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Biochemical events associated with differentiation and activation of monocyte-macrophage cell lines are of major interest in the understanding of pathophysiological processes as well as in research on immunopharmacological modulation of these cells. Nuclear magnetic resonance is the technique of choice for kinetic studies of metabolic events under such experimental conditions. This approach was used with the P388-D1 model of mature macrophages. Cells primed in vivo were triggered in vitro during NMR analysis and the results were compared to those from chemiluminescence tests performed simultaneously. Three preliminary phases were achieved: (i) 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopy of perchloric acid extracts, (ii) optimization of culture and perfusion conditions with validation of macrophage viability and functionality, and (iii) development of a data processing technique to improve the time resolution of kinetic studies. Based on their phosphocreatine content, cells primed in vivo exhibited greater maturation than control cells. After the respiratory burst of primed macrophages was triggered by concanavalin A, 31P NMR spectra reflected both a transient increase in ADP phosphorylation and intracellular acidification. 13C NMR studies indicated an acceleration of metabolism following in vitro triggering. The phenomenon was associated with an increased glucose consumption, implicating the hexose monophosphate shunt. These occurred concomitantly with the appearance of new peaks attributed to phosphorylated sugars.  相似文献   

In vivo 13C and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to study propionate metabolism by activated sludge in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems. The fate of label supplied in [3-13C]propionate was monitored in living cells subjected to anaerobic/aerobic cycles. During the anaerobic phase, propionate was converted to polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) with the following monomer composition: hydroxyvalerate, 74.2%; hydroxymethylvalerate, 16.9%; hydroxymethylbutyrate, 8.6%; and hydroxybutyrate, 0.3%. The isotopic enrichment in the different carbon atoms of hydroxyvalerate (HV) produced during the first anaerobic stage was determined: HV5, 59%; HV4, 5.0%; HV3, 1.1%; HV2, 3.5%; and HV1, 2.8%. A large proportion of the supplied label ended up on carbon C-5 of HV, directly derived from the pool of propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA), which is primarily labeled on C-3; useful information on the nature of operating metabolic pathways was provided by the extent of labeling on C-1, C-2, and C-4. The labeling pattern on C-1 and C-2 was explained by the conversion of propionyl-CoA to acetyl-CoA via succinyl-CoA and the left branch of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which involves scrambling of label between the inner carbons of succinate. This constitutes solid evidence for the operation of succinate dehydrogenase under anaerobic conditions. The labeling in HV4 is explained by backflux from succinate to propionyl-CoA. The involvement of glycogen in the metabolism of propionate was also demonstrated; moreover, it was shown that the acetyl moiety to the synthesis of PHA was derived preferentially from glycogen. According to the proposed metabolic scheme, the decarboxylation of pyruvate is coupled to the production of hydrogen, and the missing reducing equivalents should be derived from a source other than glycogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Six kinds of arachin subunits were isolated by isoelectric focusing in sucrose density gradient in the presence of 6 m urea and 0.2 m β-mercaptoethanol. These subunits (S1 to S6) had different isoelectric points (pI 5.8, 6.0, 6.3, 7.1, 7.4 and 8.3) and they were found in parent arachin in the weight ratio of 2.5 : 2.2 : 2.6 : 1.6 : 1.1 : 1.0. The molecular weights and N-terminal amino acids of the isolated subunits were 35,500 and valine (S1), 37,500 and isoleucine (S2), 40,500 and isoleucine (S3) and 19,500 and glycine (S4, S5 and S6). While, the parent arachin contained approximately one mole of valine, two moles of isoleucine and three moles of glycine as the N-terminal amino acids per 180,000 g. It is, therefore, concluded that arachin consists of six different subunits to form the molecular weight 180,000. No disulfide bond takes part in the subunit association of arachin, because the dissociation in a urea solution occurred in the absence of β-mercaptoethanol.  相似文献   

