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Various neurotoxic peptides modulate voltage-gated sodium (Na(V)) channels and thereby affect cellular excitability. Delta-conotoxins from predatory cone snails slow down inactivation of Na(V) channels, but their interaction site and mechanism of channel modulation are unknown. Here, we show that delta-conotoxin SVIE from Conus striatus interacts with a conserved hydrophobic triad (YFV) in the domain-4 voltage sensor of Na(V) channels. This site overlaps with that of the scorpion alpha-toxin Lqh-2, but not with the alpha-like toxin Lqh-3 site. Delta-SVIE functionally competes with Lqh-2, but exhibits strong cooperativity with Lqh-3, presumably by synergistically trapping the voltage sensor in its "on" position.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) have been linked to inherited forms of epilepsy. The expression and biophysical properties of VGSC in the hippocampal neuronal culture model have not been clarified. In order to evaluate mechanisms of epileptogenesis that are related to VGSC, we examined the expression and function of VGSC in the hippocampal neuronal culture model in vitro and spontaneously epileptic rats (SER) in vivo. Our data showed that the peak amplitude of transient, rapidly-inactivating Na+ current (INa,T) in model neurons was significantly increased compared with control neurons, and the activation curve was shifted to the negative potentials in model neurons in whole cell recording by patch–clamp. In addition, channel activity of persistent, non-inactivating Na+ current (INa,P) was obviously increased in the hippocampal neuronal culture model as judged by single-channel patch–clamp recording. Furthermore, VGSC subtypes NaV1.1, NaV1.2 and NaV1.3 were up-regulated at the protein expression level in model neurons and SER as assessed by Western blotting. Four subtypes of VGSC proteins in SER were clearly present throughout the hippocampus, including CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus regions, and neurons expressing VGSC immunoreactivity were also detected in hippocampal neuronal culture model by immunofluorescence. These findings suggested that the up-regulation of voltage-gated sodium channels subtypes in neurons coincided with an increased sodium current in the hippocampal neuronal culture model, providing a possible explanation for the observed seizure discharge and enhanced excitability in epilepsy.  相似文献   

One of the major physiological roles of the neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel is to generate action potentials at the axon hillock/initial segment and to ensure propagation along myelinated or unmyelinated fibers to nerve terminal. These processes require a precise distribution of sodium channels accumulated at high density in discrete subdomains of the nerve membrane. In neurons, information relevant to ion channel trafficking and compartmentalization into sub-domains of the plasma membrane is far from being elucidated. Besides, whereas information on dendritic targeting is beginning to emerge, less is known about the mechanisms leading to the polarized distribution of proteins in axon. To obtain a better understanding of how neurons selectively target sodium channels to discrete subdomains of the nerve, we addressed the question as to whether any of the large intracellular regions of Nav1.2 contain axonal sorting and/or clustering signals. We first obtained evidence showing that addition of the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal region of Nav1.2 restricted the distribution of a dendritic-axonal reporter protein to axons of hippocampal neurons. The analysis of mutants revealed that a di-leucine-based motif mediates chimera compartmentalization in axons and its elimination in soma and dendrites by endocytosis. The analysis of the others generated chimeras showed that the determinant conferring sodium channel clustering at the axonal initial segment is contained within the cytoplasmic loop connecting domains II-III of Nav1.2. Expression of a soluble Nav1.2 II-III linker protein led to the disorganization of endogenous sodium channels. The motif was sufficient to redirect a somatodendritic potassium channel to the axonal initial segment, a process involving association with ankyrin G. Thus, it is conceivable that concerted action of the two determinants is required for sodium channel compartmentalization in axons.  相似文献   

