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We previously demonstrated that expression of bcl-2 in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells blocks influenza virus-induced apoptosis and DNA fragmentation. We show here that expression of bcl-2 also reduces the level of infectious virus production and the spread of virus in MDCK cell cultures infected at a low multiplicity of infection. This effect is associated with modified glycosylation of the hemagglutinin protein.  相似文献   

T Zurcher  G Luo    P Palese 《Journal of virology》1994,68(9):5748-5754
The carboxy terminus of the hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A viruses contains three cysteine residues which are highly conserved among HA subtypes. It has previously been shown for the H2, H3, and H7 subtypes of HA that these cysteine residues are modified by the covalent attachment of palmitic acid. In order to study the role of the acylated cysteines in the formation of infectious influenza viruses, we introduced mutations into the HA of influenza A/WSN/33 virus (H1 subtype) by reverse-genetics techniques. We found that the cysteine at position 563 of the cytoplasmic tail is required for infectious-particle formation. The cysteine at position 560 can be changed to alanine or tyrosine to yield virus strains that are attenuated in cell cultures. The change from cysteine at position 553 to serine or alanine does not significantly alter the phenotype of the virus. The requirement for a cysteine at position 563 suggests a functional role for palmitylation of the cytoplasmic tail. This interpretation is further supported by experiments in which two or more of the cysteine residues were mutated, eliminating potential palmitylation sites. None of these double or triple mutations resulted in infectious virus. Selection of revertants of the attenuated cysteine-to-tyrosine mutant (mutation at position 560) always resulted in reversion to cysteine rather than to other amino acids. Although our data indicate a biological role for the conserved cysteine residues in the cytoplasmic tail of the HA of influenza viruses, we cannot exclude the possibility that structural constraints in the cytoplasmic tail of the HA--rather than altered palmitylation--are the determining factors for infectious-particle formation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of neuraminidase (NA) activity prevents release of progeny virions from influenza-infected cells and removal of neuraminic (sialic) acid moieties from glycans attached to hemagglutinin (HA). Neuraminic acid moieties situated near the HA receptor-binding site can reduce the efficiency of virus binding and decrease viral dependence on NA activity for replication. With the use of reverse genetics technique, we investigated the effect of glycans attached at Asn 94a, 129, and 163 on the virus susceptibility to NA inhibitors in MDCK cells and demonstrated that the glycan attached at Asn 163 plays a dominant role in compensation for the loss of NA activity.  相似文献   

The number of N-linked glycosylation sites in the globular head of hemagglutinin (HA) has increased during evolution of H3N2 human influenza A virus. Here natural selection operating on the gains of N-linked glycosylation sites was examined by using the single-site analysis and the single-substitution analysis. In the single-site analysis, positive selection was not inferred at the amino acid sites where the substitutions generating N-linked glycosylation sites were observed, but was detected at antigenic sites. In contrast, in the single-substitution analysis, positive selection was detected for the amino acid substitutions generating N-linked glycosylation sites. The single-site analysis and the single-substitution analysis appeared to be suitable for detecting recurrent and episodic natural selection, respectively. The gains of N-linked glycosylation sites were likely to be positively selected for the function of shielding antigenic sites from immune responses. At the antigenic sites, positive selection appeared to have operated not only on the radical substitution but also on the conservative substitution in terms of the charge of amino acids, suggesting that the antigenic drift is not a by-product of the evolution of receptor binding avidity in HA of human H3N2 virus.  相似文献   

Chen W  Sun S  Li Z 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38794
Increasing numbers of H5N1 influenza viruses (IVs) are responsible for human deaths, especially in North Africa and Southeast Asian. The binding of hemagglutinin (HA) on the viral surface to host sialic acid (SA) receptors is a requisite step in the infection process. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that H5N1 viruses can be divided into 10 clades based on their HA sequences, with most human IVs centered from clade 1 and clade 2.1 to clade 2.3. Protein sequence alignment in various clades indicates the high conservation in the receptor-binding domains (RBDs) is essential for binding with the SA receptor. Two glycosylation sites, 158N and 169N, also participate in receptor recognition. In the present work, we attempted to construct a serial H5N1 HA models including diverse glycosylated HAs to simulate the binding process with various SA receptors in silico. As the SA-α-2,3-Gal and SA-α-2,6-Gal receptor adopted two distinctive topologies, straight and fishhook-like, respectively, the presence of N-glycans at 158N would decrease the affinity of HA for all of the receptors, particularly SA-α-2,6-Gal analogs. The steric clashes of the huge glycans shown at another glycosylation site, 169N, located on an adjacent HA monomer, would be more effective in preventing the binding of SA-α-2,3-Gal analogs.  相似文献   

