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Apoptosis is a hallmark of β-cell death in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Understanding how apoptosis contributes to β-cell turnover may lead to strategies to prevent progression of diabetes. A key mediator of apoptosis, mitochondrial function, and cell survival is apoptosis inducing factor (AIF). In the present study, we investigated the role of AIF on β-cell mass and survival using the Harlequin (Hq) mutant mice, which are hypomorphic for AIF.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Immunohistochemical evaluation of pancreata from Hq mutant mice displayed much smaller islets compared to wild-type mice (WT). Analysis of β-cell mass in these mice revealed a greater than 4-fold reduction in β-cell mass together with an 8-fold increase in β-cell apoptosis. Analysis of cell cycle dynamics, using BrdU pulse as a marker for cells in S-phase, did not detect significant differences in the frequency of β-cells in S-phase. In contrast, double staining for phosphorylated Histone H3 and insulin showed a 3-fold increase in β-cells in the G2 phase in Hq mutant mice, but no differences in M-phase compared to WT mice. This suggests that the β-cells from Hq mutant mice are arrested in the G2 phase and are unlikely to complete the cell cycle. β-cells from Hq mutant mice display increased sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis, which was confirmed in human islets in which AIF was depleted by siRNA. AIF deficiency had no effect on glucose stimulated insulin secretion, but the impaired effect of hydrogen peroxide on β-cell function was potentiated.


Our results indicate that AIF is essential for maintaining β-cell mass and for oxidative stress response. A decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation capacity may counteract the development of diabetes, despite its deleterious effects on β-cell survival.  相似文献   

The human insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) and insulin genes are located within the same genomic region. Although human genomic studies have demonstrated associations between diabetes and the insulin/IGF2 locus or the IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2), the role of IGF2 in diabetes pathogenesis is not fully understood. We previously described that transgenic mice overexpressing IGF2 specifically in β-cells (Tg-IGF2) develop a pre-diabetic state. Here, we characterized the effects of IGF2 on β-cell functionality. Overexpression of IGF2 led to β-cell dedifferentiation and endoplasmic reticulum stress causing islet dysfunction in vivo. Both adenovirus-mediated overexpression of IGF2 and treatment of adult wild-type islets with recombinant IGF2 in vitro further confirmed the direct implication of IGF2 on β-cell dysfunction. Treatment of Tg-IGF2 mice with subdiabetogenic doses of streptozotocin or crossing these mice with a transgenic model of islet lymphocytic infiltration promoted the development of overt diabetes, suggesting that IGF2 makes islets more susceptible to β-cell damage and immune attack. These results indicate that increased local levels of IGF2 in pancreatic islets may predispose to the onset of diabetes. This study unravels an unprecedented role of IGF2 on β-cells function.  相似文献   

Culture of isolated rodent islets is widely used in diabetes research to assess different endpoints, including outcomes requiring histochemical staining. As islet yields during isolation are limited, we determined the number of islets required to obtain reliable data by histology. We found that mean values for insulin-positive β-cell area/islet area, thioflavin S-positive amyloid area/islet area and β-cell apoptosis do not vary markedly when more than 30 islets are examined. Measurement variability declines as more islets are quantified, so that the variability of the coefficient of variation (CV) in human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) transgenic islets for β-cell area/islet area, amyloid area/islet area and β-cell apoptosis are 13.20% ± 1.52%, 10.03% ± 1.76% and 6.78% ± 1.53%, respectively (non-transgenic: 7.65% ± 1.17% β-cell area/islet area and 8.93% ± 1.56% β-cell apoptosis). Increasing the number of islets beyond 30 had marginal effects on the CV. Using 30 islets, 6 hIAPP-transgenic preparations are required to detect treatment effects of 14% for β-cell area/islet area, 30% for amyloid area/islet area and 23% for β-cell apoptosis (non-transgenic: 9% for β-cell area/islet area and 45% for β-cell apoptosis). This information will be of value in the design of studies using isolated islets to examine β cells and islet amyloid.  相似文献   



