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Responses of adult Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to light alone and to a combination of attractant(s) and green/UV lights were studied. When P. interpunctella adults were given a choice between dark areas and areas illuminated with UV, green, or white light, they rested preferentially on surfaces in the illuminated areas. UV light elicited the strongest of the positive phototactic responses. Light traps were not as effective as traps baited with pheromones or food lures in capturing adult moths, and combining green or UV light with these attractants did not significantly increase the trap catches. Gravid females required a period of darkness to realize maximum oviposition, and illumination above 8 lx during the scotophase of a 24-hr light–dark cycle inhibited oviposition.  相似文献   

The physiological and developmental effects of harmine, a β-carboline alkaloid, on the insect pest Plodia interpunctella have been analyzed. When added at the larval diet, harmine induced a strong reduction of larvae weight, cannibalism between larvae, in addition to significant mortality. On the other hand, it caused a remarkable development disruption, manifested by both delay and reduction of pupation and adult emergence. Using spectrophotometric assays, we have shown that harmine ingestion provoked a severe reduction in protein, glycogen and lipid contents. Beside, when larvae fed harmine, the activity of the digestive enzyme α-amylase was strongly reduced. In conclusion, our experiments clearly show the susceptibility of P. interpunctella to harmine ingestion revealing the potent bioinsecticidal effect of harmine.  相似文献   

王平远 《昆虫学报》1964,(4):628-631
北京地区盛产甜枣,每年秋季鲜枣成熟的时候,常普遍发生虫害。果实虽然表面光滑,丝毫看不到虫蛀痕迹,内部多已早被蛀食,枣核四周虫粪累累,粪粒间隐藏着一条蠕动的幼虫。这种鲜枣害虫由于习性隐蔽,而且潜藏果实内部,人们多称作枣蚀心虫。枣果受害以后,容易引起早熟。无虫害的果实还嫩绿的时候,被害果实的表皮已吐露红色。枣果  相似文献   

Ko&#;  Y. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,48(3):S1-S9
Biology Bulletin - Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) dried fruit moth was used in this study. The influence of photoperiod, light starting time and type of food on P. interpunctella’s...  相似文献   

The anatomy of the neurosecretory cells in the brain-subesophageal ganglion complex of female European corn borer moth Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied using histological and cobalt backfilling techniques. Histological staining revealed the presence of 2 median and one lateral neurosecretory cell groups in the brain. These brain neurosecretory cells are made up of mainly type A cells with a few type B cells in the median group. Three type C neurosecretory cell clusters occupy the apparent mandibular, maxillary, and labial neuromeres at the ventral median aspect of the subesophageal ganglion. Axonal pathways of the neurosecretory cell groups were delineated by retrograde cobalt filling from the corpora cardiaca. Fibers of the 3 brain neurosecretory cell groups merged to form a distinct axonal tract that exits the brain via the fused nervi corporis cardiaci-1 + 2. Cobalt backfilling from the corpora cardiaca filled 4 groups of cell bodies in the subesophageal ganglion. The presence in the subesophageal ganglion of extensive dendritic arborizations derived from the brain suggests interactions between neurosecretory cell groups in the 2 head ganglia.  相似文献   

