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Retinoic acid receptor gamma: specific immunodetection and phosphorylation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Synthetic peptides corresponding to cDNA-deduced amino acid sequences unique to the human and mouse retinoic acid receptor gamma 1 (hRAR-gamma 1 and mRAR-gamma 1, respectively) were used to generate anti-RAR-gamma 1 antibodies. Four mAbs were selected, which were directed against peptides found in region A1 (Ab1 gamma (A1)), region F (Ab2 gamma (mF) and Ab4 gamma (hF)) and region D2 (Ab5 gamma (D2)). These antibodies specifically immunoprecipitated and recognized by Western blotting RAR-gamma 1 proteins in COS-1 cells transfected with expression vectors containing the RAR-gamma 1 cDNAs. They all reacted with both human and mouse RAR-gamma 1 proteins, except Ab4 gamma (hF) that was specific for hRAR-gamma 1. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies, directed against a peptide from the mRAR-gamma 1 F region were also obtained (RP gamma (mF)) and found to be specific for mouse RAR-gamma 1 protein. Furthermore, in gel retardation/shift assays the antibodies specifically retarded the migration of complexes obtained with a RA response element (RARE). Antibodies raised against regions D2 and F also recognized the RAR-gamma 2 isoform which differs from RAR-gamma 1 only in the A region. On the other hand, antibodies directed against the A1 region of RAR-gamma 1 (Ab1 gamma (A1)) only reacted with the RAR-gamma 1 protein. The antibodies characterized here allowed us to detect the presence of mRAR-gamma 1 and gamma 2 isoforms in mouse embryos and F9 embryonal carcinoma cells nuclear extracts. They were also used to demonstrate that the mRAR-gamma 1 protein can be phosphorylated and that the phosphorylation occurs mainly in the NH2-terminal A/B region.  相似文献   

Protein modification: phosphorylation on tyrosine residues   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Rat brain plasma membranes were solubilized in detergent and a glycoprotein-enriched fraction was obtained by lectin affinity chromatography. This glycoprotein fraction contained insulin receptors, as well as protein kinases capable of phosphorylating some exogenously added substrates such as MAP2 (microtubule associated protein 2) and MBP (myelin basic protein), but not ribosomal protein S6. Phosphoamino acid analysis of MAP2 and MBP showed that phosphotyrosine residues, as well as phosphoserine/phosphotheronine residues, were present in both proteins under basal conditions. Whereas the addition of insulin to the rat brain membrane glycoprotein fraction in vitro had no effect on MAP2 phosphorylation, MBP phosphorylation was stimulated 2.7-fold in response to insulin. This phenomenon was dose-dependent, with half-maximal stimulation of MBP phosphorylation observed with 2 nM insulin. Phosphoamino acid analysis of MBP indicated that insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues nearly three-fold, whereas the phosphorylation of serine or threonine residues was not increased. These results identify MBP as a substrate for the rat brain insulin receptor tyrosine-specific protein kinase in vitro.  相似文献   

Occupancy of the T cell antigen receptor triggers a complex set of events that culminate in cellular activation. It is clear that tyrosine kinases play important roles in this process. The zeta subunit of the T cell antigen receptor is a 16-kDa transmembrane structure that exists primarily as a disulfide-linked homodimer. On receptor activation, a subset of zeta molecules undergo tyrosine phosphorylation. To evaluate this process and the role of zeta phosphorylation in T cell activation, site-specific mutagenesis of the intracytoplasmic tyrosines of zeta has been carried out. Analysis of cells expressing these mutant zeta subunits demonstrated that multiple tyrosines underwent phosphorylation in response to receptor engagement, and that the four most carboxyl tyrosines were most crucial to this process. Despite abnormalities in phosphorylation induced by the mutations, lymphokine production in these transfectants was unaffected. Hence, although zeta is a prominent substrate for a receptor-activated tyrosine kinase, neither the mutation of individual tyrosines nor the alteration of the phosphorylation state of the molecule substantively affected the coupling of T cell receptor activation to lymphokine production. These findings raise questions regarding the role of zeta phosphorylation in T cell activation.  相似文献   