Scorpion alpha-like toxins are proteins that act on mammalian and insect voltage-gated Na+ channels. Therefore, these toxins constitute an excellent target for examining the foundations that underlie their target specificity. With this motive we dissected the role of six critical amino acids located in the five-residue reverse turn (RT) and C-tail (CT) of the scorpion alpha-like toxin BmK M1. These residues were individually substituted resulting in 11 mutants and were subjected to a bioassay on mice, an electrophysiological characterization on three cloned voltage-gated Na+ channels (Nav1.2, Nav1.5 and para), a CD analysis and X-ray crystallography. The results reveal two molecular sites, a couplet of residues (8-9) in the RT and a hydrophobic surface consisting of residues 57 and 59-61 in the CT, where the substitution with specific residues can redirect the alpha-like characteristics of BmK M1 to either total insect or much higher mammal specificity. Crystal structures reveal that the pharmacological ramification of these mutants is accompanied by the reshaping of the 3D structure surrounding position 8. Furthermore, our results also reveal that residues 57 and 59-61, located at the CT, enclose the critical residue 58 in order to form a hydrophobic "gasket". Mutants of BmK M1 that interrupt this hydrophobic surface significantly gain insect selectivity.  相似文献   

Asymmetric displacement currents, I g , associated with the gating of nerve sodium channels have been recorded in cell-attached macropatches of Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with exogenous mRNA coding for rat-brain-II sodium channels. The I g properties were found to be similar to those of gating currents previously observed in native nerve preparations. I g fluctuations were measured in order to ascertain the discreteness of the conformational changes which precede the channel opening. The autocorrelation of the fluctuations is consistent with a shot-like character of the elementary I g contributions. The variance of the fluctuations indicates that most of the gating-charge movement that accompanies the activation of a single sodium channel occurs in 2 to 3 brief packets, each carrying an equivalent of about 2.3 electron charges.  相似文献   

δ-Atracotoxins (δ-ACTXs) are peptide toxins isolated from the venom of Australian funnel-web spiders that slow sodium current inactivation in a similar manner to scorpion α-toxins. We have isolated and determined the amino acid sequence of a novel δ-ACTX, designated δ-ACTX-Hv1b, from the venom of the funnel-web spider Hadronyche versuta. This 42 residue toxin shows 67% sequence identity with δ-ACTX-Hv1a previously isolated from the same spider. Under whole-cell voltage-clamp conditions, the toxin had no effect on tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant sodium currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurones but exerted a concentration-dependent reduction in peak TTX-sensitive sodium current amplitude accompanied by a slowing of sodium current inactivation similar to other δ-ACTXs. However, δ-ACTX-Hv1b is approximately 15–30-fold less potent than other δ-ACTXs and is remarkable for its complete lack of insecticidal activity. Thus, the sequence differences between δ-ACTX-Hv1a and -Hv1b provide key insights into the residues that are critical for targeting of these toxins to vertebrate and invertebrate sodium channels.  相似文献   

A previous study showed that antitumor-analgesic peptide (AGAP), a novel recombinant polypeptide, which had been expressed in Escherichia coli, exhibits analgesic and antitumor effects in mice. In the present study, we investigated the underlying analgesic mechanism of AGAP. The effect of AGAP on voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) was assessed in acutely isolated rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. The results showed that AGAP potently inhibited VGCCs, especially high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels. AGAP inhibited HVA and T-type calcium currents in a dose-dependent manner, but had no significant effect on their dynamic functions in rat small-diameter DRG neurons. AGAP inhibited N- and L-type calcium currents at 78.2% and 57.3%, respectively. Thus, the present study demonstrates that AGAP affects calcium currents through the inhibition of N-, L- and T-type channels in DRG neurons, explaining the potential mechanisms of antinociception.  相似文献   

