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Crotoxin is a neurotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom that shows immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor and analgesic activities. Structurally, this toxin is a heterodimeric complex composed by a toxic basic PLA2 (Crotoxin B or CB) non-covalently linked to an atoxic non-enzymatic and acidic component (Crotapotin, Crotoxin A or CA). Several CA and CB isoforms have been isolated and characterized, showing that the crotoxin venom fraction is, in fact, a mixture of different molecules derived from the combination of distinct subunit isoforms. Intercro (IC) is a protein from the same snake venom which presents high similarity in primary structure to CB, indicating that it could be an another isoform of this toxin. In this work, we compare IC to the crotoxin complex (CA/CB) and/or CB in order to understand its functional aspects. The experiments with IC revealed that it is a new toxin with different biological activities from CB, keeping its catalytic activity but presenting low myotoxicity and absence of neurotoxic activity. The results also indicated that IC is structurally similar to CB isoforms, but probably it is not able to form a neurotoxic active complex with crotoxin A as observed for CB. Moreover, structural and phylogenetic data suggest that IC is a new toxin with possible toxic effects not related to the typical CB neurotoxin.  相似文献   

Crotoxin (Ctx) is a potent neurotoxin of the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus (the South American rattlesnake). Ctx is a heterodimer composed of CB, a toxic PLA2 subunit, and CA, a non-toxic and non-enzymatic subunit, that potentiates the neurotoxicity of CB in vivo. The deleterious action of Ctx upon C. d. terrificus snakes themselves is known to be prevented by a PLA2 inhibitor (CNF) present in their blood serum. CNF acts by replacing CA in Ctx, thus forming a new stable complex CNF-CB. This complex no longer interacts with the target receptor (TR) to deliver CB to cause its lethal effect. Furthermore, CNF-CB seems to be reminiscent of the interaction Ctx-TR at the pre-synaptic site. In the present work, the binding competition between rat brain synaptosomes (TR) and CNF for Ctx was investigated. Radiolabeled Ctx, made of CA and one isoform of CB (CA-125ICB2), was used as ligand. The competition by unlabeled Ctx was taken as a reference. The potency of CNF as a competitor was evaluated under different incubation conditions with varying time scale addition of reagents (CA-125ICB2, synaptosomes and CA-CB2 or CNF). CNF was able to inhibit the binding of the toxin to synaptosomes as well as to partially displace the toxin already bound to its membrane target. The mechanisms of competition involved were discussed and a previous schematic model of interactions between Ctx, TR and CNF was updated.  相似文献   

Several snake species possess endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitors (sbPLIs) in their blood plasma, the primary role of which is protection against an eventual presence of toxic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) from their venom glands in the circulation. These inhibitors have an oligomeric structure of, at least, three subunits and have been categorized into three classes (α, β and γ) based on their structural features. SbγPLIs have been further subdivided into two subclasses according to their hetero or homomeric nature, respectively. Despite the considerable number of sbγPLIs described, their structures and mechanisms of action are still not fully understood. In the present study, we focused on the native structure of CNF, a homomeric sbγPLI from Crotalus durissus terrificus, the South American rattlesnake. Based on the results of different biochemical and biophysical experiments, we concluded that, while the native inhibitor occurs as a mixture of oligomers, tetrameric arrangement appears to be the predominant quaternary structure. The inhibitory activity of CNF is most likely associated with this oligomeric conformation. In addition, we suggest that the CNF tetramer has a spherical shape and that tyrosinyl residues could play an important role in the oligomerization. The carbohydrate moiety, which is present in most sbγPLIs, is not essential for the inhibitory activity, oligomerization or complex formation of the CNF with the target PLA2. A minor component, comprising no more than 16% of the sample, was identified in the CNF preparations. The amino-terminal sequence of that component is similar to the B subunits of the heteromeric sbγPLIs; however, the role played by such molecule in the functionality of the CNF, if any, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the characterization of the enzymatic features of gyroxin, a serine protease from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, capable to induce barrel rotation syndrome in rodents. Measuring the hydrolysis of the substrate ZFR-MCA, the optimal pH for proteolytic cleavage of gyroxin was found to be at pH 8.4. Increases in the hydrolytic activity were observed at temperatures from 25 °C to 45 °C, and increases of NaCl concentration up to 1 M led to activity decreases. The preference of gyroxin for Arg residues at the substrate P1 position was also demonstrated. Taken together, this work describes the characterization of substrate specificity of gyroxin, as well as the effects of salt and pH on its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

