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Geographic variation in protein content of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, and the associations of protein content with ecological and allozyme markers were tested in an attempt to derive predictive guidelines for conservation and utilization in breeding programs. The study involved 195 genotypes of wild barley from 25 populations, 15 central and 10 marginal. These populations had been tested earlier for allozymic variation (Nevo & al. 1979 a, b). The results indicate that protein content varies both within, but particularly between populations. Notably, the 10 marginal populations exhibit high protein content but low kernel weight, as compared with the 15 central populations which displayed lower protein content but high kernel weight. Three variable combinations of climatic factors explain 40% of the variability in protein content among populations. Likewise, 3 variable combinations of allozyme allele frequencies explain a significant degree of spatial variance in protein content (R square = 0.63). — We conclude that natural populations of wild barley in Israel contain large amounts of yet untapped genes for protein content. These could be effectively screened and utilized for producing high protein cultivars of barley by following ecological and allozymic markers as predictive guidelines in screening natural populations of wild barley.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and structure of populations of the wild progenitor of barleyHordeum spontaneum in Iran was studied by electrophoretically discernible allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 30 gene loci in 509 individuals representing 13 populations of wild barley. The results indicate that: a)Hordeum spontaneum in Iran is extremely rich genetically but, because of predominant self-pollination, the variation is carried primarily by different homozygotes in the population. Thus, genetic indices of polymorphismP-1% = 0.375, range = 0.267–0.500, and of genetic diversity,He = 0.134, range = 0.069–0.198, are very high. b) Genetic differentiation of populations includes clinal, regional and local patterns, sometimes displaying sharp geographic differentiation over short distances. The average relative differentiation among populations isGst = 0.28, range = 0.02–0.61. c) A substantial portion of the patterns of allozyme variation in the wild gene pool is significanctly correlated with the environment and is predictable ecologically, chiefly by combinations of temperature and humidity variables. d) The natural populations studied, on the average, are more variable than two composite crosses, and more variable than indigenous land races of cultivated barely,Hordeum vulgare, in Iran. — The spatial patterns and environmental correlates and predictors of genetic variation ofH. spontaneum in Iran indicate that genetic variation in wild barley populations is not only rich but also at least partly adaptive. Therefore, a much fuller exploitation of these genetic resources by breeding for disease resistance and economically important agronomic traits is warranted.  相似文献   

Samples from eleven populations of wild barley were examined for metric growth and reproductive traits in a common garden field trial. Descendants of these plants were examined for electrophoretically determined genotypes. In most cases each population had one or more predominant electrophoretically detectable genotypes and many infrequent genotypes. Analysis of variance ofHordeum spontaneum shows that the between-population variance component contributed the bulk of the observed variation in metric traits, with only a small proportion of the total variation contributed by the between-genotype within-population variance component. Nevertheless, a full 20% of the F values for the among genotype analysis were significant at the 5% level. In addition, using discriminant analysis, electrophoretically determined genotypes could be easily distinguished on the basis of trait (i.e., metric) measurements. The joint use of electrophoresis (to identify genotypes) and of trait measurements is a powerful tool for investigating intrapopulation genetic variation.  相似文献   

Samples from 11 populations of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, from Israel, were examined for morphological variation in a common garden plot design. Earliness traits had the highest between population variation of all traits studied. No relationship was found between dimensions of leaves and size of seeds.—Using numerical taxonomy methods, four races were found, which correspond to the geographical and environmental range of the species in Israel. It is concluded thatH. spontaneum shows a well developed tendency toward formation of highly adaptive races rather than exhibiting clinical variation.  相似文献   

Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 22 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 278 individual plants of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, the progenitor of cultivated barley, in four 100 meter transects, in Israel, each equally subdivided into basalt and terra rossa soil types. Significant differentiation according to soil was found in 9 alleles. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild barley are at least partly adaptive, and differentiate by edaphic natural selection rather than by stochastic processes, and/or neutrality of allozymic variants.  相似文献   

