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The key protein in the initiation of Helicobacter pylori chromosome replication, DnaA, has been characterized. The amount of the DnaA protein was estimated to be approximately 3000 molecules per single cell; a large part of the protein was found in the inner membrane. The H.pylori DnaA protein has been analysed using in vitro (gel retardation assay and surface plasmon resonance (SPR)) as well as in silico (comparative computer modeling) studies. DnaA binds a single DnaA box as a monomer, while binding to the fragment containing several DnaA box motifs, the oriC region, leads to the formation of high molecular mass nucleoprotein complexes. In comparison with the Escherichia coli DnaA, the H.pylori DnaA protein exhibits lower DNA-binding specificity; however, it prefers oriC over non-box DNA fragments. As determined by gel retardation techniques, the H.pylori DnaA binds with a moderate level of affinity to its origin of replication (4nM). Comparative computer modelling showed that there are nine residues within the binding domain which are possible determinants of the reduced H.pylori DnaA specificity. Of these, the most interesting is probably the triad PTL; all three residues show significant divergence from the consensus, and Thr398 is the most divergent residue of all.  相似文献   

Summary Flow cytometry was used to study initiation of DNA replication in Escherichia coli K12 after induced expression of a plasmid-borne dnaA + gene. When the dnaA gene was induced from either the plac or the pL promoter initiation was stimulated, as evidenced by an increase in the number of origins and in DNA content per mass unit. During prolonged growth under inducing conditions the origin and DNA content per mass unit were stabilized at levels significantly higher than those found before induction or in similarly treated control cells. The largest increase was observed when using the stronger promoter pL compared to plac. Synchrony of initiation was reasonably well maintained with elevated DnaA protein concentrations, indicating that simultaneous initiation of all origins was still preferred under these conditions. A reduced rate of replication fork movement was found in the presence of rifampin when the DnaA protein was overproduced. We conclude that increased synthesis levels or increased concentrations of the DnaA protein stimulate initiation of DNA replication. The data suggest that the DnaA protein may be the limiting factor for initiation under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, ATP-bound DnaA protein can initiate chromosomal replication. After initiation, DnaA-ATP is hydrolyzed by interactions with a complex containing a replicase subunit to yield the inactive ADP-DnaA. However, the mechanisms which regenerate ATP-DnaA from ADP-DnaA are not well understood. We report here that a 70-bp DNA segment promotes exchange of the DnaA-bound nucleotide in a sequence-specific manner, thus reactivating the initiation function of DnaA in vitro. This segment contains a typical DnaA-binding 9-mer motif, the DnaA box, and two DnaA box-like sequences. The presence and precise composition of these three motifs are required for the DnaA-reactivating activity, which suggests that a highly ordered complex which includes multimeric DnaA molecules is formed for isomerization of DnaA. We named this DNA segment DARS, for DnaA-reactivating sequence. The role of DARS in regulation of DnaA function in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

We report in this paper that the amino acid residues Ile-26 and Leu-40 of the DnaA protein are essential for the DNA replication activity in vitro. Lines of evidence to support this conclusion are as follows. Variants of the DnaA protein containing either an Ile-26-Ser or Leu-40-Ser replacement were unable to support oriC DNA replication in vitro. Though the mutant DnaA proteins retained the capability to bind oriC DNA, they were unable to open the duplex DNA at oriC. Based on these and other results, we conclude that the N-terminal region of the DnaA protein is involved in the oligomerization of this protein, an essential step for the duplex opening activity at oriC.  相似文献   

产碱性蛋白酶芽孢杆菌的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测量比较在碱性蛋白平板上产生的蛋白水解圈直径,从土壤中筛选到一株高产蛋白酶菌株Bacillus sp.HFBL0079,根据生理生化特性、16S rDNA序列,鉴定为B.amyloliquefaciens。其最适培养温度为35°C-37°C,最适生长pH 8.0,在特定培养条件下16 h达到稳定期,菌体生长和蛋白酶合成同步进行。以大豆分离蛋白为氮源时发酵液具有最高酶活。发酵液在pH 10时具有最高酶活,表明为碱性蛋白酶。该菌株产生的碱性蛋白酶可水解多种天然蛋白质,对胶原蛋白水解度高于其他蛋白质,对羽毛角蛋白也有一定水解能力,提示该酶具有一定新颖性。  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli replication origin oriC and other regions with high numbers of GATC sites remain hemimethylated after replication much longer than regions with average numbers of GATC sites. The prolonged period of hemimethylation has been attributed to the presence of bound SeqA protein. Here, it was found that a GATC cluster inserted at the datA site, which binds large amounts of DnaA in vivo, did not become remethylated at all, unless the availability of the DnaA protein was severely reduced. Sequestration of oriC was also found to be affected by the availability of DnaA. The period of origin hemimethylation was reduced by approximately 30% upon a reduction in the availability of DnaA. The result shows that not only SeqA binding but also DnaA binding to newly replicated origins contributes to keeping them hemimethylated. It was also found that the number of SeqA foci increased in cells with a combination of DnaA-mediated protection and sequestration at the GATC::datA cluster.  相似文献   

