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Previous studies have identified a specific modification of the capsular polysaccharide as receptor for phages that infect Campylobacter jejuni. Using acapsular kpsM mutants of C. jejuni strains NCTC11168 and NCTC12658, we found that bacteriophage F341 infects C. jejuni independently of the capsule. In contrast, phage F341 does not infect C. jejuni NCTC11168 mutants that either lack the flagellar filaments (ΔflaAB) or that have paralyzed, i.e., nonrotating, flagella (ΔmotA and ΔflgP). Complementing flgP confirmed that phage F341 requires rotating flagella for successful infection. Furthermore, adsorption assays demonstrated that phage F341 does not adsorb to these nonmotile C. jejuni NCTC11168 mutants. Taken together, we propose that phage F341 uses the flagellum as a receptor. Phage-host interactions were investigated using fluorescence confocal and transmission electron microscopy. These data demonstrate that F341 binds to the flagellum by perpendicular attachment with visible phage tail fibers interacting directly with the flagellum. Our data are consistent with the movement of the C. jejuni flagellum being required for F341 to travel along the filament to reach the basal body of the bacterium. The initial binding to the flagellum may cause a conformational change of the phage tail that enables DNA injection after binding to a secondary receptor.  相似文献   

In this study we isolated novel bacteriophages, infecting the zoonotic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni. These phages may be used in phage therapy of C. jejuni colonized poultry to prevent spreading of the bacteria to meat products causing disease in humans. Many C. jejuni phages have been isolated using NCTC12662 as the indicator strain, which may have biased the selection of phages. A large group of C. jejuni phages rely on the highly diverse capsular polysaccharide (CPS) for infection and recent work identified the O-methyl phosphoramidate modification (MeOPN) of CPS as a phage receptor. We therefore chose seven C. jejuni strains each expressing different CPS structures as indicator strains in a large screening for phages in samples collected from free-range poultry farms. Forty-three phages were isolated using C. jejuni NCTC12658, NCTC12662 and RM1221 as host strains and 20 distinct phages were identified based on host range analysis and genome restriction profiles. Most phages were isolated using C. jejuni strains NCTC12662 and RM1221 and interestingly phage genome size (140 kb vs. 190 kb), host range and morphological appearance correlated with the isolation strain. Thus, according to C. jejuni phage grouping, NCTC12662 and NCTC12658 selected for CP81-type phages, while RM1221 selected for CP220-type phages. Furthermore, using acapsular ∆kpsM mutants we demonstrated that phages isolated on NCTC12658 and NCTC12662 were dependent on the capsule for infection. In contrast, CP220-type phages isolated on RM1221 were unable to infect non-motile ∆motA mutants, hence requiring motility for successful infection. Hence, the primary phage isolation strain determines both phage type (CP81 or CP220) as well as receptors (CPS or flagella) recognised by the isolated phages.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni 81116 has been extensively investigated in studies on genes associated with the synthesis of Campylobacter lipopoly/lipooligosaccharides (LPS/LOS). Despite these investigations, data on the chemical structure of polysaccharides from C. jejuni 81116 have been absent. The present study was undertaken to fill that void. Biomass was grown in large quantities on agar medium, harvested and extracted by hot phenol-water extraction. Subsequently, extracts were treated by DNase, RNase and proteinase K to remove contaminants. After mild acid treatment, followed by preparative gel-permeation and anion-exchange chromatography, fractions were isolated and studied by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including 2D COSY, TOCSY, 1H,(13)C HMQC and HMBC experiments. These advanced investigations revealed the occurrence of two different polysaccharides in the approximate ratio of 3:1, each having a tetrasaccharide repeating unit. Polysaccharide A contained glucose, glucuronic acid and mannose, and is O-acetylated. Polysaccharide B contained glucose, galactose and N-acetylglucosamine. Importantly, polysaccharide A is acidic, whereas polysaccharide B is neutral. [carbohydrate structure: see text]  相似文献   

