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茅届齐  王栈山  钱水贤 《生物磁学》2011,(14):2744-2746
目的:下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(arteriosclerosis obliterans,ASO)是血管外科常见疾病,我们拟讨论腔内成形术在ASO治疗中的应用。方法:回顾2008年5月至2010年4月我科收治的76例ASO病例,对手术成功率、手术效果和糖尿病等合并症对疗效的影响进行分析。结果:总体技术成功61例,技术成功率80.3%,Fontaine II期组技术成功36例(成功率92.3%),明显高于III期(82.1%)和IV期组(22.2%);合并糖尿病组22例(28.9%),技术成功15例(成功率68.2%),低于无糖尿病组的85.2%;结论:腔内成形术是治疗ASO的有效微创手术方法,积极腔内手术干预有助提高早期患者成功率,同时对晚期患者可有效改善症状。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA)联合支架植入术治疗糖尿病下肢血管病变的临床效果及安全性。方法:选择2008年3月至2011年12月在我院内分泌科接受治疗的2型糖尿病合并糖尿病足的患者36例,将其随机分为观察组(19例)和对照组(17例)。观察组19例患者中,14例行PTA术,4例行PTA+腔内支架植入术,1例行截肢术;对照组17例患者,全部采用传统方法进行治疗。观察和比较两组患者术后的糖尿病下肢血管病变的特点、临床效果及并发症的发生情况。结果:观察组19例患者,共40条靶血管,实施PTA手术的成功率为87.5%。采用两种治疗方法 2周或4周后,患者的临床症状和体征均得到一定程度的缓解,且均未观察到明显的不良反应。与对照组相比,接受介入治疗的患者,其临床症状的缓解率明显升高,其中在2周时介入治疗对麻木和紫绀症状的缓解尤其显著,和对照组之间有统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:血管成形术介入治疗糖尿病下肢血管病变是一种安全可靠的方法,治疗效果好,安全性高,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经皮血管腔内成形术(PTA)联合自体外周血单个核细胞(PBMNCs)移植治疗糖尿病足下肢血管病变的临床疗效。方法:选取内蒙古医科大学第二附属医院2016年8月至2017年9月期间收治的糖尿病足下肢血管病变患者共120例,按随机数字表法分为3组:对照1组共40例,进行自体PBMNCs移植;对照2组共40例,进行PTA治疗;联合治疗组共40例,在进行PTA治疗的同时于缺血部位注入PBMNCs。观察3组的血管疏通情况,比较治疗前、治疗后1、6、12个月的跛行距离、踝肱指数(ABI),记录3组并发症发生情况。结果:联合治疗组患者的手术成功率为100.00%(40/40),高于对照1组的40.00%(16/40)、对照2组的55.00%(22/40),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后1、6、12个月联合治疗组的跛行距离、ABI高于对照1组和对照2组(P0.05)。联合治疗组并发症总发生率为5.00%(2/40),低于对照1组的37.50%(15/40)和对照2组的25.00%(10/40),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:PTA联合自体PBMNCs移植是一种安全、有效、微创的治疗糖尿病足下肢血管病变的方法,其能够改善患者的血管疏通和病情。  相似文献   

目的:探讨适用于冠心病合并缺血性二尖瓣关闭不全的手术方法及临床效果,为心外科手术提供参考。方法:选取2012年2月至2013年5月在我院心脏外科接受手术治疗的冠心病合并缺血性二尖瓣关闭不全的患者31例。根据手术方式的不同,将所选病例分为二尖瓣成形术组和二尖瓣置换术组。术后随访6-24个月,观察并比较患者手术前后的左心房内径(LAD)、舒张末期直径(LVEDD)、收缩末期直径(LVESD)、左心室射血分数(LVEF)及二尖瓣返流面积。结果:围术期死亡1例,手术成功率为96.7%。30例成功获得随访,随访率为98.8%。二尖瓣成形术组并发症的发生率为22.7%,二尖瓣置换术组并发症的发生率为23.3%,两组术后并发症的发生率无显著差异(P0.05)。与手术前相比,两组患者术后的左心房内径变小,左室舒张末直径和收缩末直径增加,左室射血分数升高,二尖瓣反流面积缩少,差异显著且具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:对于冠心病合并重度缺血性二尖瓣关闭不全的患者行二尖瓣成形术或置换术应根据患者的实际情况和病理特点选择最佳的手术方案,以提高手术的成功率和安全性。  相似文献   