Roedig JV  Rapp E  Höper D  Genzel Y  Reichl U 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e27989
The genome of influenza A viruses is constantly changing (genetic drift) resulting in small, gradual changes in viral proteins. Alterations within antibody recognition sites of the viral membrane glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) result in an antigenetic drift, which requires the seasonal update of human influenza virus vaccines. Generally, virus adaptation is necessary to obtain sufficiently high virus yields in cell culture-derived vaccine manufacturing. In this study detailed HA N-glycosylation pattern analysis was combined with in-depth pyrosequencing analysis of the virus genomic RNA. Forward and backward adaptation from Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells to African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells was investigated for two closely related influenza A virus PR/8/34 (H1N1) strains: from the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) or the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Furthermore, stability of HA N-glycosylation patterns over ten consecutive passages and different harvest time points is demonstrated. Adaptation to Vero cells finally allowed efficient influenza A virus replication in Vero cells. In contrast, during back-adaptation the virus replicated well from the very beginning. HA N-glycosylation patterns were cell line dependent and stabilized fast within one (NIBSC-derived virus) or two (RKI-derived virus) successive passages during adaptation processes. However, during adaptation new virus variants were detected. These variants carried "rescue" mutations on the genomic level within the HA stem region, which result in amino acid substitutions. These substitutions finally allowed sufficient virus replication in the new host system. According to adaptation pressure the composition of the virus populations varied. In Vero cells a selection for "rescue" variants was characteristic. After back-adaptation to MDCK cells some variants persisted at indifferent frequencies, others slowly diminished and even dropped below the detection limit.  相似文献   

The contribution of each of the seven asparagine-linked oligosaccharide side chains on the hemagglutinin of the A/Aichi/68 (X31) strain of influenza virus was assessed with respect to its effect on the folding, intracellular transport, and biological activities of the molecule. Twenty mutant influenza virus hemagglutinins were constructed and expressed, each of which had one or more of the seven glycosylation sites removed. Investigations of these mutant hemagglutinins indicated that (i) no individual oligosaccharide side chain is necessary or sufficient for the folding, intracellular transport, or function of the molecule, (ii) at least five oligosaccharide side chains are required for the X31 hemagglutinin molecule to move along the exocytic pathway to the plasma membrane, and (iii) mutant hemagglutinins having less than five oligosaccharide side chains form intracellular aggregates and are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis studies indicated that the three cytoplasmic cysteines of the influenza virus A/Japan/305/57 hemagglutinin (HA) are all palmitylated, but to an unequal extent. Replacement of all three cysteines abolished palmitylation, but affected neither HA biosynthesis nor function. Palmitate was not required for HA to be incorporated into virions.  相似文献   

Steps in maturation of influenza A virus neuraminidase.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
T Saito  G Taylor    R G Webster 《Journal of virology》1995,69(8):5011-5017
We have studied the maturation of the influenza A virus neuraminidase (NA), using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) with different conformational specificities against the head domains of the N8 NA. The results obtained with radioimmunoprecipitation, together with previously published information, suggest the following steps in maturation of this molecule. First, the folding of the nascent NA leads to formation of the epitope recognized by MAb N8-10, a step that depends on the formation of intramolecular disulfide bonds. Second, monomers form dimers by an intermolecular disulfide linkage in the stalk, with a t1/2 of 2.5 min. Third, the epitope recognized by MAb N8-82 appears after dimerization, suggesting that oligomeric NAs may undergo conformational change with a t1/2 of 8 min. Finally, a tetramer-specific epitope recognized by MAb N8-4 appears on the NA with a t1/2 of 13 min. Epitope detection by MAb N8-4 was inhibited by tunicamycin treatment, suggesting that glycosylation of this molecule is required for proper tetramerization. Each of these proposed steps occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum of host cells, as demonstrated by treatment of virus-infected cells with brefeldin A or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazine; subsequently, tetrameric NA is transported to the Golgi apparatus, where oligosaccharide processing is completed. Our findings also provide a possible explanation--lack of a functionally active conformation--for the absence of enzymatic function by NA monomers.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant (ts gamma 1) of the Cocal serotype of vesicular stomatitis virus synthesizes at the permissive temperature (32 degrees C) a glycoprotein G whose size is smaller (Mr 68,000) than the wild-type (Mr 71,000) and that renders the virion thermolabile. At the nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C), reduced amounts of noninfectious virus-like particles deficient in G protein were produced. The size of the intracellular G protein was further decreased (Mr 64,000) at the nonpermissive temperature. Biochemical studies including sugar labeling, tryptic peptide analysis, and NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the various glycoproteins suggest that at 32 degrees C a G protein containing a single glycosidic moiety is synthesized. The G protein containing only 1 oligosaccharide residue is transported to the cell surface and is incorporated in infectious virus particles. In contrast, the G protein synthesized at 39 degrees C is nonglycosylated and fails to reach the cell surface. These results suggest that glycosylation of G protein is essential for its transport to the cell surface, and the presence of a single carbohydrate chain is sufficient for this purpose.  相似文献   

