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Elevated levels of ethylene occur in enclosed crop production systems and in spaceflight environments, leading to adverse plant growth and sterility. There are engineering advantages in growing plants at hypobaric (reduced atmospheric pressure) conditions in biomass production for extraterrestrial base or spaceflight environments. Objectives of this research were to characterize the influence of hypobaria on growth and ethylene evolution of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plants were grown under variable total gas pressures [from 30 to 101 kPa (ambient)]. In one study, lettuce and wheat were direct seeded, germinated and grown in the same chambers for 28 d at 50 or 101 kPa. Hypobaria increased plant growth and did not alter germination rate. During a 10-day study, 28-day-old lettuce and 40-day-old wheat seedlings were transplanted together in the same low and ambient pressure chambers; ethylene accumulated in the chambers, but the rate of production by both lettuce and wheat was reduced more than 65% under 30 kPa compared with ambient pressure (101 kPa). Low O2 concentrations [partial pressure of O2 (pO2) = 6.2 kPa] inhibited ethylene production by lettuce under both low (30 kPa) and ambient pressure, whereas ethylene production by wheat was inhibited at low pressure but not low O2 concentration. There was a negative linear correlation between increasing ethylene concentration and decreasing chlorophyll content of lettuce and wheat. Lettuce had higher production of ethylene and showed greater sensitivity to ethylene than wheat. The hypobaric effect on reduced ethylene production was greater than that of just hypoxia (low oxygen).  相似文献   

Stable transformation of lettuce cultivar South Bay from cotyledon explants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transgenic plants of lettuce cultivar (cv.) South Bay were produced by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens vectors containing the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the NPT II gene for kanamycin resistance as a selectable marker. High frequency of transformation, based on kanamycin resistance and assays for GUS expression, was obtained with 24 to 72-h-old cotyledon explants cocultivated for 48 h with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. After the cocultivation period, the explants were placed in selection medium containing 50 or 100 mg l–1 of kanamycin, 100 mg l–1 cefotaxime and 500 mg l–1 carbenicillin for 10 days. Surviving explants were transferred every 14 days on shoot elongation medium. Progenies of R0 plants demonstrated linked monogenic segregation for kanamycin resistance and GUS activity.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series R-02231. This research was partially supported by CNPq/RHAE (Brazil).  相似文献   

To avoid the current water pollution from intensive glasshouse horticulture, closed systems have to be developed with recirculating drainage water. For crops with a high planting density, such as letuuce, shallow beds of coarse sand may be used if water and nutrient supply can be regulated adequately. The aim of the present study was to determine the rooting characteristics and root distribution of lettuce in sand beds, as affected by substrate depth, the distance to a drain, drip lines and drip points, and the excess of nutrient solution applied. The hypothesis was tested that a small excess and a large distance between drip points leads to local salt accumulations in the root environment and thus to a less homogeneous root distribution.The data confirmed both parts of the hypothesis: spatial patterns in salt distribution were found. Detailed measurements in a sand bed with only one drip line per two crop rows and an amount of fertigation solution added of 2 times the estimated evapotranspiration, showed that root length density was negatively correlated with salt content when comparisons were made within the same layer. Crop yield per row was influenced in the extreme treatment, i.e. one drip line per two crop rows and an amount of fertigation solution added of 1.3 times the estimated evapotranspiration, but yield per bed was still unaffected. The increased heterogeneity of the crop will cause problems at harvest and indicates that the most extreme treatment included in the comparison is just beyond the limit of acceptable heterogeneity in the root medium. Lettuce can be grown on sand beds with a recirculating nutrient solution provided that drip lines are well distributed in the bed and the daily nutrient solution excess is more than 30% of demand.  相似文献   

