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Human monoclonal IgM having an antibody activity directed to myelin-associated glycoprotein have distinctive features. Amino-terminal sequence of light and heavy chains from 6 IgM kappa that we have previously studied indicated that heavy chains belong to the VHIII subgroup, whereas light chains belong to 3 different subgroups of variability (V kappa I 2, V kappa II 1, and V kappa IV 3). We report here the complete sequence of the variable domain of 3 L chains: 2 V kappa IV and 1 V kappa II subgroups. Strikingly an unusually high degree of mutations clustered in the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) 1 and CDR 3 was found and the variable regions were joined to three different JK segments. Amino acid substitutions did not yield similar sequence in the CDRs suggesting that the kappa chains had no predominant role in the unique binding activity of these IgM or alternatively they are directed against different epitopes. Data are consistent with the previously reported lack of easily demonstrated public idiotopes common to anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein IgM. The pathogenesis of these IgM autoantibodies is most likely different from that of previously studied monoclonal rheumatoid factors or cold agglutinins where a genetic restriction of L or H chains or both has been observed.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of five light chain variable (V) regions of human monoclonal IgM kappa rheumatoid factors (RF) was determined, and their cross-reactive idiotypes (CRI) were characterized with antibodies induced by immunization with synthetic peptides PSL2 and PSL3, corresponding to the second and third complementarity-determining regions (CDR) of the SIE light chain. Together with two additional RF studied previously, all seven RF belong to the V kappa IIIb sub-subgroup. The region encoded by the V kappa gene segment (positions 1 to 95) in all seven proteins was virtually identical in primary structure, whereas the sequence from positions 96 to 108 defined the usage of the J kappa 1 gene in three proteins and the J kappa 2 gene in four of them. Position 96 contributed by the recombination of the V kappa and J kappa gene segments showed the presence of four different amino acid residues. Both anti-PSL2 and anti-PSL3 bind efficiently to all separated L chains when analyzed by the Western blot technique, and the binding was inhibited specifically by the corresponding peptides. The results reveal that the majority of human IgM-RF light chains are derived from a single germ line V kappa gene or a family of closely related V kappa III germ line genes, and express two "primary structure-dependent" CRI, which are largely dependent on the amino acid sequence of the second and third light chain CDR.  相似文献   

We have determined the V region amino acid sequence and/or serologic markers (kIIIb, PSL2, and PSL3) of 24 IgM monoclonal autoantibodies with specificities of anti-gamma-globulin (RF), anti-I (cold agglutinin), anti-low density lipoprotein and anti-intermediate filaments. The data emphasize the overwhelming selection of the HumKv325/VkIIIb L chain for this family of autoantibodies. The few amino acid substitutions found within the VL regions were mainly concentrated in the complementarity-determining region 1. JK and CK genes did not show the same pattern of restriction. There is a good correlation between the amino acid sequence and the presence of the kIIIb marker. The idiotypic marker PSL2 was present in 34 out of 35 kIIIb L chains analyzed (97%) and the PSL3 in 27 (80%). Moreover, the hydrophilicity and antigenic profiles of these L chains corroborate the presence of the epitopes detected by the anti-CRI. These results demonstrate a restricted selection of the Vk genes used by a family of self reacting proteins, and an unusual evolutionary conservation of the idiotypic structure that may be involved in the network regulation.  相似文献   

Summary The production of a bi-specific monoclonal antibody that simultaneously recognizes mouse kappa light chains and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for use as a general developing reagent in a wide variety of immunobased techniques is described. This antibody, named McC10, was produced by the fusion of an aminopterin-sensitive interspecies hybridoma which secretes rat monoclonal antibodies against HRP (RAP2·Ag) and splenocytes from a rat immunized with whole mouse immunoglobulin (Ig)G. The hybrid-hybridoma generated from this fusion expresses and secretes rat Igs of the IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, as determined by radial immunodiffusion. In competitive binding solid-phase enzymatic assays, McC10 was found to cross-react with all four mouse IgG subclasses as well as mouse kappa light chains. In contrast, in this type of assay, McC10 did not appear to recognize mouse IgA, IgM or lambda light chains. However, IgM-bearing kappa light chains were recognized by immunocytochemistry. Epitope specificity of this bi-specific antibody was more clearly determined on immunoblots where McC10 was found to exclusively recognize mouse kappa light chains and display no cross-reactivity with mouse Ig heavy chains nor with kappa light chains from rat or rabbit. In addition, McC10 was used successfully in two-step immunocytochemistry (ICC) for the localization of enkephalin, nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor and paired helical filament-immunoreactive sites in rat brain, rat skin and human brain, respectively, using mouse IgG's and IgM's as primary antibodies. McC10 compared favourably with peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) ICC with respect to sensitivity but was markedly superior with respect to specificity when used in fixed human brain or rat skin. This study demonstrates some of the potential advantages of using an epitope specific monoclonal bi-specific developing reagent like McC10 in an immunobased technique like ICC. Its potential use in a variety of other immunobased procedures is discussed.  相似文献   