Virulent lactococcal phages of the Siphoviridae family are responsible for the industrial milk fermentation failures worldwide. Lactococcus lactis, a Gram-positive bacterium widely used for the manufacture of fermented dairy products, is subjected to infections by virulent phages, predominantly those of the 936 group, including phage p2. Among the proteins coded by lactococcal phage genomes, of special interest are those expressed early, which are crucial to efficiently carry out the phage lytic cycle. We previously identified and solved the 3D structure of lactococcal phage p2 ORF34, a single stranded DNA binding protein (SSBp2). Here we investigated the molecular basis of ORF34 binding mechanism to DNA. DNA docking on SSBp2 and Molecular Dynamics simulations of the resulting complex identified R15 as a crucial residue for ssDNA binding. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging revealed the inability of the Arg15Ala mutant to bind ssDNA, as compared to the native protein. Since R15 is highly conserved among lactococcal SSBs, we propose that its role in the SSBp2/DNA complex stabilization might be extended to all the members of this protein family.  相似文献   

A newly isolated and characterized Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain fiply 3A has been found to produce an extracellular cyclic lipopeptide which structurally resembled bacillomycin D, earlier reported to be produced by Bacillus subtilis. The lipopeptide showed a dose dependent killing of three different human cancer cell lines viz. A549 (alveolar adenocarcinoma), A498 (renal carcinoma) and HCT-15 (colon adenocarcinoma), while not affecting the normal cell line L-132 (pulmonary epithelial cells) when analyzed using MTT assay and FACS analysis. Staining the cells with H2-DCFDA showed an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in the lipopeptide treated cell population. Hoechst 33342 staining of nuclei further indicated apoptosis as a major mechanism of cell death in lipopeptide treated cells and the typical symptoms of apoptosis including cell shrinkage, nuclear condensation and fragmentation of nuclei were observed. Lipopeptide treatment induced extensive DNA damage in the treated cells, which was indicated by a TUNEL assay. Flow cytometric analysis exhibited lipopeptide concentration dependent apoptosis which was further confirmed during clonogenic assay of the lipopeptide treated cells.  相似文献   

Extracellular keratinase production by the feather-degrading Amazonian isolate Bacillus sp. P45 was evaluated with various growth substrates. Higher enzyme production occurred with feather meal (FM) in comparison to casein, gelatin, and cheese whey, suggesting the specificity of this strain for the utilization of keratinous substrates. Supplementation of FM medium with carbohydrates reduced enzyme production, probably due to catabolite repression. Increased keratinase yield was achieved when NH4Cl was added to FM medium. The effects of FM and NH4Cl concentrations on enzyme production were investigated using a 22 central composite design. Feather meal was the most significant parameter, while NH4Cl concentrations resulted in slight differences in enzyme yield. In the range studied, optimal concentrations of FM and NH4Cl were 43-50 g l−1 and 1.8-8.6 g l−1, respectively, resulting in an effective low-cost medium for the production of keratinolytic protease. Crude keratinase showed maximum activity at 50 °C and pH 7.0, and was strongly inhibited by EDTA, indicating the importance of metal ions for activity/stability. The crude keratinase from mesophilic Bacillus sp. P45 could potentially be used in the bioconversion of recalcitrant keratinous wastes through an environmentally friendly and energy-saving process, producing protein hydrolysates with commercial value for utilization as animal feed and fertilizers.  相似文献   

