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Homogenization of Large-Scale Movement Models in Ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A difficulty in using diffusion models to predict large scale animal population dispersal is that individuals move differently based on local information (as opposed to gradients) in differing habitat types. This can be accommodated by using ecological diffusion. However, real environments are often spatially complex, limiting application of a direct approach. Homogenization for partial differential equations has long been applied to Fickian diffusion (in which average individual movement is organized along gradients of habitat and population density). We derive a homogenization procedure for ecological diffusion and apply it to a simple model for chronic wasting disease in mule deer. Homogenization allows us to determine the impact of small scale (10–100 m) habitat variability on large scale (10–100 km) movement. The procedure generates asymptotic equations for solutions on the large scale with parameters defined by small-scale variation. The simplicity of this homogenization procedure is striking when compared to the multi-dimensional homogenization procedure for Fickian diffusion,and the method will be equally straightforward for more complex models.  相似文献   

Cogongrass is considered to be one of the ten most troublesome and problematic weedy species in the world. This species is found throughout tropical and subtropical regions, generally in areas disturbed by human activities. Over 100 common names have been associated with cogongrass, including japgrass, speargrass, alang-alang, and bladygrass. Although this species has several commercial uses, the problems associated with its weediness far outweigh most positive benefits. Cogongrass is a major impediment to reforestation efforts in southeast Asia, the number one weed in agronomic and vegetable production in many parts of Africa, and is responsible for thousands of hectares of lost native habitat in the southeastern U.S. Biologically, cogongrass possesses several features that foster its spread and persistence. Management efforts for cogongrass consist of an integrated approach with several control strategies. In agronomic production, the use of cover crops is widely successful, but incorporation into the overall production scheme is challenging. Success has been achieved with continuous deep tillage or chemical applications, but long-term eradication/suppression must employ sustainable revegetation strategies.  相似文献   

Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni) are long-distance migratory raptors that nest primarily in isolated trees located in areas of high grassland density. In recent years, anthropogenic conversion of grassland habitat has raised concerns about the status of the breeding population in the northern Great Plains. In 2013, we initiated a study to investigate the influence of extrinsic factors influencing Swainson’s hawk nesting ecology in north-central South Dakota and south-central North Dakota. Using ground and aerial surveys, we located and monitored nesting Swainson’s hawk pairs: 73 in 2013 and 120 in 2014. We documented 98 successful breeding attempts that fledged 163 chicks; 1.52 and 1.72 fledglings per successful nest in 2013 and 2014, respectively. We used Program MARK to evaluate the influence of land cover on nest survival. The top model, S Dist2Farm+%Hay, indicated that nest survival (fledging at least one chick) decreased as nests were located farther from farm sites and as the percent of hay cover increased within 1200-m of the nest site (34.4%; 95% CI = 27.6%–42.3%). We used logistic regression analysis to evaluate the influence of landscape variables on nest-site selection; Swainson’s hawks selected for nest sites located closer to roads. We suggest that tree belts associated with farm sites, whether occupied or not, provide critical breeding sites for Swainson’s hawks. Additionally, poor breeding success may be related to the late migratory behavior of this species which requires them to occupy marginal habitat due to other raptors occupying the most suitable habitat prior to Swainson’s hawks arriving to the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

HarmfulAlgalBloom (HAB) ,aworld wideseriousmarineenvironmentalproblemandecologicaldisaster ,hasbeendrawngreatattentioninChina .About 4 0 0HABeventshavebeenrecordedsince 1970’s ,andthenum berofitsyearlyoutbreakisincreasingdramatically .LargescaleHABhashitChangjiangEstuaryanditsadjacentseaareasinEastChinaSeaineachSpringsince 1998.TheHABcausedbythesamespecies ,Prorocentrumdonghaiense ,couldreach 70 0 0km2 andlastformorethanonemonth .Atthesametime ,moreandmoreothertoxicandharmfulHABspec…  相似文献   

