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A novel costimulatory molecule expressed on activated T cells, inducible costimulator (ICOS), and its ligand, B7-related protein-1 (B7RP-1), were recently identified. ICOS costimulation leads to the induction of Th2 cytokines without augmentation of IL-2 production, suggesting a role for ICOS in Th2 cell differentiation and expansion. In the present study, a soluble form of murine ICOS, ICOS-Ig, was used to block ICOS/B7RP-1 interactions in a Th2 model of allergic airway disease. In this model, mice are sensitized with inactivated Schistosoma mansoni eggs and are subsequently challenged with soluble S. mansoni egg Ag directly in the airways. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with ICOS-Ig during sensitization and challenge attenuated airway inflammation, as demonstrated by a decrease in cellular infiltration into the lung tissue and airways, as well as by a decrease in local IL-5 production. These inhibitory effects were not due to a lack of T cell priming nor to a defect in Th2 differentiation. In addition, blockade of ICOS/B7RP-1 interactions during ex vivo restimulation of lung Th2 effector cells prevented cytokine production. Thus, blockade of ICOS signaling can significantly reduce airway inflammation without affecting Th2 differentiation in this model of allergic airway disease.  相似文献   

The CD28 costimulation at TCR signaling plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the T cell response. To elucidate the role of T cells in periodontal disease, a system of cell transfer with TCR/CD28-dependent Th1 or Th2 clones was developed in rats. Gingival injection of specific Ag, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 29-kDa outer membrane protein, and LPS could induce local bone resorption 10 days after the transfer of Ag-specific Th1 clone cells, but not after transfer of Th2 clone cells. Interestingly, the presence of LPS was required not only for the induction of bone resorption but also for Ag-specific IgG2a production. LPS injection elicited the induction of expression of both B7-1 and B7-2 expression on gingival macrophages, which otherwise expressed only MHC class II when animals were injected with Ag alone. The expression of B7 molecules was observed for up to 3 days, which corresponded to the duration of retention of T clone cells in gingival tissues. Either local or systemic administration of CTLA4Ig, a functional antagonist of CD28 binding to B7, could abrogate the bone resorption induced by Th1 clone cells combined with gingival challenge with both Ag and LPS. These results suggest that local Ag-specific activation of Th1-type T cells by B7 costimulation appeared to trigger inflammatory bone resorption, whereas inhibition of B7 expression by CTLA4Ig might be a therapeutic approach for intervention with inflammatory bone resorption.  相似文献   

In the mucosal immune system, resident dendritic cells are specialized for priming Th2-polarized immunity, whereas the Ag-presenting activity of macrophages has been linked with the development of Th1 phenotype. As an immune switch toward Th1 can protect against Th2-mediated allergic response, this study investigated the capacity of lung macrophages to stimulate Th1 responses during the secondary exposure to inhaled allergen, thereby suppressing Th2-mediated allergic airway inflammation in a murine model of allergic asthma. Following airway macrophage depletion in OVA-sensitized mice, lung T cells defaulted to a phenotype that produced less Th1 (IFN-gamma) and more Th2 (IL-4 and IL-5) cytokines, leading to more severe airway hyperreactivity and inflammation after intranasal Ag challenge. After OVA pulsing and adoptive transfer, lung macrophages selectively promoted a Th1 response in Ag-sensitized recipients and did not induce pulmonary eosinophilia. By contrast, OVA pulsing and adoptive transfer of a lung cell preparation, consisting of dendritic cells, B cells, and macrophages, promoted a Th2 response with an associated inflammatory response that was suppressed when macrophages were present and pretreated with IFN-gamma, but exacerbated when macrophages were depleted before IFN-gamma treatment. In addition, Th1-promoting activity of lung macrophages was not related to the autocrine production of IL-12p40. These results suggest that the Th1-promoting APC activity may be an inherent property of the lung macrophage population, and may play an important role, upon stimulation by IFN-gamma, in antagonizing an ongoing Th2 immunity and Th2-dependent allergic responses.  相似文献   