An essential protein, DnaA, binds to 9-bp DNA sites within the origin of replication oriC. These binding events are prerequisite to forming an enigmatic nucleoprotein scaffold that initiates replication. The number, sequences, positions, and orientations of these short DNA sites, or DnaA boxes, within the oriCs of different bacteria vary considerably. To investigate features of DnaA boxes that are important for binding Mycobacterium tuberculosis DnaA (MtDnaA), we have determined the crystal structures of the DNA binding domain (DBD) of MtDnaA bound to a cognate MtDnaA-box (at 2.0 Å resolution) and to a consensus Escherichia coli DnaA-box (at 2.3 Å). These structures, complemented by calorimetric equilibrium binding studies of MtDnaA DBD in a series of DnaA-box variants, reveal the main determinants of DNA recognition and establish the [T/C][T/A][G/A]TCCACA sequence as a high-affinity MtDnaA-box. Bioinformatic and calorimetric analyses indicate that DnaA-box sequences in mycobacterial oriCs generally differ from the optimal binding sequence. This sequence variation occurs commonly at the first 2 bp, making an in vivo mycobacterial DnaA-box effectively a 7-mer and not a 9-mer. We demonstrate that the decrease in the affinity of these MtDnaA-box variants for MtDnaA DBD relative to that of the highest-affinity box TTGTCCACA is less than 10-fold. The understanding of DnaA-box recognition by MtDnaA and E. coli DnaA enables one to map DnaA-box sequences in the genomes of M. tuberculosis and other eubacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Increased synthesis of DnaA protein, obtained with plasmids carrying the dnaA gene controlled by the heat inducible pL promoter, stimulated initiation of replication from oriC about threefold. The overinitiation was determined both as an increase in copy number of a minichromosome and as an increase in chromosomal gene dosage of oriC proximal DNA. The additional replication forks which were initiated on the chromosome did not lead to an overall increase in DNA content. DNA/DNA hybridization showed an amplification encompassing less than a few hundred kilobases on each side of oriC. Kinetic studies showed that the overinitiation occurred very rapidly after the induction, and that the initiation frequency then decreased to a near normal frequency per oriC. The results indicate that the DnaA protein is one important factor in regulation of initiation of DNA replication from oriC.  相似文献   

Plasmids carrying the mioC promoter region with its two DnaA boxes are as efficient in titration of DnaA protein as plasmids carrying a replication-inactivated oriC region with its five DnaA boxes. The two DnaA boxes upstream of the mioC promoter were mutated in various ways to study the cooperativity between the DnaA boxes, and to study in vivo the in vitro-defined 9mer DnaA box consensus sequence (TT(A)/(T)TNCACA). The quality and cooperativity of the DnaA boxes were determined in two complementary ways: as titration of DnaA protein leading to derepression of the dnaA promoter, and as repression of the mioC promoter caused by the DnaA protein binding to the DnaA boxes. Titration of DnaA protein correlated with repression of the mioC promoter. The level of titration and repression with the normal promoter-proximal box (TTTTCCACA) depends strongly on the presence and the quality of a DnaA box in the promoter-distal position, whereas a promoter-proximal DnaA box with the sequence TTATCCACA titrated DnaA protein and caused significant repression of the mioC promoter without a promoter-distal DnaA box. The quality of the eight different consensus DnaA boxes located in the promoter-proximal position was determined: TTATCCACA had the highest affinity for DnaA protein. In the third position, A was better than T, and the four possibilities in the fifth position could be ranked as C >A >or=G >T. Parallel in vitro experiments using a purified DNA-binding domain of DnaA protein gave the same ranking of the binding affinities of the eight DnaA boxes.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaA73, dnaA721, and dnaA71 alleles, which encode A213D, R432L, T435K substitutions, respectively, were originally isolated as extragenic suppressors of a temperature-sensitive dnaX mutant. As the A213D substitution resides in a domain that functions in ATP binding and the R432L and T435K substitutions affect residues that recognize the DnaA box motif, they might be expected to reduce ATP and specific DNA binding, respectively. Therefore, a major objective was to quantify the biochemical defects of the mutant DnaAs to understand how the altered proteins suppress the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a dnaX mutant. A second purpose was to address the paradox that mutant proteins with substitutions of amino acids essential for recognition of the DnaA box motifs within the E. coli replication origin (oriC) may well be inactive in initiation, yet chromosomal dnaA mutants expressing DnaA proteins with the R432L and T435K substitutions are viable at temperatures from 30 to 39 degrees C. We show biochemically that mutant DnaAs carrying R432L and T435K substitutions fail to bind to the DnaA box sequence. The A213D mutant is sevenfold reduced in its affinity for ATP compared to wild-type DnaA, and its affinity for the DnaA box sequence is also reduced. However, the reduced activity of the A213D mutant in oriC plasmid replication appears to arise from a defect in DnaA oligomerization. Although the T435K mutant fails to bind to the DnaA box sequence, other results suggest that DnaA oligomerization stabilizes the binding of the mutant DnaA to oriC to support its partial activity in initiation in vitro. These results support a model that suppression of dnaX occurs by reducing the frequency of initiation to a manageable level for the mutant DnaX so that viability is maintained.  相似文献   