The level of chitin synthesis was determined in whole last-instar larvae and in pupae of Plodia interpunctella, and in epidermal tissue from similar stages of Galleria mellonella. The incorporation of radiolabelled N-acetyl-d-glucosamine into chitin was used to measure synthesis. Chitin production was similar in both species with peaks of synthesis occurring at the beginning of the last larval instar, in prepupae, in white pupae and prior to adult emergence. P. interpunctella also exhibited an additional small increase at mid-instar. Exposure of larval epidermis of P. interpunctella to 20-hydroxyecdysone in vitro stimulated chitin synthesis, but only after a 24 hr lag period subsequent to exposure to the hormone. This hormonal stimulation of chitin synthesis was inhibited by actinomycin-D and cycloheximide which suggested that 20-hydroxyecdysone-stimulated production of chitin depended on synthesis of RNA and protein. Comparison of the synthesis of chitin in epidermis of G. mellonella with previously published ecdysone titres, indicated that chitin production in vivo is preceded by an elevated ecdysone titre.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status and biogeography of the North American Raphia species is reviewed using adult morphology, larval host plants, geographic phenotypic variation, and variation of mtDNA COI barcode sequences. Lack of diagnostic morphological differences, combined with relatively low mtDNA barcode divergences and clinal phenotypic variation in key geographic regions indicate that the six previously recognized species of North American Raphia are best interpreted as parapatric subspecies. Raphia frater abrupta Grote, stat. n., R. f. coloradensis Putnam-Cramer, stat. r., R. f. piazzi Hill, stat. n., and R. f. elbea Smith, stat. n., are accordingly revised to subspecies of R. frater Grote. Type locality restrictions are provided for Raphia abrupta and Raphia frater and a neotype is designated for Raphia frater var. coloradensis.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven species of the genus Coleophora Hübner (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) are recognized in the Korean peninsula, including seven species that are new to Korea: C. albicans Zeller, C. falkovitshella Vives, C. honshuella Baldizzone & Oku, C. japonicella Oku, C. kononenkoi Baldizzone & Savenkov, C. rectimarginalis Li, and C. vestianella (Linnaeus). For all known species, bibliographies, collecting localities, distribution, biological information, and some taxonomic notes are provided, with illustrations of the male or the female genitalia.  相似文献   

Binding of three Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal proteins (ICPs) to the midgut epithelium of Ostrinia nubilalis larvae was characterized by performing binding experiments with both isolated brush border membrane vesicles and gut tissue sections. Our results demonstrate that two independent ICP receptors are present in the brush border of O. nubilalis gut epithelium. From competition binding experiments performed with I-labeled and native ICPs it was concluded that CryIA(b) and CryIA(c) are recognized by the same receptor. An 11-fold-higher binding affinity of CryIA(b) for this receptor correlated with a 10-fold-higher toxicity of this ICP compared with CryIA(c). The CryIB toxin did not compete for the binding site of CryIA(b) and CryIA(c). Immunological detection of ingested B. thuringiensis ICPs on gut sections of O. nubilalis larvae revealed binding only along the epithelial brush border membrane. CryID and CryIE, two ICPs that are not toxic to O. nubilalis, were not bound to the apical microvilli of gut epithelial cells. In vitro binding experiments performed with native and biotinylated ICPs on tissue sections confirmed the correlation between ICP binding and toxicity. Moreover, by performing heterologous competition experiments with biotinylated and native ICPs, it was confirmed that the CryIB receptor is different from the receptor for CryIA(b) and CryIA(c). Retention of activated crystal proteins by the peritrophic membrane was not correlated with toxicity. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that CryIA(b), CryIA(c), and CryIB toxins interact in vitro with the epithelial microvilli of Malpighian tubules. In addition, CryIA(c) toxin also adheres to the basement membrane of the midgut epithelium.  相似文献   

The eggs of the meal moth, Pyralis farinalis (L.), and the murky meal moth, Aglossa caprealis (Hübner), were studied by scanning electron microscopy and diagnostic features determined. Eggs of P.farinalis are marked by a reticulate pattern of closely spaced sinuous ridges. The ridges are traversed by carinae that form a more or less continuous network over the entire surface of the egg. The cell discs and ridges are roughened by numerous minute rounded excrescences of the surface. The aeropylar openings are surrounded by double collars. Eggs of A. caprealis are marked by a reticulate pattern of polygons formed by intersecting ridges and carinae. The carinae zigzag along the ridges and form a continuous network over the entire surface. The cell discs are broad and densely marked by minute pits. The aeropylar openings are surrounded by single collars.  相似文献   