DNase antibodies can play an important role in the pathogenesis of different autoimmune pathologies.


An immunoglobulin light chain phagemid library derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was used. The small pools of phage particles displaying DNA binding light chains with different for DNA were isolated by affinity chromatography on DNA-cellulose and the fraction eluted with 0.5 M NaCl was used for preparation of individual monoclonal light chains (MLChs, 28 kDa). Forty-five of 451 individual colonies were randomly chosen for a study of MLChs with DNase activity. The clones were expressed in Escherichia coli in a soluble form, and MLChs were purified by metal chelating chromatography followed by gel filtration, and studied in detail.


Fifteen of 45 MLChs efficiently hydrolyzed DNA, and fourteen of them demonstrated various optimal concentrations of KCl or NaCl in a 1–100 mM range and showed one or two pH optima in a 4.8–9.1 range. All MLChs were dependent on divalent metal cations: the ratio of relative DNase activity in the presence of Mn2 +, Ca2 +, Mg2 +, Ni2 +, Zn2 +, Cu2 +, and Co2 + was individual for each MLCh preparation. Fourteen MLChs demonstrated a comparable affinity for DNA (260–320 nM), but different kcat values (0.02–0.7 min− 1).


These observations suggest an extreme diversity of DNase abzymes from SLE patients.

