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Impatiens balsamina L. was induced to flower by exposure to5 short days and then made to revert to vegetative growth byreturn to long days. After 9 long days reverted plants wereinduced to re-flower by returning them to short days. Petalinitiation began immediately and seven primordia already presentdeveloped into petals instead of into predominantly leaf-likeorgans. However, the arrangement of primordia at the shoot apex,their rate of initiation and size at initiation remained unchangedfrom the reverted apex, as did apical growth rate and the lengthof stem frusta at initiation. The more rapid flowering of thereverted plants than of plants when first induced, and the lackof change in apical growth pattern, imply that the revertedapices remain partially evoked, and that the apical growth patternand phyllotaxis typical of the flower, and already present inthe reverted plants, facilitate the transition to flower formation. Impatiens balsamina, flower reversion, partial evocation, shoot meristem, determination, leaf development  相似文献   

The development of primordia as leaves, petals, or as organsintermediate between leaves and petals can be regulated by photoperiodin Impatiens. In intermediate organs only some parts of theorgan differentiated as petal, and then only in some cell layers.Allometric measurements of primordium shape suggested that intermediateorgans may begin development as petals, and that their intermediatecharacter at maturity resulted from a switch of some parts ofthe organs from petal to leaf development when the primordiawere between 0.5 and 1 mm long. In reverted apices made to re-flower,primordia were not completely determined as leaves until theywere about 750 µm long. Determination typically occurredfirst at the tips and last at the bases of these primordia.The determination of primordia as leaves or petals in Impatiensis discussed in relation to primordium determination in otherspecies. It is suggested that the lack of commitment to flowermay result in relatively late primordium determination in Impatiens. Impatiens balsamina, determination, differentiation, leaf and petal development, flowering, reversion  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(5):539-551
The growth of the flower and its constituent parts was measuredin Silene coeli-rosa plants, induced at 13, 20 and 27 °C,in order to try and identify those processes which consistentlyoccurred and would therefore be more likely to be essentialfor flower formation. The increased growth rate of the apical dome just before orabout the time of sepal initiation was not maintained in theflower, the growth rate of which was comparable to that of avegetative apex until all the carpels had been initiated, whenit decreased further. The primordia of the same whorl all hadsimilar growth rates so that the relative sizes of the primordiareflected their relative ages since their initiation. The relativegrowth rate of the stamens was the same (13 and 20 °C) orless (27 °C) than that of the sepals, but the relative growthrate of the petals was lower than either. The growth rate ofthe flower axis was least at the sepal node and increased bothdistally and proximally from this region. The plastochron during sepal initiation was shorter than forleaf initiation and tended to be shorter still during initiationof stamens and petals. Increasing temperature increased therate of primordial initiation but at 27 °C the growth ratesof the primordia were lowest although the rates of primordiainitiation were highest. The form of the flower, as exemplifiedby the relative sizes of the primordia at the moment when allcarpels had been initiated, was constant despite the differinggrowth rates and sizes of the primordia on initiation in differenttemperatures. It is concluded that neither the initiation ofthe primordia in the flower nor the form of the flower is determinedprimarily by the relative growth rates of its component parts. Silene coeli-rosa, flower development, primordia initiation, growth  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1343-1348
The initiation and development of the flower of Silene coeli-rosawas followed by examining apices by scanning electron microscopy.The sepals, stamens and carpets are initiated in a spiral sequence,the direction of the spiral king the opposite of the acropetalhelix of unequal axillary buds at the nodes below the flower.The petals are initiated almost simultaneously and at the sametime as the first few stamens. The change in phyllotaxis fromopposite and decussate in the vegetative shoot to spiral inthe flower occurs with the displacement of the first two sepalsaway from the mid-line of the apex and towards the axillarybud at the node below the flower. The sizes of the sepals andstamens are a function of their age since initiation but thepetals grow more slowly. The Silene flower can be interpretedas a shoot bearing primordia with associated axillary primordia,some of the latter being precocious in their development. Silent weli-rosa, flower initiation, flower development, phyllotaxis, primordia  相似文献   