The European endemic Erebia oeme (Hübner [1804]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) is discovered in the Carpathian Chain, from where it was considered to be absent. The single population found is situated in the southern part of the Romanian Carpathians (Retezat Mountains), where it flies sympatrically and synchronically with Erebia medusa ([Denis & Schiffermüller] 1775). The similar external morphology of these two species probably caused E. oeme to be overlooked in the Carpathians, leading to an unexpected information gap in the otherwise thoroughly studied European continent. The morphology of the Romanian specimens is compared to populations from the rest of the species’ range and to E. medusa. In addition, we tested DNA barcoding as a method to discriminate between these species and confirmed that it represents an effective identification tool for the taxa involved. The habitat of E. oeme, adults of both sexes and their genitalia are illustrated in comparison with E. medusa. Based on the study of several collections, we show that E. oeme is likely to be extremely local in the Carpathians and provide arguments to consider the species as vulnerable in Romania.  相似文献   

This study provides comprehensive documentation of silk production in the pest moth Helicoverpa armigera from gland secretion to extrusion of silk thread. The structure of the silk glands, accessory structures and extrusion apparatus are reported. The general schema of the paired silk glands follows that found for Lepidoptera. Morphology of the duct, silk press, muscle attachments and spigot are presented as a three-dimensional reconstruction and the cuticular crescent-shaped profile of the silk press is demonstrated in both open and closed forms with attendant muscle blocks, allowing advances in our knowledge of how the silk press functions to regulate the extrusion of silk. Growth of the spigot across instars is documented showing a distinctive developmental pattern for this extrusion device. Its shape and structure are related to use and load-bearing activity.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings showed that female Spodoptera exigua can detect their own sex pheromones (two single components and their mixture), displaying a similar dose–response pattern to that of males, although intensities of female responses were much less at all doses compared with males. Furthermore, the female calling behavior was inhibited and late-shifted by the presence of the female sex pheromone. When the pheromone components were presented, the calling female proportion in the peak calling period was significantly reduced and the calling peak time and calling termination time postponed, compared with controls. Although the calling behavior was inhibited, the pheromone titer of treated females was not different to the control, implying a reduced pheromone biosynthesis in the pheromone glands of treated moths. However, observations during the olfactometer experiments revealed that there were no obvious behavioral responses of females exposed to sex pheromone stimuli including whole gland extracts, 0.1, 1 or 10 μg binary pheromone mixtures.  相似文献   

Sullivan JB  Lafontaine JD 《ZooKeys》2011,(149):107-116
After examining the type specimens of species in the eastern North American genus Argyrostrotis the number of known species in the genus is reduced from 10 to six through synonymy. A key to species is included along with illustrations of the adults and genitalia of each species. Three Neotropical species currently included in Argyrostrotis (Argyrostrotis eurysaces Schaus, 1914; Argyrostrotis quadrata Dognin, 1910; and Celiptera surrufula Dyar, 1913) are transferred to other genera as Argyrosticta eurysaces (Schaus, 1914), comb. n. [Noctuidae: Bagisarinae], Heterochroma quadrata (Dognin, 1910), comb. n. [Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae], and Ptichodis surrufula (Dyar, 1913), comb. n. [Erebidae: Erebinae: Euclidiini].  相似文献   

Entomological Review - A new species Agonopterix ongudaicasp. n. (Lepidoptera, Depressariidae), closely related to A. pullella Hannemann, 1971, is described from the Republic of Altai (Russia). The...  相似文献   

The widespread cultivation of transgenic soybeans has caused significant changes in the spectrum of Lepidoptera larvae, both in the number of species as well as on their densities in the field. Transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal proteins have successfully reduced the incidence of the most common caterpillars infesting soybeans, namely Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) and Chrysodeixis includens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). However, lepidopteran species not previously recorded on the crop have been recently found, and are of concern due to the possibility of adaptation to the genetically modified cultivars. The occurrence of Peridroma saucia Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is described for the first time in Brazil feeding on genetically modified soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