Glucose modulates β-cell mass and function through an initial depolarization and Ca2+ influx, which then triggers a number of growth regulating signaling pathways. One of the most important downstream effectors in Ca2+ signaling is the calcium/Calmodulin activated serine threonine phosphatase, calcineurin. Recent evidence suggests that calcineurin/NFAT is essential for β-cell proliferation, and that in its absence loss of β-cells results in diabetes. We hypothesized that in contrast, activation of calcineurin might result in expansion of β-cell mass and resistance to diabetes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine the role of activation of calcineurin signaling in the regulation of pancreatic β-cell mass and proliferation, we created mice that expressed a constitutively active form of calcineurin under the insulin gene promoter (caCnRIP). To our surprise, these mice exhibited glucose intolerance. In vitro studies demonstrated that while the second phase of Insulin secretion is enhanced, the overall insulin secretory response was conserved. Islet morphometric studies demonstrated decreased β-cell mass suggesting that this was a major component responsible for altered Insulin secretion and glucose intolerance in caCnRIP mice. The reduced β-cell mass was accompanied by decreased proliferation and enhanced apoptosis.


Our studies identify calcineurin as an important factor in controlling glucose homeostasis and indicate that chronic depolarization leading to increased calcineurin activity may contribute, along with other genetic and environmental factors, to β-cell dysfunction and diabetes.  相似文献   

A β-glucan produced by Aureobasidium pullulans (AP-PG) is consisting of a β-(1,3)-linked main chain with β-(1,6)-linked glucose side residues. Various β-glucans consisting of β-(1,3)-linked main chain including AP-PG are believed to exhibit anti-tumor activities, and actually, anti-tumor activities of AP-PG in mice have been demonstrated. In this study, we demonstrate that stimulation with AP-PG induces TRAIL expression in mouse and human macrophage-like cell lines. TRAIL is known to be a cytokine which specifically induces apoptosis in transformed cells, but not in untransformed cells. The expression of TRAIL mRNA after stimulation with AP-PG was increased in RAW264.7 cells, Mono Mac 6 cells, and macrophage-differentiated THP-1 cells. The mRNA expression of TNF-α and FasL is only weakly increased after stimulation with AP-PG. The induction activity of TRAIL by curdlan, a bacterial β-glucan, was very similar to that by AP-PG in RAW264.7 cells, but weaker in macrophage-differentiated THP-1 cells. Activation of caspases was found in HeLa cells after treatment with the supernatant of cultured medium from AP-PG-stimulated Mono Mac 6 cells, and was inhibited by the anti-TRAIL neutralizing antibody. These findings suggest that the stimulation with AP-PG effectively induces TRAIL in macrophages, and that it may be related to apoptosis induction of tumor cells.  相似文献   

There is an urgency to find new treatments for the devastating epidemic of diabetes. Pancreatic β-cells viability and function are impaired in the two most common forms of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Regeneration of pancreatic β-cells has been proposed as a potential therapy for diabetes. In a preliminary study, we screened a collection of marine products for β-cell proliferation. One unique compound (epoxypukalide) showed capability to induce β-cell replication in the cell line INS1 832/13 and in primary rat cell cultures. Epoxypukalide was used to study β-cell proliferation by [3H]thymidine incorporation and BrdU incorporation followed by BrdU/insulin staining in primary cultures of rat islets. AKT and ERK1/2 signalling pathways were analyzed. Cell cycle activators, cyclin D2 and cyclin E, were detected by western-blot. Apoptosis was studied by TUNEL and cleaved caspase 3. β-cell function was measured by glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Epoxypukalide induced 2.5-fold increase in β-cell proliferation; this effect was mediated by activation of ERK1/2 signalling pathway and upregulation of the cell cycle activators, cyclin D2 and cyclin E. Interestingly, epoxypukalide showed protection from basal (40% lower versus control) and cytokine-induced apoptosis (80% lower versus control). Finally, epoxypukalide did not impair β-cell function when measured by glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In conclusion, epoxypukalide induces β-cell proliferation and protects against basal and cytokine-mediated β-cell death in primary cultures of rat islets. These findings may be translated into new treatments for diabetes.  相似文献   