Vegetative plants of Chenopodium amaranticolor were inducedto flower by exposure to 2, 6 or continuous short days (SDs)and the effect of such treatments on organogenesis at the apexof the main stem followed by means of dissections. The mostoutstanding responses to SD treatment were (I) an immediateelongation of the apex, (2) a stimulation of the rate of initiationof leaf primordia, and (3) a promotion of the rate of initiationof axillary bud primordia. In response to as few as 2 SDs, therate of initiation of leaf primordia increased from 0.47 toa maximum of 3.70 per day and the rate of initiation of axillarybud primordia immediately increased from 0.47 to 1.35 per day. Precocious initiation of axillary bud primordia led to the formationof double ridges. The results indicate double ridges to be homologouswith vegetative axillary buds; although they normally developedinto reproductive tissues, they passed through a period of vegetativegrowth following minimal induction to flowering by exposureto 2 SDs. The rate and degree of flowering were highest in plants whichreceived the longest period of SDs, but the differences in finalflowering response were greater than the differences betweenthe initial responses at the apices. The effect of SDs was thusnot confined to an initial stimulation of organogenesis; a prolongedexposure to SDs must have enhanced the subsequent developmentof double ridges into flower primordia. The results are discussed in relation to previous findings andthe general conclusion drawn that the initiation of double ridgesis very widely accompanied by a stimulation of apical growth.It is suggested that inductive conditions remove a general growthinhibition and that the resultant stimulation of apical growthmight lead to the initiation of double ridges.  相似文献   

During the growth of a single developing vegetative apex ofVinca major, both the orientation and frequency of cell divisions,and the pattern of cell expansion, were observed using a non-destructivereplica technique. Micrographs taken at daily intervals illustratethat the central region of the apical dome remains relativelyinactive, except for a phase of cell division which occurs after2 d of growth. The majority of growth takes place at the proximalregions of the dome from which develop the successive pairsof leaves. The developing leaf primordia are initiated by aseries of divisions which occur at the periphery of the centraldome and are oriented parallel to the axis of the subsequentleaves. The cells which develop into the outer leaf surfaceof the new leaves undergo expansion and these cells divide allowingfor the formation of the new leaf. This paper describes thefirst high-resolution sequential study of cell patterns in asingle developing plant apex. Sequential development, cell division, expansion patterns, SEM, Vinca major, apical dome, leaf primordium, leaf initiation  相似文献   

WARDLAW  C. W. 《Annals of botany》1957,21(1):85-120
The organization and morphogenetic activity of a fern apex,that of Dryopteris austriaca (D. aristata), have been furtherinvestigated by observing how it responds to direct applicationsof solutions of various physiologically active organic substances.Large apices were laid bare and treated for periods of up toabout 20 days with solutions of 3-indoleacetonitrile, dinitrophenol,maleic hydrazide, yeast extract, glutamine, &c., with directexamination at frequent intervals using a binocular microscope. In most cases some reaction was obtained. Developments of morphogeneticinterest include: an increase in the rate of growth in the subapicalregion; an arrest or slowing down of growth in the apical meristem;the formation of flattened and of sunken, cup-shaped apices;the formation of double, treble, and quadruple leaf primordia,of two primordia in a single leaf site, and of centric (or radial)leaves; the occasional suppression of primordia; the reversalof the phyllotactic spiral; the induction of buds on meristemswith an uninjured apical cell; the promotion of root formationand growth; the formation of scales on the apices of young leafprimordia and leaf sites, and the precocious formation of scalesover the whole of the apical meristem, including the apicalcell; and the precocious parenchymatization of the meristemincluding the apical cell. The significance of these resultsis discussed.  相似文献   