FlhF proteins are putative GTPases that are often necessary for one or more steps in flagellar organelle development in polarly flagellated bacteria. In Campylobacter jejuni, FlhF is required for σ54-dependent flagellar gene expression and flagellar biosynthesis, but how FlhF influences these processes is unknown. Furthermore, the GTPase activity of any FlhF protein and the requirement of this speculated activity for steps in flagellar biosynthesis remain uncharacterized. We show here that C. jejuni FlhF hydrolyzes GTP, indicating that these proteins are GTPases. C. jejuni mutants producing FlhF proteins with reduced GTPase activity were not severely defective for σ54-dependent flagellar gene expression, unlike a mutant lacking FlhF. Instead, these mutants had a propensity to lack flagella or produce flagella in improper numbers or at nonpolar locations, indicating that GTP hydrolysis by FlhF is required for proper flagellar biosynthesis. Additional studies focused on elucidating a possible role for FlhF in σ54-dependent flagellar gene expression were conducted. These studies revealed that FlhF does not influence production of or signaling between the flagellar export apparatus and the FlgSR two-component regulatory system to activate σ54. Instead, our data suggest that FlhF functions in an independent pathway that converges with or works downstream of the flagellar export apparatus-FlgSR pathway to influence σ54-dependent gene expression. This study provides corroborative biochemical and genetic analyses suggesting that different activities of the C. jejuni FlhF GTPase are required for distinct steps in flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis. Our findings are likely applicable to many polarly flagellated bacteria that utilize FlhF in flagellar biosynthesis processes.Flagellar biosynthesis in bacteria is a complex process that requires expression of more than 50 genes in a sequential manner to ensure that the encoded proteins are secreted and interact in a proper order to construct a flagellar organelle (8). Formation of a flagellum to impart swimming motility is often an essential determinant for many bacteria to infect hosts or reside in an environmental niche. As such, flagella and flagellar motility are required for Campylobacter jejuni to initiate and maintain a harmless intestinal colonization in many wild and agriculturally important animals (16, 17, 19, 35, 47, 49), which leads to large reservoirs of the bacterium in the environment and the human food supply (13). In addition, flagellar motility is essential for the bacterium to infect human hosts to cause a diarrheal disease, which can range from a mild, watery enteritis to a severe, bloody diarrheal syndrome (4). Due to its prevalence in nature and in the food supply, C. jejuni is a leading cause of enteritis in humans throughout the world (7).C. jejuni belongs to a subset of motile bacteria that produce polarly localized flagella, which includes important pathogens of humans, such as Helicobacter, Vibrio, and Pseudomonas species. These bacteria have some commonalities in mechanisms for flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis, such as using both alternative σ factors, σ28 and σ54, for expression of distinct sets of flagellar genes (1, 6, 9, 11, 18, 20-22, 26, 36, 40, 44, 45, 49). In addition, these bacteria produce the putative FlhF GTPase, which is required in each bacterium for at least one of the following: expression of a subset of flagellar genes, biosynthesis of flagella, or the polar placement of the flagella. For instance, FlhF is required for expression of some σ54- and σ28-dependent flagellar genes and for production of flagella in the classical biotype of Vibrio cholerae (10). However, V. cholerae flhF mutants of another biotype can produce a flagellum in a minority of cells, but the flagellum is at a lateral site (14). Similar lateral flagella were found in flhF mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida (34, 37). FlhF of Vibrio alginolyticus may also be involved in the polar formation of flagella and may possibly influence the number of flagella produced (28, 29). Demonstration that FlhF is polarly localized in some of these species and the fact that FlhF has been observed to assist the early flagellar MS ring protein, FliF, in localizing to the old pole in one biotype of V. cholerae give credence that FlhF may be involved in the polar placement of flagella in the respective organisms (14, 29, 