目的:探索介入治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)的临床疗效及其影响因素。方法:选择2012年10月至2013年8月我院收治的ASO患者96例,按照治疗方法将所有患者平均分成对照组和实验组,每组48例。对照组进行常规药物治疗,实验组在常规药物治疗基础上行介入手术。考察患者临床疗效及踝肱指数(ABI),并应用二元Logistic回归研究影响ASO复发的因素。结果:术后1个月、3个月、6个月、1年,随着时间的延长,ABI值呈下降趋势,且实验组患者的ABI值在各时间点均明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。其中对照组患者有效率为31.25%,实验组患者有效率为87.50%,实验组有效率显著高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。糖尿病和高胆固醇症可以单独影响ASO复发。结论:介入治疗ASO患者具有良好的疗效,显著提高患者的ABI,但术后需严格控制血糖和血脂。  相似文献   

目的:评价介入血管腔内治疗孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(ISMAD)的安全性和疗效.方法:5例患者均通过腹部CT及血管造影明确诊断ISMAD,本组病例确诊后行介入血管腔内治疗,术后继予抗凝抗血小板治疗,并术后1、3、6个月进行CTA或血管造影随访.结果:5例患者手术成功率100%,其中支架联合弹簧圈栓塞2例,双支架重叠技术3例,无并发症发生.全部患者术后3周内症状逐渐消失;术后3~6个月时肠系膜上动脉CTA及血管造影显示动脉瘤腔不显影,支架腔内血流通畅;随访3~12个月(平均7.8个月)夹层动脉瘤无复发.结论:介入血管腔内治疗是治疗ISMAD的安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

食管癌合并Ⅱ型糖尿病的围手术期处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨食管癌合并糖尿病的围手术期处理方法和外科治疗效果,为该病的临床治疗提供指导.方法:对49例食管癌合并糖尿病患者,采用控制血糖结合手术切除肿瘤治疗;选取49例同期非糖尿病食管癌患者做参比.手术前后采取个性化心理护理,分析比较两组的治疗效果.结果:所有患者手术切除率为100%,无围手术期死亡.食管癌合并糖尿病组术后并发症7例,包括吻合口瘘2例,肺部感染2例,单纯脓胸1例,切口感染2例,均经治疗后痊愈;同期非糖尿病食管癌组手术并发症2例:肺部感染1例,切口感染1例.采用个性化心理护理前后,两组患者的消极、焦虑、恐惧等不良心理得到明显的缓解,对手术效果及围手术期处理效果总满意度达95%.结论:糖尿病引起代谢紊乱易发生愈合不良及各种感染,使术后并发症发生率显著高于同期非糖尿病患者.因此在合并糖尿病的食管癌外科治疗中,围手术期处理至关重要.  相似文献   