The development of Th1 and Th2 cells is determined by the type of antigenic stimulation involved in the initial cell activation step. Evidence indicates that costimulatory signals, such as those delivered by CD28, play an important role in Th2 development, but little is known about how CD28 costimulation contributes to Th2 development. In this study, TCR cross-linking was insufficient for Th2 development, while the addition of CD28 costimulation drastically increased Th2 generation through the IL-4-mediated pathway. Th2 generation following CD28 costimulation was not simply explained by the enhancement of IL-4 production in naive T cells. To generate Th2 cells after TCR cross-linking only, it was necessary to add a 20- to 200-fold excess of IL-4 generated after TCR and CD28 stimulation. TCR cross-linking increased the expression level and binding property of the IL-4R, but enhanced the sensitivity to IL-4 only slightly. In contrast, as evidenced by the enhanced phosphorylation of Jak3, the IL-4Ralpha-chain, and STAT6 following IL-4 stimulation, CD28 costimulation increased IL-4R sensitivity without affecting its expression and binding property. This evidence of the enhancement of IL-4R sensitivity increases our understanding of how CD28 costimulation accelerates Th2 development.  相似文献   

The sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor agonist FTY720 is a novel immunomodulator that sequesters lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid organs and thereby prevents their migration to sites of inflammation. However, there is currently no information available on whether this drug affects Th1 or Th2 cell-mediated lung-inflammatory responses. The effect of FTY720 was therefore investigated in a murine airway inflammation model using OVA-specific, in vitro differentiated, and adoptively transferred Th1 and Th2 cells. Both Th1 and Th2 cells express a similar pattern of FTY720-targeted sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors. The OVA-induced Th1-mediated airway inflammation characterized by increased numbers of lymphocytes and neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly inhibited by oral FTY720 treatment. Similarly, FTY720 suppressed the Th2 cell-induced bronchoalveolar lavage fluid eosinophilia and the infiltration of T lymphocytes and eosinophils into the bronchial tissue. Moreover, the Ag-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness to inhaled metacholine was almost completely blocked. The inhibitory effect of FTY720 on airway inflammation, induction of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and goblet cell hyperplasia could be confirmed in an actively Ag-sensitized murine asthma model, clearly indicating that Th2 cell-driven allergic diseases such as asthma could benefit from such treatment.  相似文献   

Cytokines produced by activated macrophages and Th2 cells within the lung play a key role in asthma-associated airway inflammation. Additionally, recent studies suggest that the molecule CD40 modulates lung immune responses. Because airway epithelial cells can act as immune effector cells through the expression of inflammatory mediators, the epithelium is now considered important in the generation of asthma-associated inflammation. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to examine the effects of proinflammatory and Th2-derived cytokines on the function of CD40 in airway epithelia. The results show that airway epithelial cells express CD40 and that engagement of epithelial CD40 induces a significant increase in expression of the chemokines RANTES, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1), and IL-8 and the adhesion molecule ICAM-1. Cross-linking epithelial CD40 had no effect on expression of the adhesion molecule VCAM-1. The proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta and the Th2-derived cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 modulated the positive effects of CD40 engagement on inflammatory mediator expression in airway epithelial cells. Importantly, CD40 ligation enhanced the sensitivity of airway epithelial cells to the effects of TNF-alpha and/or IL-1beta on expression of RANTES, MCP-1, IL-8, and VCAM-1. In contrast, neither IL-4 nor IL-13 modified the effects of CD40 engagement on the expression of RANTES, MCP-1, IL-8, or VCAM-1; however, both IL-4 and IL-13 attenuated the effects of CD40 cross-linking on ICAM-1 expression. Together, these findings suggest that interactions between CD40-responsive airway epithelial cells and CD40 ligand+ leukocytes, such as activated T cells, eosinophils, and mast cells, modulate asthma-associated airway inflammation.  相似文献   

Intracellular pathogens are subject to elimination by a cellular immune response, and were therefore under evolutionary pressure to develop mechanisms that allow them to inhibit especially this arm of immunity. CD137, a T cell costimulatory molecule, and its ligand, CD137 ligand (CD137L), which is expressed on antigen presenting cells (APC), are potent drivers of cellular cytotoxic immune responses. Here, we report that different viruses usurp a negative feedback mechanism for the CD137–CD137L system that weakens cellular immune responses. Latent membrane protein (LMP)-1 and Tax, oncogenes of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-1, respectively, induce the expression of CD137. CD137 is transferred by trogocytosis to CD137L-expressing APC, and the CD137–CD137L complex is internalized and degraded, resulting in a reduced CD137-mediated T cell costimulation and a weakened cellular immune response which may facilitate the escape of the virus from immune surveillance. These data identify the usurpation of a CD137-based negative feedback mechanism by intracellular pathogens that enables them to reduce T cell costimulation.  相似文献   