General significance

SLE light chain repertoire can serve as a source of new types of DNases.  相似文献   

An immunoglobulin light chain phagemid library derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes of three patients with systemic lupus erythematosus was used. Phage particles displaying DNA binding light chains were isolated by affinity chromatography on DNA‐cellulose, and the fraction eluted by an acidic buffer (pH 2.6) was used for preparation of individual monoclonal light chains (MLChs, 28 kDa). Thirty three of 687 individual colonies obtained were randomly chosen for study of MLCh DNase activity. Nineteen of 33 clones contained MLChs with DNase activity. Four preparations of MLChs were expressed in Escherichia coli in soluble form, purified by metal chelating chromatography followed by gel filtration, and studied in detail. Detection of DNase activity after SDS‐PAGE in a gel containing DNA demonstrated that the four MLChs are not contaminated by canonical DNases. The MLChs demonstrated one or two pH optima. They were inactive after the dialysis against ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid but could be activated by several externally added metal ions; the ratio of relative activity in the presence of Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, and Co2+ was individual for each MLCh preparation. K+ and Na+ inhibited the DNase activity of various MLChs at different concentrations. Hydrolysis of DNA by all four MLCh was saturable and consistent with Michaelis–Menten kinetics. These clones are the first examples of recombinant MLChs possessing high affinity for DNA (Km = 3–9 nM) and demonstrating high kcat values (3.4–6.9 min?1). These observations suggest that the systemic lupus erythematosus light chain repertoire can serve as a source of new types of DNases. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We previously characterized major (IdX Ia.7) and minor (IdI) idiotopes in a collection of monoclonal alloantibodies reactive with monomorphic (i.e., Ia.7-like) determinants in the structural domain I of the murine class II I-E molecules. In this report, preliminary structural characterization of this antibody family is presented. First, the contribution of isolated H and L chains of the anti-Ia.7 cluster I mAb 41.A to IdX Ia.7 and IdI 41.A idiotope expression was evaluated by testing the capacity of these chains, either isolated or reassociated in homologous or heterologous hybrid Ig, to inhibit the binding of rat or mouse anti-idiotope mAb to IdX Ia.7+ mAb coated plates. It was found that the IdI 41.A idiotope defined by the mouse anti-idiotopic mAb H90-21.1 required the presence of both 41.A H and L chains for complete expression, while the rat mAb-defined IdX Ia.7 idiotope could be detected on isolated and on reassociated 41.A L chain. To evaluate further the structural correlates of the IdX Ia.7 idiotope, H, L, or both H and L chains of 5 A.BY, 4 A.TH and 1 C3H.SW IdX+ anti-Ia.7 mAb, as well as that of 3 A.TH IdX- anti-I-E or anti-I-A and -I-E mAb were subjected to NH2-terminal amino acid sequencing. These analyses demonstrated a) that different H chains corresponding to different subgroups (at least to the VHII and VHIII) could be expressed without apparent modification of IdX Ia.7 idiotope expression and b) that 9 of 11 IdX+ anti-Ia.7 mAb utilized highly homologous L chains of the VK21E subgroup. The relevance of these findings to the genetic control of the idiotypic markers identified in the Ia.7 system is discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies hydrolyzing myelin basic protein (MBP) can play an important role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). An immunoglobulin light chain phagemid library derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with SLE was used. Small pools of phage particles displaying light chains with different affinities for MBP were isolated by affinity chromatography on MBP‐Sepharose, and the fraction eluted with 0.5 M NaCl was used for preparation of individual monoclonal light chains (MLChs, 26–27 kDa). Seventy‐two of 440 individual colonies were randomly chosen, expressed in Escherichia coli in a soluble form, and MLChs were purified by metal chelating chromatography. Twenty‐two of 72 MLChs have high affinity and efficiently hydrolyze only MBP (not other control proteins) demonstrating various pH optima in a 5.7–9.0 range and different substrate specificity in the hydrolysis of four different MBP oligopeptides. Four MLChs demonstrated serine protease‐like and three thiol protease‐like activities, while 11 MLChs were metalloproteases. The activity of three MLChs was inhibited by both phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), two other by EDTA and iodoacetamide, and one by PMSF, EDTA, and iodoacetamide. The ratio of relative activity in the presence of Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Co2+ was individual for each of 22 MLCh preparations. It is the first examples of human MLChs, which probably can possess two or even three different proteolytic activities. These observations suggest an extreme diversity of anti‐MBP abzymes in SLE patients. The immune systems of individual SLE patients can generate a variety of anti‐MBP abzymes, which can attack MBP of myelin‐proteolipid sheath of axons and play an important role in MS and SLE pathogenesis. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody against light chains of human cardiac myosin (MLC) was labelled with horseradish peroxidase. The conjugation was performed by two different methods with glutaraldehyde and periodate respectively. The binding activities of the conjugates were tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on the microtitration plates with immobilized MLC (1-1000 ng per well). A comparison of both methods revealed their universal suitability for the preparation of conjugates as well as their applicability. The use of conjugates shortens the time needed and improves the ELISA method for MLC estimation. Specific advantages of the glutaraldehyde and the periodate method concern diverse details.  相似文献   

The production of a bi-specific monoclonal antibody that simultaneously recognizes mouse kappa light chains and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) for use as a general developing reagent in a wide variety of immunobased techniques is described. This antibody, named McC10, was produced by the fusion of an aminopterin-sensitive interspecies hybridoma which secretes rat monoclonal antibodies against HRP (RAP2.Ag) and splenocytes from a rat immunized with whole mouse immunoglobulin (Ig)G. The hybrid-hybridoma generated from this fusion expresses and secretes rat Igs of the IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, as determined by radial immunodiffusion. In competitive binding solid-phase enzymatic assays, McC10 was found to cross-react with all four mouse IgG subclasses as well as mouse kappa light chains. In contrast, in this type of assay, McC10 did not appear to recognize mouse IgA, IgM or lambda light chains. However, IgM-bearing kappa light chains were recognized by immunocytochemistry. Epitope specificity of this bi-specific antibody was more clearly determined on immunoblots where McC10 was found to exclusively recognize mouse kappa light chains and display no cross-reactivity with mouse Ig heavy chains nor with kappa light chains from rat or rabbit. In addition, McC10 was used successfully in two-step immunocytochemistry (ICC) for the localization of enkephalin, nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor and paired helical filament-immunoreactive sites in rat brain, rat skin and human brain, respectively, using mouse IgG's and IgM's as primary antibodies. McC10 compared favourably with peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) ICC with respect to sensitivity but was markedly superior with respect to specificity when used in fixed human brain or rat skin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