Periclinal cell divisions in vegetative shoot apices of Pisumand Silene were recorded from serial thin sections by mappingall the periclinal cell walls formed less than one cell cyclepreviously. The distribution of periclinal divisions in theapical domes corresponded to the distributions subsequentlyoccurring in the apices when the young leaf primordia were forming.In Pisum, periclinal divisions were almost entirely absent fromthe I1 region of the apical dome for half a plastochron justafter the formation of a leaf primordium and appeared, simultaneouslyover the whole of the next potential leaf site, about half aplastochron before the primordium formed. In Silene periclinaldivisions seemed to always present in the apical dome at thepotential leaf sites and also round the sides of the dome wherethe ensheathing leaf bases were to form. Periclinal divisionstherefore anticipated the formation of leaf primordia by occuring,in Pisum about one cell cycle and in Silene two or more cellcycles, before the change in the direction of growth or deformationof the surface associated with primordial initiation. Pisum, Silene, planes of cell division, orientation of cell walls, leaf primordia, shoot apical meristem, plastochron  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Houttuynia cordata produces 45–70 sessile bracteate flowers in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apical meristem has a mantle-core configuration and produces “common” or uncommitted primordia, each of which bifurcates to form a floral apex above, a bract primordium below. This pattern of organogenesis is similar to that in another saururaceous plant, Saururus cernuus. Exceptions to this unusual development, however, occur in H. cordata at the beginning of inflorescence activity when four to eight petaloid bract primordia are initiated before the initiation of floral apices in their axils. “Common” primordia also are lacking toward the cessation of inflorescence apical activity in H. cordata when primordia become bracts which may precede the initiation of an axillary floral apex. Many of these last-formed bracts are sterile. The inflorescence terminates with maturation of the meristem as an apical residuum. No terminal flowers or terminal gynoecia were found, although subterminal gynoecia or flowers in subterminal position may overtop the actual apex and obscure it. Individual flowers have a tricarpellate syncarpous gynoecium and three stamens adnate to the carpels; petals and sepals are lacking. The order of succession of organs is: two lateral stamens, median stamen, two lateral carpels, median carpel. The three carpel primordia almost immediately are elevated as part of a gynoecial ring by zonal growth of the receptacle below the attachment of the carpels. The same growth elevates the stamen bases so that they appear adnate to the carpels. The trimerous condition in Houttuynia is the result of paired or solitary initiations rather than trimerous whorls. Symmetry is bilateral and zygomorphic rather than radial. No evidence of spiral arrangement in the flower was found.  相似文献   

The growth rates of the shoot apex during and after floral inductionwere measured in Silene, a long-day plant. Plants were inducedto flower with 4 or more long days (LD) but not with 3 longdays or with short days (SD). The rate of increase of cell numberin the apical dome, above the youngest leaf pair, was exponentialand in plants given 3 LD remained the same as in plants in SD.In plants induced to flower with 7 LD, until the end of theinductive period the rate of increase of cell number in theapical dome remained the same as in plants in SD. Only whenthe apex began to enlarge as the first stage in the formationof the flower did the growth rate of the apical dome increase.The rates of increase of cell numbers in the apex correspondedto mean cell generation times of 20 to 33 h for plants in SD,for plants given 3 LD, and during the 7 days of induction forplants given 7 LD, and 6 to 8 h for induced plants when flowerformation was beginning. The distribution of cell division in the apex was examined bytreating plants with colchicine and noting in sections the positionsof the resulting metaphases. In vegetative apices and also inapices undergoing transition to flowering the whole of the apicaldome appeared to consist of cells dividing at a similar rate. The rate of leaf initiation during induction was the same asin vegetative, non-induced plants.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of flowering in Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat. is described which may be used to predict quantitiessuch as the number of primordia initiated by the apex, plastochronduration and apical dome mass before, during and after the transformationof the apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive development.The model assumes that primordial initiation is regulated byan inhibitor present in the apical dome. Within each plastochronthe apical dome grows exponentially, and the inhibitor concentrationdeclines through chemical decay and dilution. When the inhibitorconcentration falls to a critical level a new primordium isinitiated. There is instantaneous production of inhibitor, anda decrease in dome mass corresponding to the mass of the newprimordium. The process continues until the apical dome attainsa particular mass when the first bract primordium is produced.Subsequent primordia compete with the apical dome for substrates,and the specific growth rate of the dome declines with successiveplastochrons. Eventually, the net mass of the dome starts todecline until it is entirely consumed in the production of floralprimordia. Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat, flowering, primordial initiation  相似文献   

