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Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes have been successfullygenetically modified only once, despite the efforts of several laboratories totransform and establish a stable strain. We have developed a transient geneexpression method, in Culex, that delivers plasmid DNA directlyto the mosquito haemolymph and additional tissues. We were able to expressDsRed2 fluorescent protein in adult Cx.quinquefasciatus mosquitoes by injecting plasmids directly intotheir thorax. The expression of DsRed2 in adult Cx.quinquefasciatus mosquitoes is an important stepping stone togenetic transformation and the potential use of new control strategies andgenetic interactions.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of Heterodera glycines (SCN) were influenced by initial nematode population density in soil, soybean root growth pattern, soil type, and environmental conditions in two field experiments. Low initial populations (Pi) of SCN increased more rapidly during the growing season than high Pi and resulted in greater numbers of nematodes at harvest. Egg and juvenile (J2) populations increased within 2-6 weeks after planting when early-season soil temperatures were 20 C and above and were delayed by soil temperatures of 17 C or below in May and early June. Frequencies of occurrence and number of nematodes decreased with increasing depth and distance from center of the soybean row. Spatial pattern of SCN paralleled that of soybean roots. Higher clay content in the subsoil 30-45 cm deep in one field restricted soil penetration by roots, indirectly influencing vertical distribution of SCN. Shoot dry weight was a good indicator of the effect of SCN on seed yield. Root dry weight was poorly correlated with soybean growth and yield. The relationship of yield (seed weight) to Pi was best described by a quadratic equation at one site, but did not fit any regression model tested at the second site.  相似文献   

One susceptible (D6) and two resistant (E2 and N4) clones of Solanum sparsipilum × (S. phureja × haploid of S. tuberosum) were used to study the responses of potato roots and tubers to race 1 of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid &White) Chitwood. The compatible response was characterized by rapid penetration of large numbers of second-stage juveniles (J2) into roots, cessation of root growth, and occasional curving of root tips. The life cycle of M. incognita in the susceptible clone was completed in 25 days at 23-28 C. The incompatible response was characterized by penetration of fewer J2 into roots, necrosis of feeding sites within 2-7 days, and lack of nematode development. There were no differences in response of tubers from resistant and susceptible clones to nematode infection. Small numbers of J2 were detected in tubers, but they did not develop.  相似文献   

The sensitivities of acetylcholinesterases (ACHE) from the nematode Aphelenchus avenae and the house fly Musca domestica to various pesticides were compared using a colorimetric assay. ACHE from A. avenae were generally less sensitive than ACHE from M. domestica to inhibition by organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides. Carbamates were somewhat more inhibiting than organophosphorous pesticides to nematode ACHE. In vivo tests with concentrations of various pesticides up to 500 ppm in sand caused less than 100% mortality of nematodes.  相似文献   

Subcellular responses to infection by Race 3 of Heterodera glycines in susceptible (''Lee'') and resistant (''Forrest'' and ''Bedford'') soybean cultivars were compared. Syncytial formation, initiated in susceptible as well as resistant soybean cultivars, was characterized by wall perforations, dense cytoplasm, and increased endoplasmic reticulum, In susceptible plants, syncytia developed continuously until nematode maturity. This included hypertrophy of nuclei, increase of rough endoplasmic reticulum in early stages of infection, and formation of wall ingrowths at a late stage of infection. In the resistant reaction in Forrest, a necrotic layer surrounded syncytium component cells demarcating them from surrounding normal cells and leading to syncytial necrosis. Wall appositions were prominently formed near the necrotic layer, and the cytoplasm of the syncytium component cells was extremely condensed. The whole syncytium became necrotic at a late stage of infection. Bedford had nuclear degeneration prior to cytoplasmic degradation. Chromatin was often scattered throughout the syncytial cytoplasm. Finally the whole syncytium became degenerated with plasmalemma completely detached from the syncytial cell walls. The differences in resistant responses reflect a difference in genetic composition of the soybean cultivars tested.  相似文献   

Population densities of D. destructor on embryo explants of 22 peanut genotypes grown in vitro were compared with those in roots and seeds of the same genotypes grown in the greenhouse. During the first 8 weeks after inoculation, the optimum incubation period was 6 weeks for maximum reproduction of Ditylenchus destructor on embryo explants of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. Sellie) inoculated with 250 nematodes at 25 C. Nematode numbers increased 17-fold. Deletion of MnSO₄ H₂O and a higher KH₂PO₄ concentration in the medium resulted in higher nematode reproduction. Resistance or susceptibility to D. destructor was observed in seeds of several genotypes but was not matched by differences in host suitability in roots. The results indicate that the factor for resistance or susceptibility to D. destructor is synthesized in the seeds of peanut but is not translocated to the roots. Use of embryo explant cultures of peanut as a rapid method to evaluate resistance to D. destructor did not work under the conditions described.  相似文献   