Many large organic cations are potent blockers of K(+) channels and other cation-selective channels belonging to the P-region superfamily. However, the mechanism by which large hydrophobic cations enter and exit the narrow pores of these proteins is obscure. Previous work has shown that a conserved Lys residue in the DEKA locus of voltage-gated Na(+) channels is an important determinant of Na(+)/K(+) discrimination, exclusion of Ca(2+), and molecular sieving of organic cations. In this study, we sought to determine whether the Lys(III) residue of the DEKA locus interacts with internal tetra-alkylammonium cations (TAA(+)) that block Na(+) channels in a voltage-dependent fashion. We investigated block by a series of TAA(+) cations of the wild-type rat muscle Na(+) channel (DEKA) and two different mutants of the DEKA locus, DEAA and DERA, using whole-cell recording. TEA(+) and larger TAA(+) cations block both wild-type and DEAA channels. However, DEAA exhibits dramatic relief of block by large TAA(+) cations as revealed by a positive inflection in the macroscopic I-V curve at voltages greater than +140 mV. Paradoxically, relief of block at high positive voltage is observed for large (e.g., tetrapentylammonium) but not small (e.g., TEA(+)) symmetrical TAA(+) cations. The DEKA wild-type channel and the DERA mutant exhibit a similar relief-of-block phenomenon superimposed on background current rectification. The results indicate: (a) hydrophobic TAA(+) cations with a molecular diameter as large as 15 A can permeate Na(+) channels from inside to outside when driven by high positive voltage, and (b) the Lys(III) residue of the DEKA locus is an important determinant of inward rectification and internal block in Na(+) channels. From these observations, we suggest that hydrophobic interfaces between subunits, pseudosubunits, or packed helices of P-region channel proteins may function in facilitating blocker access to the pore, and may thus play an important role in the blocking and permeation behavior of large TAA(+) cations and potentially other kinds of local anesthetic molecules.  相似文献   

The 'functional dyad', a well-defined pair of amino acid residues (basic and hydrophobic residues), is a key molecular determinant present in most animal toxins acting on voltage-gated Kv1 channels. It is increasingly used as a working concept to explain how toxins are able to recognize and block their specific ion channel targets. However, other crucial toxin determinants are emerging and the actual role of this 'functional dyad' ought to be clarified, which is the object of the present mini-review.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are the basic ion channels for neuronal excitability, which are crucial for the resting potential and the generation and propagation of action potentials in neurons. To date, at least nine distinct sodium channel isoforms have been detected in the nervous system. Recent studies have identified that voltage-gated sodium channels not only play an essential role in the normal electrophysiological activities of neurons but also have a close relationship with neurological diseases. In this study, the latest research findings regarding the structure, type, distribution, and function of VGSCs in the nervous system and their relationship to neurological diseases, such as epilepsy, neuropathic pain, brain tumors, neural trauma, and multiple sclerosis, are reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

The α-subunit of both the human heart (hH1) and human skeletal muscle (hSkM1) sodium channels were expressed in a mammalian expression system. The channels displayed slow (hH1) and fast (hSkM1) current decay kinetics similar to those seen in native tissues. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the region on the α-subunit involved in the differences of these current-decay kinetics. A series of hH1/hSkM1 chimeric sodium channels were constructed with the focus on the C-terminal region. Sodium currents of chimeric channels were recorded using the patch-clamp technique in whole-cell configuration. Chimeras where the C-terminal region had been exchanged between hH1 and hSkM1 revealed that this region contains the elements that cause differences in current decay kinetics between these sodium channel isoforms. Other biophysical characteristics (steady-state activation and inactivation and recovery from inactivation) were similar to the phenotype of the parent channel. This indicates that the C-terminus is exclusively implicated in the differences of current decay kinetics. Several other chimeras were constructed to identify a specific region of the C-terminus causing this difference. Our results showed that the first 100-amino-acid stretch of the C-terminal region contains constituents that could cause the differences in current decay between the heart and skeletal muscle sodium channels. This study has uncovered a direct relationship between the C-terminal region and the current-decay of sodium channels. These findings support the premise that a novel regulatory component exists for fast inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels. Received: 1 March 2001/Revised: 18 May 2001  相似文献   