We examined the change of the composition of the cell wall polysaccharides prepared from cells of the salt-tolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii grown in two media containing 20% NaCl and 0% NaCl. Comparative analysis of their walls showed that the wall obtained from salt-free medium had greater quantities of alkali-insoluble fraction and smaller quantities of mannan than the walls obtained from 20% NaCl medium. The alkali-insoluble fractions from the cell walls obtained from salt-free medium contained a large amount of glucosamine and a smaller amount of linear β-1,3-glucosidic linkage than the fractions from the cell walls obtained from 20% NaCl medium. Structural analyses showed that the mannans from each cell wall contained an α-1,6-mannbsidic linked backbone to which single mannose and mannobiose units were connected as side chains by α-1,2-mannosidic linkages. However, when cells were grown in the presence of 20% NaCl, the side chains of the mannans consisting of a mannobiose unit were largely reduced.

These results indicated that the structure of alkali-insoluble glucan and mannan were greatly affected by the presence of NaCl in the final medium.  相似文献   

The availability of NMR spectrometers operating in cross polarization/magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) has provided a powerful tool for the structural elucidation of insoluble materials. In this 13C NMR study of eumelanins we report the first direct evidence of the presence of different chemical functionalities in synthetic and natural eumelanins. These spectra contain useful information for the characterization of melanins from different sources.  相似文献   

Propionate catabolism was monitored in anaerobic cocultures of propionate-degrading and methanogenic bacteria. Metabolism was monitored by use of 13C-enriched propionate and succinate. The intermediates identified indicated that the methylmalonyl coenzyme A pathway was used in these cultures. The data also indicated that a transcarboxylation reaction between succinate and propionyl coenzyme A occurred, yielding propionate and methylmalonyl coenzyme A.  相似文献   

13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR) was used to investigate the metabolism of citrate plus glucose and pyruvate plus glucose by nongrowing cells of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 19B under anaerobic conditions. The metabolism of citrate plus glucose during growth was also monitored directly by in vivo NMR. Although pyruvate is a common intermediate metabolite in the metabolic pathways of both citrate and glucose, the origin of the carbon atoms in the fermentation products was determined by using selectively labeled substrates, e.g., [2,4-13C]citrate, [3-13C]pyruvate, and [2-13C]glucose. The presence of an additional substrate caused a considerable stimulation in the rates of substrate utilization, and the pattern of end products was changed. Acetate plus acetoin and butanediol represented more than 80% (molar basis) of the end products of the metabolism of citrate (or pyruvate) alone, but when glucose was also added, 80% of the citrate (or pyruvate) was converted to lactate. This result can be explained by the activation of lactate dehydrogenase by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, an intermediate in glucose metabolism. The effect of different concentrations of glucose on the metabolism of citrate by dilute cell suspensions was also probed by using analytical methods other than NMR. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (but not pyruvate formate-lyase) was active in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A. α-Acetolactate was detected as an intermediate metabolite of citrate or pyruvate metabolism, and the labeling pattern of the end products agrees with the α-acetolactate pathway. It was demonstrated that the contribution of the acetyl coenzyme A pathway for the synthesis of diacetyl, should it exist, is lower than 10%. Evidence for the presence of internal carbon reserves in L. lactis is presented.  相似文献   

