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Dye marketed as nuclear fast red by various British firms (mixtures of anthraquinones by B. D. H. and G. T. Gurr, a quinone-imine dye by E. Gurr and Kodak) were investigated as nuclear stains particularly in autoradiography where the uptake of haematoxylin hindered visualization of the grains; in this case the uptake of S35 by the epiphyseal plate of the tibiae of mice. A 0.1% solution of the anthraquinone dye CI 60760 (Nuclear fast red; G. T. Gurr) in saturated potassium aluminium sulphate gave a good nuclear stain and was used in the staining sequence: Alcian blue—nuclear fast red—tartrazine. These dyes barely coloured the emulsions used (both stripping film and gel-form emulsion) so that visualization of the silver grains and histological detail were good. The strains were applied after development and other processing of the emulsion was complete.  相似文献   

Giemsa staining and a peroxidase reaction were applied to blood films in conjunction with autoradiography to establish the types of granulocytes that stain differentially with the benzidine-peroxidase reaction. Differential counts made on Ciemsa-stained and peroxidase-stained autoradiograms were compared. In T. spiralis-infected rats with an elevated eosinophil count, as judged by Giemsa staining, the percentage of granulocytes that stained more intensely with peroxidase was increased. The results suggested that the eosinophils were the intensely peroxidase-positive cells. Blood smears were stained for peroxidase before being coated with NTB2 liquid emulsion. Although the blue color of the peroxidase reaction faded during photographic development, the color redeveloped when peroxidase-stained autoradiograms were stained once again after photographic development. It was found necessary to stain for peroxidase both before and after autoradiography. The correlation of Giemsa-stained and peroxidase-stained autoradiograms indicated that the peroxidase stain can be combined with autoradiography to obtain authentic results.  相似文献   

A silver staining method for paraffin sections of material fixed in HgCl2, sat. aq., with 5% acetic acid is as follows. Process the sections through the usual sequence of reagents, and including I-KI in 70% alcohol, thiosulfate (5% aq.), washing and back to 70% alcohol containing 5% of NH4OH (conc. aq.). After 3 minutes in the ammoniated alcohol, wash through tap water and 2 changes of distilled water and silver 5-10 minutes at 25°C. in 15% AgNO3 aq. to which 0.02 ml. of pyridine per 100 ml. has been added. Blot the slide, but not the section and do not rinse. Reduce at 45°C. in 0.1% pyrogallol in 55% alcohol, then rinse in 55% alcohol and wash in water. The remainder of the process consists of gold toning, intensifying in oxalic acid, fixing in 5% Na2S2O3, washing, dehydrating, clearing and covering. When the specimen contains much smooth muscle, the I-KI solution is acidified before use by adding 2 ml. of 1N nitric acid per 100 ml., and the sections treated for 3 minutes instead of the usual 2 minutes. Formalin should not be added to sublimate-acetic, but specimens that do not contain strongly argyrophilic nonneural tissue may be fixed in formalin or, preferably, Bouin's fluid. Sections of tissue after the latter type of fixation will not require the I-KI and thiosulfate but can go from 95% alcohol to the ammoniated alcohol. The advantages of fixing in HgCl2-acetic acid are suppression of the staining of connective tissue and intensifying the staining of nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Mouse cells cultivated in vitro were continuously labeled with tritiated thymidine for 48 hr. In representative groups of labeled cells, the percentages of dead cells were obtained by vital staining with either neutral red or trypan blue. After fixation and auto-radiography, the fraction of nonlabeled cells was determined in the same group of cells which had been used for interpretation of viability. Neither neutral red nor trypan blue used prior to autoradiography caused spurious grain formation in the emulsion.  相似文献   