Wild barley shows a large morphological and phenotypic variation, which is associated with ecogeographical factors and correlates with genotypic differences. Diversity of defense related genes and their expression in wild barley has been recognized and has led to attempts to exploit genes from H. spontaneum in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to determine the variation in the accumulation of hordatines, which are Hordeum-specific preformed secondary metabolites with strong and broad antimicrobial activity in vitro, in 50 accessions of H. spontaneum from different habitats in Israel. Differences in the accumulation of hordatines in the seedling stage were significant between different H. spontaneum genotypes from different regional locations and micro-sites. Variation in the hordatine accumulation within genotypes was between 9% and 45%, between genotypes from the same location between 13% and 38%, and between genotypes from different locations up to 121%. Principal component analysis showed that water related factors explain 39%, temperature related factors explain 33% and edaphic factors account for 11% of the observed variation between the populations of H. spontaneum. Genetic analysis of the tested accessions with LP-PCR primers that are specific for genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway of hordatines showed tight correlations between hordatine abundance and genetic diversity of these markers. Multiple regression analyses indicated associations between genetic diversity of genes directly involved in hordatine biosynthesis, ecogeographical factors and the accumulation of hordatines.  相似文献   

Three new major, race-specific, resistance genes to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) were identified in three barley lines, RS42-6*O, RS137-28*E, and HSY-78*A, derived from crosses with wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum). The resistance gene origining from wild barley in line RS42-6*O, showed a recessive mode of inheritance, whereas the other wild barley genes were (semi)-dominant. RFLP mapping of these three genes was performed in segregating F2 populations. The recessive gene in line RS42-6*O, was localized on barley chromosome 1S (7HS), while the (semi)-dominant genes in lines RS137-28*E, and HSY-78*A, were localized on chromosomes 1L (7HL) and 7L (5HL), respectively. Closely linked RFLP clones mapped at distances between 2.6cM and 5.3 cM. Hitherto, specific loci for powdery mildew resistance in barley had not been located on these chromosomes. Furthermore, tests for linkage to the unlocalized resistance gene Mlp revealed free segregation. Therefore, these genes represent new loci and new designations are suggested: mlt (RS42-6*O), Mlf (RS137-28*E), and Mlj (HSY-78*A). Comparisons with mapped QTLs for mildew resistance were made and are discussed in the context of homoeology among the genomes of barley (H-vulgare), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and rye (Secale cereale). Duplications of RFLP bands detected in the neighbourhood of Mlf and mlt might indicate an evolutionary interrelationship to the Mla locus for mildew resistance.  相似文献   

Four bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Aobakomugi, Chinese Spring, Norin 61 and Shinchunaga, were pollinated with five barley lines/cultivars consisting of three cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines, Betzes, Kinai 5 and OHL089, and two wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch) lines, OUH602 and OUH324. Crossability, expressed as the percentage of embryo formation, varied from 0 to 55.4% among the cross combinations. The two wild barley lines generally had a higher crossability than the previously reported best pollinator, Betzes, and some Japanese wheat cultivars were better as the female parent than Chinese Spring. Ninety four hybrid plants were obtained from 250 embryos cultured, and their somatic chromosome numbers ranged from 21 to 36. Eighteen plants were mosaic in chromosome number. Twenty one-chromosome plants appeared most frequently (45.7%) followed by 28-chromosome plants (14.9%). C-banding analysis revealed that elimination of barley chromosomes was mainly responsible for the occurrence of aneuploid plants. In hypoploids derived from Betzes-crosses, chromosome 5 was preferentially eliminated as previously reported, while in hypoploids derived from OUH602-crosses, chromosome 4 was preferentially eliminated. The wild barley line OUH602 may be a useful parent for producing a new wheat-barley addition set because of its high crossability with wheat and a different pattern of chromosome elimination.  相似文献   