34).Bioinformatic analysis indicates that the FlhF proteins belong to the SIMIBI class of NTP-binding proteins (30). More specifically, the GTPase domains of FlhF proteins are most similar to those of the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway GTPases, such as Ffh and FtsY. Because of the homology of the GTPase domains, these three proteins may form a unique subset within the SIMIBI proteins. Whereas the GTPase activities of the interacting Ffh and FtsY proteins have been extensively characterized (32, 38, 39, 42), little is known about the GTP hydrolysis activity of FlhF. Structural determination of FlhF of Bacillus subtilis indicates that the potential GTPase activity of FlhF is likely varied relative to those of Ffh and FtsY (2). However, no biochemical analysis has been performed to verify or characterize the ability of an FlhF protein to hydrolyze GTP. As such, no studies have correlated the biochemical activity of FlhF in relation to GTP hydrolysis with the role that FlhF performs in flagellar gene expression or biosynthesis.Through previous work, we have delineated the regulatory cascades governing flagellar gene expression in C. jejuni. We have found that formation of the flagellar export apparatus (FEA), a multiprotein inner membrane complex (consisting of the proteins FlhA, FlhB, FliF, FliO, FliP, FliQ, and FliR) that secretes most of the flagellar proteins out of the cytoplasm to form the flagellum, is required to activate the FlgS sensor kinase to begin a phosphorelay to the cognate FlgR response regulator (23, 24). Once activated by phosphorylation, FlgR likely interacts with σ54 in RNA polymerase to initiate expression of many flagellar genes encoding components of the flagellar basal body, rod, and hook (20, 24). After formation of the hook, flaA, encoding the major flagellin, is expressed via σ28 and RNA polymerase to generate the flagellar filament and complete flagellar biosynthesis (6, 18, 20, 21, 49). In two separate genetic analyses, we found that flhF mutants of C. jejuni are nonmotile and show a more than 10-fold reduction in expression of σ54-dependent flagellar genes, indicating that FlhF is required for both flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis (20). However, it is unclear how FlhF influences expression of σ54-dependent flagellar genes. Furthermore, it is unknown if the GTPase activity of FlhF is required for flagellar gene expression or biosynthesis in C. jejuni.We have performed experiments to determine that C. jejuni FlhF specifically hydrolyzes GTP, confirming that FlhF is a GTPase. Whereas the FlhF protein is required for motility, flagellar biosynthesis, and expression of σ54-dependent flagellar genes, the GTPase activity of the protein significantly influences only proper biosynthesis of flagella. These results suggest that multiple biochemical activities of FlhF (including GTPase activity and likely other, as yet uncharacterized activities mediated by other domains) are required at distinct steps in flagellar gene expression and biosynthesis. In addition, we provide biochemical and genetic evidence that FlhF likely functions in a pathway separate from the FEA-FlgSR pathway in C. jejuni to influence expression of σ54-dependent flagellar genes. This study provides corroborative genetic and biochemical analysis of FlhF to indicate that FlhF has multiple inherent activities that function at different steps in development of the flagellar organelle, which may be applicable to many polarly flagellated bacteria.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of bacteriophages and their hosts was carried out at a broiler house that had been identified as having a population of Campylobacter-specific bacteriophages. Cloacal and excreta samples were collected from three successive broiler flocks reared in the same barn. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from each flock, whereas bacteriophages could be isolated from flocks 1 and 2 but were not isolated from flock 3. The bacteriophages isolated from flocks 1 and 2 were closely related to each other in terms of host range, morphology, genome size, and genetic content. All Campylobacter isolates from flock 1 were genotypically indistinguishable by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE and multilocus sequence typing indicated that this C. jejuni type was maintained from flock 1 to flock 2 but was largely superseded by three genetically distinct C. jejuni types insensitive to the resident bacteriophages. All isolates from the third batch of birds were insensitive to bacteriophages and genotypically distinct. These results are significant because this is the first study of an environmental population of C. jejuni bacteriophages and their influence on the Campylobacter populations of broiler house chickens. The role of developing bacteriophage resistance was investigated as this is a possible obstacle to the use of bacteriophage therapy to reduce the numbers of campylobacters in chickens. In this broiler house succession was largely due to incursion of new genotypes rather than to de novo development of resistance.  相似文献   

