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鄱阳湖南矶山湿地自然保护区的外来入侵植物调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解鄱阳湖南矶山自然保护区外来入侵植物的状况, 从2010 年至2014 年对外来入侵植物的物种种类、分布、传播等进行了调查。结果表明, 南矶山湿地保护区共有外来入侵植物32 种, 隶属于l8 科28 属, 其中菊科最多, 有8 种6 属;其次是苋科, 有4 种3 属, 绝大多数是草本植物;以原产地为美洲的最多, 有15 种, 其中来自北美的有9 种。对保护区造成严重危害的外来入侵植物有5 种, 分别为野燕麦(Avena fatua)、小飞蓬(Conyza canadensis)、野胡萝卜(Daucus carota)、裸柱菊(Soliva anthemifolia)和空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides), 危害较强的主要有7 种, 危害较轻的有20 种。对外来植物的入侵途径、规律与成因以及对生态环境造成的影响进行了讨论, 并提出了防治对策与建议。  相似文献   

中国香港外来入侵植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文于2015—2016年通过野外实地调查并结合整理、查阅相关的文献资料,研究了中国香港特别行政区外来入侵植物的种类组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径和危害状况等。结果表明:(1)中国香港有外来入侵植物共101种,隶属于36科77属,其中菊科(Asteraceae)植物的种类最多,有17种。(2)来源于美洲的外来入侵植物种类最多,占入侵植物总数的77.2%。(3)外来种类中草本植物占了绝大多数,占总种数的80.2%。(4)恶意入侵与严重入侵植物共42种,占总种数的41.6%。同时,通过与邻近的珠海、深圳、澳门、广州四个地区的外来入侵植物进行比较,提出了珠三角区域共防共治外来植物入侵、保障环境生态安全的建议。  相似文献   

修晨  郑华  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4689-4698
强烈的人类活动对自然生境的扰动促进了外来植物侵入河岸带,但不同类型的人类活动干扰对外来植物的影响有所不同。按照不同人类活动干扰类型设置了山峡段、平原段和城市段,通过比较河段间河岸带外来植物群落特征的差异,探讨不同人类活动干扰类型对河岸带外来植物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)永定河河岸带共有维管束植物27科72属101种,外来植物13科28属29种。外来种比例高达28.7%,其中82.4%的国外外来种来自美洲和亚洲。(2)不同河段间的外来植物群落的物种构成和优势度呈现出显著性差异。外来种比例由山峡段的20.9%,上升至平原段和城市段的30.2%和25.5%;而优势度由12.1%,分别上升至13.4%和17.5%。(3)不同河段间的外来植物群落生活型结构有显著性差异。多年生草本植物在山峡段比例最高,达到66.7%,在平原段和城市段较低,分别为46.2%和30.8%;而一年生草本植物在城市段比例最高,达到69.2%,在平原段和山峡段较低,分别为53.8%和33.3%。(4)平原段属于农业干扰类型,其河岸带外来植物主要以农业类杂草为主,如禾本科的假稻(Leersia japonica)和菊科的钻叶紫菀(Aster subulatu);城市段是城市干扰类型,外来植物中入侵种比例和优势度较高,典型入侵种为反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)和牛筋草(Eleusine indica)等。北京永定河不同河段河岸带外来植物的种类构成特点,反映了河岸带外来植物受快速城市化、农业活动等不同人类活动干扰的影响呈逐渐扩大的趋势。  相似文献   