Staining of tissue sections by basic dyes after immersion in hot hydrochloric acid (0.2 N for 3-10 hr at 60 C) provides a means for selective detection of many endocrine cells. The acid hydrolysis suppresses diffuse basophilia, mainly due to RNA, DNA and acid polysaccharides, and increases the basophilia of secretory granules in endocrine cells, due, at least in part, to the proteins they store. After such treatment, toluidine blue or azur A (0.01-0.005% in 0.02 M McIlvaine buffer, pH 5) or pseudoisocyanin (0.02% in distilled water) heavily stain A and D cells of pancreatic islets, enterochromaffin and nonenterochromaffin endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, thyroid parafollicular or C cells, pituitary basophil cells and adrenalin-secreting cells of the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Competitive parallel reactions with opposite enantioselectivity are presented as a strategy to enhance the enantiomeric product purity in enzymatic kinetic resolution. Lipase-catalyzed simultaneous hydrolysis and amidation of racemic methy 12-chloropropionate led to significantly improved amide yield and enantiomeric excess. Process results can be controlled by changing the hydrolysis/amidation reaction rates through variation of the solvent and the initial amine concentration. This is described by a kinetic model.  相似文献   

We have performed a computer assisted image analysis evaluation of the effects of two preparation protocols on morphological variables and immunolabeling density of secretory granules using rat adenohypophysis as a model. Glutaraldehyde (GA) fixation for 2 hr and chemical dehydration was compared with short GA fixation (15 min) followed by cryofixation and freeze-drying (CF-FD). The 2 hr GA fixed specimens showed spherical nuclei and secretory granules regardless of their size, contrasting with the more irregularly shaped nuclei and secretory granules after short GA-CF-FD. In the latter group of specimens a correlation could be found between smaller nuclear areas and more irregular shapes. The differences in morphological variables between the two preparation protocols might be due to a better protein stabilization and a reduced collapse of macromolecules after the 2 hr GA fixation, strengthened by the chemical dehydration. The specific immunolabeling with antiserum to growth hormone was much greater but more varied after short time GA-CF-FD than after long GA fixation. Epon surface topography over the granule area also differed: smooth after short time GA-CF-FD and furrowed after long GA fixation. Our results, demonstrating important differences in morphological parameters and immunolabeling density between two common preparation protocols, seem critical for more reliable interpretation in quantitative immunoelectron microscopy. We also emphasize the need for computer assisted image analysis and measurements in immunoelectron microscopy to ensure objective evaluations.  相似文献   

Phase contrast, ultraviolet microscopy, and freeze-etching were used to determine the amount of exocellular polymer surrounding unfixed cells of four genera of bacteria: Azotobacter vinelandii, Zoogloea ramigera, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and an acid-tolerant, floc-forming Bacillus species. Thin-sectional electron microscopy was employed to measure the effectiveness of a modified ruthenium red staining method. The results obtained with this modification of ruthenium red staining technique were compared to results obtained when previously proposed ruthenium red methods of fixation were employed. The results of these relations were then compared to the amounts of exocellular material as determined with phase-contrast microscopy, ultraviolet microscopy, and freeze-etching. The data obtained indicate that improved fixation of exocellular polymer is achieved when cells are pretreated with ruthenium red as described herein. In addition, the modified methods also reveal cytological detail not apparent when other methods of ruthenium fixation are employed.  相似文献   

Fresh pineal glands are fixed in 10% formalin at room temperature for about 3 days. After washing, dehydrating and clearing they are embedded in paraffin, sectioned and mounted. The tissues are placed in 10% silver nitrate for 24 hours, washed and impregnated in strong silver carbonate. The sections are reduced in 10% formalin, washed and toned in gold chloride, fixed in 5% hyposulfite, counterstained with erythrosin and mounted in Canada balsam. The processes of the pineal parenchymatous cells of the sheep, cow and man have been successfully stained by this method.  相似文献   