Retail poultry products are widely purported as the major infection vehicle for human campylobacteriosis. Numerous intervention strategies have sought to reduce Campylobacter contamination on broiler carcasses in the abattoir. This study reports the efficacy of bacteriophage in reducing the number of recoverable Campylobacter jejuni cells on artificially contaminated chicken skin.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most frequent bacterial causes of food-borne gastrointestinal disease in developed countries. Previous work indicates that the binding of C. jejuni to human intestinal cells is crucial for host colonization and disease. Fibronectin (Fn), a major constituent of the extracellular matrix, is a ∼250-kDa glycoprotein present at regions of cell-to-cell contact in the intestinal epithelium. Fn is composed of three types of repeating units: type I (∼45 amino acids), type II (∼60 amino acids), and type III (∼90 amino acids). The deduced amino acid sequence of C. jejuni flpA (Cj1279c) contains at least three Fn type III domains. Based on the presence of the Fn type III domains, we hypothesized that FlpA contributes to the binding of C. jejuni to human INT 407 epithelial cells and Fn. We assessed the contribution of FlpA in C. jejuni binding to host cells by in vitro adherence assays with a C. jejuni wild-type strain and a C. jejuni flpA mutant and binding of purified FlpA protein to Fn by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Adherence assays revealed the binding of the C. jejuni flpA mutant to INT 407 epithelial cells was significantly reduced compared with that for a wild-type strain. In addition, rabbit polyclonal serum generated against FlpA blocked C. jejuni adherence to INT 407 cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Binding of FlpA to Fn was found to be dose dependent and saturable by ELISA, demonstrating the specificity of the interaction. Based on these data, we conclude that FlpA mediates C. jejuni attachment to host epithelial cells via Fn binding.Members of the genus Campylobacter are gram-negative, asaccharolytic, motile bacteria, which grow optimally in the laboratory at temperatures between 37 and 42°C under microaerophilic conditions. Although members of Campylobacter spp. were initially recognized to cause disease in sheep and cattle, Campylobacter jejuni was not recognized as a human pathogen until much later (25). Infection of humans with C. jejuni is characterized by a rapid onset of fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. C. jejuni is now recognized as one of the leading bacterial causes of gastroenteritis in the world. In spite of the incidence of campylobacteriosis, relatively few C. jejuni virulence genes have been characterized, and our understanding of the virulence properties of C. jejuni is limited compared with that of other enteric pathogens, including Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia spp.The ability of C. jejuni to cause disease is a complex, multifactorial process. Virulence factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of C. jejuni are associated with motility, host (target) cell adherence, host cell invasion, protein secretion, alteration of host cell signaling pathways, induction of host cell death, evasion of host immune defenses, iron acquisition, and drug/detergent resistance (14, 18). The binding of C. jejuni to specific host cell ligands is hypothesized to play a fundamental role in host colonization and disease progression, since it prevents the organism''s clearance from the intestine by peristalsis and fluid flow. Fauchere et al. (5) reported that C. jejuni isolates recovered from individuals with fever and diarrhea adhered to cultured cells in greater numbers than isolates recovered from asymptomatic individuals. While there is no evidence indicating that C. jejuni produces