facilities to accommodate downstream eel migration. The results of this recommendation are poorly studied, and the few studies that exist show varying bypass efficiencies. The current study used acoustic telemetry with depth sensors to explore the three-dimensional migratory behaviour of downstream-migrating silver eels. The eels were tracked as they approached a hydropower plant with a state-of-the-art angled bar rack and full-depth bypass. Downstream and upstream swimming differed in preferred vertical and lateral positions. During periods of local downstream movement, the density of observations was largest in the upper middle section, away from the river boundaries and in higher velocities. Conversely, when moving upstream, eels tended to avoid the upper layers of the middle part of the river, swimming closer to the riverbed and using the bank areas to a greater extent. Downstream-moving fish swam higher in the water column during night and in turbid conditions (high discharge). When approaching the impassable bar rack and the full-depth bypass, the eels searched most intensely but not exclusively along the bottom third of the rack, often exploring at new depths after changing direction. The impediment passage efficiency was 100% when both bypass solutions were considered. The study provides knowledge of the swimming behaviour of silver eels, which is relevant for the design of bypass solutions for eels at migration barriers.  相似文献   

Plasma insulin and glucose responses to a secretin-like factor, extracted from pike intestines, have been investigated in vivo in European eels, Anguilla anguilla L. Intra-arterial injection of pike secretin elicited a dose-related, significant increase of plasma insulin after 30 min at 100 and 250 μgkg-1 body weight, but was without effect at 40μgkg-1. Plasma glucose levels, however, remained unchanged over this dose range. These results suggest that hormonal factors of gastrointestinal origin may modify pancreatic endocrine function in teleost fish.  相似文献   

Glass eels reacted chemotactically towards five non-protein constitutional amino acids, D-glutamine, D-asparagine, D-glutamic acid, D-alanine and β -alanine, dissolved in fresh water or salt water, with behavioural thresholds ranging from 10-9 M for the most effective (D- and β ;-alanine) to 10-7 M for the other three. With the exception of D-asparagine in fresh water and D-alanine at concentrations ≥10-7 M, these amino acids were strong attractants. The results are compared with previous findings on the respective L-isomers. The non-protein amino acids may influence behaviour in the search for food and the recognition of conspecifics.  相似文献   

A swimming speed of 0.4 meters per second (m s(-1)) is the minimal speed for European female silver eels to reach the spawning sites in the Sargasso Sea in time. As silver eels cease feeding when they start their oceanic migration, the cost of transport (COT) should be minimised and the swimming speed optimised to attain the highest energetic efficiency. In this study, we have investigated the optimal swimming speed (U(opt)) of silver eels since U(opt) may be higher than the minimal swimming speed and is more likely to resemble the actual cruise speed. A variety of swimming tests were performed to compare endurance swimming between farmed eels and wild eels, both in freshwater and in seawater. The swimming tests were run with 101 silver female eels (60-96 cm, 400-1500 g) in 22 Blazka-type swim tunnels in a climatised room at 18 degrees C with running freshwater or seawater. Tests were run at 0.5-1.0 m s(-1) with increments of 0.1 m s(-1), and either 2 h or 12 h intervals. Remarkably, both tests revealed no changes in oxygen consumption (M O2) and COT over time. U(opt) values ranged between 0.61 and 0.68 m s(-1) (0.74-1.02 BL s(-1)) for the different groups and were thus 53-70% higher than the minimal speed. At U(opt), the COT was 37-50 mg O2 kg(-1) km(-1). These relatively very low values confirm our earlier observations. COT values in seawater were about 20% higher than in freshwater. Assuming that migrating female silver eels cruise at their U(opt), they will be able to cover the distance to the Sargasso Sea in 3-4 months, leaving ample time for final maturation and finding mates.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - This study was carried out to determine the relationships between various morphological parameters, body condition data, and digestive and stress enzyme activities due to...  相似文献   