To define the recognition site of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) on influenza virus H5 hemagglutinin (HA), an H5 HA-specific CTL clone was examined for the ability to recognize monoclonal antibody-selected HA variants of influenza virus A/Turkey/Ontario/7732/66 (H5N9). On the basis of 51Cr release assays with the variants, a CTL epitope was located near residue 168 of H5 HA. To define the epitope more precisely, a series of overlapping peptides corresponding to this region was synthesized and tested for CTL recognition. The minimum peptide recognized by the CTL clone encompassed residues 158 to 169 of H5 HA. Relative to the H3 HA three-dimensional structure, this CTL epitope is located near the distal tip of the HA molecule, also known as a major B-cell epitope on H3 HA. A single mutation at residue 168 (Lys to Glu) in the H5 HA variants abolished CTL recognition; this same amino acid was shown previously to be critical for B-cell recognition (M. Philpott, C. Hioe, M. Sheerar, and V. S. Hinshaw, J. Virol. 64:2941-2947, 1990). Additionally, mutations within this region of the HA molecule were associated with attenuation of the highly virulent A/Turkey/Ontario/7732/66 (H5N9) (M. Philpott, B. C. Easterday, and V.S. Hinshaw, J. Virol. 63:3453-3458, 1989). When tested for recognition of other H5 viruses, the CTL clone recognized the HA of A/Turkey/Ireland/1378/83 (H5N8) but not that of A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/1370/83 (H5N2), even though these viruses contain identical HA amino acid 158-to-169 sequences. These results suggest that differences outside the CTL epitope affected CTL recognition of the intact HA molecule. The H5 HA site defined in these studies is, therefore, important in both CTL and B-cell recognition, as well as the pathogenesis of the virus.  相似文献   

After the emergence of influenza A viruses in the human population, the number of N-glycosylation sites (NGS) in the globular head region of hemagglutinin (HA) has increased continuously for several decades. It has been speculated that the addition of NGS to the globular head region of HA has conferred selective advantages to the virus by preventing the binding of antibodies (Ab) to antigenic sites (AS). Here, the effect of N-glycosylation on the binding of Ab to AS in human influenza A virus subtype H3N2 (A/H3N2) was examined by inferring natural selection at AS and other sites (NAS) that are located close to and distantly from the NGS in the three-dimensional structure of HA through a comparison of the rates of synonymous (d(S)) and nonsynonymous (d(N)) substitutions. When positions 63, 122, 126, 133, 144, and 246 in the globular head region of HA were non-NGS, the d(N)/d(S) was >1 and positive selection was detected at the AS located near these positions. However, the d(N)/d(S) value decreased and the evidence of positive selection disappeared when these positions became NGS. In contrast, d(N)/d(S) at the AS distantly located from the positions mentioned above and at the NAS of any location were generally <1 and did not decrease when these positions changed from non-NGS to NGS. These results suggest that the attachment of N-glycans to the NGS in the globular head region of HA prevented the binding of Ab to AS in the evolutionary history of human A/H3N2 virus.  相似文献   