我国热带地区是外来入侵物种发生与危害的重灾区,近年来外来有害昆虫入侵所引发的生物灾害及生态安全问题日趋严峻。在海南省、广东省、广西壮族自治区、云南省、福建省外来入侵昆虫的调查结果及文献资料的基础上,整理分析了中国热带地区外来入侵昆虫的种类构成、分布、原产地及首次发现地。据统计,2000-2014年我国热带地区的外来入侵昆虫种类共计23种,隶属于6目11科,数量最多的为半翅目(13种,56.52%),其中以粉蚧科和粉虱科居多;热带地区的外来入侵昆虫在不同地区之间的物种数量差异较大,其中海南省最多(19种,82.61%),其后依次为广东省(16种,69.57%)、云南省(14种,60.87%)、广西壮族自治区(12种,52.17%),而福建省最少(9种,占39.13%);在入侵我国热带地区的外来有害昆虫中,原产于亚洲、北美洲的种类最多均为6种,占26.09%,南美洲占21.74%,而从非洲、大洋洲、欧洲传入的分别占8.70%、4.35%、4.35%;外来入侵昆虫的首次发现地位于广东省的有9种,占39.13%,出现在海南省和云南省的各占30.43%、21.74%,出现在广西壮族自治区的为8.70%。阐明我国热带地区外来有害昆虫的种类特征及入侵现状,可为该地区外来入侵昆虫的监测与防控提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

The status and causes of alien species invasion in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.  相似文献   

Naturalization of alien plants in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Naturalization (the establishment of a self-sustaining population for at least a decade) is a fundamental precondition for plant invasion and so compiling a complete inventory of naturalized alien species is necessary for predicting and hence preventing such invasion. However, nationwide information on naturalized plants in China is still lacking. We compiled a nationwide list of the naturalized plant species of China, based on various literature reports. The list comprised a total of 861 naturalized plant species belonging to 110 families and 465 genera. The three most dominant families were Compositae, Poaceae, and Leguminosae, accounting for 16, 13 and 12% of naturalized plants, respectively. Among genera, Euphorbia and Solanum had the most naturalized species, followed by Ipomoea, Amaranthus, Oenothera, and Trifolium. Over half of all aliens were of American origin (52%), followed by those with European (14%) and Asian (13%) origins. Annuals and perennial herbs were prevalent among naturalized species; comparison to other studies suggests however that the invasive potential is higher among plants with longer life cycles than those of annuals. The taxonomic pattern of plant naturalization in China is similar to patterns worldwide. However, the low proportion of naturalized plants within the Chinese flora overall suggests that the potential for plant invasions in China may be high. Therefore, greater attention should be focused on naturalization of alien plants in China, especially concerning species of dominant families or genera, and those with a perennial life cycle.  相似文献   

为了解华南地区外来植物现状,通过野外调查和查阅文献等,确定华南地区有外来入侵和归化植物45科141属223种,以菊科(Asteraceae,38种)、豆科(Fabaceae,36种)、禾本科(Poaceae,19种)植物为主,其中草本植物和原产美洲的植物占优势,分别有204种(占总数的91.5%)和163种(占73.1%)。广东外来入侵植物有159种,归化植物23种;广西有入侵植物135种,归化植物16种;海南有入侵植物111种,归化种15种;香港有入侵植物105种,归化植物9种;澳门有入侵植物89种,归化种4种;华南5省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物为57种(55种为入侵植物,2种为归化植物)。广东是外来植物种类最多的地区,与其他4省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物种类也最多,说明广东同时是外来植物输入和输出大省。由于气候和生态生境的相似性,各省区都面临着其他植物从周边地区入侵的风险,因此在治理入侵植物时,应建立联合防控机制对外来入侵植物的联合监测和防控,以提升外来入侵植物的治理成效和降低其对人类健康和生态安全的威胁。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵物种的分布与传入路径分析   总被引:94,自引:0,他引:94  
外来物种入侵已成为全球性的环境问题,本文采用文献调研,实地考察与专家咨询相结合的方式,调查了全国陆生,淡水水生生态系统中外来入侵微生物,无脊椎动物,两栖爬行类,鱼类,鸟类,哺乳类,杂草,树木和海洋生态系统中外来入侵物种的种类及分类地位,起源,引入路径和环境影响等内容。查明我国共有283种外来入侵物种,其中外来入侵微生物,水生植物,陆生植物,水生无脊椎动物,陆生无脊椎动物,两栖爬行类,鱼类,哺乳类分别为19种,18种,170种,25种,33种,3种,10种和5种,来源于美洲,欧洲,亚洲,非洲,大洋洲的外来入侵物种分别占55.1%,21.7%,9.9%.8.1%和0.6%。我国对外来物种的引进存在一定程度的盲目性;50.%的外来入侵植物是作为牧草或饲料,观赏植物,纤维植物,药用植物,蔬菜,草坪模特而引进的;25%的外来入侵动物是用于养殖,观赏,生物防治的引种,对外来物种只重引进,疏于管理,也可能导致外来物种逃逸到自然环境中,造成潜在的环境意传入的;76.3%的外来入侵动物是由于检查不严,随贸易物品或运输工具传入我国的。因此,我国既要加强检疫工作,又要对外来物种的有意引进进行严格管理,实行外来物种引进的风险评估制度。  相似文献   