A crotoxin homolog was purified from the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom using molecular exclusion and reverse-phase HPLC. This crotoxin contained one PLA2 (Cdcolli III F6) and four crotapotin isoforms, whereas crotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom had three PLA2 isoforms and two crotapotin isoforms. SDS-PAGE showed that the C. d. collilineatus PLA2 and crotapotin had relative molecular mass of 15 and 9 kDa, respectively. Neither the PLA2 (Cdcolli III F6) nor the crotapotins (Cdcolli III F3 and F4) had any neurotoxicity in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations when tested alone. However, when PLA2 and crotapotin were coincubated before testing, the neurotoxicity was restored to a level similar to test in the venom in native crotoxin. The two crotapotins (Cdcolli III F3 and F4) differed in their ability to inhibit PLA2 activity, perhaps because of variations in their affinities for this enzyme. Cdcolli III F6 showed allosteric enzymatic behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.3 and 36°C. Full PLA2 activity required the presence of a low Ca2+ concentration and was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+ and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. These results indicate that crotoxin from C. d. collineatus venom is very similar enzymatically to crotoxin from C. d. terrificus.  相似文献   

Phospholipases A2 (PLA2) are major components of snake venoms, exerting a variety of relevant toxic actions such as neurotoxicity and myotoxicity, among others. Since the majority of toxic PLA2s are basic proteins, acidic isoforms and their possible roles in venoms are less understood. In this study, an acidic enzyme (BaspPLA2-II) was isolated from the venom of Bothrops asper (Pacific region of Costa Rica) and characterized. BaspPLA2-II is monomeric, with a mass of 14,212 ± 6 Da and a pI of 4.9. Its complete sequence of 124 amino acids was deduced through cDNA and protein sequencing, showing that it belongs to the Asp49 group of catalytically active enzymes. In vivo and in vitro assays demonstrated that BaspPLA2-II, in contrast to the basic Asp49 counterparts present in the same venom, lacks myotoxic, cytotoxic, and anticoagulant activities. BaspPLA2-II also differed from other acidic PLA2s described in Bothrops spp. venoms, as it did not show hypotensive and anti-platelet aggregation activities. Furthermore, this enzyme was not lethal to mice at intravenous doses up to 100 μg (5.9 μg/g), indicating its lack of neurotoxic activity. The only toxic effect recorded in vivo was a moderate induction of local edema. Therefore, the toxicological characteristics of BaspPLA2-II suggest that it does not play a key role in the pathophysiology of envenomings by B. asper, and that its purpose might be restricted to digestive functions. Immunochemical analyses using antibodies raised against BaspPLA2-II revealed that acidic and basic PLA2s form two different antigenic groups in B. asper venom.  相似文献   

Convulxin (CVX), a C-type lectin, isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, causes cardiovascular and respiratory disturbances and is a potent platelet activator which binds to platelet glycoprotein GPVI. The structure of CVX has been solved at 2.4A resolution to a crystallographic residual of 18.6% (R(free)=26.4%). CVX is a disulfide linked heterodimer consisting of homologous alpha and beta chains. The heterodimers are additionally linked by disulfide bridges to form cyclic alpha(4)beta(4)heterotetramers. These domains exhibit significant homology to the carbohydrate-binding domains of C-type lectins, to the factor IX-binding protein (IX-bp), and to flavocetin-A (Fl-A) but sequence and structural differences are observed in both the domains in the putative Ca(2+)and carbohydrate binding regions.  相似文献   