To identify the chromosome carrying the factor for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in tobacco, crosses were made between resistant tobacco ''NC95'' as pollen parent and each of the 12 tobacco monosomics (A-L) representative of the Tomentosae half of the Nicotiana tabacum chromosome complement. Of the F₁ seedlings, 927 plants were grown for observation. From these, 223 plants were selected as possible monosomics on the basis of morphological characteristics. These plants were self-pollinated, and the resulting F₂ plants were inoculated with both M. incognita acrita and M. incognita incognita. Sixteen F₂ populations, derived from the haplo-G monosome, were completely resistant. All of the F₂ populations derived from the other 11 monosomic crosses segregated into a 3:1 (resistant:susceptible) ratio. These results indicate that the factor for resistance to M. incognita is located on the G chromosome of N. tabacum. This is the first report establishing the N. tabacum chromosome that carries the factor for root-knot resistance. The results are consistant with our earlier evidence that M. incognita resistance in tobacco is derived from N. tomentosa, a species in the section Tomentosae of the subgenus Tabacum, genus Nicotiana. The other 12 chromosomes of N. tabacum have affinities with N. sylvestris, section Alatae, subgenus Petunoides, genus Nicotiana.  相似文献   

Significant differences (P = 0.05) in nematode reproduction were observed among populations of Heterodera schachtii and weed collections of black nightshade, common lambsquarters, common purslane, redroot-pigweed, shepherdspurse, and wild mustard from Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. Colorado weeds supported the greatest nematode development (P = 0.05). Weeds collected from Idaho and Utah were similar with respect to their response to H. schachtii with the exception of shepherdspurse. At increasing soil temperatures, a Utah redroot-pigweed collection showed a higher percent susceptibility to a Utah nematode population than to nematode populations from the other states (P = 0.05). There was a higher percentage of susceptible plants when the weed host population was collected from the same geographical area as the nematode inoculun.  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is a major pest of soybean, Glycine max L. Merr. Soybean cultivars resistant to SCN are commonly grown in nematode-infested fields. The objective of this study was to examine the stability of SCN resistance in soybean genotypes at different soil temperatures and pH levels. Reactions of five SCN-resistant genotypes, Peking, Plant Introduction (PI) 88788, Custer, Bedford, and Forrest, to SCN races 3, 5, and 14 were studied at 20, 26, and 32 C, and at soil pH''s 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5. Soybean cultivar Essex was included as a susceptible check. Temperature, SCN race, soybean genotype, and their interactions significantly affected SCN reproduction. The effect of temperature on reproduction was quadratic with the three races producing significantly greater numbers of cysts at 26 C; however, reproduction on resistant genotypes remained at a low level. Higher numbers of females matured at the soil pH levels of 6.5 and 7.5 than at pH 5.5. Across the ranges of temperature and soil pH studied, resistance to SCN in the soybean genotypes remained stable.  相似文献   

An aquatic 24-hour lethality test using Caenorhabditis elegans was used to assess toxicity of glucosinolates and their enzymatic breakdown products. In the absence of the enzyme thioglucosidase (myrosinase), allyl glucosinolate (sinigrin) was found to be nontoxic at all concentrations tested, while a freeze-dried, dialyzed water extract of Crambe abyssinica containing 26% 2-hydroxyl 3-butenyl glucosinolate (epi-progoitrin) had a 50% lethal concentration (LC₅₀) of 18.5 g/liter. Addition of the enzyme increased the toxicity (LC₅₀ value) of sinigrin to 0.5 g/liter, but the enzyme had no effect on the toxicity of the C. abyssinica extract. Allyl isothiocyanate and allyl cyanide, two possible breakdown products of sinigrin, had an LC₅₀ value of 0.04 g/liter and approximately 3 g/liter, respectively. Liquid chromatographic studies showed that a portion of the sinigrin decomposed into allyl isothiocyanate. The results indicated that allyl isothiocyanate is nearly three orders of magnitude more toxic to C. elegans than the corresponding glncosinolate, suggesting isothiocyanate formation would improve nematode control from application of glucosinolates.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on soil nematodes were made in a tropical rice field and pasture. Parasitic species were more diversified in the pasture than in the rice field. Eighty-six and sixty percent of total nematodes occurred in the top 10 cm in rice field and pasture, respectively. Nematodes were not randomly or uniformly dispersed but aggregated. Parasitic forms were most abundant and correlated with root biomass in the 0-15-cm soil layer, the greatest number usually occurring at the 10-15-cm depth at both sites. In summer, however, they were densest at the 15-30-cm depth. Microbivores were most frequent in the top 5 cm of both sites. Micellaneous feeders (food sources uncertain) usually occurred in highest densities at the 15-30-cm depth. Predators showed no distinct depth preference. Temperature and moisture of the soil apparently played an important role in regulating nematode population. Peak densities of 31.3 × 10⁴/m² and 21.6 × 10⁴/m² at a 30-cm depth occurred in January, while minimum densities of 5.0-5.3 × 10⁴/m² and 4.1 × 10⁴/m² occurred in July-October and April in rice field and pasture, respectively. Monthly mean biomass of nematodes was 23.8 ± 4.5 mg/m² in rice field and 11.5 ± 1.5 mg/m² in pasture.  相似文献   