Y Kobayashi  Y Suzuki 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40422
The propagation of influenza A virus depends on the balance between the activities of hemagglutinin (HA) for binding to host cells and neuraminidase (NA) for releasing from infected cells (HA-NA balance). Since the host cell membrane and the sialic acid receptor are negatively charged, the amino acid substitutions increasing (charge+) and decreasing (charge-) the positive charge of HA subunit 1 (HA1) enhance and reduce, respectively, the binding avidity and affinity. The positive charge of HA1 in human influenza A virus bearing subtype H3N2 (A/H3N2 virus) was observed to have increased during evolution, but the evolutionary mechanism for this observation was unclear because this may disrupt the HA-NA balance. Here we show, from the phylogenetic analysis of HA for human A/H3N2 and A/H1N1 viruses, that the relative frequencies of charge+ and charge- substitutions were elevated on the branches where the number of N-glycosylation sites (NGS) increased and decreased, respectively, compared to those where the number of NGS did not change. On the latter branches, the net-charge of HA1 appeared to have been largely maintained to preserve its structure and function. Since the charge+ and charge- substitutions in HA1 have opposite effects to the gain and loss of NGS on the binding and release of the virus, the net-charge of HA1 may have evolved to compensate for the effect of the gain and loss of NGS, probably through changing the avidity. Apparently, the relative frequency of charge- substitutions in HA1 of A/H3N2 virus was elevated after the introduction of oseltamivir, and that of charge+ substitutions in HA1 of A/H1N1 virus was elevated after the spread of oseltamivir resistance. These observations may also be explained by the compensatory effect of the net-charge in HA1 on the NA activity for keeping the HA-NA balance.  相似文献   

W R Lee  X F Yu  W J Syu  M Essex    T H Lee 《Journal of virology》1992,66(3):1799-1803
Amino acid substitutions were introduced into four conserved N-linked glycosylation sites of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope transmembrane glycoprotein, gp41, to alter the canonical N-linked glycosylation sequences. One altered site produced a severe impairment of viral infectivity, which raises the possibility that N-linked sugars at this site may have an important role in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 life cycle.  相似文献   

Human influenza A viruses undergo antigenic changes with gradual accumulation of amino acid substitutions on the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule. A strong antigenic mismatch between vaccine and epidemic strains often requires the replacement of influenza vaccines worldwide. To establish a practical model enabling us to predict the future direction of the influenza virus evolution, relative distances of amino acid sequences among past epidemic strains were analyzed by multidimensional scaling (MDS). We found that human influenza viruses have evolved along a gnarled evolutionary pathway with an approximately constant curvature in the MDS-constructed 3D space. The gnarled pathway indicated that evolution on the trunk favored multiple substitutions at the same amino acid positions on HA. The constant curvature was reasonably explained by assuming that the rate of amino acid substitutions varied from one position to another according to a gamma distribution. Furthermore, we utilized the estimated parameters of the gamma distribution to predict the amino acid substitutions on HA in subsequent years. Retrospective prediction tests for 12 years from 1997 to 2009 showed that 70% of actual amino acid substitutions were correctly predicted, and that 45% of predicted amino acid substitutions have been actually observed. Although it remains unsolved how to predict the exact timing of antigenic changes, the present results suggest that our model may have the potential to recognize emerging epidemic strains.  相似文献   

Y Kawaoka 《Journal of virology》1991,65(3):1195-1201
The cleavability of the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule is related to the virulence of avian influenza A viruses, but its influence on human influenza virus strains is unknown. Two structural features are involved in the cleavage of avian influenza A virus HAs: a series of basic amino acids at the cleavage site and an oligosaccharide side chain in the near vicinity. The importance of these properties in the cleavability of a human influenza A virus (A/Aichi/2/68) HA was investigated by using mutants that contained or lacked an oligosaccharide side chain and had either four or six basic amino acids. All mutants except the one that contains a single mutation at the glycosylation site were cleaved, although not completely, demonstrating that a series of basic amino acids confers susceptibility to cellular cleavage enzymes among human influenza virus HAs. The mutants containing six basic amino acids at the cleavage site showed limited polykaryon formation upon exposure to low pH, indicating that cleavage was adequate to impart fusion activity to the HA. Deletion of the potential glycosylation site had no effect on the cleavability of these mutants; hence, the oligosaccharide side chain appears to have no role in human influenza virus HA cleavage. The inability to induce high cleavability in a human influenza A virus HA by insertion of a series of basic amino acids at the cleavage site indicates that other, as yet unidentified structural features are needed to enhance the susceptibility of these HAs to cellular proteases.  相似文献   