Fifteen lettuce cultivars representing three different morphological types were grown in a sand alumina system under conditions of low (deficient) and high (sufficient) P supply. An efficient plant was defined as one that produced a large shoot fresh weight under low P conditions. Cultivars within their respective groups varied significantly for some traits that appeared to be important in determining adaptation to P. This led to the conclusion that accumulation of P in shoot tissue or the total plant was the main difference between efficient and inefficient cultivars. Accumlation of P seemed to be due to a greater absorption capability of roots or greater root mass (weight), depending on the different lettuce groups. Differences in internal use of P did not contribute to differences in shoot fresh weight.The butterhead cultivars were the least efficient plants when grown under low P. Compared to the other groups, plants has lower translocation efficiency and a greater root: shoot ratio. Never-the-less, butterhead cultivars as efficient as the best cultivars of other groups were found. There were no differences between Brazilian and American cultivars for any of the traits analysed, probably due to the fact that in both countries vegetables are bred under high fertility levels and grown with heavy applications of fertilizers. The results of this study demonstrate that there were genotypic variability and/or genotype×environment interaction effects for shoot weight (yield) among the lettuce cultivars grown under low P conditions imposed in the sand-alumina system.  相似文献   

Pre-transplant inoculation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seedlings with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusGlomus aggregatum (Smith and Schenck emend. Koske) increased P uptake and dry matter yields after transplanting into soil when the concentration of P in the soil solution was 0.02 mg L–1 but had little affect in soil with 0.30 mg L–1 solution P. Tissue P concentrations and dry matter yields after transplanting were increased by supplying adequate P prior to transplanting. Adequate levels of pre-transplant P appeared to be more important than maximum mycorrhizal infection of transplants for promoting post-transplant growth of the fast maturing lettuce crop.Journal Series No. 0000 of the Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.  相似文献   

The maize transposable element Activator (Ac) is being used to develop a transposon mutagenesis system in lettuce, Lactuca sativa. Two constructs containing the complete Ac from the waxy-m7 locus of maize were introduced into lettuce and monitored for activity using Southern analysis and PCR amplification of the excision site. No transposition of Ac was detected in over 32 transgenic R1 plants, although these constructs were known to provide frequent transposition in other species. Also, no transposition was observed in later generations. In subsequent experiments, transposition was detected in lettuce calli using constructs that allowed selection for excision events. In these constructs, the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene was interrupted by either Ac or Ds. Excision was detected as the ability of callus to grow on kanamycin. Synthesis of the transposase from the cDNA of Ac expressed from the T-DNA 2 promoter resulted in more frequent excision of Ds than was observed with the wild-type Ac. No excision was observed with Ds in the absence of the transposase. The excision events were confirmed by amplification of the excision site by PCR followed by DNA sequencing. Excision and reintegration were also confirmed by Southern analysis. Ac/Ds is therefore capable of transposition in at least calli of lettuce.  相似文献   

The occurrence of catecholamines in lettuce seedlings was examined by bioassay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), since synthetic catecholamines can synergistically enhance the stimulating effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on hypocotyl elongation of decotylized lettuce seedlings. The catecholamine fraction on TLC obtained from lettuce seedlings synergistically enhanced the GA3 effect on hypocotyl elongation. The analysis of the catecholamine fraction from lettuce seedlings by GC-MS demonstrated the occurrence of dopamine.  相似文献   

The response of pot grown lettuce to inorganic (ammonium nitrate) and organic (dried blood and Protox) N fertilizers was determined at two temperature regimes (15°C day/10°C night and 20°C day/15°C night) and related to the NH4–N and NO3–N release characteristics of each material. The N release characteristics of the organic materials matched the N requirements of lettuce more closely than the inorganic fertilizer. However, was rapidly released from the protein based materials such that composts were depleted of available fertilizer N at the same time irrespective of the form supplied. The warmer temperature regimes resulted in a more rapid depletion of the fertilizers due to biological immobilization such that N recoveries in shoots, roots and leachates were reduced. Approximately 20% of the N present in Protox (a material derived from activated sewage sludge, processed to reduce the heavy metal content to minimal levels) appeared to be resistant to microbial degradation and was unavailable to the plants. Therefore, the growth response of lettuce was slightly reduced with Protox compared to the other materials at similar rates of incorporation. The organic materials did not contribute NO3–N to the plant and small NO3–N concentrations in petioles were derived from the water used for irrigation. However, NO3–N levels in plants receiving inorganic ammonium nitrate were initially high but progressively declined as the fertilizer NO3–N became depleted.  相似文献   