HIV-specific CD8 T cell responses are defective in chronic HIV infection. In this study, we report that costimulation with either CD137L (4-1BBL) or CD80 (B7.1) enhanced the Ag-specific expansion and acquisition of effector function by HIV-specific memory CD8 T cells. Ag-specific T cells from recently infected donors showed maximal expansion with single costimulatory molecules. Dual costimulation of T cells from recently infected donors or from healthy donors responding to influenza epitopes led to enhanced responses when the accumulation of cytokines was measured. However, accumulation of regulatory cytokines, particularly IFN-gamma, led to inhibition of further Ag-specific CD8 T cell expansion in the cultures. This inhibition was relieved by neutralization of IFN-gamma or of IFN-gamma, TNF, and IL-10. Thus, strong costimulation of T cells in vitro can lead to induction of regulatory cytokines at levels that limit further T cell expansion. In marked contrast, T cells from long-term (>4 years) infected HIV+ donors exhibited reduced Ag-specific CD8 T cell expansion, reduced CD4 T cell responses, and minimal cytokine accumulation. Dual costimulation with both 4-1BBL and B7.1 enhanced responses of T cells from long-term infected subjects to a level similar to that obtained with T cells from early in HIV infection. Experiments with purified CD8 T cells showed that B7.1 and 4-1BBL could act directly and synergistically on CD8 T cells. Taken together, these data suggest that 4-1BBL and B7.1 have additive or synergistic effects on HIV-specific CD8 T cell responses and represent a promising combination for therapeutic vaccination for HIV.  相似文献   

Eosinophils are primarily thought of as terminal effectors of allergic responses and of parasite elimination. However, limited studies suggest a more discrete immunomodulatory role for this leukocyte during these inflammatory responses. In this investigation, we highlight the potential of eosinophils to act as APCs and thus modulators of allergic responses by influencing Th2 cell function. In response to Ag provocation of the allergic lung, eosinophils rapidly trafficked to sites of Ag deposition (airways lumen) and presentation (lung-associated lymph nodes and T cell-rich paracortical zones). Eosinophils from the allergic lung expressed class II MHC peptides, T cell costimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86), and rapidly internalized and processed Ag that was sampled from within the airway lumen. Ag-loaded eosinophils promoted the production of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 in cocultures with in vitro-polarized Th2 cells and induced IL-5 production in a dose-dependent manner from Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells isolated from allergic mice. In addition, Ag-loaded eosinophils primed for Th2 cell-driven allergic disease of the lung when transferred to naive mice. Thus, eosinophils have the potential to not only activate Th2 cells to release disease-modulating cytokines but also to assist in priming the immune system for allergic responses. This investigation highlights the potential of eosinophils to not only act as terminal effector cells but also to actively modulate allergic inflammation by amplifying Th2 cell responses.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) has anti-inflammatory effects in asthma. CD4+CD25(high) regulatory T cells (Treg) are a potent immunoregulator that suppresses the immune response. We studied the effects of HO-1-mediated CD4+CD25(high) Treg on suppression of allergic airway inflammation by comparing mice treated with hemin, OVA, Sn-protoporphyrin (SnPP), and hemin plus SnPP. Airway responsiveness, airway eosinophil infiltration, the level of OVA-specific IgE, and the numbers of cells in general and eosinophils in particular in bronchial alveolar lavage fluid were lower in the hemin group than in the OVA, SnPP, and hemin plus SnPP groups. The expressions of HO-1 mRNA and protein in the lung were increased by repeated administrations of hemin and SnPP. However, the activity of HO-1 was highest in hemin mice. The percentage and suppressive function of CD4+CD25(high) Treg and the expression of Foxp3 mRNA were obviously enhanced after treatment with hemin. This increase was diminished by the administration of SnPP. The concentration of serum IL-10 was higher in the hemin group than in the other groups, whereas the level of serum TGF-beta did not significantly differ across groups. Furthermore, the ratio of IFN-gamma/IL-4 mRNA in the lung was higher in hemin-treated mice than in OVA and SnPP mice. The suppressive capacity of CD4+CD25(high) Treg was not enhanced in the IL-10-deficient mice treated with hemin. In conclusion, our experiments in the animal model demonstrated that HO-1 has anti-inflammatory effects, probably via enhancement of the secretion of IL-10 and promotion of the percentage of CD4+CD25(high) Treg.  相似文献   