fimbriae that assist in host colonization (7), a number of constitutively synthesized proteins have been proposed to act as adhesins. Bacterial adhesins are surface-exposed macromolecules that facilitate an organism''s binding to the host cell receptors. Known and putative C. jejuni adhesins include CadF, CapA, FlpA, and PorA (MOMP) (6).An emerging theme among pathogenic microorganisms is their ability to utilize host cell molecules during the infectious process to facilitate their binding and entry into host cells (27). More specifically, many bacterial pathogens have been found to bind to fibronectin (Fn), which in turn modifies host cell signaling pathways to the pathogen''s advantage. Fn exists as a dimer of nearly identical 250-kDa subunits that are linked by a pair of disulfide bonds near their C termini. Each Fn monomer is composed of three types of repeating units: type I (∼45 amino acids), type II (∼60 amino acids), and type III (∼90 amino acids) (22). In total, each monomer contains 12 type I repeats, two type II repeats, and 15 to 17 type III repeats. Fn participates in many cellular interactions, including tissue repair, embryogenesis, blood clotting, and cell migration/adhesion. Plasma Fn, which is synthesized by hepatocytes, is soluble (22). In contrast, Fn involved in host cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction, which is synthesized by chondrocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, macrophages, and certain epithelial cells, is present in an insoluble form (22). Fn serves as an adhesion molecule that anchors cells to ECM components, including collagen and other proteoglycan substrates.The bacterial proteins that bind to ECM components have been termed microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) (23). The C. jejuni CadF protein is a member of the MSCRAMM family and one of the most extensively characterized C. jejuni virulence determinants (10-12, 15, 16, 19-21, 24, 28). CadF mediates the binding of C. jejuni to Fn, promotes bacterium-host cell interactions, and facilitates the organism''s colonization of chickens (10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 28). In addition to CadF, we recently reported that a mutation in Cj1279c resulted in a C. jejuni mutant that poorly colonized broiler chickens compared with a C. jejuni wild-type strain. The product encoded by the Cj1279c gene was termed Fibronectin-like protein A (FlpA) because the protein harbors Fn type III domains (6). The goal of this study was to characterize the binding properties of FlpA and to determine if this protein is a member of the MSCRAMM family. Here we provide experimental evidence that C. jejuni FlpA is surface exposed, promotes the bacterium''s attachment to host epithelial cells, and has Fn binding activity. Assays were also performed to determine if CadF and FlpA act cooperatively to promote binding of C. jejuni to host cells and Fn. We submit that the identification of a second MSCRAMM in C. jejuni highlights the importance of Fn binding in host colonization and disease.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni sheds its flagella and varying proportions of the poles of the cell late in the growth cycle, resulting in the production of very small flagellated structures 0.1 to 0.3 microM in diameter. Electron microscopy revealed that these structures were minicells possessing outer membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, flagellar basal complex, and polar membrane; nucleoplasms were not seen. The initial event in the formation of these minicells involved a constriction of the cytoplasmic membrane, segregating the polar regions of the cell. The peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall was not visible, but was presumed to lyse at the separation site of minicell formation, and to reform or remain intact along the main length of the cell because the rods did not spheroplast. Finally, rupture and resealing of the outer membrane component of the wall resulted in the release of fully enclosed minicells and nonflagellated rods.  相似文献   

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  • •Growth in the bile salt deoxycholate (DOC) induces virulence proteins in C. jejuni.
  • •A putative symporter Cj0025c is associated with DOC growth and cystine transport.
  • •Deletion of cj0025c results in loss of cystine transport and a sulfur starved proteotype.
  • •Cj0025c is required for wild-type virulence phenotypes including human cell invasion.