The comprehensive structure determination of isotopically labeled proteins by solid-state NMR requires sequence-specific assignment of 13C and 15 N spectra. We describe several 2D and 3D MAS correlation techniques for resonance assignment and apply them, at 7.0 Tesla, to 13C and 15N labeled ubiquitin to examine the extent of resonance assignments in the solid state. Both interresidue and intraresidue assignments of the 13C and 15N resonances are addressed. The interresidue assignment was carried out by an N(CO)CA technique, which yields Ni-Ci–1 connectivities in protein backbones via two steps of dipolar-mediated coherence transfer. The intraresidue connectivities were obtained from a new 3D NCACB technique, which utilizes the well resolved C chemical shift to distinguish the different amino acids. Additional amino acid type assignment was provided by a 13C spin diffusion experiment, which exhibits 13C spin pairs as off-diagonal intensities in the 2D spectrum. To better resolve carbons with similar chemical shifts, we also performed a dipolar-mediated INADEQUATE experiment. By cross-referencing these spectra and exploiting the selective and extensive 13 C labeling approach, we assigned 25% of the amino acids in ubiquitin sequence-specifically and 47% of the residues to the amino acid types. The sensitivity and resolution of these experiments are evaluated, especially in the context of the selective and extensive 13C labeling approach.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》1994,235(5):1585-1597
The determination of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of the mixed disulfide between the mutant Escherichia coli glutaredoxin Grx(C14S) and glutathione (GSH), Grx(C14S)-SG, is described, the binding site for GSH on Grx(C14S) is located, and the non-bonding interactions between -SG and the protein are characterized. Based on nearly complete sequence-specific NMR assignments, 1010 nuclear Overhauser enhancement upper distance constraints and 116 dihedral angle constraints were obtained as the input for the structure calculations, for which the distance geometry program DIANA was used followed by energy minimization in a waterbath with the AMBER force field in the program OPAL. The -SG moiety was found to be localized on the surface of the protein in a cleft bounded by the amino acid residues Y13, T58, V59, Y72, T73 and D74. Hydrogen bonds have been identified between -SG and the residues V59 and T73 of Grx(C14S), and the formation of an additional hydrogen bond with Y72 and electrostatic interactions with the side-chains of D74 and K45 are also compatible with the NMR, conformational constraints. Comparison of the reduced and oxidized forms of Grx with Grx(C14S)-SG shows that the mixed disulfide more closely resembles the oxidized form of the protein. Functional implications of this observation are discussed. Comparisons are also made with the related proteins bacteriophage T4 glutaredoxin and glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   

The flow of 15N and 13C from storage compounds in organs remaining after defoliation (sources) to regrowing tissue (sinks), and 13C losses through root or shoot respiration were assessed by pulse-chase labeling during regrowth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) following shoot removal. A total of 73% of labeled C and 34% of labeled N were mobilized in source organs within 30 d. Although all of the 15N from source organs was recovered in the regrowing tissue, much of the 13C was lost, mainly as CO2 respired from the root (61%) or shoot (8%), and was found to a lesser extent in sink tissue (5%). After 3, 10, or 30 d of regrowth, 87, 66, and 52% of shoot N, respectively, was derived from source tissue storage compounds; the rest resulted from translocation of fixed N2. Overall results suggest that most shoot C was linked to photosynthetic activity rather than being derived from mobilization of stored C in source organs. Furthermore, isotopic analysis of different chemical fractions of plant tissue suggests that between 14 and 58% of the shoot C derived from source tissues was linked to the mobilization of N compounds, not carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Formation of methanethiol from methionine is widely believed to play a significant role in development of cheddar cheese flavor. However, the catabolism of methionine by cheese-related microorganisms has not been well characterized. Two independent methionine catabolic pathways are believed to be present in lactococci, one initiated by a lyase and the other initiated by an aminotransferase. To differentiate between these two pathways and to determine the possible distribution between the pathways, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) performed with uniformly enriched [13C]methionine was utilized. The catabolism of methionine by whole cells and cell extracts of five strains of Lactococcus lactis was examined. Only the aminotransferase-initiated pathway was observed. The intermediate and major end products were determined to be 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyric acid and 2-hydroxyl-4-methylthiobutyric acid, respectively. Production of methanethiol was not observed in any of the 13C NMR studies. Gas chromatography was utilized to determine if the products of methionine catabolism in the aminotransferase pathway were precursors of methanethiol. The results suggest that the direct precursor of methanethiol is 4-methylthiol-2-oxobutyric acid. These results support the conclusion that an aminotransferase initiates the catabolism of methionine to methanethiol in lactococci.  相似文献   