采用水培技术,以油麦菜幼苗为材料,研究不同硝铵态氮配比(NO3-∶NH4+)对油麦菜苗期地上部和根系生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明:(1)油麦菜地上部和根系硝酸盐含量皆与营养液中NO3--N比例呈正相关关系,且各处理均达到无公害蔬菜的标准。(2)随着营养液中NH4+-N比例的增加,油麦菜地上部有机酸含量先降低后升高,且在硝铵态氮配比为5∶5时最低,可溶性糖含量呈上升趋势,而可溶性蛋白质含量先升高后降低,在硝铵态氮配比为5∶5时最高;油麦菜根系有机酸和可溶性糖含量先升高后降低,两者分别在硝铵态氮配比为5∶5和7.5∶2.5时最高,而可溶性蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,在全NO3--N时最高。(3)随着营养液中NH4+-N比例的增加,油麦菜地上部和根系中SOD活性先升后降,并分别在硝铵态氮配比为5∶5和7.5∶2.5时最高,而地上部和根系中MDA、脯氨酸含量和POD、CAT活性的变化趋势则与其相反。(4)随着营养液中NH4+-N比例的增加,油麦菜地上部和根系干重皆先升后降,根冠比则逐渐减小;在硝铵态氮配比为7.5∶2.5时干重最大,根冠比适宜且稳定。研究表明,水培油麦菜苗期地上部和根系生长及生理特性受到氮素形态配比的显著影响,且根系的生理响应更敏感;营养液中硝铵态氮配比为7.5∶2.5时,油麦菜受胁迫程度最低,地上部和根系生长较协调,油麦菜生长和生理状况最佳。  相似文献   

以‘全年油麦菜’尖叶莴苣为试验材料,采用水培方式,研究3个浓度(0 mg·L-1、0.1 mg·L-1、1 mg·L-1)Ni2+在22.4 mg·L-1 N处理下对尖叶莴苣氮素吸收的生长及生理影响。结果显示:(1)尖叶莴苣根系和地上部生物量随处理时间的增加呈上升趋势。与对照T1(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、112 mg·L-1 N)相比,T2处理(0 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及叶片生长具有一定抑制作用,植株鲜重、干重、根冠比、根系长度、平均直径、表面积、体积、根尖数、分根数、叶片表面积和体积在T3处理(0.1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)下显著高于对照,T4处理(1 mg·L-1 Ni2+、22.4 mg·L-1 N)对尖叶莴苣根系及其叶片生长具有一定促进作用,但对其根尖数和分根数表现出一定抑制性。(2)随着Ni2+浓度的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量呈先升后降的变化规律,且均在T3处理下显著提高。(3)随着处理时间的增加,尖叶莴苣叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)逐渐上升,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)逐渐下降,且T3处理叶片的Gs显著高于对照,其Ci最低,Pn最大。(4)施加Ni2+对尖叶莴苣有机酸、可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量以及SOD和POD活性有显著影响,在T3处理下有机酸含量降低,可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量显著增加,SOD和POD活性显著提高。(5)T3处理尖叶莴苣根系中N及叶片中B和Ca含量较高;根系中Ni含量高于叶片,T3处理叶片中的Ni含量较低,Mg含量较高;植株体内Cu含量随Ni2+浓度增加而下降。研究表明,外源Ni2+处理能影响低氮条件下(22.4 mg·L-1 N)尖叶莴苣幼苗生长及生理状况,适宜浓度(0.1 mg·L-1)Ni2+可有效提高尖叶莴苣根系对氮素的吸收利用效率,减少氮素施用量,促进尖叶莴苣根系和地上部叶片生长,增加光合色素含量,并提高净光合速率,进而改善植株的产量和营养品质。  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graphs (EPG's) ofNasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) (Homoptera, Aphididae) on resistant and susceptible lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Compositae) showed a large reduction in the duration of the food uptake pattern (E2) on the resistant line. No differences in EPG's were observed before the phloem was reached. Therefore, resistance is believed to be located in the phloem vessel. Both mechanical blocking of the sieve element after puncturing and a difference in composition of the phloem sap are possible resistance factors. However, a chemical factor seems more likely because of the specificity of the resistance againstN. ribisnigri.  相似文献   