[目的]掌握江门市砂质海岸外来植物入侵现状,为江门市砂质海岸外来入侵植物早期预警、防控和生态系统的保护修复提供基础数据。[方法]采用实地调查、植物群落样方调查和查阅资料相结合的方法对江门市砂质海岸外来入侵植物的种类组成、原产地、区系及功能性状等进行统计和分析。[结果]江门市砂质海岸外来入侵植物共有22种,隶属12科22属,种类最多的是菊科(6种)、禾本科(3种)和豆科(3种),分别占总种数的27.27%、13.64%和13.64%;出现频度最高是鬼针草(90.91%)。危害等级以恶性入侵(Ⅰ级)和严重入侵种(Ⅱ级)占比最高,合计占总种数的68.18%。科和属的区系分布类型均以泛热带、热带亚洲及热带美洲类型占主导地位,原产地以美洲地区的频次最多,占总种数的83.33%。生长型以草本植物为主,占总种数的68.18%;生活型以地面芽和一年生植物种数最多,合计占总种数的54.54%;果实类型以瘦果居多,占总种数的31.82%。[结论]江门市砂质海岸外来植物入侵形势严峻,对其生态系统造成极大的威胁。建议加强江门市砂质海岸外来入侵植物科学防治,因地制宜开展受损生境改造,推广乡土植物应用,建立海岸防护林。  相似文献   