Control of DNA replication initiation is essential for normal cell growth. A unifying characteristic of DNA replication initiator proteins across the kingdoms of life is their distinctive AAA+ nucleotide-binding domains. The bacterial initiator DnaA assembles into a right-handed helical oligomer built upon interactions between neighbouring AAA+ domains, that in vitro stretches DNA to promote replication origin opening. The Bacillus subtilis protein Soj/ParA has previously been shown to regulate DnaA-dependent DNA replication initiation; however, the mechanism underlying this control was unknown. Here, we report that Soj directly interacts with the AAA+ domain of DnaA and specifically regulates DnaA helix assembly. We also provide critical biochemical evidence indicating that DnaA assembles into a helical oligomer in vivo and that the frequency of replication initiation correlates with the extent of DnaA oligomer formation. This work defines a significant new regulatory mechanism for the control of DNA replication initiation in bacteria.  相似文献   

The initiator protein DnaA has several unique DNA-binding features. It binds with high affinity as a monomer to the nonamer DnaA box. In the ATP form, DnaA binds cooperatively to the low-affinity ATP-DnaA boxes, and to single-stranded DNA in the 13mer region of the origin. We have carried out an extensive mutational analysis of the DNA-binding domain of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein using mutagenic PCR. We analyzed mutants exhibiting more or less partial activity by selecting for complementation of a dnaA(Ts) mutant strain at different expression levels of the new mutant proteins. The selection gave rise to 30 single amino acid substitutions and, including double substitutions, more than 100 mutants functional in initiation of chromosome replication were characterized. The analysis indicated that all regions of the DNA-binding domain are involved in DNA binding, but the most important amino acid residues are located between positions 30 and 80 of the 94 residue domain. Residues where substitutions with non-closely related amino acids have very little effect on protein function are located primarily on the periphery of the 3D structure. By comparison of the effect of substitutions on the activity for initiation of replication with the activity for repression of the mioC promoter, we identified residues that might be involved specifically in the cooperative interaction with ATP-DnaA boxes.  相似文献   

The 7 kDa Sso7 is a basic protein particularly abundant in Sulfolobus solfataricus and is involved in DNA assembly. This protein undergoes in vitro ADP-ribosylation by an endogenous poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-like enzyme. The circular dichroism spectrum of purified ADP-ribosylated Sso7 shows that this modification stabilizes the prevalent protein β-conformation, as suggested by shifting of negative ellipticity minimum to 220 nm. Moreover, a short ADP-ribose chain (up to 6-mers) bound to Sso7 is able to reduce drastically the thermoprotective and DNA condensing ability of the protein, suggesting a possible regulatory role of ADP-ribosylation in sulfolobal DNA organization.  相似文献   

The Rad51 is a highly conserved protein throughout the eukaryotic kingdom and an essential enzyme in DNA repair and recombination. It possesses DNA binding activity and ATPase activity, and interacts with meiotic chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. Drosophila Rad51, Spindle-A (SpnA) protein has been shown to be involved in repair of DNA damage in somatic cells and meiotic recombination in female germ cells. In this study, DNA binding activity of SpnA is demonstrated by both agarose gel mobility shift assay and restriction enzyme protection assay. SpnA is also shown to interact with meiotic chromosomes during prophase I in the primary spermatocytes of hsp26-spnA transgenic flies. In addition, SpnA is highly expressed in embryos, and the depletion of SpnA by RNA interference (RNAi) leads to embryonic lethality implying that SpnA is involved in early embryonic development. Therefore, these results suggest that Drosophila SpnA protein possesses properties similar to mammalian Rad51 homologs.  相似文献   

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