Concomitant infection of murine CMV (MCMV), an opportunistic respiratory pathogen, altered Th1/Th2 cytokine expression, decreased bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid eosinophilia, and increased mucus production in a murine model of OVA-induced allergic airway disease. Although no change in the total number of leukocytes infiltrating the lung was observed between challenged and MCMV/challenged mice, the cellular profile differed dramatically. After 10 days of OVA-aerosol challenge, eosinophils comprised 64% of the total leukocyte population in BAL fluid from challenged mice compared with 11% in MCMV/challenged mice. Lymphocytes increased from 11% in challenged mice to 30% in MCMV/challenged mice, and this increase corresponded with an increase in the ratio of CD8(+) to CD4(+)TCRalphabeta lymphocytes. The decline in BAL fluid eosinophilia was associated with a change in local Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles. Enhanced levels of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13 were detected in lung tissue from challenged mice by RNase protection assays. In contrast, MCMV/challenged mice transiently expressed elevated levels of IFN-gamma and IL-10 mRNAs, as well as decreased levels of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 mRNAs. Elevated levels of IFN-gamma and reduced levels of IL-5 were also demonstrated in BAL fluid from MCMV/challenged mice. Histological evaluation of lung sections revealed extensive mucus plugging and epithelial cell hypertrophy/hyperplasia only in MCMV/challenged mice. Interestingly, the development of airway hyperresponsiveness was observed in challenged mice, not MCMV/challenged mice. Thus, MCMV infection can modulate allergic airway inflammation, and these findings suggest that enhanced mucus production may occur independently of BAL fluid eosinophilia.  相似文献   

Chronic viral infections cause high levels of morbidity and mortality worldwide, making the development of effective therapies a high priority for improving human health. We have used mice infected with Friend virus as a model to study immunotherapeutic approaches to the cure of chronic retroviral infections. In chronic Friend virus infections CD4(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells suppress CD8(+) T cell effector functions critical for virus clearance. In this study, we demonstrate that immunotherapy with a combination of agonistic anti-CD137 Ab and virus-specific, TCR-transgenic CD8(+) T cells produced greater than 99% reductions of virus levels within 2 wk. In vitro studies indicated that the CD137-specific Ab rendered the CD8(+) T cells resistant to Treg cell-mediated suppression with no direct effect on the suppressive function of the Treg cells. By 2 weeks after transfer, the adoptively transferred CD8(+) T cells were lost, likely due to activation-induced cell death. The highly focused immunological pressure placed on the virus by the single specificity CD8(+) T cells led to the appearance of escape variants, indicating that broader epitope specificity will be required for long-term virus control. However, the results demonstrate a potent strategy to potentiate the function of CD8(+) T cells in the context of immunosuppressive Treg cells.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) utilizes multiple strategies to modulate immunity and promote lifelong, persistent/latent infection, including suppressing T cell activation pathways. Here we examined the role of B7 costimulatory ligands in establishing immune détente from both the host and virus perspectives. Mice lacking both B7.1 and B7.2 showed reduced early expansion of CMV-specific CD4 T cells, consequently allowing for enhanced levels of persistent virus replication. In turn, a CMV mutant lacking expression of the m138 and m147.5 gene products, which restrict B7.1 and B7.2 expression in infected antigen-presenting cells, induced a more robust CD4 T cell response and showed decreased persistence. Together, these data reveal a requirement for B7-mediated signaling in regulating the CMV-specific CD4 T cell response and establishing host-virus equilibrium.  相似文献   

IL-27 up-regulates Th1 but down-regulates Th2 responses. However, its molecular mechanism and regulatory effects on polarized Th2 cells remain unclear. In this study, we have revealed that IL-27 inhibits Th2 cell development as well as Th2 cytokines production from already polarized Th2 cells by down-regulation of GATA-3 and up-regulation of T-bet expression simultaneously. In vivo daily IL-27 treatment for 1 wk after Leishmania major infection protects BALB/c mice from footpad swelling by diminishing parasite burden via reciprocal regulation of Th1 and Th2 responses. Furthermore, IL-27 stimulation causes marked reduction in the capacity of host mouse to mount a Th2 response against Strongyloides venezuelensis infection. Thus, IL-27-treated mice failed to develop intestinal mastocytosis after S. venezuelensis infection and exhibited a marked delay in parasite expulsion. Finally, intranasal administration of IL-27 inhibits OVA-induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in OVA-sensitized animals. Thus, IL-27 could provide us with a novel therapeutic way for treating Th2-associated diseases such as bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Although both CD28 and ICOS bind PI3K and provide stimulatory signal for T cell activation, unlike CD28, ICOS does not costimulate IL-2 secretion. CD28 binds both PI3K and Grb2, whereas ICOS binds only PI3K. We have generated an ICOS mutant, which can bind Grb2 by replacement of its PI3K binding motif YMFM with the CD28 YMNM motif, and shown that it induces significant activation of the IL-2 promoter. However, this mutant ICOS was insufficient to activate the NF-kappaB pathway. In this study, we show that Gads, but not Grb2, is essential for CD28-mediated NF-kappaB activation, and its binding to CD28 requires the whole CD28 cytoplasmic domain in addition to the YMNM motif. Mutagenesis experiments have indicated that mutations in the N-terminal and/or C-terminal PXXP motif(s) of CD28 significantly reduce their association with Gads, whereas their associations with Grb2 are maintained. They induced strong activity of the NFAT/AP-1 reporter comparable with the CD28 wild type, but weak activity of the NF-kappaB reporter. Grb2- and Gads-dominant-negative mutants had a strong effect on NFAT/AP-1 reporter, but only Gads-dominant-negative significantly inhibited NF-kappaB reporter. Our data suggest that, in addition to the PI3K binding motif, the PXXP motif in the CD28 cytoplasmic domain may also define a functional difference between the CD28- and ICOS-mediated costimulatory signals by binding to Gads.  相似文献   