Summary All floral buds of Impatiens balsamina plants exposed to 4 short-day (SD) cycles and then returned to long days reverted to vegetative growth. The same happened with the upper buds of plants receiving a larger number of SDs, even as many as 90 cycles. The reversal proceeded in a basipetal order. The number of floral buds and flowers increased, and their reversion to vegetative growth was delayed with increasing numbers of SD cycles. Depending upon the stage attained by the floral bud before the transfer of the plant to noninductive photoperiods one or more inner whorls of the flower were replaced by a vegetative apex. The tip of the placenta was able to resume vegetative growth even after the formation of fertile anthers and an ovary with abortive ovules, showing that the potentiality for reversion is maintained till quite late stages in floral bud development. Continuous exposure to SD cycles is required not only for the continued production of floral buds, but also for their development to mature flowers, indicating that the floral stimulus in this plant is not self-perpetuating.  相似文献   

The relationship between phenological development in wheat (TriticumaestivumL.) and growth was studied to determine if the switchfrom a vegetative to a reproductive apex increases plant growthrate. Plant partitioning and relative growth rates during vegetativeand pre-flowering reproductive periods were determined in twosets of near-isogenic lines differing in phenological development.Spaced plants were grown in two photoperiods (15 and 10 h) toincrease the range of development rates. Lines within each isogenicset and photoperiod treatment did not differ in whole plantgrowth rate despite large differences in developmental rate.In addition, the partitioning of biomass between roots and shootswas also similar. The transition of the apex from vegetativeto reproductive mostly affected the partitioning of shoot biomassinto leaf (blades) and stems (rest of the shoot). A longer timeto reach floral initiation was associated with the productionof more, and larger, leaves as well as more tillers. This resultedin large differences in leaf area between isolines. However,at the whole plant level, all lines accumulated biomass at thesame rate with time. The early flowering lines compensated fortheir reduced leaf area by having a higher net assimilationrate and were thereby able to maintain the same relative growthrate as their later flowering counterparts.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Development, growth, partitioning,Triticum aestivumL., wheat, isolines.  相似文献   

The growth and development of the main stem and the two uppermostaxillary apices of maize were studied during the period fromemergence until flowering. Plants were grown in the field undervarying levels of applied nitrogen fertilizer at two times ofsowing. The effects of daylength were isolated from those oftemperature by making comparisons of growth and developmenton a thermal time basis. The growth and development of the terminal (male) apex and thetwo uppermost axillary (female) apices followed the same patterns,with apex volumes increasing curvilinearly with increase innumber of leaf or husk primordia. The RGR(relative growth rateof volume) of the terminal apex was, however, only approximatelyone-tenth of the axillary apices. There was no difference ingrowth and development between the first and second axillaryapices before flowering: other factors, such as accumulationof dry weight, rather than primordia production, must be responsiblefor an axillary apex's potential to bear grain. Applied N, andto a lesser extent short days, increased the rates of growthand development of all the apices. For example, applied N increasedthe RGR (volume) of the apical domes, and the rate of productionof spikelet primordia, by about 25%. All axillary apices and treatments showed a single relationshipbetween number of spikelets and surface area of the ear: a favourableenvironment (e.g. high N) simply accelerated the progressionof spikelet production and area expansion along this singlepath. We conclude that this path is probably determined geneticallyand that N and time of sowing influence potential yield of maizethrough effects on the surface area of the ear but not on thedensity of spikelets formed. Key words: Maize, inflorescence, N application, daylength, temperature, apex volume  相似文献   