A herpesvirus has been isolated for the first time from a population of European eels Anguilla anguilla cultured in a recirculated system in Taiwan. Syncytia formation was detected in EP-1 (eel epidermis) cell cultures inoculated with cell-free homogenates prepared from both integument and visceral organs of moribund fish. Inoculation of homogenates onto EK (eel kidney) cell cultures induced giant cell formation. Subsequent passages produced a consistent and progressive cytopathic effect (CPE) in cell cultures. In this study, EP-1 cell cultures infected with EEHV (European eel herpesvirus) were examined using an electron microscope. Numerous nucleocapsids of about 100 nm in diameter were found within the nucleus of infected cells, whereas enveloped particles were observed within the cytoplasm. The mature viral particle, about 235 nm in diameter, had an electron-dense core with a hexagonal nucleocapsid surrounded by a coarse capsule. Histopathological examination of moribund fish showed epithelial hyperplasia with intracytoplasmic metabolic inclusions in the skin. Macrophage aggregates were found in liver, spleen, and kidney. A pair of primers designed from channel catfish virus and salmonid herpesvirus 1 was used in a polymerase chain reaction. A 402 bp fragment was amplified and cloned from genomic DNA of EEHV. The nucleotide homology was 99% (298 of 300) with DNA polymerase of eel herpesvirus (anguillid herpesvirus). EEHV nucleic acids were detected within melanomacrophages in the skin, liver, spleen and kidney by in situ hybridization (ISH).  相似文献   

Seaward migration of silver eels occurred at nights during autumn at decreasing water temperature. Maximum migration-rate occurred mid-October at medium and decreasing water discharge. Most eels descended in the first quarter of the lunar cycle, few eels descended at full moon. Most males and small females migrated earlier in the season than the larger females. The migration speed of silver eels in fresh water was independent of body length.  相似文献   

To investigate the extent to which European silver eels Anguilla anguilla, originating from stocking programmes in the Baltic Sea tributaries, effectively contribute to the spawning stock, two hundred and seventy‐four formerly stocked A. anguilla. emigrating from the Schwentine River near Kiel, Germany, were tagged with T‐Bar anchor tags. A total of 29 Anguilla spp. were recaptured (c. 11%) up to 14 months after release. Stocking history of recaptured A. anguilla. was confirmed by otolith microchemistry. Recapture locations were concentrated around the outlet of the Baltic Sea (Danish Belt Sea) with 62% of all recaptures reported here or in the Kattegat. Recaptured Anguilla spp. showed a reduction in both LT and mass (mean ± s.d . = ?1·5 ± 0·9 cm and ?125·3 ± 50·1 g) while average total fat content remained in the order of values previously reported as high enough to provide energy resources to allow successful completion of the spawning migration (mean ± s.d . = 28·4 ± 4·4%). The documented mean rate of travel (0·8 km day?1), however, indicated a delay in the target‐oriented migration that might be interpreted as a delayed initial migration phase of orientation towards the exit of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Measurements taken from a series of photographs of otoliths of 37 eels caught in a stretch of river of 150m length were used to prepare a growth curve based on back-calculated measurements. Values of L ∞= 1045 and K = 0.046 were determined. Mean incremental growth calculated as 33 mm per year agreed closely with increments determined from growth observed up to 4 years after tagging eels from the same location. Inconsistencies in results of age determinations based on burned otoliths are described but it is concluded that the technique yields results of sufficient reliability to be used in practical management situations.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the parasitofauna of Anguilla anguilla caught in the section of the Tiber river south of Rome (Italy). The sample examined consisted of 417 specimens that were classified by stage (elver, young yellow eel, yellow eel and silver eel) and season of sampling. The following species were identified: Trypanosoma granulosum, Eimeria anguillae, Myxidium giardi, Sphaerospora reichenowi, Myxobolus sp., Trichodina anguilli, Ichthyohodo sp., Gyrodactylus anguillae, Bothriocephalus claviceps, Proteocephalus macrocephalus, Raphidascaris acus, Acanthocephalus clavula. Each parasite species was considered in its prevalence according to stage and season. For some parasite the pathogenic effect was also examined in a histological study of serial sections. The results of the statistical analysis of the single parasitic infection as related to different seasons pointed to marked seasonal trends only in some species (Trypanosoma granulosum and Gyrodactylus anguillae). The intensity of infection assessed for acanthocephalan infection only was found to affect neither weight nor condition index (weight/length3). No difference in weight or condition index was found to be ascribable to the presence or absence of a species. An attempt to find a rule-of-thumb algorithm to gauge the overall effect to parasitic diseases failed to give sufficiently significant results.  相似文献   

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