IgG antibodies are multi-domain proteins with complex inter-domain interactions. Human IgG heavy chains (HCs) associate with light chains (LCs) of the κ or λ isotype to form mature antibodies capable of binding antigen. The HC/LC interaction involves 4 domains: VH and CH1 from the HC and VL and CL from the LC. Human Fabs with κ LCs have been well characterized for their unfolding behaviors and demonstrate a significant level of cooperativity and stabilization when all 4 domains are intact. Very little is known regarding the thermodynamic properties of human Fabs with λ LCs. Here, we dissect the domain contributions to Fab stability for both κ and λ LC-containing Fabs. We find the cooperativity of unfolding between the constant domains, CH1/Cλ, and variable domains, VH/Vλ, within λ LC-containing Fabs is significantly weaker than that of κ LC-containing Fabs. The data suggests there may not be an evolutionary necessity for strong variable/constant domain cooperativity within λ LC-containing Fabs. After investigating the biophysical properties of Fabs with mismatched variable and constant domain subunits (e.g., VH/Vκ paired with CH1/Cλ or T cell receptor Cα/Cβ), the major role of the constant domains for both κ- and λ-containing Fabs may be to reduce the hydrophobic exposure at the VH/VL interface. Even though Fabs with these non-native pairings were thermodynamically less stable, they secreted well from mammalian cells as well behaved monodisperse proteins, which was in contrast to what was observed with the VH/Vκ and VH/Vλ scFvs that secreted as a mixture of monomer and aggregates.  相似文献   

In the light of the hypothesis that the kappa light chain accumulation in massive cutaneous hyalinosis (MCH) is related to an abnormal glycosylation pattern, we analyzed the oligosaccharide structures of the cold precipitable kappa light chains excreted in the urine of an MCH patient.The MCH kappa chains contain about 25% carbohydate. Concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity chromatography of the glycopeptides obtained from pronase digests showed that the bulk of the glycopeptides (82%) did not bind to the column; 16% had a weak affinity, and 2% a strong affinity. Methylation analyses indicated that the unbound fraction consisted mainly of tetra-antennary glycopeptides, but tri-antennary and bisecting structures were also found. Most of the weakly-bound glycopeptides had a biantennary carbohydrate structure.  相似文献   

Complementary DNAs encoding immunoglobulin light chains were isolated from two monotreme species, Ornithorhynchus anatinus (duckbill platypus) and Tachyglossus aculeatus (echidna). The sequences of both the variable and constant regions of these clones had greater similarity to IGK than to other light chain classes and phylogenetic analyses place them squarely within the mammalian IGK group, establishing them as monotreme IGK homologues. The constant region sequences of all clones were essentially identical within each species and, along with Southern blot results, the data are consistent with a single IGKC in each species. The expressed IGKV repertoires from both platypus and echidna were randomly sampled and there appear to be at least four platypus and at least nine echidna IGKV subgroups. The IGKV subgroups are highly divergent within species, in some cases sharing as little as 57% nucleotide identity. Two of the IGKV subgroups are present in both species, so there is some degree of overlap in the germline repertoires of these two monotremes. Overall the complexity seen in platypus and echidna IGK light chains is comparable with that of other mammals considered to have high levels of germline diversity and is in contrast to what has been found so far for monotreme IGL.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

Natural autoantibodies to the T-cell receptor (Tcr) have been identified in all human sera. However, titer, epitope specificity, and isotype vary with physiological conditions, autoimmune diseases, and retroviral infections. The levels of anti-Tcr autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are significantly higher than in normal individuals, and the autoantibodies are typically IgM. To obtain detailed information on these autoantibodies, we generated B-cell heterohybridomas secreting monoclonal IgM autoantibodies (mAAbs) from the synovial tissue and peripheral blood of RA patients. We selected clones secreting mAAbs that bound a major V epitope defined by a synthetic peptide that contains the CDR1 region of the V 8.1 gene product. From these we isolated a subset of seven mAAbs that bound a recombinant single-chain V/V construct containing the peptide epitope and, also to JURKAT cells which express V 8.1. The mAAbs produced by these clones were distinct from each other in their V-region sequences. However, all the V regions were essentially identical to germline sequences in both the heavy and light chains. Heavy-chain CDR3 segments ranged in length from 17 to 26 residues, did not correspond to any known autoantibodies, and showed extensive N-region diversity in the V(D)J junctions. Five monoclonal autoantibodies use VH 3 genes, while the remaining two utilized VH 4 sequences. Light-chain variable regions used were V 3 (two), V 3 (four), and one V 2. These autoantibodies derived their unique features from their CDR3 segments that could not be aligned with any known sequences.  相似文献   