The maize transposable element, Activator (Ac), is being used to develop a transposon mutagenesis system in lettuce, Lactuca sativa. In this paper, we describe somatic and germinal transactivation of Ds by chimeric transposase genes in whole plants. Constructs containing either the Ds element or the Ac transposase open reading frame (ORF) were introduced into lettue. The Ds element was located between either the 35S or the Nos promoter and a chimeric spectinomycin resistance gene (which included a transit peptide), preventing expression of spectinomycin resistance. The genomic coding region of the Ac transposase was expressed from the 35S promoter. Crosses were made between 104 independent R1 plants containing Ds and three independent R1 plants expressing transposase. The excision of Ds in F1 progenies was monitored using a phenotypic assay on spectinomycin-containing medium. Green sectors in one-third of the F1 families indicated transactivation of Ds by the transposase at different developmental stages and at different frequencies in lettuce plants. Excision was confirmed using PCR and by Southern analysis. The lack of green sectors in the majority of F1 families suggests that the majority of T-DNA insertion sites are not conducive to excision. In subsequent experiments, the F1 plants containing both Ds and the transposase were grown to maturity and the F2 seeds screened on medium containing spectinomycin. Somatic excision was again observed in several F2 progeny; however, evidence for germinal excision was observed in only one F2 family.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term seed storage on the physiological properties of phytochrome-mediated germination including water uptake, the temperature and light flunnce dependencies of germination and dark germination were studied. The fluenceresponse relationships of the brief irradiation with monochromatic red (660 nm, 7.5 W m−2) and far-red (750 nm, 6.6 W m−2) light at various times after sowing were also studied. The samples used consisted of three lots of seeds ofLactuca sativa L. cv. MSU-16, which had been harvested in 1976, 1979 and 1985 and stored dry for 9, 6 and 0 years, respectively, in darkness at 23±2 C until the experiments were carried out in July–August, 1985. Seeds with the longer storage periods showed the higher ability to germinate in both continuous darkness and continuous white fluorescent light at 20–30 C. In the seeds stored for 6 or 9 years, red light irradiation for 20 sec given at 15 min or more after sowing at 25 C induced as high a percent germination (85–95%) as those under continuous white fluorescent light. In the freshly harvested seeds, however, germination under continuous white fluorescent light (46%) was considerably lower than the germination induced by the red pulse (97%). Germination of the seeds decreased when the intervals between sowing and a far-red irradiation for 20 sec increased up to 100 min (or 30 min in the freshly harvested seeds). The far-red pulse given later than 100 min (or 6 hr in the freshly harvested seeds) after sowing resulted in an increased germination up to the dark-germination levels with increasing intervals between sowing and the pulse irradiation. Before or at 3 min after sowing, the seeds stored for 6 or 9 years were responsive to the far-red pulse although they were not or hardly responsive to the red pulse, while the freshly harvested seeds were responsive to both the far-red and the red pulses. These data indicate that normal functions of phytochrome completely survived in the dry seeds during storage at 25 C for as long as 6 or 9 years and that these functions are restored into full operation by means of imbibition. The differences in the dependence of germination on the time and fluence of a single pulse of red or far-red light seems to be related to the smaller water content throughout the imbibition in the seeds with the longer storage periods. The greater ability to germinate in the dark indicates the greater amounts of PFR or the greater responsivity to PFR, in the seeds with the longer storage periods.  相似文献   

Plant-derived smoke extracts mimics the effect of red light on germination in light-sensitive lettuce seeds and partially overcomes the inhibitory effect of far-red light. Interaction between a smoke extract and gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethephon was investigated. Smoke acted synergistically with GA3 and increased the sensitivity of the lettuce seeds to ABA. It seems likely that smoke affects membrane permeability or receptor sensitivity rather than influencing the phytochrome system of these seeds.Abbreviations R red light - FR far-red light - SM smoke extract  相似文献   