搞清楚中国外来植物种类有哪些, 从哪里来, 如何进入中国, 属于什么性质的类群, 它们的生物学特征和生态学特性如何等问题, 是中国外来入侵植物预防和预警机制研究的重要基础。《中国植物志》、Flora of China、各省级植物志书等记载的外来植物信息由于种种原因非常有限, 且目前我国尚没有完整体现中国外来植物信息的数据库。本文通过整合近几年外来植物相关的资料, 并通过文献考证增补外来植物原产地、习性等信息, 利用计算机网络、数据库及大数据分析技术手段, 经信息化处理和分类学校正, 进行分类体系重建, 最终确定中国外来植物的物种名录数据集。该数据集共有数据14,710条, 记载中国外来植物283科3,233属14,710个类群(含13,401原种332杂交种2嵌合体458亚种503变种14变型)。每个类群包括类别、中文科名、科名、中文属名、属名、中文名、别名、学名、命名人、生存状态、生存时间、生活型、原产国家或地区和中国引入省份等基础信息。数据集显示, 外来植物已在中国的植物种类构成中占据了相当大的比例(高达28.19%, 中国境内有维管植物52,177个类群, 其中本土37,464, 外来14,710, 上述数字包含种下等级, 统计截至2021年12月31日); 就生存状态而言, 栽培植物占所有外来植物的比例高达91%, 逃逸植物占7.36%, 归化植物占6.69%, 入侵植物占2.66%; 对于生活型的分析显示, 多年生类群占据了外来植物的绝大多数(13,625种, 约占总数的92.6%), 草本植物(8,937种, 约占总数的60.8%)相较于乔木(2,752种, 约占总数的18.7%)、灌木(4,916种, 约占总数的33.4%)及其他生活型数量要更多; 中国的外来植物大多来自北美洲(4,242种)、非洲(3,707种)、南美洲(3,645种)、亚洲(3,102种), 欧洲(1,690种)和大洋洲(1,305种)相对较少; 而中国具有外来植物最多的前10个省份分别为台湾(6,122种)、北京(5,244种)、福建(3,667种)、广东(3,544种)、云南(3,404种)、上海(2,924种)、江苏(2,183种)、江西(1,789种)、浙江(1,658种)和湖北(973种)。本数据集是第一次对中国外来植物进行全面系统整理, 可供从事外来植物相关研究工作参考, 也可作为植物多样性研究的基础资料, 还可作为农业、林业、草业、园林、草药及自然保护和环境保护人士及高等院校师生的参考数据。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化快速发展,外来物种入侵危害日益严重。“十三五”时期,我国针对当前面临的重大外来物种入侵威胁,按照基础前沿、共性关键技术与重大产品研发、典型应用示范研究3个层面,部署了一系列科技项目,取得了一批重大科研成果:阐明了入侵物种的入侵机理和进化机制,以及入侵植物与脆弱生态系统互作的调控机制;建立了潜在农业入侵生物信息分析平台,新发外来入侵物种的风险预测与评估模型,重大外来入侵物种的快速检测识别与监测预警技术,以及综合防控技术体系;围绕豚草、空心莲子草、苹果蠹蛾、番茄潜叶蛾、甜菜孢囊线虫等危害特点,开展全程防控技术应用示范。“十三五”期间,基本实现了潜在入侵物种数据量持续丰富完善,新发/突发入侵物种应急防控技术产品有效储备能力增强,重大入侵物种综合防控技术体系逐步健全的良好格局。面向“十四五”,建议继续支持外来物种入侵防控研究,推动“关口前移、疆域监控、灭除阻截、联控减灾”等核心技术的研发,实现有效防控生物入侵的重大目标。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of invasive alien plants has been poorly documented in California. However, with the increased availability of GIS software and spatially explicit data, the distribution of invasive alien plants can be explored. Using bioregions as defined in Hickman (1993 ), I compared the distribution of invasive alien plants (n = 78) and noninvasive alien plants (n = 1097). The distribution of both categories of alien plants was similar with the exception of a higher concentration of invasive alien plants in the North Coast bioregion. Spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I indicated significant spatial dependence for both invasive and noninvasive alien plant species. I used both ordinary least squares (OLS) and spatial autoregressive (SAR) models to assess the relationship between alien plant species distribution and native plant species richness, road density, population density, elevation, area of sample unit, and precipitation. The OLS model for invasive alien plants included two significant effects; native plant species richness and elevation. The SAR model for invasive alien plants included three significant effects; elevation, road density, and native plant species richness. The SAR model for noninvasive alien plants resulted in the same significant effects as invasive alien plants. Both invasive and noninvasive alien plants are found in regions with low elevation, high road density, and high native‐plant species richness. This is in congruity with previous spatial pattern studies of alien plant species. However, the similarity in effects for both categories of alien plants alludes to the importance of autecological attributes, such as pollination system, dispersal system and differing responses to disturbance in the distribution of invasive plant species. In addition, this study emphasizes the critical importance of testing for spatial autocorrelation in spatial pattern studies and using SAR models when appropriate.  相似文献   

Freshwater aquatic organisms in North America are disproportionately imperilled when compared to their terrestrial counterparts due to widespread habitat alteration, pollution, overexploitation and the introduction of alien species. In this review, we examine the threat factors contributing to the endangerment of freshwater fishes and molluscs in Canada and further examine the nature of alien invasive species introductions affecting aquatic species at risk. Habitat loss and degradation is the predominant threat factor for Canadian freshwater fishes and molluscs that are listed as Extinct, Extirpated, Endangered and Threatened. Alien invasive species are the second most prevalent threat for fishes, affecting 26 of 41 listed species. Alien invasive species are a threat in most parts of Canada where listed fishes are found. Most (65%) of the alien invasive species affecting listed fishes are the result of intentional introductions related to sport fishing, and the majority of these introductions are unauthorized. Fifteen fishes and two plant species are cited as alien invasive species that impact listed fishes with brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) being the most prevalent. Alien species are a threat to 6 of 11 listed mollusc species. All six species are threatened by the alien zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Great Lakes basin. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

