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Galectin-1 (gal-1), an endogenous β-galactoside-binding protein, triggers T-cell death through several mechanisms including the death receptor and the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. In this study we first show that gal-1 initiates the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4), and MKK7 as upstream JNK activators in Jurkat T cells. Inhibition of JNK activation with sphingomyelinase inhibitors (20 μM desipramine, 20 μM imipramine), with the protein kinase C-δ (PKCδ) inhibitor rottlerin (10 μM), and with the specific PKCθ pseudosubstrate inhibitor (30 μM) indicates that ceramide and phosphorylation by PKCδ and PKCθ mediate gal-1-induced JNK activation. Downstream of JNK, we observed increased phosphorylation of c-Jun, enhanced activating protein-1 (AP-1) luciferase reporter, and AP-1/DNA-binding in response to gal-1. The pivotal role of the JNK/c-Jun/AP-1 pathway for gal-1-induced apoptosis was documented by reduction of DNA fragmentation after inhibition JNK by SP600125 (20 μM) or inhibition of AP-1 activation by curcumin (2 μM). Gal-1 failed to induce AP-1 activation and DNA fragmentation in CD3-deficient Jurkat 31-13 cells. In Jurkat E6.1 cells gal-1 induced a proapoptotic signal pattern as indicated by decreased antiapoptotic Bcl-2 expression, induction of proapoptotic Bad, and increased Bcl-2 phosphorylation. The results provide evidence that the JNK/c-Jun/AP-1 pathway plays a key role for T-cell death regulation in response to gal-1 stimulation.  相似文献   

Rat intestinal epithelial cells were isolated by EDTA-chelation, combined with gentle shaking (modified Weiser procedure) or with strong longitudinal vibration (Harrison/Webster procedure). Both methods yield large numbers of viable cells and are relatively easy to use. Electronmicroscopical and biochemical data indicate that cell fractions from different levels of the villous region can be obtained only by the modified Weiser procedure. When strong mechanical forces are involved (Harrison-Webster procedure) the villus epithelium is released according to an all-or-nothing process. The biotransformational capacity of cell fractions, obtained from different levels of the villi by the modified Weiser procedure, was investigated. It was shown that the rate of metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin and 1-naphthol was substantially higher in lower villous cells than in cells isolated from the upper villous region. O-Deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin decreases from 145 +/- 13 pmole/min mg cell protein (72 +/- 4% conjugated) in lower villous cells to 62 +/- 12 pmole/min mg cell protein (37 +/- 6% conjugated) in tip cells. Glucuronidation of 1-naphthol decreased from 495 +/- 23 pmole/min mg cell protein (lower villous cells) to 137 +/- 13 pmole/min mg cell protein (tip cells).  相似文献   

Obestatin is a gastrointestinal peptide having wide-ranging effects on cell proliferation; however, its mechanism of action remains poorly understood. Thus, the aim of the study was to elucidate the effect of exogenous obestatin on the postnatal structural development of the small intestine. Seven-day-old piglets with an average BW of 1.56 ± 0.23 kg were divided into four groups (n = 10) that received intragastrically obestatin (2, 10 or 15 μg/kg BW) or vehicle. After a 6-day experimental period, morphological analysis of gastrointestinal tract and small intestine wall (mitosis and apoptosis indexes, histomorphometry of mucosa and muscularis layers) was performed. The study revealed a seemingly incoherent pattern of the histological structure of the small intestine among the experimental groups, suggesting that the effect of obestatin is both intestinal segment specific and dose dependent. Histomorphometric analysis of the small intestine showed that higher doses of obestatin seem to promote the structural development of the duodenum while simultaneously hindering the maturation of more distal parts of the intestine. Intragastric administration of obestatin increased the crypt mitotic index in all segments of the small intestine with the strongest pro-mitotic activity following the administration of obestatin at a dose of 10 and 15 μg/kg BW. The significant differences in the number of apoptotic cells in the intestinal villi among the groups were observed only in proximal jejunum and ileum. In conclusion, it seems that obestatin shows a broad-spectrum of activity in the gastrointestinal tract of newborn piglets, being able to accelerate its structural development. However, the varied effect depending on the intestinal segment or the concentration of exogenous obestatin causes that further research is needed to clarify the exact mechanism of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is a lectin recognized by galactoside-containing glycoproteins, and is involved in cancer progression and metastasis. The role of galectin-1 in radiosensitivity has not previously been investigated. Therefore, this study tests whether galectin-1 is involved in the radiosensitivity mediated by the H-Ras signaling pathway using cervical carcinoma cell lines. A knockdown of galectin-1 expression in HeLa cells decreased clonogenic survival following irradiation. The clonogenic survival increased in both HeLa and C33A cells with galectin-1 overexpression. The overexpression or knockdown of galectin-1 did not alter radiosensitivity, whereas H-Ras was silenced in both cell lines. Whereas K-Ras was knocked down, galectin-1 restored the radiosensitivity in HeLa cells and C33A cells. The knockdown of galectin-1 increased the high-dose radiation-induced cell death of HeLa cells transfected by constitutively active H-Ras. The knockdown of galectin-1 inhibited the radiation-induced phosphorylation of Raf-1 and ERK in HeLa cells. Overexpression of galectin-1 enhanced the phosphorylation of Raf-1 and ERK in C33A cells following irradiation. Galectin-1 decreased the DNA damage detected using comet assay and γ-H2AX in both cells following irradiation. These findings suggest that galectin-1 mediates radioresistance through the H-Ras-dependent pathway involved in DNA damage repair.  相似文献   