The relative susceptibility of four field crops to Criconemella ornata differed greatly in microplot tests. As few as 178 freshly-introduced C. ornata/500 cm³ of soil stunted peanut. In contrast, this nematode had no effect on the growth of corn or soybean. Large populations remaining after culture of peanut or corn enhanced the growth of tobacco. A problem of comparing the effects of a freshly introduced population of this nematode with large residual populations was encountered. Freshly extracted, greenhouse-grown inoculum caused the typical "yellows disease" on peanut, whereas much greater residual population densities following a poor host (tobacco) had little effect on the growth of peanut. It is suggested that many of the nematodes in the field following a poor host are dead. Peanut supported greater reproduction (up to 970-fold) than did other crops tested. Corn was intermediate, with a population increase as great as 264-fold; soybean and tobacco failed to maintain initial population densities.  相似文献   

Although the human-landing catch (HLC) method is the most effective forcollecting anthropophilic anophelines, it has been increasingly abandoned,primarily for ethical considerations. The objective of the present study was todevelop a new trap for the collection of Anopheles darlingi .The initial trials were conducted using the BG-Sentinel trap as a standard forfurther trap development based on colour, airflow direction and illumination.The performance of the trap was then compared with those of the CDC, Fay-Prince,counterflow geometry trap (CFG) and HLC. All trials were conducted outdoorsbetween 06:00 pm-08:00 pm. Female specimens of An. darlingiwere dissected to determine their parity. A total of 8,334 anophelines werecaptured, of which 4,945 were identified as An. darlingi . Thebest trap configuration was an all-white version, with an upward airflow and norequired light source. This configuration was subsequently named BG-Malaria(BGM). The BGM captured significantly more anophelines than any of the othertraps tested and was similar to HLC with respect to the number and parity ofanophelines. The BGM trap can be used as an alternative to HLC for collectinganophelines.  相似文献   

One of the more fascinating phenomena in nature is animal mass migrations and in oceans and freshwaters, diel variations in depth distribution of zooplankton are a phenomenon that has intrigued scientists for more than a century. In our study, we show that zooplankton are able to assess the threat level of ultraviolet radiation and adjust their depth distribution to this level at a very fine tuned scale. Moreover, predation risk induces a size-structured depth separation, such that small individuals, which we show are less vulnerable to predation than larger, make a risk assessment and continue feeding in surface waters during day, offering a competitive release from down-migrating larger animals. Hence, we mechanistically show that such simple organisms as invertebrate zooplankton are able to make individual, size-specific decisions regarding how to compromise between threats from both predators and UV radiation, and adjust their diel migratory patterns accordingly.  相似文献   

The effect of Meloidogyne incognita on growth, general physiological response, and the concentration of reducing and nonreducing sugars at the nematode feeding sites of French Colombard (susceptible) and Thompson Seedless (moderately resistant) Vitis vinifiera cultivars was studied up to 2,100 degree-days (DD-base 10 C). Nematode stress dosage, measured as the product of cumulative number of juveniles and females and their total energy (calories) demand, accounted for up to 15 and 10% of the energy assimilated by French Colombard and Thompson Seedless plants, respectively. Total leaf area, total carbon dioxide fixed, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, and internal leaf CO₂ concentration were not affected, but energy assimilated into plant tissue and respiration were decreased by nematode infection in both cultivars. Energy consumed by nematodes accounted for most of the difference in total energy assimilated between infected and uninfected plants on French Colombard but not on Thompson Seedless, suggesting that the resistant cultivar may be using more energy to curtail the nematode''s activity. Nematodes did not affect the concentration of reducing sugars, but the concentration of nonreducing sugars increased in French Colombard and decreased in Thompson Seedless. This indicates that there was more translocation of photosynthate to the feeding sites of the susceptible than to those of the resistant cultivar, and may explain why M. incognita causes more damage to French Colombard than to Thompson Seedless.  相似文献   