Inhaled heparin has been shown to inhibit allergic bronchoconstriction in sheep that develop only acute responses to antigen (acute responders) but was ineffective in sheep that develop both acute and late airway responses (LAR) (dual responders). Because the antiallergic activity of heparin is molecular-weight dependent, we hypothesized that heparin-derived oligosaccharides (<2, 500) with potential anti-inflammatory activity may attenuate the LAR in the dual-responder sheep. Specific lung resistance was measured in 24 dual-responder sheep before and serially for 8 h after challenge with Ascaris suum antigen for demonstration of early airway response (EAR) and LAR, without and after treatment with inhaled medium-, low-, and ultralow-molecular-weight (ULMW) heparins and "non-anticoagulant" fractions (NAF) of heparin. Airway responsiveness was estimated before and 24 h postantigen as the cumulative provocating dose of carbachol that increased specific lung resistance by 400%. Only ULMW heparins caused a dose-dependent inhibition of antigen-induced EAR and LAR and postantigen airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), whereas low- and medium-molecular-weight heparins were ineffective. The effects of ULMW heparin and ULMW NAF-heparin were comparable and inhibited the LAR and AHR even when administered "after" the antigen challenge. The ULMW NAF-heparin failed to inhibit the bronchoconstrictor response to histamine, carbachol, and leukotriene D(4), excluding a direct effect on airway smooth muscle. In six sheep, segmental antigen challenge caused a marked increase in bronchoalveolar lavage histamine, which was not prevented by inhaled ULMW NAF-heparin. The results of this study in the dual-responder sheep demonstrate that 1) the antiallergic activity of inhaled "fractionated" heparins is molecular-weight dependent, 2) only ULMW heparins inhibit the antigen-induced EAR and LAR and postantigen AHR, and 3) the antiallergic activity is mediated by nonanticoagulant fractions and resides in the ULMW chains of <2,500.  相似文献   

Ig-PLP1 is an Ig chimera expressing proteolipid protein-1 (PLP1) peptide corresponding to aa residues 139-151 of PLP. Newborn mice given Ig-PLP1 in saline on the day of birth and challenged 7 wk later with PLP1 peptide in CFA develop an organ-specific neonatal immunity that confers resistance against experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. The T cell responses in these animals comprise Th2 cells in the lymph node and anergic Th1 lymphocytes in the spleen. Intriguingly, the anergic splenic T cells, although nonproliferative and unable to produce IFN-gamma or IL-4, secrete significant amounts of IL-2. In this work, studies were performed to determine whether costimulation through B7 molecules plays any role in the unusual form of splenic Th1 anergy. The results show that engagement of either B7.1 or B7.2 with anti-B7 Abs during induction of EAE in adult mice that were neonatally tolerized with Ig-PLP1 restores and exacerbates disease severity. At the cellular level, the anergic splenic T cells regain the ability to proliferate and produce IFN-gamma when stimulated with Ag in the presence of either anti-B7.1 or anti-B7.2 Ab. However, such restoration was abolished when both B7.1 and B7.2 molecules were engaged simultaneously, indicating that costimulation is necessary for reactivation. Surprisingly, both anti-B7.1 and anti-B7.2 Abs triggered splenic dendritic cells to produce IL-12, a key cytokine required for restoration of the anergic T cells. Thus, recovery from neonatally induced T cell anergy requires B7 molecules to serve double functions, namely, costimulation and induction of cytokine production by APCs.  相似文献   

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