Summary Genes for resistance toPuccinia graminis tritici andPuccinia recondita tritici identified in four South African wheats were:Sr6,Sr8a,Sr9e, andLr13 in W3762;Sr5,Sr8a,Sr9b,Sr12,Sr24,Lr13, andLr24 in W3760;Sr2,Sr24,SrC,Lr13, andLr24 in W3751; andSr7a,Sr23,Sr36, andLr16 in W3755. GenesSr2,Sr9e, andSr24 also conferred adult plant resistance to the predominant pathotypes ofP. graminis tritici. GenesSr7a,Sr23, andSrC, when present alone, did not confer acceptable adult plant resistance, even though low seedling reactions were associated with them when tested with the same pathotypes. Genetic recombination betweenLr13 andSr9e was estimated at 12.5%±2.3%.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused byEryisphe graminis f. sp.hordei, is one of the most important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare). A number of loci conditioning resistance to this disease have been reported previously. The objective of this study was to use molecular markers to identify chromosomal regions containing genes for powdery mildew resistance and to estimate the resistance effect of each locus. A set of 28 F1 hybrids and eight parental lines from a barley diallel study was inoculated with each of five isolates ofE. graminis. The parents were surveyed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 84 marker loci that cover about 1100 cM of the barley genome. The RFLP genotypes of the F1s were deduced from those of the parents. A total of 27 loci, distributed on six of the seven barley chromosomes, detected significant resistance effects to at least one of the five isolates. Almost all the chromosomal regions previously reported to carry genes for powdery mildew resistance were detected, plus the possible existence of 1 additional locus on chromosome 7. The analysis indicated that additive genetic effects are the most important component in conditioning powdery mildew resistance. However, there is also a considerable amount of dominance effects at most loci, and even overdominance is likely to be present at a number of loci. These results suggest that quantitative differences are likely to exist among alleles even at loci which are considered to carry major genes for resistance, and minor effects may be prevalent in cultivars that are not known to carry major genes for resistance.  相似文献   

We used a well-characterized barley mapping population (BCD 47 × Baronesse) to determine if barley stripe rust (BSR) resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapped in Mexico and the USA were effective against a reported new race in Peru. Essentially the same resistance QTL were detected using data from each of the three environments, indicating that these resistance alleles are effective against the spectrum of naturally occurring races at these sites. In addition to the mapping population, we evaluated a germplasm array consisting of lines with different numbers of mapped BSR resistance alleles. A higher BSR disease severity on CI10587, which has a single qualitative resistance gene, in Peru versus Mexico suggests there are differences in pathogen virulence between the two locations. Confirmation of a new race in Peru will require characterization using a standard set of differentials, an experiment that is underway. The highest levels of resistance in Peru were observed when the qualitative resistance gene was pyramided with quantitative resistance alleles. We also used the mapping population to locate QTL conferring resistance to barley leaf rust and barley powdery mildew. For mildew, we identified resistance QTL under field conditions in Peru that are distinct from the Mla resistance that we mapped using specific isolates under controlled conditions. These results demonstrate the long-term utility of a reference mapping population and a well-characterized germplasm array for locating and validating genes conferring quantitative and qualitative resistance to multiple pathogens.  相似文献   

Chitosan (CHT), a deacetylated chitin derivative, and benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), a non toxic synthetic functional analogue of salicylic acid, were applied as foliar spray to barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.), to compare their effectiveness in inducing resistance against Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and to investigate the underlying defence response. After an induction phase of 3 days (IP, time elapsed between treatment and fungal inoculation) both compounds reduced significantly the infection on the primary leaf, namely of 55.5% for CHT and of 68.9% for BTH, showing the induction of a good level of local resistance (LAR). A 5-day IP further reduced the infected areas in BTH treated plants (−77.2%) but not in CHT treated ones (−47.1%). Furthermore, both CHT and BTH also induced SAR, being the infection in the second non treated leaves reduced of 57% and 76.2%, respectively, as evaluated at 10-day IP. Both BTH and CHT induced oxidative burst and phenolic compound deposition in treated leaves, creating an hostile environment that slowed down the fungal spreading by impairing haustorium development. However, the greater efficacy of BTH was possibly due to: i) a greater reinforcement of papilla; ii) a higher level and the more homogeneous diffusion of H2O2 in the treated leaf tissues and iii) an induced hypersensitive-like response in many penetrated cells.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to map new resistance genes against powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei L.), leaf rust (Puccinia hordei L.) and scald [Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud.) J. Davis] in the advanced backcross doubled haploid (BC2DH) population S42 derived from a cross between the spring barley cultivar Scarlett and the wild barley accession ISR42-8 (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum). Using field data of disease severity recorded in eight environments under natural infestation and genotype data of 98 SSR loci, we detected nine QTL for powdery mildew, six QTL for leaf rust resistance and three QTL for scald resistance. The presence of the exotic QTL alleles reduced disease symptoms by a maximum of 51.5, 37.6 and 16.5% for powdery mildew, leaf rust and scald, respectively. Some of the detected QTL may correspond to previously identified qualitative (i.e. Mla) and to quantitative resistance genes. Others may be newly identified resistance genes. For the majority of resistance QTL (61.0%) the wild barley contributed the favourable allele demonstrating the usefulness of wild barley in the quest for resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Pairs of susceptible and resistant, near-isogenic cultivars ofHordeum vulgare which differ for the Mla, Mlk and Mlp genes for resistance toErysiphe graminis f. sp.hordei were inoculated with race 3 of this pathogen and patterns of protein synthesis associated with primary infection mapped using pulse-labelling with L-[35S]methionine and 2-dimensional electrophoresis. Extraction of proteins with buffer containing detergent revealed the enhanced synthesis of 5 and 8 polypeptides at 25 and 30 h respectively after inoculation of barley carrying the Mla gene (cvMla). The enhanced synthesis of these same polypeptides together with 11 additional polypeptides was observed at 48 h and 72 h after inoculation of barley carrying either the Mlp (cvMlp) or Mlk (cvMlk) genes. The labelling of several major constitutive polypeptides was suppressed in cvMla at 24 h after inoculation; the labelling of six of these polypeptides was also suppressed in both cvMlp and cvMlk but not until 48 and 72 h after inoculation. These results indicate that changes occur in the synthesis of some common polypeptides following infection of cultivars carrying different resistance genes but the timing and extent of these changes varies with the resistance gene in the host.  相似文献   