An attempt was made to elucidate in Campylobacter spp. some of the physiologic characteristics that are reflected in the kinetics of CO2 formation from four 14C-labeled substrates. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli were grown in a biphasic medium, and highly motile spiral cells were harvested at 12 h. Of the media evaluated for use in the metabolic tests, minimal essential medium without glutamine, diluted with an equal volume of potassium sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), provided the greatest stability and least competition with the substrates to be tested. The cells were incubated with 0.02 M glutamate, glutamine, alpha-ketoglutarate, or formate, or with concentrations of these substrates ranging from 0.0032 to 0.125 M. All four substrates were metabolized very rapidly by both species. A feature of many of these reactions, particularly obvious with alpha-ketoglutarate, was an immediate burst of CO2 production followed by CO2 evolution at a more moderate rate. These diphasic kinetics of substrate utilization were not seen in comparable experiments with Escherichia coli grown and tested under identical conditions. With C. jejuni, CO2 production from formate proceeded rapidly for the entire period of incubation. The rate of metabolism of glutamate, glutamine, and alpha-ketoglutarate by both species was greatly enhanced by increased substrate concentration. The approach to the study of the metabolism of campylobacters here described may be useful in detecting subtle changes in the physiology of cells as they are maintained past their logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

The occurrence of C. jejuni in the intestinal contents of mink and in the mink feed, prepared from fresh, untreated slaughter offal, was studied. The farms and the central feeding kichens, from where the intestinal and feed samples were collected, were situated in the northwestern part of Finland. All mink samples, originating from 9 farms, and feed samples, originating from 2 central feeding kichens were negative for C. jejuni and for C. coll The only positive faecal samples were obtained from a farm, being located in the southern part of Finland. Experimental colonization of C jejuni was followed in 10 pregnant mink during their last trimester of pregnancy. The animals colonized only transiently with C. jejuni. Five of the animals shedded Campylobacters only for 1–2 weeks after inoculation. Two experimental animals aborted. These animals were colonized at the time of abortion with C jejuni. The association of C jejuni infection to abortion was not, however, confirmed. The uterine contents or the fetuses examined were negative for Campylobacters.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to elucidate in Campylobacter spp. some of the physiologic characteristics that are reflected in the kinetics of CO2 formation from four 14C-labeled substrates. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli were grown in a biphasic medium, and highly motile spiral cells were harvested at 12 h. Of the media evaluated for use in the metabolic tests, minimal essential medium without glutamine, diluted with an equal volume of potassium sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2), provided the greatest stability and least competition with the substrates to be tested. The cells were incubated with 0.02 M glutamate, glutamine, alpha-ketoglutarate, or formate, or with concentrations of these substrates ranging from 0.0032 to 0.125 M. All four substrates were metabolized very rapidly by both species. A feature of many of these reactions, particularly obvious with alpha-ketoglutarate, was an immediate burst of CO2 production followed by CO2 evolution at a more moderate rate. These diphasic kinetics of substrate utilization were not seen in comparable experiments with Escherichia coli grown and tested under identical conditions. With C. jejuni, CO2 production from formate proceeded rapidly for the entire period of incubation. The rate of metabolism of glutamate, glutamine, and alpha-ketoglutarate by both species was greatly enhanced by increased substrate concentration. The approach to the study of the metabolism of campylobacters here described may be useful in detecting subtle changes in the physiology of cells as they are maintained past their logarithmic growth phase.  相似文献   

The location and abundance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter lanienae in the intestines of beef cattle were investigated using real-time quantitative PCR in two studies. In an initial study, digesta and tissue samples were obtained along the digestive tract of two beef steers known to shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae (steers A and B). At the time of slaughter, steer B weighed 540 kg, compared to 600 kg for steer A, yet the intestine of steer B (40.5 m) was 36% longer than the intestine of steer A (26.1 m). In total, 323 digesta samples (20-cm intervals) and 998 tissue samples (3.3- to 6.7-cm intervals) were processed. Campylobacter DNA was detected in the digesta and in association with tissues throughout the small and large intestines of both animals. Although C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were detected in both animals, only steer A contained