目的:评价介入血管腔内治疗孤立性肠系膜上动脉夹层(ISMAD)的安全性和疗效。方法:5例患者均通过腹部CT及血管造影明确诊断ISMAD,本组病例确诊后行介入血管腔内治疗,术后继予抗凝抗血小板治疗,并术后1、3、6个月进行CTA或血管造影随访。结果:5例患者手术成功率100%,其中支架联合弹簧圈栓塞2例,双支架重叠技术3例,无并发症发生。全部患者术后3周内症状逐渐消失;术后3~6个月时肠系膜上动脉CTA及血管造影显示动脉瘤腔不显影,支架腔内血流通畅;随访3~12个月(平均7.8个月)夹层动脉瘤无复发。结论:介入血管腔内治疗是治疗ISMAD的安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察分析糖尿病患者重型颅脑外伤术后脑梗死发生情况.方法:重型颅脑外伤共112例,糖尿病患者31例,非糖尿病患者81例,糖尿病患者按术后血糖控制水平分为血糖控制良好组(<16.0)和血糖控制不良组(>16.0),分别为13例、18例;所有病人均采用常规去骨瓣开颅术清除血肿减压,术后早期行脱水治疗,糖尿病组患者给予胰岛素治疗,术后1天、3天、7天复查CT.结果:糖尿病组患者15例(48.4%)出现脑梗死,血糖控制良好组和血糖控制不良组分别为3例(23.1%)、12例(66.7%),非糖尿病组患者9例(13.2%)出现脑梗死.结论:通过术后早期控制血糖水平于合适状态(<16.0),可有效降低糖尿病患者重型颅脑外伤术后脑梗死发生,明显改善患者预后.  相似文献   

目的:探究围手术期介入治疗对伽玛刀治疗肝癌肝硬化临床疗效及预后的影响。方法:选取2013年1月~2015年1月在我院就诊的肝癌肝硬化患者共61例,按照随机数字表法分为对照组(30例)和观察组(31例),对照组患者仅进行伽玛刀治疗,观察组患者进行围手术期介入治疗联合伽玛刀治疗,比较两组患者治疗后的总有效率、治疗后1年和3年的生存率以及不良反应的发生情况。结果:观察组患者治疗后总有效率为77.4%,显著高于对照组(53.3%,P0.05);观察组治疗后1年和3年生存率分别为74.2%、45.2%,均显著高于对照组(53.3%、20.0%,P0.05);两组患者治疗后均发生不同程度的不良反应,但经对症治疗均有效好转,两组不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:围手术期介入治疗联合伽玛刀治疗肝癌患者可以有效提高治疗的总有效率以及治疗后1年和3年的生存率,且安全性好。  相似文献   

目的:分析抗抗环瓜氨酸肽(CCP)、类风湿因子(RF)、抗角蛋白抗体(AKA)、抗链球菌溶血素"O"(ASO、)抗RA33抗体对类风湿关节炎诊断的临床价值。方法:选取2015年3月至2016年2月本院收治的79例类风湿关节炎患者视为观察组,另选取同期本院收治的85例非类风湿关节炎自身免疫疾病者视为对照组。比较类风湿关节炎和非类风湿关节炎患者抗CCP、RF、AKA、ASO、RA33阳性情况,对抗CCP、RF、AKA、ASO、RA33的特异度和敏感度予以分析。结果:两组患者的ASO阳性率比较无显著性差异(P0.05),观察组的抗CCP、RF、AKA、RA33阳性率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。抗CCP抗体诊断类风湿关节炎患者的敏感度为64.56%、特异度为92.94%;RF敏感度为60.46%、特异度为80.00%;AKA敏感度为51.90%、特异度为96.47%;ASO敏感度为10.13%、特异度为89.41%;抗RA33抗体敏感度为30.38%、特异度为95.29%。结论:抗CCP、RF、AKA、RA33对类风湿关节炎患者均具有较高的诊断价值,而ASO在类风湿关节炎患者中的诊断价值不明显。  相似文献   