We studied and modeled damage caused by Helicoverpa armigera larvae on cotton with the aim of developing a coupled crop pest model. Two damage components were studied: the voracity (quantity of fresh matter and number of organs consumed) and feeding preferences (type of organ infested). The laboratory no-choice study of voracity on excised squares and bolls revealed that an H. armigera larva consumes 2,856 mg of fresh matter throughout its larval life, with the sixth instar consuming 86% of this quantity. This consumption rate corresponded to 23.6 squares, or 7.8 bolls. We developed equations to predict the quantity of fresh matter uptake from an individual plant organ, according to the organ mass and the larval instar. The field study of feeding preference confirmed previous findings that larvae prefer squares to bolls, with this preference decreasing as the larval age increases. However, no significant relationship was noted between the age of larvae and the size of infested organs within each organ class (square or boll). We developed a logistic model to predict the probability of a larva infesting a boll rather than a square. According to this model, the relative organ availability in the field and the larval instar were found to be significant factors.  相似文献   

A detailed morphometric analysis of the antennae of male and female Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) is presented, based on light and scanning electron microscopic observations. These measurements of general antennal dimensions and the number, distribution, dimensions, and surface features of the antennal sensilla are applied in the consideration of olfactory transduction processes and in the derivation of a mathematical representation of the antennal surface. The surface area and the number of sensilla on the antennal flagellum are found to vary with the weight of the pupa and adult moth. The long Type 1 sensilla trichodea are hypothesized to be innervated by pheromone-sensitive olfactory cells on the basis of morphological comparisons with sensilla of other insects.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to investigate the electroantennographic (EAG) responses of adult female Helicoverpa armigera to a range of known and putative kairomone components. The studies show that at a given dose the EAG responses elicited by a series of straight-chain aliphatic primary alcohols were not dependent on volatility since butan-1-ol and pentan-1-ol elicited EAG responses that were significantly smaller than those elicited by hexan-1-ol. The amplitudes of responses to hexan-1-ol were found to be dose dependent with a dose of 10(-1) μmol at source in a non-volatile solvent eliciting the largest response. Similarly, changes in functionality in a range of C(6) straight-chain aliphatic compounds significantly changed the amplitude of response elicited, with aldehydes eliciting smaller responses than the related primary alcohols and saturated compounds eliciting higher responses than related unsaturated compounds. Of the range of nine host plant-produced terpenoids tested, ocimene and beta-phellandrene elicited the highest responses and of the six aromatic compounds tested phenylacetaldehyde and benzaldehyde elicited the largest responses, at the doses tested. The significance of these findings for analysis of floral odours by gas chromatography linked to electroantennography as a means of identifying kairomone components attractive to H. armigera are discussed.  相似文献   

The life history of Spodoptera exigua was studied under laboratory conditions at temperature of 25°C ± 1°C, relative humidity (RH) of 60% ± 5% and a photoperiod of 16:8 h (Light:Dark) on nine soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars: 032, 033, Hill, M4, M7, M9, M11, TMS and Zan. Larval and pupal development times were longest on M7 cultivar (14.09 ± 0.078 and 7.78 ± 0.090 days) and shortest on 033 cultivar (11.98 ± 0.054 and 7.033 ± 0.090 days). The longest and shortest female and male longevities were observed on Hill and Zan cultivars, respectively. The results showed that the whole life span varied from 32.80 ± 0.89 to 37 ± 0.98 days for females and from 33.3 ± 0.66 to 38.74 ± 0.95 days for males. The highest daily fecundity was obtained on M9 (102. 38 eggs), and the lowest on Hill (75.87 eggs). Mean total fecundity per female during adult life was highest on 033 (1156.20 eggs) and lowest on M7 cultivars (841.68 eggs). Clustering analysis of the biological parameters of S. exigua confirmed that 033 and Hill cultivars were the susceptible and the resistant cultivars, respectively.  相似文献   

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