1985-2013年间,报道江苏省外来入侵植物的相关文献仅9篇,不足全国同期同类文献3665篇的025%,与该省社会、经济、文化等各方面的发展极不相称。通过实地考察,结合文献调研和标本查阅,对江苏省47科128属209种外来入侵植物的组成、原产地、生活型等方面进行了统计、分析与讨论。根据外来入侵植物对该省生态系统的危害程度将其分为5个等级:恶性入侵类22种,严重入侵类41种,局部入侵类32种,一般入侵类51种,有待观察类63种。结合上述分析与等级划分,讨论了江苏省外来入侵植物的特点,并在此基础上提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

From 1985 to 2013, there were only 9 literatures reports on alien invasive plants in Jiangsu, less than 025% of total 3665 similar reports during the same period in China, and it was much disproportionate with the development level of social, economic, cultural and other aspects of the province. Through field investigation, literature review and specimen inspection, the preliminary statistics, analysis and discussion of 47 families 128 genera and 209 species of alien invasive plants in Jiangsu have been made, including their composition, origin, and the life form. All alien invasive plants were ranked into 5 grades according to the damage to ecosystem and economy: twenty two malignant invasive species; forty one serious invasive species; thirty two local invasive species; fifty one general invasive species; a left 63 species with unknown damage wait for further observation. The characteristics of alien invasive plants in Jiangsu have been discussed, and the proposals of suggestion have been made.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the invasive alien Hedychium gardnerianum (1) replace native understory species, (2) suppress natural regeneration of native plant species, (3) increase the invasiveness of other non‐native plants and (4) are native forests are able to recover after removal of H. gardnerianum. Location: A mature rainforest in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawai'i (about 1200 m a.s.l.; precipitation approximately 2770 mm yr?1). Study sites included natural plots without effects of alien plants, ginger plots with a H. gardnerianum‐dominated herb layer and cleared plots treated with herbicide to remove alien plants. Methods: Counting mature trees, saplings and seedlings of native and alien plant species. Using non‐parametric H‐tests to compare impact of H. gardnerianum on the structure of different sites. Results: Results confirmed the hypothesis that H. gardnerianum has negative effects on natural forest dynamics. Lower numbers of native tree seedlings and saplings were found on ginger‐dominated plots. Furthermore, H. gardnerianum did not show negative effects on the invasive alien tree species Psidium cattleianum. Conclusions: This study reveals that where dominance of H. gardnerianum persists, regeneration of the forest by native species will be inhibited. Furthermore, these areas might experience invasion by P. cattleianum, resulting in displacement of native canopy species in the future, leading to a change in forest structure and loss of other species dependent on natural rainforest, such as endemic birds. However, if H. gardnerianum is removed the native Hawaiian forest is likely to regenerate and regain its natural structure.  相似文献   

Frankliniella occidentalis is an economically important invasive pest worldwide, which can damage various horticultural crops and ornamental plants. F. occidentalis was first intercepted in Kunming, Yunnan province in 2000, and first reported to establish a population in Beijing, China in 2003. Since then, this pest is currently distributed across tens of provinces in mainland China and cause increasingly serious damage and loss. To control this pest, invasion biology, monitoring, and integrated pest management have been generally and intensively studied for 15 years in China. Furthermore, western flower thrips (WFT) as an important invasive insect pest, the research achievements on WFT has contributed to the promotion of technological innovation and development for invasive alien species management strategies and techniques in China. This review provides an overview for research on the biology, ecology, prevention, and management of this pest during 15 years in China. Meanwhile, China's “4E action” strategy on F. occidentalis is also discussed in this review.  相似文献   