In brain the amino acid L-aspartate serves roles as: (1) putative transmitter, (2) protein precursor, (3) donor of atoms for the biosynthesis of pyrimidine and purine bases, and (4) fuel for energy metabolism. Astrocytes dominate aspartate clearance in brain, and in culture they take up aspartate and quickly metabolize it. In brain, only astrocytes were shown to express the enzymes for de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. To gain more details about the spectrum of metabolites generated from aspartate and subsequently released by cultured astrocytes a 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis was performed of [U-13C]aspartate supplemented incubation media exposed to astroglial cultures. The results show that astrocytes readily metabolize aspartate and release into their culture media 13C-isotopomers of lactate, glutamine, citrate and alanine. Despite the presence in astroglial cells of two tandem enzymes of pyrimidine biosynthesis and their mRNAs, pyrimidine nucleotide-related heterocyclic compounds such as dihydroorotate and orotate could not be detected in the culture media.  相似文献   

Methods are described to correlate aromatic 1H 2/13C 2 or 1H 1/15N 1 with aliphatic 13C chemical shifts of histidine and tryptophan residues, respectively. The pulse sequences exclusively rely on magnetization transfers via one-bond scalar couplings and employ [15N, 1H]- and/or [13C, 1H]-TROSY schemes to enhance sensitivity. In the case of histidine imidazole rings exhibiting slow HN-exchange with the solvent, connectivities of these proton resonances with -carbons can be established as well. In addition, their correlations to ring carbons can be detected in a simple [15N, 1H]-TROSY-H(N)Car experiment, revealing the tautomeric state of the neutral ring system. The novel methods are demonstrated with the 23-kDa protein xylanase and the 35-kDa protein diisopropylfluorophosphatase, providing nearly complete sequence-specific resonance assignments of their histidine -CH and tryptophan -NH groups.  相似文献   

蛋白质特定的三维结构与其生物功能密切相关,因此,研究蛋白质的三维结构有助于揭示其生物功能机制。将核磁共振(NMR)波谱法应用于研究溶液状态下蛋白质的三维结构,能够更加准确地揭示蛋白质结构与生物功能之间的关系。本文综述了NMR解析蛋白质三维结构的理论和技术方法,以及NMR结合其他生物物理手段,并辅以分子建模计算法研究蛋白质三维结构的研究进展和最新方法,为精准解析蛋白质的三维结构提供思路及策略。  相似文献   

The time course of suberization in wound periderm from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) has been monitored by histochemical and high-resolution solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. Light microscopy conducted after selective staining of the lipid and double-bonded constituents shows that suberin is deposited at the outermost intact cell-wall surface during the first 7 d of wound healing; suberization forms a barrier to tissue infiltration at later times. Cross polarization-magic angle spinning 13C NMR spectra demonstrate the deposition of a polyester containing all major suberin functional groups after just 4 d of wound healing. Initially the suberin includes a large proportion of aromatic groups and fairly short aliphatic chains, but the spectral data demonstrate the growing dominance of long-chain species during the period 7 to 14 d after wounding. The results of preliminary 13C-labeling experiments with sodium [2-13C]acetate and DL-[1-13C]phenylalanine provide an excellent prospectus for future NMR-based studies of suberin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance was used to characterize the molecular ordering of cellulose in a cell-wall preparation containing mostly primary walls obtained from the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Proton and 13C spin relaxation time constants showed that the cellulose was in a crystalline rather than a paracrystalline state or amorphous state. Cellulose chains were distributed between the interiors (40%) and surfaces (60%) of crystallites, which is consistent with crystallite cross-sectional dimensions of about 3 nm. Digital resolution enhancement revealed signals indicative of triclinic and monoclinic crystalline forms of cellulose mixed in similar proportions. Of the five nuclear spin relaxation processes used, proton rotating-frame relaxation provided the clearest distinction between cellulose and other cell-wall components for purposes of editing solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra.  相似文献   

A multiple-quantum 3D HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment is presented for the assignment of RNA ribose resonances. The experiment makes use of the chemical shift dispersion of N1 of pyrimidine and N9 of purine to distinguish the ribose spin systems. It provides an alternative approach for the assignment of ribose resonances to the currently used COSY- and TOCSY-type experiments in which either 13C or 1H is utilized to distinguish the different spin systems. Compared to the single-quantum version, the sensitivity of the multiple-quantum HCN-CCH-TOCSY experiment is enhanced on average by a factor of 2 for a 23-mer RNA aptamer complexed with neomycin.  相似文献   

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