Veterinary drugs such as clenbuterol (CL) and sulfamethazine (SM2) are low molecular weight (<1000 Da) compounds, or haptens, that are difficult to develop immunoassays due to their low immunogenicity. In this study, we conjugated the drugs to ovalbumin to increase their immunogenicity for antiserum production in rabbits and developed a protein microarray immunoassay for detection of clenbuterol and sulfamethazine. The sensitivity of this approach was then compared to traditional ELISA technique.  相似文献   

Using FDC-P1 cells stably transfected with a murine erythropoietin receptor cDNA as a model, we recently have shown that erythropoietin (EPO), IL-3 and GM-CSF each induce the rapid phosphorylation of a common cytosolic target, i.e., a M(r) 100,000 phosphoprotein "pp100". Presently, we demonstrate that cytokine-induced phosphorylation of pp100 is primarily at tyrosine residues. This is shown by Western blotting with the anti-phosphotyrosine antibody PY20, and by the resistance of [32P]-pp100 to hydroxide-mediated hydrolysis of phosphates. These data, together with the recent observation by Linnekin et al. that pp100/p97 apparently associates directly with EPO receptors, suggest that pp100 may comprise an immediate common component in the signal transduction pathways of EPO, IL-3, GM-CSF and possibly other type I/II cytokine receptors. Additional analyses suggest that pp100 is distinct from a previously described M(r) 100,000 cytosolic target which is tyrosine phosphorylated in hematopoietic cells upon activation of T-cell receptors.  相似文献   

The ability of dividing canine prostatic epithelial cells in primary monolayers to phosphorylate protein tyrosyl residues was evaluated by metabolic studies performed through incorporation of [32P]-phosphate into alkali-resistant phosphoproteins and by the assay of their tyrosine protein kinase activity. The presence of sodium orthovanadate during cell incubation with [32P]-phosphate greatly enhanced the relative labelling intensity of a 44 kDa alkali-resistant phosphoprotein and the total cellular content of phosphotyrosine in proteins; in this respect, growth factors such as epidermal growth factor, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor I, and the steroids dihydrotestosterone and estradiol were inactive. When the cells were solubilized, sodium orthovanadate stimulated their tyrosine protein kinase activity and inhibited their phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity. To characterize the tyrosine protein kinase of these cultured cells, conditions for optimal activity were established using the substrate poly [Glu80Na, Tyr20]. The subcellular localization of the enzyme was determined upon cell fractionation: 88% of the kinase activity was associated with the particulate fraction and 30% of this activity was partially solubilized with 0.5% Triton X-100; this solubilization was improved to 83% in the presence of 0.25 M KCI. The enzyme directly solubilized from prostatic cells with Triton X-100 (38% of activity) mainly catalyzed the alkali-resistant phosphorylation of pp63, pp59, and pp44, which contained phosphotyrosine. These proteins were also phosphorylated by the major peak of kinase activity which was eluted at an apparent molecular weight of 300-350 kDa upon gel filtration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