Ion-conducting channels formed in lipid bilayers by diphtheria toxin are highly pH dependent. Among other properties, the channel's single channel conductance and selectivity depend on proton concentrations on either side of the membrane. We have previously shown that a 61 amino acid fragment of DT is sufficient to form a channel having the same pH-dependent single channel properties as that of the intact toxin. This region corresponds to an a-helical hairpin in the recently published crystal structure of DT in solution; the hairpin contains two -helices, each long enough to span a membrane, connected by a loop of about nine residues. This paper reports on the single channel effects of mutations which alter the two negatively charged residues in this loop. Changing Glutamate 349 to neutral glutamine or to positive lysine has no effect on the DT channel's single channel conductance or selectivity. In contrast, mutations of Aspartate 352 to neutral asparagine (DT-D352N) or positive lysine (DT-D352K) cause progressive reductions in single channel conductance at pH 5.3 cis/7.2 trans (in 1 m KCl), consistent with this group interacting electrostatically with ions in the channel. The cation selectivity of these mutant channels is also reduced from that of wild-type channels, a direction consistent with residue 352 influencing permeant ions via electrostatic forces. When both sides of the membrane are at pH 4, the conductance difference between wild-type and DT-D352N channels is minimal, suggesting that Asp 352 (in the wild type) is neutral at this pH. Differences observed between wild-type and DT-D352N channels at pH 4.0 cis/7.2 trans (with a high concentration of permeant buffer in the cis compartment) imply that residue 352 is on or near the trans side of the membrane. Comparing the conductances of wild-type and DT-D352K channels at large (cis) positive voltages supports this conclusion. The trans location of position 352 severely constrains the number of possible membrane topologies for this region.This work was supported by NIH grants AI22021, AI22848 (R.J.C.), T32 GM07288 (J.A.M.) and GM29210 (A.F.).  相似文献   

Recent findings showing a relation between mutations in the Na(V)1.7 channel in humans and altered pain sensation has contributed to increase the attractiveness of this ion channel as target for development of potential analgesics. Amido chromanes 1 and 2 were identified as blockers of the Na(V)1.7 channel and analogues with modifications of the 5-substituent and the carboxamide part of the molecule were prepared to establish the structure-activity relationship. Compounds 13 and 29 with good overall in vitro and in vivo rat PK profile were identified. Furthermore, 29 showed in vivo efficacy in a nociceptive pain model.  相似文献   

The conductance of channels formed by diphtheria toxin (DT) in lipid bilayer membranes depends strongly on pH. We have previously shown that a 61 amino acid region of the protein, denoted TH8-9, is sufficient to form channels having the same pH-dependent conductance properties as those of whole toxin channels. One residue in this region, Aspartate 352, is responsible for all the dependence of single channel conductance on trans pH, whereas another, Glutamate 349, has no effect. Here, we report that of the seven remaining charged residues in the TH8-9 region, mutations altering the charge on H322, H323, H372, and R377 have minimal effects on single channel conductance; mutations of Glutamates 326, 327, or 362, however, significantly affect single channel conductance as well as its dependence on cis pH. Moreover, Glutamate 362 is titratable from both the cis and trans sides of the membrane, suggesting that this residue lies within the channel; it is more accessible, however, to cis than to trans protons. These results are consistent with the membrane-spanning topology previously proposed for the TH8-9 region, and suggest a geometric model for the DT channel.This work was supported by NIH grants AI22021, AI22848 (R.J.C.), T32 GM07288 (J.A.M.) and GM29210 (A.F.).  相似文献   