The coral reefs of Tanga, Tanzania were recognized as a national conservation priority in the early 1970s, but the lack of a management response led to damage by dynamite, beach seines, and high numbers of fishers until the mid 1990s. Subsequently, an Irish Aid funded IUCN Eastern Africa program operated from 1994 to mid 2007 to implement increased management aimed at reducing these impacts. The main effects of this management were to establish collaborative management areas, reduce dynamite and seine net fishing, and establish small community fisheries closures beginning in 1996. The ecology of the coral reefs was studied just prior to the initiation of this management in 1996, during, 2004, and a few years after the project ended in 2010. The perceptions of resource users towards management options were evaluated in 2010. The ecological studies indicated that the biomass of fish rose continuously during this period from 260 to 770 kg/ha but the small closures were no different from the non-closure areas. The benthic community studies indicate stability in the coral cover and community composition and an increase in coralline algae and topographic complexity over time. The lack of change in the coral community suggests resilience to various disturbances including fisheries management and the warm temperature anomaly of 1998. These results indicate that some aspects of the management program had been ecologically successful even after the donor program ended. Moreover, the increased compliance with seine net use and dynamite restrictions were the most likely factors causing this increase in fish biomass and not the closures. Resource users interviewed in 2010 were supportive of gear restrictions but there was considerable between-community disagreement over the value of specific restrictions. The social-ecological results suggest that increased compliance with gear restrictions is largely responsible for the improvements in reef ecology and is a high priority for future management programs.  相似文献   

The apoptosis program of physiological cell death elicits a range of non-phlogistic homeostatic mechanisms—“recognition, response and removal”—that regulate the microenvironments of normal and diseased tissues via multiple modalities operating over short and long distances. The molecular mechanisms mediate intercellular signaling through direct contact with neighboring cells, release of soluble factors and production of membrane-delimited fragments (apoptotic bodies, blebs and microparticles) that allow for interaction with host cells over long distances. These processes effect the selective recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes and the specific activation of both phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. While much evidence is available concerning the mechanisms underlying the recognition and responses of phagocytes that culminate in the engulfment and removal of apoptotic cell bodies, relatively little is yet known about the non-phagocytic cellular responses to the apoptosis program. These responses regulate inflammatory and immune cell activation as well as cell fate decisions of proliferation, differentiation and death. Here, we review current knowledge of these processes, considering especially how apoptotic cells condition the microenvironments of normal and malignant tissues. We also discuss how apoptotic cells that persist in the absence of phagocytic clearance exert inhibitory effects over their viable neighbors, paying particular attention to the specific case of cell cultures and highlighting how new cell-corpse-clearance devices—Dead-Cert® Nanoparticles—can significantly improve the efficacy of cell cultures through effective removal of non-viable cells in the absence of phagocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) in vitro culture was established using shoot apices of seedlings as explants. The optimal procedure of this protocol for majority of the genotypes was that meristematic cell clumps and small calluses were firstly induced from the bases of explants on initial culture medium supplemented with 0.9 μM 2,4-d and 8.9 μM 6-BA for 20 d, then were separated and transferred to shoot clumps induction medium containing 8.9 μM 6-BA for the formation of multiple shoot clumps. The percentage of multiple shoot clumps and numbers of shoots per clump were deeply related with the combinations of different plant growth regulators, duration of initial culture, the intensity of illumination and genotypes. Histological observation of the induced explants revealed that the meristematic cell clumps were produced from repeated division of the cortical cells and original meristematic primodium cells of explants, and the multiple shoots were formed via organogenesis pathway in the meristematic cell regions of cultures on shoot clumps induction medium. In this study, plantlets were efficiently regenerated on large scale from seven cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass. Hence the meristematic cell clumps and small calluses in this protocol could be considered good targets for genetic transformation of Kentucky bluegrass.  相似文献   

Seventeen ostracod species were recorded from Lake Gölköy (Bolu, Turkey) between January 2000 and December 2001. Limnocythere inopinata is a new record for the Bolu region. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) explained 73% of the correlation between species and environmental variables, suggesting that the occurrence of many species is temporally variable, and is related to seasonal changes in physico-chemical conditions. The four most frequently occurring cosmopolitan ostracod species (Candona neglecta, Darwinula stevensoni, Physocypria kraepelini, and Cypridopsis vidua) accounted for more than 70% of the species recorded. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and redox potential were the most affective variables on the species occurrence. Two species (C. vidua, I. bradyi) were positively correlated to redox potential, while such a correlation was negative for P. kraepelini. The most frequently occurring species C. neglecta was most closely related to the changes in redox potential, whereas C. vidua and D. stevensoni showed a positive correlation to water temperature. Negative strong correlation (p<0.01) was found between pH and I. bradyi, but correlation was positive and weak for C. vidua. Some species (e.g. L. inopinata) showed no clear relationship with any of those environmental variables. UPGMA clustering of species based on their occurrence in different ecological conditions revealed three main species assemblages. Analysis of species phenology using the ‘Ostracod Watch Model’ showed that temporal patterns of occurrence could be similar among species with similar ecological preferences. The current status of the lake is discussed based on the present study.  相似文献   