A new PLA2 (F16) was purified from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom by molecular exclusion chromatography followed by analytical reverse phase HPLC. The PLA2 (14.86 kDa by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry) had an amino acid sequence of SLLQFNKMIKFETRKNAVPFYAFYGCYCGWGGRRRPKDATDRCCFVHDCCYEKVTKCNTKWDIYRYSLKSGYITCGKGTWCKEQICECDRVAAECLRRSLSTYKNGYMFYPDSRCRGPSETC, and showed highly conserved Ca2+-binding and catalytic sites. F16 showed allosteric behavior with 10 mM Ca2+ and had temperature and pH optima of 25°C and 7.9, respectively. F16 (10 μg/ml) produced neuromuscular blockade in chick biventer cervicis preparations in the absence and presence of crotapotin, indicating that crotapotin was not essential for neuromuscular action in this preparation. In contrast, in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations, the neuromuscular blockade produced by the same concentration of toxin was dependent on crotapotin. Pre-incubation with heparin markedly reduced the neurotoxicity of F16. These results show that the biochemical and structural properties of F16 are similar to those of the PLA2 isoforms F15 and F17, but that the neurotoxicity and the requirement for crotapotin to form the crotoxin complex varies according to the neuromuscular preparation.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a common toxic component of snake venom, has been implicated in various pharmacological effects. In this study, a basic myotoxic PLA2, named EcTx-I was isolated from Echis carinatus snake venom by using gel filtration on Superdex G-75, and reverse phase HPLC on C18 and C8 Sepharose columns. PLA2, EcTx-I was 13,861.72 molecular weight as estimated by MALDI-TOF (15 kD by SDS-PAGE), and consisted of 121 amino acid residues cross-linked by seven disulfide bonds. The N-terminal sequences revealed significant homology with basic myotoxic PLA2s from other snake venoms. The purified PLA2 EcTx-I was evaluated (250 μg/ml) for bactericidal activity of a wide variety of human pathogens against Burkholderia pseudomallei (KHW&TES), Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. EcTx-I showed strong antibacterial activity against B. pseudomallei (KHW) and E. aerogenes among the tested bacteria. Other Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria showed only a moderate effect. However, the Gram-positive bacterium E. aerogenes failed to show any effect on EcTx-I protein at tested doses. The most significant bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect of EcTx-I was observed at MICs of >15 μg/ml against (B. pseudomallei, KHW) and MICs >30 μg/ml against E. aerogenes. Mechanisms of bactericidal and membrane damaging effects were proved by ultra-structural analysis. EcTx-I was able to induce cytotoxicity on THP-1 cells in vitro as well as lethality in BALB/c mice. EcTx-I also induced mild myotoxic effects on mouse skin, but was devoid of hemolytic effects on human erythrocytes up to 500 μg/ml. It is shown that the toxic effect induced by E. carinatus venom is due to the presence of myotoxic PLA2 (EcTx-I). The result also corroborates the hypothesis of an association between toxic and enzymatic domains. In conclusion, EcTx-I displays a heparin binding C-terminal region, which is probably responsible for the cytotoxic and bactericidal effects.  相似文献   