The brush border of pig small intestine is a local hotspot for β-galactoside-recognizing lectins, as evidenced by its prominent labeling with fluorescent lectin PNA. Previously, galectins 3-4, intelectin, and lectin-like anti-glycosyl antibodies have been localized to this important body boundary. Together with the membrane glycolipids these lectins form stable lipid raft microdomains that also harbour several of the major digestive microvillar enzymes. In the present work, we identified a lactose-sensitive 14-kDa protein enriched in a microvillar detergent resistant fraction as galectin-2. Its release from closed, right-side-out microvillar membrane vesicles shows that at least some of the galectin-2 resides at the lumenal surface of the brush border, indicating that it plays a role in the organization/stabilization of the lipid raft domains. Galectin-2 was released more effectively from the membrane by lactose than was galectin-4, and surprisingly, it was also released by the noncanonical disaccharides sucrose and maltose. Furthermore, unlike galectin-4, galectin-2 was preferentially coimmunoisolated with sucrase-isomaltase rather than with aminopeptidase N. Together, these results show that the galectins are not simply redundant proteins competing for the same ligands but rather act in concert to ensure an optimal cross-linking of membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins. In this way, they offer a maximal protection of the brush border against exposure to bile, pancreatic enzymes and pathogens.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution and incidence of endocrine cells in the crypt and villus epithelium and along the length of the mouse intestine was studied. Cells containing somatostatin and bombesin like reactivity were stained by immunocytochemical techniques using polyclonal antiserum. Most of the somatostatin cells were found in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and these cells were generally more frequent on the villus compared to the crypts. This may indicate that the somatostatin cells develop late in the endocrine cell lineage. Bombesin like cells were rare in occurence, and were only present in measureable numbers in the ileum, where they were observed in the crypt and villi. The application of ELISA assays to determine the specificity of the antisera for these peptides is also discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the cell-specific subcellular expression patterns for sodium- and potassium-coupled chloride (NaK2Cl) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1), Na(+) bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1), cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), and Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3) to understand the functional plasticity and synchronization of ion transport functions along the crypt-villus axis and its relevance to intestinal disease. In the unstimulated intestine, all small intestinal villus enterocytes coexpressed apical CFTR and NHE3, basolateral NBCe1, and mostly intracellular NKCC1. All (crypt and villus) goblet cells strongly expressed basolateral NKCC1 (at approximately three-fold higher levels than villus enterocytes), but no CFTR, NBCe1, or NHE3. Lower crypt cells coexpressed apical CFTR and basolateral NKCC1, but no NHE3 or NBCe1 (except NBCe1-expressing proximal colonic crypts). CFTR, NBCe1, and NKCC1 colocalized with markers of early and recycling endosomes, implicating endocytic recycling in cell-specific anion transport. Brunner's glands of the proximal duodenum coexpressed high levels of apical/subapical CFTR and basolateral NKCC1, but very low levels of NBCe1, consistent with secretion of Cl(-)-enriched fluid into the crypt. The cholinergic agonist carbachol rapidly (within 10 min) reduced cell volume along the entire crypt/villus axis and promoted NHE3 internalization into early endosomes. In contrast, carbachol induced membrane recruitment of NKCC1 and CFTR in all crypt and villus enterocytes, NKCC1 in all goblet cells, and NBCe1 in all villus enterocytes. These observations support regulated vesicle traffic in Cl(-) secretion by goblet cells and Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) secretion by villus enterocytes during the transient phase of cholinergic stimulation. Overall, the carbachol-induced membrane trafficking profile of the four ion transporters supports functional plasticity of the small intestinal villus epithelium that enables it to conduct both absorptive and secretory functions.  相似文献   

The cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan-1, is essential for normal epithelial morphology and function. Syndecan-1 is selectively localized to the basolateral domain of polarized epithelial cells and interacts with cytosolic PDZ (PSD-95, discs large, ZO-1) domain-containing proteins. Here, we show that the polarity of syndecan-1 is determined by its type II PDZ-binding motif. Mutations within the PDZ-binding motif lead to the mislocalization of syndecan-1 to the apical surface. In contrast to previous examples, however, PDZ-binding motif-dependent polarity is not determined by retention at the basolateral surface but rather by polarized sorting prior to syndecan-1's arrival at the plasma membrane. Although none of the four known PDZ-binding partners of syndecan-1 appears to control basolateral localization, our results show that the PDZ-binding motif of syndecan-1 is decoded along the biosynthetic pathway establishing a potential role for PDZ-mediated interactions in polarized sorting.  相似文献   

Gene expression studies in intestinal epithelial and stromal cells are a common tool for investigating the mechanisms by which the homeostasis of the small intestine is regulated under normal and pathological conditions. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is a sensitive and highly reproducible method of gene expression analysis, with expression levels quantified by normalization against reference genes in most cases. However, the lack of suitable reference genes for epithelial cells with different differentiation states and nonepithelial tissue cells has limited the application of qPCR in gene expression studies of small intestinal samples. In this study, 13 housekeeping genes, ACTB, B2M, GAPDH, GUSB, HPRT1, HMBS, HSP90AB1, RPL13A, RPS29, RPLP0,PPIA, TBP, and TUBA1, were analyzed to determine their applicability for isolated crypt cells, villus cells, deepithelialized mucosa, and whole mucosa of the mouse small intestine. Using geNorm and NormFinder software, GUSB and TBP were identified as the most stably expressed genes, whereas the expressions of the commonly used reference genes GAPDH, B2M, and ACTB, and ribosomal protein genes RPL13A, RPS29, and RPLP0 were relatively unstable. Thus, this study demonstrates that GUSB and TBP are the optimal reference genes for the normalization of gene expression in the mouse small intestine.  相似文献   

Galectins are β-galactoside binding lectins with a potential hemolytic role on erythrocyte membrane integrity and permeability. In the present study, goat heart galectin-1 (GHG-1) was purified and investigated for its hemolytic actions on erythrocyte membrane. When exposed to various saccharides, lactose and sucrose provided maximum protection against hemolysis, while glucose and galactose provided lesser protection against hemolysis. GHG-1 agglutinated erythrocytes were found to be significantly hemolyzed in comparison with unagglutinated erythrocytes. A concentration dependent rise in the hemolysis of trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes was observed in the presence of GHG-1. Similarly, a temperature dependent gradual increase in percent hemolysis was observed in GHG-1 agglutinated erythrocytes as compared to negligible hemolysis in unagglutinated cells. The hemolysis of GHG-1 treated erythrocytes showed a sharp rise with the increasing pH up to 7.5 which became constant till pH 9.5. The extent of erythrocyte hemolysis increased with the increase in the incubation period, with maximum hemolysis after 5 h of incubation. The results of this study establish the ability of galectins as a potential hemolytic agent of erythrocyte membrane, which in turn opens an interesting avenue in the field of proteomics and glycobiology.  相似文献   

The pattern of expression of an endogenous lectin, galectin-1, was examined in human lymphoid tissue. Galectin-1 was detected in the endothelial cells lining specialized vessels, termed high endothelial venules, in activated lymphoid tissue, but not in a resting lymph node. Cultured endothelial cells (human aortic and umbilical vein endothelial cells (HAECs and HUVECs)) expressed galectin-1. Activation of the cultured endothelial cells increased the level of galectin-1 expression, as determined by ELISA, Northern blot analysis and high throughput cDNA sequencing. These results suggest that galectin-1 expressed by endothelial cells may bind to and affect the trafficking of cells emigrating from blood into tissues.  相似文献   