目的:总结锁骨下动脉瘤腔内介入治疗的经验。方法:11 例锁骨下动脉瘤,其中7 例真性动脉瘤4 例假性动脉瘤,均采用覆 膜支架腔内隔绝术进行治疗。结果:本组11 例患者腔内介入治疗成功率100%,共置入覆膜支架12 枚,无严重并发症发生,均痊 愈出院。经平均32.5 个月随访,全部患者无明显内漏发生,无动脉瘤复发,除3 例患者出现覆膜支架内轻度狭窄(<30%)外,余介 入治疗患者的锁骨下动脉血流均通畅。结论:腔内覆膜支架隔绝术治疗锁骨下动脉瘤是一种安全、有效的治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腔内修复术与传统开腹手术在腹主动脉瘤患者治疗中的效果。方法:收集我院就诊或住院治疗的40例腹主动脉瘤患者,根据手术方式不同,将所选研究对象分为OR组和EVAR组,每组20例。OR组患者行传统开腹手术,EVAR组患者行腔内修复术。观察并比较两组患者术中出血量、输血量、手术时间、住院天数以及并发症的发生率。结果:与OR组患者相比,EVAR组患者手术出血量、输血量较少,手术时间、住院天数、ICU住院天数较短,患者围手术期的并发症发生率较低,但患者的远期并发症发生率较高(P0.05)。结论:腔内修复术与传统开腹手术相比,在手术的出血量以及患者的恢复时间等方面具有较为明显的优点,但远期的并发症发生率较高,对临床有指导意义。  相似文献   

Sun Y  Lin R  Dai J  Jin D  Wang SQ 《Oligonucleotides》2006,16(4):365-374
Survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis protein, deserves attention as a selective target for cancer therapy because it is overexpressed in many cancers, including human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we report a novel antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) against survivin for its effectiveness against tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo, and providing evidence in treatment for HCC. Initially, transfection of liver tumor cells HepG2 with ASO resulted in significant cells growth inhibition and reduction expression of survivin mRNA and protein, in a dose-dependent manner. Using caspase-3 protease activation assays, we observed that ASO has induced significantly greater apoptosis rate compared to control oligonucleotides. Furthermore, we used an orthotopic transplant model of HCC in nude mice to investigate the effect of ASO on tumor growth in vivo, and ASO reagents were delivered by intravenous injection. Interestingly, this systemic treatment also resulted in significant inhibition in tumor growth. Tumor growth in mice treated with ASO (50 and 75 mg/kg per day) was significantly inhibited (45.31% and 60.94%, respectively) compared with saline-injected group (p < 0.01), in a dose-dependent manner, and the effect of ASO on tumor growth was associated with downregulation of survivin in tumor xenografts. Moreover, the level of serum alpha-fetoprotein in ASO-treated groups was also decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, these data suggest that the usefulness of survivin ASO could potentially be a promising gene therapy approach to treatment of HCC.  相似文献   

Syk protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) is involved in signaling in leukocytes. In macrophages, Fcgamma-receptor cross-linking induces Syk PTK phosphorylation and activation, resulting in Syk-dependent events required for phagocytosis and mediator release. We hypothesized that Syk antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASO) delivered by aerosol to rat lungs in vivo would depress Syk PTK expression, mediator release from alveolar macrophages, and Syk-dependent pulmonary inflammation. RT-PCR and RT-in situ PCR demonstrated that aerosolized Syk ASO administration reduced Syk mRNA expression from alveolar macrophages compared with cells isolated from sham-treated rats. Western blot analysis confirmed that Syk PTK expression was reduced after Syk ASO treatment. Compared with sham-treated rats (scrambled oligodeoxynucleotide), Syk ASO treatment suppressed Fcgamma-receptor-mediated nitric oxide (86.0 +/- 8.3%) and TNF (73.1 +/- 3.1%) production by alveolar macrophages stimulated with IgG-anti-IgG complexes. In contrast, Fcgamma-receptor-induced IL-1beta release was unaffected by Syk ASO treatment. Additionally, Syk ASO suppressed Ag-induced pulmonary inflammation, suggesting that Syk ASO may prove useful as an anti-inflammatory therapy in disorders such as asthma.  相似文献   