Tassel and ear primordia were collected from greenhouse-grown specimens of the Mexican maize landrace Chapalote and prepared for scanning electron microscopic (SEM) examination. Measurements of inflorescence apices and spikelet pair primordia (spp) were made from SEM micrographs. Correlation of inflorescence apex diameter with number of spikelet ranks showed no significant difference between tassels and ears, except at the two-rank level where the ear apical meristem had a significantly smaller diameter than corresponding two-ranked tassels. Within individual inflorescences, spp in different ranks enlarged at comparable rates, although the rates from one ear to the next along the stem differed. In both tassels and ears, spp divide to form paired sessile and pedicellate spikelet primordia when the spp is 150 μm wide; ear axes are significantly thicker than tassel axes at the time of bifurcation. The similarities in growth between ear and tassel primordia lend further support to the hypothesis that both the maize tassel and ear are derived from a common inflorescence pattern, a pattern shared with teosinte. Inflorescence primordial growth also suggests that a key character difference between teosinte and maize, distichous vs. polystichous arrangement of spikelets, may be related to size of the apical dome and/or rate of primordium production by the apical meristem. There appears to be more than a single morphological event in the shift from vegetative to reproductive growth. The evocation of axillary buds (ears) is independent of, and temporally separated from, the transition to flowering at the primary shoot apex (tassel).  相似文献   

KIRBY  E. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1297-1308
The growth of the floral main shoot apex of spring barley wasstudied during the period of ear initiation (that is, from initiationof the collar primordium until maximum primordium number wasattained). While floral primordia were being initiated the relativelength growth rate of the shoot apex was low. After maximumprimordium number there was about a twofold increase in relativelength growth rate. Estimates of the volume, fresh and dry weightof the floral apex indicated that the relative weight growthrate was also low at first and increased after maximum primordiumnumber. The rates of growth and the size at initiation of thefloral primordia was affected by their position on the floralshoot apex. The relative volume growth rate increased acropetallyfrom the first initiated (collar) primordium. The collar wasthe smallest and each subsequently-initiated primordium increasedin length. The diameter of the newly-initiated primordium alsoincreased until more than half the primordia had been initiatedand then it declined. The apical dome increased in both lengthand diameter and both were at a maximum at the time of the double-ridgestage and then both measurements declined. Length and diameterwere at a minimum at maximum primordium number. Subsequentlythere was an increase in the length of the dome, after whichboth the dome and some of the last formed, distal primordiadied. The period of spikelet initiation therefore is a stage duringwhich the relative growth rate of the floral shoot apex is low,there are changes in the size of the dome and the primordiashow a progression of increasing relative growth rates acropetallyalong the shoot apex. These changes produce the embryo ear inwhich the most advanced spikelets are in the lower mid-partof the ear. Changes in size of the apical dome prior to maximumprimordium number may be related to the subsequent death ofspikelet primordia and therefore also to grain number in themature ear.  相似文献   

Impatiens balsamina L., a qualitative short day plant, requiresmore short days for the development of floral buds into flowersthan for their initiation. Phosfon D and cycocel reduce thenumber of short days required for flowering, increase the numberof floral buds and flowers and delay their reversion to vegetativegrowth when transferred to noninductive conditions. The effectof decapitation of the main shoot subsequent to the emergenceof floral buds resembles that of retardants indicating thatthe effect of the latter in flower promotion in this plant maybe by virtue of their effect on cessation of apical dominanceas a consequence of which reserve food materials may be channeledto axillary floral buds enabling them to develop into flowers. (Received January 9, 1969; )  相似文献   