Knowledge of where roots are active is crucial for efficient management of nutrients in tree crops but measurement of root activity is problematic. Measurement using soil water depletion is an approach that has not been tested in a humid climate. We hypothesised that the three dimensional distribution of root activity of a tree crop in the humid tropics (a) can be determined by measuring soil water depletion during rain-free periods, and (b) is influenced by environment (soil type and climate) and surface management. A field study was carried out in which soil water content was measured and water uptake calculated (by difference between soil water content at beginning and end of rain-free periods) for different surface management zones and depths (0.1 m intervals to 1.6 m depth) under oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at a loam–clay site and a sandy site. Significant differences were measured between sites and between surface management zones at each site. At both sites water uptake was highest under the weeded zone close to the palm stem, slightly lower under the zone where pruned fronds are placed, and lowest under the path used for removing harvested fruit. Vertical distribution of root activity differed between the sites, with higher activity near the surface at the finer textured site. Total water uptake values were lower than estimates of evapotranspiration made using climate data. The difference was probably largely due to water uptake from deeper than 1.6 m. This study showed that the spatial distribution of tree root activity in a humid climate could be quantified using a relatively simple method.  相似文献   

Twelve novel microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from enriched genomic libraries of Castanopsis chinensis. Four previously reported microsatellites from Castanopsis cuspidata were cross-amplified in C. chinensis. Forty-two sample trees from a wild population were tested for polymorphism using a set of the 16 polymorphic microsatellites. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 4.6 per locus, ranging from 2 to 7. The ranges of observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.262–1.000 and 0.238–0.818, respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected at five loci and no linkage disequilibrium was observed.  相似文献   


Contents and Methods

Here we present a detailed analysis of the life history, mobility and habitat requirements of the butterfly Sericinus montelus on the basis of extensive field observations, experimental breeding, capture-mark- recapture (CMR) and transect surveys.

Life History

We found that S. montelus has three generations per year and overwinters as pupae on shrub branches in Xiaolongshan. The adults of first generation have a peak of emergence in late April. The second generation emerges at the end of June and the third in early to middle August. Within the study region, larvae of S. montelus are monophagous on Aristolochia contorta. Adults fly slowly and lay eggs in clusters.

Key Factors

Life tables show that natural enemies and human activities such as mowing, weeding and trampling during the egg and larval stages are key factors causing high mortality, killing up to 43% of eggs and 72% of larvae thereby limiting population growth and recovery.

Population Ecology

The populations of S. montelus in Xiaolongshan have a rather patchy distribution. According to CMR data, adults fly a maximum distance of 700m within a lifespan of 6 days. The host plant A. contorta, grows along the low banks of fields, irrigation ditches and paths, and can be highly affected by agricultural activities, like mowing, weeding and herding, which impact larval survival.

Population Maintenance

For S. montelus should mainly focus on reducing agricultural threats to the host plant A. contorta and on increasing habitat connectivity.  相似文献   

Albumin, the major circulating protein in blood, can undergo increased glycation in diabetes. One of the main properties of this plasma protein is its strong affinity to bind many therapeutic drugs, including warfarin and ketoprofen. In this study, we investigated whether or not there were any significant changes related to in vitro or in vivo glycation in the structural properties and the binding of human albumin to both therapeutic drugs. Structural parameters, including redox state and ketoamine contents of in vitro and in vivo glycated purified albumins, were investigated in parallel with their affinity for warfarin and ketoprofen. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the free drug concentrations and dissociation constants according to the Scatchard method. An alternative method based on fluorescence spectroscopy was also used to assess drug-binding properties. Oxidation and glycation levels were found to be enhanced in albumin purified from diabetic patients or glycated with glucose or methylglyoxal, after determination of their ketoamine, free thiol, amino group and carbonyl contents. In parallel, significant impairments in the binding affinity of in vitro and in vivo glycated albumin, as indicated by the higher dissociation constant values and confirmed by higher free drug fractions, were observed. To a lesser extent, this alteration also significantly affected diabetic albumin affinity, indicated by a lower static quenching in fluorescence spectroscopy. This work provides useful information supporting in vivo diabetic albumin could be the best model of glycation for monitoring diabetic physiopathology and should be valuable to know if glycation of albumin could contribute to variability in drugs response during diabetes.  相似文献   