Y Tang  G Ho  Y Li  MA Hall  RL Hills  SC Black  Y Liang  KT Demarest 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42134
An increasing amount of evidence supports pleiotropic metabolic roles of the cannibinoid-1 receptor (CB1R) in peripheral tissues such as adipose, liver, skeletal muscle and pancreas. To further understand the metabolic consequences of specific blockade of CB1R function in peripheral tissues, we performed a 10-week-study with an anti-sense oligonucleotide directed against the CB1R in diet-induced obese (DIO) AKR/J mice. DIO AKR/J mice were treated with CB1R ASO Isis-414930 (6.25, 12.5 and 25 mg/kg/week) or control ASO Isis-141923 (25 mg/kg/week) via intraperitoneal injection for 10 weeks. At the end of the treatment, CB1R mRNA from the 25 mg/kg/week CB1R ASO group in the epididymal fat and kidney was decreased by 81% and 63%, respectively. Body weight gain was decreased in a dose-dependent fashion, significantly different in the 25 mg/kg/week CB1R ASO group (46.1±1.0 g vs veh, 51.2±0.9 g, p<0.05). Body fat mass was reduced in parallel with attenuated body weight gain. CB1R ASO treatment led to decreased fed glucose level (at week 8, 25 mg/kg/week group, 145±4 mg/dL vs veh, 195±10 mg/dL, p<0.05). Moreover, CB1R ASO treatment dose-dependently improved glucose excursion during an oral glucose tolerance test, whereas control ASO exerted no effect. Liver steatosis was also decreased upon CB1R ASO treatment. At the end of the study, plasma insulin and leptin levels were significantly reduced by 25 mg/kg/week CB1R ASO treatment. SREBP1 mRNA expression was decreased in both epididymal fat and liver. G6PC and fatty acid translocase/CD36 mRNA levels were also reduced in the liver. In summary, CB1R ASO treatment in DIO AKR/J mice led to improved insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. The beneficial effects of CB1R ASO treatment strongly support the notion that selective inhibition of the peripheral CB1R, without blockade of central CB1R, may serve as an effective approach for treating type II diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to assess the long-term results of endovascular treatment using drug-eluting stents in coronary heart disease patients with extensive coronary artery lesion. The study covered 478 patients with diffuse coronary artery lesion, including 220 patients receiving endovascular treatment and 258 having medical treatment (a comparison group). The immediate angiographic results and long-term clinical efficiency of endovascular treatment using rapamycin-eluting stents were studied. The follow-up was 2 years. Repeat follow-ups were undertaken1and 2 years later. The immediate angiographic success rate of endovascular treatment for diffuse coronary artery lesions was 89.5%. The two-year follow-up showed the efficiency and expediency of endovascular treatment for extensive coronary artery lesions: the symptoms of angina pectoris occurred significantly less frequently symptoms, the exercise endurance was higher, and the need for antianginal medications was less in the invasively treated patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate DNA image cytometry for predicting the prognosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). STUDY DESIGN: Smears from 151 women affected by CIN 1 or 2 on cytology with minimal follow-up of three years were included. Sixty-seven showed progression, with histologically confirmed carcinoma in situ or invasive cancer. Eighty-four cases showed regression of the disease, which was cytologically, histologically and colposcopically confirmed. Papanicolaou-stained smears were destained, and the Feulgen reaction was performed with consecutive image DNA cytometry of suspicious cells using an image analysis system (Cires, Zeiss, Germany). The DNA index of the greatest stemline and the number of single aneuploid cells, using 9c exceeding events, were computed. RESULTS: In the group with progression, an aneuploid DNA stemline was found in 25 smears (26.9%). In 64 cases (66.7%) more than one aneuploid event was detected. The total number of aneuploid cases in this group was 76 (81%). In the group without progression, the number of aneuploid stemlines was 2 (2%). Single aneuploid cells could be found in five cases (5%). The overall number of aneuploid cases in that group was five. The sensitivity was 74.3%, positive predictive value 85.2% and negative predictive value 77%. CONCLUSION: Aneuploidy is a marker for prospective malignancy in cervical Papanicolaou smears. DNA image cytometry, as an additional method, can be used to predict outcome in patients with CIN 1 and 2 of the cervix. DNA cytometry is not a screening method but can add further information for a treatment decision in doubtful cases.  相似文献   

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