Association of a sulfated galactosyl ceramide, sulfatide, with the viral envelope glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA) delivered to the cell surface is required for influenza A virus (IAV) replication through efficient translocation of the newly synthesized viral nucleoprotein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. To determine whether the ectodomain of HA can bind to sulfatide, a secreted-type HA (sHA), in which the transmembrane region and cytoplasmic tail were deleted, was generated by using a baculovirus expression system. The receptor binding ability and antigenic structure of sHA were evaluated by a hemagglutination assay, solid-phase binding assay and hemagglutination inhibition assay. sHA showed subtype-specific antigenicity and binding ability to both sulfatide and gangliosides. Kinetics of sHA binding to sulfatide and GD1a was demonstrated by quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) analysis. QCM analysis showed that the sHA bound with the association rate constant (k on) of 1.41?×?104 M?1 sec?1, dissociation rate constant (k off) of 2.03?×?10?4 sec?1 and K d of 1.44?×?10?8 M to sulfatide immobilized on a sensor chip. The k off values of sHA were similar for sulfatide and GD1a, whereas the k on value of sHA binding to sulfatide was 2.56-times lower than that of sHA binding to GD1a. The results indicate that sulfatide directly binds to the ectodomain of HA with high affinity.  相似文献   

A method of isolation of hydrophobic membrane-bound C-terminal domain of influenza virus A hemagglutinin (HA) is suggested. The method is based on the insertion of HA into octylglucoside micelles followed by pepsin or thermolysin hydrolysis. Subsequent treatment of proteolytic digests with chloroform-hexafluoroisopropanol mixture resulted in the extraction of a few hydrophobic peptides into organic phase. Mass-spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) analysis revealed that the peptides with ion masses corresponding to the anchoring C-terminal domain with or without modifications predominated in the organic solution. The data obtained confirmed our speculation on the possibility of the suggested isolation scheme following from the strong interactions of anchoring domains in compact trimeric structure of HA spikes combined with micelle protection effect. Several appropriate peptides presence in the organic phase apparently arises from the presence of a few accessible proteolytic sites in HA transmembrane region.  相似文献   

The kinetics of low-pH induced fusion of influenza virus with liposomes have been compared to changes in the morphology of influenza hemagglutinin (HA). At pH 4.9 and 30 degrees C, the fusion of influenza A/PR/8/34 virus with ganglioside-bearing liposomes was complete within 6 min. Virus preincubated at pH 4.9 and 30 degrees C in the absence of liposomes for 2 or 10 min retained most of its fusion activity. However, fusion activity was dramatically reduced after 30 min, and virtually abolished after a 60-min preincubation. Cryo-electron microscopy showed that the hemagglutinin spikes of virions exposed to pH 4.9 at 30 degrees C for 10 min underwent no major morphological changes. After 30 min, however, the spike morphology changed dramatically, and further changes occurred for up to 60 min after exposure to low pH. Because the morphological changes occur at a rate corresponding to the loss of fusion activity, and because these changes are much slower than the rate at which fusion occurs, we conclude that the morphologically altered HA is inactive with respect to fusion-promoting activity. Molecular modeling studies indicate that the formation of an extended coiled coil within the HA trimer, as proposed for HA at low pH, requires a major conformational change in HA, and that the morphological changes we observe are consistent with the formation of an extended coiled coil. These results imply that the crystallographically determined low-pH form of HA does occur in the intact virus, but that this form is not a precursor of viral fusion. It is speculated that the motion to the low-pH form may be responsible for the membrane destabilization leading to fusion.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tail (CT) of hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza B virus (BHA) contains at positions 578 and 581 two highly conserved cysteine residues (Cys578 and Cys581) that are modified with palmitic acid (PA) through a thioester linkage. To investigate the role of PA in the fusion activity of BHA, site-specific mutagenesis was performed with influenza B virus B/Kanagawa/73 HA cDNA. All of the HA mutants were expressed on Cos cells by an expression vector. The membrane fusion ability of the HA mutants at a low pH was quantitatively examined with lipid (octadecyl rhodamine B chloride) and aqueous (calcein) dye transfer assays and with the syncytium formation assay. Two deacylation mutants lacking a CT or carrying serine residues substituting for Cys578 and Cys581 promoted full fusion. However, one of the single-acylation-site mutants, C6, in which Cys581 is replaced with serine, promoted hemifusion but not pore formation. In contrast, four other single-acylation-site mutants that have a sole cysteine residue in the CT at position 575, 577, 579, or 581 promoted full fusion. The impaired pore-forming ability of C6 was improved by amino acid substitution between residues 578 and 582 or by deletion of the carboxy-terminal leucine at position 582. Syncytium-forming ability, however, was not adequately restored by these mutations. These facts indicated that the acylation was not significant in membrane fusion by BHA but that pore formation and pore dilation were appreciably affected by the particular amino acid sequence of the CT and the existence of a single acylation site in CT residue 578.  相似文献   

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