【目的】全面掌握成都市外来入侵植物的种类特征、起源、区系成分和危害情况等特征,为相关部门制定管理策略和及早采取应对措施提供依据。【方法】以实地调查为主,结合标本及文献研究的方式获得成都市外来入侵植物的种类和分布信息,根据其在野外的生长和分布状况进行评估及划分危害等级,并进行植物区系分析。【结果】成都市现有外来入侵植物158种(亚种、变种),隶属42个科110个属,其中种类最多的3个科分别是菊科(36种)、豆科(17种)及禾本科(13种),合计占比41.77%;种类最多的属是苋属(8种),占比5.06%。原产地分析结果表明,有101种来自美洲地区,占比63.92%。从危害等级分析来看,其中19种为恶性入侵种(1级),32种为严重入侵种(2级),20种为局部入侵种(3级),41种为一般入侵种(4级)以及46种为有待观察种(5级)。植物区系分析结果显示,成都市外来入侵植物属的分布类型主要为泛热带分布、热带亚洲及热带美洲间断分布和世界分布。【结论】成都市地区的外来入侵植物种类明显增多,扩散趋势已加剧。根据上述入侵现状,本文对成都市地区防范外来植物入侵提出了以下4点防控建议:建立外来入侵植物风险评价体系,开展防控和利用技术研发,谨慎引种以及加强科普教育。  相似文献   

Research into Plant Invasions in a Crossroads Region: History and Focus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Czech Republic is a central European country whose geographical location, natural conditions, history of human settlement, and present land-use management make it relatively prone to plant invasions, hence it represents a convenient model for their study. Research in plant invasions, which date to the late 19th century, is reviewed in the present paper. A long-term floristic tradition allowed for the accumulation of a large body of floristic data on alien plants. During the 1960s–1970s, the main research focus was on their distribution. In this period, attempts were also made to predict potential invasiveness of weeds of arable land. The success rate of this prediction was about 39%. Considerable effort was put into a detailed classification of human-accompanying plants and the terminology associated with the issue. There is a high level of taxonomic research conducted in the country, and the new Flora of the Czech Republic treats the immigration status of taxa with reasonable care and detail. A complete, serious catalogue of the alien plants of the country has been published recently: there are currently 1378 alien plants (33.4% of the total flora). The core of present research in plant invasions is in ecological, biological, and biogeographical studies, focussed on (i) the history of invasion of particular species since their introduction, (ii) the role and importance of alien species in vegetation, including their participation in succession, and (iii) the major invasive species of the Czech flora and comparison of congeners. Reynoutria spp., Heracleum mantegazzianum, Oenothera spp., Pinus strobus, and Bidens frondosa are among the taxa most intensively studied in recent time. A complete list of 69 invasive plants in the Czech flora introduced after the year 1500 [following the definition of Richardson et al. (2000a) Diversity and Distributions 6: 93–107] is given. The available legal instruments relevant to the issue are reviewed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

外来物种的归化和入侵对全球环境和社会发展造成了严重影响,已成为当今各国生物多样性管理和生态保护中所面临的全球性问题。我国是遭受外来入侵危害最为严重的国家之一,在外来物种入侵的预警、管理和治理等方面形势严峻。基于野外调查和文献研究,该文报道了苋科(广义)入侵植物墙生藜[Chenopodiastrum murale(L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila&Borsch]在中国的新记录。墙生藜原产于地中海地区,现已扩散到欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲的40多个国家,是一种危害较大的外来入侵植物,同时也是我国海关和检验检疫部门明确规定禁止入境的检疫性有害生物,现于云南省昆明市呈贡区发现该外来入侵植物。该文对其形态特征进行了详细描述,简要介绍了其分类历史,并提供了可供鉴定比对的野外生态照片;此外,对墙生藜可能的传入途径进行了分析,对其危害和风险作了简要评估。该物种的新发现说明我国外来入侵生物的本底调查还存在不足。  相似文献   

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