The effect of massive small bowel resection (MSBR) and jejuno-ileal bypass (JIB) on the enteroinsular axis in rats was compared. Glucose levels after an oral glucose tolerance test were determined in MSBR, JIB and control animals. The response of the beta-cell mass to glucose and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) was established in the same animals using the isolated perfused pancreas model. Immunocytochemical and morphological studies were performed to monitor the adaptive changes seen in the intestine of these animals. The glucose response to the oral glucose load was blunted in both test groups with the fasting GIP levels in the JIB group being elevated and the MSBR group being reduced. The response of the isolated perfused pancreas to GIP showed a marked (70%) reduction of insulin release in the JIB rats and a slight but non-significant reduction in the MSBR rats. In both groups the insulin response to glucose alone appeared normal. The area of the pancreatic islets and the percentage of the total area consisting of the four islet cell types (B, A, D, PP) were unchanged. In the intestine the GIP cells were markedly reduced in number in the jejunum of the functional intestine of the JIB rats and the jejunum from the MSBR rats. The GIP cells in the jejunum of the bypass loop did not differ from the control jejunum. The results indicate that the high basal GIP levels seen in the JIB rats were the result of GIP secreted from the blind loop. This study also confirmed the decreased sensitivity of the beta-cells to GIP after JIB while indicating that MSBR has little if any effect on the response of the beta-cell to GIP. These data presented further evidence that the high basal GIP levels were causally related to the decreased insulin response in the JIB rats.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are crucial proteins in maintaining the homeostasis of human gastric epithelial cells. Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1), a member of the HSP90 family, has been shown to be involved in various crucial physiological processes, particularly against apoptosis. However, the regulation and function of TRAP1 in Helicobacter pylori infection is still unknown. Here, we found that TRAP1 expression was downregulated on human gastric epithelial cells during H. pylori infection by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and western blot analysis. Through virulence factors mutant H. pylori strains infection and inhibitors screening, we found that H. pylori vacuolating cytotoxin A ( vacA), but not cytotoxin-associated gene A ( cagA) protein, induced human gastric epithelial cells to downregulate TRAP1 via P38MAPK pathway by real-time PCR and western blot analysis. Furthermore, downregulation of TRAP1 with lentivirus carrying TRAP1 short hairpin RNA constructs impairs mitochondrial function, and increases apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells. The results indicate that H. pylori vacA downregulated TRAP1 is involved in the regulation of gastric epithelial cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

The localization of the extracellular matrix recognition molecule J1/tenascin was investigated in the crypt-villus unit of the adult mouse ileum by immunoelectron microscopic techniques. In the villus region, J1/tenascin was detected strongly in the extracellular matrix (ECM) between fibroblasts of the lamina propria. It was generally absent in the ECM at the interface between subepithelial fibroblasts and intestinal epithelium, except for some restricted areas along the epithelial basal lamina of villi, but not of crypts. These restricted areas corresponded approximately to the basal part of one epithelial cell. In J1/tenascin-positive areas, epithelial cells contacted the basal lamina with numerous microvillus-like processes, whereas in J1/tenascin-negative areas the basal surface membranes of epithelial cells contacted their basal lamina in a smooth and continuous apposition. In order to characterize the functional role of J1/tenascin in the interaction between epithelial cells and ECM, the intestinal epithelial cell line HT-29 was tested for its ability to adhere to different ECM components. Cells adhered to substratum-immobilized fibronectin, laminin and collagen types I to IV, but not to J1/tenascin. When laminin or collagen types I to IV were mixed with J1/tenascin, cell adhesion was as effective as without J1/tenascin. However, adhesion was completely abolished when cells were offered a mixture of fibronectin and J1/tenascin as substratum. The ability of J1/tenascin to reduce the adhesion of intestinal epithelial cells to their fibronectin-containing basal lamina suggests that J1/tenascin may be involved in the process of physiological cell shedding from the villus.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution and incidence of endocrine cells in the crypt and villus epithelium and along the length of the mouse intestine was studied. Cells containing somatostatin and bombesin like reactivity were stained by immunocytochemical techniques using polyclonal antiserum. Most of the somatostatin cells were found in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and these cells were generally more frequent on the villus compared to the crypts. This may indicate that the somatostatin cells develop late in the endocrine cell lineage. Bombesin like cells were rare in occurrence, and were only present in measureable numbers in the ileum, where they were observed in the crypt and villi. The application of ELISA assays to determine the specificity of the antisera for these peptides is also discussed.  相似文献   

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