To understand the effect of wounding stress on alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH, EC in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, maize(Zea mays L.) and lettuce (Lactucasativa L.) seedlings were subjected to wounding stress and ADHactivity and abscisic acid (ABA) concentration were determined. In response tothe stress, the ADH activity in seedlings of both species increased rapidly asaresult of increased synthesis of the ADH. At 12 h after thestress,the activities in the wounded lettuce and maize seedlings, respectively,increased to 1.7- and 1.5-fold of that in non-stressed seedlings. Woundingstress also increased the concentration of endogenous ABA during the first 6h in both seedlings. The maximum increased levels of ABA in thelettuce and maize seedlings were 4.9- and 4.7-fold of that in the non-stressedseedlings, respectively.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a non-electrophoresis PCR-based assay for allele discrimination at a disease resistance locus. The assay is based on the emission of light by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) upon annealing of two hybridization probes. The analysis of melting curve profiles of the probes and templates allowed the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The assay was applied to the detection of alleles at the cor locus in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) that confers recessive resistance to corky root disease. Probes and primers for the assay were designed after the characterization of a single nucleotide polymorphism between alleles of PCR products amplified using a linked marker. That polymorphism was validated in a collection of lettuce varieties representing different genetic backgrounds. The FRET hybridization probes approach provided fast and accurate genotyping of breeding material directly in a one-tube reaction. The absence of electrophoresis makes this approach suitable for applications that require automation and high-throughput genotyping analyses such as marker-assisted selection programs.  相似文献   

Summary Infection of lettuce roots (Lactuca sativa L.) by the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungiGlomus caledonium andGlomus mosseae was dependent on the amount of calcium (supplied as CaCl2·2H2O or CaSO4·2H2O) in the nutrient solution; those plants growing at low calcium concentrations being poorly infected.  相似文献   

为了阐明纳米二氧化钛颗粒(TiO2NPs)对生菜(Lactuca sativa)生长的影响,采用自行设计的水培装置探究不同浓度TiO2NPs (300~1 200 mg/L)下,生菜生长和生理生化指标的变化。结果表明,300 mg/L TiO2NPs能促进生菜幼苗的根长、茎长、叶表面积、鲜重和干重;随着TiO2 NPs浓度增大,生菜的生长指标呈现下降趋势,但仍优于对照组。生菜体内的抗氧化酶(SOD、POD)在低TiO2 NPs浓度(300 mg/L)时,活性明显下降;随着TiO2 NPs浓度增大,这两种抗氧化酶活性逐渐增强。因此,生菜对TiO2NPs胁迫具有浓度依赖性,表现为“低促高抑”,且能够通过抗氧化酶系统来减轻TiO2NPs伤害。  相似文献   

Summary Two glasshouse experiments are described in which the effects of applying starter phosphate fertilizer, 1 cm beneath the seeds, on early growth and nutrient concentrations of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Avondefiance) in well fertilized soil were determined. In Experiment 1 various rates of starter P in the form of NH4H2PO4 were applied to soil containing a range of rates of incorporated triple superphosphate. Although there was little response of lettuce dry weight to the incorporated triple superphosphate there was a large response (about 65% increase after 36 days) to the starter. N and P concentrations within the plants were increased by the starter treatments whereas K concentration was reduced. The per cent P in the plants at 36 days from sowing could account for 60% of the variation in plant dry weight. In Experiment 2 the starter P was added as either the Ca, Na or K salt, with or without added (NH4)2SO4. Adding the starter P without ammonum increased the P concentration of the plants by an average of 12% and the dry weight by an average of 39% at 30 days from sowing. The addition of ammonium ions increased plant concentrations of P, Mg and N but decreased plant K concentration. The effect of the ammonium ions on growth depended on the form of phosphate supplied as the starter. This variation in effect of ammonium ions was attributed to the effects of other starter ions on the relative concentration of ammonium in the soil solution.  相似文献   

Factors that may influence the extent of thylakoid membrane appression have been examined using lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv. Celtuce) grown under different irradiances. Electron microscopy and salt-induced chlorophyll fluorescence suggest that the percentage of membrane appression is increased in plants grown in low light (20 Wm–2) compared with those grown in high light (150 Wm–2). In high light plants surface charge, as measured by 9-aminoacridine, was found to be twice that measured in low light plants. There was a similar difference in ATPase activity of CF1 and in light saturated photophosphorylation. The chlorophyll content of LHC-2 as a proportion of the total chlorophyll was greatest in thylakoids of low light plants. Measurement of non-cyclic photophosphorylation rates suggested that membrane appression has a stimulatory role in the photophosphorylation process. The importance of these inter-related factors for the mechanism of thylakoid appression is discussed.Abbreviations PS photosystem - chl chlorophyll - LHC-2 light harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex serving PS 2 - CF1 coupling factor 1 - NADP nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate  相似文献   

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