A phospholipase A2 was isolated from the snake venom of Chinese Agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis by column chromatography using DEAE Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration chromatography and Mono Q ion-exchange chromatography, and designated as Akbu-PLA2. It showed an average molecular mass of 13,980 ± 3 amu determined by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry. Protein identification results from HPLC-nESI-MS/MS analysis indicated that the Akbu-PLA2 was a new snake venom acidic PLA2. Seven peptides were sequenced from Akbu-PLA2 by HPLC-nESI-MS/MS analysis. Sequencing alignment indicated that Akbu-PLA2 shared homolog peptides of phospholipases A2 from the venoms of Gloydius ussurensis, Gloydius halys, Gloydius halys (halys viper), Deinagkistrodon acutus and Agkistrodon halys Pallas. Akbu-PLA2 has an optimum hydrolytic activity temperature of ∼45 °C. The intrinsic fluorescences of Tyr and Trp residues of Akbu-PLA2 showed emission wavelengths red-shifted by 13.6 and 1.6 nm from those of free Tyr and Trp, respectively. Akbu-PLA2 was shown to contain one Ca2+ per monomer by ICP-AES measurement. The Ca2+ ion was found to be critical for both the hydrolytic activity and the structure of Akbu-PLA2. Ca2+ increased the emission fluorescence intensity and the hydrophobicity of the environment of Akbu-PLA2. The hydrolytic activity of Akbu-PLA2 was accelerated due to the addition of Ca2+ ion by enhancing the substrate binding. However, a protein component with the molecular weight two-fold relative to that of Akbu-PLA2 was found to be difficult to eliminate for the purification of Akbu-PLA2. HPLC-nESI-MS/MS detected the same peptides from it as from Abku-PLA2, which indicated that it should be a homodimer of Akbu-PLA2. A proteomic approach, 2D SDS-PAGE coupled to HPLC-nESI-MS/MS, supported the co-existence of the Akbu-PLA2 monomer and dimer in the crude snake venom. Results from the combination of phosphoprotein and glycoprotein specific stains combined with the HPLC-nESI-MS/MS method indicated that both the Akbu-PLA2 monomer and dimer were both phosphorylated and glycosylated. The addition of exogenous Ca2+ ion was found to be able to promote the dimer formation of Akbu-PLA2. We conclude that a novel PLA2 was successfully obtained. The systemically biochemical, proteomic, structural and functional characterization results from Akbu-PLA2 reveal new threads and provide valuable inputs for the study of snake venom phospholipases A2.  相似文献   



Crotamine is a small, highly basic myotoxin from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terifficus. It is structurally well defined and exhibits some similarities with the β-defensins of vertebrates. An amazing variety of functions and targets that range from analgesia and tumor-related activity to cell penetration have been associated with crotamine. Similar to defensins, it had been argued that crotamine has antimicrobial activity, and this supposition was recently proven. Moreover, it has been argued that the antimicrobial activity of crotamine is due to the membrane permeabilizing properties of the peptide. However, until now, the detailed mechanism of this postulated membrane permeabilization was still unclear.


In this paper, we used gradient SDS-gels, mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF), and monolayer and planar lipid bilayer experiments to investigate the membrane modifying properties of crotamine.


We showed that crotamine itself forms stable monolayers because of its amphipathic structure, is easily incorporated into lipid monolayers and forms well-defined pores with low cationic selectivity in planar lipid bilayers; these properties might account for the antimicrobial activity of crotamine. The pores are probably oligomeric aggregates of crotamine molecules, as suggested by the tendency of crotamine to form oligomers in aqueous solution and the fact that the structure of crotamine does not allow pore formation by monomers.


The membrane modifying and antimicrobial properties of crotamine are probably due to homo-oligomeric pore formation in membranes.

General significance

The results should be highly interesting to researchers in the fields of biophysics, pharmacology, toxicology and antibiotics.  相似文献   

Wei JF  Li T  Wei XL  Sun QY  Yang FM  Chen QY  Wang WY  Xiong YL  He SH 《Biochimie》2006,88(10):1331-1342
Group IIA phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) are major components in Viperidae/Crotalidae venom. In the present study, a novel PLA(2) named promutoxin with Arg at the site 49 has been purified from the venom of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus by chromatography. It consists of 122 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 13,656 Da assessed by MALDI-TOF. It has the structural features of snake venom group IIA PLA(2)s, but has no PLA(2) enzymatic activity. Promutoxin shows higher amino acid sequence identity to the K49 PLA(2)s (72-95%) than to D49 PLA(2)s (52-58%). Promutoxin exhibits potent myotoxicity in the animal model with as little as 1 microg of promutoxin causing myonecrosis and myoedema in the gastrocnemius muscle of mice. Promutoxin is also able to stimulate the release of IL-12, TNFalpha, IL-6 and IL-1beta from human monocytes, and induce IL-2, TNFalpha and IL-6 release from T cells, indicating that this snake venom group IIA PLA(2) is actively involved in the inflammatory process in man caused by snake venom poisoning.  相似文献   