The expression of some insect P450 genes can be induced by both exogenous and endogenous compounds and there is evidence to suggest that multiple constitutively overexpressed P450 genes are co-responsible for the development of resistance to permethrin in resistant mosquitoes. This study characterized the permethrin induction profiles of P450 genes known to be constitutively overexpressed in resistant mosquitoes, Culex quinquefasciatus. The gene expression in 7 of the 19 P450 genes CYP325K3v1, CYP4D42v2, CYP9J45, (CYP) CPIJ000926, CYP325G4, CYP4C38, CYP4H40 in the HAmCqG8 strain, increased more than 2-fold after exposure to permethrin at an LC50 concentration (10 ppm) compared to their acetone treated counterpart; no significant differences in the expression of these P450 genes in susceptible S-Lab mosquitoes were observed after permethrin treatment. Eleven of the fourteen P450 genes overexpressed in the MAmCqG6 strain, CYP9M10, CYP6Z12, CYP9J33, CYP9J43, CYP9J34, CYP306A1, CYP6Z15, CYP9J45, CYPPAL1, CYP4C52v1, CYP9J39, were also induced more than doubled after exposure to an LC50 (0.7 ppm) dose of permethrin. No significant induction in P450 gene expression was observed in the susceptible S-Lab mosquitoes after permethrin treatment except for CYP6Z15 and CYP9J39, suggesting that permethrin induction of these two P450 genes are common to both susceptible and resistant mosquitoes while the induction of the others are specific to insecticide resistant mosquitoes. These results demonstrate that multiple P450 genes are co-up-regulated in insecticide resistant mosquitoes through both constitutive overexpression and induction mechanisms, providing additional support for their involvement in the detoxification of insecticides and the development of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria, M. hapla, and M. javanica were distinguishable from each other by isoelectric focusing (IEF) of nematode egg proteins. Proteins extracted from larvae and adults of Hoplolaimus columbus and from eggs of Heterodera glycines had distinctive profiles, also. Protein profiles from eggs, preparasitic larvae and egg-laying adults of M. incognita showed differences. It was necessary to compare samples run at the same time to ensure reliability.  相似文献   

Out of seven fungal species belonging to four genera isolated from pond and wallow soils using feathers of Pavo cristatus as bait, four species viz., Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Chrysosporium pseudomerdarium and Trichophyton ajelloi were most frequent. Chrysosporium and Trichophyton spp. were more pathogenic on Culex quinquefasciatus larvae than Aspergillus and Penicillium. The bioefficacy tests conducted as per the protocol of World Health Organization and the LC50 values calculated by the Probit analysis showed that 3rd-instar C. quinquefasciatus were more susceptible to the conidia of above fungi. Highest mortality was observed in the larvae of C. quinquefasciatus when exposed to T. ajelloi. The density of fungal conidia was greatest on the ventral brush, palmate hair and anal region of the mosquito larvae after exposing for 72 hours. The potentiality of these fungi for use in the control of C. quinquefasciatus is discussed which can be exploited as a suitable biocontrol agent in the tropics.  相似文献   

The influence of selected soil physical and chemical factors on population density of Heterodera glycines was investigated in 1988 and 1989 in two different locations of a soybean (Glycine max) field. Soil variables of a Norfolk loamy sand were measured after planting soybeans susceptible to H. glycines. Cyst and egg populations were determined after harvest. Nematode population density was found to be clustered. Up to 91% of the eggs were parasitized by a sterile fungus. Principal component analysis with orthogonal VARIMAX rotation grouped 12 variables into five uncorrelated factors in 1988 and three in 1989. In 1988, the factor "pH and Mg" was positively correlated (P < 0.001) with cyst and egg population density. Also, the factor "fine texture and Cu" was negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with egg population density. In 1989, the factor "pH, Mg and Cu" was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with levels of cysts and percentage of parasitized eggs, but not with total egg number. Across 2 years, factors containing soil pH and Mg were positively associated with cyst nematode population density. Copper appeared to be negatively associated with populations of H. glycines.  相似文献   

A comparison of untreated and nematicide-treated soil for soybean production revealed that Meloidogyne incognita hastened crop maturity and reduced plant ht, seed wt, and yield. Reductions of yield varied from 32-90% depending on cultivar susceptibility. DBCP was more consistent in increasing crop performance than organo-phosphale or oxime carbamate nematicides. Greatest yield increases were produced by nematicidal treatment of soils planted to soybean cultivars with the lowest susceptibility.  相似文献   

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