PDGF binding to its receptor promotes the association with and stimulates the phosphorylation of PLC-gamma 1 at tyrosine and serine residues. Also, PDGF induces an increase in the hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids by PLC. How PDGF activates PLC was investigated by substituting phenylalanine for tyrosine at PLC-gamma 1 phosphorylation sites 771, 783, and 1254 and expressing the mutant enzymes in NIH 3T3 cells. Phenylalanine substitution at Tyr-783 completely blocked the activation of PLC by PDGF, whereas mutation at Try-1254 inhibited and mutation at Tyr-771 enhanced the response. Like the wild type, PLC-gamma 1 substituted with phenylalanine at Tyr-783 became associated with the PDGF receptor and underwent phosphorylation at serine residues in response to PDGF. These results suggest that PLC-gamma 1 is the PLC isozyme that mediates PDGF-induced inositol phospholipid hydrolysis, that phosphorylation on Tyr-783 is essential for PLC-gamma 1 activation. These results provide direct evidence that growth factor receptors activate the function of intracellular protein by tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Phosphoamino acid compositions were determined for 10 size classes of cellular proteins, separated by electrophoresis through one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were observed in uninfected chicken embryo fibroblasts in every size class analyzed, ranging from approximately 20,000 to greater than 200,000 daltons. Transformation of chicken embryo fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus or PRC II avian sarcoma virus led to increases in phosphorylation of proteins at tyrosine residues in all of these size classes. A large fraction of the phosphotyrosine-containing protein molecules observed in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells was larger than 100,000 daltons with a second broad peak in the 35,000- to 60,000-dalton range. This study suggests that there are a number of substrates of viral or cellular tyrosine-specific protein kinases, which have not yet been identified by other methods.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the means by which the left-right axis is patterned is not fully understood, although a number of key intermediaries have been recently described. We report here that retinoic acid (RA) excess affects heart situs concomitant with alterations in the expression of genes implicated in the establishment of the left-right axis. Specifically, RA exposure during a specific developmental window evoked bilateral expression of lefty-1, lefty-2, nodal, and pitx-2 in the lateral plate mesoderm. Time course experiments, together with analysis of midline markers, suggest that nascent mesoderm constitutes a predominant RA target involved in this process. These events are likely to underlie the perturbations of heart looping provoked by excess RA and suggest a means by which retinoids influence the early steps in establishment of the left-right embryonic axis.  相似文献   

F. W. Danby 《CMAJ》1978,119(8):854-856

A method was developed to measure sulfation and phosphorylation of tyrosine in proteins after alkaline hydrolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, reaction with [3H]dinitrofluorobenzene and subsequent thin-layer chromatography. The method allows the detection of 10-20 pmol of modified tyrosine and was applied to determine the content of tyrosine-phosphate and -sulfate in fibrinogens, thyroglobulin, alpha-casein, cytochrome c and glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Canavalin is a tetramer with 6 tyrosines per subunit. In the work presented here, we have classified these tyrosines by their spectrophotometric and fluorometric pH titration and their ability to be quenched I-. Of the 6 residues, 2 were found to be exposed to the solvent. One (pK = 10.2) contributes 28% of the total fluorescence intensity; the second has a pK of 11.50, and a lower quantum yield, contributing only 16% of the total intensity. The remaining 4 residues (pK = 12.5, contributing 54% of fluorescence intensity) are buried; their titration is irreversible, requiring protein denaturation.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter transporters regulate synaptic transmitter levels and are themselves functionally regulated by a number of different signal transduction cascades. A common theme in transporter regulation is redistribution of transporter protein between intracellular stores and the plasma membrane. The triggers and mechanisms underlying this regulation are important in the control of extracellular transmitter concentrations and hence synaptic signaling. Previously, we demonstrated that the gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter GAT1 is regulated by direct tyrosine phosphorylation, resulting in an up-regulation of transporter expression on the plasma membrane. In the present report, we show that two tyrosine residues on GAT1 contribute to the phosphorylation and transporter redistribution. Tyrosine phosphorylation is concomitant with a decrease in the rate of transporter internalization from the plasma membrane. A decrease in GAT internalization rates also occurs in the presence of GAT1 substrates, suggesting the hypothesis that tyrosine phosphorylation is required for the substrate-induced up-regulation of GAT1 surface expression. In support of this hypothesis, incubation of GAT1-expressing cells with transporter ligands alters the amount of GAT1 tyrosine phosphorylation, and substrate-induced surface expression is unchanged in a GAT1 mutant lacking tyrosine phosphorylation sites. These data suggest a model in which substrates permit the phosphorylation of GAT1 on tyrosine residues and that the phosphorylated state of the transporter is refractory for internalization.  相似文献   

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