Growth of Ranunculus shoots through ontogeny is quantified by techniques utilizing scanning electron microscopy and studies on living plant material. The order of the contact parastichy phyllotaxy in the apical system is related to the relative plastochron rates of growth of the shoot. There is a change in the (2, 3) contact parastichy pattern of vegetative phyllotaxy to a transitional (3, 5) contact pattern which is maintained through sepal production. Formation of a 5(1, 1) whorl of petal primordia establishes a (5, 8) contact pattern with the sepal primordia. Subsequent initiation of stamen primordia, in spiral sequence, results in (5, 8, 13) triple contacts between petal and stamen primordia. The stamen primordia and carpel primordia arrangement is characterized by a (8, 13) contact parastichy pattern of phyllotaxy. Through ontogeny the volume of the shoot apex progressively increases but the shape of the apex, described by a second degree polynomial, remains constant. The plastochron and the relative plastochron rates of radial and vertical displacement of primordia progressively decrease during transition but there is no alteration of the chronological rate of apical expansion. The change in contact parastichy phyllotaxy through ontogeny is interpreted as a change in the relative positions of primordia insertion on the apex resulting from an increase in apical volume and an increased rate of primordia initiation.  相似文献   

A study was made of the anatomical structure of the shoot apices ofHyoscyamus niger L. in plants which were transferred from a long-day to a short-day regime after the initiation of the inflorescence. After a certain time these plants are reverted to the vegetative stage with the inhibition of the development of further flower buds and the renewed production of rosette leaves. The inflorescence apex consisted of a few superficial layers of cells and a corpus composed of slightly elongated cells. The anatomical structure of the apices which were reverted into the vegetative state resembled that of shoot apices in the intermediate stage. The apex had several layers of small cells, under which there was a group of small but irregularly arranged cells which passed into the rib meristem. The shoot apices of plants transferred from a long to a short-day regime at different time intervals after fulfilling the requirements of minimal photoperiodic induction thus, on the short day, display morphological and anatomical characteristics of various degrees of transition from generative to vegetative stage.  相似文献   

UHL  N. W.; MOORE  H. E.  JR 《Annals of botany》1980,45(1):57-75
Floral organogensis is described for six polyandrous generarepresenting borassoid, caryotoid, ceroxyloid, inarteoid, andgeonomoid major groups of palms. In all, three sepals and threepetals arise from dome-shaped floral apices in alternate pseudo-whorls.After petal inception, the floral apex expands in a differentway in each major group. Different numbers and arrangementsof stamens develop in antesepalous (AS) and antepetalous (AP)positions Primary pnmordia are sometimes distinct, and stamenpnmordia vary in form In borassoid and caryotoid palms, AS whorlsalways consist of three stamens, but several stamens arise inthe lower, wider AP positions Ceroxylon is characterized bylarge primary primordia with two to three stamens developingopposite each petal and, in species with more than 12 stamens,two to three also opposite each sepal. Several stamens ariseon distinctive truncate, AS primordia in a definite patternthat is repeated in AP positions in inarteoid palms In polyandrousgeonomoid genera, stamens arise in AS and AP arcs on a flattrilobed floral apex. Previous work has shown similarities instamen inception in arecoid genera to that in borassoid andcaryotoid palms, and centrifugal initiation in all phytelephantoidpalms. All polyandrous taxa, except phytelephantoid palms, exhibita basic tnmery. The different patterns of apical expansion andstamen arrangement indicate that polyandry has arisen separatelyin each major group of palms. The mode of apical expansion andthe form of the primordia appear to depend on pressures imposedon the floral apices, suggesting that specialization of inflorescencebracts and perianth segments preceded the evolution of polyandry.Correlations of vasculature with developmental patterns areindicated. Lodoicea maldivica (Gmelin) Persoon, Caryota mitis Loureiro, Ceroxylon alpinum Bonpland ex DeCandolle, Socratea exorrhiza (Martius) H. Wendland, Wettima castanea Moore and Dransfield, Welfia georgii H. Wendland ex Burret, palms, androecium, stamen development  相似文献   

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