Summary Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 28 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 340 mostly adult specimens representing 11 populations, 8 central and 3 isolated, of aquatic marsh frogs, Rana ridibunda in Israel, along a north-south transect of generally increasing aridity. In addition, geographic variation in 3 morphological variables of 144 frogs and in vertebral stripe color polymorphism of 262 frogs were also studied. The results indicate that. (a) Of the 28 loci examined, 12 (= 43%) are largely monomorphic in all populations; out of the remaining loci, 6 were locally and weakly polymorphic and 10 regionally and strongly polymorphic. (b) No fixation of alternative alleles was found in any of the 28 loci and 11 populations studied. The commonest allele predominated across all populations, central as well as isolates, (c) Clinal patterns associated with increasing aridity southwards and eastwards occurred in polymorphism, P; heterozygosity, H; and in allele frequencies of Esterase-1, Xanthine dehydrogenase, Aldehyde oxidase and Albumin. (d) In the 3 estimates of genie variation, mean number of alleles per locus, A, mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population, P, and heterozygous loci per individual, H, marsh frogs displayed average estimates of genetic variation. The 3 estimates were: A =1.14 (range, 1.18–1.57); P = 0.33 (range, 0.14–0.54): H = 0.069 (range, 0.032–0.094). (e) Central populations harbored distinctly more genic variation than isolated populations. (f) Genic similarity between populations was high. (g) Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in 8 out of 11 populations involving 8 loci, (h) P, H, and allozymic variation in several gene loci were significantly correlated and predictable by environmental variables, primarily those related to water and temperature. (i) A significant amount of morphological variation was found between localities for body length, foot length, and weight in both sexes. Body weight in females was negatively correlated with temperature; and all three morphological variables in females were predicted significantly by a combination of temperature and humidity. (j) The three vertebral stripe color phenotypes, gray, green and red occurred in the following frequencies: 0.59, 0.24, 0.17, respectively. The red morph increased clinally southwards and was significantly correlated with most temperature and water variables. The geographic variation in both the green and red morphs was predicted significantly by climatic variables, both colors blending with local substrates.The spatial patterns and environmental correlates of genetic and morphological variation in Rana ridibunda in Israel suggest that (i) protein polymorphisms are at least partly adaptive and that part is moulded by natural selection rather than by stochastic processes or neutrality; (ii) the environmental variation model seems to be a good predictor of genetic variation in marsh frogs; (iii) body size varies adaptively, presumably determined primarily through thermoregulation; (iv) the spatial pattern of the color polymorphism seems to be adaptively selected by at least two factors: visual predation and climatic determinants.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) in barley and wheat, caused by Fusarium graminearum, is a continual problem worldwide. Primarily, FHB reduces yield and quality, and results in the production of the toxin deoxynivalenol (DON), which can affect food safety. Identification of QTLs for FHB severity, DON level and related traits heading-date (HD) and plant-height (HT) with consistent effects across a set of environments, would provide the basis for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and potentially increase the efficiency of selection for resistance. A segregating population of 75 double-haploid lines, developed from the three-way cross Zhedar 2/ND9712//Foster, was used for genome mapping and FHB severity evaluation. A linkage map of 214 RFLP, SSR and AFLP markers was constructed. Phenotypic data were collected in replicated field trials from five environments in two growing seasons. The data were analyzed using MQTL software to detect quantitative trait locus (QTL) × environment (E) interactions. Because of the presence of QTL × E, the MQM procedure in MAPQTL was applied to identify QTLs in single environments. We identified nine QTLs for FHB severity and five for low DON. Many of the disease-related QTLs identified were coincident with FHB QTLs identified in previous studies. Only two of the QTLs identified in this study were consistent across all five environments, and both were Zhedar 2 specific. Five of the FHB QTLs were associated with HD, and two were associated with HT. Regions that appear to be promising candidates for MAS and further genetic analysis include the two FHB QTLs on chromosome 2H and one on 6H, which were also associated with low DON and later heading-date in multiple environments. This study provides a starting point for manipulating Zhedar 2-derived resistance by MAS in barley to develop cultivars that will show effective resistance under disease pressure.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   

Wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch, is the progenitor of cultivated barley, Hordeum vulgare. The centre of diversity is in the Fertile Crescent of the Near East, where wild barley grows in a wide range of conditions (temperature, water availability, day length, etc.). The genetic diversity of 39 wild barley genotypes collected from Israel, Turkey and Iran was studied with 33 SSRs of known map location. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed to partition the genetic variation present within from the variation between the three countries of origin. Using classification tree analysis, two (or three) specific SSRs were identified which could correctly classify most of the wild barley genotypes according to country of origin. Associations of SSR variation with flowering time and adaptation to site-of-origin ecology and geography were investigated by two contrasting statistical approaches, linear regression based on SSR length variation and linear regression based on SSR allele class differences. A number of SSRs were significantly associated with flowering time under four different growing regimes (short days, long days, unvernalised and vernalised). Most of the associations observed could be accounted for by close linkage of the SSR loci to earliness per se genes. No associations were found with photoperiodic and vernalisation response genes known to control flowering in cultivated barley suggesting that different genetic factors may be active in wild barley. Novel genomic regions controlling flowering time in wild barley were detected on chromosomes 1HS, 2HL, 3HS and 4HS. Associations of SSRs with site-of-origin ecological and geographic data were found primarily in genomic regions determining plant development. This study shows that the analyses of SSR variation by allele class and repeat length are complementary, and that some SSRs are not necessarily selectively neutral.  相似文献   

Hordeum bulbosum represents the secondary gene pool of barley and constitutes a potential source of various disease resistances in barley breeding. Interspecific crosses of H. vulgare × H. bulbosum resulted in recombinant diploid-barley progeny with immunity to BaMMV after mechanical inoculation. Tests on fields contaminated with different viruses demonstrated that resistance was effective against all European viruses of the soil-borne virus complex (BaMMV, BaYMV-1, -2). Genetic analysis revealed that resistance was dominantly inherited. Marker analysis in a F5 mapping family was performed to map the introgression in the barley genome and to estimate its size after several rounds of recombination. RFLP anchor-marker alleles indicative of an H. bulbosum introgression were found to cover an interval 2.9 cM in length on chromosome 6HS. The soil-borne virus resistance locus harboured by this introgressed segment was designated Rym14Hb. For marker-assisted selection of Rym14Hb carriers, a diagnostic codominant STS marker was derived from an AFLP fragment amplified from leaf cDNA of homozygous-resistant genotypes inoculated with BaMMV.Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

Genetic variability in 10 natural Tunisian populations of Medicago laciniata were analysed using 19 quantitative traits and 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A large degree of genetic variability within-populations and among-populations was detected for both quantitative characters and molecular markers. High genetic differentiation among populations for quantitative traits was seen, with Q ST = 0.47, and F ST = 0.47 for microsatellite markers. Several quantitative traits displayed no statistical difference in the levels of Q ST and F ST . Further, significant correlations between quantitative traits and eco-geographical factors suggest that divergence in the traits among populations may track environmental differences. There was no significant correlation between genetic variability at quantitative traits and microsatellite markers within populations. The site-of-origin of eco-geographical factors explain between 18.13% and 23.40% of genetic variance among populations at quantitative traits and microsatellite markers, respectively. The environmental factors that most influence variation in measured traits among populations are assimilated phosphorus (P205) and mean annual rainfall, followed by climate and soil texture, altitude and organic matter. Significant associations between eco-geographical factors and gene diversity, H e , were established in five-microsatellite loci suggesting that these simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are not necessarily biologically neutral.  相似文献   

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