substantial quantities of C. jejuni DNA. In both digesta and tissues of steer A, C. jejuni was present in the duodenum and jejunum. Considerable quantities of C. jejuni DNA also were observed in the digesta obtained from the cecum and ascending colon, but minimal DNA was associated with tissues of these regions. In contrast, steer B contained substantial quantities of C. lanienae DNA, and DNA of this bacterium was limited to the large intestine (i.e., the cecum, proximal ascending colon, descending colon, and rectum); the majority of tissue-associated C. lanienae DNA was present in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. In a second study, the location and abundance of C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were confirmed in the intestines of 20 arbitrarily selected beef cattle. DNA of C. jejuni and C. lanienae were detected in the digesta of 57% and 95% of the animals, respectively. C. jejuni associated with intestinal tissues was most abundant in the duodenum, ileum, and rectum. However, one animal contributed disproportionately to the abundance of C. jejuni DNA in the ileum and rectum. C. lanienae was most abundant in the large intestine, and the highest density of DNA of this bacterium was found in the cecum. Therefore, C. jejuni colonized the proximal small intestine of asymptomatic beef cattle, whereas C. lanienae primarily resided in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. This information could be instrumental in developing efficacious strategies to manage the release of these bacteria from the gastrointestinal tracts of cattle.  相似文献   

The location and abundance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter lanienae in the intestines of beef cattle were investigated using real-time quantitative PCR in two studies. In an initial study, digesta and tissue samples were obtained along the digestive tract of two beef steers known to shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae (steers A and B). At the time of slaughter, steer B weighed 540 kg, compared to 600 kg for steer A, yet the intestine of steer B (40.5 m) was 36% longer than the intestine of steer A (26.1 m). In total, 323 digesta samples (20-cm intervals) and 998 tissue samples (3.3- to 6.7-cm intervals) were processed. Campylobacter DNA was detected in the digesta and in association with tissues throughout the small and large intestines of both animals. Although C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were detected in both animals, only steer A contained substantial quantities of C. jejuni DNA. In both digesta and tissues of steer A, C. jejuni was present in the duodenum and jejunum. Considerable quantities of C. jejuni DNA also were observed in the digesta obtained from the cecum and ascending colon, but minimal DNA was associated with tissues of these regions. In contrast, steer B contained substantial quantities of C. lanienae DNA, and DNA of this bacterium was limited to the large intestine (i.e., the cecum, proximal ascending colon, descending colon, and rectum); the majority of tissue-associated C. lanienae DNA was present in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. In a second study, the location and abundance of C. jejuni and C. lanienae DNA were confirmed in the intestines of 20 arbitrarily selected beef cattle. DNA of C. jejuni and C. lanienae were detected in the digesta of 57% and 95% of the animals, respectively. C. jejuni associated with intestinal tissues was most abundant in the duodenum, ileum, and rectum. However, one animal contributed disproportionately to the abundance of C. jejuni DNA in the ileum and rectum. C. lanienae was most abundant in the large intestine, and the highest density of DNA of this bacterium was found in the cecum. Therefore, C. jejuni colonized the proximal small intestine of asymptomatic beef cattle, whereas C. lanienae primarily resided in the cecum, descending colon, and rectum. This information could be instrumental in developing efficacious strategies to manage the release of these bacteria from the gastrointestinal tracts of cattle.  相似文献   

The mechanisms used by Campylobacter jejuni to induce internalization into host intestinal epithelial cells have not been defined. In this study, we obtained evidence that exposure of INT-407 cells to protein kinase inhibitors results in decreased invasion of these cells by C. jejuni in a dose dependent manner. Preincubation of INT-407 cells in the presence of staurosporine, tyrphostin 46 and genistein decreased invasion of these cells by C. jejuni significantly. Moreover, C. jejuni infection of INT-407 cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of several Triton X-100 soluble proteins with approximate molecular weights of 170, 145, 90, 60 and 55 kDa that were absent or reduced in the presence of genistein in cells after 1 hr of pretreatment. These data suggest that tyrosine protein kinase-linked pathways strongly regulate the internalization of C. jejuni into intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