Photinia × fraseri Dress (photinia) is a woody plant with high ornamental value. The anatomy and morphology of micropropagated photinia inoculated with the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Azospirillum brasilense and Azotobacter chroococcum, in combination with pulses of 49.2 μM indole-3-butyric acid during rhizogenesis, were characterized using light and electron microscopy. Leaves of inoculated in vitro plants showed better development than those subjected to auxin control only. All inoculated treatments, independent of the bacterial strain used, had leaves with two layers of palisade parenchyma, a thick cuticle and linear unicellular trichomes. There was no proliferation of undifferentiated tissue in any treatment and the plants showed shoot–root vascular connections. Ex vitro leaves and in vitro plants inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense Cd and Azotobacter chroococcum 42 had large stomata with elliptic aperture radially surrounded by small stomata on the abaxial foliar surface. In addition, plants of these treatments had a large root hair zone over the root surface. Bacteria were only observed on surfaces of root hairs. The results suggest that the structural changes induced by bacterial inoculation of photinia in vitro plants could lead to better adaptation to ex vitro conditions after transplanting.  相似文献   

Beneficial exotic trees and shrubs have been widely spread throughout semiarid and arid regions of the world. These trees and shrubs can however cause severe negative impacts. Mesquite (Prosopis species), native to the New World, is one example which continues to be promoted despite causing serious impacts both in its native and introduced ranges. We describe the population structure of the largest population of fire-tolerant hybrid mesquite (P. velutina × P. glandulosa var. glandulosa × P. pallida) in Australia, which was intentionally established in the 1930s. We compare it with invasive populations within its native range, and consider the implications for managing exotic mesquite invasions. We found relatively high juvenile densities at all levels of canopy cover (<30% to 90–100%), and low mortality rates for both juveniles and adults (<2%/y), which suggests that populations are still in an early phase of invasion. Exotic populations differed from native range populations in being more dense (average 4,859 adults/ha), having a sizable sapling (seedling and juvenile) bank that can remain quiescent under canopy cover (average 10,914 seedlings and juveniles/ha), failing to act as nurse plants for native shrubs (<8 native shrubs/ha), and almost totally excluding the herbaceous (grass) layer (average 0.3% cover). Our results suggest that ecosystem impacts in the introduced range are likely to be even worse, and management even more difficult, than has already been reported for invasions within its native range. The lack of feasible means for managing highly invasive, broad-scale mesquite populations need to be addressed, and needs to be considered explicitly when promoting mesquite as a beneficial plant.  相似文献   

Harvesting Effects and Population Ecology of Buriti Palm (Mauritia flexuosa L. f., Arecaceae) in the Jalapão Region, Central Brazil. Buriti palm is used for several purposes in Jalapão, Brazil, among which harvesting of young leaves has the greatest potential impact on palm populations. This work aimed to (i) assess buriti palm uses, (ii) identify experimentally the impacts of young-leaf harvesting on growth, survival, and leaf production of individuals, (iii) evaluate density and structure of buriti populations at different distances from a local harvester community, and (iv) quantify the fiber yield of young leaves. We conducted 21 interviews, sampled six buriti palm populations, and monitored 60 buriti individuals to evaluate the impacts of harvesting young leaves. The harvesting practices of artisans did not affect the survival, leaf production, or growth of buriti individuals. The buriti palm is abundant and has a “reverse J” population structure, indicating population regeneration. However, some signs of overexploitation were pointed out by local harvesters and observed in the field; therefore, we recommend management practices that would contribute to sustainability, such as harvesting young leaves from individuals with a large number of mature green leaves, and harvesting young leaves in sites far from the communities.  相似文献   

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