The mean sodium current, I, and the variance of sodium current fluctuations, var, were measured in myelinated nerve during a depolarization to V = 40 mV applied from the resting potential (VH = 0) or from a hyperpolarizing holding potential VH = ?28 mV. From I and var the relative variations in the number N and the conductance γ of sodium channels following changes of the holding potential were calculated. Hyperpolarizing the membrane from VH = 0 to ?28 mV increased N by a factor of 3.7, whereas γ decreased by a factor of 0.53. These actions of holding potential on sodium channels develop slowly since 500 ms prepulses to 0 or ?28 mV do not alter the values of N and γ.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(V)s) form homotetramers with each subunit contributing six transmembrane α-helices (S1-S6). Helices S5 and S6 form the ion-conducting pore, and helices S1-S4 function as the voltage sensor with helix S4 thought to be the essential element for voltage-dependent activation. Although the crystal structures have provided insight into voltage-gated K channels (K(V)s), revealing a characteristic domain arrangement in which the voltage sensor domain of one subunit is close to the pore domain of an adjacent subunit in the tetramer, the structural and functional information on Na(V)s remains limited. Here, we show that the domain arrangement in NaChBac, a firstly cloned prokaryotic Na(V), is similar to that in K(V)s. Cysteine substitutions of three residues in helix S4, Q107C, T110C, and R113C, effectively induced intersubunit disulfide bond formation with a cysteine introduced in helix S5, M164C, of the adjacent subunit. In addition, substituting two acidic residues with lysine, E43K and D60K, shifted the activation of the channel to more positive membrane potentials and consistently shifted the preferentially formed disulfide bond from T110C/M164C to Q107C/M164C. Because Gln-107 is located closer to the extracellular side of helix S4 than Thr-110, this finding suggests that the functional shift in the voltage dependence of activation is related to a restriction of the position of helix S4 in the lipid bilayer. The domain arrangement and vertical mobility of helix S4 in NaChBac indicate that the structure and the mechanism of voltage-dependent activation in prokaryotic Na(V)s are similar to those in canonical K(V)s.  相似文献   

Zarrabi M  Naderi-Manesh H 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1441-1449
Kappa-Hefutoxin1 is a K(+) channel-blocking toxin from the scorpion Heterometrus fluvipes. It is a 22-residue protein that adapts a novel fold of two parallel helices linked by two disulfide bridges without beta-sheets. Recognition of interactions of kappa-Hefutoxin1 with the voltage-gated potassium channels, Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Kv1.3, was studied by 3D-Dock software package. All structures of kappa-Hefutoxin1 were considered during the simulations, which indicated that even small changes in the structure of kappa-Hefutoxin1 considerably affected both the recognition and the binding between kappa-Hefutoxin1 and the Kv1 channels. kappa-Hefutoxin1 is located around the extracellular part of the Kv1 channels, making contacts with its helices. Lys 19, Tyr 5, Arg 6, Trp 9, or Arg 10 in the toxin and residues Asp 402, His 404, Thr 407,Gly 401, and Asp 386 in each subunit of the Kv potassium channel are the key residues for the toxin-channel recognition. Moreover, the simulation result demonstrates that the hydrophobic interactions are important in interaction of negatively charged toxins with potassium channels. The results of our docking/molecular dynamics simulations indicate that our 3D model structure of the kappa-Hefutoxin1-complex is both reasonable and acceptable and could be helpful for smarter drug design and the blocking agents of Kv1 channels.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are thought to be important ion channels, particularly for the perception of pain. Some of them may also contribute to synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. Psalmotoxin 1 (PcTx1), the first potent and specific blocker of the ASIC1a proton-sensing channel, has been successfully expressed in the Drosophila melanogaster S2 cell recombinant expression system used here for the first time to produce a spider toxin. The recombinant toxin was identical in all respects to the native peptide, and its three-dimensional structure in solution was determined by means of (1)H 2D NMR spectroscopy. Surface characteristics of PcTx1 provide insights on key structural elements involved in the binding of PcTx1 to ASIC1a channels. They appear to be localized in the beta-sheet and the beta-turn linking the strands, as indicated by electrostatic anisotropy calculations, surface charge distribution, and the presence of residues known to be implicated in channel recognition by other inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) toxins.  相似文献   

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