The two forms of clathrin light chains (LCA and LCB) or clathrin-associated proteins (CAP1 and CAP2) have presented an immunochemical paradox. Biochemically similar, both possess two known functional parameters: binding the clathrin heavy chain and mediating the action of an uncoating ATPase. All previously reported anti-CAP mAbs, however, react specifically with only CAP1 (Brodsky, F. M., 1985, J. Cell Biol., 101:2047-2054; Kirchhausen, T., S. C. Harrison, P. Parham, and F. M. Brodsky, 1983, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80:2481-2485). Four new anti-CAP mAbs are reported here: two, C-7H12 and C-6C1, react with both forms; two others, C-10B2 and C-4E5, react only with the lower form. Sandwich ELISAs indicated that C-10B2, C-4E5, C-6C1, and C-7H12 react with distinct epitopes. Monoclonal antibodies C-10B2 and C-4E5 immunoprecipitate clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) and react with CAP2 epitopes accessible to chymotrypsin on the vesicle. These mAbs inhibit phosphorylation of CAP2 by endogenous CCV casein kinase II. In contrast, C-6C1 and C-7H12 react with epitopes that are relatively insensitive to chymotrypsin. CAP peptide fragments containing these epitopes remain bound to reassembled cages or CCVs after digestion. Immunoprecipitation and ELISAs demonstrate that C-7H12 and C-6C1 react with unbound CAPs but not with CAPs bound to triskelions or CCVs. The data indicate that the CAPs consist of at least two discernible structural domains: a nonconserved, accessible domain that is relevant to the phosphorylation of CAP2 and a conserved, inaccessible domain that mediates the binding of CAPs to CCVs.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal IgM antibody, directed against human blood group B determinant, was isolated from hybridoma culture growth medium. Chemical analysis indicated presence of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides. The N- and O-linked carbohydrate chains were liberated using two different conditions of reductive alkaline degradation. Structural analysis was carried out on the isolated chains using chemical analysis, 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry. The following composite structures of the N-linked chains were found: (formula; see text) where R = OH for biantennary structures and R = Neu5Ac alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4 GlcNAc beta 1- or Neu5Ac alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3[Neu5Ac alpha 2-6]GlcNAc beta 1- for triantennary structures. The O-linked oligosaccharides, found in the light chains, were shown to have the structure Neu5Ac alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3GalNAc. The native IgM antibody could be separated on a concanavalin-A-Sepharose column into two subfractions, differing in the presence of a high-mannose-type oligosaccharide.  相似文献   

The elicitation of contact sensitivity (CS) to local skin challenge with the hapten trinitrophenyl (TNP) chloride requires an early process that is necessary for local recruitment of CS-effector T cells. This is called CS initiation and is due to the B-1 subset of B cells activated at immunization to produce circulating IgM Ab. At challenge, the IgM binds hapten Ag in a complex that locally activates C to generate C5a that aids in T cell recruitment. In this study, we present evidence that CS initiation is indeed mediated by C-activating classic IgM anti-TNP pentamer. We further demonstrate the involvement of IgM subunits derived either from hybridomas or from lymphoid cells of actively immunized mice. Thus, reduced and alkylated anti-TNP IgM also initiates CS, likely due to generated H chain-L chain dimers, as does a mixture of separated H and L chains that still could weakly bind hapten, but could not activate C. Remarkably, anti-TNP kappa L chains alone mediated CS initiation that was C-independent, but was dependent on mast cells. Thus, B-1 cell-mediated CS initiation required for T cell recruitment is due to activation of C by specific IgM pentamer, and also subunits of IgM, while kappa L chains act via another C-independent but mast cell-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

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