Bovine β-casein (β-CN) with its C-terminal truncated by chymosin digestion, β-CN-(f1-192), was examined and characterized using circular dichroism (CD) under various temperature conditions. CONTIN/LL analysis of the CD data revealed significant secondary structure disruption in β-CN-(f1-192) relative to its parent protein,β-CN, in the temperature range (5° to 70°C) studied. Near-UV CD spectra indicated significant temperature dependent structural changes. Analytical ultracentrifugation results showed significant reduction but not complete abolishment of self-association in β-CN-(f1-192) compared to whole β-casein at 2°–37°C. Furthermore, binding experiments with the common hydrophobic probe – 8-anilino-1- naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) illustrated that β-CN-(f1-192) is nearly incapable of binding to ANS relative to whole β-CN, suggesting a nearly complete open overall tertiary structure brought about by the C-terminal truncation. It has been demonstrated clearly that the tail peptide β-CN-(f193-209) is important in maintaining the hydrophobic core of β-CN but the residual association observed argues for a minor role for other sites as well.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the cardiac β subunit (Ca(v)β(2)) of the Ca(v)1.2 L-type Ca(2+) channel complex has been proposed as a mechanism for regulation of L-type Ca(2+) channels by various protein kinases including PKA, CaMKII, Akt/PKB, and PKG. To test this hypothesis directly in vivo, we generated a knock-in mouse line with targeted mutation of the Ca(v)β(2) gene by insertion of a stop codon after proline 501 in exon 14 (mouse sequence Cacnb2; βStop mouse). This mutation prevented translation of the Ca(v)β(2) C terminus that contains the relevant phosphorylation sites for the above protein kinases. Homozygous cardiac βStop mice were born at Mendelian ratio, had a normal life expectancy, and normal basal L-type I(Ca). The regulation of the L-type current by stimulation of the β-adrenergic receptor was unaffected in vivo and in cardiomyocytes (CMs). βStop mice were cross-bred with mice expressing the Ca(v)1.2 gene containing the mutation S1928A (SAβStop) or S1512A and S1570A (SFβStop) in the C terminus of the α(1C) subunit. The β-adrenergic regulation of the cardiac I(Ca) was unaltered in these mouse lines. In contrast, truncation of the Ca(v)1.2 at Asp(1904) abolished β-adrenergic up-regulation of I(Ca) in murine embryonic CMs. We conclude that phosphorylation of the C-terminal sites in Ca(v)β(2), Ser(1928), Ser(1512), and Ser(1570) of the Ca(v)1.2 protein is functionally not involved in the adrenergic regulation of the murine cardiac Ca(v)1.2 channel.  相似文献   

The survival of the ρ+ factor and of DrugR mitochondrial genetic markers after exposure to ethidium bromide has been studied. A technique allowing the determination of DrugR genetic markers among a great number of both grande and petite colonies has been developed. The results have been analyzed by the target theory. The survival of the ρ+ factor is always less than the survival of any DrugR genetic marker. The survivals of CR and ER are similar to each other, while that of OR is greater than that of the other two DrugR markers. All possible combinations of DrugR markers have been found among the ρ- petite cells induced, while the only type found among the grande colonies is the preexisting one. The loss of the CR and ER genetic markers was found to be the most frequently concomitant, while the correlation between the loss of the OR marker and the other two DrugR markers is less strong. Similar results have been obtained after U.V. irradiation. Interpretations concerning the structure of the yeast mitochondrial genome are given and hypotheses on the mechanism of petite mutation discussed.  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, we proposed a unifying model for β-cell damage (The OKAMOTO model), in which poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase/ polymerase (PARP) activation plays an essential role in the consumption of NAD+, which leads to energy depletion and necrotic cell death. In 1984, we demonstrated that the administration of PARP inhibitors to 90% depancreatized rats induces islet regeneration. From the regenerating islet-derived cDNA library we isolated Reg (Regenerating Gene) and demonstrated that Reg protein induces βcell replication via the Reg receptor and ameliorates experimental diabetes. More recently, we showed that the combined addition of IL-6 and dexamethasone induces the Reg gene expression in β-cells and that PARP inhibitors enhance the expression. In 1993, we found that cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a product synthesized from NAD+, is a second messenger for intracellular Ca+ mobilization for insulin secretion by glucose, and proposed a novel mechanism of insulin secretion, the CD38-cADPR signal system. Therefore, PARP inhibitors prevent β-cell necrosis, induce β-cell replication and maintain insulin secretion. In this paper, we would like to present a perspective view based on our studies concerning cell death, cell regeneration, and cell function, especially on insulin-producing pancreatic βcells, in the processes of which poly(ADPribose) synthetase/polymerase (PARP) and cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) are functioning.  相似文献   

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