Picolo G  Cury Y 《Life sciences》2004,75(5):559-573
Previous work has shown that nitric oxide (NO) mediates the antinociceptive effect of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom on carrageenin-induced hyperalgesia. In the present study the role of constitutive neuronal or of inducible form of nitric oxide synthase on venom effect was determined. The rat paw prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2))-induced mechanical hyperalgesia model was used for nociceptive evaluation. The venom (200 microg/kg) administered per oz immediately before prostaglandin induced antinociception that persisted for 120 h. The characterisation of the antinociceptive effect of the venom in this model of hyperalgesia showed that kappa and delta-opioid receptors are involved in this effect. 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), a neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, but not L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (L-NIL), an inhibitor of the inducible form of NOS, injected by intraplantar (i.pl.) route, antagonized the antinociceptive effect of the venom. The i.pl. administration of 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one (ODQ), a selective guanylate cyclase inhibitor, blocked antinociception, whereas Rp-cGMP triethylamine, a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, partially reversed this effect. These data indicate that peripheral kappa- and delta-opioid receptors are involved in the antinociceptive effect of Crotalus durissus terrificus on prostaglandin E(2)-induced hyperalgesia. Peripheral nitric oxide, generated by neuronal NO synthase, and cGMP/PKc are responsible, at least partially, for the molecular mechanisms of venom effect.  相似文献   

BaTX PLA2, a K49 phospholipase A2 homologue was purified from Bothrops alternatus venom after two chromatographic steps, molecular exclusion on Superdex 75 and reverse phase HPLC on μ-Bondapack C-18. A molecular mass of 13898.71 Da was determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The amino acid composition showed that BaTX has a high content of Lys, Tyr, Gly, Pro, and 14 half-Cys residues, typical of a basic PLA2. The complete amino acid sequence of BaTX PLA2 contains 121 residues, resulting in a calculated pI value of 8.63. This sequence shows high identity values when compared to other K49 PLA2s isolated from the venoms of viperid snakes. Lower identity is observed in comparison to D49 PLA2s. The sequence was SLFELGKMIL QETGKNPAKS YGAYYCYCGW GGQGQPKDAT DRCCYVHKCC YKKLTGCNPK KDRYSYSWKD KTIVCGENNS CLKELCECDK AVAICLRENL NTYNKKYRYY LKPLCKKADA C. In mice, BaTX induced myonecrosis and edema, upon intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, respectively. The LD50 of BaTX was 7 μg/g body weight, by intravenous route. In vitro, the toxin caused a potent blockade of neuromuscular transmission in young chicken biventer cervicis preparations. The blockage 50% was achieved at a concentration of 0.03 μM: 40 ± 0.4 min and 0.07 μM: 35 ± 0.3 min. Moreover, this protein induced a rapid cytolytic effect upon mouse skeletal muscle myoblasts in culture. Thus, the combined structural and functional information obtained identify BaTX as a new member of the K49 PLA2 family, which presents the typical bioactivities described for such proteins.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is one of the main components of bee venom. Here, we identify a venom PLA2 from the bumblebee, Bombus ignitus. Bumblebee venom PLA2 (Bi-PLA2) cDNA, which was identified by searching B. ignitus venom gland expressed sequence tags, encodes a 180 amino acid protein. Comparison of the genomic sequence with the cDNA sequence revealed the presence of four exons and three introns in the Bi-PLA2 gene. Bi-PLA2 is an 18-kDa glycoprotein. It is expressed in the venom gland, cleaved between the residues Arg44 and Ile45, and then stored in the venom sac. Comparative analysis revealed that the mature Bi-PLA2 (136 amino acids) possesses features consistent with other bee PLA2s, including ten conserved cysteine residues, as well as a highly conserved Ca2+-binding site and active site. Phylogenetic analysis of bee PLA2s separated the bumblebee and honeybee PLA2 proteins into two groups. The mature Bi-PLA2 purified from the venom of B. ignitus worker bees hydrolyzed DBPC, a known substrate of PLA2. Immunofluorescence staining of Bi-PLA2-treated insect Sf9 cells revealed that Bi-PLA2 binds at the cell membrane and induces apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   

Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2, a D49 protein, were purified from Crotalus durissus ruruima venom after one chromatographic step, reverse phase HPLC on μ-Bondapack C-18. The molecular mass by SDS-PAGE of Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2 was 14333.49 Da and 14296.42 Da, respectively and confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry .The amino acid composition showed that both isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 have a high content of Lys, Tyr, Gly, Arg, and 14 half-Cys residues, typical of a basic PLA2. The isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 had a sequence of amino acids of 122 amino acid residues, being Cdr-12: SLLQFNKMIK FETRKNAIPF YAFYGCYCGW GGQGRPKDAT DRCCIVHDCC YGKLAKCNTK WDFYRYSLRS GYFQCGKGTW CEQQICECDR VAAECLRRSL STYRYGYMIY PDSRCREPSE TC and pI value 8.37 and Cdr-13: SLVQFEKMIK EETGKNAVPF YAFYGCYCGW GGRGRPKDAT DRCCIVHDCC YEKLVKCNTK WDFYRYSLRS GYFQCGKGTW CEQQICECDR VAAECLRRSL STYRYGKMIY PDSRCREPSE TC with a pI value of 8.13 This sequence shows high identity values when compared to other D49 PLA2s isolated from venoms of crotalics snakes. Skeletal muscle preparations from the young chicken have been previously used in order to study the effects of toxins on neuromuscular transmission, providing an important opportunity to study the differentiated behavior of a toxin before more than one model, because it shows differences in its sensibilities. In mice, the PLA2 isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 induced myonecrosis and edema, upon intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, respectively. In vitro, Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2, caused a potent blockade of neuromuscular transmission in young chicken biventer cervicis preparation and produced cytotoxicity in murine C2C12 skeletal muscle myotubes and lack cytolytic activity upon myoblasts in vitro. Thus, the combined structural and functional information obtained identify Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms as members of the PLA2 family, which presents the typical bioactivities described for such proteins.  相似文献   

Geographic venom samples of Crotalus viridis viridis were obtained from South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. From these samples, the phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) were purified and their N-terminal sequences, precise masses, and in vitro enzymatic activities were determined. We purified two to four distinct acidic PLA(2)s from each sample; some of them displayed different inhibition specificities toward mammalian platelets. One of the acidic PLA(2)s induced edema, but had no anti-platelet activity. There was also a common basic PLA(2) myotoxin in all the samples. We have cloned five acidic PLA(2)s and several hybrid-like nonexpressing PLA(2)s. Molecular masses and N-terminal sequences of the purified PLA(2)s were matched with those deduced from the cDNA sequences, and the complete amino acid sequences of five novel acidic PLA(2)s were thus solved. They share 78% or greater sequence identity, and a cladogram based on the sequences of many venom acidic PLA(2)s of New World pit vipers revealed at least two subtypes. The results contribute to a better understanding of the ecogenetic adaptation of rattlesnakes and the structure-activity relationships and evolution of the acidic PLA(2)s in pit viper venom.  相似文献   

This work aimed at the isolation and structural/functional characterization of a phospholipase A2 (CgPLA2) from the extract of the anemone Condylactis gigantea. CgPLA2 was isolated with a high purity level through three chromatographic steps, showing pI ˜ 8.6 and molecular weights of 14,500 and 29,000 for the monomer and dimer, respectively. CgPLA2 showed a high catalytic activity upon fluorescent phospholipids inducing no direct hemolytic activity. This enzyme, which is Ca2+-dependent, showed a lower stability against temperature and pH variations when compared with snake venom enzymes. The enzymatic activity was significantly reduced or completely abolished after chemical modification of CgPLA2 with BPB. Its cDNA was then obtained, with 357 base pairs which codified for a mature protein of 119 amino acid residues. A comparative analysis of the primary structure of CgPLA2 revealed 84%, 61%, 43% and 42% similarity to the PLA2s from Adamsia carciniopados, Nematostella vectensis, Vipera russelli russelli and Bothrops jararacussu, respectively.  相似文献   

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