After intraperitoneal inoculation with Campylobacter jejuni BALB/c, Swiss and DBA mice show a peritoneal inflammatory response of different intensity. Only BALB/c mice have a strong peritoneal response. Simultaneous intraperitoneal inoculation of C. jejuni plus FeCl3 increase both inflammatory response and phagocytic activity in Swiss mice, without production of diarrhea. Some thermostable compounds of C. jejuni have a very strong chemotactic activity against peritoneal cells of mice, whereas a diffusible, thermolabile and glutaraldehyde-resistant factor has an inhibitory effect over murine peritoneal cell phagocytosis. Bactericidal activity of peritoneal cells increased after in vitro re-challenge with C. jejuni. Bacteremia is present in all the mice strains tested, but the clearance is quick in DBA and slow in BALB/c and Swiss mice. These experiments confirm that in mice, peritoneal non-specific mechanisms of defense, such as macrophages, play an important role in order to control C. jejuni infection.  相似文献   

Adherence of Campylobacter jejuni to its particular host cells is mediated by several pathogen proteins. We screened a transposon-based mutant library of C. jejuni in order to identify clones with an invasion deficient phenotype towards Caco2 cells and detected a mutant with the transposon insertion in gene cj0268c. In vitro characterization of a generated non-random mutant, the mutant complemented with an intact copy of cj0268c and parental strain NCTC 11168 confirmed the relevance of Cj0268c in the invasion process, in particular regarding adherence to host cells. Whereas Cj0268c does not impact autoagglutination or motility of C. jejuni, heterologous expression in E. coli strain DH5α enhanced the potential of the complemented E. coli strain to adhere to Caco2 cells significantly and, thus, indicates that Cj0268c does not need to interact with other C. jejuni proteins to develop its adherence-mediating phenotype. Flow cytometric measurements of E. coli expressing Cj0268c indicate a localization of the protein in the periplasmic space with no access of its C-terminus to the bacterial surface. Since a respective knockout mutant possesses clearly reduced resistance to Triton X-100 treatment, Cj0268c contributes to the stability of the bacterial cell wall. Finally, we could show that the presence of cj0268c seems to be ubiquitous in isolates of C. jejuni and does not correlate with specific clonal groups regarding pathogenicity or pathogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni by high hydrostatic pressure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the response of Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 35919 and 35921 to high pressure processing (HPP) while suspended in microbiological media and various food systems. METHODS AND RESULTS: Campylobacter jejuni 35919 and 35921 were subjected to 10-min pressure treatments between 100 and 400 MPa at 25 degrees C suspended in Bolton broth, phosphate buffer (0.2 m, pH 7.3), ultra-high temperature (UHT) whole milk, UHT skim milk, soya milk and chicken pureé. The survivability of C. jejuni was further investigated by inoculated pack studies. HPP at 300-325 MPa for 10 min at 25 degrees C was sufficient to reduce viable numbers of both strains to below detectable levels when cells were pressurized in Bolton broth or phosphate buffer. All food products examined offered a protective effect in that an additional 50-75 MPa was required to achieve similar levels of inactivation when compared with broth and buffer. Inoculated pack studies showed that the survivability of C. jejuni following pressurization improved with decreasing post-treatment storage temperature. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These data demonstrated that HPP at levels of 相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial‐derived gastroenteritis worldwide and can lead to several post‐infectious inflammatory disorders. Despite the prevalence and health impacts of the bacterium, interactions between the host innate immune system and C. jejuni remain poorly understood. To expand on earlier work demonstrating that neutrophils traffic to the site of infection in an animal model of campylobacteriosis, we identified significant increases in several predominantly neutrophil‐derived proteins in the faeces of C. jejuni‐infected patients, including lipocalin‐2, myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase. In addition to demonstrating that these proteins significantly inhibited C. jejuni growth, we determined they are released during formation of C. jejuni‐induced neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we found that purified human neutrophils are activated by C. jejuni and exhibit signatures of NET generation, including presence of protein arginine deiminase‐4, histone citrullination, myeloperoxidase, neutrophil elastase release and DNA extrusion. Production of NETs correlated with C. jejuni phagocytosis/endocytosis and invasion of neutrophils suggesting that host‐ and bacterial‐mediated activities are responsible for NET induction. Further, NET‐like structures were observed within intestinal tissue of C. jejuni‐infected ferrets. Finally, induction of NETs significantly increased human colonocyte cytotoxicity, indicating that NET formation during C. jejuni infection may contribute to observed tissue pathology. These findings provide further understanding of C. jejuni–neutrophil interactions and inflammatory responses during campylobacteriosis.  相似文献   

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