A method is described for producing banding pattern with methyl green-pyronin (MGP) stain in chromosomes of fibrosarcoma cells. 1) The stain was made by mixing equal volumes of 2% aqueous pyronin G, 2% aqueous methyl green, distilled water, and 0.1 M acetate Mer (pH 5.7). 2) Treatment with colcemide and hypotonic KCI (0.075 M) was performed u usual. 3) Metaphase chromosomes were prepared using the flame-drying technique and treated with 0.25% trypsin at 37 C for 45 to 90 seconda. Before staining, the slides were rid in PBS, in distilled water, and then were dipped in 0.05 M acetate buffer. 4) Chromosomes were stained for more than 20 minuta, rinsed in distilled water, and hot-air dried. satisfactory results were obtained in uncontracted metaphase chromosomes. MCP stain hm the advantage of permitting much longer trypsin treatment and staining time than the trypsin-Giemsa method while providing satisfactory banding pattern.  相似文献   

Metastasis is the main cause of death in the majority of cancer types and consequently a main focus in cancer research. However, the detection of micrometastases by radiologic imaging and the success in their therapeutic eradication remain limited.While animal models have proven to be invaluable tools for cancer research1, the monitoring/visualization of micrometastases remains a challenge and inaccurate evaluation of metastatic spread in preclinical studies potentially leads to disappointing results in clinical trials2. Consequently, there is great interest in refining the methods to finally allow reproducible and reliable detection of metastases down to the single cell level in normal tissue. The main focus therefore is on techniques, which allow the detection of tumor cells in vivo, like micro-computer tomography (micro-CT), positron emission tomography (PET), bioluminescence or fluorescence imaging3,4. We are currently optimizing these techniques for in vivo monitoring of primary tumor growth and metastasis in different osteosarcoma models. Some of these techniques can also be used for ex vivo analysis of metastasis beside classical methods like qPCR5, FACS6 or different types of histological staining. As a benchmark, we have established in the present study the stable transfection or transduction of tumor cells with the lacZ gene encoding the bacterial enzyme β-galactosidase that metabolizes the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (X-Gal) to an insoluble indigo blue dye7 and allows highly sensitive and selective histochemical blue staining of tumor cells in mouse tissue ex vivo down to the single cell level as shown here. This is a low-cost and not equipment-intensive tool, which allows precise validation of metastasis8 in studies assessing new anticancer therapies9-11. A limiting factor of X-gal staining is the low contrast to e.g. blood-related red staining of well vascularized tissues. In lung tissue this problem can be solved by in-situ lung perfusion, a technique that was recently established by Borsig et al.12 who perfused the lungs of mice under anesthesia to clear them from blood and to fix and embed them in-situ under inflation through the trachea. This method prevents also the collapse of the lung and thereby maintains the morphology of functional lung alveoli, which improves the quality of the tissue for histological analysis. In the present study, we describe a new protocol, which takes advantage of a combination of X-gal staining of lacZ-expressing tumor cells and in-situ perfusion and fixation of lung tissue. This refined protocol allows high-sensitivity detection of single metastatic cells in the lung and enabled us in a recent study to detect "dormant" lung micrometastases in a mouse model13, which was originally described to be non-metastatic14.  相似文献   

William Addleman 《CMAJ》1964,91(18):946-951
There is a proper time to advise removal of the colon and creation of a permanent ileostomy in the course of progressive toxic ulcerative colitis. When a thorough trial of medical therapy, including corticosteroids, has failed to halt progression of the disease, a properly timed colectomy may give the patient a new lease on life and enable him to maintain himself socially and economically.The development of ileostomy (Q-T) clubs has been an important factor in preparing them for and sustaining these young patients through the psychological trauma of an ileostomy. Two patients are described who illustrate the value of properly timed surgery and the contribution that ileostomy clubs can make.  相似文献   

Technical particulars of the Bi-Col method for differentiating strongly acidic from weakly acidic compounds are described. The method can be applied to tissue sections which should preferably be fixed in Carnoy's fixative, and to strips of glass fiber paper.  相似文献   

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